Curs Limba Engleza Incepatori6

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Transcript of Curs Limba Engleza Incepatori6

  • 8/10/2019 Curs Limba Engleza Incepatori6


    13He has [hi: hz]/ [hii hez] (El) are Hes [hiz]She has [.i: hz] / [sii hez] (Ea) are Shes [siz]It has [it hz] / [it hez] (El/ea) (obiecte) are. Its [it]We have [wi: hv] / [uiihev](Noi) avem Weve [uiv]You have [ju: hv] / [iuuhev](Voi) aveti Youve [iuv]They have [ei hv]/ [zeihev](Ei/ele) au Theyve [zeiv]!!! ATENTIE!!!

    Observati si n cazul verbului to have terminatia s de la persoana a treiasingular, pentru forma de prezent simplu.

    b) Negativul (Negatives)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba engleza, forma lunga(Present simple, negatives,long form, English version)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba romna (Presentsimple, negatives,Romanian version)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba engleza, forma scurta(Present simple, negatives,short form, English version)I have not / I do not have (Eu) nu am I havent/ I dont haveYou have not / You do nothave(Tu) nu ai You havent/ You dont

    haveHe has not/ He does nothave(El) nu are. He hasnt/ He doesnt haveShe has not/ She does nothave(Ea) nu are. She hasnt/ She doesnt

  • 8/10/2019 Curs Limba Engleza Incepatori6


    haveIt has not/ It does not have (El/Ea) (obiecte) nu are. It hasnt/ It doesnt haveWe have not / We do nothave(Noi) nu avem. We havent/ We dont haveYou have not / You do nothave(Voi) nu aveti. You havent/ You donthaveThey have not / They do nothave(Ei/Ele) nu au. They havent/ They donthave!!! ATENTIE!!!

    Verbul to have poate fi verb auxiliar, ajutnd la formarea unor ntrebari pentruformele de perfect, caz n care forma de negativ prezent este I havent., fie caraspuns scurt, fie ca urmat de verbul de conjugat, forma a treia: I havent written(Nuam scris).Ca verb de sine statator, cu sensul de a avea, to have are ca forma de negativI dont have, deci l utilizeaza ca verb auxiliar pe verbul to do despre care amvorbitmai devreme.

    14Aceleasi observatii sunt valabile si pentru formele de interogativ prezent , pe carele vom vedea n tabelul de mai jos.c) Interogativul (Interrogative, Yes/No QuestionsPrezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaengleza, (Present simple, yes/noquestions, English version)Prezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaromna (Present simple, yes/no

    questions, Romanian version)Have I..?/ Do I have? Am..? Am (eu)?Have you..? / Do you have? Ai..? Ai (tu)?Has he..? / Does he have? A.? Are (el)?Has she..? / Does she have? A.? Are (ea)?Has it..? / Does it have? A.? Are (el/ea) (obiecte)?Have we..?/ Do we have? Am? Avem (noi)?

  • 8/10/2019 Curs Limba Engleza Incepatori6


    Have you..?/ Do you have? Ati..? Aveti (voi)?Have they..?/ Do they have? Au.? Au (ei/ele)?2. Timpul trecut (Past Tense Simple)n cazul verbului to have avem o singura forma pentru timpul trecut (past tensesimple) si anume had, pentru toate persoanele.Afirmativ : I/He/We/You/They had a car.(Eu/El/Noi/Voi/Ei/ am/au avut o masina).

    Negativ: I/He/We/You/They didnt have a car.(Eu/El/Noi/Voi/Ei/ nu am/au avut o masina)Interogativ: Did I/he/we/you/they have a car?Am/au avut eu/el/noi/voi/ei/ o masina?!!! ATENTIE!!!Observati formarea negativului si a interogativului verbului to have ca verb desine statator cu past tense-ul auxiliarului do, deci did, urmat de infinitivul scurt al

    verbului de conjugat have. Asadar, avem didnt have, si did I have si NU didnthadsi did I had.Observati de asemenea ca n limba engleza este obligatorie exprimarea/folosireasubiectului, did I have, pe cnd n limba romna el poate fi omis, Am avut(eu)?Cnd folosim verbul to have?# Ca auxiliar1. Pentru formele de perfect (perfect verb forms):I have read the book. (Am citit/citii cartea) (present perfectprezent


    15I had read the book. (Citisem cartea) (past perfectmai mult ca

    perfectul)I will have read the book by this time tomorrow. (Voi fi citit cartea pnamine pe vremea asta).(future perfectviitorul

    perfect)Id like to have read this book ten years ago. (Mi-as dori sa fi citit cartea

    asta acum zece ani) (perfect infinitiveinfinitivul perfect)Having read the book before, he knew what to expect. (Citind/ Dat fiindca citise cartea nainte, stia la ce sa se astepte).2. ntrebari si negatiiHave you read the book? (Ai citit/citisi cartea?)I havent read the book. (Nu am citit/ nu citii cartea).

  • 8/10/2019 Curs Limba Engleza Incepatori6


    # Cnd vorbim despre posesie, relatii si alte situatii/stari:They have three newspapers. (Ei au trei ziare).Have you got any brothers or sisters? (Ai frati sau surori?)Do you often have headaches? (Ai des dureri de cap?)# Cnd vorbim despre actiuni si experiente:Im going to have a shower. (O sa fac un dus)Were having a meeting next month. (Vom avea o ntrunire luna viitoare).# Cnd vorbim despre obligatiiI had to read yesterday. (Ieri a trebuit sa citesc).# Cnd vorbim despre cauzarea sau experimentarea unor actiuni si evenimenteHis son had everybody laughing. (Fiul sau i-a facut pe toti sa rda)I must have my shoes repaired. (Trebuie sa-mi repar pantofii)We had our car stolen last week. (Ni s-a furat masina saptamnatrecuta)

    Exercitii:1. Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu forma corecta de prezent a verbului tohave:1. I ..a book.2. He .a car.3. ..youa picture?4. She .not water.5. He..a newspaper.