Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara CENTRUL DE … · Contracte si executii comenzi cu mediul...

Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara CENTRUL DE CERCETARE “ANALIZE TERMICE ÎN PROBLEME DE MEDIU” Str. Pestalozzi, nr. 16, 300115 Timişoara, Tel +40/256/592627 e-mail: [email protected] - Nume centru

Transcript of Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara CENTRUL DE … · Contracte si executii comenzi cu mediul...

Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara CENTRUL DE CERCETARE

“ANALIZE TERMICE ÎN PROBLEME DE MEDIU” Str. Pestalozzi, nr. 16, 300115 Timişoara,

Tel +40/256/592627 e-mail: [email protected]

- Nume centru

Director: Prof.dr.ing. DOCA NICOLAE Director adj.: Conf.dr.ing. VLASE TITUS-VASILE Membrii Prof.dr.ing. CIUCANU IONEL Conf.dr.ing. BOLCU CONSTANTIN Conf.dr.ing. VLASCICI DANA Conf.dr. VLASE GABRIELA Conf.dr.ing.CHIRIAC VLAD Lect.dr.ing. MODRA DORINA

Membrii Centrului






Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara

Facultatea de Chimie-Biologie-Geografie CENTRUL DE CERCETARE

“ANALIZE TERMICE ÎN PROBLEME DE MEDIU” Str. Pestalozzi, nr. 16, 300115 Timişoara,

tel/fax: +40/256/592626

Scurt istoric


Au venit ajutoare din Elvetia 1999-2000

• Zestrea Centrului (inca Laborator pe atunci) s-a imbogatit cu

• o Termobalanta TGA7 (productie 1989) cu soft din 1992 (UNIX si DOS),

• un NICOLET 510-FT-IR-Spectrometer


Perkin-Elmer TGA 7


Programul MENER 2005-2008 • In cadrul centrului de cercetare au aparut: • TG/DTG/DTA DIAMOND PERKIN-ELMER (PRODUCTIE


(2007) Achizitionate din Contract CEEX MENER

633/2005 (valoarea aprox. 7 miliarde lei vechi) peste 700000 RON



High sensitivity for the detection of the weak transitions Fast heating (High Speed DSC) for increased sensitivity StepScan DSC for the separation of Tg from longer term, kinetic transitions (crystallization or enthalpic relaxation) Outstanding resolution for better separation of overlapping events


Diamond TMA

•Broad Temp range from –150oC up to 1500oC

• Max force 6 N

• Automatic LN2 cooling system

• Both stress and strain controls

•Constant and linear force modes plus Sine mode at 0.001-1 Hz

•Contraction rate controlled measurement

•Advanced software calculations

• Additional large volume TGA feature


Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FT-IR cu dispozitiv UATR

EGA (Evolved gas analysis) : TG + FT-IR

Multiscop FT-IR Microscop Perkin-Elmer (2007)

- rezultate deosebite de cercetare REALIZĂRI


1.Contract C.N.C.Ş.U. nr 4012/1995 (4.3.9/2210.09/1995) Tema B2: “Transferul selectiv de energie între faza gazoasã şi cea solidã: aplicaţii la cataliza eterogenã şi încãlzirea cu microunde” (Director proiect Prof.dr.ing.N.Doca). 2. Contract C.N.C.Ş.U. nr 5012/1996 (Tema 3/17.1/1.187/1996): “Transferul selectiv de energie între faza gazoasã şi cea solidã: aplicaţii la cataliza eterogenã şi încãlzirea cu microunde” (Director proiect Prof.dr.ing.N.Doca) 3. Contract C.N.C.Ş.U. nr 7012/1997 (15/1070) Tema B2: “Transferul selectiv de energie între faza gazoasã şi cea solidã: aplicaţii la cataliza eterogenã şi încãlzirea cu microunde”, (Director proiect Prof.dr.ing.N.Doca). 4.Contract C.N.C.Ş.U. 21/1998 4/28, cu titlul: “Transferul selectiv de energie între faza gazoasã şi cea solidã: aplicaţii la comportarea cataliticã şi la efectele de suport ale heteropoliacizilor”, (Director proiect Prof.dr.ing.N.Doca). 5. Contract C.N.C.S.Î.S 1999, cod 95, comisia 1, cu titlul: “Transferul selectiv de energie între faza gazoasã şi cea solidã: aplicaţii la efectele de suport şi la descompunerea unor precursori complecşi.”, (Director proiect Prof.dr.ing.N.Doca). 6.Contract 3525/2000 tema 12 cod 835”Transferul energetic selectiv interfazic; Aplicaţii privind efectul de suport şi la descompunerea unor precursori”, (Director proiect Prof.dr.ing.N.Doca). 7. Contract /2001 tema 16 cod 372 „Cinetica de neechilibru. Studiul transferului energetic selectiv”, (Director proiect Prof. dr.ing . N.Doca). 8. Contract 6190/2000 GRANT tip T ANSTI, tema B3: Efectul de compensare şi efectul de suport la descompunerea unor precursori, responsabil GRANT Vlase Titus. 9. Contract 6190/1/2001 GRANT tip T ANSTI, tema A1: Efectul de compensare şi efectul de suport la descompunerea unor precursori, responsabil GRANT Vlase Titus. 10. Contract C.N.C.S.I.S. /2003 tema 2 cod 869 „Stabilitatea termică a substanţelor de interes farmacologic şi alimentar”, (Director proiect Prof. dr.ing . N.Doca).

11.GRANT C.N.C.S.I.S. 32944 /2004, cod 869, „Stabilitatea termică a substanţelor de interes farmacologic şi alimentar”, (Director proiect Prof. dr.ing . N.Doca). 12. GRANT C.N.C.S.I.S. /2005, cod 869, „Stabilitatea termică a substanţelor de interes farmacologic şi alimentar”, (Director proiect Prof. dr.ing . N.Doca). 13. Contract CEEX-MENER 633/03.10.2005 „Comportarea termică a materialelor cu impact asupra mediului”(14,3 miliarde-36 luni) – Responsabil tema T. Vlase la Coordonatorul de proiect U.V.T, Director – Prof.dr. N.Doca 14. Contract CEEX 247/1/2006: NANOPV – Cercetari privind cresterea eficientei celulelor fotovoltaice nanostructurate Perioada: 2006 – 2008 Valoare: 260 000 lei - membru Conf. dr. ing.T.Vlase -Responsabil temă UVT- Paulescu Marius 15. Contract MATNANTECH 82/1/2006 Hibrizi organici-anorganici cu proprietăţi speciale pe bază de compuşi organofosforici (1,2 miliarde- 28 luni) – Partener 1-UVT Responsabil temă Conf. dr. ing.T.Vlase 16. PN-II, Idei 2008, Cod CNCSIS 2376, 2009-2011, Contract 574/2009,1.000.000 RON, Director Conf. dr. T.Vlase

17. CEEX Modulul 2 Proiecte în sprijinul programelor post-doctorale, Comportarea termica a materialelor cu impact asupra mediului, Director DOCA NICOLAE, 5916/18.09.2006, încheiat între UVT şi MEdC-UEFISCU, 342720 RON, 24 luni 18. CEEX ET cod 148 Contract 5861/2006 Director proiect Vlase Gabriela 140000 RON

Contracte si executii comenzi cu mediul economic Aquatim, Lehman Industrie, Engel Injectie SRL, Valeo Lighting Injection SA, PlasTec STABIL & Reinert Salonta, Flextronic Romania Teze de doctorat realizate in cadrul Laboratorului; 1. Gabriela Vlase 2005 2. Alexandra Ioana Ioitescu, „Studiul descompunerii termice a unor precursori „ 2007 3. Nicoleta Magda Birta, „ Studiul fizico-chimic al stabilitatii termice a unor substante cu impact biologic” 2007 4. Adriana Violeta Fuliaş, Stabilitatea termica a unor substanţe cu actiune farmaceutica si a formelor galenice corespunzatoare, 2010 5. Alin Mogoş, „Contribuţii la studiul cineticii neizoterme prin tehnici hifenate”, 2010 6. Adina Maria Bodescu-Lazar, „ Sinteza si studiul fizico-chimic al unor complecsi cu proprietăti catalitice”, 2011 7. Paul Andrei Albu, „Studiul fizico-chimic al unor materiale biomimetice si bioactive”, 2012 8. Mariana Anghel, „Corelatii Intre stabilitatea fizico-chimica si modificarea efectelor biologice ale unor compuşi utilizati in industria alimentara si farmacie”, 2012 9. Iolanda Tolan 2013 10.Mihai Bilanin 2013

10 10

32 35 43




2897.45 3437.95







1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Finantare: CNCSIS, ANCS

Milioane ROL

1998 10 0 2 3 01999 10 1 2 2 02000 32 0 0 0 12001 35 2 2 1 12002 0 1 3 2 22003 43 4 4 4 52004 70 0 4 3 52005 1100 4 4 2 122006 9295.6 1 11 7 102007 2897.45 7 8 4 432008 3437.95 8 6 4 512009 230 8 2 2 652010 0 8 6 3 582011 0 8 2 1 622012 0 6 18 6 502013 0 9 12 4 87

17161 67 86 452Finantare ISI Congr.Int Part. Congr CITARI ISI


Chemistry Central Journal (+1 on-line) 2 1.312 2.624Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 1 2.946 2.946SYNTHETIC METALS (1) 1 2.109 2.109

69 119.47Nr. Articole IF IF/Revista

Distributia IF pe reviste

2011-2013 ISI 1. P. Albu , C.Bolcu, G. Vlase, N. Doca T. Vlase, “Kinetics of degradation under nonisothermal conditions of a thermo-oxidative stabilized polyurethane”, J Therm Anal Calorim, 105 (2)(2011), pp. 685-689 2. Corina Duda-Seimann, T. Vlase, Gabriela Vlase, Rodica Cinca, Mariana Anghel, N. Doca, “Thermal behaviour of Verapamile in pure and in solid dosage forms”, J Therm Anal Calorim, 105 (3)(2011), pp. 851-858 3. Duda-Seiman, C. , Vlase, T., Vlase, G.a , Duda-Seiman, D. , Albu, P., Doca, N., Thermal analysis study of amlodipine as pure compound and in binary mixture, J Therm Anal Calorim, 105 (2)(2011), pp. 677-683. 4. Stefanescu, O. , Vlase, T. , Vlase, G. , Doca, N. , Stefanescu, M., Synthesis and characterization of new hydroxycarboxylate compounds obtained in the redox reaction between Fe(NO3)3 and diol, Thermochimica Acta , 519, Issue 1-2, (2011), 22-27 5. Stefanescu, M., Barbu, M., Vlase, T. , Barvinschi, P. , Barbu-Tudoran, L., Stoia, M., Novel low temperature synthesis method for nanocrystalline zinc and magnesium chromites, THERMOCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 526 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 130-136 DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2011.09.005 Published: NOV 10 2011 6. Fulias Adriana, Doca Nicolae, Vlase Gabriela, Tita Bogdan, Tita Dumitru, Vlase Titus; “Thermal decomposition kinetics of cefadroxil, Revue Roumaine de chimie Volume: 56 Issue: 10-11 Pages: 967-973 Published: OCT-NOV 2011 7. Fulias Adriana; Bobric Alina; Vlase Gabriela; Vlase Titus; Doca Nicolae; Thermal stability and biological interactions of some cephalosporins; Revue Roumaine de chimie Volume: 56 Issue: 10-11 Pages: 959-966 Published: OCT-NOV 2011 8. Doca Nicolae; Pop Nicolina; Mogos Alin; Albu Paul; Vlase Titus; Selective activation of heterogeneous systems: a consequence of the jahn-teller effect; REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE Volume: 56 Issue: 10-11 Pages: 953-957 Published: OCT-NOV 2011 9. Bucur, Alexandra Ioana; Bucur, Raul; Vlase, Titus; Doca, Nicolae; Thermal analysis and high-temperature X-ray diffraction of nano-tricalcium phosphate crystallization; JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 107 Issue: 1 Pages: 249-255 DOI: 10.1007/s10973-011-1753-9 Published: JAN 2012

10. Bodescu, A.-M., Sîrghie, C., Vlase, T., Doca, N. Kinetics of thermal decomposition of natrium oxalato-oxo-diperoxo molibdate (2012) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 110 (3), pp. 1243-1247. 11. Mariana Anghel, Gabriela Vlase, Mihai Bilanin, Titus Vlase, Paul Albu, Adriana Fulias, Iolanda Tolan, Nicolae Doca, “ Comparative study on the thermal behavior of two similar triterpenes from birch”, (2013) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113 (3), pp. 1379-1385., DOI 10.1007/s 10973-013-3203-3, accepted (2013) 12. Ionuţ Ledeţi, Adriana Fuliaş, Gabriela Vlase, Tituis Vlase, Vasile Bercean, Nicolae Doca, “Thermal behavior and kinetic study of some triazoles as potential anti-inflamatory agents”, J. Thermal Anal. Calorim, DOI 10.1007/s 10973-013-3123-2 accepted apryl. (2013). 13. Adriana Fulias, Gabriela Vlase, Carmen Grigorie, Ionut ledeţi, Paul Albu, Mihai Bilanin, Titus Vlase, “ Thermal behavior studies of procaine and benzocaine”, (2013) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113 (1), pp. 265-271., DOI 10.1007/s 10973-013-2959-9 accepted febr. (2013) 14. Adina-Maria Bodescu, Cecilia Sarghie, Titus Vlase, Nicolae Doca, “Comparative kinetics studies of thermal decomposition of kalium, respectively natrium oxalate-oxo-diperoxo molibdate”, (2013) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113 (3), pp. 1431-1435.DOI 10.1007/s 10973-013-3192-2 accepted (2013). 15. Adriana Fulias, Ionut Ledeţi, Gabriela Vlase, Titus Vlase, “Physico-chemical solid-state characterization of pharmaceutical pyrazolones: An unexpected thermal behaviour” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 81– 82 (2013) 44– 49. 16. Constantin Bolcu, Dorina Modra, Gabriela Vlase, Nicolae Doca, Ciprian Mihali, Titus Vlase, “Synthesis and thermal behavior of some diisocyanate –silane compounds” DOI 10.1007/s 10973-013-3187-z, accepted apryl (2013). 17. C. Bolcu, Gabriela Vlase, T. Vlase, P.Albu, N. Doca, E. Şisu, “Thermal behavior of some polyuretanes reticulated by aminated maltose DOI 10.1007/s 10973-013-3177-1, (2013) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113 (3), pp. 1409-1414. accepted 3 apryl (2013). 18. Mariana ANGHEL,Titus VLASE, Gabriela VLASE, Paul ALBU, Nicolae DOCA, Iolanda TOLAN and Mircea MRACEC, “Hyphenated techniques used by evaluation of the thermal behaviour of glycyrrhetinic acid” Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2012, 57(7-8), 747-753. 19. N. Pop, A. M. Mogoş, Gabriela Vlase,T. Vlase & N. Doca, “Theoretic analysis and experimental evidence for relationships between the derivative thermogravimetric curves and the Gramm–Schmidt Profiles” (2013) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113 (1), pp. 113-119.DOI 10.1007/s10973-013-2967-9 , accepted 2013. 20. O. Stefanescu , T. Vlase, S. Sorescu, P. Barvinschi , M. Stefanescu, “Thermal behavior of Co(II) and Ni(II) hydroxycarboxylate complexes obtained by two original synthesis methods”, (2013) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113 (3), pp. 1345-1354.; DOI 10.1007/s10973-013-2951-4.

21. Barbu, M., Stefanescu, M., Stoia, M., Vlase, G., Barvinschi, P. “New synthesis method for M(II) chromites/silica nanocomposites by thermal decomposition of some precursors formed inside the silica gels”, (2012) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 108 (3), pp. 1059-1066. 22. Stoia, M., Ştefănescu, O., Vlase, G., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Barbu, M., Ştefănescu, M. “Silica matrices for embedding of magnetic nanoparticle” (2012), Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 62 (1), pp. 31-40. 23. Fuliaş, A., Vlase, G., Vlase, T., Soica, C., Heghes, A., Craina, M., Ledeti, I., “Comparative kinetic analysis on thermal degradation of some cephalosporins using TG and DSC data”, 2013) Chemistry Central Journal, 7:70, doi:10.1186/1752-153X-7-70 24. Adriana Fuliaş, Ionuţ Ledeţi, Gabriela Vlase, Alina Hegheş, Mihai Bilanin, Titus Vlase, Marius Craina, Simona Ardelean, Călin Popoiu, Otilia Mărginean, Liana Moş, Thermal behaviour of procaine and benzocaine Part II: compatibility study with some pharmaceutical excipients used in solid dosage forms, Chemistry Central Journal 2013, 7:140, doi:10.1186/1752-153X-7-140

1. Ozawa’s method as a compulsory step in actual kinetic analysis of non-isothermal data, N. Doca, T. Vlase, Gabriela Vlase

2. Impact of ascorbic acid on the thermal stability of hydrated wheat gluten, Gabriela Vlase, Iolanda Tolan, T. Vlase, N. Doca

3. Comparative kinetics studies of thermal decomposition of kalium, respectively natrium oxalato-oxo-diperoxo molibdate/15- th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC), Adina-Maria BODESCU, Cecilia SÎRGHIE, Titus VLASE, Nicolae DOCA 4. Comparative study on the thermal behavior of two similar triterpenes from birch/ 15- th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC), Mariana Anghel, Gabriela Vlase, T. Vlase, N. Doca 5. Thermal behavior of some polyuretanes reticulated by aminated maltose/15- th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC), T. Vlase, P.Albu, Gabriela Vlase, C. Bolcu, E. Sisu, N. Doca, Mariana Anghel

6. The Non Parametric Kinetic method in characterization of different materials, possibilities and limits,/ 15- th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC) N. Doca, T. Vlase, Gabriela Vlase

7. Fermions oscillators and their connection with the isokinetic Temperature/ 15- th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, N. Popa, N. Doca, T. Vlase, C. Hatiegan 8. Characterization by physico-chemical means of biomimetic prepared hydroxyapatite in a gelatin and pectin biopolymer matrix/ 15- th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry/P. Albu, T. Vlase, G. Vlase, N. Doca 9. Thermal behavior of Co(II) and Ni(II) carboxylate complexes obtained by two original synthesis methods/15- th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry/O. Stefanescu, T. Vlase, S. Sorescu, P. Barvinschi, M. Stefanescu

Conferinte 2012 ICTAC 15 Osaka, Japonia

Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, 8-14 septembrie 2012

La sectiunea Organic Materials and pharmaceuticals (OMP) 1. OMP-P4: Thermal behavior studies of procaine and Benzocaine. Kinetic Analysis/

Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, Adriana Fulias, Gabriela Vlase, Carmen Alexandra Grigorie, Titus Vlase.

2. OMP-P23: Thermal behavior of some diisocianate-silane compounds/ Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, T. Vlase, C. Bolcu, Dorina Modra, Gabriela Vlase, N. Doca

3. OMP-P24: Stabilization effect of glutamic acid on wheat amidon and the wheat flour /Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, Gabriela Vlase, Iolanda Tolan, T. Vlase, N.Doca

4. OMP-P25: Thermal behavior of simulated flour under non-isothermal conditions /Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, Iolanda Tolan, Gabriela Vlase, T. Vlase, N. Doca

La secţiune Miscellaneous (M) 5. Correlation between DTG and IR data in evolved gas analysis experiments/ Conferinta

Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, Nicolina Pop, A.M. Mogoş, Gabriela Vlase, T. Vlase, N. Doca.

6. Stepwise evolution of a system from an equilibrum state chaos/ Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, Nicolina Pop, N. Doca.

La sectiunea Polymers 7. P-05: Thermogravimetric and spectrometric characterization of s styrene-divinylbenzen

copolymer containing benzaldehide and isopropylaminophosphornic acid/ Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, T. Vlase, A. Popa, G. Ilia, N. Doca

La sectiune Kinetic and Reactivity of solids 8. KRS-KL: The non parametric kinetic method in characterization of different materials/ Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, T. Vlase, G. Vlase, N. Doca

9. KRS-03: Thermal behavior and kinetic study of a bioactive hydroxyapatite/gelatin composite/ Conferinta Internaţionala CCTA 11, Zakopane, Polonia, P. Albu, T. Vlase, C. Grigorie, N.Doca.

Conferinte Internationale

CEEC-TAC 2 The 2th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-31 aug. 2013

• Ionuţ LEDEŢI, Adriana FULIAŞ, Gabriela VLASE, Adrian BOBICĂ, Titus VLASE, Nicolae DOCA, “Thermal Decomposition, Kinetic Study and Evolved Gas Analysis of Fire-retardant Melamine”, CEEC-TAC 2 The 2th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-31 aug. 2013, PS1-30

• Adriana FULIAŞ, Ionuţ LEDEŢI, Gabriela VLASE, Titus VLASE, Daniela ONEŢIU, Dorel SĂNDESC, Nicolae DOCA, Thermal Degradation and Kinetic Study for B-group Vitamins: B1, B2 and B6, CEEC-TAC 2 The 2th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-31 aug. 2013, PS1-31.

• Adriana FULIAŞ, Ionuţ LEDEŢI, Gabriela VLASE, Adrian BOBICĂ, Titus VLASE, “Thermal Behaviour of a Modified Encapsulation Agent: Heptakis-6-iodo-6-deoxy-beta-cyclodextrin”, CEEC-TAC2, The 2-th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-31 aug. 2013, PS1-32.

• Ionuţ LEDEŢI, Adriana FULIAŞ, Maria Ilici, Vasile Bercean, Gabriela VLASE, Paul ALBU, Violeta TURCUŞ, Titus VLASE, “Synthesis, Thermal Behaviour and Kinetic Study of New Triazolic Complexes with Ni(II), Co(II) and Cd(II)”, CEEC-TAC2, The 2-th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-31 aug. 2013, PS3-35.

• Codruta ŞOICA, Ionuţ LEDEŢI, Adriana FULIAŞ, Gabriela VLASE, “ Synthesis and Thermal Behaviour of Coordination Compounds of (3H-2-thioxo-1,3,4-thiadiazol-5-yl)thioacetic Acid”, CEEC-TAC 2 The 2th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-31 aug. 2013, PS3-49.

3. Ionut Ledeti, Gabriela Vlase, Titus Vlase, Adriana Fulias, Comparative thermal behavior of synthetic thyroid hormone L-thyroxine and L-thyroxine sodium salt hydrate vs. pharmaceutical formulations 4. Ionut Ledeti, Gabriela Vlase, Titus Vlase, Georgeta Simu, Paul Albu, Adriana Fulias, Thermoanalytical study on methotrexate – active substance and tablets 5. Ionut Ledeti, Gabriela Vlase, Titus Vlase, Alina Heghes, Laura Sbârcea, Adriana Fulias, Compatibility study of immunosuppressive agent methotrexate with some pharmaceutical excipients 6. Ionut Ledeti, Gabriela Vlase, Titus Vlase, Lucretia Udrescu, Adriana Fulias, Solid-state characterization of antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone hydrochloride under non-isothermal conditions. Compatibility study with some pharmaceutical excipients

1. Adriana Fulias, Gabriela Vlase, Titus Vlase, Vasile Bercean, Ionut Ledeti, University of Medicine and Pharmacy V. Babes, Romania Synthesis, thermoanalytical behavior and EGA study of a highly specific anti-prostate cancer compound - betulonic acid 2. Adriana Fulias, Gabriela Vlase, Titus Vlase, Ionut Ledeti, Thermal behavior of antiemetic and gastroprokinetic agent etoclopramide hydrochloride and compatibility study with pharmaceutical excipients