s3 sesiune

Post on 08-Nov-2015

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Fenomenul globalizrii este manipulat de evolutia tehnologica, schimbariile pe plan social dar si pe planul economic. Acest fenomen solicita performane suplimentare din partea fiecrei companii, pentru a rmne pe pia.O serie de strategii pentru a performa m acest domeniu sunt urmtoarele: Utilizarea sistemelor informatice, pentru integrarea produciei logisticii n scopul creterii calitii servirii clientului. Folosirea unor metode de manipulare, transport i depozitare a mrfurilor prin intermediul unor canale de distribuie mai lungi, acesteea vor depaii graniele naionale. Realizarea unor aliane strategice pentru aprovizionarea cu materii prime i pentru producie. Raionalizarea i coordonarea faclitiilor de producie n vederea reducerii costuriilor i a maximizrii gradului de utilizare a activelor.Conceptul de logistic a evoluat continuu astfel c o serie de autori (precum i Aptel 2000) identific trei stadii de maturitate ale evolutiei acestui termen:1. stadiul logisticii fragmentate, specific aniilor 60 si 70, caracterizat prin fragmentarea responsabilitii fluxurilor ntre serviciile de achizitie, producie, vnzare, distribuie evident cu consecine negative asupra costurilor2. stadiul unei logistici centralizare corespunztoare integrrii interne (la nivel de firma)3. corespunztor sfritului aniilor 80 cand se poate vorbi de logistica integrate sau managementul logisticPrincipalele obiective urmarite, ca urmare a implementarii sistemelor informatice pentru conducerea activitatiilor logistice, sunt urmatoarele [Managementul logisticii i distribuiei, Ed. Teora Bucureti, 1999.] Reducerea cisturilor ca urmare a cresterii productivitatii Creterea calitii servirii clienilor datorit unor livrri prompte Creterea calitii decizilor prin utilizarea unor date de intrare cat mai exacte.

Problema minimizrii timpului necesar pentru ncrcarea containerului aflat n spaiul de depozitare pe vapor este numit PROBLEMA TRASEULUI TRANSTAINERULUI transtainer routing problem. Dupa ce determinm ca problema este o problem liniar NP-Complete, problema este formulat ntr-un program ntreg.Este folosit metoda de rezolvare prin ramificare i limitare branch-and-bound, fcndu-se posibil rezolvarea liniar, plecndu-se de la un nod i parcurgnd toate soluiile. Unele limitri sunt fcute pentru a limita ramificarea mriind astfel complexitatea programului. Programul returneaz totalitatea rezultatelor ntr-un timp inferior sau cel mult egal unui timp necesar de rezolvare a unui algoritm de tip polinomial. [Udatta S. Palekar University of Illinois, Urbana]

The problem of minimizing the time taken to load the containers from the container stack yard onto the ship is called the transtainer routing problem. We first do a theoretical investigation of the problem to understand the structural properties of the problem. We then use these results to prove that the problem is NP-Complete. The problem is then formulated as an integer program. A branch-and-bound based enumerative method is developed to obtain an exact solution to the problem. An algorithm to solve the matching problem on a line at the root node of the branch-and-bound tree is developed. --Several lower bounds to prune the size of the tree are also developed. --A result which states that there cannot exist a polynomial time heuristic with a bounded worst case unless P = NP is proved. Based on this result, an enumerative heuristic with a worst-case performance ratio of 1.5 is designed. Computational tests on randomly generated problems are conducted to evaluate the exact and heuristic algorithmsUn terminal de containere este un instrument unde containerele cu marfuri sunt transbordate ntre diferite vehicule de transport sau moduri de transport. Astfel nct, transbordarea poate fi ntre vapoare pentru transportul containerelor i autocamioane specializate n acest sens sau vagoane tip transcontainer sau n oricare combinaie din cele menionate anterior.Portul Newark-Elizabeth, din golful Newark, n portul din New York i New Jersey este considerat primul terminal de containere din lume. n 26 aprilie 1956, ntr-un experiment, un camion a fost modificat pentru a putea transporta ncrcturi standardizate compatibile cu asiul camionului depozitate anterior m Portul Newark. Pe data de 15 august 1962, autoritiile porturiilor New York i New Jersey au deschis cel mai mare port Elizabeth Marine Terminal.[ "History". Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Retrieved 2014-12-23.]Terminalele de transport maritime au tendina de a aparine unui port mai mare, astfel nct, cele mai mari terminale vor fi ntlnite n apropierea celor mai mari porturi. n zonele continentale, terminalele de containere, tind s fie localizate n sau n apropierea metropolelor sau a megalopolelor, avnd o conectiune feroviar catre un terminal de transport maritim.Att terminalele de containere maritime ct i cele continentale, pun la dispozitie spatiu de depozitare att pentru ontainerele goale ct i pentru cele ncrcate. Containerele ncrcate sunt depozitate pentru perioade de timp relative scurte, avnd prioritate n procesul de expediere, fa de containerele goale care sunt depozitate pn n momentul cnd devin necesare. n general containerele sunt stivuite pentru depozitare pe o nlime de maxim 6 containere pentru siguran.

Both maritime and inland container terminals usually provide storage facilities for both loaded and empty containers. Loaded containers are stored for relatively short periods, whilst waiting for onward transportation, whilst unloaded containers may be stored for longer periods awaiting their next use. Containers are normally stacked for storage, and the resulting stores are known as container stacks.In recent years methodological advances regarding container terminal operations have considerably improved. For a detailed description and a comprehensive list of references see, e.g., the operations research literature.[2][3]A container terminal is a facility where cargo containers are transshipped between different transport vehicles, for onward transportation. ---The transshipment may be between container ships and land vehicles, for example trains or trucks, in which case the terminal is described as a maritime container terminal. Alternatively the transshipment may be between land vehicles, typically between train and truck, in which case the terminal is described as an inland container terminal.Port Newark-Elizabeth on the Newark Bay in the Port of New York and New Jersey is considered the world's first container terminal. On April 26, 1956, the Ideal X was rigged for an experiment to use standardized cargo containers that were stacked and then unloaded to a compatible truck chassis at Port Newark.The concept had been developed by the McLean Trucking Company. On August 15, 1962, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey opened the worlds first container port, Elizabeth Marine Terminal.[1]Maritime container terminals tend to be part of a larger port, and the biggest maritime container terminals can be found situated around major harbours. Inland container terminals tend to be located in or near major cities, with good rail connections to maritime container terminals.Operaiuniile terminalelor de containere sunt adevrate afaceri de infrastructur ns au urmtoarele caracteristici: Dificulti de executare datorit capitalului uria de investiii, investiii periodice dar i o suprafa limitat a spaiului e depozitare. Transport naional conex, guvernul fiind receptiv la dezvoltare. Construcia unui nou terminal de transport sau extinderea unuia deja existent fiind adesea ngrdit de restriciile locale de construcie. Durat indelungat de execuie a unui astfel de proiect datorat implicrii multor investitori implicai. Lipsa competiiei datorat restriciilor geografice.

Competivitatea terminalelor de containere este determinat pe lng facilitiile terminalului de transport de infrastructura extern. Un terminal de containere este o legatur esenial n structura unui lan logistic. Transporturile pe apa, feroviare, rutiere sunt servicii logistice puse la dispoziia porturilor, incluznd depozitarea i serviciile vamale, alctuiesc lanul logistic (logistic chain) n care opereaz porturiile. n plus, aceste terminale de containere reprezint un element important n succesul unui terminal de transport.

Container terminal operations are pure play infrastructure business and have some of the following key characteristics: High barriers to entry due to the high capital requirements, regulatory requirements and limited land availability Coordinated hinterland transportation connections requiring local governments receptive to development New terminal development often constrained by local planning procedures and regulations Long lead times for project execution due to the involvement of many stakeholders in the process Limited competition partially due to geographical constraints

The competitiveness of container terminal's operations is determined not only by the terminals' facilities but also its the external infrastructure. A container terminal is a crucial link in the wider logistics chain. The water, rail and road hinterland connections and logistical services provided in the port, including warehousing and customs processing, make up the logistics chain in which the ports operate. Additionally, high quality inland transport links is a key element in the success of a container terminal.Container terminal operators have long-term relationships with their customers. While contracts between shipping lines and container terminals typically have a duration of one year, in practice these relationships generally last much longer, even decades.Container shipping was first introduced in the 1950s and since the late 1960s has become the most common method for transporting many industrial and consumer products by sea. Container shipping is performed by container shipping companies that operate frequent scheduled or liner services, similar to a passenger airline, with pre-determined port calls, using a number of owned or chartered vessels of a particular size in each service to achieve an appropriate frequency and utilisation level.Container shipping has a number of advantages compared with other shipping methods, including: Less cargo handling. Containers provide a secure environment for cargo. The contents of a container, once loaded into the container, are not directly handled until they reach their final destination. Efficient port turnaround. With specialised cranes and other terminal equipment, container ships can be loaded and unloaded in significantly less time and at lower cost than other cargo vessels. Highly developed intermodal network. Onshore movement of containerised cargo, from points of origin, around container terminals, staging or storage areas and to final destinations, benefits from the physical integration of the container with other transportation equipment such as road chassis, railcars and other means of hauling the standard sized containers. A sophisticated port and intermodal industry has developed to support container transportation. Reduced shipping time. Container ships can travel at speeds of up to 25 knots, even in rough seas, thereby transporting cargo over long distances in relatively short periods of time.Growth in global containerisationIn 2010, world container traffic comprised 541,784 thousand TEUs, according to Drewry. The compound average growth rate (CAGR) of world container traffic from 2000 to 2010 is estimated at 8.6% compared with a global real GDP CAGR of 2.6% for the same period, according to Drewry. Key drivers that contributed to the growth in global container throughput over this period were sustained growth in global trade, increased global sourcing and manufacturing, a shift from transporting cargo in bulk to transporting cargo in containers and growth in transhipment volumes. In 2013, world container traffic growth amounted to 3.0%,flat with global GDP growth of 3.0%, according to IMF.

Intermodal TransportWhy choose Intermodal transportation?

Intermodal transportation is the movement of goods in one and the same loading unit or road vehicle, using successively two or more modes of transport without handling the goods themselves in changing modes (ECMT/UN Definition).How does it workCombined transport techniques include following modes: Road-rail Rail-maritime Rail-waterway Rail-airAn example for intermodal transportation would be the transport by ship to a port, from which the containers are either loaded directly on the wagons or are transported by truck to the rail terminal. The containers are transported to the nearest hub by rail and are then transported to the final destination. In general, the major part of the European journey is by rail, inland waterways or by sea and any initial and/or final legs are carried out by trucks.More detailsActivitatea transportului combinat este domeniul cu cea mai rapida cretere comparativ cu alte afaceri cu mrfuri. ntre anii 1988 i 2008, transportul internaional combinat a nregistrat o cretere de 215% i ntre 2002 i 2015 este estimat o cretere de 135%.Transportul intermodal, este o afacere concentrat care este susinut de anumite coridoare selectate. 10% din toatalul serviciilor acoper 80% din totalul volumului transportat i 16% din totalul serviciilor acoper 90% din volumul total.[Source: Study on Infrastructure Capacity Reserves For Combined Transport by 2015]The combined transport segment is the segment which is growing most rapidly compared to the other freight businesses. Between 1988 and 2008 international unaccompanied combined transport (in tonnes) increased by 215% and between 2002 and 2015 it is expected to grow by 135% (Source: Study On Infrastructure Capacity Reserves For Combined Transport By 2015).The intermodal transport is a concentrated business which is mainly carried out on a few selected corridors. 10% of all services cover 80% of the total transported volume and 16 percent of the services cover 90% of the total volume (Source: Study On Infrastructure Capacity Reserves For Combined Transport By 2015).The Railway operators offer two types of intermodal transport: Accompanied transport and unaccompanied transport. The difference is that with accompanied transports is the whole truck loaded on the railway wagon meanwhile the unaccompanied transports loose units (e.g. container or semi-trailer).Accompanied transport is also known as "rolling road" and is used in countries such as Switzerland and Austria mainly to cross the Alps. In 2005, unaccompanied accounted for 92.5% of the overall volume for combined transport in terms of tonnes (Source: Diomis, Report on Combined Transport in Europe in 2005).For more information about combined transport, please visit UICs combined transport website.