

Transcript of Urbamizaton



WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY URBANIZATION?Urbanization refers to a process in which an increasing proportion of a society live in cities and the suburbs of cities.Urbanization occurs because people move from rural areas to urban areas .This usually occurs when a country is still developing.Economic forces were such that cities became the ideal places also to locate factories and their workers.

What is CITY?A "city" refers to a place of relatively dense settlement, Dense enough so that city residents can not grow their own food resources. A city population, therefore, is always dependent upon its "hinterlands" to provide it with food resources.

What causes this.?Rural to urban migrationIncrease in birth rate with decrease in death rate.IndustrializationAvailability of easy transportationManufacturing centers.Job Opportunities.

What are the factors which affect Urbanization?EconomicSocialCultural Urbanization is encouraged socially and culturally through the media.

Socio-cultural impactHigher standard of living than compared to rural areas.Better sanitation job opportunities

Socio-economic impactsIndustrialization, EducationLegislationSecularization-sequence of development.reduced transport costs sharing of natural resources.

Adverse effect of urbanization GloballySlums and its consequences of overcrowding.Lack of sanitation,Poverty,Unemployment andCrime is the worst impact of urbanization.Global warming, air ,pollution, water scarcity and pollution and loss of biodiversity pose serious threat to environment.

Urbanization in IndiaPrevalent in India, urban areas have experienced an unprecedented rate of growth. Indias urban population is expected an increase of over 200 million in just 20 years. Most of this increase was in the growth of census towns (2532) rather than on statutory towns (242). Indias urbanization, however, is in smaller proportion as compared to other large developing countries such as China (45%), Indonesia (44%), Mexico (78%) and Brazil (87%).

Main Challenges in Indian UrbanizationA urban housing shortageAir quality has deteriorated sharplyWater supply Urban poor Travelling timeMigration of people.

Strategy to be followed for UrbanizationTo impart relevant skills to urban poor Facilitate self employment opportunities for urban poor Provide basic services to the urban poor especially through re-habilitation of slums Ensure financial inclusion of urban poor .Accelerate the rate of job creation

According to UN Habitat Report, 2008, urban based economic activities accounts for 55%, 73% and 85% of the GDP in low income, middle income and high income countries respectively. Talking in Indian context, 62-63% of GDP contribution was made by the urban areas comprising of 30% of the population (Planning Commission 2008). It is expected to reach 75% by 2021. Currently, India is 32.37% urbanized. Thus cities propel economic growth.With increasing urbanizations outgrowth beyond city boundaries synergies agglomeration economies.

Urban development in India 2014 Report

Take the example of Bangalore. It is a IT hub and has all the human labour and it manages all its client from one city of India. Technology, infrastructure and human skill, ideas and innovations has together contributed towards its growth.Urbanization also impacts land and transport sector. Rental value increase as one moves from centre towards the periphery of the city if the city has good transport system. Take the example of Delhi or Mumbai. People travel to work from far distances as they have viable transport facilities.

Economic Effects of Urbanization-On the National Economy-Improvement in the GDP.Availability of the skilled forceOrganized sector of economy will grow more.Service industry will see much growth as the increase in the middle class population.More Cities- More tourism due to more facilities.More investment in infrastructure etc.Change in expenditure pattern

Cont..On the individuals-Per capita income and expenditure will rise.Banking facilities etc. will help in increase in savings and financial services.Standard of living will improve with the access to more urban facilities.Employment opportunities will be more available.

ContMckinsey global institute estimated that nearly 70% new jobs will be created by 2030.Urbanization leads fourfold increase in per capita income by 2030Estimated that the urban population increase from 340 million(2008) to 590 million by 2030.

Urbanization is expanding at a faster rate E.g. 1971 to 2008 population increased to 230 million. estimated to be more then 250 million population by 2025.Urban economy provides 85% of total tax revenue.200 million rural population are directly benefited from urbanization.Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Punjab have more population living in urban areas.

Population expected 2030

Urbanization percentage by 2030 in India

Average national income by 2030

Services in Urban areas

Services in Urban areas

CURRENT GOVERNMENT PLANSCentral government has planned to 100 smart cities in India.Eight cities with more then four million people will developing as a satellite smart city with Rs.1000 crore for each city.45 cities with one to four million people will be upgrading to smart city.17 capital cities upgraded to smart city irrespective of their population.

Smart cities10 smart cites with tourist and religious significance

Listed smart cities in Karnataka are Badami, Bengaluru, Bidar, Vijayapura, Kalaburagi, Mahakuta and Pattadakallu

Five elements of smart citiesIn terms of infrastructure, the smart cities should have 24x7 availability of high quality utility services like water and power.

A robust transport system that emphasizes on public transport.

In social infrastructure, the cities need to be provide opportunities for jobs and livelihoods for its inhabitants.

The smart cities need to have proper facilities for entertainment and the safety and security of the people.

They should minimize waste by increasing energy efficiency and reducing water conservation. Proper recycling of waste materials need to be done in cities.

Urbanization effect on farm sectorMore than 50 per cent of medium and large farmers had allotted land for construction of shops and other commercial uses on the main road.Small farmers sold out the land to meet their household and social needs.large farmers did sold the land because they could not manage the land due to labour shortage.

ContUnavailability of labor for farm sector.High wage rate for farm work.The per capita availability of land declined.

YearPer capita land available


2000-010.74 ha

2011-120.36 ha

Effect of urbanization on environmentAir Pollution :-Transportation, Industries and Domestic air emissions. Water pollution:-Domestic sewage and Industrial effluent.Noise pollution :- Industrial, Aircraft, Transportation and diesel generator sets.

Cont..Plastic waste is regulated through Plastic Manufacture, sale and usage Rules,1999 and also by Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2000. Mercury Waste :-medical appliances, switches, lights and thermal power stations.Biomedical Waste sources: hospitals and health care.

Effect of urbanization some issuesUnemployment Housing Slums Transport Water supply and sanitationInadequate provision for social infrastructure

CONCLUSIONIn conclusion, urbanization is one of the most controversial issues in the world today, containing various subjects, including both good and bad effects. Among them, the focus in urbanization is always on economic and environmental effects, as this essay mentioned above. It is important to remember that urbanization is a long term process, and it is possible to solve these problems in the future.