etwining rezumat

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  • 8/10/2019 etwining rezumat


    Proiect on-line de cooperare scolara e-twinning

    Communicare: pe platforma e-twinning a proiectelor europene

    Titlul proiectului: Our country...tourism and nature

    Perioada de implementare: Decembrie 2013-iunie 2014.

    Scopul principal al proiectului a fost sa constientizeze copii si adolescenti din diferite

    tari europene asupra diferitelor realitati si aspecte culturale, sa-i ajute sa cunoasca elevi din

    alte tari europene, sa afle mai multe despre stilul lor de viata, sa faca schimb de idei despre

    diferitele tipuri de traditii, specificul lor, sa-si promoveze valorile culturale partenerilor straini,

    sa invete despre noi culturi, noi tari, punte turistice din Europa, importanta globalizarii,

    mediul natural si problem legate de acesta.

    Varsta elevilor :11-16 ani

    Limba de comunicare: Engleza

    Obiecte : limba engleza, cultura civica, geografia, istoria

    Instrumente digitale folosite: e-mail, alt software( PowerPoint, scurt metraje,

    fotografii si desene , Twinspace, conferinte video pe Skype, mediu de invatare virtual)

    Tintele proiectului:

    1. Schimbul informational intre tarile elevilor implicate, mai ales privind puncte turisticeinteresante,locuri de interes, peisajul european in general.

    2) Discutarea problemelor legate de mediul natural privind diferite regiuni in incercarea de a

    le rezolva si in acelasi timp favorizarea schimbului de idei prin activitati placate si relaxante..

    3) Producerea de catre elevi a unor mateiale privind subiectele implicate prin folosirea

    tehnologiei informationale.

    Procesarea produselor si activitatilor: Echipele comunica conform unui grafic dinainte

    stabilit folosind diferite mijloace de informare precum internetul, posta electronica, posta, etc.

    Elevii produc texte, documente digitale, prezentari folosind engleza ca limba de comunicare

    in situatii de comunicare reale si galerii foto pentru informarea despre eie insisi, viata lor

    scolara, tarile lor, puncte turistice de interes, unele traditii si festivaluri, cele mai importante

    locuri din localitatea lor si unele fapte istorice relevante ale tarii, natura tarii lor, creind astfel

    un sentiment de anticipare si vizand produse inalt calitative. Aditional, rezultatele vor fi

    postate pe spatiul virtual al proiecutlui ori TwinSpace ca si la avizierul scolii.

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    Second on-line session on Skype Portugal -Turkey( photo presentation)

    On-line session Romania-Turkey( photo presentation)

    Our capital-our history( Powerpoint presentations made by students about history and

    attraction of their capital city and the history of the country as a whole) Touristic attractions (Powerpoint presentations made by students about touristic

    attractions of their countries)

    The nature in our country( PowerPoint presentations made by students about the

    natural landscape in their area, in their country as a whole, environmental issues in

    their area/country).



    1. Crerea avizierului proiectului de catre elevi

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    2. Crearea albumului foto al proiectului " Hello... check out how we look like"

    Romanian team

    Portuguese team

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    Danish team Turkish team

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    3. Schimb de carti postale, scrisori si brosuri prin posta cu elevii straini

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    4. Spatiul virtual al proictului

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    5. Modele de prezentari create

    de elevi

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    6. Activitati in echipa pentru prezentarea finala

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    7. Prezentarea orala

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    8. Activitati in echipa- crearea produselor bazate pe tehnologie si postarea lor pe

    spatial TwinSpace

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    9. Skype meeting Romania-Turkey

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    Students' Final Questionnaire





    Codes: A- excellent

    B-very good

    C- good

    D- not so good

    E- unsatisfactory

    1. Are you a boy or a girl?a. I am a boy

    b. I am a girl

    2. You took part in:

    a. All the project activities

    b. a part of the project activities

    3. Did you like the use Project-based learning during the English classes this semester?


    A B C D E

    4, What activities did you attend ? Point, please( you may point more options)

    a. trips/visits

    b. research

    c. selecting information and creating technology-based materials

    d. presentation

    e. Others( please mention).......................................................................................................

    5. Which of the activities mentioned above did you like best?


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    6. Did you dislike any activities or do you consider there were activities that simply

    missed? Please explain.





    7. What would you do in order to improve the project? Explain.


    8. Would you like to visit one of the partner countries involved in the project ? If the

    answer is yes, mention the name of the country and bring arguments for your choice ?


    9. Have you learnt anything about the importance of the European Union?

    Explain what.


    10. The success of your school and class in implementing the project.- Point.

    A B C D E

    11. Grade the e-twinning projectas a whole.

    A B C D E

    10. Have you found any similarities and differences between your country and the partner

    countries concerning the topics of the project? Explain which are these ?( refer to the school

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    building, timetable, subjects at school, customs and traditions, food, tourism, nature and









    13. What did you find out about the students in the project? Do you know which countries

    have been involved in the project?

    List the name of the country and/or of the partner schools.

    Country Town or school


    14. What language(s) did you use to communicate within the project?



    15. How often did you access the Twinspace during the project.

    a. once a week or more frequently

    b. once at every two weeks or less frequently

    c. never

    16. What was the level of your commitment to the project activities ?

    Low High

    a. the use of technology in fulfilling tasks and designing materials

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    b. the portfolio completion

    c. the English language practice

    d. the oral presentation

    15. Would you like to get involved in a new E-twinning cooperation project( or other type of

    multilateral school project like Erasmus+) ?



    I don't know



    Teacher post-project review( final report)

    Project: Our country...tourism and nature Date: 7th June

    Project idea, design and implementation



    Student engagement After I studied comparatively the

    students answers to the self reflection

    paper from the previous to the current

    project I draw the conclusion that the

    students were more engaged in the

    project in the way that they became

    more aware of the importance of

    working in a team and enjoyed more

    doing this and finding information

    which they organized in their own way.

    Even the students which before werenot involved in team work felt useful

    and discovered their strengths, for

    example with speaking in front of an

    audience in English although they are

    shy or working with technology. This

    lead to the raise of their self-esteem and

    consequently, they became more

    interested in project work. Moreover,

    the students ,ore proficient with both

    use of English and school work as a

    whole supported their peers byencouraging and them to do their best

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    Overall idea for the project The idea came as a result of a team

    work, first between the coordinator

    teachers from the partner countries and

    schools, but the idea was completed and

    developed in every school involved in

    the project and children came with theirown ideas during brainstorming

    sessions and through learning logs and

    the project work got its ownpersonality and specificity in each

    school, underlying the main idea of the

    Driving question originates in, namely:

    Can we promote our cultural values

    and heritage through an intercultural

    dialogue with other European schools?

    Overall results for student learning The students which were less proficient

    with their English reinforced theirskills, so they got higher grades at least

    one point over their previous results,

    thing that can be proved by the study of

    school documents

    Moreover, students transferred and used

    skills and knowledge from other school

    subjects such as Geography, History,

    civics and Information Technology

    which raised their level ofunderstanding and use of concepts .

    Authenticity of project tasks and products The culminating products consisted in:

    -media products: PowerPoint slides,

    web pages

    - photographs and videos of displays,

    exhibits, activity work, oral


    - copies of the students' written

    products in English

    All these materials were made authentic

    by student's work and personal

    involvement.Quality and use of Driving Question The driving question was answered by

    the students in each team by making

    the authentic materials. They had the

    opportunity to compare their work to

    the other students from European

    countries and observed the similarities

    and differences between them and their

    European peers in: -the way they used

    technology to design their PowerPoint


    - the use of written English in them,-the way they behave in class through

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    direct observation during the Skype


    -their pronunciation in English

    - cultural values

    -expressive gestures

    Scope- length of time


    -number of subjects/people/organizations involved

    -Use of technology

    -The time was used as efficiently aspossible both by children and by

    myself. I tried to integrate PBL during

    my classes from a curricular perspective

    meeting the objectives and standards

    from the 7th grade syllabus for English

    but at the same time children used

    content, knowledge and skills acquired

    during other subject in school.

    Moreover, students worked on their

    tasks both during class time and after

    school by completing work individuallyor in groups. The technology based

    products were designed both in the

    school computers laboratory and at

    home by students. I alternated language

    preparation classes with technology

    classes and there were classes designed

    especially for preparing the final

    products and performance.

    -The project was a complex one as itdeveloped topics concerning

    geographical facts, historical facts,

    cultural facts, communication which are

    included in the seventh grade syllabus

    for ESL during more than a school

    semester. Children had the opportunity

    to develop both their English skills of

    reading, listening, writing and speaking

    but also their 21st century skills as

    collaboration, critical thinking,

    creativity and use of technology.

    -Concerning the number of subjectsthere were more than one subject

    involved, children using knowledge

    from other school subjects to perform

    their tasks. Other teachers from school

    had the opportunity to implement

    projects in their classes so the skills and

    content were transferred . The students

    had the opportunity to make visits to

    local organizations and talk to local

    people for getting informed such as

    Europe Direct Center, Ghika Museum,grandparents, etc.

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    - Students used technology to design

    their products and to communicate with

    the other European students.

    Selection of content objectives and standards I selected the objectives and standards

    from the seventh grade syllabus for

    ESL.Selection of appropriate 21st century skills Students developed 21st century skills

    such as:

    -collaboration by working in teams and

    designing common products

    -creative thinking by doing research and

    making decisions

    - use of technology

    Selection of culminating products and


    The culminating products were put in

    the students portfolios and analyzed

    according to criteria from scoring

    rubrics and the final presentation wasalso assessed through a specially

    designed rubric.

    Effectiveness of Entry Event The entry event had the role to

    remember students their work during

    the previous project and to raise their

    interest in working again for improving

    their skills by practising during the

    tasks and creating valuable products of

    their own. The students had the

    opportunity to establish what are their

    points of interest, how they can use

    what they already know and how they

    can promote cultural facts and values

    about their country and region.

    Quality of rubrics The rubrics were designed taking into

    consideration the curricular objectives

    and standards. I presented them to the

    students in advance as they could meet

    the specific requirements and to report

    continuously their work to those

    requirements. They represented a toolfor both students to self evaluate ant to

    teacher to grade the students work.

    Ability of student to work well in groups The students established specific tasks

    within their group management log.

    They switched tasks from one activity

    to another, for example The one who

    gathered images for the school

    presentation in one activity was in

    charge of finding information about

    how affected the Second World War

    our region in another activity.Ability of students to work well independently Some of the students could well work

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    independently according to the tasks.

    The others were involved in the

    activities by their peers who gave them

    easier tasks such as typing, inserting

    photos or presenting smaller amounts of

    informationAbility of students to use inquiry skills and think


    The inquiry process refers to the

    students' meta-cognitive skills meaning

    asking questions investigating and

    answering questions which help them

    fulfill their tasks. For this, students

    filled in learning logs and reflection

    checklists as well as materials for

    project planning.

    My management of the process, coaching of

    students, and providing the support

    I used tools such as: The project

    Teaching and Learning Guide to have a

    clear view on the knowledge and skillsneeded by students in order to provide

    the right materials and lessons in

    accordance to these, the results

    registered from the scoring rubrics to

    see their progress and the effectiveness

    of the approach. Whenever a student

    needed support I organized mini-

    conferences with him asking him open

    questions in order to make him/her

    realize what else he/she could do to

    surmount the difficulty.

    Involvement of other adults Parents were informed during meetings

    about the approach before applying it in

    order to support their children and

    provide them the time and material

    resources to fulfill the task. They were

    also invited to the final presentation in

    order to see the outcomes of their

    children project work.

    Adequacy of resources The good part of the project was that

    students had the opportunity to usedivers materials and not only the school

    textbook as before. They used media

    resources such as educational sites,

    Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word,

    Microsoft Photo editor, the e-twinning


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