Hitler-pactul Cu Lucifer

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  • 8/22/2019 Hitler-pactul Cu Lucifer


    Pactul lui Hitler cu Diavolul, un document autentic si inexplicabil

    EXTERNE | 27-07-2013 18:15

    Pactul lui Hitler cu Diavolul, un document autentic si inexplicabil

    Un document unic circula printre specialistii care studiaza misterele

    fantasticei ascensiuni a lui Adolf Hiter, inexplicabila din mai toate punctele de


    Documentul, datat 30 aprilie 1932, are pretentia de act autentic, a rezistat ca

    atare la mai multe expertize tehnice si reprezinta un pact pe care Hitler l-ar fi

    facut cu insusi diavolul, scrie Afisha.

    Scris cu caractere gotice, asa cum se mai obisnuia in Germania acelor ani,

    documentul este semnat cu sange, iar expertiza n-a infirmat nici vechimea

    sangelui, nici faptul ca i-a apartinut fostului Fuhrer.

    Reluand formula alegorica din Faust de Goethe, Hitler se angaja prin

    document sa predea in mainile Satanei sufletul sau in termen de fix 13 ani. In

    schimb Satana, folosind procedee paranormale, urma sa-i asigure lui Hitler

    puteri nelimitate, cu conditia ca ele sa fie folosite in scopuri malefice.

    Dr. Greta Layber, specializata in descifrarea tenebrelor celui de al treilea

    Reich, sustine ca a verificat autenticitatea documentului din mai multe

    puncte de vedere si ca aceasta se confirma.

    Daca documentul este intr-adevar autentic si daca acceptam existenta unor

    fenomene paranormale a caror explicatie ar fi inutil s-o cautam, atunci elexplica ciudata evolutie fulminanta a unui om mediocru din toate punctele de

    vedere, care totusi a reusit sa devina stapanul Germaniei.

    Invocarea Proniei Ceresti

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    Intr-adevar, ascensiunea lui incepe in 1932, anul semnarii documentului, si

    multi ani in sir nimic nu-i poate sta in cale. Numeroase atentate puse la cale

    impotriva lui au clacat toate fara exceptie, Hitler atragand atentia de fiecare

    data ca el este protejat de Pronia Cereasca.

    Varful acestor atentate l-a constituit fara indoiala cel din 20 iulie 1944, cand

    un colonel din anturajul imediat al Fuhrerului a organizat in amanunt

    preluarea puterii, dupa care a plasat servieta sa cu acte, care de fapt

    continea o bomba cu putere mare de detonare, chiar langa picioarele lui

    Hitler, dupa care a plecat sa dea un telefon urgent (motiv ca sa paraseasca


    In urmatoarele cateva clipe, cu totul intamplator, unui ofiter i s-a parut ca

    servieta il deranjeaza pe Fuhrer si a mutat-o in cealalta parte a piciorului de

    stejar masiv al mesei. Explozia s-a produs la o jumatate de metru de Hitler,

    au fost multi morti si raniti, dar el personal a scapat aproape nevatamat,

    aparat de placa de stejar.

    Intre timp, colonelul atentator a anuntat la Berlin reusita exploziei, iar cei de

    acolo au actionat pentru preluarea puterii. Mai multe ore in sir a fost deruta

    totala intre cei care preluau si cei care aflasera ca Hitler a supravietuit.

    Dupa vreo doua saptamani, cand maresalul Antonescu, vizitandu-l pe Fuhrer,

    si-a exprimat regretul pentru cele intamplate, acesta i-a replicat impasibil:

    pe mine ma ocroteste Pronia Cereasca.

    La 30 aprilie 1945, cand se implineau fix 13 ani de la data pactului, Hitler

    se sinucidea in bunkerul sau, ca si cum ar sti ca de atunci incolo, nu-l mai

    apara Pronia.



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    From 1939 to 1945, dozens of men, isolated or

    in group, tried to eliminate Hitler. They all failed, most of

    the time due to a hitch or the phenomenal luck of the


    No attempted attack has ever been capable to eliminate

    the horrendous nazi clique. More than a dozen times,

    plotters tried to blow the clique up, totally or partially:

    some attempts were canceled at the last minute under

    the pretense that Himmler or Goering would not be

    present which means that the plotters aimed at

    destroying the whole nazi regime and not only der Fuhrer.

    Main murder attempts against Hitler occured as follows :


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    * 1935 : a SA man, named Kraus, according to Bridget

    Hitler, who was granted permission to present a petition

    personally to the Fuhrer, was the would-be assassin who

    came nearest to succeeding. At the Berghof, Hitler's

    Bavarian Alps' retreat, he fired a single shot at Hitler and

    missed. He was shot at five times by the guards and died

    instantly. His motives are unknown but it might be

    surmised that they had something to do with the murder

    of Roehm, SA leader in 1934.

    * 1935 : another version of an attack motivated by

    Roehm's assassination was brought forward by Otto

    Strasser in his book "Flight from Terror" (NY 1943). It

    seems much more credible than the Bridget Hitler's

    version. Another SA man named Heinrich Grunow, who

    had not swallowed Ernst Roehm's murder, got in touch

    with Otto Strasser, head of the Black Front opposition

    movement to Hitler, and set up a plan to kill Hitler while

    the Fuhrer was driven to his beloved Berchtesgarten

    retreat. Grunow was member of the close guard

    protecting Hitler at Berchtesgarten and knew that at

    some spot on the road the car had to slow down to less

    than 15mph and argued to Strasser that it would be a

    propitious location to shot at Hitler. Strasser agreed to

    the plot and Grunow went to execute his murderous

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    task. Unfortunately, according to Strasser, Hitler had

    taken the wheel on this day and Grunow shot the driver

    in the back seat while Hitler escaped alive. The irony is

    that Grunow, persuaded that he had succeeded in his

    attack, committed suicide on the spot while

    Hitler-the-driver scared to death rushed out of the car

    that he had put to a sudden halt. Hitler's chauffeur, Herr

    Schreck, was hit in the chest, the jaw and his right

    temple. Officially he died of a tooth infection.

    * 1939 : before the outset of the hostilities, German

    Generals planned to destroy the hitlerite threat and the

    Fuhrer himself. Gal. Kurt von Hammerstein tried several

    times to attract Hitler in the fortification of the Siegfried

    line in order to simulate some sort of accident. Hitler

    never responded to Hammerstein's invites.

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    * 1943 : Poltava, Ukraine : in Spring 1943, several

    attempts took place during Hitler's stay in occupied

    Ukraine. Three plans were successively elaborated but all

    failed. They were carried out by Marshal von Kluge, Capt.

    Von Boeslager, Col. Von Tresckov, Lt. Von

    Schlabrendorff with Col. Von Gersdorff. Twice, the plans

    were called off due to a huge presence of the SS guards

    that made the whole attempt too perilous and

    hazardous. For the third attempt, von Schlabrendorff hid

    a time bomb into a bottle of French brandy and put it

    onboard the airplane that Hitler used to fly back to Berlin.

    The plane took off with the bombish-brandy but due to

    extreme coldness in high altitude the detonator froze and

    nothing happened. After landing, von Schlabrendorff was

    able to put an inoffensive bottle of cognac into the cargo

    and nobody suspected anything.

    * 1943 : on the 27th of July, Hitler was scheduled to

    attend a military review in nazi occupied Paris. Count

    General Fritz-Dietlof von der Schulenberg prepared an

    attack against Hitler but at the last moment the

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    unpredictable Fuhrer canceled his participation and

    enjoyed a much more agreeable tour of Paris.

    * 1943 : in December, Captain Axel Freiherr von dem

    Bussche took on himself to commit a suicide-attack

    against Hitler in Berlin. The pretext would be the trial of a

    new winter combat-jacket. Bussche planned to set off

    two hand grenades concealed in his great coat. His plan

    failed to materialize when the uniforms, housed in a

    railway car, were destroyed in an Allied bombing raid the

    night before Hitler was to view the display. In 1944,

    Bussche was severely wounded by a mortar shell in battle

    and lost a leg.

    * 1944 : nine days later, Stauffenberg and several other

    plotters in the Wehrmacht hid a time-bomb in a briefcase

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    in the meeting room at Rastenburg,where Hitler met

    nazis and military leaders. Stauffenberg put the briefcase

    against the foot of his chair and left under a futile

    pretext. In his absence, an officer hit the case with his

    foot and placed it further down in the room against the

    oak panel of the huge table. When it exploded it missed

    his principal target, Hitler, who was slightly wounded.

    Four people were killed and the ensuing repression was

    terrible. Stauffenberg's widow, Nina Schenk von

    Stauffenberg, died April 2 2006 in her hometown

    Bamberg age 93.

    * 1945 : Albert Speer himself, Hitler's closest aid,

    ex-Armaments Minister until 1945, planned in March to

    release toxic gases into the ventilator of the

    air-conditioning plant of the Chancellery in order to kill

    Hitler and his main surviving aids. When he discovered

    that on Hitler's personal order this ventilator had recently

    been surrounded by a chimney four metres high, it was

    no longer possible to carry out the plan. Speer, who

    pretended during the Nuremberg trial that he had

    betrayed Hitler 40 times during the last months of the

    war, was nevertheless sentenced to 20 years

    imprisonment in 1946. He was a cunning and ambitious

    mand who served the Nazis too well and got just what he


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    Finally, there were assassination attempts successful or

    not against a lot of nazi leaders, not only against Hitler.

    The most famous are:

    * attempt against Franz von Papen, ambassador in

    Austria : bomb in Turkey (unsuccessful)

    * bomb thrown at Reinhard Heydrich, "Protector" (sic) of

    Bohemia-Moravia, in Prague (successful)

    * bomb against Friedrich-Wilhelm Krger,

    SS-Oberabschnittsfuhrer, in Krakau (unsuccessful)

    * Hanns Rauter, commissioner-general for public security

    in the German-occupied Netherlands, was shot in Holland

    and seriously wounded

    * Wilhelm Kube, Gauleiter of White Russia, was

    assassinated in Minsk: Elena Mazanik, a member of the

    Minsk anti-fascist underground, planted a bomb in his

    bedroom on 22 September 1943. After the war she was

    honoured with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

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    In the end, Hitler was extremely lucky. All those attempts

    show once more how it is difficult to get rid of a tyrant.

    That sort of men are very well guarded, are generally

    protected by the devil, and most of all, are unpredictable:

    they change their timetable for no reason as though they

    were warned by some survival instinct or by some good


    site stats


    Altogether, almost twenty attempts

    or assassination preparations were

    made of which three were very close

    to success. It is thus false to say

    that Hitler was adored by everybody

    in Germany, lots of people hated him

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    especially in Berlin - and were ready

    to die to get Germany rid of her

    Austrian tyran.

    Fidel Castro, another tyran still alive, has

    survived many attempts to take his life and

    his bloody regime. As for Bin Laden, the

    9/11 Report of the National Commission on

    Terrorist Attacks upon the USA has clearly

    shown that the CIA and the FBI have on

    several occasions planned to kill Bin Laden

    before the attack against the Trade Towers

    but that it is easier to plan such an attack

    than to achieve it successfully. Every time,

    the plans were dropped by fear of killing too

    many innocent people around Bin Laden.

    * 1939 : on the 8th of novembrer, in Munich, a

    swiss watchmaker, named Georg Elser, who has

    been living in Germany for many years and vividly

    resented the anti-labor laws promulgated by the

    regime, hid a time-bomb in the brewery where

    Hitler was scheduled for a speech. Hitler

    shortened his speech and the bomb exploded on

    schedule but ten minutes after Hitler has left,

    killing eight persons. Elser was deported in a KC

    (koncentrationcamp) and was hung in april 1945.

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    * 1944 : on the 11th of July, Lt-Col. Claus von

    Stauffenberg, hero of the Afrika Korps campaign, but

    sickened by the nazis exactions since long, decided to

    get into action and to blow himself up in the meeting

    room at the Berghof. Informed that Himmler and

    Goering would not be present, Stauffenberg called off

    his plan.


    showing to

    his buddy


    rescued by


    how he

    escaped the

    attack of

    July 20th


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    Hitler's Letter Agreement With the Devil

  • 8/22/2019 Hitler-pactul Cu Lucifer



    Dr. Leiber Greta from Germany, a paranormal specialist demon hunter found

    a letter of agreement expected mysterious yet authentic.

    In the former ruins of the building that used by Adolf Hitler's suicide, Dr. Greta

    found a Letter of Agreement which allegedly was among Hitler's Testament

    with Satan.

    The letter agreement dated 30 April 1932. This letter was signed with theblood of both parties. In it, Satan is called Lucifer promised to give to Hitler

    unlimited power.

    Sang Fuhrer will become absolute ruler of the entire country of Germany and

    parts of Europe, so it will be flattered and honored the millions of people.

    Although to get all of it must use the power of large-scale evil. In return Hitler

    gave his soul to the devil 13 years later.

    In front of 11 people Dihadirkannya panelists in a symposium, Dr. Greta says

    that: "The Pact treaty truly authentic".

    "What is written in it, fits well with the course of history and hundreds of

    cases that occurred during World War II took place" he added.

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    According to Drs. Greta, history has shown, that Hitler failed in his action

    before the year 1932. "He failed to complete high school. Also 2 times

    slumped in art school entrance exams. He became unemployed, and even

    once went to jail," said Dr.. Greta about some of Hitler's life journey.

    After 1932, Hitler's life completely changed. People started listening to his

    remarks. Like a rocket, his career took off very quickly. Right in the month of

    January 1933 Hitler had become ruler of the German Kingdom.

    And on April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years from the date of the agreement with

    the devil's pact was signed, Hitler's power collapsed.

    Letter of agreement allegedly made between Hitler and Lucifer was found in

    an iron chest , in the former building where Hitler is expected to commit

    suicide. Although the letter was slightly damaged but still legible. The letter

    agreement is now in the Berlin Institute of German History as research


