Musee Guimet Nepal



The Guimet Museum (French: Musée national des Arts asiatiques-Guimet or Musée Guimet) is a museum of Asian art located at 6, place d'Iéna in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, France. It has one of the largest collections of Asian art outside Asia. The Himalayan Collection holds 1,600 pieces of art, including Tibetan and Nepalese paintings and bronzes from 18th-19th centuries, 12-14th century book covers, 11th-19th century metal sculptures and wooden images from the 16th-18th centuries.

Transcript of Musee Guimet Nepal

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Arta budistă şi hindusă a Nepalului este reprezentată de sculpturi, picturi şi obiecte rituale, începând din secolul XI

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Laksminarayana (Vishnu androgin), Nepal, sec XIV

Page 4: Musee Guimet Nepal

Lampă rituală (sukunda) Nepal sec XVII

Page 5: Musee Guimet Nepal

Spadă votivă (Kila) Nepal sec XVIII

Zeul tutelar Hevajra sub aspectul său Sastradhara, Nepal sec XVIII

Page 6: Musee Guimet Nepal

Masca lui Bairava (forma teribilă a lui Shiva) Nepal sec XVI-XVII

Page 7: Musee Guimet Nepal

Zeiţa Usnisavijaya, Nepal, sec XVII-XVIII

Buddha suprem şi Manjusri, Nepal sec XI-XII

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Manjusri, bodhisattva a cunoaşterii Nepal sec XIII

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Mukuta, tiară de ceremonie Nepal anul 1145

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Stupa de tip Svayambhunatha, Nepal sec XVIII

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Regina Maya Devi dând naştere prinţului Siddhartha, Nepal sec XIX

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Fotografii: ♦ Daniela Iacob ♦ Mara Chinţa

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu

Fond muzical: ♦ Sijano Vodjani - Cutting through (Oliver Shanti Tibetiya)