Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting...

Innovative Approaches to Teaching ”Metode inovative de predare” Programul cursului 20.05. - 24.05.2019

Transcript of Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting...

Page 1: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr

Innovative Approaches to Teaching

”Metode inovative de predare”

Programul cursului 20.05. - 24.05.2019

Page 2: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 3: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr

Continutul tematic a fost introdus in 10 module:

Modulul I: teoretic, abilități ale ale secolului 21

Modulul II: Cum dezvoltăm gândirea critica și gândirea creativă?

Modulul III: Invățarea bazată pe sarcină

Modulul IV: Proiectarea si evaluarea unui proiect

Modulul V: Utilizarea TIC

Modulul VI: Lucrul cu o clasa multiculturala

Modulul VII: Adaptarea predării la nevoile clasei

Modulul VIII: Metacogniția, învățând elevii să învețe

Modulul IX: TIC ca metoda de dezvoltare a gândirii critice și creative

Modulul X: Formativ vs. evaluarea sumativă, rubrici, liste de verificare, evaluare și autoevaluare

Page 4: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr

Participanți profesori din Spania, Portugalia, Turcia, Cipru, România

Page 5: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 6: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 7: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 8: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 10: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 11: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 12: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 13: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr
Page 14: Innovative Approaches to Teaching · "*RESH John Eisler Architect Uméní plánovat. Plan Acting Studn PRAHÆ SPRÁVA BUDOVY spnflo ASG« Øaix§ IT servis Ing. Ales Illichman Petr