Taina Sufletului En

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Transcript of Taina Sufletului En

7/25/2019 Taina Sufletului En

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The mystery of the soul, the beauty of the world

The greatest writer in the world in many people’s opinion, anyway savvy in terms of culture

and religion, named Dostoevsky made a capital statement as a sort of maximum - fundamental

definition that ”Beauty will save the world "!

But what kind of beauty? We believe that it refers to a secret of the soul that people today

have forgotten and, anyway, they behave as if it would never existed.

The depths of the human soul is so mysterious that all around are projections of these

thoughts that come somewhat from a Universal Logos that shows its images at brilliant

moments of revelation, in certain moods.

Our subconscious layers are so deep, so immense is the abyss of our unconscious mind,

speaking from the psychological point of view that we cannot even imagine how wonderfully

we are made and what unsuspected forces dwell inside us, within us.

What could be more profound than the memory of the paradise imprinted somewhere on

the cerebral cortex and can be shared with the outside world only after the spirit goes through

certain stages that are not available to everyone ?! Only insiders can understand, after long

spiritual exercises, what unsuspected beauty hides a soul sent to this world to reveal all its

intimate aspects.

The only "tool" that can penetrate the mysteries of the soul is faith through which the

Invisible, the Mysterious, the Hidden become Visible in the Imaginary world. It's like a "sense

organ" as if faith could be personified and the only one that could "see" all the mysterious

“presences” of the soul.

Being present means to have permanently in front of you the one who is your peer and who

is mandatory existence for you because it is the only element that can express love.

Faith and love are the only "tools and organs" through which we have access to the depths ofthe soul and the vision of "these presences" is inspired by the Holy Spirit, that is the Spirit of the

Truth, and this is the only way to understand that within us there is just beauty. There is the

reverse of the medal too that is the shadow, the dark side that can cause major imbalances or

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even disasters. However, we do not seek this part, but we must seek the unseen Light that is

found only within us.

Self-knowledge is such a search and only cleaned of all miasma and marshes in which our

life is often complacent, we can get the closest to the incandescent core of deep feelings and

source of revelation.

Everything that happens around us is the result of the interaction of the thoughts that cross

our conscience and it is very important how we think and where we want to get to a finality to

take us to the fulfillment of all our aspirations.

There are often incredible joys that come from nowhere and are inexplicable but they do

exist, and the unexplainable aspect of this joy is transcendence.

The only reason that could be invoked to be happy in such times is the existence of God.

Here all contradictions are reconciled, here man can be sure that he is not betrayed and nobody

can deceive his confidence. Reconciliation with oneself and the world and that does not mean

solving the enigma, but its acceptance can lead us where we can discover the mystery of the

man that is the secret of the beauty of each of us, that is everything better and more beautiful in

a soul and the miracle of existence of all life.

We can now understand at the end of this argumentative essay why the great

Dostoevsky said that "Beauty will save the world", because nothing of what we

know can replace man - the ultimate creation. There is no other creature in the

universe encompassing within it micro and macro cosmos, by the proection of a

nice thought, of an idea, of the present to the future. !ll that eists can be found in

human mind, which may be similar to #od$s, because we are made in #od$s image

and likeness and that is why a psalm says about us that %We are #ods and children

of the Divine&.

 The beauty of the world is hidden yet visible and it can eist only in the soul of aman who wonders why he lives in the midst of so many miracles.