09 14-28-3909 Baza Materiala CSEA

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  • 7/29/2019 09 14-28-3909 Baza Materiala CSEA


    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI


    Centrul de Studii Euro-Atlantice dispune de o bibliotec care cuprinde un numr de peste

    1500 de titluri de lucrri de specialitate n domeniul relaiilor internaionale i a istoriei

    universale secolele XIX- XX precum i un suport tehnic multimedia 5 calculatoare, 3

    imprimante, 2 videoproiectoare, 2 scannere - oferind accesul studenilor la bazele de date on-line

    (ProQuest, J-Store, Ebsco), permind astfel organizarea cursurilor i seminariilor pentrucursurile de master n conformitate cu cele mai moderne condiii de cercetare i studiu.

    Biblioteca a permis o documentare a studenilor n toate domeniile de interes, acoperind

    n mare msur paleta de discipline existent la nivelul fiecreia din specializrile Facultii de


    Dotrile cu mobilier modern a slii de lectur, precum i informatizarea serviciilor

    funcionale ale bibliotecii atrag un numr mare de utilizatori. n prezent exist un fond de carte

    propriu destinat studenilor la sala de lectur a Bibliotecii, accesul fiind zilnic, potrivitprogramului de bibliotec.

    Studenii i cadrele didactice beneficiaz de un acces permanent la internet, astfel nct

    activitatea de cercetare, precum i activitatea didactic sunt susinute de un transfer de informaie

    profesor-student ce stimuleaz studiul individual i atingerea performanei academice.

    Activitatea de cercetare tiinific se deruleaz individual i pe grupe de lucru mixte

    cadre didactice-studeni, precum i pe echipe de cercetare pentru diverse proiecte i granturi, sub

    coordonarea Centrului de Studii Euro-Atlantice. n prezent, CSEA are n derulare mai multe

    granturi CNCSIS, precum i un grant finanat de Comisia European. Rezultatele cercetrii sunt

    valorificate i n paginile revistei CSEA, Euro-Atlantic Studies, ale crei articole i studii sunt

    semnate de cadre didactice, cursani ai programului universitar i ai programelor de master.

  • 7/29/2019 09 14-28-3909 Baza Materiala CSEA


    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI

    Totodata, Centrul de Studii Euro-Atlantice mai dispune de o a doua locatie, unde se afla

    un alt punct de lucru, care dispune de o colectie impresionanta de volume de documente

    diplomatice, precum si o dotare multimedia.

    Astfel, baza material a CSEA sprijin procesul didactic i de cercetare din cadrul

    Facultii de Istorie, dispunnd de resursele sale umane, logistice i financiare necesare realizrii

    unei cecrectri tiinifice performante.


    I. Ediii de documente


    Titlul i autorul Cantitatea Observaii

    1. I. International Law Report 121 vol.2. II. Documents Diplomatiques Franais 51 vol.3. III. Documents on British Policy Overseases 12 vol.4. IV. Foreign Relations of the United States 42 vol.

    II. Enciclopedii, dicionare i atlase


    Titlul i autorul Cantitatea Observaii

    1. V. Enciclopedia Universalis 24 vol.2. VI. Enciclopedia Britannica 33 vol.3. VII. Atlas Geografic Britannica 1 vol.4. VIII. Websters Third New International Dictionary of

    the English Language Unabridged3 vol

    5. IX. Dictionnaire Quillet de la Langue Franaise 4 vol.6. X. Michel Mourre, Dictionnaire Encyclopdique

    dHistoire5 vol.

    7. XI. The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia 8 vol.8. XII. Hitchinson Pocket Encyclopedia 1 vol.9. XIII. Frank Bealey, The Blackwell Dictionary of

    Political Science

    1 vol.

    10. XIV. Andrew Boyd,An Atlas of World Affairs 1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI

    11. XV. Pascal Boniface, Lexique des relationsinternationales

    1 vol.

    12. XVI. FrenchEnglish/EnglishFrench Dictionarz 1 vol.13. XVII. Dicionar francezromn/romnfrancez 1 vol.14. XVIII.Dicionar francezromn 1 vol.15. XIX. Dicionar romnenglez 1 vol.16. XX. Dicionar englezromn/romnenglez 1 vol.17. XXI. Longman Dictionary of English Language and

    Culture1 vol.

    18. XXII. The New International Websters ComprehensiveDictionary of the English Language

    1 vol.

    19. XXIII.Dicionarul explicativ al limbii romne 1 vol.20. XXIV. Anne Ramsey, Eurojargon. A Dictionary of

    European Union

    1 vol.

    21. XXV. Alan Axelrod, Charles E. Phillips, Encyclopediaof Historical Treaties and Alliances

    2 vol.

    22. XXVI.Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace &Conflict 3 vol.23. XXVII.International Dictionary of Historical Places 5 vol.24. XXVIII. LHistoire Vecue de la Deuxime Guerre

    Mondiale8 vol.

    25. XXIX. Thomas Parrish, The Cold War Encyclopedia 1 vol.26. XXX. World Almanac and Book of Facts 1 vol.27. XXXI. The Penguin Dictionary of International


    1 vol.

    28. XXXII.Gerard Chaliand, Michel Jan,Atlas du nuclaire 1 vol.29. XXXIII. Roger Scruton, A Dictionary of Political

    Thought1 vol.

    30. XXXIV. David Robertson, A Dictionary of HumanRights

    1 vol.

    31. XXXV. Gilles Ferrol, Dicionarul UniuniiEuropene

    1 vol.

    III. Integrare european


    Titlul i autorul Cantitatea Observaii

    1. XXXVI. Antonio Cassese, SelfDetermination ofPeoples

    1 vol.

    2. XXXVII. Ilya Prizel, National Identity and ForeignPolicy. Nationalism Leadership in Poland, Russia and

    1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI


    3. XXXVIII. Daniel S. Geller, J. David Singer,Nationas at War

    1 vol.

    4. XXXIX. Martin van Creveld, The Rise andDecline of the State

    1 vol.

    5. XL. Peter J. Katzenstein, Tamed Poswer. Germany inEurope

    1 vol.

    6. XLI. Michael Byers, Custom, Power and the Power ofRules

    1 vol.

    7. XLII. J.G. Merrills,International Dispute Settlement 1 vol.8. XLIII. Cyril Buffet, Beatrice Heuser, Haunted by


    1 vol.

    9. XLIV.Jack David Eller, From Culture to Ethnicity toConflict

    1 vol.

    10. XLV. David A. Lake, Donald Rothchild, TheInternational Spread of Ethnic Conflict

    1 vol.

    11. XLVI.Graham Smith, Vivien Law, Andrew Wilson,Annette Bohr, Edward Allworth, NationalBuilding inthe PostSoviet Borderlands

    1 vol.

    12. XLVII.Peter Katzenstein,Mitteleuropa Between Europeand Germany

    1 vol.

    13. XLVIII. Bill McSweeney, Moral Issues inInternational Affairs

    1 vol.

    14. XLIX. Tim Dunne,Inventing International Society 1 vol.15. L. Christina Joppke, Challenge to The NationState 1 vol.16. LI. John Williams, Legitimacy in International

    Relations and the Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia1 vol.

    17. LII. Abba Eban,Diplomacy for the next Century 1 vol.18. LIII. Ngaire Woods, Explaining International

    Relations Since 19451 vol.

    19. LIV. R.G. Feltham,Diplomatic Handbook 1 vol.20. LV. Mark Juergensmeyer,In the Mind of God 1 vol.21. LVI. Sebastian Smith,Allahs Mountains 1 vol.22. LVII. Thomas W. Smith, History and International

    Relations1 vol.

    23. LVIII.Charlotte Bretherton, John Vogler, TheEuropean Union As Global Actor 1 vol.

    24. LIX. Tim Dunne, Nicholas J. Wheeler,Human Rightsin Global Politics

    1 vol.

    25. LX. R. P. Barston,Modern Diplomacy 1 vol.26. LXI. Ian Clark, Iver B. Neumann, Classical Theories

    of Intrnational Relations1 vol.

    27. LXII. David Wippman, International Law and Ethnic 1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI


    28. LXIII. Thomas d. Musgrave, Self Determination andNational Minorities

    1 vol.

    29. LXIV. Lawrence Freedman, Strategic Coercion 1 vol.30. LXV. Thierry Tardy, La France et la gestion des

    conflits yougoslaves (1991-1995)

    1 vol.

    31. LXVI. Thomas G. Weiss,Beyond UN Subcontracting 1 vol.32. LXVII.Lord Gore-Booth, Ssatows Guide to Diplomatic


    1 vol.

    33. LXVIII. Tim Dune, Michael Cox, Ken Booth, TheEighty Years Crisis. International Relations 1919-


    1 vol.

    34. LXIX.CharlesPhillipe David, Jaque Lvesque, TheFuture of NATO

    1 vol.

    35. LXX. NATO Final Communiques 19861990 1 vol.36. LXXI. Philip H. Gordon,NATOs Tranformation 1 vol.37. LXXII.John Peterson, Helene Sjursen, A Common

    Foreign Policy for Europe

    1 vol.

    38. LXXIII. NDC Security Studies 1 vol.39. LXXIV.Franz Knipping, Hans von Mangoldt, Volker

    Rittberger, The United Nations System and ItsPredecesssors

    2 vol.

    40. LXXV. Philip Alston, Mara Bustelo, JamesHeenan, The EU and Huan Rights

    1 vol.

    41. LXXVI.The Blue Helmets. A Review of United NationsPeaceKeeping

    1 vol.

    42. LXXVII. European Treaties, 19491998 2 vol.43. LXXVIII. NATO Final Communiques 19751980 1 vol.44. LXXIX.NATO Final Communiques 19811985 1 vol.46. LXXX.Documentele de baz ale Comunitii i Uniunii

    Europene1 vol.

    47. LXXXI.Andrew Dorman, Adrian Treacher, EuropeanSecurity

    1 vol.

    48. LXXXII. Albert J. Paolini, Anthonz P. Jarvis,Christian ReusSmith,Between Sovereignity and Global


    1 vol.

    49. LXXXIII. NDC Security Studies 1 vol.50. LXXXIV. La securite en Europe: vers une

    flexibilite interinstitutionnelle

    1 vol.

    51. LXXXV. European Public Opinion and SecurityPolicy

    1 vol.

    52. LXXXVI. Rob de Wijk, NATO on the Brink of thenew millenium

    1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI

    53. LXXXVII. Human Rights in the OSCE Region 1 vol.54. LXXXVIII. Mark Smith, NATOs Enlargement durin

    the Cold War

    1 vol.

    55. LXXXIX. Franois Thual, Gopolitiques auquotidien

    1 vol.

    56. XC. Danile Joly,Refugees 1 vol.57. XCI. Allan Phillips, Allan Rosas, Universal Minority

    Rights1 vol.

    58. XCII. Un Plan daction pour une Europe unie 1 vol.59. XCIII. The Effects of Enlargement on Bilateral

    Relations in Central and Eastern Europe

    1 vol.

    60. XCIV.International Committee of the Red Cross.Annual Report (1996)

    1 vol.

    61. XCV. Guide to Publications 1 vol.62. XCVI.NATO Communiques, 1996 1 vol.63. XCVII.Elections in theBaltic States and Soviet

    Republics1 vol.

    64. XCVIII. CSCE Helsinki Document 1992 1 vol.65. XCIX.Report of CSCE meeting of Experts on National

    Minorities, 19922 vol.

    66. C. Document on the Copenhagen Meeting of theConference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE

    2 vol.

    67. CI. Report of the Commonwealth SecretaryGeneral, 1995

    1 vol.

    68. CII. NATO Communiques, 1994 1 vol.69. CIII. NATO Communiques, 1995 1 vol.70. CIV. Conference des Representants des

    Gouvernements des Etats Membres1 vol.

    71. CV. Financial Institutions 1 vol.72. CVI. Manual NATO 1 vol.73. CVII. A.G. Harryvan, J. van der Harst, Documents on

    European Union

    1 vol.

    74. CVIII. Carol CosgroveSacks, The European andDeveloping Countries

    1 vol.

    75. CIX. Linda Hantrais, Social Policy in the EuropeanUnion

    1 vol.

    76. CX. Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin, Ella Ritchie, 1 vol.77. CXI. Noel Parker, Bill Armstrong, Margins in

    European Integration

    1 vol.

    78. CXII. Heikki Mikkeli,Europe as an Idea and Identity 1 vol.79. CXIII.P.Lynch, N. Neuwahl, W. Ress, Reforming the

    European Union1 vol.

    80. CXIV. Karlhenz Neunreither, Antje Wiener, Euroepan 1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI

    Integration After Amsterdam

    81. CXV. Simon Hix, Christopher Lord, Political Partiesin the European Union

    1 vol.

    82. CXVI. Laurea Cram, Desmond Dinan, Neil Nugent,Developments in the European Union

    1 vol.

    83. CXVII. Alan Smith, The Return to Europe 1 vol.84. CXVIII. Ed Randall, The European Union and

    Health Policy

    1 vol.

    85. CXIX. Maurice KeensSoper,Europe in the World 1 vol.86. CXX. Simon Hix, The Political System of the Euopean

    Union1 vol.

    87. CXXI. Anne Stevens, Handley Stevens, BrusselsBureaucrats?

    1 vol.

    88. CXXII. Justin Greenwood,Representing Interestsin The European Union

    1 vol.

    89. CXXIII. Renaud Dehousse, The European Courtof Justice

    1 vol.

    90. CXXIV. Brigid Laffan, The Finances of theEuropean Union

    1 vol.

    91. CXXV. Janne Haaland Matlary,Energy Policy inthe European Union

    1 vol.

    92. CXXVI. John Peterson, Margaret Sharp,Technology policy in the European Union

    1 vol.

    93. CXXVII. Wyn Grant, The Common AgriculturalPolicy

    1 vol.

    94. CXXVIII. Michelle Cini, Lee McGowan,Competition Policy in The European Union

    1 vol.

    95. CXXIX. Wyn Grant, The Common AgriculturalPolicy

    1 vol.

    96. CXXX.Peter Moser, Getrald Schneider, GebhardKirchgassner,Decision Rules in the European Union

    1 vol.

    97. CXXXI. Brent F. Nelsen, Alexander Stubb, TheEuropean Union

    1 vol.

    98. CXXXII. John Williams, Legitmacy ininternational relations and the rise and fall ofYugoslavia

    1 vol.

    99. CXXXIII. John McCormick, Undrerstanding theEuropean Union

    1 vol.

    100. CXXXIV. Stuart Croft, John Redmond G. WynRees, Mark Webber, The enlargement of Europe

    1 vol.

    101. CXXXV. Werner Bauwens, Luc Reychler, The Artof Conflict Prevention

    1 vol.

    102. CXXXVI. Davis S. Yost,NATO Transformed 1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI

    103. CXXXVII. Nick Gardner, A guide to UnitedKingdom and European Union Competition Policy

    1 vol.

    104. CXXXVIII. Iver B. Neumann,Russia and the Idea ofEurope

    1 vol.

    105. CXXXIX. Vassiliki Koutrakou, Lucie Emerson, TheEuropean Union and Britain

    1 vol.

    106. CXL. Jamal Shahin, Michael Wintle, The Idea of aUnited Europe

    1 vol.

    107. CXLI. Alan S. Milward, The Europena Rescue of theNationState

    1 vol.

    108. CXLII.Pierre Martin, Mark Brawley, Alliance, Politics,Kosovo, and NATOs War

    1 vol.

    109. CXLIII. Ken Endo, The Presidency of theEuropean Commission under Jaques Delors

    1 vol.

    110. CXLIV. Brian White, Understanding EuropeanForeign Policy

    1 vol.

    111. CXLV.John W. Young, Britain and European Unity,19451999

    1 vol.

    112. CXLVI. Victoria Curyon Price, Alice Landau,Richard Whitman, The Enlargement of the EuropeanUnion

    1 vol.

    113. CXLVII. Michael Burgess, Federalism andEuropean Union: The Buiding of Europe, 19502000

    1 vol.

    114. CXLVIII. Ben Rosamond, Theories of EuropeanIntegration

    1 vol.

    115. CXLIX. Mark Baimbridge, Philip Whyman, TheImpact of the Euro

    1 vol.

    116. CL. T.V. Paul, John A. Hall,International Order andthe Future of World Politics

    1 vol.

    117. CLI. Glnur Aybet, The Dynamics of EuropeanSecurity Cooperation, 19451991

    1 vol.

    118. CLII. Michael Calingaert, European IntegrationRevisited

    1 vol.

    119. CLIII. Neill Nugent, At the Heart of the EuropeanUnion

    1 vol.

    120. CLIV. Alex May, Britain, the Commonwealth andEurope

    1 vol.

    121. CLV. Werner Bonenfeld, The Politics of Europe 1 vol.122. CLVI. Martina A. Smith, Graham Timmins, Building a

    Bigger Europe

    1 vol.

    123. CLVII.Frdric Bozo,La France et lOTAN 1 vol.124. CLVIII. Robert Ladrech, Philippe Marliere,

    Social Democratic Parties in the European Union1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI

    125. CLIX. Kalevi J. Holsti, The State, War, and the State ofWar

    1 vol.

    126. CLX. Reiner Martin, The Regional Dimension inEuropean Public Policy

    1 vol.

    127. CLXI. Charles C. Moskos, John Allen Williams, DavidR. Seagal, The Postmodern Military

    1 vol.

    128. CLXII.James W. Davies, Leadership Selection in SixWestern Democracies

    1 vol.

    129. CLXIII. Kjell Goldmann, Ulf Hannerz, CharlesWestin, Nationalism and Internationalism in the PostCold War Era

    1 vol.

    130. CLXIV. Richard Corbett, The EuropeanParliaments Role in Closer EU Integration

    1 vol.

    131. CLXV.Romano Prodi, O viziune asupra Europei 1 vol.132. CLXVI. Charlotte Bretherton, John Vogler, The

    European Union as a Global Actor1 vol.

    133. CLXVII. John Pinder, Foundations of theDemocracy in the European Union

    1 vol.

    134. CLXVIII. Jollyon Howorth, Anand Menon, TheEuropean Union and National Defence Policy

    1 vol.

    135. CLXIX. Ben Soetendorp, Foreign Policy in theEuropean Union

    1 vol.

    136. CLXX.Anthony R. Zito, Creating Enviromental Policyin the European Union

    1 vol.

    137. CLXXI. Frdric Bozo, Deux stratgies pourlEurope

    1 vol.

    138. CLXXII. Todd Sandler, Keith Hartley, ThePolitical Economy of NATO

    1 vol.

    139. CLXXIII. Terrence R. Guay, The United States andthe European Union

    1 vol.

    IV. Diverse


    Titlul i autorul Cantitatea Observaii

    1. CLXXIV. Eric Hobsbawm, Secolul extremelor 1 vol.2. CLXXV. Constantin Bue, Nicolae Iorga, 1871

    19401 vol.

    3. CLXXVI. S.E. Finer, The History of the Government 3 vol.4. CLXXVII. J.S. McClelland, A History of Western 1 vol.

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    Universitatea din BucuretiFacultatea de Istorienvmnt deschis la distanMaster Diplomaie i istorie politic n secolele XIX-XXI

    Political Thought

    5. CLXXVIII. H.E.L. Mellers, R.L.Storey, NevilleWilliams, Philip Waller, Chronology of World History

    1 vol.

    6. CLXXIX. Thomas Parrish, The Cold WarEncyclopedia

    1 vol. Copiexerox

    7. CLXXX. Securitatea naional, politic de aprarei istorie militar n Romnia la sfrit de mileniu

    1 vol.

    8. CLXXXI. Charles Kegley, Eugene Wittkopf, WorldPolitics

    1 vol.

    9. CLXXXII. Dennis Deletant, Ceauescu i Securitatea 1 vol.10. CLXXXIII. Thierry de Montbrial, Pierr Jacquet, Les

    Grandes Tendances du Monde1 vol.