TIMPUL GEOLOGIC Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

TIMPUL GEOLOGIC Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul http://doru.juravle.com/cursuri/resurse/cursuri_2010-2011/ggp/01.%20GEOL OGIE%20GENERALA%20-%20PREZENTARE%2001%20-%20Notiuni%20introductive.pdf http://palaeos.com/ http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/evolution/EvolutionOfLife.shtml http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/link/hist_nf.html TEMA 16 TIMPUL GEOLOGIC


TEMA 16 TIMPUL GEOLOGIC. TIMPUL GEOLOGIC Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul. http://doru.juravle.com/cursuri/resurse/cursuri_2010-2011/ggp/01.%20GEOLOGIE%20GENERALA%20-%20PREZENTARE%2001%20-%20Notiuni%20introductive.pdf http://palaeos.com/ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of TIMPUL GEOLOGIC Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

Page 1: TIMPUL GEOLOGIC   Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

TIMPUL GEOLOGIC Istoria geologica a Pamantului

PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

• http://doru.juravle.com/cursuri/resurse/cursuri_2010-2011/ggp/01.%20GEOLOGIE%20GENERALA%20-%20PREZENTARE%2001%20-%20Notiuni%20introductive.pdf

• http://palaeos.com/

• http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/evolution/EvolutionOfLife.shtml

• http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/link/hist_nf.html


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Page 4: TIMPUL GEOLOGIC   Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

• 1. GEOCRONOLOGIE• Geocronologia este o ramura a stratigrafie care se

ocupa cu datarea (stabilirea vârstei) depozitelor geologice si ierarhizarea cronologica a acestora, rezultând unitai geocronologice (de timp), concretizate în unitai cronostratigrafice.

• Datarea se poate face– relativ, aplicându-se corelarile pornind de la principiul

superpoziei geometrice a stratelor si evoluiei organismelor biologice

– în mod absolut, folosindu-se metode radiometrice.

• Unitati geocronologice: EON, ERA, PERIOADA, EPOCA, VARSTA, CRON

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• Vârste absolute

Page 6: TIMPUL GEOLOGIC   Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

Eon Era Perioadainceput - sfarsit (mil.ani)

Phanerozoic Eon: PH

Cenozoic Era: CZ

Neogen N 23.0 - 

Paleogen E 65.5 - 23.0

Mesozoic Era: MZ

Cretacic K 146 - 65.5

Jurasic J 200 - 146

Triasic T 251 - 200 

Paleozoic Era: PZ

Permian P 299 - 251

Carbonifer C 359 - 299

Devonian D 416 - 359

Silurian S 444 - 416

Ordovician O 488 - 444

Cambrian Є 542 - 488

Precambrian: Prc

Proterozoic PR 2500 - 542

Arhaic AR 3850 - 2500

Hadean HA c. 4500 - 3850

Chaotian CH c. 4600-4500


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Istoria geologicaa Pamantului

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Page 9: TIMPUL GEOLOGIC   Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

EON ERA SPAN (Mya) Notes and Events



2500 - 2300 mya

More or less conventional plate tectonics


Neoarchean2800 - 2500 mya

First large continental shields


3200 - 2800 mya

First widely-accepted fossil evidence of life.  First banded iron formations.


3600 - 3200 mya

First stromatolites? Formation of relatively stable crust units (possibly even earlier , but see generally negative review .  

Eoarchean~3800 - 3600 mya

Debatable geochemical evidence for life (no longer widely accepted) 

Hadean Early Imbrian 3850 - 3800

mya Late heavy bombardment of Earth-moon system.

• I. EONUL PRECAMBRIAN -CARACTERIZARE http://palaeos.com/timescale/precambrian.htm1. ARHAIC (The Archean Eon :http://palaeos.com/

• http://palaeos.com/archean/index.html )

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2. PROTEROZOIC- CARACTERIZARE http://palaeos.com/proterozoic/proterozoic.htmhttp://palaeos.com/proterozoic/proterozoic.htm

• 1 Geografia Proterozoicului– http://palaeos.com/proterozoic/proterozoic.htm

• 2 Viata in Proterozoic– http://palaeos.com/proterozoic/proterozoic.htm

Page 11: TIMPUL GEOLOGIC   Istoria geologica a Pamantului PLAN- GHID pe baza caruia se va realiza proiectul

eon era perioadaA inceput acum(mil ani)

Durata (mil ani)


3 Neozoic(Cenozoic)

Neogen 23.0 23.0

Paleogen 65.5 42.5

2 Mezozoic

Cretacic 146 80.5

Jurasic 200 54

Triasic 251 51

1 Paleozoic

Permian 299 48

Carbonifer 359 60

Devonian 416 57

Silurian 444 28

Ordovician 488 44

Cambrian 542 54


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II EONUL FANEROZOIChttp://palaeos.com/timescale/phanerozoic.htm#Paleozoic

Erele: Paleozoic, Mezozoic, Neozoic

• ERA PALEOZOIC -CARACTERIZARE• Geografia Paleozoicului (imagini, harti)• Viata in Paleozoic (desene)

– Of the three main eras that make up the Phanerozoic, the Paleozoic is the longest and most diverse, spanning the period from very early multicellular life that only inhabited the oceans to quite advanced tetrapods* and reptiles and extensive forests on land.

– Early Paleozoic: Age of Invertebrates Coelomate radiation (Cambrian explosion) - origin of major groups of organisms; nervous system, behavior patterns and simple consciousness (the nascent Noosphere); continents drift apart.

– Middle Paleozoic: Age of Fish Tropical conditions.  Extinction of many "experimental" animal groups; diversification of surviving invertebrate groups, rise of vertebrates (fish).  Life moves on land (rhyniophytes, lycophytes, uniramous arthropods, proto-amphibians).

– Late Paleozoic: Age of Tetrapods* and Reptiles Ice age.  Coal forests of giant lycopsids, calamites, pteridophytes and ferns cover the tropical landmasses.  Southern landmass of Gondwanaland buried under glaciers; continents drift together.  Reptiles conquer the land

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• Geografia Mezozoicului• Viata in Mezozoic(desene)

– The Mesozoic has been called the "age of reptiles", but "age of dinosaurs" would be more appropriate.   There is still controversy over whether dinosaurs really were stupid sluggish ectotherms ("reptiles") or active high-metabolism (endotherm) creatures more like birds.   Even if we define them as "reptiles" the age of reptiles as such begins in the Permian period of the Paleozoic era anyway.

– Tropical (Greenhouse) Conditions.  Pangaea continues during the early Triassic; then landmasses begin to drift apart.  Shallow oceans cover much of the continents, breaking the land into large islands.   Mammals remain small, possibly nocturnal.  Most modern groups of organisms appear. Vertebrate animals (mammals, birds, theropod dinosaurs) develop larger brains then their earlier reptilian ancestors.