Adevarul Despre Ecografie

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Ioan Vladuca: „Vaccinarea si ecografia fetala – Efecte negative”

Ultrasunetele il deranjeaza pe copilas, atat prin efectele mecanice, cat si prin cele termice. Se stie faptul ca aproape toti copilasii devin agitati la ecografia fetala. Cercetari recente au aratat ca pruncusorul percepe ultrasunetele ecografului ca zgomotul unui tren. Sa ne gandim ce inseamna sa tii un prunc in acest zgomot, timp de o jumatate de ora, cat dureaza ecografia. In plus, prin cavitatie, ultrasunetele pot afecta membranele celulare, perturband fluxul de ioni si activitatea intracelulara.

„Se stie insa ca exista efecte biologice ale ultrasunetelor: experimental, dupa expunerea de lunga durata, chiar si la frecvente obisnuite de lucru, pot aparea arderea sau incalzirea tesuturilor, producerea de radicali liberi, chiar hemoragii sau modificari genetice. Se stie si ca nu este recomandat sa se foloseasca ecografia Doppler cu emisie continua in ecografia obstetricala, iar metoda nu are o vechime chiar atat de mare incat sa se poata afirma categoric ca este absolut inofensiva. Pentru asta ar fi nevoie de studii epidemiologice, biologice, toxicologice pe termen lung si pe un numar foarte mare de cazuri.

Nu exista date suficiente privind eventualele efecte datorate expunerii repetate si cumulative la doze mici si repetate”[11].

Un studiu, realizat la Universitatea Yale in 2006, a aratat ca expunerea la ultrasunete afecteaza dezvoltarea creierului fetal la soareci. In 2008, AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine) a publicat un raport de 130 de pagini, intitulat American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Consensus Report on Potential Bioeffects of Diagnostic Ultrasound, declarand ca exista intr-adevar, anumite riscuri potentiale pentru investigarea cu

ultrasunete in timpul sarcinii (efecte mecanice si termice asupra embrionului)[12].

Sa nu uitam faptul ca pruncusorul se afla in mediu lichid! La interfata lichid-solid, cavitatia are un efect puternic. „In apropierea unei suprafete solide, anizotropia mediului induce o deformare a bulei in timpul imploziei, care genereaza un microjet de lichid cu o viteza de peste 100 m/s. Energia potentiala a cavitatii supradimensionate este convertita in energie cinetica a jetului lichid care patrunde prin cavitate si loveste puternic suprafata solida. Acest microjet, laolalta cu undele de soc create de implozia cavitatii, duce la eroziunea solidului”[13]. Este evident ca aceasta stare este nociva pentru pruncusor. Tocmai pe acest efect mecanic foarte puternic se bazeaza metoda de curațare cu ultrasunete a obiectelor solide. „Tehnologia de curațare cu ultrasunete consta in iradierea cu ultrasunete a unui obiect plasat intr-un recipient cu lichid. Prin fenomenul de cavitație apar milioane de bule microscopice care implodeaza degajand o mare cantitate de energie. Impulsul provocat de implozie duce la dislocarea impuritaților de pe suprafața obiectului”[14].

Specialistii sistemului oficial afirma ca „trupul femeii este expus la ultrasunete pentru o fractiune de secunda”. Aceasta este o alta minciuna. Se cunoaste faptul ca o ecografie fetala dureaza 20-45 minute. Pe se gaseste un film din care se poate constata timpul mare de expunere. Fractiunea de secunda pe care o prezinta sistemul, se refera la una din cele 20 de expuneri pe secunda, nu la timpul total de expunere. Insa parintii nu cunosc aceasta.

Intentiile sistemului se vad bine din recomandarea de a se face ecografie fetala de rutina, inainte de 10 saptamani. Cu cat copilasul este mai mic, cu atat este mai vulnerabil la ultrasunete. Specialistii, constienti de acest fapt, nu

recomanda ecografia de rutina, inainte de 10 saptamani: „Desi ecografia este cea mai fidela metoda pentru determinarea varstei gestationale si a analizei BCF, efectuarea acesteia inainte de 10 saptamani de sarcina in cadrul ingrijirilor prenatale de rutina nu se justifica daca nu exista acuze”[15].

Interesul sistemului oficial de a promova ecografia fetala se vede si din faptul ca „femeile insarcinate beneficiaza de examene ecografice gratuite, adica suportate integral din fondurile Casei Nationale de Asigurari de Sanatate, daca se interneaza intr-o sectie de obstetrica-ginecologie”[16].

Divertismentul cu imagini ecografice prenatale

In mod viclean, pentru prelungirea expunerii la ultrasunete, parintii sunt indemnati sa nu se limiteze la scopul medical, ci sa inregistreze copilasul pe caseta video, ca divertisment, ca sa aiba amintire: „Tehnica a evoluat atat de mult, incat in zilele noastre iti poti vedea copilul inainte ca acesta sa se nasca. Ecografele 3D si 4D ofera imagini fidele ale bebelusului, astfel incat il poti privi cum clipeste, cum inghite, cum doarme, cum zambeste sau cum isi suge degetul. Poti pastra aceste imagini, primele fotografii din albumul micutului, si chiar il poti inregistra pe o caseta video”[17].

Nici mai mult, nici mai putin, parintii sunt invitati la film: „Imaginile captate pot fi inregistrate pe CD sau DVD, astfel incat viitorii parinti pot avea oricand la dispozitie un prim film al bebelusului lor”[18]. „Filmuletele si pozele obtinute prin ecografia 4D sunt apreciate in special de catre parinti”[19]. Pe forum-uri gasim multe interventii ale unor femei care, cazand in capcana acestei mode, considera imaginile ecografice fetale drept un divertisment. De exemplu: „Hi, hi, hi, noi avem album cu ecografiile facute in fiecare luna de sarcina si chiar imi dadea cate 2-3 poze, asta la dr. din Bacau. La cel din Iasi avem caseta video. Deci eco multe…”.

Ca raspuns la acest spectacol ciudat, prezentam interventia binevenita a unei doamne, medic radiolog: „Eu nu sunt mamica si doar din intamplare am dat peste acest forum. Insa, fiind medic, sunt socata de faptul ca unele mamici sau viitoare mamici cred ca o examinare ca ecografia este o metoda de divertisment. Spun asta, pentru ca, radiolog fiind si efectuand zilnic ecografii, am avut ocazia de multe ori sa constat ca desi teoria si cartile spun ca ecografia nu este daunatoare fatului, pot spune ca copilasii vostri nu se omoara dupa ea. In timpul examinarii, aparatul emite ultrasunete care se rasfrang de pe bebelusul vostru si astfel se creeaza imaginea pe care o vede medicul. In timpul examinarilor indelungate, energia cedata se manifesta prin caldura, pe care copilul vostru o sesizeaza. De multe ori el incearca sa impinga cu manutele, piciorusele pe burta mamei, sau se intoarce cu spatele sa se fereasca. Aveti grija sa fie controlat copilasul, sa nu aiba malformatii sau voi sa nu aveti probleme (ex. hidronefroza, s.a.m.d) dar va rog, nu considerati asta un divertisment!”[20].


Sistemul oficial – intemeietor al dictaturii pseudo-stiintei – raspandeste minciuni pe toate caile, prezentand ecografia fetala ca pe o investigatie fara efecte negative. Insa adevaratii cercetatori au dovedit faptul ca ecografia este periculoasa pentru pruncusori. In ultima vreme, ecografia 3D si 4D a ajuns un divertisment; parintii vizioneaza un spectacol care li se pare amuzant, dar care pentru pruncusor este un chin.

Vreme de 2000 de ani, neamul nostru a avut prunci sanatosi si cuminti. Si nu a folosit nici ecografia fetala, nici alte investigatii. Numarul pierderilor de sarcina si al copiilor cu malformatii a crescut abia acum, in epoca necredintei, a ecografiei, a surselor de radiatii, a medicamentelor nocive, a alimentelor artificiale si a stresului. Bine ar fi sa ne intoarcem la vietuirea simpla, linistita, curata si evlavioasa,

a inaintasilor nostri dreptcredinciosi, ca sa redobandim sanatatea trupeasca si sufleteasca a acestui neam!

BibliografieAlina-Elena Aluculesei, Mihaela-Cristina Anton, V. S. Gherman, Dana-Ortansa Dorohoi, Efectul mecanic de ultrasunete aplicat pentru sporirea solubilitatii alcaloizilor purinici, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Facultatea de Fizica, Iasi,, (20 februarie, 2010).Eugen S. Andreiadis, Aspecte fundamentale ale folosirii ultrasunetelor in chimie, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti,, (22 februarie 2010).William D. O’ Brien, Jr., Assesing the Risks for Modern Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging, Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, Department of Electrica land Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, php.T. Ghi, G. Pilu, P. Falco, A. Perolo, B. Valeri, D. Santini, M. Segata, N. Rizzo OC155: False negatives of cranial signs in the prediction of spina bifidaUltrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecoloy, Volume 24, Issue 3, August 2004.M. Entezami, S. Yildirim, S. Hese, M. Stumm, R. D. Wegner, P243: False negative result in chorionic villi short term culture missing a translocation trisomy 21, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 22, Issue 0, 2003.M. Bronshtein, S. Egenburg, R. Auslander, E. Z. Zimmer, Atrioventricular septal defect in a fetus: a false negative diagnosis in early pregnancy,Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 16, Issue 1, Date: 1 July 2000.M. Angels Martinez-Zamora, Antoni Borrell, Virginia Borobio, Anna Gonce, Marimer Perez, Francesc Botet, Alfons Nadal, Asteria Albert, Bienvenido Puerto, Albert Fortuny, False positives in the prenatal ultrasound screening of fetal structural anomalies,

Prenatal Diagnosis, Volume 27, Issue 1, Date: January 2007.Hill LM Ultrasound of the fetal gastrointestinal tract. In: Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Ed. Peter W. Callen, 4th Ed. W. B Saunders and Co., Philadelphia, 2000.Scioscia AL, Pretorius DH, Budorick NE et al. Second-trimester echogenic bowel and chromosomal abnormalities. Am J Obstet Gynecol 167:889-894, 1992.Foster MA, Nyberg DA, Mahony BS, Mack LA et al. Meconium peritonitis: Prenatal sonographic findings and their clinical significance. Radiology 165:661-665, 1987.[1] Eugen S. Andreiadis, Aspecte fundamentale ale folosirii ultrasunetelor in chimie, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti,, (22 februarie 2010).[2] Alina-Elena Aluculesei, Mihaela-Cristina Anton, V. S. Gherman, Dana-Ortansa Dorohoi, Efectul mecanic de ultrasunete aplicat pentru sporirea solubilitatii alcaloizilor purinici, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Facultatea de Fizica, Iasi,, (20 februarie, 2010).[3];1140;1;7614;0;Ecografiile-pot-depista-la-timp-anomaliile-fetale.html[4][5][6][7]

[8][9][10][11][12]|ro&u=[13] Eugen S. Andreiadis, op. cit.[14][15] cf. Gezer A, Esen F, Erdem B, Mutlu H, Kahraman N, Ocak V. Early first trimester ultrasound examination. Is it really efficient in the clinical management of the pregnancy? Arch Gynecol Obstet 2002 Dec;267(2):76-80; a se vedea si[16][17][18][19][20] din Revista ATITUDINI, nr. 10, articol de Ioan Vladuca

Diagnostic sonography Medical sonography (ultrasonography) is an ultrasound-based diagnostic medical imaging technique used to visualize muscles, tendons, and many internal organs, to capture their size, structure and any pathological lesions

with real time tomographic images. Ultrasound has been used by radiologists and sonographers to image the human body for at least 50 years and has become one of the most widely used diagnostic tools in modern medicine. The technology is relatively inexpensive and portable, especially when compared with other techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). Ultrasound is also used to visualize fetuses during routine and emergency prenatal care. Such diagnostic applications used during pregnancy are referred to as obstetric sonography.

As currently applied in the medical field, properly performed ultrasound poses no known risks to the patient.[5] Sonography is generally described as a "safe test" because it does not use mutagenic ionizing radiation, which can pose hazards such as chromosome breakage and cancer development. However, ultrasonic energy has two potential physiological effects: it enhances inflammatory response; and it can heat soft tissue. Ultrasound energy produces a mechanical pressure wave through soft tissue. This pressure wave may cause microscopic bubbles in living tissues and distortion of the cell membrane, influencing ion fluxes and intracellular activity. When ultrasound enters the body, it causes molecular friction and heats the tissues slightly. This effect is typically very minor as normal tissue perfusion dissipates most of the heat, but with high intensity, it can also cause small pockets of gas in body fluids or tissues to expand and contract/collapse in a phenomenon called cavitation; however this is not known to occur at diagnostic power levels used by modern diagnostic ultrasound units.[citation needed]

In 2008, the AIUM published a 130-page report titled "American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Consensus Report on Potential Bioeffects of Diagnostic Ultrasound"[6] stating that there are indeed some potential risks to administering ultrasound

tests, which include "postnatal thermal effects, fetal thermal effects, postnatal mechanical effects, fetal mechanical effects, and bioeffects considerations for ultrasound contrast agents."[7] The long-term effects of tissue heating and cavitation have shown decreases in the size of red blood cells in cattle when exposed to intensities higher than diagnostic levels.[8] However, long term effects due to ultrasound exposure at diagnostic intensity is still unknown.[9]

There are several studies that indicate harmful side effects on animal fetuses associated with the use of sonography on pregnant mammals. A Yale study in 2006 suggested exposure to ultrasound affects fetal brain development in mice. A typical fetal scan, including evaluation for fetal malformations, typically takes 10–30 minutes.[10] The study showed that rodent brain cells failed to migrate to their proper positions and remained scattered in incorrect parts of the brain. This misplacement of brain cells during their development is linked to disorders ranging from "mental retardation and childhood epilepsy to developmental dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia." However, this effect was only detectable after 30 minutes of continuous scanning. No link has yet been made between the test results on animals such as mice and the possible effects on humans. Although the possibility exists that biological effects on humans may be identified in the future, currently most doctors feel that based on available information the benefits to patients outweigh the risks.[11] The ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle has been advocated for an ultrasound examination — that is, keeping the scanning time and power settings as low as possible but consistent with diagnostic imaging — and that by that principle non-medical uses, which by definition are not necessary, are actively discouraged.

Obstetric ultrasound can be used to identify many conditions that would be harmful to the mother and the baby. Many health care professionals consider the risk of leaving these conditions undiagnosed to be much greater than the very small risk, if any, associated with undergoing an ultrasound scan. According to Cochrane Review, routine ultrasound in early pregnancy (less than 24 weeks) appears to enable better gestational age assessment, earlier detection of multiple pregnancies and earlier detection of clinically unsuspected fetal malformation at a time when termination of pregnancy is possible.[12]

Sonography is used routinely in obstetric appointments during pregnancy, but the FDA discourages its use for non-medical purposes such as fetal keepsake videos and photos, even though it is the same technology used in hospitals.[13]

Obstetric ultrasound is primarily used to:Date the pregnancy (gestational age)Confirm fetal viabilityDetermine location of fetus, intrauterine vs ectopicCheck the location of the placenta in relation to the cervixCheck for the number of fetuses (multiple pregnancy)Check for major physical abnormalities.Assess fetal growth (for evidence of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR))Check for fetal movement and heartbeat.Determine the sex of the baby

Unfortunately, results are occasionally wrong, producing a false positive (the Cochrane Collaboration is a relevant effort to improve the reliability of health care trials). False detection may result in patients being warned of birth defects when no such defect exists. Sex determination is only accurate after 12 weeks gestation. When balancing risk and reward, there are recommendations to avoid the use of routine ultrasound for low risk pregnancies. In many countries ultrasound is used routinely in the management of all pregnancies.

According to the European Committee of Medical Ultrasound Safety (ECMUS) "Ultrasonic examinations should only be performed by competent personnel who are trained and updated in safety matters. Ultrasound produces heating, pressure changes and mechanical disturbances in tissue. Diagnostic levels of ultrasound can produce temperature rises that are hazardous to sensitive organs and the embryo/fetus. Biological effects of non-thermal origin have been reported in animals but, to date, no such effects have been demonstrated in humans, except when a microbubble contrast agent is present."[14] Nonetheless, care should be taken to use low power settings and avoid pulsed wave scanning of the fetal brain unless specifically indicated in high risk pregnancies.

It should be noted that obstetrics is not the only use of ultrasound. Soft tissue imaging of many other parts of the body is conducted with ultrasound. Other scans routinely conducted are cardiac, renal, liver and gallbladder (hepatic). Other common applications include musculo-skeletal imaging of muscles, ligaments and tendons, ophthalmic ultrasound (eye) scans and superficial structures such as testicle, thyroid, salivary glands and lymph nodes. Because of the real time nature of ultrasound, it is often used to guide interventional procedures such as fine needle aspiration FNA or biopsy of masses for cytology or histology testing in the breast, thyroid, liver, kidney, lymph nodes, muscles and joints.

Ultrasound scanners have different Doppler-techniques to visualize arteries and veins. The most common is colour doppler or power doppler, but also other techniques like b-flow are used to show bloodflow in an organ. By using pulsed wave doppler or continuous wave doppler bloodflow velocities can be calculated.

Figures released for the period 2005–2006 by UK Government (Department of Health) show that non-obstetric

ultrasound examinations constituted more than 65% of the total number of ultrasound scans conducted.

Ultrasound is also increasingly being used in trauma and first aid cases, with emergency ultrasound becoming a staple of most EMT response teams. Furthermore, ultrasound is used in remote diagnosis cases where teleconsultation is required, such as scientific experiments in space or mobile sports team diagnosis.[15] :

Ultrasound, sonograms, and dopplers use high frequency sound waves to produce an image of the baby on a viewing screen or amplify the baby's heartbeat so it can be heard more easily. NO STUDIES have been done which prove the safety of these devices, and the American Medical Association recommends AGAINST unnecessary exposure.

"Unnecessary Exposure" includes the use of ultrasound to:

1. Confirm the sex of the baby.

2. Assess gestational age (how many weeks old the baby is).

3. Assess fetal size and growth.

4. Confirm multiple pregnancy.

5. Determine fetal presentation (the position of the baby in the womb).

Many health care professionals still use ultrasound for these purposes anyway, even though the American Medical Association has not approved its use for these purposes. With the exception of confirming the sex of the baby, all these pieces of information can be obtained with hands-on

skills. A fetoscope or stethoscope can detect the baby's heartbeat without the dangers of ultrasound.

According to the World Health Organization and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report, "It is not clear at this time whether ultrasound fetal monitoring is beneficial to the mother or fetus in terms of pregnancy outcome...If there is no generally acknowledged benefit to the monitoring, there is no reason to expose patients to increased cost and risk. The question of benefit has not yet been resolved...and the potential for delayed effects has been virtually ignored."

In other words, Ultrasound technology carries potential risks that have not yet been evaluated, yet many doctors are telling women that there is no risk.

Having an ultrasound is NOT essential to a healthy pregnancy. However, most doctors are trained to use expensive technology and NOT trained to use hands-on skills.

Before you allow an ultrasound to be done on you, do some research, thoroughly question your healthcare provider about safety as well as the value of the information that would be received. Don't be afraid to refuse the test if you are not comfortable with the information you have discovered. It is your constitutional right to refuse any tests you do not want.

To give you some means of comparison, I offer this analogy. Have you seen a woman with an extremely high voice break a glass by singing an extremely high pitched note? That is an example of what just ONE relatively slow sound wave can do. Ultrasound technology is based upon ultra high-frequency sound waves, which bombard the child in the womb at an extremely high rate of speed. If one slow sound wave from a woman's voice can break a glass, what can super high frequency sound waves do to your child?

Ultrasound waves in laboratory experiments have been known to damage chromosomes, produce internal cellular heat which damages cells, retard the normal development of cells, and many other phenomenon.

Research That Has Been Done On Ultrasound Technology

"Prenatal exposure to ultrasound waves impacts neuronal migration in mice," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2006 103: 12903-12910.

There is evidence that the exposure of pregnant mice and nonhuman primates to ultrasound waves may affect the behavior of their exposed offspring. Additionally, studies have shown that the frequent exposure of the human fetus to ultrasound waves is associated with a decrease in newborn body weight, an increase in the frequency of left-handedness, and delayed speech.

Because ultrasound energy is a high-frequency mechanical vibration, researchers hypothesized that it might influence the migration of neurons in a developing fetus. Neurons in mammals multiply early in fetal development and then migrate to their final destinations. Any interference or disruption in the process could result in abnormal brain function.

In the study, researchers injected more than 335 fetal mice at embryonic day 16 with special markers to track neuronal development. Exposure to ultrasound waves for 30 minutes or longer caused a small but statistically significant number of neurons to remain scattered within inappropriate cortical layers and in the adjacent white matter. The magnitude of dispersion of labeled neurons was highly variable but increased with duration of exposure to ultrasound waves.

Newnham, J.P., Evans, S.F., Michael, C.A., Stanley, F.J., & Landau, L. I. (1993). Effects of Frequent Ultrasound During Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Lancet, 342(Oct.9), 887-891.

A study of over 1400 women in Perth, Western Australia compared pregnant mothers who had ultrasound only once during gestation with mothers who had five monthly ultrasounds from 18 weeks to 38 weeks. They found significantly higher intrauterine growth restriction in the intensive ultrasound group. These mothers gave birth to lower weight babies.

The researchers concluded that prenatal ultrasound imaging and Doppler flow exams should be restricted to clinically necessary situations. This recommendation comes at a time when ultrasound during prenatal visits has become increasingly popular and serves as a kind of entertainment feature of office check-up visits.

Campbell, J.D., Elford, R.W. & Brant, R.F. (1993). Case-Controlled Study of Prenatal Ultrasound Exposure in Children with Delayed Speech. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 149(10), 1435-1440.

Delayed speech is not a pathological or organic syndrome but developmentally defined symptom complex. Clinicians have noted an increased incidence of delayed speech in pediatric patients.

This is a matched-case control study of 72 children 2 to 8 years old presenting with delayed speech of unknown cause. The children were measured for articulation, language comprehension, language production, meta-linguisticskills, and verbal memory. When checked for ultrasound exposure, the speech-delayed children were about twice as likely to have been exposed to ultrasound than the matched controls.

The authors believe that delayed speech is a sensitive measure reflecting sub-optimal conditions for development. If ultrasound can cause developmental delays, the authors are concerned about the routine use of ultrasound and they warn against it.

Devi, P.U., Suresh, R., & Hande, M.P. (1995). Effect of fetal exposure to ultrasound on the behavior of the adult mouse. Radiat Res (QMP), 141(3), 314-7.

Pregnant Swiss albino mice were exposed to diagnostic ultrasound. There were significant alterations in behavior in all three exposed groups as revealed by the decreased locomotor and exploratory activity and the increase in the number of trials needed for learning. These results indicate that ultrasound exposure during the early fetal period can impair brain function in the adult mouse.

Hande, M.P., & Devi, P.U. (1995). Teratogenic effects of repeated exposures to X-rays and/or ultrasound in mice. Neurotoxicol Teratol (NAT), 17(2), 179-88.

Pregnant Swiss mice were exposed to ultrasound, x-rays, and combinations of the two. Effects on prenatal development, postnatal growth and adult behavior were studied. U + U group showed an increase in percent growth retarded fetuses. The postnatal mortality was significantly higher only in the U + U group. In the X + U group, the exploratory activity was affected at 6 months of age. There was a significant change in the locomotor activity with a reduction in the total activity as 3 and 6 months of age in the U + U group. Latency in learning capacity was also noticed in this group. The results indicate that repeated exposures to ultrasound or its combination with X-rays could be detrimental to the embryonic development and can impair adult brain function when administered at certain stages of organogenesis.

There are many other studies that have been done, but no one seems to be paying attention to them.

Don't allow yourself to be the next guinea pig.

All the studies above address the issue of physical safety of ultrasound procedures. Ultrasound also has some very serious emotional and psychosocial side effects.

When an ultrasound is done, and the results are questionable, it can be an emotional rollarcoaster. Ultrasound technicians are wrong as often as they are right, and when a family is told that their unborn baby has some kind of defect, they will spend the rest of the pregnancy worrying, crying, and in some cases, may abort the baby because they are assured it has an abnormality.

Click Here to read an article called "Mother Rails Against Ultrasound" which chronicles one family's terrible experience with the inaccuracy of this test. In 1993, the results of the largest study ever done on ultrasound were published. It was called the RADIUS study. The original results were reported in these publications if you would like to get a copy of the study and read it for yourself.

Ewigman, B., Crane, J.P., Frigoletto, F.D., et al. Impact of prenatal ultrasound screening on perinatal outcome. N Engl J Med 1993 Sept 16;329:821-7.

LeFevre, M., Bain, R., Ewigman, B., et al. A randomized trial of prenatal ultrasound screening: Impact on maternal management and outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993 Sept 15;169:483-9.

Basically, the study, the largest of its kind to date, states that routine ultrasound does not benefit mothers or babies in terms of pregnancy outcome. It did not reduce the

number of infant or maternal deaths, and it did not lead to better care for the newborn. The only thing it did was expose the families to increased cost and risk.

One thing that is irritating are the statements commentators have made about these studies. Particularly after the 2006 publication by the National Academy of Science.. Websites like the American Academy of Radiologic Technologists stated that

It was emphasized that the study does not mean that ultrasound use on human fetuses for appropriate diagnostic and medical purposes should be abandoned."On the contrary: ultrasound has been shown to be very beneficial in the medical context. Instead, our study warns against its non-medical use."

Do they think we are stupid? There is no difference between medical and non-medical exposure. In the hands of a doctor, it is no more safe than when done for recreational purposes.

I encourage you to do your own research, and don't listen to people's opinions, but look at the actual research that has been done. Then look deep inside yourself and consult your own inner wisdom. After reading my other article about the safety issues involved with ultrasound exposure, what does your inner wisdom tell you? Listen for that little voice to answer. Does the whole concept of ultrasound seem safe, effective, necessary, and helpful? I wish you luck in your pregnancy and birth.

Is Ultrasound Scanning During Pregnancy Worth the Risks?Posted By Dr. Ben Kim Healthy Pregnancy

While ultrasound scanning doesn't pose the same dangers to human and fetal health as ionizing radiation, it is a

mistake to think that ultrasound is entirely safe for a baby growing in your womb.

Ultrasound scanning works by sending sound waves into your tissues. As these sound waves bounce off of your tissues, a picture is created.

These sound waves are capable of producing the following physiological effects: Increase in blood flow and temperature in local tissuesProduction of gas bubbles that can put pressure on local tissuesMechanical effects like movement of the fluid that surrounds your cells, which can also put pressure on local tissues

The conventional view on ultrasound scanning during pregnancy is that the intensity and duration of sound waves that are used for scanning are not enough to produce these physiological effects at a level that is harmful to a fetus.

I believe that this conventional view is influenced by the number of dollars that are being made by this industry.

Before you allow ultrasound scanning to be performed during pregnancy, please consider the following points: Ultrasound scanning of pregnant women has been shown to significantly increase the likelihood of miscarriage, preterm labour, and even infant mortality.Pregnant physiotherapists who provided ultrasound treatments for more than 20 hours per week were found to have an increased risk for spontaneous abortions.One of the reasons used to support ultrasound scanning for pregnant women is that it can help to diagnose a condition called placental praevia. This is a condition where the placenta is implanted in the lower part of a woman's uterus, which can cause bleeding in the third trimester and increase her chance of being encouraged to have a

caesarean section. A study of 4000 women found that of 250 women who were scanned and diagnosed with placental praevia, only 4 actually had placental praevia upon delivery. Who knows how many unnecessary caesareans have been done and how much needless anxiety women have experienced due to incorrect diagnoses of placental praevia wiith ultrasound?Using ultrasound scanning to detect serious problems before birth does not necessarily save lives or reduce illness. There is evidence to suggest that using ultrasound to attempt to detect problems while a baby is in the womb can do more harm than good.There is evidence to support that children who have been exposed to ultrasound while in their mothers' bellies have a greater chance of suffering from dyslexia and other speech and learning problems than children who have not been exposed to ultrasound.

Ultimately, the two main reasons why I believe that it is best to avoid ultrasound scanning during pregnancy are: No matter what intensity and duration of ultrasound waves are used, there is always a possibility of these waves creating unnecessary thermal and physical pressure to a growing baby. Why take this risk?There is always a possibility of practitioner error and/or a defective machine that can result in a higher than intended dose of ultrasonic waves to your baby.