Verbele Care Nu Accepta Aspectul Continuu

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Transcript of Verbele Care Nu Accepta Aspectul Continuu

  • 7/27/2019 Verbele Care Nu Accepta Aspectul Continuu


    Verbele care nu accepta aspectul continuu

    -verbe care exprima o activitate mintala sau o emotie:

    To believe to love to see(understand)

    To doubt to hate to feel(to have an opinion)

    To suppose to prefer to understand

    To imagine to realise to want

    To know to recognise to wish

    To (dis)like to remember

    -verbe care exprima perceptii senzoriale:

    To appear to hear

    To look(to seem) to taste

    To smell to seem

    To sound to see

    -verbe care genereaza reactii:

    To agree to satisfy

    To please to mean

    To (dis)agree to impress

    To surprise to astonish

    To deny to promise

    -alte verbe:

    To be to deserve to measure

    To belong to fit to needTo concern to include to owe

    To consist to involve to own

    To contain to lack to posses

    To depend to matter to weight

  • 7/27/2019 Verbele Care Nu Accepta Aspectul Continuu


    Verbs that cant be normally used in the continuous aspect

    Note:Cateva dintre ele pot fi folosite cu aspect continuu , dar cu o schimbare ininteles(sens):to hear, to see ,to think, to look, to expect, to appear, to feel, to taste, tosmell, to be, to have;

    TO HEAR =a auzi(simple)

    Ex: Can/Do you hear the noise in the street.

    =a primi vesti de la cineva(cont)

    Ex: You will be hearing of me in two weeks time.

    TO SEE =a vedea(simple)

    Ex: I can see a cat on the roof of your house.=a avea o intalnire(continous)

    Ex: Tomorrow I am seeing the editor.

    TO THINK =a crede(simple)

    Ex: I think he will be late.

    =a gandi(continuous)

    Ex: He is thinking how to get out of this mess.

    TO LOOK -a parea(simple)

    Ex: Today she looks rather well.

    =a privi(continuous)

    Ex: She is looking in the windows shops.

    TO EXPECT =a crede(simple)

    Ex: They dont expect him to tell the truth.

    =a astepta(continuous)

    Ex: Im expecting a letter.

    TO APPEAR =a aparea(simple)

    Ex: She appears to be dissapointed with what happened.

    =a parea,a se ivi(continuous)

  • 7/27/2019 Verbele Care Nu Accepta Aspectul Continuu


    Ex: The actors are appearing on the show.

    TO FEEL =a fi(calitate a unui lucru cand este atins)-simple

    Ex: This cloth feels soft.

    =a se simti, a simti(continuous)Ex: Im feeling the ground with my feet.

    He is feeling better and better.

    TO SMELL =a raspandi un miros(calitate)-simple

    Ex: This flower smells nice.

    =a mirosi(continuous)

    Ex: She is smelling the flowers on the table.

    TO TASTE = a avea gust de (calitate)-simple

    Ex: The pancakes taste delicious.

    =a gusta(continuous)

    Ex: Im tasting the cake.

    TO BE = a fi(simple)

    They are in the garden.

    = a fi (temporary behavior/activity)-continuous

    Ex: Your little brother is being quite naughty today.

    TO HAVE -a avea (simple)

    Ex: She has a new flat.

    =inlocuieste verbe precum:to drink, to eat, to have a bath(continuous)

    Ex: Dont disturb mother shes having her coffee.