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Transcript of brosura-congres-2013





    Fondul Social European POSDRU 2007-2013

    Instrumente Structurale 2007-2013

    DENT - Dinamism, Ecien i Noi Tehnologii n Medicina Dentar. Proiect conanat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvolatea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. INVESTETE N OAMENI!

    nscrierile se fac exclusiv online pe este gratuit n cadrul proiectului DENT

    ABC-ul restaurrilor compozite pe dinii frontali

    Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Vanini 07 septembrie 2013, Bucureti

    12 credite EMC





    Fondul Social European POSDRU 2007-2013

    Instrumente Structurale 2007-2013

    DENT - Dinamism, Ecien i Noi Tehnologii n Medicina Dentar. Proiect conanat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvolatea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. INVESTETE N OAMENI!

    Titlul programului: Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 Titlul proiectului: DENT - Dinamism, Ecien i Noi Tehnologii n Medicina Dentar Editorul materialului: SSER - Societatea de Stomatologie Estetic din Romania Data publicrii: aprilie 2013Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint n mod obligatoriu poziia ocial a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romniei

    International Congress ofEsthetic Dentistry16-18 May 2013JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel

  • 1 iunie 2012 - Cluj


    Joi, 16 mai 2013, ora 11.00Eveniment special n cadrul Congresului Internaional de Estetic Dentar.

    12 credite EMC

    1 iunie 2012 - Cluj

    Lansare oficial


    Editorial Editorial ........................................................................................................ 3

    Program Congres Congress Program .................................................................................... 4

    Program social Social program ........................................................................................... 9

    Lectori Lecturers .......................................................................................................10

    Dr. Orlando Alvarez ................................................................................... 10Prof. Dr. Gerwin Arnetzl ......................................................................... 10Prof. Dr. David Cottrell ........................................................................... 11Dr. Giacomo Fabbri .. ................................................................................. 11Dr. George Freedman ............................................................................12Prof. Dr. Pablo Galindo-Moreno .......................................................... 12Dr. Scott Ganz ............................................................................................. 13Dr. Jordi Gargallo ...................................................................................... 13Dr. Fay Goldstep ....................................................................................... 14Dr. Thomas Hanser .................................................................................... 14Prof. Dr. David Hoexter ........................................................................... 15Dr. Frank Kistler ...................................................................................... 15Prof. Dr. Samuel Kratchman ................................................................. 16Prof. Dr. Ivo Krejci .................................................................................... 16Dr. Francesco Maggiore ....................................................................... 17Prof. Dr. Angelo Putignano ................................................................... 18Dr. Roberto Rossi ..................................................................................... 18Dr. Gadi Schneider .................................................................................... 19Prof. Dr. Massimo Simion ..................................................................... 20Prof. Dr. Philippe Sleiman ................................................................... 20Prof. Dr. Marius Steigmann .................................................................. 21Prof. Dr. Hom Lay Wang ..................................................................... 21Dr. Jrgen Wahlmann ............................................................................ 22Prof. Dr. Ervin Weiss ................................................................................ 22Dr. Dietmar Weng .................................................................................... 23

    Detalii organizatorice / Termeni i condiiiOrganizational details / Terms and conditions................................24

    Toate conferinele lectorilor internaionali bene ciaz de tra-ducere simultan. Congresul este creditat cu 50 de puncte EMC.

  • 222

    Altur-te echipei SSERi te vei bucura de

    educaie medical continu, gratuit!

    Toi medicii stomatologi, membri ai SSER, care au cotizaia achitat, se pot nscrie

    i pot participa nelimitat la cursurile organizate n cadrul proiectului DENT,

    n limita locurilor disponibile.

    Restul condiiilor rmn neschimbate.

    Pentru detalii privind nscrierea, v rugm s ne contactai la tel. 021.317.58.64

    sau s accesai pagina web a


    PROF. DR. CONSTANTIN VRLANPreedinte SSER | President of SSER

    Stimai colegi,

    Avem bucuria de a v invita s luai parte, n mod special n acest an, la Congresul Internaional de Estetic Dentar, eveniment (devenit deja tradiional) organizat de Societatea de Stomatologie Estetic din Romnia. Aceast manifestare va ncerca, din nou, s se ridice la nivelul de calitate cu care am dorit s venim n ntmpi-narea solicitrilor i ateptrilor Dvs., nc de la bun nceput, odat cu debutul activitii noastre.

    Cu ocazia acestei ediii aniversare (a 10-a), congresul i propune (n mod deosebit) standarde de excelen, att prin calitatea de excepie a lectorilor invitai, ct i prin organizarea de nalt profe-sionalism. Cu sprijinul partenerilor notri i bene ciind n continua-re de avantajele oferite prin derularea proiectului DENT puse la dispoziia Dvs., dorim s v prezentm teme i subiecte de actuali-tate i de mare interes, acestea ind motive ntemeiate care s v determine s participai la acest eveniment.

    V ateptm cu ncredere i cu mult plcere alturi de noi!

    Cu deosebit consideraie,

  • 4Welcome Coffee


    SALA 1 / HALL 1



    09:30 - 11:00

    13:00 - 14:00

    14:00 - 15:30

    Reconstrucia ntregii arcade maxilare prin restaurri fixe: Dezbatere special / Full arch reconstruction on the maxilla with fixed restoration: Special DebateProf. Dr. Marius Steigmann Germany

    11:00 - 11:30 Eveniment special Incursiune n estetica dentar Special event Immersion in esthetic dentistry

    11:30 - 13:00 Restaurarea dinilor devitali eliminnd coroanele dentare: Dezbatere special / Crown free restoration of devital teeth: Special DebateProf. Dr. Ivo Krejci Switzerland

    16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break


    Rezolvarea problemelor clinice Clinical problems solved Dr. George Freedman USA

    10:00 - 18:00 nregistrare participani/Participants registration

    17:00 - 19:00 Consideraii privind finalul estetic al coroanelor pe implant / Consideration for the esthetic outcome of implant supported results Prof. Dr. Pablo Galindo Moreno & Dr. Jordi Gargallo Spain

    15:30 - 16:30 Regenerarea estetic prin utilizarea implantului i a chirurgiei estetice parodontale / Regeneration of esthetics and smiles with the utilization of implants and cosmetic periodontal surgery Prof. Dr. David Hoexter USA

    21:00 Congress Party - Restaurant Loft

    08:00 - 09:00

    Deschiderea oficial a congresului / Conferin de pres Congress Opening Ceremony / Press Conference

    09:00 - 09:30


  • 511:00 - 11:30 Eveniment special Incursiune n estetica dentar Special event Immersion in esthetic dentistry

    13:00 - 14:00

    14:00 - 16:30

    11:30 - 13:00 25 de ani de evoluii i consideraii n estetica dentar / 25 years: esthetic consideration and new developmentsProf. Dr. Massimo Simion Italy

    16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break


    25 de ani de evoluii i consideraii n estetica dentar / 25 years: esthetic consideration and new developmentsProf. Dr. Massimo Simion Italy

    17:00 - 18:00 Predictibilitatea esuturilor moi i dure din jurul implantului Obinerea celor mai bune rezultate cu efort minim / Predictibility for hard and soft tissue stability around implants How to get the best results with the least effort Dr. Dietmar Weng Germany

    18:00 - 19:00 Implantologie mai rapid i mai uoar implantarea imediat i opiuni alternative de tratament utiliznd poziii angulate ale implantelor / Faster and easier implantology Immediate implantation and alternative treatments options using angulated implant positions Dr. Frank Kistler Germany

    21:00 Congress Party - Restaurant Loft

    SALA 2 / HALL 2

    09:30 - 11:00 25 de ani de evoluii i consideraii n estetica dentar / 25 years: esthetic consideration and new developmentsProf. Dr. Massimo Simion Italy

    SALA 3 / HALL 3


    14:00 - 16:30 Fotografia digital n practica stomatologic de zi cu zi. Primii pai de la noiuni tehnice de baz la arta fotografic / Digital photography in every day dental practice. First steps ... From basic photography techniques to fine art Dr. Alecsandru Ionescu / Photographer Radu Grozescu

    17:00 - 19:00 Rezolvarea problemelor cliniceClinical problems solved Dr. George Freedman USA

  • 617:00 - 19:00 O abordare raional a restaurrilor estetice conservative: Dezbatere special / A rational approach to conservative esthetic restorations: Special debate Prof. Dr. Angelo Putignano Italy

    SALA 2 / HALL 2

    09:00 - 10:30

    13:00 - 14:00

    Rolul parodontologului n crearea unui zmbet frumos / The role of periodontist in creating a beautiful smileDr. Roberto Rossi Italy

    11:00 - 13:00 Microchirurgia endodontic: Dezbatere special / Endodontic microsurgery: Special debate Prof. Dr. Samuel Kratchman USA

    14:00 - 15:30 Retratamentul chirurgical i non chirurgical / Surgical and non surgical retreatments Dr. Francesco Maggiore Italy

    10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break


    SALA 1 / HALL 1

    09:00 - 10:30

    13:00 - 14:00

    14:00 - 15:30

    Concepte chirugicale i protetice actuale pentru obinerea unor rezultate predictibile privind implantul dentar: Dezbatere special / Curent surgical and prosthetic concepts for predictable implant results: Special debateProf. Dr. David Cottrell USA

    11:00 - 13:00 Zmbetul perfect Faete de la convenional la no prep / Perfect smile veneers from conventional to no prepDr. Jrgen Wahlmann Germany

    10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

    16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break


    Calea predictibil pentru conservarea osoas n implantarea i ncrcarea imediat a zonei maxilare / The predictable way for bone preservation in immediate implantation and loading of the maxillaeDr. Gadi Schneider Israel

    15:30 - 16:30 Consideraii estetice n terapia implantar managementul esutului moale i dur / Aesthetic considerations in implant therapy soft and hard tissue management Dr. Thomas Hanser Germany


    SALA 4 / HALL 4

    14:00 - 16:30 Inserarea implantelor n alveole post-extracionale concepte moderne / Implant placement in extraction sockets concepts for predictable Dr. Dietmar Weng Germany

    17:00 - 19:00 Tehnica CAD CAM n practica de zi cu zi curs cu participare limitat / CAD CAM in every day practice limited attendance lectureStephan Maser - Czech Republic

    17:00 - 19:00 Realizarea reconstruciei implantare ghidate protetic i maximizarea esteticii utiliznd conceptul Triangle of Bone / Achieving true prosthetically driven implant reconstruction and maximizing esthetics utilizing the Triangle of Bone conceptDr. Scott Ganz USA

    16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break

    15:30 - 16:30 Controversa tratament endodontic versus implant: Dezbatere special / Endo-implant decision making process: Special debate Dr. Francesco Maggiore and Prof. Dr. Marius Steigmann

    SALA 3 / HALL 3


    10:00 - 13:00 Managementul esutului moale n terapia implantar / Soft tissue management in implant therapy Dr. Thomas Hanser Germany

    14:00 - 16:30 Zmbetul perfect Faete de la convenional la non prep / Perfect smile veneers from conventional to no prepDr. Jrgen Wahlmann Germany

    SALA 4 / HALL 4

    09:00 - 10:30 Restaurarea adeziv estetic a dinilor laterali cu rini compozite de la convenional la activare sonic / Adhesive esthetic restorations on posterior teeth from conventional to sonic activationDr. Roxana Ilici

    11:00 - 13:0014:00 - 16:0017:00 - 19:00

  • 717:00 - 19:00 O abordare raional a restaurrilor estetice conservative: Dezbatere special / A rational approach to conservative esthetic restorations: Special debate Prof. Dr. Angelo Putignano Italy

    SALA 2 / HALL 2

    09:00 - 10:30

    13:00 - 14:00

    Rolul parodontologului n crearea unui zmbet frumos / The role of periodontist in creating a beautiful smileDr. Roberto Rossi Italy

    11:00 - 13:00 Microchirurgia endodontic: Dezbatere special / Endodontic microsurgery: Special debate Prof. Dr. Samuel Kratchman USA

    14:00 - 15:30 Retratamentul chirurgical i non chirurgical / Surgical and non surgical retreatments Dr. Francesco Maggiore Italy

    10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break


    SALA 1 / HALL 1

    09:00 - 10:30

    13:00 - 14:00

    14:00 - 15:30

    Concepte chirugicale i protetice actuale pentru obinerea unor rezultate predictibile privind implantul dentar: Dezbatere special / Curent surgical and prosthetic concepts for predictable implant results: Special debateProf. Dr. David Cottrell USA

    11:00 - 13:00 Zmbetul perfect Faete de la convenional la no prep / Perfect smile veneers from conventional to no prepDr. Jrgen Wahlmann Germany

    10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

    16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break


    Calea predictibil pentru conservarea osoas n implantarea i ncrcarea imediat a zonei maxilare / The predictable way for bone preservation in immediate implantation and loading of the maxillaeDr. Gadi Schneider Israel

    15:30 - 16:30 Consideraii estetice n terapia implantar managementul esutului moale i dur / Aesthetic considerations in implant therapy soft and hard tissue management Dr. Thomas Hanser Germany


    SALA 4 / HALL 4

    14:00 - 16:30 Inserarea implantelor n alveole post-extracionale concepte moderne / Implant placement in extraction sockets concepts for predictable Dr. Dietmar Weng Germany

    17:00 - 19:00 Tehnica CAD CAM n practica de zi cu zi curs cu participare limitat / CAD CAM in every day practice limited attendance lectureStephan Maser - Czech Republic

    17:00 - 19:00 Realizarea reconstruciei implantare ghidate protetic i maximizarea esteticii utiliznd conceptul Triangle of Bone / Achieving true prosthetically driven implant reconstruction and maximizing esthetics utilizing the Triangle of Bone conceptDr. Scott Ganz USA

    16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break

    15:30 - 16:30 Controversa tratament endodontic versus implant: Dezbatere special / Endo-implant decision making process: Special debate Dr. Francesco Maggiore and Prof. Dr. Marius Steigmann

    SALA 3 / HALL 3


    10:00 - 13:00 Managementul esutului moale n terapia implantar / Soft tissue management in implant therapy Dr. Thomas Hanser Germany

    14:00 - 16:30 Zmbetul perfect Faete de la convenional la non prep / Perfect smile veneers from conventional to no prepDr. Jrgen Wahlmann Germany

    SALA 4 / HALL 4

    09:00 - 10:30 Restaurarea adeziv estetic a dinilor laterali cu rini compozite de la convenional la activare sonic / Adhesive esthetic restorations on posterior teeth from conventional to sonic activationDr. Roxana Ilici

    11:00 - 13:0014:00 - 16:0017:00 - 19:00

  • 8

    13:00 - 14:30

    12:00 - 13:00 Stomatologia minim invaziv cu caracter predictibil i proactiv / Predictable proactive and profitable minimally invasive dentistry Dr. Fay Goldstep Canada

    Reabilitarea implantar complex: Dezbatere special / Complex implant supported rehabilitation: Special debate Prof. Dr. Ervin Weiss Israel

    10:00 - 11:30 Rezultate estetice prin planificarea computerizat: Dezbatere special / Computer based planning for aesthetic results: Special debate Dr. Orlando Alvarez Chile

    12:00 - 14:30 Managementul complicaiilor asociate implantului: clasificare, prevenie i management: Dezbatere special / Management of implant complications: classifications, preventions and management: Special debateProf. Dr. Hom Lay Wang USA

    SALA 2 / HALL 2

    09:00 - 10:00 Oportuniti estetice i funcionale ale recentelor dezvoltri estetice ale CAD/CAMului / The esthetic and functional opportunities of recent CAD/CAM developments Prof. Dr. Gerwin Arnetzl Austria

    11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break


    SALA 1 / HALL 1

    09:00 - 10:00 Dezvoltarea de noi abordri pentru integrarea estetic i funcional a rezultatului protetic: Dezbatere special / Developing new approaches for idealizing of the prosthetic outcome: Special debate Dr. Giacomo Fabbri Italy

    11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break

    10:00 - 11:30 Cnd tehnologia ntlnete biologia: Dezbatere special / When technology meets biology: Special debateProf. Dr. Philippe Sleiman Lebanon


    10:00 - 11:30 Individualizarea estetic a restaurarilor CAD-CAM / Aesthetical individualization of CAD CAM restaurations Prof. Dr. Gerwin Arnetzl Austria

    12:00 - 14:30 Cnd tehnologia ntlnete biologia / When tehnology meets biology Prof. Dr. Philippe Sleiman Lebanon

    SALA 4 / HALL 4

    10:00 - 11:30 Ceramica adeziv n protetica fix / Bonded porcelain in fixed prosthodonticsDr. Giacomo Fabbri Italy

    Petrecerea organizat de SSER cu ocazia congresului a devenit o tradiie. V invi-tm s v bucurai de o cin deosebit ntr-una dintre cele mai exclusiviste locaii din Bucureti, unde muzica de calitate i voia bun sunt invitai speciali.

    56-60 Iancu de Hunedoara Blvd., Metropolis Center

    JOI 16 MAI - - THURSDAY MAY 16THora 21:00 at 21:00

    Participarea este gratuit pentru participanii la congresParticipation is free for the congress participants.

    Dress code: Lounge Suit / Cocktail Dress

    Restaurant Loft / Loft Lounge

    Congress Party

    SSERs congress party has become a tradition. We invite you to enjoy a great dinner in one of the most exclusive locations in Bucharest, where good music and good spirit are special guests.


    14:30 Closing ceremony and poster session awards

    14:30 Closing ceremony and poster session awards

  • 9

    13:00 - 14:30

    12:00 - 13:00 Stomatologia minim invaziv cu caracter predictibil i proactiv / Predictable proactive and profitable minimally invasive dentistry Dr. Fay Goldstep Canada

    Reabilitarea implantar complex: Dezbatere special / Complex implant supported rehabilitation: Special debate Prof. Dr. Ervin Weiss Israel

    10:00 - 11:30 Rezultate estetice prin planificarea computerizat: Dezbatere special / Computer based planning for aesthetic results: Special debate Dr. Orlando Alvarez Chile

    12:00 - 14:30 Managementul complicaiilor asociate implantului: clasificare, prevenie i management: Dezbatere special / Management of implant complications: classifications, preventions and management: Special debateProf. Dr. Hom Lay Wang USA

    SALA 2 / HALL 2

    09:00 - 10:00 Oportuniti estetice i funcionale ale recentelor dezvoltri estetice ale CAD/CAMului / The esthetic and functional opportunities of recent CAD/CAM developments Prof. Dr. Gerwin Arnetzl Austria

    11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break


    SALA 1 / HALL 1

    09:00 - 10:00 Dezvoltarea de noi abordri pentru integrarea estetic i funcional a rezultatului protetic: Dezbatere special / Developing new approaches for idealizing of the prosthetic outcome: Special debate Dr. Giacomo Fabbri Italy

    11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break

    10:00 - 11:30 Cnd tehnologia ntlnete biologia: Dezbatere special / When technology meets biology: Special debateProf. Dr. Philippe Sleiman Lebanon


    10:00 - 11:30 Individualizarea estetic a restaurarilor CAD-CAM / Aesthetical individualization of CAD CAM restaurations Prof. Dr. Gerwin Arnetzl Austria

    12:00 - 14:30 Cnd tehnologia ntlnete biologia / When tehnology meets biology Prof. Dr. Philippe Sleiman Lebanon

    SALA 4 / HALL 4

    10:00 - 11:30 Ceramica adeziv n protetica fix / Bonded porcelain in fixed prosthodonticsDr. Giacomo Fabbri Italy

    Petrecerea organizat de SSER cu ocazia congresului a devenit o tradiie. V invi-tm s v bucurai de o cin deosebit ntr-una dintre cele mai exclusiviste locaii din Bucureti, unde muzica de calitate i voia bun sunt invitai speciali.

    56-60 Iancu de Hunedoara Blvd., Metropolis Center

    JOI 16 MAI - - THURSDAY MAY 16THora 21:00 at 21:00

    Participarea este gratuit pentru participanii la congresParticipation is free for the congress participants.

    Dress code: Lounge Suit / Cocktail Dress

    Restaurant Loft / Loft Lounge

    Congress Party

    SSERs congress party has become a tradition. We invite you to enjoy a great dinner in one of the most exclusive locations in Bucharest, where good music and good spirit are special guests.


    14:30 Closing ceremony and poster session awards

    14:30 Closing ceremony and poster session awards

  • 10


    Dr. Alvarez i ncepe cariera ca i chirurg n cadrul Serviciului de Chirurgie Maxilo-Facial & Oral al Clinicii Alemana, Santiago de Chile. El a studiat procedura asistat de computer pentru intervenia chirurgical pentru implant la Katho-lieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgia cu Prof. Daniel van Steenberghe n ianuarie 2005.Dr. Alvarez a fost profesor invitat la Facultatea de

    Stomatologie, Universitatea din Los Andes, Chile i profesor invitat la Facultatea de Stomatologie, Universitatea Concepcin, Chile.n prezent, el este profesor la Facultatea de Stomatologie a Universitii din Chile. Are un cabinet privat cu domeniul de activi-tate n protetic & implantologie din anul 1990.

    Dr. Alvarez start his career as a surgeon in the Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery Service at Clinica Alemana, Santiago Chile. He learned the computer assisted procedure for Implant Surgery Litorim at Kath-olieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium with Prof. Daniel van Steenber-ghe in January 2005. He has been an invited professor to the Den-tistry Faculty, University of Los Andes, Chile and invited Professor to the Dentistry Faculty, University of Concepcion, Chile.Actually he is Professor of the Post Graduated Dental School Uni-versity of Chile and invited lecturer and teacher to many other universities in Chile and South America. Actually he is professor at Dental School at University of Chile. He has had a private practice in prosthodontics & Implants since 1990.


    Prof. Arnetzl are din 1983 un Doctorat la Karl-Franzens Universitatea Graz, Austria. Prof. Arnetzl este eful grupului de lucru pentru stomatologie restaurativ i protetic adeziv la Departamen-tul Clinic pentru Stomatologie Restaurativ, Graz. Din 2002 este preedintele GCZ (Societatea Austriac pentru Stomatologie Computerizat), iar n perioada 2003 2011 a fost secretarul gener-

    al al GZMK - Societatea Austriac de Stomatologie. Din 2007 pn n prezent este Vice-preedinte al ISCD (Societatea Internaional de Stomatologie Computerizat).

    Prof. Dr. Arnetzl has since 1983 a Doctorate at Karl-Franzens Univer-sity, Graz, Austria. Prof. Arnetzl is Head of the working group for re-storative dentistry and adhesive prosthodontics of Clinical Depart-ment for Dental Restorative Sciences, Graz. Since 2002 President of GCZ - Austrian Society for Computerized Dentistry and during 2003 to 2011: General Secretary of the GZMK Austrian Dental So-ciety . Since 2007 he is Vice-President of ISCD - International Soci-ety of Computerized Dentistry.



  • 11



    Dr. Cottrell s-a alturat Departamentului de chir-urgie oral i maxilo-facial al Universitii din Boston n 1993, ca asistent universitar. El a fost directorul programului de rezideniat n Chiru-rgie oral i maxilo-facial ntre anii 1997-2007, precum i preedinte al departamentului i de-can asociat pentru politici spitaliceti ntre anii 2002-2010. De asemenea, dr. Cottrell a fost eful

    Departamentului de stomatologie i chirurgie oral al Boston Medi-cal Center. Dr. Cottrell a publicat mai mult de 200 de articole i capi-tole de carte i este referent pentru Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Jurnalul de Chirurgie Oral i Maxilo-facial), Oral Surgery (Chirurgie Oral), Oral Pathology (Patologie Oral), Oral Medicine (Medicin Oral). El a fost lector invitat att la nivel naional, ct i internaional i prezint periodic lucrri referitoare la domeniile sale de cercetare, inclusiv transplantul osos pentru realizarea site-ului implantului i implanturilor dentare.

    Dr. Cottrell joined the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Boston University in 1993 as an Assistant Professor. He became the Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Pro-gram from 1997-2007 as well as Chairman of the Department and Associate Dean for Hospital A airs from 2002-2010. Dr. Cottrell was also Chief of the Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery at Bos-ton Medical Center. He is an active Sta Surgeon at Boston Medical Center and a Visiting Sta Surgeon at Franciscans Childrens Hospi-tal. Dr. Cottrell has authored more then 200 published articles and book chapters and is a reviewer for the Journal of Oral and Maxil-lofacial Surgery, and Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine. He has been an invited lecturer both nationally and internationally, and presents regularly on his research interests including bone grafting for implant site development and dental implants.


    Dr. Fabbri a absolvit cu onoruri facultatea de sto-matologie i protetic dentar a Universitii din Pavia, Italia. El este un membru activ al Academiei Italiene de Stomatologie Protetic (AIOP), o acade-mie tiini c de prestigiu n domeniul esteticii i stomatologiei protetice. El a publicat mai multe articole n reviste internaionale de specialitate i a inut prelegeri n Italia i n strintate pe teme le-

    gate de protetic x i protetica pe implanturi, avnd interes speci c pentru estetic, materiale noi i abordarea minimal invaziv. El susine cursuri, att la nivel naional ct i internaional, pe teme legate de protetic x i pe implant. El lucreaz la cabinetul stomatologic spe-cializat Ban Mancini Fabbri din Cattolica (Italia), activnd n domeniul esteticii i reabilitrii protetice pe dini naturali i implanturi.


  • 12

    He graduated with honours in dentistry and dental prosthodontics at the University of Pavia, Italy. He is an active member of the Ital-ian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (A.I.O.P), a prestigious scienti c Academy in the eld of esthetic and prosthetic dentistry. He has published several international articles in peer-reviewed journals and lectured in Italy and abroad on topics related to xed prost-hodontics and implant prosthodontics with speci c interest on es-thetics, new materials and minimally invasive approach. He gives courses, both nationally and internationally, on topics related to xed and implant prosthodontics. He works in Ban Mancini Fabbri Specialist Dental Practice, located in Cattolica (Italy), in the eld of esthetics and prosthetic rehabilitations on natural teeth and im-plants.


    Dr. George Freedman este membru fondator, fost preedinte al Academiei Americane de Cosmetic Dentar i membru fondator al Academiei Cana-diene de Estetic Dentar. Este autor i co-autor a 9 manuale, peste 200 articole de specialitate, cd-uri i casete video. A fost numit de ctre Den-tistry Today, unul dintre liderii Educaiei Medicale Continue de azi.

    Dr. George Freedman is founder, former president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and founding member of the Cana-dian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He is author and co-author of nine books, over 200 articles, CDs and videos. He has been named as one of the Leading clinicians in Continuing Educations by Den-tistry Today.


    Dr. Galindo-Moreno este confereniar n cadrul departmentului de chirurgie oral i implan-tologie Universitatea din Granada, Spania. Fost confereniar invitat n cadrul departamentului de medicin oral la Universitatea din Michigan, EEUU. Este European Fellowship in Oral Surgery, diplomat al ICOI precum i preedintele Colegiu-lui Spaniol de implantologie oral.

    Associate Professor , Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry Depart-ment University of Granada, Spain. Ex Visiting Associate Professor, Periodontics and Oral Medicine Department - University of Michi-gan, EEUU. He is European Fellowship in Oral Surgery, an ICOI Dip-lomate and SCOI President (Spanish College of Oral Implantolo-gists).



  • 13




    Dr. Ganz a publicat articole n numeroase cri tiini ce, profesionale i reviste (peste 75 de ar-ticole). El susine prezentri att la nivel naional ct i internaional cu subiecte privind fazele pro-tetice i chirurgicale n implantologie si este con-siderat unul dintre experii mondiali n domeniul utilizrii computerului, aplicaiilor pentru diag-nostic, gra c i plani carea tratamentului.

    Dr. Ganz este lector pentru numeroase organizaii, inclusiv Acad-emy of Osseointegration, American Academy of Oral and Maxil-lofacial Surgeons, American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics, International Congress of Oral Implantologists, American College of Prosthodontists, American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Eu-ropean Academy of Osseointegration i American Society of Os-seointegration. n prezent, el este editor asociat pentru revista de specialitate, Implant Dentistry, JOMI, i membru al consiliului edito-rial al mai multor publicaii.

    Dr. Ganz is well- published in many scienti c, professional text-books, and journals (over 75 articles). He delivers presentations both nationally and internationally on the Prosthetic and Surgical phases of Implant Dentistry and is considered one of the worlds leading experts in the eld of Computer Utilization for Diagnostic, Graphical, and Treatment Planning Applications in Dentistry.Dr. Ganz has been a featured speaker for numerous organiza-tions including the Academy of Osseointegration, American Acade-my of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, American Academy of Maxil-lofacial Prosthetics, International Congress of Oral Implantologists, The American College of Prosthodontists, American Academy of Implant Dentistry,The European Academy of Osseointegration, and The American Society of Osseointegration. He currently serves as Associate Editor for the peer-reviewed journal, Implant Dentistry, JOMI, and the editorial sta of several other publications.


    Dr. Gargallo este doctor n medicin dentar, are un master n chirurgie oral. Este membru al European Board of Oral Surgery. Este membru i diplomat al International Congress of Oral Im-plantologist (ICOI). Dr. Gargallo este profesor n cadrul departamen-tului de chirurgie oral i maxilo-facial, Univer-sitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, i

    director al International Master in Oral Surgery (IMOS) Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona.

    Dr. Gargallo is doctor in Dentistry, he has master in Oral Surgery. He is member in European Board of Oral Surgery. Is a Fellow and Diplo-

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    mate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologist (ICOI)Dr. Gargallo is Professor at Department Oral & MaxilloFacial Surgery Universitat Internacional deCatalunya, Barcelona and director of the International Master in Oral Surgery (IMOS). Universitat Interna-cional de Catalunya. Barcelona.


    Dr. Fay Goldstep are o experien de peste 25 de ani, a fost lector la seminariile Asociaiei Ameri-cane de Stomatologie i n cadrul programelor post-universitare a mai multor universiti din SUA. Este co-autor a 3 manuale i a publicat peste 20 articole. A fost numit de catre Dentistry Today unul din cei mai importani lectori din sistemul de Educaie Medical Continu.

    Dr. Fay Goldstep has over 25 years of experience, was a lecturer for the American Association of Dentistry seminars and for postgradu-ated porgrams in several US universities . Is co-author of three books and published over 20 articles. Sha has been named as one of the Leading Clinicians in Continuing Educations by Dentistry Today.


    Dr. Hanser este lector la programul academic de master privind medicina oral n implantologie (Universitatea din Mnster), lector la Societatea German de tiine Dentare, Orale i Cranioman-dibulare (DGZMK / APW)i lector la Academia de Educaie Medical (Asociaia de Stomatologie din Mnster). Susine numeroase prelegeri i cursuri naionale

    i internaionale. Este co-autor al manualului multilingvistic: Khoury, F Augmentative Verfahren in der Implantologie, Quinte-ssence (2009), Hanser, T. Weichgewebsmanagement - Rot-Weiss-sthetik. Quintessenz 2010; 8:935-942

    Dr Hanser is Lecturer at the Postgraduate Academic Program Mas-ter of Oral Medicine in Implantology (University of Mnster), lec-turer at the German Society of Dental, Oral & Craniomandibular Science (DGZMK/APW)and lecturer at the Medical Education Aca-demy (Dental Association of Mnster). He has numerous national and international lectures and cour-ses. He is co-author of the Multilanguage Quintessence Textbook: Khoury, F: Augmentative Verfahren in der Implantologie (2009) Hanser, T.: Weichgewebsmanagement Rot-Wei-sthetik. Quinte-ssenz 2010;8:935-942



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    Dr. Hoexter este profesor n domeniul parodon-tologiei i implantologiei la Universitatea Temple. Este fost profesor la Universitatea din Pittsburgh si confereniar la Universitatea Tufts. El este diplo-mat n domeniul implantologiei al International Congress of Oral Implantology, al American So-ciety of Osseous Integration i al American Board of Esthetic Dentistry. El a primit un numr de 12

    burse. Este director al Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics, precum i redactor-ef al Dental Tribune, SUA. Cabinetul su are activitatea limitat la parodontologie, implantologie i chirurgie estetic. El a inut prelegeri i a publicat la nivel naional i internaional, avnd peste 100 de articole publicate plus capitole n cri, mai recent n Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry.

    Dr. Hoexter is a Clinical Professor of Periodontics and Implantology at Temple University. Formerly Clinical Professor, University of Pitts-burgh and Associate Professor at Tufts University. He is a Diplomate of Implantology of the International Congress of Oral Implantology, a Diplomate of the American Society of Osseous Integration, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Esthetic Dentistry. He has been awarded 12 Fellowships. He is Director of the International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics as well as the Editor in Chief of the Dental Tribune, USA. A wet gloved practicing practitioner, his practice is limited to periodontics, implants and esthetic surgery. He has lectured and published nationally and internationally with over 100 articles published plus chapters in published books, most recently, contemporary Esthetic Dentistry.


    Dr. Frank Kistler este consilier editorial al dife-ritelor reviste tiini ce, cum ar ediia n limba german a Journal of Oral Implantology, Perio-dontology and Implantology i Journal of Den-tal Tech. El a publicat mai mult de 70 de articole pe acest subiect n ntreaga lume. El a susinut prelegeri att la nivel naional ct i internaional, cum ar n ri ca Germania, Italia, SUA, Canada,

    Rusia, Spania, Polonia, Taiwan, Arabia Saudit, Iran i multe altele.

    Dr. Frank Kistler is editorial councelor of di erent scienti c papers, as the german Journal of Oral Implantology, Periodontology and Implantology and Journal of dental Tech. Since then he published more than 70 articles on this subject worldwide. He lectured both on national and international main podiums as in Germany, France, Italy, USA, Canada, Russia, Spain, Poland, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and others.

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    Dr. Kratchman este autorul a numeroase articole i capitole privind endodonia i reimplantarea intenionat din manualul Microsurgery in Endo-dontics (Microchirurgia n endodonie), precum i n Dental Clinics of North America. De asemenea, el a creat un instrument patentat numit Kondens-er S pentru obturarea canalelor radiculare. Re-vistele Main Line Today, ct i Doctor of Dentistry

    i-au oferit Dr. Kratchman prima pagin a numerelor lor Best of.Dr. Kratchman ine prelegeri pe diverse teme din endodonie pe ntreg teritoriu al Statelor Unite ale Americii, n Europa, Scandina-via, America de Sud, Canada i Asia. De asemenea, acesta conduce dou cabinete private, cu activitatea limitat la sfera endodoniei n Exton i West Chester din Pennsylvania.

    Dr. Kratchman has authored several articles and chapters on en-dodontics and intentional replantation for the Microsurgery in En-dodontics textbook, and the Dental Clinics of North America. He also developed a patented instrument called the S Kondenser for the obturation of root canals. Both Main Line Today and Doctor of Dentistry magazines honored Dr. Kratchman as the cover story for their Best of issues.Dr. Kratchman lectures on several topics of endodontics through-out the United States, Europe, Scandinavia, South America, Canada and Asia. He also maintains two private practices, limited to endo-dontics, in Exton and West Chester Pennsylvania.


    Dr. Krejci este membrul Academy of Dental Mate-rials (Academia de Materiale Dentare) i a obinut diploma de specializare postuniversitar oferit de Swiss Society of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry (Societatea Elveian de Stomatologie Preventiv i Restaurativ). A fost preedintele Swiss Society of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry, al Academy of Opera-

    tive Dentistry European Section (Academia European de Stoma-tologie Operativ), a fost membru al consiliului editorial al Journal of Dental Research (Jurnalul pentru Cercetare n Stomatologie) i membru al mai multor asociaii. Prof. Krejci a publicat peste 300 de articole i capitole de carte. Prof. Krejci a condus mai mult de 50 de teze de doctorat i a inut prelegeri n cadrul multor reuniuni tiini ce internaionale i cursuri de formare continu. n prezent, el este profesor titular i preedinte al diviziei de cariologie i endodonie i este preedinte al Facultii de Medicin Dentar din cadrul Universitii din Gene-va, Elveia, unde i conduce un cabinet privat.

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    Prof. Dr. Ivo Krejci graduated from the University of Basel, Swi-tzerland, and received his Dr. med. dent. degree in 1986 and his Privatdozent (Switzerland) in 1993 from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He is Fellow of the Academy of Dental Materials and has a postgraduate specialisation diploma of the Swiss Society of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry. He is past president of the Swiss Society of Preventive and Resto-rative Dentistry, past president of the Academy of Operative Den-tistry European Section, past member of the editorial board of the Journal of Dental Research and member of several associations. Prof. Krejci has published over 300 articles and book chapters . Prof. Krejci has supervised more than 50 doctoral theses and has lectured on numerous international scienti c meetings and con-tinuing education courses. He is currently Ordinary Professor and Chairman of the Division of Cariology and Endodontology and President of the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Ge-neva, Switzerland, where he maintains an intramural private o ce.


    Dr. Maggiore a fost confereniar n cadrul depar-tamentului de endodonie al Universitii din Pennsylvania. El a susinut prelegeri pe teme de endodonie n cadrul reuniunilor internaionale i a publicat articole tiini ce n reviste naionale i internaionale. n 2002 a primit premiul pentru Cel mai bun caz clinic endodontic din partea Academiei Italiane de Endodonie, iar n 2009

    a primit premiul pentru cea mai bun documentaie clinic din partea Academiei Italiane de Endodonie. n anul 2012 a primit premiul de Specialist de top n endodonie (Top Mediziner) din partea consiliului editorial tiini c al revistei Focus. El a fost lector al programului de master n endodonie din cadrul Universitii din Siena i Florena i a predat ca profesor invitat la Universitatea din Ancona, Italia. n prezent, el este profesor asistent adjunct la Univer-sitatea din Pennsylvania, SUA.

    Dr. Maggiore has been teaching as Clinical Assistant Professor in the Endodontic Department at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been lecturing on endodontic topics in international meetings and published scienti c articles in national and international jour-nals. In 2002 he received the award for The best endodontic clini-cal case from the Italian Academy of Endodontics and in 2009 he received the award for the best Clinical Documentation from the Italian Association of Endodontics. In 2012 he received the Award as Top Endodontic Specialist (Top Mediziner) from the scienti c editorial of the magazine Focus. He has been lecturing for the Master in Endodontics at the University of Siena and Florence, and has been teaching as Visiting Professor at the University of Ancona, Italy. Currently he is Adjunt Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.


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    Dr. Putignano este profesor la catedra de Stomato-logie Restaurativ a Facultii de Medicin Dentar din cadrul Universitii Politehnice din Marche, Ancona-Italia precum i eful departamentului de stomatologie operativ i endodonie al Facultii de Medicin Dentar din cadrul Universitii Po-litehnice din Marche-Ancona-Italia.Este membru activ al Italian Society of Operative

    Dentistry (SIDOC-Societatea Italian de Stomatologie Operativ), membru fondator al Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED-Academia Italian de Stomatologie Estetic) i membru activ al Eu-ropean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED-Academia European de Stomatologie Estetic). Dr Putignano deine un cabinet privat cu practic limitat la stomatologia restaurativ n Ancona, Italia. Prof. Putignano ine prelegeri pe plan internaional pe tema restaurrilor adezive&estetice.

    Prof. Dr. Putignano has an M.D. degree and D.D.S. post graduate certi cate from University of Ancona-Italy. He is full professor in Re-storative Dentistry at School of Dentistry Polytecnique University of Marche-Ancona-Italy, Head of Operative dentistry and Endodon-tics department at School of Dentistry Polytecnique University of Marche-Ancona-Italy and Dean School of Dental Hygienist Polytec-nique University of Marche-Ancona-Italy.He is an active member Italian Society of Operative Dentistry (SIDOC), a founding Member Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED) and a active Member European Academy of Esthetic Dentist-ry (EAED. Dr. Putignano has private practice limited to Restorative Dentistry in Ancona , Italy. Prof. Putignano is lecturing internationally on adhesive & aesthetic restorations.


    Dr. Rossi a colaborat, ncepnd cu anul 1993, cu Universitatea din Genova, Universitatea din Pa-dova, Universitatea din Pisa i Universitatea Sa-pienza din Roma unde este, din anul 2005, profe-sor de grad II la cursul postuniversitar (Master) de parodontologie.El a colaborat cu diferite grupuri de cercetare n domeniul regenerrii parodontale i esteticii n

    cazul implanturilor. Este membru activ Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry al (IAED-Academia Italian de Stomatologie Estetic), membru al Italian Society of Periodontology (Societatea Italian de Parodontologie), al Italian Society of Osseointegration (Societatea Italian de Osteointegrare). El este autorul capitolului Regenerarea parodontal din cuprinsul crii intitulate Biomateriale osoase i nu numai. A publicat multe articole n reviste de specialitate i

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    ine prelegeri ntreaga lume pe teme legate de parodontologie i estetic.

    Since 1993 has cooperated with the University of Genova, Univer-sity of Padova, University of Pisa and University of Roma Sapienza where since 2005 is a professor at the II degree Master in Periodon-tology.Has cooperated with many di erent research groups in the eld of Periodontal Regeneration and Esthetics on Implants. Active Mem-ber of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED), Member of Italian Society of Periodontology, Italian Society of Osseointegra-tion. Author of the chapter on Periodontal Regeneration in the book Bone Biomaterials and Beyond. Has published extensively on peer reviewed magazines and lectures worldwide on topics related to Periodontology and Esthetics.


    Dr. Schneider a primit n 2004 certi catul de spe-cialist n parodontologie din partea Federaiei Europene de Parodontologie.Consultant pentru cercetare i educaie i lector la Alpha-Bio Tecs Educational Center. Susine seminarii i cursuri n domeniul implantologiei i chirurgiei pentru implant colegilor si din do-meniu din toat lumea. Dr. Schneider susine

    prelegeri peste tot n lume n domeniul ncrcrii imediate, avnd o experien n chirurgie de peste 1000 de implanturi cu urmrirea lor pe perioade de mai mult de 2 ani.Dr. Schneider a publicat n reviste israeliene o mulime de ghiduri clinice care se bazeaz pe literatura bazat pe dovezi, combinat cu experiena clinic. Deine un cabinet privat specializat n parodon-tologie i implantologie.

    Dr. Schneider received his European Federation Certi cate of Perio-dontology in 2004. Research & education consultant and Lecturer at Alpha-Bio Tecs Educational Center, He leads seminars and courses in implantology and implant surgery to his colleagues in the eld all over the world. Dr. Schneider lectures all over the world on immediate loading with surgical experience of more than 1000 implants with follow up of more than 2 years.Dr. Schneider published in Israeli papers lots of clinical guidelines articles which are based on evidenced based literature combined with clinical experience. Holds a private practice which specializes in Periodontics and Im-plantology.

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    Dr. Simion este profesor i ef al departamentului de parodontologie la Facultatea de Stomatologie a Universitii din Milano. Membru al consiliului director al Asociaiei Europene pentru Osteointe-grare ntre anii 1998-2005. Preedinte al EAO ntre anii 2001-2003 i immediate Past-President ntre 2004-2005 . Membru al Consiliului EAO ncepnd cu anul 2005. Membru fondator al Societii Inta-

    liene de Osteointegrare. Membru activ i vicepreedinte al Societii Italiene de Parodontologie ntre anii 2003-2005.

    Dr. Simon is Professor and Head of the Department of Periodontol-ogy Faculty of Dentistry, University of Milan. Board member of the European Association for Osseointegration between 1998-2005. EAO president between 2001-2003 and Immediate Past-President from 2004-2005. EAO Board member since 2005. Founding mem-ber of the Society of Italian Osseointegration. Active member and vice president of the Italian Society of Periodontology between 2003-2005. Dr. Simon is professor and head of department of Perio-dontology.


    Dr. Sleiman s-a nscut la Beirut n 1965. El a primit diploma de medic chirurg stomatolog la Facul-tatea de Stomatologie a Universitii Libaneze n 1989, iar ntre 1996-1997 a primit D.U.A. de la Uni-versitatea Libanez, DESE ntre 1997-1999 la Uni-versitatea St. Joseph i titlul de doctor n tiine. Dr. Sleiman este confereniar la Universitatea din Carolina de Nord i preedinte al departamentu-

    lui de endodonie al Lebanese Dental School.A publicat n ntreaga lume i a susinut prelegeri n ri strine cum ar : Liban, SUA, Belgia, Turcia, Egipt UAE, Iordania i Germania pe teme legate de endodonie.El deine un cabinet privat n Beirut din anul 1989, n Dubai i n Oman.

    Dr. Philippe Sleiman was born in Beirut in 1965. He received his degree as dental surgeon at Lebanese University Dental School in 1989, his D.U.A at the Lebanese University between 1996-1997, his DESE Endodontist at St. Joseph University between 1997-1999 and his Doctorate in Science. Dr. Sleiman is Adjunct Associate Profes-sor at University of North Carolina and Chairman of the Endodontic Department at Lebanese Dental School. He publish worldwide and lectures abrode in country such as: Lebanon, USA, Belgium, Turkey, Egypt UEA, Jordan and Germany on topics related to Endodontics. He has a private practice in Beirut since 1989, in Dubai and also in Oman.

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    Dr. Steigmann este Adjunct Confereniar n cadrul departamentului de Chirurgie Oral i Maxilo Facial a Universitii din Boston. Profesor de onoare al Facultii Carol Davila Universitatea Bucureti, medic invitat principal, Profesor uni-versitar invitat de Facultatea din Szeged, prodes-or invitat la departamentul de Implantologie din Timioara. Dr. Steigmann susine numeroase

    prelegeri i public extensiv. Este membru al mai multor asociaii (cum ar DGOI, EIZ, BDIZ i ICOI). Este diplomat al ICOI i al altor societi europene. Dr. Steigmann a primit medalia Semmelweiss oferit de departamentul de chirugie oral i maxilo-facial.

    Adjunct Asistant Professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery Boston University. He is a Honorary Professor of the Carol Davila University of Bucharest, Invited Senior Guest, Visiting Professor University of Szeged Faculty of Dentistry, visiting professor department of Im-plantology in Temeschburg. Dr. Steigmann lectures and publishes extensively. Member of several association such as DGOI, FIZ, BDIZ and ICOI. He is a Diplomate of the ICOI and other European societ-ies. Dr. Steigmann also received the medal Semmelweiss Budapest University dental school, dept. of oral and maxillofacial surgery.


    Dr. Hom-Lay Wang este profesor universitar n domeniul parodontologiei, profesor i direc-tor al departamentului de parodontologie al Universitii din Michigan. Dr. Wang a primit titlul DDS (doctor n chirurgia dentar) la Taipei Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan; titlul DDS, MSD la Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio i titlul de doctor (PhD) la Hiroshima University,

    Japonia. El este consilier n domeniul cercetrii la Eng. A.B. Research Chair for Growth Factors and Bone Regeneration, King Saud Univer-sity Riyadh, Arabia Saudit. A publicat mai mult de 22 de capitole de carte/recenzii i peste 250 de articole tiini ce.

    Hom-Lay Wang, DDS., MSD., Ph D, Collegiate Professor of Periodon-tics, Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics at the Univer-sity of Michigan. Dr. Wang received his DDS from Taipei Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, DDS, MSD from Case Western Reserve Uni-versity, Cleveland, Ohio and Ph D from Hiroshima University, Japan. He also serves as a Research advisor for Eng. A.B. Research Chair for Growth Factors and Bone Regeneration, King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He published more than 22 book chapters/invited reviews and more than 250 scienti c articles.

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    Dr. Wahlmann a absolvit Facultatea de Stoma-tologie la Universitatea din Goettingen. n 2004 a obinut tilul de Master in Aesthetics, oferit de Institutul Rosenthal al Universitii din New York. Este membru al Academiei Americane de Stoma-tologie Estetic. Este lector invitat la Universitatea din Manchester, Anglia. Dr. Wahlmann susine numeroase prelegeri la nivel internaional i a

    publicat mai multe articole cu teme de stomatologie estetic.

    He graduated in dentistry at the University of Goettingen. He achieved the Master in Aesthetics from the Rosenthal Institute at New York University in 2004. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the President of the German Society for Cosmetic Dentistry. He is guest lecturer at the University of Manchester, England. Dr. Wahlmann lectures extensively both nationally and internationally and has published several articles on aesthetic dentistry.


    Dr. Weiss este eful Departamentului de protetic al Facultii de Medicin Dentar, Universitatea Hebrew-Hadassah. El este profesor n domeniul protetii din anul 2007. A fost preedinte al Societii de Reabilitare Oral din Israel ntre 1995-1996 i a fost preedinte al diviziei israeliane a Asociaiei Internaionale pentru Cercetare Dentar n anul 1999. A publi-

    cat peste 100 de articole n reviste i capitole n cri i el a depus numeroase brevete n domeniul microbiologiei i stomatologiei. n plus, Prof. Weiss a publicat studii clinice i de cercetare la peste 100 de reuniuni (publicate ca rezumat) i a a fost lector invitat.

    Prof. Ervin I. Weiss is the head the Department of Prosthodontics at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medicine. He is a full professor of Prosthodontic since 2007. He served as Chairman of the israel Society of Oral Rehabilitation in 1995-1996 and he was the Chairman of the Israeli division of the International Association for Dental Research in 1999. He has published over 100 articles in peer reviewed journals and chapters in books and he led numer-ous patents in the elds of microbiology and dentistry. In addition Prof. Weiss has published his clinical and research studies in over 100 meetings (published as abstracts) and invited lectures.


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    Dr. Weng a fost confereniar la Universitatea din Wrzburg, Germania, departamentul de protetic, din 1999 pn n 2004. n afar de pro-tetica convenional x i reabilitarile estetice, el se concentraz n principal pe aspectele chirur-gicale i protetice ale implantologiei protetice i managementul esuturilor moi, teme pe pe care le-a prezentat i publicat la nivel naional

    i internaional. Dr. Weng este un membru al mai multor societi tiini ce i face parte din consiliul editorial al revistei Quintessence Implantologie. Din anul 2004 el a practicat stomatologia ntr-un cabinet privat din Starnberg, Germania, concentrndu-se n special pe implantologie i parodontologie.

    From 1999 to 2004 he was Associate Professor at the University of Wrzburg, Germany, Department of Prosthodontics. Apart from conventional xed prosthodontics and esthetic rehabilitations, his main focus lies on surgical and prosthetic aspects of prosthetically driven implantology and soft tissue management upon which he has lectured and published nationally and internationally. Dr. Weng is a member of several scienti c societies and serves on the edito-rial board of the Quintessence journal Implantologie. Since 2004 he has practiced in a private o ce in Starnberg, Germany, with a special focus on implant dentistry and periodontics.

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    Participarea la toate evenimentele organi-zate de SSER, n cadrul proiectului DENT Dinamism, E cien i noi Tehnologii, este gratuit.Toate cursurile i congresele sunt credi-tate cu puncte EMC, conform regulamen-tului CMDR n vigoare. Toate conferinele lectorilor intrenaionali bene ciaz de traducere simultan.nscrierea se face exclusiv online, pe pagi-na web a societii ( i pe cea

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    Condiiile de nscriere sunt:

    primul venit - primul servit, n limita nr. de locuri a at, n ordinea datei i orei nscrierii i n condiiile a ate.

    1 medic poate participa, pe parcursul celor 3 ani de proiect la 1 congres, la 1 curs gratuit (teoretic sau practic) i la 1 manifestare internaional; putei aplica chiar daca ai participat la cele 3 eve-nimente i vei anunat automat de disponibilitatea participrii n funcie de ocuparea numrului de locuri de ctre ali medici cu participri mai puine dect dvs.

    orice nscriere sau anulare a participrii se face EXCLUSIV online.Daca v-ai nscris dar nu mai dorii s participai, v rugm sa anulai participarea cu minim 5 zile naintea evenimentului. n caz contrar, nu vei mai putea participa la alt eveniment din cadrul proiectului DENT. Nu sunt luate n calcul anunurile telefonice, prin pot sau orice alt cale de comunicare.

    Pentru informaii suplimentare v rugm s ne contactai la tel.: 021.317.58.64, Email, sau s accesai pagina web a societii ( i pe cea a proiectului (


  • 1 iunie 2012 - Cluj


    Joi, 16 mai 2013, ora 11.00Eveniment special n cadrul Congresului Internaional de Estetic Dentar.

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    1 iunie 2012 - Cluj

    Lansare oficial





    Fondul Social European POSDRU 2007-2013

    Instrumente Structurale 2007-2013

    DENT - Dinamism, Ecien i Noi Tehnologii n Medicina Dentar. Proiect conanat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvolatea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. INVESTETE N OAMENI!

    nscrierile se fac exclusiv online pe este gratuit n cadrul proiectului DENT

    ABC-ul restaurrilor compozite pe dinii frontali

    Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Vanini 07 septembrie 2013, Bucureti

    12 credite EMC





    Fondul Social European POSDRU 2007-2013

    Instrumente Structurale 2007-2013

    DENT - Dinamism, Ecien i Noi Tehnologii n Medicina Dentar. Proiect conanat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvolatea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. INVESTETE N OAMENI!

    Titlul programului: Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 Titlul proiectului: DENT - Dinamism, Ecien i Noi Tehnologii n Medicina Dentar Editorul materialului: SSER - Societatea de Stomatologie Estetic din Romania Data publicrii: aprilie 2013Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint n mod obligatoriu poziia ocial a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romniei

    International Congress ofEsthetic Dentistry16-18 May 2013JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel