Download - 13D NicoleBunch Portfolio


PortfolioBy: Nicole Bunch

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. I first drew out some possible sketches with 2 different photos that I was considering2. I decided on one of my photos and created a map3. I couldn’t get my photo to work, although i was a high-quality picture, it kept coming out pixilated, I decided to change my photo and continue with my original map4. Once I had my photo placed on my cover, I started designing the magazine title label5. I rearranged the label with the picture many times, trying to get the spacing just right.6. I started with the article titles and strokes7. I put all the article title in one by one, adjusting the colors and fonts.8. Once I had all the article titles placed, I took a break from my work. I came back to reanalyze the colors. That’s when I decided to change all the black lettering to a lighter, less intense black. this really softened everything up and I started to see everything come together.9. After my critiques as well as the facebook and instructor critiques I changed a few of the colors and adjusted some alignment10. I also double checked my margins to make sure everything was equal11. I saved it as a jpeg and exported it.

Magazine Cover


Design a magazine cover that showcases

a self-portrait as well as articles about yourselfInstructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: September 28, 2016

Message: Express my life through a magazine cover

Programs Used:Adobe InDesign

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. The first step that I took was to start on a lined sheet of paper to develop the company, fold and basic wireframe design.2. Then I took a sheet of 8.5x11 piece of paper and finalized the draft along with the fold measurements and shape designs.3. I went into Adobe Illustrator and created the logo4. Then I went into Indesign and formatted guides to my fold lines and additional alignment guides, Then I started to implement the plan that I had5. I opened photoshop and began to design the outside photo montage using 2 seprate images and implementing measurements from the Indesign file.6. I inserted the back photo and designed the layout of the quote for the back, I filled in the correct spaces with the logos.7. I went back into photoshop to design the “greater than” photo for the inside of the brochure8. I formatted the text to wrap around the shapes and inserted filler text.9. I finished off with some filler objects to make it more interesting.

Brochure Description:

Design a Brochure for a company

Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: November 30, 2016

Message: Design a Brochure for a company

Programs Used:

Adobe InDesign,Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. I first picked an idea of what I was going to use for the basis of my website. I chose to use the same company that I did for my logo, a blog, but I didn’t use the same logo.2.I starting sketching out some ideas, I knew that I wanted the homepage to show all of the different elements of the blog that would appear to different users3. After I sketched it on paper, I moved to photoshop to implement the plan onto the program. I made some minor adjustments, but I was able to use the basic wireframe as a base for the rest of my work4. Once I saved my wireframe, I started adding pictures and content. This was much easier with a plan5. I started to add the content into my wireframe. I submitted it for critique and realized that my layout wasn’t very good. I ended up needing to change a lot of elements from my layout6. After many adjustments, I came to a design that I was really satisfied with.

Web Page Mockup


Design a web homepage

using a grid

Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: November 17, 2016

Message: Read different tips on recipes, fitness and daily Life

Programs Used:

Adobe Photoshop

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. I picked three photos. I wanted to contrast the darkness with the light. Then I found a picture of humans so that it would show how they could find the light2. I started with the night photo, I applied the lasso tool to the silhouette photo and put a mask layer on it to blend it into the photo3. I repeated that step with the sun photo and tried to blend it all together4. I think the hardest part about this activity was finding the right typography and color with the blended colors and opposing background. I had to edit the typography and positioning multiple times with multiple critiques to find the right. I had to change the alignment until finally I had the right look

Montage Description:

Design a spiritual poster montage using

the blend of images and type

Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: October 19, 2016

Message: Those who seek light will find more and more in their life

Programs Used:Adobe PhotoshopAdobe InDesign

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. First I created my logo in Illustrator. I made the logo for a blog that I am using in another class2. I resized my logo to 500px in illustrator3. I dowloaded the HTML File4. I downloaded the CSS file and linked it to the HTML code.5. I changed the CSS rules to customize the colors, fonts and alignment to how I wanted it.6. After, I went in to add the content for the process of making my logo.7. I validated my HTML and CSS.

Web Design


Code a custom

webpage with HTML and


Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: November 9, 2016

Message: A recognizable lable for

Programs Used:

Text Wrangler,Adobe Illustrator

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. The first thing that I did was draw a few ideas on paper. I knew that I wanted a banana in the picture but not much else. I knew that I wanted it to be really simple. My original idea was to have a monochromatic color scheme2. After sketching, I starting drawing the main banana in illustrator using the pen tool, I wanted this to be the basis of all of my designs3. I came up with 3 ideas and continued to tweak them, i asked some friends what they liked and what they didn’t like and edited these logos a lot until the due date.4.I tried to have a simple logo and and illustration logo as options5. I asked around a lot, asking who liked what better. Just like me, everyone liked the simple logo in the middle6. I went into illustrator and edited the middle logo a lot until I liked it a little more.7. Then I created my letterhead and business card.8.I really focused on alignment, typography and color to try to tie everything together

Heading Description:

Create a logo for a company/service/organization and establish a visual identity across


Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: October 27, 2016

Message: A simple logo to show the simplicity of the website

Programs Used:Adobe Illustrator

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. I really wanted to create something that could be useful for students and that I could post on my blog and possibly on social media, I figured since winter is coming up, it might be a good time to research some fun activities to do in the winter2. I did some research to find some of the top rated activities to do in Rexburg in the Winter3. I wanted a really fun look and so I started brainstorming some different ideas, and did a sketch about the general set up of the infographic4. Then I opened up illustrator and designed the background by blending an image to a gradient colored square5. I created the graph all black to coordinate with a few other black graphics.6. I added a few contrasting colors, red and orange so that it wasn’t all blue.



Create an infographic that organizes data

in a visually pleasing way

Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: November 3, 2016

Message: To inform stu-dents about the acitivites they could do this winter

Programs Used:

Adobe Illustrator

By: Nicole Bunch

Process:1. First, i looked at a couple of image sites to try to find an image with many different, spaced out fruits and vegetables. I needed an image to get my creative brain thinking2. Once I had the image, I decided which parts of the image I would utilize to put my text on, where I would zoom and how I would use the photo to my advantage. I did this by sketching out a design, as seen below.3. I uploaded the image to Prezi and then I designed the big picture, and chose the fonts that I would be using4. I wrote a transcript for the presentation5. Slide by slide, I entered the transcript and added pictures that matched the backgrounds as I went along6. I finalized the path and then I started the critique process

Prezi Description:

Create an instructional

presentation using the Prezi software

to demonstrate it’s features and


Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: October 7, 2016

Message: How one can eat healthy in college

Programs Used:


Process:1. I thought about the different sceneries that I could take a picture of around Rexburg. I thought of the apple orchards and I decided to choose a color scheme with different shades of green, violet and brick. A tetradic color scheme.2. I went to the apple orchard and took a lot of pictures. I was trying to get pictures of apples in the foreground and the trees in the background.3. Once I got a good shot I uploaded it and did some basic edits on photoshop. like sharpen, color selector, vibrance, and levels.4. I then added the pink box and the quote, and picked out my font for the project5. I added the second green box to show who said the quote6. I added the color swatches in and then named the scheme7. After the critique I made a few changes and the project was complete

Photo Design

Description:By using

photography and design skills, create a project

that encompasses a consistent color scheme from the


Instructor: Nicole Nugent

Date: October 13, 2016

Message: Sometimes we need to fall down just to see how strong we are to get up again

Programs Used:Adobe Photoshop