Timpurile Verbelor in Engleza

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Transcript of Timpurile Verbelor in Engleza

Timpurile Verbelor in EnglezaPentru verbul in engleza timpurile difera fundamental fata de cele ale limbii romane. De aceea nu trebuie cautate in permanenta echivalente exacte intre cele doua limbi. Asa cum ne asteptam exista 3 timpuri de desfasurare a unei actiuni: prezent(present), trecut(past) si viitor(future). Verbul la aceste timpuri il voi numi deocamdata simplu. Mai jos se observa ca la randul lor aceste timpuri ale verbului in engleza (tenses) pot fi: propriu-zise sau propriu-zis perfecte. Dar si timpurile propriu-zise si propriu-zis perfecte pot fi propriu-zise sau continui. Explicatii generale pentru timpurile verbului in engleza anume: simplu, simplu continuu, simplu perfect, simplu perfect continuu

Simplu - verbul reprezinta o actiune prezenta, trecuta sau viitoare nelimitata in timp. Continuu - verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor care in momentul acela se petrece simultan cu o alta actiune. Simplu Perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor Continuu Perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor si continuind sau nu in acel moment

In limba engleza nu exista conjugari ca in limbile latine (romana, franceza etc) Verbul in engleza este fie regulat Pentru ilustrarea timpurilor in engleza vom folosi un verb regulat Ca si in romana, verbul in engleza are 2 diateze: activa si pasiva fie neregulat.

Verbul in engleza la diateza activaActiunea e facuta de subiect De exemplu luam verbul to work (a munci). In engleza verbul to work e regulat: work - worked worked Iar verbul to fall(a cadea) e neregulat: fall fell fallen Desi doar Alice in tara minunilor poate cadea cu verbul la un timp continuu (pentru ca dureaza in timp), chiar si acest verb are timpuri continui pentru ca apare in diferite expresii: I am falling in love My life is falling apart = Mi se duce viata de rapa = Ma indragostesc

Diferente intre timpurile verbelor regulate si neregulate nu exista. Ceea ce se poate observa la verbul neregulat este modul cum se folosesc cele trei cuvinte care definesc verbul adica: fall, fell si fallen. Pentru orice alt verb neregulat cele trei parti se inlocuiesc fiecare in parte cu cele trei parti ale verbului considerat.

To work = A munci (verb regulat)Present Tense I work You work He works She works We work You work

They work Present Continuous I am working You are working He is working She is working We are working You are working They are working Present Perfect I have worked You have worked He has worked She has worked We have worked You have worked They have worked Present Perfect Continuous I have been working You have been working He has been working She has been working We have been working You have been working They have been working Past Tense I worked You worked He worked She worked We worked You worked They worked Past Continuous I was working You were working He was working She was working

We were working You were working They were working Past Perfect I had worked You had worked He had worked She had worked We had worked You had worked They had worked Past Perfect Continuous I had been working You had been working He had been working She had been working We had been working You had been working They had been working Future Tense I will work You will work He will work She will work We will work You will work They will work Future Continuous I will be working You will be working He will be working She will be working We will be working You will be working They will be working Future Perfect I will have worked You will have worked

He will have worked She will have worked We will have worked You will have worked They will have worked Future Perfect Continuous I will have been working You will have been working He will have been working She will have been working We will have been working You will have been working They will have been working

Conjugarea pentru verbul neregulat to fall - a cadea e la lectia 'verbe neregulate'. Oricum timpurile verbelor si cand se folosesc este aceeasi si la verbe regulate si la cele neregulate. Numai modul in care se conjuga difera. 1.1. I work - Present Tense - Timpul PresentVerbul exprima o actiune prezenta nelimitata in timp.Situatii in care prezentul limbii romane este echivalent cu present tense din engleza

O actiune prezenta in derulare (mereu, cateodata sau niciodata) What do you do? I work at a bank. She never works so late Cu ce te ocupi? Lucrez la o banca Ea niciodata nu lucreaza atat de tarziu

Un adevar absolut, chiar daca se desfasoara si in clipa asta (vezi prezentul continuu, timpul urmator)The earth spins around the sun. Pamantul se invarteste in jurul soarelui.

Se poate folosi pe post de viitorThe store closes at 9:00pm Magazinul se inchide la 9:00pm.

Viitorul limbii romana se traduce cu Prezent Tense in limba engleza dupa: after, before, when, as soon as, while etc daca exprima o actiune viitoare

Someday when I am big and strong.

Candva, cand voi fi mare si puternic

Situatii in care prezentul limbii romane NU este echivalent cu present tense din limba engleza

Atunci cand verbul descrie o actiunea care se desfasoara acum (in clipa dialogului) - atunci se foloseste prezentul continuu.I am working in the garden Lucrez in gradina

Folosind verbul in engleza la prezentul continuu indica faptul ca te referi la clipa asta. I work in the garden - inseamna ca asta e ocupatia ta. De exemplu ca esti gradinar.

Sus 1.2. I am working - Present Continuous - Prezent ContinuuVerbul arata o actiune in derulare in prezent care se petrece simultan cu o alta actiune. Este legat de actiuni concrete.Situatii in care timpul prezent al limbii romane este echivalent cu present continuous din engleza

Verbul reprezinta o actiune ce se petrece in clipa asta (simultana cu momentul in care vorbesc) I am working on my new book. Lucrez la noua mea carte.

Verbul descrie o actiune generala dar simultana cu o alta actiune By the time the alarm goes off I am already working. Cand suna ceasul eu deja lucrez (am inceput lucrul)

Situatii in care prezentul limbii romane NU este echivalent cu Present Continuous din engleza

Vezi Sus




1.1. I


1.3. I have worked - Present Perfect - Prezent PerfectVerbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui moment dat prezentSituatii in care Perfectul Compus (am muncit) din limba romana este echivalent cu Present Perfect al limbii engleze

Daca actiunea a inceput inaintea momentului prezent si e inca in desfasurare sau daca efectul ei se vede in prezent

I have worked all my adult life.

Am muncit toata viata mea adulta (si inca mai lucrez).

Sau daca e insotit de un adverb (mereu, cateodata, niciodata etc) adica: I have never worked so late before. Niciodata nu am mai lucrat atat de tarziu (pana acum).

Atentie: Fata de 1.1. exista urmatoarea diferenta: I never work so late. inseamna: Nu lucrez atat de tarziu (ca si in romana) adica refuzi ideea pentru ca nu lucrezi niciodata atat de tarziu, pe cand I never have worked so late before inseamna ca desi nu ai mai lucrat atat de tarziu, acum lucrezi (atat de tarziu).Situatii in care Perfectul Compus al limbii romana NU este echivalent cu Present Perfect din limba engleza

1. Cand se foloseste Present Perfect 2. Cand se foloseste Past Tense 1.5 I worked


1.4 I




Sus 1.4. I have been working - Present Perfect Continuous - Prezent Perfect ContinuuO actiune care s-a desfasurat pana acum, si va continua probabil si in viitor.Situatii in care Perfectul Compus (am muncit) din limba romana este echivalent cu Present Perfect Continuous din limba engleza

Verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa in trecut, continuata in prezent, si care poate continua si in viitor I have been working on the railroad All live long day I've been working on the railroad Just to while my time away. Am muncit la calea ferata Cat e ziua de lunga Am muncit la calea ferata Ca sa mai treaca timpul

E un binecunoscut cantec englezesc. Am muncit la calea ferata toata ziua si o voi face probabil si in viitor.Situatii in care Perfectul Compus (am muncit) din limba romana NU este echivalent cu Present Perfect Continuous din engleza

Vezi cazurile timpului Present Vezi cazurile timpului Past Tense 1.5. I worked


1.3. I



Sus 1.5. I worked - Past Tense - Timpul TrecutPast Tense reprezinta actiunea care s-a desfasurat in trecut si s-a terminat.Situatii in care Perfectul Compus (am muncit) din limba romana este echivalent cu Past Tense din engleza

verbul reprezinta actiune trecuta ce nu a fost intrerupta, nu e concomitenta cu alta actiune, nu se continua in prezent folositi Past Tense.

I worked till my hands hurt

Am muncit pana ma dureau palmele.

Asta e usor de inteles, Am muncit dar acum m-am oprit.

De asemeni acest timp se foloseste foarte mult in povestiri (de exemplu vezi poeziile de laLiteratura) Situatii in care Perfectul Compus (am muncit) din limba romana NU este echivalent cu Past Tense din engleza Vezi cazurile timpului Present Perfect 1.3. I have worked Vezi cazurile timpului Present Perfect Continuous 1.5. I have been working Exista situatii in care Past Tense din limba engleza nu se traduce prin Perfectul Compus (am muncit) din limba romana. Ca exemplu vedeti binecunoscutul cantec pentru copii de mai jos. All around the cobbler's bench The monkey chased the weasel The monkey thought it was all in fun Pop! goes the weasel In jurul mesei cizmarului Maimuta fugarea nevastuica Maimuta credea ca se joaca Bum! face nevastuica

Dupa cum vedeti verbul to chase cu past tense chased (e verb regulat la fel ca to work) se traduce prin fugarea (Imperfect) sau fugari (considerat timpul folosit in povestiri in romaneste) iar thought(Past Tense de la to think) se traduce tot prin Imperfect. Atentie: Daca aveti indoieli ce timp trecut al verbului sa folositi in propozitii alegeti acest timp - Past Tense. Va fi mai putin deranjanta greseala.

Sus 1.6. I was working - Past Continuous - Trecut ContinuuPast Continuous se refera la un eveniment in derulare la un moment in trecut care se petrece simultan cu un alt eveniment.Situatii in care Imperfectul (munceam) limbii romane este echivalent cu Past Continuous din limba engleza

Verbul exprima o actiune in trecut care a fost intrerupta de altceva (ca si "munceam" pe romaneste)

I was working when the meteorite fell/the phone rang/you showed up.I was walking in the park one day In the merry, merry month of May I was taken by surprise By a pair of pearly eyes In the merry, merry month of May

Munceam cand meteoritul a cazut/a sunat telefonul/ai aparut tu.Ma plimbam in parc intr-o zi In vesela, vesela luna Mai Am fost luat prin surprindere De niste ochi perlati In vesela, vesela luna Mai

Atentie:in cantecul de mai sus "was walking" este past continuous dar "was taken" nu este past continuous. I was taken inseamna "am fost luat". Daca vrei sa exprimi verbul la past continuous zici 'I was taking'. Situatii in care Imperfectul (munceam) din limba romana NU este echivalent cu Past Continuous din engleza Verbul exprima o actiune inceputa anterioara unui moment dat sau anterioara unei alte actiuni tot in trecut - atunci se foloseste Past Perfect

I had worked as a goldminer for a long time when I finally struck it rich. Sus

Lucram de mult timp ca miner de aur cand in sfarsit am dat de bogatii.

1.7. I had worked - Past Perfect - Trecut Perfect

Verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui moment trecut sau anterioara unei actiuni trecute. Situatii in care mai mult ca perfectul (muncisem, lucrasem) din limba romana este echivalent cu Past Perfect din engleza Verbul este o actiune ce s-a terminat in trecut fata de momentul/actiunea tot trecuta la care se raporteaza

Emily a spus (trecut) ca lucrase in gradina (si mai vechi) in dimineata aceea Emily said she had worked in her garden that morning.Atentie:La fel ca in romaneste aceste timpuri nu sunt batute in cuie. Emily a spus ca a lucrat in gradina in dimineata aceea Emily a spus ca lucra in gradina in dimineata aceea Emily a spus ca lucrase in gradina in dimineata aceea Toate aceste forme sunt des folosite iar folosirea lor depinde (oarecum) de context. Traducerea acestor propozitii: Emily said she worked in the garden that morning Emily said she was working in the garden that morning, respectiv Emily said she had worked in the garden that morning, plus Emily said she had been working in the garden that morning se folosesc in limbajul curent depinzand si ele (oarecum) de context

Sus 1.8. I had been working - Past Perfect Continuous - Trecut Perfect ContinuuVerbul reprezinta o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat trecut cand a fost oprit de o alta actiune a carui urmari continua si azi.Situatii in care imperfectul (munceam, lucram) limbii romane este echivalent cu Past Perfect Continuous din engleza

Verbul exprima o actiune trecuta, ce se afla inca in desfasurare, in momentul cand s-a produs o alta actiune tot din trecut.

They had been working on the new house before the fire destroyed it He had been working slowly before hearing of the new deadline.

(Ei)lucrau la casa cea noua inainte sa fie distrusa de foc (El)muncea incet inainte sa afle de noul termen limita.

Situatii in care mai mult ca perfectul (muncisem, lucrasem) limbii romane este echivalent cu Past Perfect Continuous din engleza

They had been working on the new house for many months before the fire destroyed it

(Ei)lucrasera luni de zile la casa cea noua inainte sa fie distrusa de foc

Situatii in care mai mult ca perfectul/imperfectul din limba romana NU este echivalent cu Past Perfect Continuous din engleza

Vezi cazurile timpului Present Perfect Vezi cazurile timpului Past Continuous 1.7. I had worked

1.6. I




1.9. I will work - Future Tense (I am going to work) - Timpul ViitorVerbul reprezinta o actiune viitoare nelimitata in timp.Situatii in care verbul la viitor (voi munci) din limba romana este echivalent cu Future Tense din engleza

Daca verbul reprezinta o actiune in viitor si nu va fi intrerupta, nu e concomitenta cu alta actiune folositi Future Tense.

I will work OK?Someday when I am big and strong I will walk that road and sing a song I will sing of roads so green and wide That turn and bend from side to side I will sing of roads that turn and bend That go from town to rainbow's end

Am sa muncesc, BINE?Intr-o zi cand voi fi mare si puternic Voi merge pe acel drum si voi canta un cantec Voi canta despre drumuri verzi si late Care se indoaie si serpuiesc dintr-o parte in alta Voi canta despre drumuri serpuitoare Care merg din oras pana la capatul curcubeului

Atentie: vezi (1.1 I work) pentru primul vers din poezia de mai sus Situatii in care verbul la viitor (voi munci) din limba romana NU este echivalent cu Future Tense din engleza Cand verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat in viitor - atunci se foloseste Future Continuous 1.10. I will be working I will be working in Paris next year Voi lucra la Paris la anul

Sus 1.10. I will be working - Future Conntinuous - Viitor ContinuuVerbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat in viitor

She will be coming round the mountain when she comes Sus

Cand vine, (ea) va veni in jurul muntelui

1.11. I will have worked - Future Perfect - Viitor Perfect I will have worked for 20 years next month. Luna viitoare eu o sa fi lucrat de 20 de ani. (alt timp clar) Echivalentul lui "voi fi lucrat" Sus 1.12. I will have been working - Future Perfect Continuous - Viitor Perfect ContinuuAcest timp nu prea se foloseste, pune mai mult accentul pe perioada lunga de timp decat 1.11 Future Continuous

Se traduce tot prin "voi fi lucrat", si ca toate formele de timpuri continue implica o actiune in derulare

By 2010 he will have been working for 40 years Sus

In 2010 el va fi lucrat de 40 de ani

Verbul in engleza la diateza pasivaActiunea e suportata de subiect De exemplu verbul to wash - a spala (alt verb regulat: wash - washed - washed) 2.1 The laundry is washed weekly Rufele sunt spalate saptamanal. Dar: I wash the laundry weekly Eu spal rufele saptamanal 2.2 I am washing laundry now The laundry is being washed now. 2.3 I have washed the laundry The laundry has been washed. 2.4 I have been washing the laundry The laundry has been washed. 2.5 I washed the laundry yesterday - The laundry was washed yesterday. 2.6 I was washing the laundry The laundry was being washed 2.7 I had washed the laundryThe laundry had been washed 2.8 I had been washing the laundry The laundry had been washed 2.9 I will wash the laundryThe laundry will be washed. 2.10 I will be washing the laundry The laundry will be washed. 2.11 I will have washed the laundry - The laundry will have been washed 2.12 I will have been washing the laundry - The laundry will have been washed


Verbe Modale in EnglezaVerbele: can, may, must, ought, shall, will si partial need si dare formeaza grupul de verbe modale. Aceste verbe nu formeaza infinitivul cu particula 'to'. can - a putea, cu intelesul de a fi in stare. In vorbirea curenta mai ales in intrebari

se foloseste in locul lui 'may' (vezi mai jos) (inseamna si conserva si 'to can' = a face conserva) may - a putea, cu intelesul de a avea voie. (inseamna si luna mai). In plus se foloseste in urari, de exemplu poate fi tradus prin 'fie' . must - a trebui, a fi necesar (inseamna si must- suc de struguri), poate fi tradus uneori si prin probabil (sau 'trebuie ca') ought to- ar trebui, ar fi cazul shall - este o intarire a unui ordin daca este spus apasat. Altfel formeaza viitorul persoanei intai. In acest ultim caz deobicei se inlocuieste cu 'will' (vezi mai jos). will - formeaza viitorul, particula 'voi' din romaneste. I will come = Voi veni. Se foloseste si la formarea viitorului.(deasemeni inseamna testament. Inseamna si vointa). need - a trebui, cu intelesul de a avea nevoie dare - a indrazni, a provoca pe cineva

Mai jos cititi exemple in care se folosesc aceste verbe

Este binecunoscuta propozitia: I know I can - Stiu ca pot dintr-o poveste pentru copii in care o locomotiva isi tot repeta aceasta cat se straduieste sa urce un deal. They eat what they can and they can what they eat - Mananca ce pot si pun in conserva ceea ce mananca.

May I have this dance? (Pot sa am acest dans) - Imi acordati acest dans? May the force be with you! - Fie ca forta sa te insoteasca! din filmul StarWars, adica sa ai noroc. If you must, you must - Daca trebuie, trebuie. I must be dreaming - Trebuie ca visez (probabil ca visez)

Pentru exemple cu ought to vedeti poezia de mai jos: I got your wedding invitation I'm surprised you thought of me But I don't believe your wedding Is just where I ought to be For you put your arms around her Kiss her lips so tenderly As she's standing there beside you That's just where I ought to be Like a fool I introduced you I said baby meet my friend Never thought that I could lose you But I lost you there and then I took the diamond ring you gave me Threw it way out to sea And I had an awful feeling That's just where I ought to be

Am primit invitatia la nunta Ma mir ca te-ai gandit la mine Dar nu cred ca nunta ta E un loc unde ar trebui sa fiu Pentru ca iti vei pune bratele in jurul ei O vei saruta pe buze cu tandrete Cat ea va sta langa tine Acolo ar trebui sa fiu eu. Ca o proasta v-am introdus Am zis: Draga, intalneste-o pe prietena mea Niciodata n-am crezut ca o sa te pierd Dar te-am pierdut atunci si acolo Am luat inelul de diamant pe care mi l-ai dat L-am aruncat departe in mare Si am avut un sentiment groaznic Ca acolo ar trebui eu sa fiu

Cele zece porunci date de Dumnezeu lui Moise in Biblie se spun in engleza cu shall pentru intarire. De exemplu: You shall not kill = Nu vei omori (sa nu omori) We shall overcome = Vom invinge este un cantec muncitoresc american, to overcomeinseamna a depasi un moment greu. I will survive = Voi supravietui este binecunoscutul cantec al Gloriei Gaynor Intr-un cunoscut cantec Que sera, sera o fetita isi intreaba mama ce va fi cand va fi mare: Am intrebat-o pe mama, ce voi fi Voi fi fericita? Voi fi vesela? Mama mi-a raspuns: Que sera, sera Ce va fi, va fi Viitorul este pentru noi de descoperit Que sera, sera

I asked my mother what will I be? Will I be happy? Will I be rich? My mother said to me: Que sera, sera Whatever will be, will be The future is for us to see Que sera, sera

Verbele modale need si dare in cele mai multe cazuri se comporta ca verbe obisnuite. Sunt insa si situatii cand ele capata proprietati de verbe modale

Need I go on? - E nevoie sa continui? In engleza moderna e mai probabil sa se zica: Do I need to go on? caz in care need nu mai este verb modal.

How dare you talk like this! - Cum indraznesti sa vorbesti asa!

Caracteristicile generale ale verbelor modale1. Nu accepta particula to pentru infinitiv, nu au participiu si nici forma cu ing. Din aceasta cauza multe timpuri lipsesc acestor verbe. 2. Foarte important: Verbul care urmeaza unui verb modal nu are to in fata. Adica, pe romaneste spui: Trebuie sa mananc sau mai arhaic Trebuie a manca In englezeste se spune I must eat. (Daca spui: I need to eat - need aici nu e verb modal). Din exemplele de mai sus vedem ca aceasta regula a verbelor modale e respectata: I know I can (fara 'to'), May I have this dance? (fara 'to') etc 3. Forma negativa nu cere do. Adica in cazul celorlalte verbe se pune un do not sau does notpentru negatie. I eat meat - Mananc carne. I do not eat meat Nu mananc carne. Daca insa spui I can not eat meat - Nu pot sa mananc carne, particula do cade. 4. Forma interogativa nu cere do. Do you eat meat? - Mananci carne? folosind verbul modalcan devine Can you eat meat? - Poti sa mananci carne?. Folosind must spunem: Must you eat meat? - Trebuie sa mananci carne? . 5. Aceste verbe nu se schimba dupa persoana: I can, you can, he/she can etc. Adica persoana a treia singular nu primeste 's'. 6. Aceste verbe se pot contracta cu particula not din propozitii negative. can't = can not, mustn't = must not, won't = will not sunt verbele modale care folosesc cel mai mult aceasta regula. 7. Pentru formarea celebrului 'nu-i asa' din engleza e necesar folosirea acestor verbe. Forma 'nu-i asa' depinde de verbul modal folosit in prima parte a intrebarii. I can go, can't I? - Pot sa ma duc, nu-i asa? sau He will go, won't he? - Va merge, nu-i asa? Harta Site

orbirea directa si vorbirea indirecta in limba engleza Direct and indirect (reported) speechHome > Gramatica limbii engleze > Vorbirea directa si vorbirea indirecta in limba engleza

Vorbirea directa si vorbirea indirecta in limba englezaSunt 2 moduri in care putem reda ceea ce o persoana a spus: modul direct (vorbirea directa) si modul indirect (vorbirea indirecta). In direct speech, we repeat the original speaker exact words: - vorbirea directa s He said, "I have lost my umbrella." (El spuse: am pierdut umbrela Mi.)

Here what a person says appears within quotation marks (" ... "). Direct speech is found in conversation books, in plays and in quotations.

In indirect speech, we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using th speakers exact words:

He said (that) he had lost his umbrella. (El spuse c i-a pierdut umbrella.) - vorbirea indirecta

There is no comma after say in indirect speech. That can usually be omitted after say and tell + ob But it should be kept after other verbs: complain, explain, object, point out, protest etc. Indirect spe normally used when conversation is reported verbally, although direct speech is sometimes used for a m dramatic effect. When we turn direct speech into indirect (reported) speech, some changes are usually necessary. TENSE CHANGES 1. Indirect Speech can be introduced by a verb in a present tense:

He sais that . (El a spus c.) - vorbirea indirecta = reporting a conversation that is still going on = reading a letter and reporting what it sais = reading instructions and reporting them = reporting a statement that someone makes very often: Tom sais that he ll never get married.

2. Indirect Speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past tense: - vorbirea indirecta

Direct speech - vorbirea directaSimple Present - Vorbirea directa "I never eat meat" he explained. ( niciodat nu mnnc carne explic Eu el). Present Continuous - Vorbirea directa m waiting for Ann" he said. "I (O atept pe Ana spuse el). Present Perfect - Vorbirea directa "I have found a flat" she said. (Am gsit un apartament spuse ea). Present Perfect Continuous - Vorbirea directa He said "I ve been waiting for ages". (El spuse: Am ateptat o groaz de timp.) Simple Past - Vorbirea directa "I took it home with me" she said. (L-am luat acas cu mine spuse ea.) Future - Vorbirea directa He said, "I shall/will be in Rome on Monday". (El spuse: Voi fi n Roma luni.) Future Continuous - Vorbirea directa "I will/shall be using the car on the 1st " she said.

Indirect speech - vorbirea indirecta

Simple past - Vorbirea indirecta = He explained that he never ate meat. (El explic faptul c nu mnca niciodat carne Past Continuous - Vorbirea indirecta = He said (that) he was waiting for Ann. (Spuse c o atepta pe Ann). Past Perfect - Vorbirea indirecta = She said (that) she had found a flat. (Ea spuse c i gsise un apartament). Past Perfect Continuous - Vorbirea indirecta = He said (that)he had been waiting for ages. (El spuse c ateptase o groaz de timp). Past Perfect - Vorbirea indirecta = She said she had taken it home with her. (Ea spuse c l luase acas cu ea.) Conditional - Vorbirea indirecta = he said he would be in Rome on Monday. (El spuse c va fi n Roma luni.)

= Conditional Continuous - Vorbirea indirec She said shed be using the car on the 1st. (Ea spuse c va folosi maina pe data de 1).

(Voi folosi maina pe data de 1 spuse ea) Conditional - Vorbirea directa I said, "I would/should like to see it" . (Eu am spus: A vrea s o vd.)

Conditional - Vorbirea indirecta I said I would/should like to see it. (Eu am spus c a vrea s o vd.)

Direct speech - vorbirea directa

Indirect speech - vorbirea indirecta

3. Note on I/we shall/should I/ we shall normally becomes he/she/they would in indirect speech: "I shall be 21 tomorrow" said Bill = Bill said he would be 21 the following day. (Voi mplini 21 ani mine. Spuse Bill. = Bill spuse c va mplini 21 ani n ziua urmtoare.) But if the sentence is reported by the original speaker, I/we shall can become either I/we should or I/we would.



In spoken English, past tenses usually remain unchanged. He said, "Ann arrived on Monday". = He said Ann (had) arrived on Monday. (El spuse: Ann a ajuns luni. = El spuse c Ann ajunsese (a ajuns) luni.) He said, "When I saw them they were playing tennis" . = He said that when he saw them they wer playing tennis. (El spuse: "Cnd i-am vzut eu, jucau tenis. = El spuse c atunci cnd i-a vzut, jucau tenis.)

2. A past tense used to describe a state of affairs which still exists when the speech is reported remains unchanged: She said, "I decided not to buy the house because it was on a main road". = She said that she had decided not to buy the house because it was on a main road. (Ea spuse: M-am hotrt s nu cumpr casa pentru c era pe strada principal. = Ea spuse hotrt s nu cumpere casa pentru c era pe strada principal).


- vorbirea indirecta


Unreal past tenses after wish, would rather/sooner and it is time do not change: "It s time we began planning our holidays" he said. = He said that it was time they began plann their holidays. (Este timpul s ncepem s ne planificm concediul. Spuse el. = El spuse c era timpul s nc s i planifice concediul.) 2. I/he/she/we/they had better remains unchanged. You had better can remain unchanged or be reported by advise + object + infinitive. "Youd better not drink the water" she said = She advised us not to drink water. (Mai bine nu ai bea ap. Spuse ea. = Ne suger s nu bem ap.)


Conditional sentences remain unchanged. "If my children were older, I would emigrate" he said. = He said that if his children were older, he would emigrate. (Dac ar fi mai mari copiii mei, a emigra. Spuse el. = el spuse c dac ar fi mai mari copii

ar emigra.)


1. Might remains unchanged except when it is used as a request form: He said, "Ann might ring today." = He said that Ann might ring that day. (El spuse: S-ar putea s sune Ann astzi. = El spuse c s-ar putea s sune Ann n acea zi.) 2. Ought to/should for obligation or assumption remains unchanged: "They ought to widen this road" I said. = I said that they ought to widen this road. (Ar trebui s lrgeasc strada. Spuse el. = El spuse c ar trebui s lrgeasc strada.) 3. Would in statements does not change. "Id be very grateful if youd keep me informed" he said. = He asked me to keep him informed. (A fi foarte recunosctor dac m-ai ine la curent.Spuse el = El m rug s l in la current.)

4. Used to does not change. "I know the place well because I used to live here" he explained. = He explained that he knew the pl well because he used to live there. (Cunosc bine locul pentru c am stat acolo. Explic el. = El explic faptul c tia locul pentru stat acolo.)


Pronouns and possessive adjectives usually change from first or second to third person, except whe speaker is reporting his own words: I said, "I like my new house" = I said that I liked my new house. (Am spus: mi place casa mea nou. = El a spus c i plcea casa lui nou.)

This used in time expressions usually becomes that. This, these used as pronouns can become it, they/them. He said, "We will discuss them tomorrow". = He said that they will discuss it (the matter) the next (El a spus: Vom discuta (problema) mine. = El a spus c vor discuta (problema) yiua urmto


Direct speech - vorbirea directaToday Yesterday The day before yesterday Tomorrow The day after tomorrow Next week/ year etc. Last week/ year etc. A year ago

Indirect speech - vorbire indirectaThat day The day before Two days before The next day/ the following day In two days time The following week/ year etc. The previous week/ year etc. A year before/ the previous year

Direct speech - vorbirea directa

Indirect speech - vorbire indirecta


1. Say and tell with direct speech Say can introduce a statement or follow it, while tell requires the person addressed. Inversion of say noun subject is possible, when say follows the statement, but inversion with tell is not possible. "Im leaving at once" Tom said. (Plec odat. A spus Tom) - vorbirea directa "Im leaving at once" Tom told me. (Plec odat. Mi-a spus Tom) - vorbirea directa 2. Say and tell with indirect speech Indirect statements are normally introduced by say, or tell + object. Say + to + object is also possible, but much less usual than tell + object.


Conditional present - FORMA would / should + INFINITIV

Conditional perfect - FORMA would / should + HAVE + participiul trecut

Utilizare:1. la fel ca viitorul simplu, cand verbul principal este la trecut:

I think he will come. I thought he would come. Sam says mother will get well. Sam said mother would get well.2. pentru a face referiri la actiuni obisnuite in trecut:

When we lived in Africa we would often spend our weekends outdoor. When Helen was a baby she would cry all night long. 3. in propozitii subordinate dupa: advise, agree, arrange, ask, beg, command, decide, demand, determine, insist, order, propose, recommend, request, suggest, be anxious, be determined. The doctor decided (that) the patient should have his appendix out.

Mrs. Walker is anxious (that) her son should get the job. 4. cu it is / was + adjectiv + thatshould: It is essential that the students should get to their lesson on time. It was strange that he should say that. 5. dupa cant think, dont know why sau see no reason why: I cant think why Frank should apologise. I dont know why my neighbour should do that. I see no reason why we should worry.6. cu oferte si cereri:

Would you prefer tea or coffee? Would you like to see my stamp collection?

NOTA: Would rather inseamna a prefera sa: I would rather have coffee than tea.

7. in propozitii conditionale (if clauses). Exista trei tipuri de propozitii conditionale in engleza:

Tipuri Conditional I Conditional II Conditional III

Propozitie principala Viitor cu will (uneori Pres. Simple) Conditional prezent (Present Conditional) Conditional perfect (Perfect Conditional)

Propozitie subordonata Prezent simplu


(Present Simple) Trecut simplu (Past Tense) Mai mult ca perfect (Past Perfect)

Conditional I


1. cand situatia din propoztia conditionala este probabila, sau se presupune ca se va intampla. Desi sensul poate fi de prezent sau viitor, verbul din propozitia conditionala este intotdeauna la timpul prezent:

The vase will break if you drop it. If it snows on Christmas day, Emma and Ben will make a snowman. Will you get me some milk, if you go to the supermarket?

2. verbele modale (ex: can, may, must, should) il pot inlocui pe will in propozitia principala: You can enter the stadium, if you have a ticket. If he isnt in, you may leave a message. Jim must work very hard if he wants to get elected. If you want to wear that dress in summer you should lose some weight. (sugestie sau sfat)

3. cu doua timpuri prezente (cate unul in amandoua propozitiile) pentru a indica rezultate automate sau obisnuinte: If you push that button, the machine shuts down. If you dont ask for help, you dont get it. If you mix red and blue, you get purple.

4. cu timpuri prezente continue sau perfecte in propozitia conditionala: If the Goodmans are coming for dinner, Ill open a special bottle of wine. (Prezent continuu pentru a indica un aranjament in viitor) If you are making a cup of coffee, Ill have one too. (Prezent continuu pentru a indica o actiune in desfasurare in prezent) If you havent seen that film yet, well go tonight. (Prezent perfect pentru a indica o legatura cu prezentul)

NOTA: Unless inseamna if... not: Unless its a sunny day tomorrow, we wont go to that picnic. (= If it is not a sunny day tomorrow, we wont go to that picnic.) Otherwise inseamna or else: You must study, otherwise you will fail the exam. (= You must study, or else you will fail the exam. = If you dont study, you will fail the exam.)

Conditional II


1. cand situatia din subordonata conditionala este improbabila sau ipotetica:

If I won the lottery, I would stop working. (but I dont believe Ill win) If you stopped breathing, you would die. (but you dont intend to stop breathing) If the distance to the train station were shorter, I would walk there. (the distance is unlikely to change) If I were you, Id buy a bigger car. (but Im not you)

NOTA: If I were you poate fi folosit si pentru a da sfaturi: If I were you, Id apologise to her.

2. pentru a sugestie politicoasa sau pentru a exprima o ipoteza perfect realizabila. Comparati:

If we go in two cars, we will be more comfortable. If we went in two cars, we would be more comfortable. (mai politicos)

3. verbele modale la un timp trecut il pot inlocui pe would. Sensurile se modifica in mod corespunzator. Comparati:

If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he would get it. (sigur) If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he might get it. (posibil) If Mr. Lynch got the job, he could start next Monday. (implica abilitatea sau permisiunea)

Conditional III


1. cand situatia din subordonata conditionala este in trecut, deci imposibila:

If we had taken an umbrella with us last night, we would not have got wet. (we didnt take an umbrella last night and so we got wet) If Jack had studied law at the university, he would have been a lawyer now. (but Jack didnt study law, he studied something else)

2. verbele modale could (abilitate sau permisiune) si might (posibilitate) pto inlocui wouldin propozitia principala: I could have made a cake for you if I had known it was you birthday. (abilitate) The prisoner might have been let out on parole, if he hadnt fought with his cellmate. (posibilitate)

NOTA: If only se poate folosi la toate tipurile de conditional pentru a sublinia speranta, dorinta sau regretul. If only we had some money with us, we would take the cab. If only we had paid the bill earlier, we would not have been evicted.