1.2. MG Serviciilor Informatii

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  • 8/12/2019 1.2. MG Serviciilor Informatii



    The Four Dimensions of CRMImplementationsFocusing on Key Customers

    A customer-focused structure, culture,policy, and reward sys- tem shouldpermeate any organiation that stri!esto imple- ment CRM successfully "Ryalsand Kno# $%%&' (heth, (isodia, and(harma $%%%)* All interactions with +eycustomers, who are often identied y.lifetime !alue computations,/ mustfully re0ect this company-wide CRMfocus "1ain and (ingh $%%$' (chmid and2eer &334)* The ultimate goal is to

    achie!e deep customer relationshipsthrough which the seller organi- ationecomes indispensale to its mostprotale custom- ers "5andermerwe$%%6)* 78uipped with company-wideunderstanding and internal support for+ey customer relation- ships, the salesforce generally is etter enaled andmoti!ated to culti!ate long-termcustomer relationships y o9ering morepersonalied products and ser!ices"Armstrong and Kotler $%%:, p* ;&6'

    (rini!asan, Anderson, and

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    customersB needs and enhancecustomer relationships*Managing Knowledge(trongly related to +nowledgemanagement, successful CRM ispredicated on e9ecti!ely transformingcustomer informa- tion to customer+nowledge "Freeland $%%:'

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    software programs to etter respond totheir customers and uild enduringcustomer relationships "Kotler $%%6, p*&6&)* CRM technology helps companiesand their salespeople collect, analye,and distriute information for enhancedprospecting, impro!ed communicationand sales presentations, and tailoredproduct congurations* It also fa-cilitates cross-referencing of customerswithin di!isions of a company forgreater sales opportunities "2idmier,

    1ac+son, and Mccae $%%$)* Among themaor outcomes sought yincorporating CRM-ased technologyare enhanced customer satisfaction,higher customer retention, and more

    protale long-term customerrelationships "?utler $%%%)* Insummary, successful CRMimplementations depend on cominingthe four aforementioned dimensionsHfocusing on +ey customers, organiingaround CRM, managing +nowledge, andincorporating CRM-ased technologyHinto an e9ecti!e o!er- all CRM strategy*Deciencies in any of these areas canrender the rmBs CRM endea!orsattenuated or e!en ine9ectual*

    To E(plore >otel Ser0ice Factors E..ect on Increasin# Tourist o&alt&-Mala&sia E0idence

    (tan+ *a**, "&333) dened ser!iceperformance as the le!el of a ser!icewhich categoried into two importantle!el operational performance which isrelated to physical aspect of ser!iceand relational performance which isrelated to the ser!ice deli!ery process*

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    indi9erent 8uality "I) and re!erse8uality"R)* (+ogland Q siguaw "$%%6)pro!ided an useful instrument toe!aluate customer loyalty in hotelindustry*

    There are se!eral studies aout ser!ice8uality and its a9ect on customersatisfaction ">sieh *a**, $%%4' (enga*a**' $%% and Tsung *a**, $%%4)especially some research pro!idedinformation aout the e9ect of hotelSsser!ices on !isitors "?arros QMascarenhas $%%;' >awang Q Chang,$%%: and 2ang *a**, $%%E)* They triedto realie important aspects of ser!icein di9erent companies y whichcustomers are satised or not* (ome

    models are designed to e!aluateser!ice such as (7R5JAL pro!ided ysieh "$%%4) elie!ed that dimensionsof ser!ice 8uality pro!ided y

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    "Tian Q Crompton, $%%:)* In addition,personnel play the !ital role to impro!ecustomerBs satisfaction in hotels* (imon $%%% elie!es that interaction withser!ice personnel is a9ect guest

    satisfaction* >e argues that if touristspercei!e that employeesS eha!ior isunethical, it in0uences the wholeassessment of the hotelsS ser!ice andthey will downgrade the 8uality ofrecei!ed ser!ice* (o, ethical standardfor employees plays the important rolein presenting warm e8uitale and goodser!ice for all guests* Although touristsprefer to recei!e 8ualied ser!ice,authenticity of displayed ser!ice ismore important and it a9ects on

    customerBs satisfaction @randey *a**"$%%;)* Therefore ased on pre!iousresearch it is clear that ser!ice 8ualityis !ery important for oth customersand hotel managers to ha!e long termrelationship with together* (o in thisresearch try to realie the a9ects of !eimportant aspects of ser!ice 8ualityincludes process, personnel, placeswitching cost and past e#perience oncustomer length of stay and re!isit thehotel and nally try to realie the a9ectof these factors on customer loyalty* Toanalysis ser!ice 8uality pre!iousmodels and theories must econcerned such as @A< "Cronin Q Tylor,&336), (7R5JAL, D7A "Kao, $%%3) andKA= "Kano, &346)* These models andtheories are useful for this research andtry to merge all these models to otainmodel and framewor+ which is suitalefor studying in Malaysian hotels* It isargued that y pro!iding more 8ualied

    ser!ices in hotel they can attract moretourists or encourage them to staymore or reoo+ this hotel for ne#t time*=n other word, y pro!iding more8ualied ser!ice they ma+e touristsloyal to their hotel hence impro!e theirprotaility and help country to attractmore tourist and recei!e to predictedplan* In fact 4 of e#ecuti!es inwestern countries and 1apan elie!ethat the +ey factor in hotel to competewith others is ser!ice impro!ement

    "Chen, $%%;)* (ince &3$%s when therst ser!ice research had started

    ser!iciilor* Un plus, Nn hoteluri personaluloacO rolul !ital la NmunOtOireasatisfaciei clienilor* (imon "$%%%)considerO cO interaciunea cupersonalul ce presteaO ser!iciulafecteaO satisfacia clienilor* 7lsusine cO Nn caul Nn care ospeiipercep cO comportamentul angaailoreste lipsit de eticO, aceastain0ueneaO e!aluarea Nn integritate aser!iciilor hotelurilor, retrogradVndcalitatea ser!iciilor primite* Deci,standardul etic pentru angaai oacO unrol important Nn oferirea unui ser!iciucOlduros, echitail i un tuturorclienilor* @randey *a** "$%%;)considerO cO, dei clienii preferO sO

    primeascO un ser!iciu calicat,autenticitatea ser!iciului prestat estemai importantO, aceasta afectVndsatisfacia clientului*

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    "Atilla, $%%E), so many researches hascarried out aout ser!ice 8uality andcustomer loyalty "such as (mith andLewis, &343' Juinn and >umle, &33:'and (ara T* *a**, $%&$), howe!er, fromthe literature re!iew it is realied thatthere is a little researches ha!edesigned to in!estigate the relationshipetween ser!ice 8uality and customerloyalty in hotels specially in Malaysianhotels*Business processes in a hotelin order to fulll the e#pectations andre8uest of guests, the managementsystem in a hotel must e de!eloped,documented, implemented andmanaged in such way to ensure

    realisation of the actual and foreseenguests re8uests* In order to createcompletely controlled en!ironment forde!eloping a usiness process in ahotel, it is necessary that hotelusiness processes e named,descried, structured W organised,controlled, managed and alwaysimpro!ing* In order to full it, hotelusiness processes need to econcei!ed, i*e* de!eloped accordinglymethodology*

    the process approach has thead!antage of permanent managing oflin+s etween - particular processes"within the process structure), which isthe structural element of hotelmanagement system - and -comination and mutual interaction ofthese elements* 2hen applying in hotel8uality management system, thisprocess approach underlines the

    importance of the followingsunderstanding and meeting of guestsre8uestsneed of super!ision of usinessprocesses in !alue added conditionsachie!ing results of usiness processesand their eGciencypermanent impro!ement of usinessprocesses, ased on impartialestimationRegardless of many types of usinessprocesses, and many di!ersities of

    process structures, all usinessprocesses in hotel can e di!ided in

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    - funcia de afaceri este condusOde managerul funcional, iarprocesul este condus demanager de proces de afaceri'identicarea acestor roluri nutreuie sO e o regulO, ci oe#cepie

    - procesul de afaceri, Nncomparaie cu funcia, repreintOunul din aspectele interne desupra!eghere a costurilor,inclusi! a costurile calitOii

    - ca urmare a tuturor acestordiferene, funcia este unconcept mai restrVns decVtprocesul

    In0uence of Customer Relationship Management on consumer loyalty

    The ad!antage of customiation use formanufacturers consists in theincreasing .the cost of changing!endors/ for customers and premisesto create loyalty to the rand "@ray Q?yun $%%&, p*$3)*

    The disad!antage of customiationstrategy is that consumers preferencesare often in0uenced y fashion andtrends, and itBs hard to customie thecompanyBs products respecti!ely*

    Therefore some scientists argue thatitBs much more important to pro!ide.the right products and ser!ices at theright time or moment/ rather than tosta+e only on the indi!idualiation ofproductsWser!ices "@ray Q ?yun $%%&,p*6$)*

    The reaction of customers forcompanyBs intrusion in their li!es, forinstance in the form of unwanted mailsor calls, can ta+e di9erent forms from

    simple irritation to the feelings of!iolation, fear of harm and nightmarish!isions "(tanley $%%%)*

    The deate aout pri!acy issues triesto clarify how much control we usersshould otain in regards to their pri!ateinformation* Companies argue that themore information they get, the etterthey can satisfy customers needs* Theopponents pro!ide for considerationtwo options X .=pt-in/ customers ha!e

    to agree for the collection of theirpri!ate information or a certain amount

    A!antaul de utiliare personaliarepentru producOtori constO Nn cretereaYcostul de schimare furnioriY pentruclieni i spaii pentru a crea loialitateafaO de rand "@ray Q ?yun $%%&,p*$3)*Dea!antaul de strategie depersonaliare este cO preferineleconsumatorilor sunt adesea in0uenatede modO i tendine, i este greu de apersonalia produsele companieirespecti!* De aceea, unii oameni destiinta sustin ca este mult maiimportant sO se asigure Yprodusele iser!iciile potri!ite la momentul potri!itsau momentulY, mai degraO decVt dea mia doar pe indi!idualiarea deproduse W ser!icii "@ray Q ?yun $%%&,p*6$)*

    Reacia de clienti pentru intruiunecompanie Nn !iaa lor, de e#emplu, suforma de e-mailuri nedorite sau apeluri,

    poate lua diferite forme de la iritaresimplu la sentimentele de NncOlcare,teama de rOu i de comar !iiuni"(tanley $%%%)*

    Deaterea cu pri!ire la prolemele decondenialitate NncearcO sO claricemodul Nn care utiliatorii de mult dewe de control ar treui sO oinO Nnceea ce pri!ete informaiile lor pri!ate*Companiile susin cO mai multinformaiile pe care le oine, cu atVt

    mai ine se pot satisface ne!oileclienilor* Ad!ersarii pre!Od considerare

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    of it, lling in the .customer consentform/* This opportunity gi!esconsumers more control and rights dueto the use of their information, uildsthrust etween the company and itsBcustomers* The disad!antage of thisoption from the companiesB !iew is thatthe amount of this information will note enough for creating an in-depthdataase* X .=pt-out/ customersprohiit the usage of any pri!ateinformation* >owe!er, in reality it doesnot stop the company from collectingpersonal data' customers simply losecontrol o!er the process "2iner $%%&)*

    douO opiuni X Y=pt-inY clienii treuiesO e de acord pentru colectarea deinformaii lor pri!at sau o anumitOcantitate de ea, completarea Yformularde consimOmVnt clientY* AceastOoportunitate oferO consumatorilor maimult control i drepturi ca urmare autiliOrii informaiilor lor, construietetraciune Nntre companie i clienii sOi Y*Dea!antaul acestei opiuni de!iualiare a companiilor este cO sumaacestor informaii nu !or de aunspentru a crea o aO de date Nnprofunime* X Y=pt-outY clienii sOintericO utiliarea de informaii pri!ate*Cu toate acestea, Nn realitate, ea nu seoprete compania de colectare a

    datelor cu caracter personal' clienii Nipierd pur i simplu controlul asupraprocesului "2iner $%%&)*


    (ome of the main disad!antages ofCustomer Relationship Management"CRM) occur when professionals do notuse software in a way that is enecialto their organiations* 2hensalespeople neglect to updatecustomer records, for e#ample, thesoftware ends up costing more than itenets a usiness* A customerrelationship management system thatis incorrectly implemented can alsocause prolems for a usiness* If ane#ecuti!e decides to implement this+ind of system, for instance, ut doesnot include all departments, theinformation generated y can einaccurate* (ome opponents point to

    other disad!antages of customerrelationship management, such as thedepersonaliation of sales processes,the diGculties of implementing thesesystems into pree#isting usinesssystems, and the comparati!ely timeconsuming tas+s associated withretrie!ing and recording data*Customer relationship management is astrategy that allows sales andmar+eting professionals to record,access, and trac+ information related to

    customers and potential clients* Thisstrategy normally re8uires use of

    nele dintre principalele dea!antaeale Managementul relaiilor cu clienii"CRM) apar atunci cVnd profesionitii nuutilia software-ul Nntr-un mod care esteenec pentru organiaiile lor* CVndagenii de !VnOri neglieaO sOactualiee NnregistrOrile clienilor, dee#emplu, software-ul se terminO prin acosta mai mult decVt aceastaeneciaO o afacere* n sistem demanagement al relaiilor cu clienii,care este pusO Nn aplicare Nn modincorect poate pro!oca, de asemenea,proleme pentru o afacere* Un caul Nncare un e#ecuti! decide sO punO Nnaplicare acest tip de sistem, dee#emplu, dar nu include toate

    departamentele, informaiile generatede pot ine#acte* nele ad!ersariipunctul de alte dea!antae demanagement al relaiilor cu clienii,cum ar depersonaliarea proceselorde !Vnare, dicultOile deimplementare a acestor sisteme Nnsistemele de afaceri pree#istente,precum i sarcinile relati!consumatoare de timp asociate cupreluarea i Nnregistrarea datelor*Managementul relatiilor cu clientii este

    o strategie care permite de !VnOri ide mar+eting profesionisti pentru a

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    computer programs that allow users to+eep records that can helpprofessionals to determine how to selland mar+et to new clients and how tosatisfy current customers*

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