Post on 06-Feb-2018

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TENSE ─ Semantic descriptions of the Tenses of the Indicative (absolute and contextual values)

- Present Tense Simple, Present Tense Progressive, Simple Past, Past Progressive, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Progressive

─ Means of expressing futurity in English ASPECT ─ Tense versus Aspect

─ BE-progressive and aspectual classes: recategorisation ─ The perfective aspect in English

MOOD ─ The Indicative versus the Subjunctive: factual versus non-factual ─ The Subjunctive Mood in English (forms, meaning, distribution and use) - The ‘synthetic’ Subjunctive (values and distribution)

- The ‘analytical’ Subjunctive (values and distribution) ─ Classes of matrix verbs and adjectives in matrix clause that trigger the use of the

Subjunctive MODALITY ─ Morphological and syntactic behaviour of Modal Verbs

─ Epistemic and deontic classification of modals in English (CAN, COULD, MUST, MAY , MIGHT, SHALL, SHOULD, WILL , WOULD, OUGHT TO, NEED, DARE)

BIBLIOGRAFIE Obligatorie - Crăiniceanu, I. (2007) Elements of English Morphology, Bucureşti: Editura Fundaţiei “România de Mâine” - Duţescu-Coliban, T. (2000) Aspects of English Morphology, Bucureşti: Editura Fundaţiei

“România de Mâine”, p. 150-243 B. ENGLISH PRACTICAL COURSE - Translations from/into English

MODULUL II : A. THE SYNTAX OF THE SIMPLE SENTENCE: TYPOLOGY OF P REDICATIONS IN ENGLISH (Verb Subcategorisation) ─ SENTENCE STRUCTURE (constituents and functions) ─ VERB PHRASE STRUCTURE (constituents and functions) ─ SUBCATEGORISATION OF THE VERB (according to its complements and its argument structure): intransitive verbs

transitive verbs ─ COPULATIVE PREDICATION - Status of the verb to be - The predicative – syntactic and logico-semantic classifications ─ INTRANSITIVE PREDICATIONS : - simple intransitive verbs (unaccusatives and unergatives) - intransitive verbs with indirect or prepositional object; - complex intransitives (“phrasal verbs”) with adverbial particle and/or preposition; - relational intransitives (verbs of possession, reciprocal verbs); - intransitives with adverbials. ─ TRANSITIVE PREDICATIONS : - Monotransitives with direct “affected” object and/or “effected” object; - other subcategories of monotransitives (with direct instrumental object, locative, experiencer, etc). - Ditransitives (verbs with double direct object, dative, with prepositional object). - Possibilities of passivisation. - Logico-semantic and syntactic classification of basic and derivative causative verbs. - VERBS WITH A DOUBLE REGIME – subcategory of ergatives. - Recategorisation of transitive and intransitive verbs.

BIBLIOGRAFIE BIBLIOGRAFIE OBLIGATORIE/MINIMAL Ă: 1. Serban, D., The Syntax of English Predications, Ed. FundaŃiei România de Mâine, 2006 2. Cornilescu, A., English Complementation: A Minimalist Perspective, EUB, 2003 3. Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Svartvik, J., A Grammar of Contemporary English, Longman Group Ltd., 1972 4. Şerban, D., Drăguşin D., Haţăgan R., English Syntax Workbook, Ed. Fundaţiei România de Mâine, 2005 BIBLIOGRAFIE FACULTATIV Ă: 1. Cornilescu, A., Concepts of Modern Grammar, UB, 1995 2. Avram L., English Syntax. The Structure of Root Clauses, Oscar Print, 2003 3. Haegeman, L., Gueron, J., English Grammar, A Generativist Perspective, T.J. International, Padstow, Cornwall, 1999 B. ENGLISH PRACTICAL COURSE - Translations from/into English


- The mechanism of subordination by Relativization - The classification of Relative Clauses - Restrictive Relative Clauses - Non-restrictive Relative Clauses - Free Relative Clauses


- General characteristics; (THAT Clauses as “abstract nominals”; THAT Clauses as Complement Phrases) - Distribution and classes of verbs subcategorising for THAT Clauses - Extraposed Clauses; Expletive IT

INFINITIVE CLAUSES - General characteristics - The status of FOR as a Complementizer and of TO as Inflection

- The Subject of the Infinitive Clause (Overt and non-overt Subjects of Infinitive Clauses – various interpretations)

- Indefiniteness of the Subject - Subject and Object control; the Null Subject PRO; Control Predicates - Raising Predicates - FOR-TO Infinitive Clauses and PRO Clauses; syntactic functions - Raising patterns – various interpretations - The Nominative + Infinitive Construction; classes of triggers - The Accusative + Infinitive Construction; classes of triggers BIBLIOGRAFIE BIBLIOGRAFIE OBLIGATORIE/MINIMAL Ă: 1. Cornilescu, A., English Syntax, Volume 2, Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, 1982 2. Cornilescu, A., Concepts of Modern Grammar, UB, 1995 3. Serban, D., The Syntax of English Predications, Ed. Fundatiei România de Mâine, 2006 BIBLIOGRAFIE FACULTATIV Ă: 1. Jacobs, Roderick, A., English Syntax. A Grammar for English Language Professionals, Oxford University Press, 1995 2. Haegeman, L., Gueron, J., English Grammar, A Generativist Perspective, T.J. International, Padstow, Cornwall, 1999 3. Radford Andrew, Transformational Grammar, Cambridge University Press, 1990 BIBLIOGRAFIE SUPLIMENTAR Ă: 1. Chomsky, Lectures on Government and Binding, Foris Publications, 1982 2. Cornilescu, A., Complementation in English, Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, 2003 3. Quirk, R., S. Greenbaum, G. Leech, J. Svartvik, A Grammar of Contemporary English, Longman Group Ltd., 1972 B. ENGLISH PRACTICAL COURSE - Translations from/into English

ENGLISH LITERATURE MODULUL I: A. DRAMA William Shakespeare – Hamlet. Critical interpretations. Hamlet as political / domestic tragedies. Plot and characters. Marginal characters in the play. William Shakespeare – The Tempest. Critical interpretations: traditional, postcolonial, New-Historicist readings of the play. Plot and characters. Similarities in point of theme with A Midsummer Night’s Dream (fathers and daughters, essence and appearance, manipulation through illusion). Marginal characters in the play. William Shakespeare – A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Critical interpretation. Shakespeare’s fictional geography. Women’s role in a patriarchal society. Similarities with The Tempest. Plot and characters. Marginal characters in the play. George Bernard Shaw – The Devil’s Disciple. Context and social background of the play. Themes, plot and characters. BIBLIOGRAFIE MINIMAL Ă: George Volceanov et al. – Lectures on Classical English Literature, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, 2007. George Volceanov – „Despre razbunare si iertare prin magie si piraterie”, Prefata la Furtuna, in W. Shakespeare, Opere, Vol. 1, Editura Paralela 45, 2010. George Volceanov – „De trei ori Hamlet”, Prefata la Hamlet, in W. Shakespeare, Opere, Vol. 2, Editura Paralela 45, 2010. Odette Blumenfeld – Prefata la Vis de-o noapte-n miezul verii, in W. Shakespeare, Opere, Vol. 4, Editura Paralela 45, 2011. Andrew Sanders – The Short Oxford History of English Literature / Scurta istorie Oxford a literaturii engleze (orice editie disponibila). B. ENGLISH PRACTICAL COURSE - Translations from/into English

MODULUL II A. FICTION (THE NOVEL) Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice Emily Bronte – Wuthering Heights Charles Dickens – Great Expectations Aldous Huxley – Brave New World Ernest Hemingway – The Old Man and the Sea Thomas Pynchon – The Crying of Lot 49 The plot as synthesis among character, action and thought. Narrative techniques and narrative speed: telling, showing, ellipsis. Types of narrator. Point of view. Time and space in the novel. The difference between story and plot. Characterization. The themes of the aforementioned novels. BIBLIOGRAFIE MINIMAL Ă: George Volceanov et al. – Lectures on Classical English Literature, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, 2007. Florin Pitea – ... Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine... Wayne C. Booth – The Rhetoric of Fiction / Retorica romanului (orice editie disponibila). B. ENGLISH PRACTICAL COURSE - Translations from/into English

MODULUL III A. POETRY William Shakespeare – Sonnet 18, 66, 130 George Gordon Byron – She Walks in Beauty; Stanzas for Music John Keats – La Belle Dame Sans Merci Edgar Allan Poe – Annabel Lee William Butler Yeats – Sailing to Byzantium William Carlos Williams – The Red Wheelbarrow Ezra Pound – In A Station of the Metro Dylan Thomas – Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night Theodore Roethke – In A Dark Time The students are to prepare the text analysis of the aforementioned poems, refering to: poetic genre, theme(s), key words, figures of speech, types of images, the stylistic dominant of the analyzed poem, elements of prosody (strophic structure, meter, line, rhythm, rhyming pattern). BIBLIOGRAFIE MINIMALA: George Volceanov et al. – English Poetry up to 1830, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, 2007. Liviu Andreescu – A Thematic Introduction to Twentieth-Century British and American Poetry, Second Edition, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, 2011. Andrew Sanders – The Short Oxford History of English Literature / Scurta istorie Oxford a literaturii engleze (orice editie disponibila). B. ENGLISH PRACTICAL COURSE - Translations from/into English

ENGLISH PRACTICAL COURSE BIBLIOGRAFIE OBLIGATORIE/MINIMAL Ă: • Lupu, Janeta, 2006: English Practical Course Workbook, ed. Fundaţiei România de Mâine • Şerban, D., Drăguşin, D., 2007: English Practical Course for Second Year Students, ed. Fundaţiei

România de Mâine • Lupu, J., Buzea, O., Birtalan, A., 2007: English Practical Course for First Year Students, ed. Fundaţiei

România de Mâine • Bădescu, A., 1963: Gramatica Limbii Engleze, ed. ştiinţifică, Buc.; • Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă, G., E. Comişel, 1995: Gramatica Limbii Engleze, ed. Omegapress, Buc.; • Leviţchi, L., 1994: Gramatica Limbii Engleze, ed. Teora, Buc.; • Şerban, D., Drăguşin, D., 2004: English Syntax Workbook, ed. Fundaţiei România de Mâine • Vianu, L., 2003: English With a Key, ed. Teora, Buc.; BIBLIOGRAFIE FACULTATIV Ă: • Graver, G.B., 1994: Advanced English Practice, Oxford University Press • Wellman, Guy 1998: Wordbuilder, Heineman BIBLIOGRAFIE SUPLIMENTAR Ă: • Collins Cobuild, 1990, English Grammar, Harper Collins Publishers, London • Evans, V., 1998, Successful Writing Proficiency, Express Publishing • Jordan, R.R., 1980, Academic Writing Course, Collins ELT • Lott, H., 2005, Real English Grammar, Marshall Cavendish • Murphy, R. 1994: English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press • Swan, M. and D. Baker, 2008, Grammar Scan, Oxford University Press • Vince, M.,2003: Advanced Language Practice, Macmillan • Dicţionare: Leviţchi, L. Dicţionar Român-Englez, ediţia a VII-a, 2000, Gramar, Bucureşti Longman Activator, Cambridge, 1995 Oxford Advanced Learner, 1995, OUP Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, 1993, OUP Cambridge Advanced Leraner’s, CUP, 2008 The Penguin English Dictionary (Dicţionar explicativ al limbii engleze), 2005, Litera Internaţional Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary, 1994, Gramercy Books Webster’s Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms, 1994, Crescent Books • Surse internet: http://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/mco/index.htm http://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/mco/ml07.htm http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/Columns/?Article=peacemakersmain http://tehnicasitehnologie.scienceline.ro/Tehnica_si_tehnologie_545_1.html)