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informaţii din domeniul construcţiilor

nr.1 / 2017

Biblioteca U.T.C.B.

Biroul de Informare Bibliografică şi Referinţe Ştiinţifice

Page 2: BIBLIOCON informaţii din domeniul construcţiilor nr.1 / 2016

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Page 3: BIBLIOCON informaţii din domeniul construcţiilor nr.1 / 2016

Cărţi intrate recent în Biblioteca U.T.C.B.........................4 Bibliografii tematice din baza de date............................13 - Pompe de căldură..................................................14 - Pompe de căldură care au ca sursă de căldură pământul....................................................................19 Oferte de carte din cataloage on-line ale unor edituri străine........................................................................23 Congrese, conferinţe, simpozioane 2017.......................47 Site-uri utile................................................................55

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Dezvoltare regională : Îndrumător de aplicaţii Oana Luca, Florian Gaman, Adrian Andrei Stănescu, Mihaela Aldea Editura Conspress, 2017, 90p. ISBN: 978-973-100-431-0 Cuprins: Introducere, 1. Planificarea dezvoltării regionale. Planuri de dezvoltare regională, 2. Pregătirea şi dezvoltarea proiectelor, 3. Cererea de finanţare, 4. Evaluarea planurilor şi proiectelor în vederea selecţiei, 5. Achiziţii, 6. Termeni de referinţă pentru personalul tehnic care execută lucrările de construcţii din cadrul proiectului, 7. Monitorizare, evaluare şi audit, 8. Deficienţe şi întârzieri care apar pe durata execuţiei lucrărilor de construcţii din cadrul proiectelor etc.

Tehnologia lucrărilor de construcţii : Îndrumător de proiect Iulian Spătărelu Editura Conspress, 2016, 128p. ISBN: 978-973-100-418-1 Cuprins: Partea I. Calculul cofrajelor pentru elemente de construcţii din beton armat monolit, Partea a II-a. Proiectarea tehnologiei de montare a elementelor prefabricate din beton armat pentru o hală industrială parter.

Mecanica construcţiilor Ovidiu Bogdan Editura Conspress, 2016, 226p. ISBN: 978-973-100-430-3 Cuprins: 1. Introducere, 2. Acţiuni asupra construcţiilor, 3. Acţiuni şi reacţiuni, 4. Efort unitar şi deformaţie specifică, 5. Relaţii constitutive între deformaţii specifice şi eforturi unitare, 6. Criterii de cedare a materialului. Teorii de rezistenţă, 7. Solicitări ale barelor. Starea de eforturi unitare şi de deformaţii specifice, 8. Solicitări ale plăcilor. Starea de eforturi unitare şi de deformaţii specifice, 9. Stabilitatea corpurilor deformabile, Referinţe.

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Analiză matematică : Teste de examen. Lucian Niţă, Marian-Valentin Popescu Editura Conspress, 2016, 144p. ISBN: 978-973-100-427-3 Cuprins: Partea I. Calcul diferenţial, Partea a II-a. Calcul integral; Anexe, Bibliografie.

Mori vibratoare. Gheorghe I. Ene, Cristian C. Pavel Editura Matrix Rom, 2016, 207p. ISBN: 978-606-25-0277-5 Cuprins: 1. Chestiuni generale privind măcinarea materialelor, 2. Caracteristici granulometrice ale produselor măcinate, 3. Tipuri constructive de mori vibratoare, 4. Caracteristici funcţionale ale morilor vibratoare, 5. Calculul morilor vibratoare, 6. Modele dinamice ale unor noi tipuri constructive de mori vibratoare, 7. Chestiuni experimentale privind morile vibratoare.

Reologia pământurilor. Smaranda Lygia Cristescu, Maria Ştefănică, Marin Marin Editura Politehnica, Timişoara, 2015, 593p. ISBN: 978-606-554-893-0 Cuprins: 1. Concepte caracteristice în reologia pământurilor, 2. Tipuri de structuri la pământuri şi proprietăţile lor reologice, 3. Fenomene caracteristice comportării reologice a pământurilor, 4. Reologia masivelor de pământ, 5. Fundamente teoretice ale reologiei pământurilor, 6. Consolidarea mediilor elastice cu mobilitate internă şi fază complexă mobilă etc.

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Voies de communication routiere : Guide pratique pour les étudiants. Claudia Petcu, Mihai Dicu Editura Conspress, 2016, 75p. ISBN: 978-973-100-424-2 Cuprins: 1. La trace de la route dans le plan de situation, 2. Route en profil longitudinal, 3. Le profil transversal de la route, 4. La systematisation geometrique verticale pour un secteur d’une rue, 5. La disposition des parcages, 6. Memoire tehnique, 7. Example du projet.

Materiale compozite pentru straturi rutiere. Alcătuire şi particularităţi : Mixturi asfaltice. Îndrumător pentru lucrări de laborator. Carmen Răcănel, Adrian Burlacu Editura Conspress, 2016, 141p. ISBN: 978-973-100-420-4

Algebră liniară, geometrie analitică şi diferenţială : Note de curs şi aplicaţii. Alina Elisabeta Sandu Editura Conspress, 2016, 140p. ISBN: 978-973-100-416-7

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Mecanisme : Îndrumar pentru proiectul de an. Tema – încărcător de pneuri. Cătălin Frâncu Editura Conspress, 2016, 40p. ISBN: 978-973-100-406-8

Elemente de limba româna : Profil tehnic. Mirel Anghel Editura Conspress, 2016, 208p. ISBN: 978-973-100-415-0 Cuprins: Lecţii; Exerciţii suplimentare, gramatică; Texte suplimentare; Cheia exerciţiilor; Bibliografie.

Geotehnică. Vol. II. Nicoleta Rădulescu, Iacint Manoliu Editura Conspress, 2015, 197p. ISBN: 978-973-100-142-5/978-973-100-405-1 Cuprins: 4. Tensiuni şi deformaţii în masivele de pământ, 5. Compresibilitatea şi tasarea pământurilor, 6. Rezistenţa la forfecare a pământurilor, 7. Echilibrul limită în masivele de pământ, 8. Împingerea pământului, 9. Stabilitatea taluzurilor, Bibliografie.

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Culegere de probleme de analiză matematică. Vol. I: Calcul diferenţial. Gavriil Păltineanu, Marilena Jianu, Anca-Nicoleta Marcoci, Luciana Majercsik, Alina-Daniela Matei Editura Conspress, 2016, 305p. ISBN: 978-973-100-408-2/978-973-100-409-9 Cuprins: 1. Şiruri de numere reale, 2. Serii de numere reale, 3. Şiruri şi serii de funcţii, 4. Serii de puteri. Serii Taylor, 5. Funcţii de mai multe variabile, 6. Extreme locale, 7. Funcţii implicite, 9. Determinanţi funcţionali, 9. Schimbări de variabile, Bibliografie.

Stări de eforturi şi de deformaţii în plăci circulare. Dumitrel Furiş, Ruxandra Erbaşu, Mirela Şandru, Bogdan A. Butnaru Editura Conspress, 2016, 312p. ISBN: 978-973-100-412-9

Nociones de Morfología : Curso universitario. Competencias de comunicación. Loredana Grigore-Miclea Editura Conspress, 2016, 124p. ISBN: 978-973-100-410-5

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Sisteme informaţionale geografice în urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului : îndrumar aplicaţii. Mihai Şercăianu Editura Conspress, 2015, 112p. ISBN: 978-973-100-378-8 Cuprins: 1. Context şi aplicabilitate, 2. Funcţionalităţi de bază, 3. Surse şi structuri de date, 4. Sisteme de proiecţii şi georeferenţiere, 5. Organizarea datelor şi baza de date, 6. Digitizare, 7. Reguli topologice etc.

Limba spaniolă. Loredana Grigore-Miclea Editura Conspress, 2016, 134p. ISBN: 978-973-100-411-2

Ecuaţii diferenţiale şi cu derivate parţiale. Adela Mihai, Lucian Niţă Editura Conspress, 2015, 164p. ISBN: 978-973-100-395-5

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Constructions en bois : Guide d’application. Partie I: Poutre en bois lamellé collé. Daniela Ţăpuşi, Sorina Constantinescu, Maria Darie (consultant) Editura Conspress, 2015, 74p. ISBN: 978-973-100-398-6 Cuprins: 1. Structures de resistance en bois, 2. Le dimensionnement des elements en bois du toit.

Al XIV-lea Simpozion Naţional de Căi Ferate, cu Participare Internaţională : Concepte noi în realizarea şi modernizarea liniilor de cale ferată. Bucureşti, 29 octombrie 2015. Editura Conspress, 2015, 202p. ISSN: 2360-5421

Ferestrele Bucureştiului : albumul expoziţiei de arte vizuale (pictură, grafică, fotografie, sculptură), Bucureşti octombrie-decembrie 2015. Maria Alexe, Vergil Cojocaru-Coverg Editura Conspress, 2016, 175p. ISBN: 978-973-100-426-6

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Contribuţii la rezolvarea unor probleme tehnico-ştiinţifice din construcţii. Hristache Popescu Editura H.P., 2015, 124p. ISBN: 978-973-88979-8-4 Cuprins: I. Calculul momentelor încovoietoare în fundaţiile izolate solicitate pe două direcţii, II. Optimizarea fundaţiilor izolate solicitate pe două direcţii, III. Détermination expérimentale des réactions d’encastrement, IV. Distribuţia specială a zăpezii pe acoperişurile construcţiilor. Studii experimentale. Anexe.

Instalaţii de ridicat, utilaje şi roboţi industriali în construcţii: Funcţionare echipamente, acţionare, dinamică, automatizare, comandă. Vol. 1. Instalaţii de ridicat şi transportat, utilaje multifuncţionale în construcţii. Soluţii constructive pentru echipamente, acţionare, dinamică, comandă. Laurenţiu N. Sârbu Editura Matrix Rom, 2016, 698p. ISBN: 978-606-25-0293-5 ISBN vol.1: 978-606-25-0294-2

Instalaţii de ridicat, utilaje şi roboţi industriali în construcţii: Funcţionare echipamente, acţionare, dinamică, automatizare, comandă. Vol. 2. Utilaje şi roboţi industriali pentru construcţii Laurenţiu N. Sârbu Editura Matrix Rom, 2016, 680p. ISBN: 978-606-25-0293-5 ISBN vol.2: 978-606-25-0295-9

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Pompe de căldură (cărţi prezente în biblioteca U.T.C.B.)

A 46-A CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ DE INSTALAŢII : INSTALAŢII PENTRU ÎNCEPUTUL MILENIULUI TREI : CREŞTEREA PERFORMANŢEI ENERGETICE A CLĂDIRILOR ŞI A INSTALAŢIILOR AFERENTE : SINAIA, 19-21 OCTOMBRIE 2011 . - Bucureşti : Matrix-Rom, 2011. - 2 vol. Vol.1. - 2011. - XXII, 290 p. Vol.2. - 2011. - p. 291-670 696/697/C 65 SLI ALQUIER, SERGE. Les pompes à chaleur et la maison individuelle : technique, mise en oeuvre, bilan économique / Serge Alquier, Yves Lecoffre. - Paris : Moniteur, 1982. - 171p. - Pompele de căldură şi locuinţa individuală. Tehnică, punere în lucru, bilanţ economic. UTCB - 697.4/A 43 DOC BERNIER, JACQUES. Chauffage (et rafraîchissement) par pompe à chaleur : déterminer, installer, entretenir / Jacques Bernier. - Paris : PYC Livres, 2007. - 260 p. - Încălzire (şi răcire) prin pompă de căldură. 697/B 49 DOC BIANCHI MANĂILĂ, ANA-MARIA. Mişcări în medii permeabile cu aplicaţie la tubul termic funcţionînd la temperaturi joase / Ana-Maria Bianchi Mănăilă. - Bucureşti : Institutul de Construcţii, 1985. - 194p. - ICB. Teză de doctorat. Coord. ştiintific : prof. dr. ing. Constantin Iamandi. UTCB - 536.7/B 51 DOC BIRNBREIER, HERMANN. Untersuchungen zur Nutzung der Sonnenstrahlung in Wärmepumpenheizanlagen für Einfamilienhäuser / Hermann Birnbreier. - Stuttgart : Universität Stuttgart, 1984. - 123p. - Cercetări privind utilizarea razelor de soare în instalaţiile de încălzire cu pompe de căldură ale clădirilor de locuit. UTCB - 697.7/B 54 DOC BRUMBAUGH, JAMES E. HVAC Fundamentals / James E. Brumbaugh. - 4-th Edition. - Indianapolis : Wiley Publishing, 2004. - Bazele ventilării şi încălzirii cu aer condiţionat. Vol.3 : Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps, and Distribution Systems. - 2004. - 676 p. - Condiţionarea aerului, pompe de căldură şi sisteme de distribuţie. 696/697/B 85 DOC CHISĂLIŢĂ, DUMITRU. Pompe de căldură : energie verde pentru clădiri / Dumitru Chisăliţă. - Braşov : Editura Universităţii "Transilvania", 2007. - 236p. 621.577/C 46 SLI

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CIBV 2010 : LUCRĂRILE SESIUNII ŞTIINŢIFICE CONSTRUCŢII-INSTALAŢII = PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE : BRAŞOV, 12-13 NOVEMBER 2010 / Transilvania University of Braşov, CANAM STEEL Romania. - Braşov : Editura Universităţii "Transilvania", 2010. - 2vol. - (ISSN 1843-6617). Vol. 2. - 2010. - 390 p. 624/C 49 SLI CO2 TECHNOLOGY IN REFRIGERATION, HEAT PUMP AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS : WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY HEAT PUMP CENTRE, TRONDHEIM, NORWAY, 13-14 MAY 1997 . - Sittard : IEA Heat Pump Centre, 1998. - 363p. - Tehnologia bioxidului de carbon în refrigerare, pompe de căldură şi sisteme pentru aer condiţionat - Conferinţă. UTCB - 621.56/C 24 DOC CUBE, HANS LUDWIG VON. Wärmepumpen : Grundlagen und Praxis / Hans Ludwig von Cube, Fritz Steimle. - Düsseldorf : VDI, 1978. - 305p.- Pompe de căldură. Principii şi practică. UTCB - 621.577/C 93 DOC CYCLES À COMPRESSION POUR SYSTÈMES FRIGORIFIQUES, CLIMATISATION ET POMPES À CHALEUR : PRESERVANT L'ENVIRONNEMENT . - Paris : Institut International du Froid, 1993. - 170p. - Cicluri de compresie pentru sisteme frigorifice, climatizare şi pompe de căldură. Protecţia mediului. UTCB - 621.5/C 98 DOC GAVRILIUC, IONEL ROBERT. Contribuţii la studiul funcţionării în regim nestaţionar a instalaţiilor frigorifice şi pompelor de căldură cu absorbţie în soluţie hidro-amoniacală / Robert Gavriliuc. - Bucureşti : Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii, 1996. – 198 p.multigr. - UTCB. Fac. de Instalaţii. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. F. Chiriac. UTCB - 621.5/G 26 DOC GAVRILIUC, IONEL ROBERT. Pompe de căldură : de la teorie la practică / Robert Gavriliuc. - Bucureşti : Matrix Rom, 1999. - 166p UTCB - 621.5/G 26 SLI GAVRILIUC, IONEL ROBERT. Pompe de căldură, instalaţii frigorifice şi instalaţii criogenice : culegere de probleme / Robert Gavriliuc. - Bucureşti : Matrix Rom, 1999. - 103p. UTCB - 621.5/G 26 SLI HAMY, JEAN-PIERRE. Chauffage à eau chaude : Mise en œuvre et pathologies des générateurs / Jean-Pierre Hamy. - Paris : Les Éditions Parisiennes, 2001. - 134 p. : fig. ; 30 cm. - Încălzirea cu apă caldă : punerea în funcţiune şi patologia generatoarelor. 697/H 20 DOC

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HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS, ENERGY EFFICIENCY, AND GLOBAL WARMING = POMPES À CHALEUR, MAÎTRISE DE L'ÉNERGIE, ET RÉCHAUFFEMENT DE LA PLANÈTE : PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REFRIGERATION, LINZ, AUSTRIA, SEPTEMBER 28/OCTOBER 1, 1997 . - Paris : International Institute of Refrigeration, 1997. - 258p. - (Refrigeration Science and Technology, ISSN 0151-1637). - Pompe de căldură, eficienţa energiei şi încălzirea globală. UTCB - 621.57/H 42 DOC INSTALAŢII DE POMPE DE CĂLDURĂ . - Bucureşti : Editura Tehnică, 1985. - 384 p. - (Seria Termo-Frig). 621.577/I-57 H TEH UT IVAN, GABRIEL. Pompes à chaleur / Gabriel Ivan. - Bucureşti : Matrix Rom, 1999. - 170p. - Pompe de căldură. UTCB - 621.57/I-95 CIV IMP TEH IVAN, GABRIEL. Sisteme frigorifice nepoluante şi pompe de căldură : probleme rezolvate / Gabriel Ivan. - Bucureşti : Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii, 2001. - 163p. UTCB - 621.56/I-95 SLI KAVANAUGH, STEPHEN P. Ground-Source Heat Pumps : Design of Geothermal Systems for Commercial and Institutional Buildings / Stephen P. Kavanaugh, Kevin Rafferty. - Atlanta : American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 1997. - 167p. : fig. ; 28cm. - Pompe de încălzire subterane: proiectarea sistemelor geotermale pentru clădiri comerciale şi instituţionale. 621.577.2/K 39 IMP MAIOSSE, G.M. Pompele de căldură industriale / G.M. Maiosse ; trad. de S. Burdea. - Bucureşti : Institutul de Construcţii, 1984. - 12p. ; 30cm. UTCB - 697.4/M 18 TEH MARIN, MIHAI TEODOR. Soluţii de utilizare a surselor regenerabile pentru reducerea consumului de energie în clădiri / Mihai Teodor Marin ; cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Iolanda Colda. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2011. - 170 f. multigr. : fig. ; 30 cm. - UTCB.Fac. de Inginerie a Instalaţiilor. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Iolanda Colda. 620.91/M 39 SLI MISE AU POINT DES INSTALLATIONS HYDRAULIQUES : MAP HYDRAULIQUE : VÉRIFIER - MESURER - RÉGLER POUR LA MEILLEURE QUALITÉ DES INSTALLATIONS DE GÉNIE CLIMATIQUE . - Paris : PYC Édition, 1994. - 127 p. : fig. ; 30 cm - (Collection des guides de l'AICVF ; ISSN 1147-4378 ; 7). - Punerea la punct a instalaţiilor hidraulice : mapă hidraulică : verificare, măsurare, reglare. 696/M 79 DOC OCHSNER, KARL. Pompe de căldură pentru tehnica încălzirii : ghid practic pentru instalatori şi proiectanţi / Karl Ochsner. - Bucureşti : Matrix-Rom, 2011. - 217 p. 621.577/O-18 IMP

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POHL, UWE. Energetische Analyse periodischer Sorptionswarmepumpen / Uwe Pohl. - Hannover : Universität Hannover, 1986. - 143p. - Analiza energetică a pompelor de căldură cu absorbţie periodică. UTCB - 621.577/P 74 DOC POMPA DE CĂLDURĂ ŞI APLICAŢIILE SALE INDUSTRIALE / coord.Silvia Burdea ; trad. Ouatu Emilia ; cond. ştiinţific Nicolae Antonescu. - Bucureşti : Institutul de Construcţii, 1982. – 35 f.dactilo. - Trad. din: Revue générale de thermique, nr.224-225/1980, p.705-723. UTCB - 621.577/P 77 TEH PORNEALĂ, SAVA. Valorificarea surselor termice reziduale cu ajutorul transformatoarelor de căldură cu absorbţie : contract de cercetare nr.4007/95, poz.38 / Sava Porneală. - Galaţi : Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos", 1995. – 63 f.multigr. UTCB - 621.1/P 85 TEH PRICĂ, RODICA GALINA. Cercetări privind optimizarea pompelor de căldură care au solul drept sursă termică / Rodica Galina Prică ; cond. ştiinţific prof. univ. dr. ing Gabriela Ţârlea. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2015. 240 f. multigr. - UTCB. Facultatea de Inginerie a Instalaţiilor. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. univ. dr. ing. Gabriela Ţârlea . 621.577/P 92 SLI RÉGLAGE DES DISTRIBUTIONS DE CHAUFFAGE / Patrik Delpech, Jacques Besse, Francis Candas,... - Paris : Les Éditions Parisiennes, 1998. 128 p. - Reglarea distribuţiei de căldură. 697/R 39 DOC SAILLY, JAQUES. Energii combinate căldură / forţă cu pompa de căldură cu motor cu gaz / Jaques Sailly ; trad. S.Burdea. - Bucureşti : Institutul de Construcţii, 1984. – 6 f.dactilo. UTCB - 697.4/S 15 TEH 1 - THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER OF REFRIGERATION MACHINES AND HEAT PUMPS = THERMODYNAMIQUE ET TRANSFERTS DE CHALEUR ET DE MASSE DANS LES MACHINES A FROID ET POMPES A CHALEUR : SEMINAR EUROTHERM NR.59, NANCY, 6-7 JUILLET 1998 . - Nancy : Université Henri Poincaré, 1998. - [451]p. - Termodinamica şi transferul de căldură şi de masă la maşinile frigorifice şi pompele de căldură. Seminar EUROTHERM. UTCB - 536.7/T 55 DOC VIŞESCU, MIRCEA. Impactul sistemelor de utilizare a energiei geotermale de mică adâncime asupra regimului termic subteran / Mircea Vişescu ; cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. David Ioan. - Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2011. - 131 p. : fig. ; 24 cm - (Seria 5 : Inginerie Civilă. ISSN 1842-581X ; 85). - Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timişoara. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. David Ioan. 620.9/V 67 SLI

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WARMEPUMPENANWENDUNG IN INDUSTRIE, LANDWIRTSCHAFT, GESELLSCHAFTS-UND WOHNUNGSBAU / Herausgegeben Günter Heinrich, Helmut Najork, Walter Nestler. - Berlin : Verlag Technik, 1982. - 318p. - Utilizarea pompelor de căldură în industrie, agricultură, construcţii sociale şi construcţii de locuinţe. UTCB - 621.577/W 26 DOC ZEGHICI, C. D. RĂZVAN-MIHAI. Contribuţii privind implementarea surselor neconvenţionale în sistemele de alimentare cu energie a clădirilor şi evaluarea performanţelor energetice / Zeghici C. D. Răzvan-Mihai ; cond. ştiinţific prof. univ. dr. ing. Florin Iordache. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2013. - [224] p. - UTCB. Facultatea de Inginerie a Instalaţiilor. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. univ. dr. ing. Florin Iordache. 697.4/Z 43 SLI


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Pompe de căldură care au ca sursă de căldură pământul (articole extrase din baza de date ScienceDirect)

Akbulut U, Kıncay O, Utlu Z (2016) Analysis of a wall cooling system using a heat pump. Renewable Energy 85, 540-553. Akbulut U, Utlu Z, Kincay O (2016) Exergy, exergoenvironmental and exergoeconomic evaluation of a heat pump-integrated wall heating system. Energy 107, 502-522. Allaerts K, Al Koussa J, Desmedt J, Salenbien R (2017) Improving the energy efficiency of ground-source heat pump systems in heating dominated school buildings: A case study in Belgium. Energy and Buildings 138, 559-568. Athresh AP, Al-Habaibeh A, Parker K (2016) The design and evaluation of an open loop ground source heat pump operating in an ochre-rich coal mine water environment. International Journal of Coal Geology 164, 69-76. Bai L, Che W (2016) Effects of the Soil Source Heat Pump Borehole Spacing and Arrangement on the Soil Temperature of Well Group. Procedia Engineering 146, 441-444. Bonamente E, Aquino A, Cotana F (2016) A PCM Thermal Storage for Ground-source Heat Pumps: Simulating the System Performance via CFD Approach. Energy Procedia 101, 1079-1086. Carotenuto A, Ciccolella M, Massarotti N, Mauro A (2016) Models for thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena in low enthalpy geothermal energy systems: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 330-355. Chu G, Wang Y, Chu M (2016) Measurement and Analysis of a GSHP System Operation in Winter. Procedia Engineering 146, 573-578. Emmi G, Zarrella A, De Carli M, Donà M, Galgaro A (2017) Energy performance and cost analysis of some borehole heat exchanger configurations with different heat-carrier fluids in mild climates. Geothermics 65, 158-169. Emmi G, Zarrella A, Zuanetti A, De Carli M (2016) Use of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill as Heat Source of Heat Pump. Energy Procedia 101, 352-359. Fadejev J, Simson R, Kurnitski J, Haghighat F (2017) A review on energy piles design, sizing and modelling. Energy 122, 390-407. Focaccia S, Tinti F, Monti F, Amidei S, Bruno R (2016) Shallow geothermal energy for industrial applications: A case study. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 16, 93-105.

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Franco A, Fantozzi F (2016) Experimental analysis of a self consumption strategy for residential building: The integration of PV system and geothermal heat pump. Renewable Energy 86, 1075-1085. Hagihara K, Iba C, Hokoi S (2016) Effective use of a ground-source heat-pump system in traditional Japanese “Kyo-machiya” residences during winter. Energy and Buildings 128, 262-269. Han C, Yu X (2016) Performance of a residential ground source heat pump system in sedimentary rock formation. Applied Energy 164, 89-98. Han Z, Qu L, Ma X, Song X, Ma C Simulation of a multi-source hybrid heat pump system with seasonal thermal storage in cold regions. Applied Thermal Engineering. Hein P, Kolditz O, Görke U-J, Bucher A, Shao H (2016) A numerical study on the sustainability and efficiency of borehole heat exchanger coupled ground source heat pump systems. Applied Thermal Engineering 100, 421-433. Jradi M, Veje C, Jørgensen BN (2017) Performance analysis of a soil-based thermal energy storage system using solar-driven air-source heat pump for Danish buildings sector. Applied Thermal Engineering 114, 360-373. Kegel M, Wong S, Tamasauskas J, Sunye R (2016) Energy End-use and Grid Interaction Analysis of Solar Assisted Ground Source Heat Pumps in Northern Canada. Energy Procedia 91, 467-476. Koroneos CJ, Nanaki EA (2017) Environmental impact assessment of a ground source heat pump system in Greece. Geothermics 65, 1-9. Kuzmic N, Law YLE, Dworkin SB (2016) Numerical heat transfer comparison study of hybrid and non-hybrid ground source heat pump systems. Applied Energy 165, 919-929. Li C, Mao J, Zhang H, Xing Z, Li Y, Zhou J (2017) Numerical simulation of horizontal spiral-coil ground source heat pump system: Sensitivity analysis and operation characteristics. Applied Thermal Engineering 110, 424-435. Li W, Wang Y, Jin Y (2016) Study on Heat Transfer Calculation Method of Ground Heat Exchangers Based on Heat Pump Unit Operation Characteristics. Procedia Engineering 146, 450-458. Liao P-C, Zhang K, Wang T, Wang Y (2016) Integrating bibliometrics and roadmapping: A case of strategic promotion for the ground source heat pump in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, 292-301. Lv J, Wei Z, Zhang J (2016) Running and economy performance analysis of ground source heat pump with thermal energy storage devices. Energy and Buildings 127, 1108-1116.

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Ma H, Li C, Lu W, Zhang Z, Yu S, Du N (2016) Experimental study of a multi-energy complementary heating system based on a solar-groundwater heat pump unit. Applied Thermal Engineering 109, Part A, 718-726. Majuri P (2016) Ground source heat pumps and environmental policy – The Finnish practitioner's point of view. Journal of Cleaner Production 139, 740-749. Mensah K, Jang Y-S, Choi JM (2017) Assessment of design strategies in a ground source heat pump system. Energy and Buildings 138, 301-308. Ndiaye D (2016) Reliability and performance of direct-expansion ground-coupled heat pump systems: Issues and possible solutions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66, 802-814. Paludetto D, Lorente S (2016) Modeling the heat exchanges between a datacenter and neighboring buildings through an underground loop. Renewable Energy 93, 502-509. Petrović SN, Karlsson KB (2016) Residential heat pumps in the future Danish energy system. Energy 114, 787-797. Rehman Hu, Hirvonen J, Sirén K (2016) Design of a Simple Control Strategy for a Community-size Solar Heating System with a Seasonal Storage. Energy Procedia 91, 486-495. Ruiz-Calvo F, Cervera-Vázquez J, Montagud C, Corberán JM (2016) Reference data sets for validating and analyzing GSHP systems based on an eleven-year operation period. Geothermics 64, 538-550. Sagia Z, Rakopoulos C (2016) Alternative refrigerants for the heat pump of a ground source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering 100, 768-774. Shang Y, Dong M, Li S, Mu L (2017) Analysis of a ground source heat pump system using an unsaturated 3-dimensional model. Applied Thermal Engineering 112, 1083-1094. Somogyi V, Sebestyén V, Nagy G (2017) Scientific achievements and regulation of shallow geothermal systems in six European countries – A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, Part 2, 934-952. Soni SK, Pandey M, Bartaria VN (2016) Experimental analysis of a direct expansion ground coupled heat exchange system for space cooling requirements. Energy and Buildings 119, 85-92. Tejeda De La Cruz A, Riviere P, Marchio D, Cauret O, Milu A (2017) Hardware in the loop test bench using Modelica: A platform to test and improve the control of heating systems. Applied Energy 188, 107-120. Yan L, Hu P, Li C, Yao Y, Xing L, Lei F, Zhu N (2016) The performance prediction of ground source heat pump system based on monitoring data and data mining technology. Energy and Buildings 127, 1085-1095.

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Zarrella A, Emmi G, De Carli M (2017a) A simulation-based analysis of variable flow pumping in ground source heat pump systems with different types of borehole heat exchangers: A case study. Energy Conversion and Management 131, 135-150. Zarrella A, Emmi G, Zecchin R, De Carli M (2017b) An appropriate use of the thermal response test for the design of energy foundation piles with U-tube circuits. Energy and Buildings 134, 259-270. Zhai XQ, Cheng XW, Wang RZ (2017) Heating and cooling performance of a minitype ground source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering 111, 1366-1370. Zhang S, Jiang Y, Xu W, Li H, Yu Z (2016) Operating performance in cooling mode of a ground source heat pump of a nearly-zero energy building in the cold region of China. Renewable Energy 87, Part 3, 1045-1052. Zheng T, Shao H, Schelenz S, Hein P, Vienken T, Pang Z, Kolditz O, Nagel T (2016) Efficiency and economic analysis of utilizing latent heat from groundwater freezing in the context of borehole heat exchanger coupled ground source heat pump systems. Applied Thermal Engineering 105, 314-326.

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ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers

Snow Loads on Solar-Paneled Roofs Michael O’Rourke, Nicholas Isyumov 2016, 66p E-book (PDF) ISBN: 9780784480243

Description: Sponsored by the Technical Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of

ASCE. Snow Loads on Solar-Paneled Roofs offers guidance for structural engineers regarding

the snow load conditions that result from the presence of solar panels on a roof. This report focuses on the structural design of roof beams, roof girders, and columns that support solar panels and does not address the design of solar panels or above-the-roof solar panel support components. Drawing from published case studies and their own extensive experience with solar panels, O’Rourke and Isyumov present recommendations which are based on concepts and procedures used in the Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, including the ASCE 7 load factors (thermal, slope, and exposure) and ASCE 7 load combinations. The report considers balanced, sliding, and drift snow loads for flush, tilted-closed, tilted-open, and elevated solar panel installations. Generously illustrated with diagrams, this report includes nine worked example problems demonstrating the application of the guidelines.

Geo-China 2016: New Frontiers in Civil Infrastructure Edited by Hany Farouk Shehata, David Yanez Santillan and Mohamed F. Shehata Geotechnical Special Publications (GSP) - GSP 267 2016, 192p E-book (PDF) ISBN: 9780784480106

Description: Selected papers from the Geo-China International Conference, held in Shandong, China,

July 25-27, 2016. Sponsored by Shandong University, Shandong Department of Transportation, University of Oklahoma, Chinese National Science Foundation, and the Geo-Institute of ASCE.

This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 23 peer-reviewed papers on the slope stability and seismic stability of foundations and structures.

Topics include: analysis of shallow foundations; soil structure; seismic stability of rockfill dams; and pile testing and research.

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GSP 267 will be of interest to engineers and researchers involved in slope stability and seismic activity.

Editura Springer

Intelligent Envelopes for High-Performance Buildings. Design and Strategy Guedi Capeluto, Carlos Ernesto Ochoa 2017, 128p Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-319-39254-7, price 93,08 € eBook, ISBN 978-3-319-39255-4, price 71,39 €

About this book: Provides a guide on the design process of sustainable intelligent facades Explains different design methods, examples and guidelines according to different

situations and constraints that might be encountered Focuses on energy design and architecture of intelligent building envelopes

This book presents a series of significant methods and examples for the design of sustainable intelligent facades in a variety of contexts. Emphasis is placed on how intelligence has been applied for successful energy-saving efforts in the planning of building envelopes. Readers will find essential information on the core principles involved in designing, calculating and organizing intelligent facades according to the need for a new or retrofitted building. Not only are different materials and technologies considered, but also efficient ways to combine them according to user needs and other project-specific constraints. Illustrations, tables and graphs accompany the text, clarifying the concepts discussed. Architects, facade consultants and all those interested in and energy-saving measures and improved indoor comfort will find this book useful not only as an introduction to the subject but also as a guide to achieving more responsive building methods.

ZEMCH: Toward the Delivery of Zero Energy Mass Custom Homes Masa Noguchi (Ed.) 2016, 360p Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-319-31965-0, price 123,04 € eBook, ISBN 978-3-319-31967-4, price 95,19 €

About this book:

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Explores the emerging ZEMCH concept, which fosters a new mindset regarding sustainable housing developments

Describes new strategies for incorporation of personalization in the house-building industry

Provides a package of interdisciplinary technical design and construction knowledge that will assist in delivery of sustainable homes in different climates In this book, leading international experts explore the emerging concept of the zero energy

mass custom home (ZEMCH) – designed to meet the need for social, economic, and environmental sustainability – and provide all of the knowledge required for the delivery of zero energy mass customized housing and community developments in developed and developing countries. The coverage is wide ranging, progressing from explanation of the meaning of sustainable development to discussion of challenges and trends in mass housing, the advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated methods of construction, and the concepts of mass customization, mass personalization, and inclusive design. A chapter on energy use will aid the reader in designing and retrofitting housing to reduce energy demand and/or improve energy end-use efficiency. Passive design strategies and active technologies (especially solar) are thoroughly reviewed. Application of the ZEMCH construction criteria to new buildings and refurbishment of old houses is explained and the methods and value of building performance simulation, analyzed. The concluding chapter presents examples of ZEMCH projects from around the world, with discussion of marketing strategy, design, quality assurance, and delivery challenges. The book will be invaluable as a training/teaching tool for both students and industry partners.

Energy Performance of Buildings: Energy Efficiency and Built Environment in Temperate Climates Sofia-Natalia Boemi, Olatz Irulegi, Mattheos Santamouris (Eds.) 2016, 540p Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-319-20830-5, price 160,49 € eBook, ISBN 978-3-319-20831-2, price 118,99 €

About this book: A consolidated, complete information resource on the characteristics, challenges and

energy potential of buildings in temperate climates Provides sorely needed benchmarks for understanding relative energy performance levels

of buildings, as judged against current regulations, best case scenarios and expected mid-term trends

Explains the design techniques and technologies needed to achieve required energy efficiency, comfort and occupant health performance levels, with underlying theory supported by real examples

Addresses such key topics as how the building performance may vary with climate change, increasing resiliency to heat waves and transitioning toward Net Zero Buildings

Emphasizes the differences between new construction and retrofitting, with a clear identification of performance losses in the latter

Evaluates the potential contribution of the building stock to GHG abatement as function of the retrofitting intensity

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This book analyzes the trends and technologies of green and energy efficient building, identifying strategies for implementing energy savings and enabling the use of renewable resources in residential, commercial, healthcare and educational building sectors. The authors focus on best practices in temperate climates, providing in-depth coverage of urban heat island, climate change and fuel poverty mitigation through architectural optimization, leveraging renewable energy sources and utilization of cutting-edge cooling materials. Pragmatic emphasis is placed on improving the energy performance of existing building stock to meet short and long term objectives of climate and energy conservation strategies. Engineers, architects, designers, students, policy makers and efficiency professionals will all gain valuable insights and ideas from this practical handbook to greening the built environment.

Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls Hemanta Hazarika, Motoki Kazama, Wei F. Lee (Eds.) 2017, 502p Hardcover, ISBN: 978-4-431-56203-0, price 245,03 € eBook, ISBN 978-4-431-56205-4, price 190,39 €

About this book: Contains information on many recent natural hazards induced by large earthquakes and

heavy rainfalls Presents many case histories and lessons learned from the disasters in Japan and other

Asian countries Is intended for researchers, engineers, consultants, academicians, and government

officials involved in the mitigation of natural hazards This book is a collection of papers presented at the International Workshop on

Geotechnical Natural Hazards held July 12–15, 2014, in Kitakyushu, Japan. The workshop was the sixth in the series of Japan–Taiwan Joint Workshops on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, held under the auspices of the Asian Technical Committee No. 3 on Geotechnology for Natural Hazards of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. It was co-organized by the Japanese Geotechnical Society and the Taiwanese Geotechnical Society.

The contents of this book focus on geotechnical and natural hazard-related issues in Asia such as earthquakes, tsunami, rainfall-induced debris flows, slope failures, and landslides. The book contains the latest information and mitigation technology on earthquake- and rainfall-induced geotechnical natural hazards. By dissemination of the latest state-of-the-art research in the area, the information contained in this book will help researchers, designers, consultants, government officials, and academicians involved in the mitigation of natural hazards. The findings and other information provided here is expected to contribute toward the development of a new chapter in disaster prevention and mitigation of geotechnical structures.

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Jute Geotextiles and their Applications in Civil Engineering Tapobrata Sanyal 2017, 215p Hardcover, ISBN: 978-981-10-1931-9, price 123,04 € eBook, ISBN 978-981-10-1932-6, price 95,19 €

About this book: Presents a unique compilation on jute geotextiles Includes discussions on core concepts and applications in civil engineering Covers soil basics for a deeper understanding

This book presents a first-of-its-kind exposition on the emerging technology of jute fiber geotextiles. The book covers the characteristics of jute fiber and jute yarns, types and functions of jute geotextiles, and the mechanism of control of surficial soil with jute geotextiles. The content also includes applications such as the mechanisms of functioning of jute geotextiles in strengthening road sub-grade and controlling river bank erosion, stabilization of earthen embankments, management of settlement of railway tracks, and consolidation of soft soil by use of pre-fabricated vertical jute drains (PVJD). Geotextile standards, properties and test methods, variants of jute geotextiles, economical and environmental advantages in different applications are covered along with a few case studies. A chapter on soil basics is included to enable clearer understanding of soil mechanisms. The book can be used as a reference work or as primary or supporting text for graduate and professional coursework. It will also prove useful to researchers and practicing engineers looking for a comprehensive treatise on jute geotextiles.

Modern Earthquake Engineering: Offshore and Land-based Structures Junbo Jia 2017, 788p Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-31853-5, price 234,33 € eBook, ISBN 978-3-642-31854-2, price 178,49 €

About this book: Covers a wide range of topics within earthquake engineering for both offshore and land-

based structures Presents recent development in earthquake engineering with the aim of allowing for its

direct application All chapters are addressed to practitioner engineers, researchers, and university students

This book addresses applications of earthquake engineering for both offshore and land-based structures. It is self-contained as a reference work and covers a wide range of topics, including topics related to engineering seismology, geotechnical earthquake engineering, structural engineering, as well as special contents dedicated to design philosophy, determination

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of ground motions, shock waves, tsunamis, earthquake damage, seismic response of offshore and arctic structures, spatial varied ground motions, simplified and advanced seismic analysis methods, sudden subsidence of offshore platforms, tank liquid impacts during earthquakes, seismic resistance of non-structural elements, and various types of mitigation measures, etc. The target readership includes professionals in offshore and civil engineering, officials and regulators, as well as researchers and students in this field.

Editura Thomas Telford

Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering: Theory and Analysis, 2nd edition Alphose Zingoni May 2017, 498p ISBN: 9780727760289(Format: Paperbound) Price: £ 75.00

Description: Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering comprehensively covers the

theories governing the membrane and bending behaviour of thin elastic shells. It applies these theories to obtain practical solutions for a wide variety of shell structures encountered in the civil and mechanical engineering disciplines. Through a detailed examination of the mathematical solutions, the treatment reveals important insights on the mechanics of the shell, allowing the designer to make more informed choices.

Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering: presents a thorough discussion of the applicability and limitations of the membrane

hypothesis in the context of the more general bending theory of shells develops the membrane and bending theories of shells, and presents a wealth of closed-

form mathematical results for a wide range of shell structures, including junction problems

includes design considerations and parametric findings for domes, shell roofs, cooling towers, pressure vessels, tanks, new shell forms for liquid containment and novel multi-shell assemblies

presents the fundamentals of shell buckling and of finite element modelling of shells This new edition is intended for civil and structural engineers involved with the design of

domes, architectural shell roofs, industrial barrel roofs, cooling towers, silos, elevated water reservoirs, liquid-containment structures at water treatment works, egg-shaped sludge digesters, oil-storage tanks, chemical storage vessels, and pipelines for water, oil and gas. It will also be of interest to mechanical and industrial engineers involved with the design of pressure vessels, boilers, nuclear containment vessels and associated piping. The rigorous derivation of theory and inclusion of new findings will appeal to researchers and postgraduate students in these fields.

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Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing for Monitoring Civil Infrastructure: A Practical Guide C. Kechavarzi, K. Soga, N. de Battista, L. Pelecanos, M. Elshafie, R.J. Mair Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction September 2016, 264p ISBN: 9780727760555 (Format: Hardbound) Price: £ 65.00

Description: Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing for Monitoring Civil Infrastructure offers

comprehensive guidance in the current developments of distributed optical fibre sensing applied to the field of civil engineering. The book discusses the concepts and practice of fibre optic monitoring of infrastructure and construction within the underground and geotechnical industry through real-life case studies in tunnel and pile monitoring, diaphragm-walls and slopes and embankments. Smart monitoring for performance-based design is increasingly being recognised as an essential tool for improving construction processes, delivering efficiency and reducing over-specification.

Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing for Monitoring Civil Infrastructure: provides in-depth knowledge of Brillouin sensing, including DFOSS and BOTDR/A includes highly illustrated real-world case studies explores an innovative, economic and effective solution to performance monitoring discusses practical considerations such as cable types, methods of attachment, cable

handling and installation planning and testing Written by experts at the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

(CSIC), this book highlights the main issues and offers guidance on how to correctly and efficiently determine the specifications for a distributed strain sensing system, examines fibre optic data analysis, the conversion to engineering parameters and how to interpret results.

Transforming the Future of Infrastructure Through Smarter Information: Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction R.J. Mair, K. Soga, Y. Jin, A.L. Parlikad and J.M. Schooling Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure in Construction June 2016, 816p ISBN: 9780727761279 (Format: Hardbound) Price: £ 150.00

Description: The International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC) brings

together world-leading academics and practitioners from the fields of infrastructure planning, asset management and sensing.

Transforming the Future of Infrastructure through Smarter Information covers a wide range of topics of relevance to smart infrastructure and construction, attracting papers from

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academics and professionals working to develop smart solutions for design, delivery, operation and management of major infrastructure assets.

The papers published in the Proceedings reflect the themes of the conference, which include: sensors and data analysis asset management cities and urban infrastructure

Smart infrastructure and construction is an emerging field of great potential, and Transforming the Future of Infrastructure through Smarter Information will be of interest to practitioners, asset owners and operators, consultants, contractors and academics with an interest in the area.

Editura CRC Press

Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers: Theory, Design and Application, Third Edition Trevor Cox, Peter D’Antonio August 2016, 519 Pages ISBN 9781498740999

Description: The only book with extensive coverage of diffuser design, application and characterisation A unique focus on diffusers and absorbers Combines practical design advice and theory to suit students as well as practitioners Heavily developed from the second edition, with new topics such as green acoustics and

automotive absorbents Authoritative authors with extensive experience in the field

This definitive guide covers the design and application of absorbers and diffusers in acoustics. Surface diffusion is a relatively young subject area, and diffuser design, application and characterisation are often not well understood. Although there is greater knowledge of absorption, it is also informed by new research. As two of the main design tools for altering the acoustic conditions of rooms, the correct use of absorbers and diffusers is important to the creation of quality acoustics. This text details the evolution and the current state of the art in diffuser and absorber research and application. It covers a range of practical and theoretical aspects, with extensive examples of installations and case studies to cater to practitioners working in the measurement, modelling and design of rooms, semi-enclosed spaces as well as in noise control. It is also invaluable for students and researchers wanting a grounding in acoustic treatment, as well as understanding the latest developments.

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All chapters have been revised and brought up to date in this new edition, with new applications, absorbers and diffusers featured. Sustainability, portable vocal booths, and fast time domain models for diffusers are just a few of the new sections. Improved techniques for measurement and prediction are included, as well as bringing old methods up-to-date with the latest refinements from standards and research. Most of the prediction methods in the book are now linked to open source implementations and downloadable MATLAB scripts, enabling readers to exploit the knowledge in this book more readily in design and research.

2016 International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2016), April 26-27 2016, Hong Kong, P.R. China Jimmy Kao, Wen-Pei Sung (eds.) December 2016, 408 Pages ISBN 9781138029644

Description: This proceedings volume contains select Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering

related papers from the 2016 International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE2016) which was held in Hong Kong, P.R. China, April 17-18, 2016. This volume of proceedings aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in the fields of Energy, Environment and Civil Engineering.

Mechanics of Structures and Materials XXIV: Proceedings of the 24th Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24, Perth, Australia, 6-9 December 2016) Hong Hao, Chunwei Zhang (eds.) December 2016, 1935 Pages ISBN 9781138029934

Description: Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Advancements and Challenges is a collection of

peer-reviewed papers presented at the 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, 6th-9th of December 2016). The contributions from academics, researchers and practising engineers from Australasian, Asia-pacific region and around the world, cover a wide range of topics, including: Structural mechanics, Computational mechanics, Reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, Steel structures, Composite structures, Civil engineering materials, Fire engineering, Coastal and offshore structures, Dynamic analysis of structures, Structural health monitoring and damage identification, Structural reliability analysis and design, Structural optimization, Fracture and damage mechanics, Soil mechanics and foundation engineering, Pavement materials and

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technology, Shock and impact loading, Earthquake loading, Traffic and other man-made loadings, Wave and wind loading, Thermal effects, Design codes.

Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Advancements and Challenges will be of interest to academics and professionals involved in Structural Engineering and Materials Science.

Engineering Challenges for Sustainable Future: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE 2016, Malaysia, 15-17 Aug 2016) Noor Amila Wan Abdullah Zawawi (ed.) December 2016, 552 Pages ISBN 9781138029781

Description: Engineering Challenges for Sustainable Future contains the papers presented at the 3rd

International Conference on Civil, Offshore & Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-17 August 2016), under the banner of World Engineering, Science & Technology Congress (ESTCON2016).

The ICCOEE series of conferences started in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2012, and the second event of the series took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2014. This conference series deals with the civil, offshore & environmental engineering field, addressing the following topics: Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Coastal and Offshore Engineering Structures and Materials Construction and Project Management Highway, Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering and Geo-informatics

This book is an essential reading for academic, engineers and all professionals involved in the area of civil, offshore and environmental engineering.

Ground Improvement by Deep Vibratory Methods, Second Edition Klaus Kirsch, Fabian Kirsch August 2016, 234 Pages ISBN 9781482257564

Description: Offers a text that is heavily grounded in practice and updated for new developments in

machinery, equipment, design, and execution Demonstrates the low carbon impact and superior sustainability credentials of the methods Provides an authoritative authorship Assesses the contextual issues of the methods

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Vibro compaction and vibro stone columns are the two dynamic methods of soil improvement most commonly used worldwide. These methods have been developed over almost eighty years and are now of unrivalled importance as modern foundation measures. Vibro compaction works on granular soils by densification, and vibro stone columns are used to displace and reinforce fine-grained and cohesive soils by introducing inert material.

This second edition includes also a chapter on vibro concrete columns constructed with almost identical depth vibrators. These small diameter concrete piles are increasingly used as ground improvement methods for moderately loaded large spread foundations, although the original soil characteristics are only marginally improved.

This practical guide for professional geotechnical engineers and graduate students systematically covers the theoretical basis and design principles behind the methods, the equipment used during their execution, and state of the art procedures for quality assurance and data acquisition.

All the chapters are updated in line with recent developments and improvements in the methods and equipment. Fresh case studies from around the world illustrate the wide range of possible applications. The book concludes with variations to methods, evaluates the economic and environmental benefits of the methods, and gives contractual guidance.

Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems Robert E. Parkin January 2017, 548 Pages ISBN 9781498727761

Description: Presents techniques for building and optimizing structures with local solar energy systems Describes active solar systems such as photovoltaics and parabolic concentrators as well

as passive solar systems and covers such things as optimal materials to use, daylighting, shading, solar blinds, rock and water energy storage and more

Provides more than 100 MATLAB® files on website for further modeling and analysis Explains how solar energy is attenuated through the atmosphere, including dimming,

scattering, clouds, air temperature, etc., and how to model for it Discusses the best ways to site a solar structure considering exposure, elevation, slope,

clearance, wind protection and more This book presents techniques for building and optimizing structures with integrated solar

energy systems. It describes active solar systems such as photovoltaics and parabolic concentrators as well as passive solar systems and covers optimal materials to use, daylighting, shading, solar blinds, rock and water energy storage and more. It discusses the best ways to site a solar structure considering exposure, elevation, slope, clearance, wind protection, etc. The book includes numerous full-color figures and more than 100 MATLAB® files.

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Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity and Settlement, Third Edition Braja M. Das March 2017, 408 Pages ISBN 9781498731171

Description: Offers a fully revised version reflecting the latest advancements in the field Adds the most recent developments regarding eccentric and inclined loading, the use of

stone columns, and settlement computations Examines dynamic bearing capacity and associated settlement, including lab and field

tests Details new procedures to estimate the elastic settlement of foundations on granular soil Includes example cases in each chapter that illustrate the theories presented

Following the popularity of the previous edition, Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity and Settlement, Third Edition, covers all the latest developments and approaches to shallow foundation engineering. In response to the high demand, it provides updated data and revised theories on the ultimate and allowable bearing capacities of shallow foundations. Additionally, it features the most recent developments regarding eccentric and inclined loading, the use of stone columns, settlement computations, and more. Example cases have been provided throughout each chapter to illustrate the theories presented.

Editura Elsevier

Disaster Resilient Cities: Concepts and Practical Examples 1st Edition Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Shinji Sato, Kenichi Tsukahara Martie 2016, 206p Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback ISBN: 9780128098622 eBook ISBN: 9780128103944

Description: Disaster Resilient Cities: Concepts and Practical Examples discusses natural disasters,

their complexity, and the exploration of different ways of thinking regarding the resilience of structures. The book provides a blueprint for structural designers to better prepare structures for all types of natural hazards during the design stage.

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Brief and readable, this book analyzes various examples of disaster damage from earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods, together with their causal mechanisms. Practical methods to plan and design structures based on their regions, cities, as well as the particular countermeasures are also included for study.

Key Features: Proposes new methods and policies for enhancing structural resilience for key urban

infrastructure Includes examples of disaster damage as a result of earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and

their structural countermeasures Presents case studies that cover specific mega disasters, such as the Great East Japan

Earthquake and tsunami, Super Typhoon Hyan, and Bangkok flood

Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil Engineering Structures 1st Edition Authors: Zhao-Dong Xu, Ying-Qing Guo, Jun-Tao Zhu, Fei-Hong Xu November 2016, 278p Imprint: Academic Press Hardcover ISBN: 9780124058743 eBook ISBN: 9780124055117

Description: Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil Engineering Structures provides readers with an all-

encompassing view of the theoretical studies, design methods, real-world implementations, and applications relevant to the topic.

The book focuses on design and property tests on different intelligent control devices, innovative control strategies, analysis examples for structures with intelligent control devices, and designs and tests for intelligent controllers.

Key Features: Focuses on the principles, methods, and applications of intelligent vibration control in

civil engineering Covers intelligent control, including active and semi-active control Includes comprehensive contents, such as design and properties of different intelligent

control devices, control strategies, and dynamic analysis, intelligent controller design, numerical examples, and experimental data

Environmental Materials and Waste: Resource Recovery and Pollution Prevention 1st Edition Editors: Prasad Kaimin Shih May 2016, 750p Imprint: Academic Press Paperback ISBN: 9780128038376 eBook ISBN: 9780128039069

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Description: Environmental Materials and Waste: Resource Recovery and Pollution Prevention

contains the latest information on environmental sustainability as a wide variety of natural resources are increasingly being exploited to meet the demands of a worldwide growing population and economy. These raw materials cannot, or can only partially, be substituted by renewable resources within the next few decades. As such, the efficient recovery and processing of mineral and energy resources, as well as recycling such resources, is now of significant importance.

The book takes a multidisciplinary approach to fully realize the number of by-products which can be remanufactured, providing the foundation needed across disciplines to tackle this issue. As awareness and opportunities to recover valuable resources from process and bleed streams is gaining interest, sustainable recovery of environmental materials, including wastewater, offers tremendous opportunity to combine profitable and sustainable production.

Key Features: Presents a state-of-the-art guide to environmental sustainability Provides an overview of the field highlighting recent and emerging issues in

environmental resource recovery that cover a wide array of by-products for remanufacture potential

Details a multidisciplinary approach to fully realize the number of by-products which can be remanufactured, providing the foundation needed across disciplines to tackle these global issues

Toxicity of Building Materials, 1st Edition Editors: Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, S. Jalali, Aleksandra Fucic August 2016, 512p Imprint: Woodhead Publishing Hardcover ISBN: 9780081016367 eBook ISBN: 9780857096357

Description: From long-standing worries regarding the use of lead and asbestos to recent research into

carcinogenic issues related to the use of plastics in construction, there is growing concern regarding the potential toxic effects of building materials on health. Toxicity of building materials provides an essential guide to this important problem and its solutions. Beginning with an overview of the material types and potential health hazards presented by building materials, the book goes on to consider key plastic materials. Materials responsible for formaldehyde and volatile organic compound emissions, as well as semi-volatile organic compounds, are then explored in depth, before a review of wood preservatives and mineral fibre-based building materials. Issues related to the use of radioactive materials and materials that release toxic fumes during burning are the focus of subsequent chapters, followed by discussion of the range of heavy metals, materials prone to mould growth, and antimicrobials. Finally, Toxicity of building materials concludes by considering the potential hazards posed by waste based/recycled building materials, and the toxicity of nanoparticles. With its distinguished editors and international team

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of expert contributors, Toxicity of building materials is an invaluable tool for all civil engineers, materials researchers, scientists and educators working in the field of building materials.

Key Features: Provides an essential guide to the potential toxic effects of building materials on health Comprehensively examines materials responsible for formaldehyde and volatile organic

compound emissions, as well as semi-volatile organic compounds Later chapters focus on issues surrounding the use of radioactive materials and materials

that release toxic fumes during burning

Green Building Energy Simulation and Modeling , 1st Edition Authors: V.S.K.V. Harish, Arun Kumar April 2017, 352p Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback ISBN: 9780128111826

Description: Green Building Energy Simulation and Modeling begins by providing essential insights

into concepts and applications of building energy physics. The authors provide a brief, but rigorous, explanation of various modeling methods for building energy systems, order reduction techniques, and building energy simulation platforms (BESPs) that is followed by BES model validation techniques, testing, and evaluation.

The book provides designers with the tools and methods they need to validate building energy systems and seize every opportunity to achieve greater energy savings and higher rating scores.

Key Features: Provides green building computer code Presents tactics on how to use energy studies and simulation to make informed design

decisions early on—when you have the biggest opportunities to reduce costs Helps readers understand how and when to apply the different types of energy simulation

at the appropriate design stage Evaluates passive and active strategies for limiting energy consumption and producing

energy onsite

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Editura IGI Global

Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Structural Engineering Pijush Samui, Subrata Chakraborty, Dookie Kim August 2016, 524 pages ISBN10: 1522505881 Price: hardcover + free e-book $ 220.00 (Free Lifetime E-Book Access with Hardcover Purchase)

Description: The development of new and effective analytical and numerical models is essential to

understanding the performance of a variety of structures. As computational methods continue to advance, so too do their applications in structural performance modeling and analysis.

Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Structural Engineering presents emerging research on computational techniques and applications within the field of structural engineering. This timely publication features practical applications as well as new research insights and is ideally designed for use by engineers, IT professionals, researchers, and graduate-level students.

Topics covered: Agent-Based Modelling, Finite Element Analysis, Fuzzy Structural Analysis, Neural Networks, Seismic Reliability Analysis, Smart Structures, Structural Engineering Systems, Structural Integrity Assessment.

Computational Modeling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method Vasilis Sarhosis, Katalin Bagi, José V. Lemos, Gabriele Milani June 2016, 505 pages ISBN10: 1522502319 Price: hardcover + free e-book $ 210.00 (Free Lifetime E-Book Access with Hardcover Purchase)

Description: The Discrete Element Method (DEM) has emerged as a solution to predicting load

capacities of masonry structures. As one of many numerical methods and computational solutions being applied to evaluate masonry structures, further research on DEM tools and methodologies is essential for further advancement.

Computational Modeling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method explores the latest digital solutions for the analysis and modeling of brick, stone, concrete, granite, limestone, and glass block structures. Focusing on critical research on mathematical and computational methods for masonry analysis, this publication is a pivotal reference source for scholars, engineers, consultants, and graduate-level engineering students.

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Topics covered: Historical Masonry, Masonry Construction, Masonry Mechanics, Material Deterioration, Numerical Modeling, Structural Analysis, Structural Assessment.

Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Mangey Ram, J. Paulo Davim October 2016, 495 pages ISBN10: 1522516395 Price: hardcover + free e-book $ 215.00 (Free Lifetime E-Book Access with Hardcover Purchase)

Description: The application of mathematical concepts has proven to be beneficial within a number of

different industries. In particular, these concepts have created significant developments in the engineering field.

Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics is an authoritative reference source for the latest scholarly research on the use of applied mathematics to enhance the current trends and productivity in mechanical engineering. Highlighting theoretical foundations, real-world cases, and future directions, this book is ideally designed for researchers, practitioners, professionals, and students of mechatronics and mechanical engineering.

Topics covered: Artificial Intelligence, Decision Making Models, Design Optimization, Electrical Discharge Machining, Electrochemical Spark Micromachining, Fatigue Reliability, Reliability Optimization, Welding.

Editura McGraw-Hill Professional

Steel Structures Design for Lateral and Vertical Forces, Second Edition Alan Williams May 2016, 688 pages ISBN: 9781259588013 Price: $ 150.00

Description: A Thoroughly Updated Guide to the Design of Steel Structures. This comprehensive resource offers practical coverage of steel structures design and

clearly explains the provisions of the 2015 International Building Code, the American Society of

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Civil Engineers ASCE 7-10, and the American Institute of Steel Construction AISC 360-10 and AISC 341-10. Steel Structures Design for Lateral and Vertical Forces, Second Edition, features start-to-finish engineering strategies that encompass the entire range of steel building materials, members, and loads. All techniques strictly conform to the latest codes and specifications. A brand new chapter on the design of steel structures for lateral loads explains design techniques and innovations in concentrically and eccentrically braced frames and moment frames. Throughout, design examples, including step-by-step solutions, and end-of-chapter problems using both ASD and LRFD methods demonstrate real-world applications and illustrate how code requirements apply to both lateral and vertical forces. This up-to-date Second Edition covers: Steel Buildings and Design Criteria, Design Loads, Behavior of Steel Structures under Design Loads, Design of Steel Beams in Flexure, Design of Steel Beams for Shear and Torsion, Design of Compression Members, Stability of Frames, Design by Inelastic Analysis, Design of Tension Members, Design of Bolted and Welded Connections, Plate Girders and Composite Members, Design of Steel Structures for Lateral Loads.

Editura Wiley

Structural Design for Fire Safety, 2nd Edition Andrew H. Buchanan, Anthony Kwabena Abu January 2017, 440 pages ISBN: 978-0-470-97289-2

Description: A practical and informative guide to structural fire engineering. This book presents a comprehensive overview of structural fire engineering. An update on

the first edition, the book describes new developments in the past ten years, including advanced calculation methods and computer programs. Further additions include: calculation methods for membrane action in floor slabs exposed to fires; a chapter on composite steel-concrete construction; and case studies of structural collapses.

The book begins with an introduction to fire safety in buildings, from fire growth and development to the devastating effects of severe fires on large building structures. Methods of calculating fire severity and fire resistance are then described in detail, together with both simple and advanced methods for assessing and designing for structural fire safety in buildings constructed from structural steel, reinforced concrete, or structural timber.

Structural Design for Fire Safety, 2nd edition bridges the information gap between fire safety engineers, structural engineers and building officials, and it will be useful for many others including architects, code writers, building designers, and firefighters.

Key features:

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Updated references to current research, as well as new end-of-chapter questions and worked examples.

Authors experienced in teaching, researching, and applying structural fire engineering in real buildings.

A focus on basic principles rather than specific building code requirements, for an international audience. An essential guide for structural engineers who wish to improve their understanding of

buildings exposed to severe fires and an ideal textbook for introductory or advanced courses in structural fire engineering.

Zero Waste Engineering: A New Era of Sustainable Technology Development, 2nd Edition M. M. Khan, M. R. Islam December 2016, 704 pages ISBN: 978-1-119-18489-8

Description: This book outlines how to develop zero-waste engineering following natural pathways

that are truly sustainable using methods that have been developed for sustainability, such as solar air conditioning, natural desalination, green building, chemical-free biofuel, fuel cells, scientifically renewable energy, and new mathematical and economic models.

This second edition of a new scientific classic offers a groundbreaking paradigm shift to the engineer. As the world tries to create new ways of living efficiently and eliminating waste, scientific exploration continues to provide answers to the engineers who construct our homes, generate our fuel, process our food, and build our products. Sustainability is, perhaps, the most important issue facing our society today, with much of the world still turning to coal and oil to fuel its growth, buildings continuing to be built based on antiquated designs, and industry continuing to create environmental hazards and turning natural habitats into unsafe zones.

The authors delve into the fundamental science and engineering aspects of sustainability and the principle of “zero waste,” not just from a philosophical or hypothetical point, but they present detailed methods for eliminating waste in many important areas of engineering, such as civil engineering, agriculture, construction, health products, and energy production.

If nature is recyclable and, by its condition, “perfect,” in the sense that it cannot be wasteful or destructive without renewing itself, and if humans are, by their actions, responsible for the waste and devastation that we see in the world today, it seems that a return to natural pathways would be the logical way to achieve sustainability and zero-waste. The authors explore these issues and questions, offering mathematical models, new processes, and new, sustainable products for achieving this ultimate, desired result: Zero-Waste Engineering.

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Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications A. Reinders, P. Verlinden, W. van Stark, A. Freundlich January 2017, 720 pages ISBN: 978-1-118-92746-5

Description: Solar PV is now the third most important renewable energy source, after hydro and wind

power, in terms of global installed capacity. Bringing together the expertise of international PV specialists Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of existing PV technologies in conjunction with an assessment of technological developments.

Key features: Written by leading specialists active in concurrent developments in material sciences,

solar cell research and application-driven R&D. Provides a basic knowledge base in light, photons and solar irradiance and basic

functional principles of PV. Covers characterization techniques, economics and applications of PV such as silicon,

thin-film and hybrid solar cells. Presents a compendium of PV technologies including: crystalline silicon technologies;

chalcogenide thin film solar cells; thin-film silicon based PV technologies; organic PV and III-Vs; PV concentrator technologies; space technologies and economics, life-cycle and user aspects of PV technologies.

Each chapter presents basic principles and formulas as well as major technological developments in a contemporary context with a look at future developments in this rapidly changing field of science and engineering.

Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using MATLAB: Simplified Green Codes Tamer Khatib, Wilfried Elmenreich August 2016, 240 pages ISBN: 978-1-119-11810-7

Description: Provides simplified MATLAB codes for analysis of photovoltaic systems, describes the

model of the whole photovoltaic power system, and shows readers how to build these models line by line.

This book presents simplified coded models for photovoltaic (PV) based systems using MATLAB to help readers understand the dynamic behavior of these systems. Through the use of

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MATLAB, the reader has the ability to modify system configuration, parameters and optimization criteria. Topics covered include energy sources, storage, and power electronic devices. This book contains six chapters that cover systems’ components from the solar source to the end-user. Chapter 1 discusses modelling of the solar source, and Chapter 2 discusses modelling of the photovoltaic source. Chapter 3 focuses on modeling of PV systems’ power electronic features and auxiliary power sources. Modeling of PV systems’ energy flow is examined in Chapter 4, while Chapter 5 discusses PV systems in electrical power systems. Chapter 6 presents an application of PV system models in systems’ size optimization. Common control methodologies applied to these systems are also modeled. Covers the basic models of the whole photovoltaic power system, enabling the reader

modify the models to provide different sizing and control methodologies Examines auxiliary components to photovoltaic systems, including wind turbines, diesel

generators, and pumps Contains examples, drills and codes

Geothermal Energy: Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Ground Marc A. Rosen, Seama Koohi-Fayegh January 2017, 312 pages ISBN: 978-1-119-18098-2

Description: Comprehensively covers geothermal energy systems that utilize ground energy in

conjunction with heat pumps to provide sustainable heating and cooling. The book describes geothermal energy systems that utilize ground energy in conjunction

with heat pumps and related technologies to provide heating and cooling. Also discussed are methods to model and assess such systems, as well as means to determine potential environmental impacts of geothermal energy systems and their thermal interaction. The book presents the most up-to-date information in the area. It provides material on a range of topics, from thermodynamic concepts to more advanced discussions of the renewability and sustainability of geothermal energy systems. Numerous applications of such systems are also provided.

Geothermal Energy: Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Ground takes a research orientated approach to provide coverage of the state of the art and emerging trends, and includes numerous illustrative examples and case studies. Theory and analysis are emphasized throughout, with detailed descriptions of models available for vertical and horizontal geothermal heat exchangers.

Key features: Explains geothermal energy systems that utilize ground energy in conjunction with heat

pumps to provide heating and cooling, as well as related technologies such as thermal energy storage.

Describes and discusses methods to model and analyze geothermal energy systems, and to determine their potential environmental impacts and thermal interactions.

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Covers various applications of geothermal energy systems. Takes a research orientated approach to provide coverage of the state of the art and

emerging trends. Includes numerous illustrative examples and case studies.

Engineering Hydrology for Natural Resources Engineers, 2nd Edition Ernest W. Tollner October 2016, 536 pages Imprint Wiley-Blackwell ISBN: 978-1-118-92872-1

Description: This fully revised edition provides a modern overview of the intersection of hydrology,

water quality, and water management at the rural-urban interface. The book explores the ecosystem services available in wetlands, natural channels and ponds/lakes. As in the first edition, Part I examines the hydrologic cycle by providing strategies for quantifying each component: rainfall (with NOAH 14), infiltration, evapotranspiration and runoff. Part II examines field and farm scale water quality with an introduction to erosion prediction and water quality. Part III provides a concise examination of water management on the field and farm scale, emphasizing channel design, field control structures, measurement structures, groundwater processes and irrigation principles. Part IV then concludes the text with a treatment of basin-scale processes. A comprehensive suite of software tools is available for download, consisting of Excel spreadsheets, with some public domain models such as HY-8 culvert design, and software with public domain readers such as Mathematica, Maple and TK solver.

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, 4th Edition Timothy J. Ross November 2016, 580 pages ISBN: 978-1-119-23586-6

Description: Fuzzy logic refers to a large subject dealing with a set of methods to characterize and

quantify uncertainty in engineering systems that arise from ambiguity, imprecision, fuzziness, and lack of knowledge. Fuzzy logic is a reasoning system based on a foundation of fuzzy set theory, itself an extension of classical set theory, where set membership can be partial as opposed to all or none, as in the binary features of classical logic.

The importance of concepts and methods based on fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory has been rapidly growing since the early 1990s and all the indications are that this trend will continue

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in the foreseeable future. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Fourth Edition is a new edition of the popular textbook with 15% of new and updated material. Updates have been made to most of the chapters and each chapter now includes new end-of-chapter problems.

Key features: New edition of the popular textbook with 15% of new and updated material. Includes new examples and end-of-chapter problems. Has been made more concise with the removal of out of date material. Covers applications of fuzzy logic to engineering and science. Accompanied by a website hosting a solutions manual and software.

The book is essential reading for graduates and senior undergraduate students in civil, chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering as wells as researchers and practitioners working with fuzzy logic in industry.

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CCCOOONNNGGGRRREEESSSEEE,,, CCCOOONNNFFFEEERRRIIINNNŢŢŢEEE,,, SSSIIIMMMPPPOOOZZZIIIOOOAAANNNEEE……… Coastal Cities 2017: 2nd International Conference on Coastal Cities and their Sustainable Future 24 - 26 April 2017, Cadiz, Spain Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

Air Pollution 2017: 25th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution 25 - 27 April 2017, Cadiz, Spain Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

ECOSUD 2017: 11th International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development 26 - 28 April 2017, Cadiz, Spain Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

11th International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS, SIMULATION, MODELLING (ASM '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] 13th International Conference on APPLIED and THEORETICAL MECHANICS (MECHANICS '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] 17th International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER and APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE (ACACOS '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] 17th International Conference on INSTRUMENTATION, MEASUREMENT, CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS (IMCAS '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected]

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17th International Conference on ROBOTICS, CONTROL and MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY (ROCOM '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] 8th International Conference on CIVIL ENGINEERING (ECCIE '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] 11th International Conference on WATER RESOURCES, HYDRAULICS & HYDROLOGY (WHH '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] 3rd International Conference on MECHANICAL and TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (ICMTE '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] 8th International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS and HEAT & MASS TRANSFER (FLUIDSHEAT '17) 26-28 April 2017, Venice, Italy Contact: [email protected] STREMAH 2017: 15th International Conference on Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture 9 - 11 May 2017, Alicante, Spain Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,

SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

BIM 2017: 2nd International Conference on Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations 10 - 12 May 2017, Alicante, Spain Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,

SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

19th International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS, COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES and INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (MAMECTIS '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

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10th International Conference on FINITE DIFFERENCES, FINITE ELEMENTS, FINITE VOLUMES, BOUNDARY ELEMENTS (F-and-B '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

16th International Conference on NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS, NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS and CHAOS (NOLASC '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

5th International Conference on OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES in ENGINEERING (OTENG '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

11th International Conference on CONTINUUM MECHANICS (CM '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

19th International Conference on AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION (ACMOS '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

9th International Conference on ENERGY PLANNING, ENERGY SAVING, ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (EPESE '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

10th International Conference on WASTE MANAGEMENT, WATER POLLUTION, AIR POLLUTION, INDOOR CLIMATE (WWAI '17) 10-12 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain Contact: [email protected]

Complex Systems 2017: The New Forest Complex Systems Conference 2017 23 - 25 May 2017, New Forest, UK Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

Water and Society 2017: 4th International Conference on Water & Society 5 - 7 June 2017, Seville, Spain Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

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Disaster Management 2017: 5th International Conference on Disaster Management and Human Health: Reducing Risk, Improving Outcomes 7 - 9 June 2017, Seville, Spain Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

Timber Structures 2017: 1st International Conference On Timber Structures and Engineering 13 - 15 June 2017, New Forest, UK Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

6CNIS & 2CNISS: The 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and the 2nd National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology 14-17 June 2017, Bucharest, Romania Contact: Technical University of Civil Engineering, [email protected], [email protected] Multiphase Flow 2017: 9th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Multiphase & Complex Flow 20 - 22 June 2017, Tallinn, Estonia Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,

SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

Materials Characterisation 2017: 8th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Material and Contact Characterisation 21 - 23 June 2017, Tallinn, Estonia Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,

SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

Sustainable Development & Planning 2017: 9th Conference on Sustainable Development & Planning 27 - 29 June 2017, Bristol, UK Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

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8th International Conference on THEORETICAL and APPLIED MECHANICS (TAM '17) 27-29 June 2017, Brasov, Romania Contact: [email protected] 15th International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS & AERODYNAMICS (FMA '17) 27-29 June 2017, Brasov, Romania Contact: [email protected] 5th International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER, THERMAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENT (HTE '17) 27-29 June 2017, Brasov, Romania Contact: [email protected] 1st International Conference on APPLIED and COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS, HEAT and MASS TRANSFER and THERMODYNAMICS (FHT '17) 27-29 June 2017, Brasov, Romania Contact: [email protected] CMEM 2017: 18th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements 4 - 6 July 2017, Alicante, Spain Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

ERES 2017: 11th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures 5 - 7 July 2017, Alicante, Spain Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

Water Resources Management 2017: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management 18 - 20 July 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,

SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

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River Basin Management 2017: 9th Conference on River Basin Management Including all aspects of Hydrology, Ecology, Environmental Management, Flood Plains and Wetlands 19 - 21 July 2017, Prague, Czech Republic Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,

SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

5th International Conference on MATHEMATICAL, COMPUTATIONAL and STATISTICAL SCIENCES (MCSS '17) 24-27 August 2017, Corfu Island, Greece Contact: [email protected] 11th International Conference on ENERGY and DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT and BIOMEDICINE (EDEB '17) 24-27 August 2017, Corfu Island, Greece Contact: [email protected] 10th International Conference on ENVIRONMENTAL and GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (EG '17) 24-27 August 2017, Corfu Island, Greece Contact: [email protected] Urban Transport 2017: 23rd International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment 5 - 7 September 2017, Rome, Italy Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

SAFE 2017: 7th International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering 6 - 8 September 2017, Rome, Italy Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

BEM/MRM 40: 40th International Conference on Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods 12 - 14 September 2017, New Forest, UK Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,

SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

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Sustainable City 2017: 12th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability 18 - 20 September 2017, Seville, Spain Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

Energy and Sustainability 2017: 7th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 20 - 22 September 2017, Seville, Spain Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,

Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853 [email protected]

8EWICS : Eighth European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures 19-20 October 2017, Bucharest, Romania Contact: Technical University of Civil Engineering, [email protected]

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SSSiiittteee---uuurrriii uuutttiiillleee

WIT Press eLibrary Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT), din Anglia, organizează conferinţe internaţionale pe diferite teme din domeniile ştiinţei şi ingineriei, care se desfăşoară în diferite locaţii de pe glob. Lucrările prezentate la aceste conferinţe sunt publicate de către WIT Press în colecţia de cărţi WIT Transactions, grupate în 7 categorii: engineering sciences built environment information and communication technologies ecology and the environment modelling and simulation biomedicine and health state of the art in science & engineering

Cărţile pot fi cumpărate în forma tipărită, dar sunt indexate şi în baza de date WIT Press eLibrary, disponibilă la adresa:

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Multe din lucrările respective (28 000) sunt Open Access. Pot fi găsite fie utilizând motorul de căutare Advanced Search, fie din secţiunile active WIT Transactions, deschizând cărţile grupate în acestea. De exemplu, în secţiunea WIT Transactions on State Of The Art In Science & Engineering puteţi citi lucrările din cărţile: Emerging Topics in Heat Transfer, Retrofitting on Heritage Structures, Design Against Blast, Seismic Control Systems etc.

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EDUROAM Eduroam (education roaming) este un program de acces gratuit la internet fără cablu (wireless), răspândit pe tot globul, destinat comunităţii internaţionale din cercetare şi educaţie. Permite studenţilor, cercetătorilor şi altor membri ai instituţiilor participante la acest program să obţină conectivitate sigură la internet wireless în interiorul campusului sau în orice altă instituţie participantă la Eduroam. Pe măsură ce programul se va extinde se speră ca acesta să poată fi utilizat pe viitor şi în alte locuri, precum biblioteci, muzee, spaţii publice etc. Pentru recepţionarea semnalului de internet eduroam, pe dispozitivul mobil (telefon, tabletă, laptop) trebuie instalat un program special (care se descarcă gratuit de pe site-ul Accesul la Eduroam se face apoi prin crearea unui cont personal, care presupune o adresă de email ca nume de utilizator şi o parolă. Eduroam poate fi instalat şi pe calculatoarele care au deja conectare la internet prin cablu, acestea putând utiliza alternativ cele două modalităţi de acces la internet. Contul Eduroam şi configurarea dispozitivului pe care se va instala programul pentru utilizarea internetului prin Eduroam sunt asigurate de departamentul IT al instituţiei care este membru Eduroam. Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti a devenit de curând membru Eduroam. Centrul de Comunicaţii a reuşit cu succes implementarea în U.T.C.B. a sistemului de acces WI-FI la internet eduroam. Pentru mai multe detalii privind instalarea şi condiţiile de utilizare a internetului eduroam puteţi contacta Centrul de Comunicaţii al U.T.C.B. la adresa [email protected] . Alte referinţe utile găsiţi pe:

[logo-ul EDUROAM este marcă înregistrată a firmei GÉANT, ]

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DIGILIB – Biblioteca digitală

Biblioteca U.T.C.B. dispune de un modul care oferă cititorilor acces la colecţiile on-line ale bibliotecii şi la informaţiile de circulaţie asociate acestora (la un nivel corespunzător utilizatorilor neiniţiaţi). Simplu de utilizat şi ultrarapid, modulul este catalogul electronic global al bibliotecii.

Modulul este destinat cititorilor, fiind extrem de simplu de utilizat; permite consultarea cataloagelor de titluri, autori, sistematico-alfabetic; permite regăsirea informaţiilor după cuvinte cheie, editură, nume autor, dată publicare etc; permite efectuarea de căutări combinate. Modulul utilizat se numeşte DIGILIB, iar adresa la care poate fi accesat este: Motorul de căutare DIGILIB este în limba română, pentru o mai bună utilizare.

Fig. 1. Tipuri de criterii în vederea căutării unei publicaţii

Căutarea unei cărţi/articol se poate face folosind şi diacriticele (Ş, Ţ, ă, î) prin activarea opţiunii „Utilizare caractere diacritice“. Acestea nu se scriu din tastatură, ci se selectează din lista oferită de motorul de căutare DIGILIB.

În cazul în care nu se cunoaşte numele întreg al autorului, se tastează la criteriul Autor/Editor prima literă (sau silabă) din numele autorului şi se dă click pe butonul Listă. În acest moment programul va deschide din baza de date lista cu autorii al căror nume începe cu litera aleasă (în cazul de faţă Ş). Exemplul este prezentat în fig.2.

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Fig. 2. Căutare după o literă în criteriul autor, utilizându-se diacritice

Din lista cu nume afişată se alege autorul cu click pe numele acestuia, iar apoi, cu ajutorul butonului „Caută“, se continuă căutarea cărţii sau articolului dorit. Se face click pe titlul cărţii dorite pentru a deschide fereastra cu Detaliile de înregistrare. Pentru a se vedea localizarea publicaţiei şi dacă e disponibilă pentru împrumut, se face din nou click pe detalii exemplare. Astfel se poate afla depozitul unde este acea carte (ex: H (Hidrotehnică), Ut (Utilaj) etc.). Exemplificarea acestor acţiuni este prezentată în fig.3. şi fig.4.

Fig. 3. Detaliile de înregistrare ale publicaţiei

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Fig. 4. Localizarea unei publicaţii

Acest modul permite şi generarea listei de publicaţii ce pot fi citite integral on-line. Pentru a obţine această listă se face căutare simultan după cuvintele cheie: fulltext şi doctorat (pentru tezele de doctorat) sau fulltext şi curs (pentru cursuri) (fig.5.) Se selectează cartea dorită cu click. În fereastra deschisă, cu detaliile de înregistrare, se face click pe câmpul Imagine (în acest exemplu BurchiuE) şi se deschide varianta pdf a cărţii (tezei de doctorat în acest caz).

Fig. 5. Exemplu de căutare după cuvânt cheie fulltext

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Căutarea poate fi făcută şi după mai multe criterii în acelaşi timp. De reţinut: cuvânt cheie poate fi orice cuvânt din titlul cărţii căutate. Mai multe informaţii pentru o căutare optimă se pot găsi în partea de Ajutor a programului, a cărei prezentare se face în fig.6.

Fig. 6. Prezentarea secţiunii de Ajutor a programului DIGILIB

Biblioteca U.T.C.B. a organizat şi o sală de patrimoniu care cuprinde cărţi tipărite în perioada 1865–1940. Sala se află în Blocul administrativ, la etajul 2, camera 72. Pentru a putea vedea lista cărţilor, se face o căutare cu ajutorul programului DIGILIB după criteriul subiect: patrimoniu.

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Elaborat : ing. Luminiţa-Magdalena Sburlea Tehnoredactare: ing. Luminiţa-Magdalena Sburlea Data: Februarie 2017