Profil firma; Teme & Proiecte; Produse Nr. 1 - 2003.pdf ·...

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Transcript of Profil firma; Teme & Proiecte; Produse Nr. 1 - 2003.pdf ·...

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

E-zine: Nr. 1 / 2003


- Profil firma; - Teme & Proiecte; - Produse noi.

Profil firma

Incep acest prim numar al publicatiei electronice din noul an cu urarea de prosperitate si succes in afaceri tuturor membrilor, colaboratorilor, vizitatorilor si nu in ultimul rand firmelor din domeniul maselor plastice, impreuna cu traditionalul "La multi ani !". In cele cinci luni de prezenta pe Internet in anul 2002, web site-ul a inregistrat 2006 vizitatori si patru membri, respectiv: Admi OY - Finlanda, Ceproplast S.A., Moldoplast S.A. si Siegfried Schumacher GmbH - Romania. Deasemeni a lansat un nou web site: care speram ca va deveni pe parcursul acestui an, un punct de referinta pe Internet in domeniul maselor plastice. Mai multe date despre acest site puteti obtine citind sectiunea "Produse noi" din acest numar.

Firma Siegfried Schumacher GmbH, cel mai nou membru al, este reprezentant in Romania pentru: - BATTENFELD EXTRUSIONSTECHNIK - Utilaje si linii de extrudare pentru tevi, profile, folii si granule PVC, PE, PP, PET, etc. - BRABENDER OHG - Instrumente si sisteme pentru testarea proprietatilor fizice ale maselor plastice si cauciucului (cercetare, dezvoltare, productie). - BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE - Dozatoare industriale. - COGNIS PlasticsTechnology - Aditivi pentru prelucrarea maselor plastice (stabilizatori, lubrifianti, plastifianti, etc). - Frank GÄRTNER Beschriftungstechnik - Sisteme de imprimare si marcare pe diverse materiale si suprafete (plastice, metale, carton, lemn, etc). - HERBOLD Meckesheim Zerkleinerungstechnik - Sisteme, masini si utilaje pentru reciclarea maselor plastice. Noi si second hand. - MTI - Mischtechnik Industrieanlagen - Malaxoare industriale si pentru laborator (ind. chimica, farmaceutica, mase plastice, etc).

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

- PLAMA Plastik - Maschinen - Masini si utilaje second-hand pentru prelucrarea maselor plastice, reconditionate san nereconditionate. - ASKI - Sisteme de racire pentru extrudere, masini de injectie, extrudere suflat folie, masini pentru executia de matrite, etc., cu apa, ulei sau aer. Reconditionari sisteme racire.


Adresa / Address: Aleea Negru Voda nr. 6, bl. C3, sc. 2, et. 4, ap. 33. Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Romania Telefon / Phone: +40-(0)21-3216162 Fax: +40-(0)21-3216162 GSM: +40-(0)7722-458921 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Vasile Gheorghiu

Domeniu activitate: Reprezentant in Romania pentru: Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik, BRABENDER OHG & TECHNOLOGIE, COGNIS PlasticsTechnology, Frank GÄRTNER Beschriftungstechnik, HERBOLD Meckesheim Zerkleinerungstechnik, MTI - Mischtechnik Industrieanlagen, PLAMA Plastik - Maschinen si ASKI Refrigerazione.

Business description: Romanian representative company: Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik, BRABENDER OHG & TECHNOLOGIE, COGNIS PlasticsTechnology, Frank GÄRTNER Beschriftungstechnik, HERBOLD Meckesheim Zerkleinerungstechnik, MTI - Mischtechnik Industrieanlagen, PLAMA Plastik - Maschinen si ASKI Refrigerazione.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Teme & Proiecte

Reciclarea materialelor plastice.

Reciclarea materialelor plastice s-a dezvoltat constant si se realizeaza intr-o gama larga, dar din pacate in Romania, acest domeniu a fost neglijat dupa 1989. Posibilitatile de reciclare sunt foarte vaste insa exista probleme tehnice, economice si structurale de depasit. Reciclarea poate fi obtinuta in mod eficient in fabricile unde materialele reciclabile generate in procesul de productie sunt usor de separat. Reciclarea schimba proprietatile mecanice ale maselor plastice, astfel incat nu poate fi posibila reciclarea unor cantitati mari de un anumit tip reintegrandu-le imediat in acelasi proces de productie. Pentru recuperarea materialelor, este indispensabila separarea, trierea si curatarea diferitelor tipuri de materii plastice (calitate omogena). Plasticul nereciclabil, are valoare calorica si poate fi utilizat drept combustibil. Se intampla destul de frecvent, sa nu se poata proceda decat la valorificarea energetica a acestor materii, in acest caz, materialul plastic este utilizat drep combustibil energetic. Pentru aceasta puteti consulta materialul "Parametri de ardere materiale" in sectiunea download a web siteului:

Deoarece reprezinta aproximativ 30 % din totalul ambalajelor reciclabile, sticlele PET, sunt un excelent exemplu. Polietiletereftalat - numele complet al simbolului PET- este un poliester termoplastic cu o rezistenta mare care este utilizat cu foarte mare eficienta ca recipient pentru bauturi. Avantajul reciclarii ambalajelor PET este enorm, prin numarul mare de sticle folosite care pot fi exploatate la un cost acceptabil. Mai multe informatii despre acest material plastic puteti gasi in sectiunea download a web siteului:

Utilizarea materialelor plastice prezinta probleme de identificare, separare si de contaminare. Spectrometrul este una din tehnicile utilizate pentru a asigura precizia identificarii acestor materiale. Sper ca pana la sfarsitul lunii februarie sa definitivez IdentifKit - Kit de identificare a maselor plastice care va veni in intampinarea tuturor celor care recupereaza deseuri din mase plastice sau vor sa identifice prin metode mai putin costisitoare, tipurile de mase plastice. Pentru acei dintre dumneavoastra care doresc cunoasterea mai aprofundata a domeniului de reciclare mase plastice, recomand comandarea unui studiu de piata. Acesta va cuprinde informatii detaliate privind piata deseurilor, potentialul acesteia, firmele care recicleaza mase plastice precum si tehnologiile folosite si firmele care produc echipamente de reciclare. In Romania exista Comisia Nationala de Reciclare a Materialelor. Aceasta comisie supravegheaza si monitorizeaza programul de reciclare roman. Unitatile licentiate si ceritificate de catre aceasta comisie pot astfel recicla mase plastice.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Pentru informatii suplimentare si documentare in domeniul reciclarii maselor plastice puteti accesa pe Internet web site-urile:;;;;;;;;; precum si urmatoarele companii:



Adresa / Address: Aleea Negru Voda nr. 6, bl. C3, sc. 2, et. 4, ap. 33. Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Romania Telefon / Phone: +40-(0)21-3216162 Fax: +40-(0)21-3216162 GSM: +40-(0)7722-458921 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Vasile Gheorghiu

Domeniu activitate: Reprezentant in Romania pentru: Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik, BRABENDER OHG & TECHNOLOGIE, COGNIS PlasticsTechnology, Frank GÄRTNER Beschriftungstechnik, HERBOLD Meckesheim Zerkleinerungstechnik, MTI - Mischtechnik Industrieanlagen, PLAMA Plastik - Maschinen si ASKI Refrigerazione.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Business description:

Romanian representative company: Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik, BRABENDER OHG & TECHNOLOGIE, COGNIS PlasticsTechnology, Frank GÄRTNER Beschriftungstechnik, HERBOLD Meckesheim Zerkleinerungstechnik, MTI - Mischtechnik Industrieanlagen, PLAMA Plastik - Maschinen si ASKI Refrigerazione.

A-Föváll Ltd

Adresa / Address: Street Dugonics u. 42 District Csongrád Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Hungary Telefon / Phone: (+36) 62 - 42 26 52 Fax: (+36) 62 - 42 26 53 GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Waste Management Equipment & Services.

Amut SpA

Adresa / Address: Street Via Cameri 16 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 0321 - 66 41 11 Fax: (+39) 0321 - 47 42 00 GSM:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Waste Processing Plants.

AJK Nederland BV

Adresa / Address: Post Box Postbus 229 Street Edisonlaan 22B Localitate / Judet City / State:

AE Weert

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Netherlands Telefon / Phone: (+31) 418 - 63 36 36 Fax: (+31) 418 - 63 24 63 GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Waste Management.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

ART Recycling Technik Gmbh

Adresa / Address: Street Valdorfer Str. 32 Localitate / Judet City / State:

Bad Oeynhausen

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 5731 - 9 62 32 Fax: (+49) 5731 - 98 03 81 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Recycling Plants for Mixed Plastics.

Biolipsia Umweltdienste

Adresa / Address: Street Am Weiher 30 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 34203 - 5 36 20 Fax: (+49) 34203 - 5 36 21 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Waste & Water Treatment Technologies, Cleaner Production.

BioTop Consultancy

Adresa / Address: Street Niels Bohrweg 11-13 Localitate / Judet City / State:

CA Leiden

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Netherlands Telefon / Phone: (+31) 71 - 523 25 32 Fax: (+31) 71 - 523 22 41 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Life Sciences, Bioplastics.

Brabender OHG

Adresa / Address: Street Kultur Str. 51-55 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 203 - 7 78 80 Fax: (+49) 203 - 778 81 00 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Control Installation for Recycled Plastic Extrusion.

BRT Recycling Technologie


Adresa / Address: Post Box Postfach 1105 Street Jahn Str. 2 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 5482 - 9 38 40 Fax: (+49) 5482 - 3 00 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Solutions for the Sorting- and Recycling Industry.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Cabka Plast

Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Neue Weinsteige 71 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 711 - 248 99 80 Fax: (+49) 711 - 2489 98 18 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Recycling: Components For Biofilters, Pallets, Channels, Floor Coverings.

Centro Plastica Srl

Adresa / Address: Street Via G. Galilei, 10 Localitate / Judet City / State:

Mirano, Venezia

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 041 - 572 84 84 Fax: (+39) 041 - 572 84 27 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

contactat / Contact person: Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Producer of Post-Consumer Recycled HDPE Granule for Blow-Moulding or Extrusion.

Compagnia Internazionale

Polimeri Srl (COMIPA)

Adresa / Address: Street Via Lorenzo Pareto 2/1 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 10 - 362 86 62 Fax: (+39) 10 - 362 08 38 GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Reclycled Raw Materials Trading.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)


Adresa / Address: Post Box Postbus 371 Street Molenvliet 6a District Industrieterrein


Localitate / Judet City / State:

BJ Wijk bij Duurstede

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Netherlands Telefon / Phone: (+31) 343 - 57 38 69 Fax: (+31) 343 - 57 88 22 GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Design RDF-Production Facilities, Plastic Sorting Plants.

Ecoplastica Srl

Adresa / Address: Street Via S.Erasmo 19 Localitate / Judet City / State:

Pagani, Salerno

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 081 - 515 39 33 Fax: (+39) 081 - 515 52 53 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

PP+PE Scraps, PP Film/Scraps, TNT No Wovens Scraps Re-Processing.

Eldan Scandinavian Recycling


Adresa / Address: Street Vaerkmestervej 4 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Denmark Telefon / Phone: (+45) 63 - 61 2545 Fax: (+45) 63 - 61 2540 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Industrial Scrap Recycling Plants & Equipment.

Ettlinger GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Messerschmittring 49 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 8231 - 3 43 52 Fax: (+49) 8231 - 3 43 54 GSM:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Waste Plastic Extruders.

Hamos GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Im Thal 17 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 8856 - 9 26 10 Fax: (+49) 8856 - 92 61 99 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Systems for Separation of Plastic and Metals.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Herbold Zerkleinerungstechnik

GmbH (HZT)

Adresa / Address: Post Box Postfach 218 Street Industrie Str. 33 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 6226 - 93 20 Fax: (+49) 6226 - 6 04 55 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Shredders, Granulators, Pulverizers, Washing Units for Contaminated Plastics.

HS Technic

Adresa / Address: Street Roder Str. 15-A Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 3883 - 51 06 02 Fax: (+49) 3883 - 51 01 48 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

contactat / Contact person: Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Seperation & Recycling Processing for PET/PVC, PS, PO.

Institute for Plastics Processing

"Metalchem" (IPTS)

Adresa / Address: Street ul. M.Sklodowskiej-Curie 55 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Poland Telefon / Phone: (+48) 56 - 650 03 33 Fax: (+48) 56 - 650 03 33 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Research and Development.

Krupp Fördertechnik GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Schleeberg Str. 12 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 2524 - 3 00

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Fax: (+49) 2524 - 22 52 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Mobile Recycling Equipment for Building Scrap.


Adresa / Address: Street Via lo Ederi 2 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 0321 - 80 68 79 Fax: (+39) 0321 - 80 90 70 GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Washing, Separation and Pelleting Systems for Thermoplastic Scrap.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Leistritz AG

Adresa / Address: Street Markgrafen Str. 29-39 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 911 - 430 62 40 Fax: (+49) 911 - 430 64 00 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Extrusion Lines for Secondary Thermoplastics.

Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Villacher Str. 48 Localitate / Judet City / State:

Spittal an der Drau

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Austria Telefon / Phone: (+43) 4762 - 2 7420 Fax: (+43) 4762 - 27 4232 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Shredders, Conveyors, Recycling Plants.

MultiPet GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Ernst Grube Str. 1 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 3471 - 32 55 Fax: (+49) 3471 - 32 58 00 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

PET Recycling.

Neue Herbold Maschinen und

Anlagenbau GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Wiesen Str. 34 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 7261 - 9 24 80 Fax: (+49) 7261 - 92 48 97 GSM: +40-(0)7

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Granulators, Pulverizers, Shredders, Washing Equipment for Plastic Recycling.

Oekoline Sas

Adresa / Address: Street Zona Industriale 17 Localitate / Judet City / State:

Campo Tures

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 0474 - 68 60 21 Fax: (+39) 0474 - 68 65 20 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Shredders, Grinders, Bailing Presses, Waste Containers, Compost Turners & CoversShredders, Grinders, Bailing Presses, Waste Containers, Compost Turners & Covers.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Officina Meccanica Prealpina Srl


Adresa / Address: Street Via le Dadorna, 50 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 0331 - 44 88 00 Fax: (+39) 0331 - 54 88 00 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Regeneration, Compounding, Colouring and Pelletising, Washing Plants.

Officine Costarelli (OC)

Adresa / Address: Street Via L. Einaudi, 62 District San Mariano Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 075 - 514 01 02 Fax: (+39) 075 - 514 04 75 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

contactat / Contact person: Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Systems for Plastics Recycling.

Ökutec GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Birlenbacher Str. 18 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 271 - 87 04 10 Fax: (+49) 271 - 87 04 12 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Recycling Technology.

Pallmann Maschinenfabrik

GmbH & Co KG

Adresa / Address: Post Box Postfach 16 52 Street Wolfsloch Str. 51 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 6332 - 80 20

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Fax: (+49) 6332 - 80 21 06 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Knife-Ring Flaker, Granulators, Shredders, Pulverizers, Size Reduction Equipment.

Planex GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Wachenheimer Str. 21 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 6241 - 5 79 93 Fax: (+49) 6241 - 59 28 28 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Recycling Equipment.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Plastic Omnium Urban &

Recycling Systems

Adresa / Address: Building Plastic Omnium House Street Tweedale Industrial Estate

District Shropshire

Localitate / Judet City / State:

Madeley, Telford TF7 4JR

Codul postal / ZIP Code:

Tara /Country: United Kingdom Telefon / Phone: (+44) 1952 - 58 25 83 Fax: (+44) 1952 - 58 64 53 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Waste Collection Wheeled Bins & Banks, Plastic Packaging Decontamination & Recycling.

Polyform AS

Adresa / Address: Post Box PO Box 188 Street 5, Ehitajate District Ida Viru Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Estonia Telefon / Phone: (+372) 39 - 2 9247 Fax: (+372) 39 - 2 9320 GSM: Website: E-mail:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Packaging, Plastic Scrap (PS/PP).


Adresa / Address: Street Via Calatafimi 1 Localitate / Judet City / State:

Civitanova Marche, MC

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 073 - 381 71 57 Fax: (+39) 073 - 377 74 13 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Commerce and Intermediation Metal and not Metal Scraps.

Reg-Mac Srl

Adresa / Address: Street Via Conciliazione, 1 District Buon Gesu Localitate / Judet City / State:

Olgiate Olona

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 0331 - 37 53 30 Fax: (+39) 0331 - 37 53 25

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Separating, Washing and Densifying Equipment for Plastics Scraps.

Retech Recycling Technology AB

Adresa / Address: Street Hantverkaregatan 4 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:

232 34

Tara /Country: Sweden Telefon / Phone: (+46) 40 - 43 70 90 Fax: (+46) 40 - 43 75 23 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Equipment for Cable Recycling, PET Bottle Recycling, Tyre Recycling, etc.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Sail Trading

Adresa / Address: Street 14, Paynes Lane District Industrial Estate Localitate / Judet City / State:

Rugby CV21 2 UH

Codul postal / ZIP Code:

Tara /Country: United Kingdom Telefon / Phone: (+44) 1788 - 54 76 42 Fax: (+44) 1788 - 57 08 07 GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastics Recycling, mainly Pipes and Garden Equipment.

Sierra International Machinery

Adresa / Address: Street 827, Via Comacchio Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 0532 - 25 93 73 Fax: (+39) 0532 - 25 93 74 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Scrap Processing Equipment, Mobile and Stationary Balers and Shear Balers.

Sonepa Plastics Industries

Adresa / Address: Post Box Postbus 1043, 3300BA Street Dubbeldamseweg Zuid 83 Localitate / Judet City / State:

3314 JC Dordrecht

Codul postal / ZIP Code:

3314 JC

Tara /Country: Netherlands Telefon / Phone: (+31) 78 - 631 65 36 Fax: (+31) 78 - 631 57 39 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastics Recycling and Trade.

Spring Resources Ltd

Adresa / Address: Street 7, North Road District Bridgend Industrial Estate Localitate / Judet City / State:

Bridgend CF31 3TP

Codul postal / ZIP Code:

Tara /Country: United Kingdom Telefon / Phone: (+44) 1793 - 48 4400 Fax: (+44) 1793 - 48 4411 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail:

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Manufacturers and Suppliers of Machinery for the Recycling Industry.

STF Recycling GmbH

Adresa / Address: Street Industrie Str. 1 Localitate / Judet City / State:

Aicha vorm Wald

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 8544 - 9 60 20 Fax: (+49) 8544 - 96 02 25 GSM: Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Recycling Installations.

Tanksan Machinery &

Engineering (TME)

Adresa / Address: Street 89 Sirasogutler Mh Celikoglu Cd Cayirova District Gebze Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Turkey

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Telefon / Phone: (+90) 212 - 655 02 65 Fax: (+90) 212 - 655 02 33 GSM: Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Scrap Recycling Equipment & Complete Plants, Indusrial Fans & Blowers.


Adresa / Address: Street Via Calto 409/28 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Italy Telefon / Phone: (+39) 0425 - 84 90 90 Fax: (+39) 0425 - 84 90 66 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Plastic Waste Sorting, Washing and Recycling Plants.

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

TVK-Ecocenter Ltd

Adresa / Address: Post Box PO Box 20 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Hungary Telefon / Phone: (+36) 49 - 32 18 88 Fax: (+36) 49 - 32 18 96 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Reprocessing Plastic Wastes into Products Usable as Bitumen and Asphalt Modifier.

Zavod Vtorsyrie Co Ltd (ZVT)

Adresa / Address: Street 1, Gagarina Localitate / Judet City / State:

St Petersburg

Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Russian Federation Telefon / Phone: (+7) 812 - 294 87 14 Fax: (+7) 812 - 294 87 14 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: http://www. E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

person: Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Glass Cullets and Plastics Scrap.

Zerma Machinery & Recycling


Adresa / Address: Street Am Leitzelbach 23 Localitate / Judet City / State:


Codul postal / ZIP Code:


Tara /Country: Germany Telefon / Phone: (+49) 7261 - 9 15 60 Fax: (+49) 7261 - 35 56 GSM: +40-(0)7 Website: E-mail: Persoana de contactat / Contact person:

Domeniu activitate: Reciclare.

Business description:

Granulators, Recycling Technology, Washing Lines for Dirty Plastics.

Deasemeni puteti cauta pe Internet urmatoarele firme:

Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers - National recycling directory for expanded polystyrene transport packaging. All-To-Mate Plastic Exchange - Free buy/sell/trade listings for scrap & recyclable plastic materials Australian Recycling Technologies - Recycling of post consumer waste plastic into new products. Brazilian Plastics Corporation - Dealer/broker/processor of all grades of scrap plastic. BTW Industries, Inc. - Plastic Lumber - Manufacturer of recycled plastic lumber and recycled plastic lumber products. Tables, benches, decks, walks, fencing, car stops and much more. Consource Plastic Recycling Corp. - We recycle post consumer coded plastic #1-7 and produce flake for resale. We also manufacture a line of plastic lumber products

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Earth Care Products - Earth Care Products manufactures 100% recycled plastic lumber from post-consumer plastic waste. International Plastics Inc. - Imorters/exporters of plastic materials, prime, off-grade, reprocessed, reground and scrap resins. Recoup - RECOUP is the UK’s national plastic bottle recycling organisation. Rehome - Small company that recycle incompatible plastics & textiles Scrap Source - Recycles all plastics clean & contaminated also worldwide. Target Recycling Services - Innovative processes which generate revenue for you from your plastic and rubber waste Too Rei Corp. - We are an importer-exporter for plastics repro, regrind and scrap. Urban Resource Technologies Inc. - We sell facilities which can process 8000lbs of plastic and fibrous waste material per hour to produce a commercial building material.

Plastics Recycling Traders and Recyclers

Adirondack Plastics and Recycling, Inc. Alternative Plastics Services Butler MacDonald, Inc. Canadian Plastic Recycling Incorporated Chang-Won International Corp. D & S Commodities Trading, Inc. EEI Recycling Inc. GAR Plastics, Inc. Harmony Industries Inc. Horizon Plastics Owl Plastics Paradigm Polymers PlastiCycle Corporation Plastic Brokers Group Polymer Exchange Inc. (Akron OH) Polynuser Inc. Prime Meridian Reaction Polymers, Inc. Reliable Resins Company

Plastics Recycling Recycling and Waste Equipment

CS Plastic Services Inc. Prodeva, Inc. Resource Recovery Technologies, Inc. SSI Shredding Systems, Inc. Unlimited Resources Corporation

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

Plastics Recycling Associations

Aseptic Packaging Council (Virginia) Association of Post-Consumer Plastic Recyclers Indonesia Plastics Recycling Industries Association Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries - ISRI Napcor Plastics Recycling Foundation Recycled Polymer Association Society of the Plastics Industry

Plastics Recycling Publications

Plastics News Plastics Recycling Update Recycled Products Guide Recycling Markets Guide Recycling Today Resource Recycling Magazine Scrap (Magazine) Secondary Market Guide (Equipment)

Plastics Recycling Information & Material Exchanges

Al-To-Mate Plastic Exchange (APE) Universal Plasticx Exchange (UPE)

Plastics Recycling

Str. Ciurchi nr. 115 A, bl. B8, sc. A, et. 4, ap. 4 C.P. 1191 - O.P.4; 700368 - Iasi -; Romania E-mail:

Tel.: +40-232-266412 Fax: +40-232-266412

Mobil: +40-745-888879

Autorizatie nr.: 224186943 din 19/04/2002; Cod fiscal: 1680720221235; Cont nr.: 13724372400; Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare (BRD)

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