Download - a Anti Aging

  • 7/31/2019 a Anti Aging



    Alimentaia anti - mbtrnire trebuie s devin un st

    via, n care obiceiurile alimetare duc la creterea longevitii. E

    are ca obiectiv absolut scderea n greutate, chiar dac n final a

    acest efect. Pentru a avea succes trebuie ca acest stil de alimen

    s fie neles - ce este i de ce este aa.

    Dieta anti - mbtrnire are dou componente : | reducer

    aportului caloric (restricie caloric) - tipul alimentellor

    consumate (dieta mediteranean modificat).

    Odat cu naintarea n vrst scad nevoile metabolice

    organismului i nivelul de secreie al sucurilor digestive implica

    procesele de digerstie. Meninerea aceluiai aport caloric alime

    asociat i cu scderea activitii fizice, va determina n conse

    creterea depozitelor de esut adipos. De aceea aportul caloric tre

    sczut cu vrsta, cu condiia meninerii unui aport nutritiv optim.


    Dieta mediteranean reprezint regimul alimentar sp

    populaiilor din regiunea mediteranean care i-a ctigat repu

    unei diete sntoase datorit efectelor benefice pe care le are as


    Cercetrile demografice au artat c populaiile din

    mediteraneene au speranaa de via mai mare dect restul popu

    europene. ara cu cea mai mare speran de via este Grec

    special insula Creta, unde pn n anii 1960 s-a nregistrat cea

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    lung speran de via din lume. Ea este urmat de Italia de

    Spania i Frana.

    S-a constatat c cea mai mare contribuie la aceast spe

    de via o are dieta, mare parte dintre alimentele recomandadieta mediteranean de astzi putnd fi regsite napoi n timp,

    din antichitate. Mai mult studiile epidemiologice au arta

    persoanele care triesc n rile mediteraneene au o inciden sc

    a bolilor de inima fa de SUA, Marea Britanie i multe naiun

    nordul Europei. Nutriionitii s-au ntrebat care s fie motivul ac

    snti mai bune a mediteraneenilor i au gsit o serie de trs

    comune buctriilor tradiionale rilor de la Marea Mediterana.

    dintre primii specialiti n nutriie care a fcut un studiu amn

    asupra obiceiurilor alimentare ale populaiilor a apte ri din cele

    continenete riverane Mrii Mediterane n perioada anilor 60 a

    Ancei Keys. Ulterior au fost emise diverse ipoteze legate de dietaofer cele mai bune condiii meninerii strii de sntate. Doi facto

    fost considerai ca fiind cei mai importani pentru dieta sntoas

    anume vinul rou i uleiul de msline.

    Teoria lui Ancei Keys asupra strnselor legturi existente

    diet, nivelul colesterolului n snge i frecvena bolilor

    cardiovasculare este acum recunoscut pe plan mondial i nu m

    are nevoie de nici o susinere. Ancei Keys a fost nutriionistul ca

    a pus bazele dietei care astzi este se numete die

    mediteranean". Beneficiile acestei diete se traduc prin efecte

    profilactice sau chiar curative nu numai legat de bol

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    cardiovasculare, dar i de alte afeciuni, cum ar fi obezitate

    osteoporoza, dislipidemiile, boala Altzheimer, etc.

    Componentele cheie ale dietei mediteraneene sunt

    reprezentate de (fig. ):consumul unor cantiti mari de fructe i legume

    nlocuirea grsimilor saturate cu cele nesaturate i

    mononesaturate prin utilizarea uleiului de msline

    consumul de nuci, migdale, alune de pdure, caju

    consumul de brnzeturi fermentate i lapte fermentat

    consumul moderat de vin rou

    scderea consumului de carne roie (mai ales porc)

    utilizarea n alimentaie a petelui ct mai des posibil.

    Cercetri recente au aratat importana unui ele

    suplimentar din dieta mediteranean i anume consumul de ca

    importante de ierburi aromatizante i condimente proaspete (bus

    oregano, menta, tarhon, ptrunjel, rozmarin, chimen, coria

    usturoi, ceapa, ardei iute), care reprezint o surs foarte boga

    antioxidani. Conform analizelor cercettorilor din SUA dintre ce

    de alimente descoperite a avea cele mai multe proprieti antioxid

    12 sunt condimente, n plus, menta i cimbrul au propreiti antise

    i antimicrobiene.

    Dieta mediteranean conine cantiti importante de

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    caroten, vitamina C, vitamina E, polifenoli i minerale eseniale,

    precum seleniu, magneziu, zinc, fier, calciu si iod, precum

    cantitate mare de fibre.

    Dieta anti-mbtrnire se bazeaz pe dieta mediteranean

    aduce cteva modificri i anume (fig.):

    1.creterea consumului de alimente de origine vegetal, n sp

    al legumelor i legumionoaselor care cresc deas

    pmntului. Se evit consumul de orez i porumb (inc

    mlai), precum i cel de rdcinoase (cartofi, morcovi), ca

    indice glicemic mare.

    2.este indicat consumul de fructe i legume bio ct mai

    prelucrate termic, deoarece prin prelucrare termic se di

    componentele cu efecte ant-oxidante i fibrele.

    3.reducerea la minimum a consumului de zahr (inclusiv sucdextroza, siropul de mal, etc)

    4.evitarea consumului excesiv de produse lactate da

    potenialului lor alergenic

    5.consumul sptmnal de carne de pete i de pasre (prefe

    pete) permite consumul zilnic de ou (1 ou), inclusiv cele folos

    prepararea mncrurilor. Contrar majoritii opiniilor cons

    de ou nu crete nivelul sanguin al colesterolului. limiteaz consumul de carne roie la 400 - 600 g / lun

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    Fig. . Piramida alimentelor n dieta anti-mbtrnire.

    Aportul caloric n dieta anti-mbtrnire este

    proporie de 50 - 55% din carbohidrai, 20 - 25% din protein

    (preferabil din surse vegetale) i 25 - 30% din lipide,

    contrast evident cu dieta american tipic bazat pe fast foo

    - 46% din carbohidrai, 11% din protrine i 43% din lipide.

    Dup cum se poate observa din figura piramid

    alimentelor anti-mbtrnire include 3 nivele distincte alctu

    din alimentele consumate zilnic, alimentele consumate de 2

    ori/sptmn i alimentele consumate sptmnal. La baz

    piramidei este plasat consumul de ap, plat sau filtrat,

    cantitate de aproximativ 2 l/zi.

    GLUCIDELE (CARBOHIDRA II) reprezint principala surs

    de energie a organismului.

    CARBOHYDRATE AND ANTI-AGING The main function ofcarbohydrate is to produce energy. They are the main energysources in the body. They maintain the blood sugar level. Adequacarbohydrates spare the protein. The body needs protein to buildcells. If you do not eat an adequate amount of carbohydrate yourbody will have divert the protein in your diet to make energy. Thisprevents the protein to be used for its major purposes of buildingbody tissues, enzymes, hormones etc. Unrefined carbohydrates-rfoods are also high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Carbohydrate

    plays a major role in supplying the brain and body with power. Thebody cannot supply enough carbohydrate on its own and thereforeneeds to come from food.

    Types of CarbohydrateThere are two different kinds of carbohydrates: simple and complecarbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are commonly known assugars. Sources of simple carbohydrates include table sugar

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    candies and other sweets, soda and bakery goods. These fooprovide empty calories, which are calories that supply no vitaminsand minerals and should therefore be minimized. Complexcarbohydrates include all the starches, which consist of longstrands of glucose molecules and fiber that are indigestible.

    Foods that contain complex carbohydrates are grains, cerealbread and starchy vegetables like potato, corn, peas and beaComplex carbohydrates contain many essential nutrients andincrease the glycogen stores more efficiently than sugars orsimple carbohydrates.Carbohydrates and Anti-agingWhat happens when you eat carbohydrates? The carbohydrate getdgested in the mouth and then n the stomach and it s absorbed intothe blood stream in the form of glucose. So your blood sugar

    increases and the pancreas produces insulin. The insulin willtransport the glucose into the cells and the cells use glucose forenergy or stored them as glycogen or fat, finally the blood sugarreturns to normal level. Now if you eat complex carbohydrates, itcan take 1-4 hours to completely digest and absorb all glucose.Remember that complex carbohydrate is a long trand of glucosemolecule and it will take hundreds of chemical reactions to breakand produce individual glucose so that the body can use it.Therefore the blood sugar level increases slowly and remains

    steady. A candy bar or simple sugar is okay for a short period oftime, but if you are trying to maintain your blood sugar, complexcarbohydrates are much more effective than simple sugars. Thiswill preventthe premature hardening of the arteries, thereforeretarding the aging process.

    There are other reasons why complex carbohydrates are soimportant. Firstly, they contain insoluble fiber, which preveritsconstipation and is associated with reduced colon cancer. It also

    helps prevent hemorrhoids. Fibers make large, soft stool.Secondly, there is the soluble fiber, which is a componenof complex carbohydrates that reduces blood cholesterol. Thirdlcomplex carbohydrates are also low in fat but high inutrient density. What it means is that for every calorie ofcarbohydrate ingested you get more nutrients. They are high in

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    essential vitamins and minerals that are hard to get in other foods

    By not having enough complex carbohydrates n youdiet, you may have aging related health problems annutritional problems such as high serum cholesterol

    heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity andsome forms of cancer.

    How much carbohydrate do you need?

    50-55% of your caiories from your diet should comefromcarbohydrates. About 45-50% come from complex

    carbohydrates and 5-10% from simple carbohydrates. Ifyouperform heavy weight training or heavy training, carbohydrate intashould range from 7-10 grams per 10 kilogram of body weight perday of up to 55-70% carbohydrates. Athletes who train exhaustiveon successive days or compete in more prolonged enduranceevents would benefit from a diet that contain 65-70% of totalcalories from carbohydrates. Where are you going to get thesecarbohydrates? You can get it from legumes, potatoes, beans,grains, pasta, rice, cereai, pretzels, spaghetti and corn.

    FIBER AND ANTI-AGINGFiber plays a very important role in nutrition and is very beneficial many aspects of health and anti-aging. First, it maintains weight. Adiet rich in fiber can promote fat loss if fiber foods replace fats andsweets. Fiber has fewer calories per gram than fats. They are noteasily converted to fat and they have the ability to expand up to tetimes their weight and size in the stomach. Thus they make you fe

    full and satisfied for longer period. Fiber also satisfies your appetiby slowing down calorie absorption and keeping energy levels upThere are two kinds of fiber. The difference is their foodsources and how they affect the body. Foods containing wateinsoluble fibers such as wheat bran, wheat germ, whole graincracked bran, brown rice are not digested and they add bulk tthe diet. They are stool softening fibers and improve bowel

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    regularity because they speed up the food through theintestines. Soluble fibers such as foods in the legume family,seeds, raw and dry fruits, raw and cooked vegetables become gelike substances during digestion and delay the time food goesthrough the intestines. They thus help to keep glucose levels

    regulated and help to lower cholesterol level.It is impertinent to maintain high level of fiber in the Anti-Aging DieFor it keeps the digestive and cardiovascular system healthy.

    PROTEIN AND ANTI-AGINGProteins are building blocks of the body. They are a part in everycell of the body. Muscles, organs, and chemical regulators of thebody are made up of protein.The major functions of protein include:

    Maintenance: growth of new tissue and repair of existingtissues.Enzyme production: An enzyme is a catalyst that is required formany actions in your body.Hormone production: These are chemical messages secreted byorgans to regulate the body's activities, i.e. insulin that regulate thblood sugar.Immune function: Every cell of the immune system requiresprotein.Fluid / electrolyte balance: Protein helps maintain the body's fluidbalance. Fluid is present in three main areas of the body: thespace inside the blood vessels, the spaces within the cells and thspaces between the cells. Proteins are large molecules that attrawater. By keeping a certain number of proteins in fluid, the correcamount of water is kept in each space. Acid/Base balance: Theacidity (pH) of the body is maintained within a very narrow rangeProteins are involved in preventing the body from becoming too

    acidic or too basic. Transport: Proteins are involved in movingnutrients in the blood stream from one organ to another. They alsmove nutrients and substances across membranes.Energy: Protein, either from the diet or from reserves, is used forenergy when the body lacks sufficient carbohydrate and fat. Themuscles are the largest protein reserves in the body. Others:Proteins are involved in blood clotting and making connective

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    tissue such as scar tissues, bones and tendons. Proteins aremade up of individual units called amino acids. There are 20different ones that the body needs to make protein for bodyfunctions. Nine of them are called "essential" which means thebody will not make them so you have to get them from the diet or

    you will not be able to make any protein. The body will make theother eleven.

    Amino acids differ from carbohydrate and fat in that they havenitrogen as part of their structure. A protein is made by linking upmany amino acids, usually 100-300 per protein molecule so

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    each amino acid may appear in the protein molecule manytimes.

    How much protein is required?

    The normal amount of protein required by sedentary people i0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. That is, take yweight in pounds and divide by 2.2 to get the weight in kilogram athen multiply that by 0.8. Intakes of protein more than 15-20% oftotal calories or 2 grams per kilogram of body weight cannot be

    justified on scientific basis because intakes above 15-20% or 2grams per kilogram of body weight are either burned for energy tosupport activity or are converted to fat. Training athletes need 1.1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Thi

    extra protein goes to increase muscle weight. Runners and otherendurance athletes also need more protein because on longworkouts, their muscles burn some proteins. These athletes need1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per day. Theprotein goal is about 15%- 25% of total calorie intake. Excessproteins can put a stress to kidneys and liver because theseorgans have to work extra hard for the body to rid the unwannitrogen byproducts. The kidneys have to flush out toxins inurine and studies have shown that excessive proteins may

    cause the loss of calcium in urine, which put women at risk foosteoporosis.

    Where do you get protein?Protein is found in meat, fish, chicken, egg, cheese, milk, legumesand beans. There are small quantities of proteins occurring in brepasta and cereai also. People wonder if they get enough protein itheir diet. Just think, one simple ounce of meat or chicken or fish wdeliver about 7-10 grams of protein. And the recommended daily

    allowance for an average size person is only about 50-80 grams aday. If so, it is very easy to get your regular full supply of proteinthroughout the day.

    Grams of Protein

    Types of Food

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    consume too much protein more than the body needs, it will beconverted to fat or it will be excreted from the body. In addition, otproblems can occur from taking an excessive amount of protein,such as dehydration, damage to both the liver and kidneys and thpromotion and calcium excretion, which depletes the bones of the

    achieved mineral.

    Protein and Carbohydrate Interaction for Anti-AgingCarbohydrates are digested in about 2 hours. Protein takeslonger to digest. When the two are combined or eaten togetheprotein actually slows down the digestion of carbohydrates aenergy from carbohydrates is released more slowly. It actuallslows down the release of glucose from carbohydrates into t

    If you have an adequate intake of food in general, you willmore than likely have an adequate protein intake. If you

    OneeggA cooked lean hamburger patty 3 ounces i 20

    Half a roast chicken breast without skin 26

    One slice of cheese ; 7

    One cup of low fat yogurt 1 10

    One cup of milk 8

    One cup of baked beans or lentils 16

    One cup of spaghetti or pasta 5

    Two slices of bread 6

    Half a cup of cottage cheese 14


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    blood stream thus eatingprotein-rich food wtth high carbohydrate food stabili*** the qIucom that otherwtse itcd to hunger. Ttom keepi you feeling energetic and satisfted the next meal In addrtion, carbohydrates are energy They spare proteinfrom bemg used as energy so protein can concentrate to be used to buand repair tissues

    FATFat is the chief storage form of energy in the body. Excess calories arestored in fat cells. Stored fat cushions your body's organs. AII organs,heart, kidneys, liver have fat pads around them for protection.Cell membrane* have fats as pan of their structure Fat m yourdiet heabsorb some of the vitamins that can onty be carwed in fat These are the soluble vrtamms (A, D, E and K) Oetary fats are also used to producehormones it vs atso necessary forheafthy stan, fats add fia vor to foods T

    b*ggest problem ofoutttng down fat is that food doesnt seem to taste agood Fat is therefore a necessary macronutrient which the body must There are good fats f mono-unsaturated fats Hke olive oii) and bad fa(trans-fat is worse) Learning which is good to take and which is bad tois criticai. Fatty Acids and Kmds of FatFatty ackis are the individual unrts of fat whtch combine to form fat oran oFatty acid moteeutes vary m their numitor of carbon atoms They are,eittw8,10,12,14,16,18,20or22cartx>natoms Jong Fats and oiis havethan ooe fatty acid and the combinatron is what determine saturated and

    unsaturated status of fats Fatty acids are dasstfted as saturated,monounsaturated, or potyunsaturated These terms refer to the strugure of thmotecute - spetificafiy, the numtoer and location of the shared etectrons (cbonete) that Imk atoms m the GNarn - like molecular structure Chemrcally,saturated fatty acids have no doubte bonds (two share etectrons together) their chains of carbon atoms Monourrsaturates have ooe doubte bond andpofyunsaturates have more than one doubte bond Saturated fats are founaii foods that come from animal sources such as meat, eggs, butter, milf

    cheese and creams. tt is also found in ols such as coconut andpalmprotein-rich food with high carbohydrate food stabilizes tglucose that could otherwise lead to hunger. This keeps youfeeling energetic and satisfied until the next meal. In addition,carbohydrates are energy. They spare proteins from being used aenergy so protein can concentrate to be used to build and repairtissues.

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    FATFat is the chief storage form of energy in the body. Excesscalories are stored in fat cells. Stored fat cushions your bodyorgans. AII organs, heart, kidneys, liver have fat pads aroundthem for protection.Cell membranes have fats as part of their structure. Fat in your dihelp us absorb some of the vitamins that can only be carried in faThese are the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). Dietary fats aralso used to produce hormones. It is also necessary for healthy sFats add flavor to foods. The biggest problem of cutting down fat that food doesn't seem to taste as good. Fat is therefore a necessmacronutrient which the body must have. There are good fats ( munsaturated fats like olive oii) and bad fats (trans-fat is worse).

    Learning which is good to take and which is bad to avoid is criticaFatty Acids and Kinds of FatFatty acids are the individual units of fat, which combine to form faan oii. Fatty acid molecules vary in their number of carbon atoms.They are, either 8,10,12,14,16,18,20 or 22 carbon atoms long. Faand oils have more than one fatty acid and the combination is whadetermines saturated and unsaturated status of fats. Fatty acids aclassified as saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated. Th

    terms refer to the structure of the molecule - specifically, the numband location of the shared electrons (called bonds) that link atomsthe chain - like molecular structure. Chemically, saturated fatty achave no double bonds (two share electrons together) in their chaicarbon atoms. Monounsaturates have one double bond andpolyunsaturates have more than one double bond. Saturated fats found in all foods that come from animal sources such as meat, ebutter, milk, cheese and creams. It is also found in oils such as

    coconut and palmkernel. They increase the LDL cholesterol and pose the

    highest risk for heart disease and cancer. Monounsaturated fhas one double bond and it is liquid at room temperature. They arfound primarily in nuts and vegetable oils such as olive and canoloii. These are often referred to as good fats because studieshave shown that they have no effect on serum cholesterol, th

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    increase the HDL (good) cholesterol levels and protect againheart disease. An example is omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fattyacids have shown to reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levimprove cardiovascular health and decrease risks of heart diseasparticularly atherosclerosis. These omega-3 fatty acids are found

    fish and other marine animals. Polyunsaturated fat has more thaone double bond. It is liquid at room temperature. It consists ofOmega-6 fatty acids found mostly in plants. And they are founoii such as sunflower, safflower and corn oils. When intake ofomega-6 is too high, a decrease in immune functions and anincrease in blood clotting and inflammation occur. When moreomega-3 fatty acids are eaten to balance out the omega-6 fattyacids, immune functions are enhanced and there is less blood

    clotting and inflammation. Trans-fat are fat that is often made frompoly-unsaturated fat through a chemical process that allows it to bin solid form in room temperature. This is the kind of fat commonlyused in frying of foods such as French fries and cookies. Trans-fathe worse type of fat. They are the most damaging to the bodyTry to avoid trans-fat at all cost.

    Different Forms of FatsFat comes in various forms. There are three forms in the body. Th

    first form is triglycerides. Triglycerides are found both in animal anplant foods. Most of the fat consumed in the average diet is in theform of triglycerides. This is the form of fat that is stored in the bodalso. Triglycerides can either be saturated or unsaturated.Triglycerides are made of one glycerol that is a carbohydratemolecule combines with or links with three fatty acids. Fatty acidswhich you have talked about earlier, consist of saturated,monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The glycerol part oftriglycerides makes it soluble in blood so it can movethrough the blood stream. Fats are not soluble in blood, they will nbe transported in the blood stream unless they have a protein orcarbohydrate carrier. Thus triglycerides are the form in which youfind fats in the blood stream. High blood levels of triglycerides canbe a problem. It will build up in the arteries and contribute toatherosclerosis or heart disease. High serum triglycerides may becaused not only by high fat diet but by excessive calories. Excess

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    carbohydrates or proteins are converted to fat in the liver, whichconverts them to triglycerides to transport the fat to be stored.The second form of fat is phospholipids. Phospholipids allow thepassage of fat-soluble substances such as vitamins and hormoneto get in and out of the cells. The best known member of the

    phopholipids family is lecithin that can be found in oatmeal, soybeans, cauliflower, peanuts, eggs, milk and chocolate. Many studhave suggested that lecithin may provide other health benefitsranging from improving memory to preventing liver damage fromalcohol. The third form of fat is cholesterol. Cholesterol comes froanimal products. The body has problems both in transporting fatsand digesting them. Fats are not soluble in water so your bodyprovides special vehicles to transport them. They are called the

    lipoproteins, such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high densilipoprotein (HDL). The LDLs contain large amounts of cholesteroland are responsible for depositing cholesterol in the artery walls,which lead to deadly diseases such as heart disease and strokes.For this reason, they are called the "bad cholesterol". Exercising(strength training and cardiovascular exercise) can lower LDLcholesterol, decreasing body fats stores, decreasing saturated fatand/or replacing saturated fats in diet by monounsaturated or

    polyunsaturated fats. HDL or high density lipoprotein contains moprotein than cholesterol. These HDL are responsible for removingcholesterol from the cells in the arteries and transporting it back tothe liver for removal from the body. People with high levels of HDhave reduced chances of heart disease. Thus HDL is known as th"good cholesterol". A recent study shows that those who ran just 8miles a week (2 miles a day, 4 times a week), have an increase inHDL cholesterol.

    Fats and Anti-Aging DietThe Anti-Aging Diet principie source of fat is olive oii. Olive oshould always replace, and not added to other sources of fat,especially butter ( better than margarine which contain trans-fat) The value of using olive oii in preference to other plant oils,particularly those high in polyunsaturated fats is based on severaconsiderations. One, high intake of linoleic acid, the mainpolyunsaturated fat in many vegetable oils, may compete with

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    omega-3 fatty acids in biochemical processes, hence the tendenof blood clotting. Two, some research has indicated that diet highmonounsaturated fat is less likely to lead to LDL cholesteroloxidation. This may reduce atherosclerosis. Three, in animalstudies, diets high in polyunsaturated fats promote the developm

    of tumors.

    Fat and weight ControlThe average person has 30-40 billion fat cells. This fluctuates

    widely in size depending on the amount of fat they contain. Each ous is born with a genetically predetermined capacity to produce facells, which makes up your body fat. The primary role of fat in youbody is a reserve for energy. The problem occurs when youconsume more energy than you expend. When this happens, youpredetermined fat cells not only increase in volume, they alsomultiply. Once a new fat cell is created, it's yours for life. This is thprimary reason why it is difficult to lose weight once you have gainit. A person with more predetermined fat cells has greaterdifficulty in maintaining lower body weight than a person withfewer fat cells. So the goal is to stop gaining more fat cellsbecause you can't get rid of them.

    A fat cell's main function is storing energy for future use. It also

    serves as a buffer that keeps excess blood sugar or glucose and fout of the blood stream. When fat cells are ballooned, they can nolonger prevent harmful substances from entering circulation. Bycontinuing to take more energy than you expend, you fiii upthe new fat cells. Then even more fats and sugar return to yourblood stream. This causes more insulin to be produced, whichcause your body to make more fat cells.VITAMINS AND MINERALS

    Many vitamins and minerals are anti-oxidants, which have beenshown to fight infections and diseases. For Anti-Aging purposes,nutritional supplementation in doses several times higherthan therecommended daily allowance is most beneficial. VitaminsVitamins are organic compounds that the body must have toperform chemical reactions. There are no calories in vitamins andthey are only needed in minute amounts to work. They are

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    indispensable to body functions. Vitamins can be either fat- solublor water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the bodand they are excreted in urine if taken in excess. These are VitamC, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5pyridoxine (B6) and cobalamine (B12) and folate. The next group

    vitamins, Vitamin A, D, E and K, is the fat-soluble vitamin. Fat-soluble vitamins need fat to be absorbed. They are stored in theliver and fat cells of the body. If you take too much of these vitamisupplements, you can have a toxic reaction. Humans in particularcannot make certain vitamins , such as vitamin C. MineralsMinerals are inorganic substances that act much like vitamins. you

    need even fewer minerals than vitamins. Minerals are naturally

    occurring. It is involved in all body functions and it is essential to li

    Minerals are divided into 2 categories, major and trace. All of thesare present in your body, if only in minute amounts. The major

    minerals are calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassiu

    sodium and sulfur. The trace or ultra- trace minerals are chromium

    cobalt, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum,

    nickel, selenium, silicon, tin, vanadium and zinc.


    Anti-oxidants play a key role in fighting free radicals, a form ofoxidation that weaken cells and wear down natural defenses. Freeradicals are atoms or molecules that are lacking in one or more inpaired electrons and will search for healthy cells to steal theelectrons from. This causes other cells to become freeradicals and this continues like a wild game of tag, eventuallycausing tissue and organ damage. This can deteriorate your natudefenses. Anti-oxidants have the ability to give up extra electrons

    neutralize free radicals without becoming one themselves and thuassist in cell health while fighting cell damage, sickness and diseaAnti-oxidants are Vitamin A, C, E, beta-carotene, selenium andmany others.

    WATERWater makes up about 60% of the body weight in adults. It isinvolved in all metabolic processes. It helps everything from

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    electrolyte balance to hydration, digestion, metabolism, kidneyhealth, lower incidence of urinary infection and protein synthesis.Without water, you will die. When you don't take enough of it, youperformance and results will suffer. Water carries nutrientsthroughout the body and transports waste products away from it.

    Water can also be found in your joints as part of the body's naturalubricant. In addition, water aids in the body's temperature regulatand serves as a solvent for vitamins, minerals and amino acids,glucose and many other small molecules.There is water in many of the foods you eat, especially fruits andvegetables, which contain 50-90% water. Many of the beveragesthat you drink, like milk and juice, contain about 85% water but thistill not enough! Your body needs a minimum of at least 80

    ounces of additional water each day. This means, you have todrink 8 10-ounce giasses of water a day.

    CALORIE RESTRICTION- WHAT IS IT? Fortunately, there is onemagic elixir that can turn back the hands of time to improve thequality of life as you age. It is known as calorie restriction. If youunderstand the principie behind overindulgence of food intake will

    produce excessive oxidation, increase fat storage, excessive insuload and sugar imbalance, it is easy to see that the reverse -restricting the amount of calorie intake - has the opposite andrejuvenating effect.Forthe past 60 years, calorie restriction s the only proventechnique to reverse the aging process. In many controlledlaboratory animal studies, restricting calorie intake had alwaylead to a longer and a more funcional life with less chronicdisease. Calorie restriction studies in rats showed a doubling

    of mortality from an average of 101 days to 197 days. Studieshave long been undertaken to find out why Okinawans from Japhave more than four times the centenarians per 100,000populations than other Japnese do. From the dietperspective, the Okinawans eat three times more vegetables,two times as much fish, and one- third fewer calories than thstandard Japanese diet. It will take many more years of scientifi

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    research to fully understand the mechanism of how calorierestriction works within your body. But there is no doubt that itworks. Do you have the time to wait, or is it smarter to follow therestrictions now given the overwhelming amounts of data andresearch already in place?

    CALORIE RESTRICTION VS. MALNUTRITION ANDSTRV ATIONCalorie restriction is different from malnutrition, starving, orextended fasting.These practices actually accelerate the aging process as theycreate nutritional deficiencies. Calorie restriction, if properlycarry out, provides the body with all the nutrients it needswithout overburdening the organs and system function. Bylimiting calorie intake to the level required by the body for optimumfunction (as measured by the maintenance of lean body mass), Tbody is a miraculous machine that self-regulates. When you takemore food than you need, the engine of your body goes intooverdrive to digest the food and store what you don't need in theform of fat. If you restrict the body only to what you need tomaintain a physical and active lifestyle, your bodyautomatically tones down its basal metabolic rate to conserv

    energy it doesn't have. This is your body's way of survival.Like an old car, your body's engine needs premium gasoline prime itself as you. If you are not mindful of this and continueto abuse your body with "non-premium " gasoline and roughoutings (like going on a eating binge), you are causingunnecessary strin to your body's organs. Sooner rather thalater, your body will break down. What happens to your body ayour calorie intake decreases? As your calorie intake decrease

    firstly, the works necessary to be undertaken by your body todigest the food also decrease. In other words, there is lessoxidative stress. Secondly, the body metabolic rate automaticallslows down and readjusts itself to match your energyexpenditure to that of intake. This is the body's way ofpreserving itself. Thirdly, the slowing down of your organsystem gives them more rest and prolongs the life span of

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    each of the organs.As your organs remain healthy, you livelonger. Malnutrition and starvation is an extreme form of calorestriction, which is age accelerating and should be cannot run on no gasoline, and your body needs food togenerate energy. During malnutrition or starvation, your body

    breaks down your muscles and organ structures for energy and this very destructive.

    BENEFITS OF CALORIE RESTRICTIONThe physiological benefits of calorie restriction are many,including:

    1.Increased maximum life span2.Increased learning ability (sharper mind)3.Increased neurotransmitter receptors (clearer mind)4.Decreased fat accumulation (better body contour)5.Decreased insulin level (better sugar control)6.Decreased cancer (less oxidative damage)7.Decreased heart disease (less stress on the

    cardiovascular system)8.Decreased loss of bone mass (less osteoporosis)

    HOW DOES CALORIE RESTRICTION PRODUCE SUCH GOODRESULTSCalorie restriction works on three different levels: