Stenozele esofagiene benigne

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Stenozele esofagiene benigne dilatarea cu bujii

Dilatarea cu bujii este utilizate in cazul stenozelor esofagiene benignePot fi utilizate : bujii incarcate cu mercur Maloney sau Hurst acestea sunt indicate in stenoze necomplicate, cu diametrul mai mare de 10-12mm; au costuri relativ scazute si sunt usor de realizat fara ghidare fluoroscopica; nu este necesara sedare sau sedare minima; pot fi realizate si de catre pacient acasa. bujii din polivinil ghidate prin fir Savary-Gilliard sunt relativ rigide si indicate pentru stricturi lungi, stramte si neregulate; necesita fluoroscopiei; acestea pot fi reutilizate; dezavatajul poate fi reprezentat de lezarea traumatica a peretelui laringian si disconfortul pacientului. Complicatiile ascotiate cu dilatarea esofagiana sunt perforatia, hemoragia, infectia bacteriana, odinofagia. Rata raportata de perforatie si hemoragie masiva este de 0,3%, riscul fiind mai mare in in stenozele complicate si in stenozele postcaustice. Se considera ca riscul de perforatie este minim daca se aplica regula lui 3, adica diametrele de dilatare nu depasesc 3mm la fiecare sedinta.

In cazul stenozelor esofagiene simple, sunt necesare intre 1-3 sedinte de dilatare pentru a ameliora simptomatologia, cu un procent de 25-35% din pacienti necesitand repetarea dilatarii.Stenozele esofagiene complicate, lungi (peste 2cm) sunt mai dificil de tratat si au o rata de recurenta crescuta. Daca nu pot fi dilatate la un diametru adecvat, care sa permita pasajul alimentelor solide, reapar la un interval de 2-4 saptamani sau necesita mai mult de 7-10 sedinte de dilatare, sunt considerate a fi stenoze refractare si necesita introducerea unui stent sau tratament chirurgical.

A prospective, randomized study with 17 patients in each arm comparing balloon dilators with Savary dilators was performed by Saeed et al over a 2-year period, with the end point being 45F.[15] Stricture recurrence was similar in the first year but lower in the second year for balloons. Fewer sessions were needed for balloons, 1.1 sessions +/- 0.1 versus 1.7 sessions +/- 0.2, and less procedural discomfort occurred (P< 0.05). Both devices were effective in relieving dysphagia.

Benign strictures of theesophagus: endoscopic approach with Savary-Gilliardbougies[Article in Portuguese]Novais P,Lemme E,Equi C,Medeiros C,Lopes C,Vargas C.SourceServio de Gastroenterologia, HUCFF, UFRJ, RJ. [email protected]:Benign esophageal strictures are complications that result from different causes. They are usually similarly approached, most of the cases needing endoscopic dilation. However the response to therapy, optimal timing for treatment and interval between sessions can vary.AIM:The authors evaluate 14 years of experience with benign stricture of theesophagusfrom the endoscopic point of view in the 'Clementino Fraga Filho' University Hospital, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. They evaluated etiology, length of stricture, number of dilations needed to reach satisfactory therapeutic response, and the relation between length of stricture and therapeutic response.METHODS:We analyzed 2,568 endoscopic dilations using Savary-Gilliard dilators in 236 patients. The follow up period was 14 years and 10 months, until June of 2007.RESULTS:Peptic strictures were the more frequent, followed by caustic strictures. Long strictures and caustic strictures needed more sessions to abolish dysphagia. Peptic strictures and short ones had better response to a smaller number of sessions.CONCLUSION:In this study, peptic strictures were the commonest etiology and responded best to endoscopic therapy, in accordance with published literature. Caustic strictures were the most refractory, mainly the long segments. The longer the extension of stenosis, the greater was the number dilation sessions needed for relief. Short strictures had a good prognosis in the great majority of cases. The number of dilations depended directly on the etiology and the extension of the stricture.

Long-term recurrence rates following dilation of symptomatic Schatzki rings.Mller M,Gockel I,Knig J,Kuhr K,Eckardt VF.SourceDepartment of Gastroenterology, Deutsche Klinik fr Diagnostik, Aukammallee 33, 65191, Wiesbaden, Germany. [email protected] AND AIMS:This study investigated the long-term clinical course of patients with Schatzki rings, who were treated by single bougie dilation. Furthermore, it analyzed possible predictors for the time of recurrence.PATIENTS AND METHODS:A total of 133 patients (100 males, 33 females) with a mean age of 57 14.6 years who were treated by single dilation with the use of Maloneybougieswithout the aid of fluoroscopy were prospectively registered and followed-up for a mean duration of 58.3 months (range 12-240 months). Duration of remission was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier estimates with regard to recurrence. Log-rank test was performed to analyze possible predictors for the time to second dilation (recurrence).RESULTS:No complications occurred and all patients were symptom-free at the first follow-up examination 4 weeks after dilation. However, later on, 73 patients required a second dilation. The estimate remission rates were 63.8% (95% CI: 55.6-72.0%) after 2 years, 44.3% (95% CI: 35.4-53.4%) after 5 years, and 39.9% (95% CI: 30.5-49.3%) after 10 years. Neither the initial morphological findings, nor age or gender determined the need for repeated dilation. Only patients treated with a large bougie diameter (52 F) seemed to have a tendency for a longer time until symptomatic recurrence.CONCLUSIONS:Single dilation of symptomatic Schatzki rings is a safe and effective therapy. However, more than half of the patients will need a second treatment. Recurrences are unrelated to initial morphological findings, age, or gender. Only the treatment with a large bougie diameter (52 F) showed a tendency for a longer time of remission.

Bibliografie:1. Treatment Options for Esophageal Strictures: Benign Esophageal Strictures - Esophageal Stricture Treatment & Management - Benign strictures of the esophagus: endoscopic approch with Savary Gilliard bougies - Long-term recurrence rates following dilation of symptomatic Schatzki rings - Endoscopic dilation of benignesophagealstrictures without fluoroscopy: experience of 2750 procedures -