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Page 1: Test de Evaluare Initiala Clasa a Ix-A


Limba englezaClasa a IX-a L2

Numele si prenumele elevului: Data sustinerii testului

Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si Partea a II-a se acorda 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute

Partea I (60 puncte)

A. Read the text below and choose the right answer. (20 puncte)

St Valentine’s Day is the 14th of February. On that day, it is the custom to send a card containing a romantic verse or greeting to your loved one. These cards and verses are called “valentines” and the person you’re sending this card becomes your “valentine”.This custom goes back about 150 years and the first commercial cards were only produced in the United States in the 1840’s. The idea of choosing a loved one has some connection with a Roman feast which was held at that time. It was believed that birds chose their mates on this day. But the name of the celebration comes from the Christian martyr Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who united couples secretly. 1. On the 14th of February, people send ……to their loved ones:

a) cards b) flowers c) gifts 2. These cards are called……….. a) postcards b) emails c) valentines 3. A “valentine” contains………..verses dedicated to your beloved a) skeptical b) romantic c) blank 4. The ancient Romans used to believe that ………..chose their mates on this day a) elephants b) reptiles c) birds 5. The name of this celebration comes from a priest called………….. a) George b) Valentine d) Alexander

B. Choose the right form of the verbs given in brackets (20 puncte)a. The children drink/ are drinking milk in the morning.b. I buy/am buying flowers at this moment.c. We listen/ are listening to the doctor’s explanations right now.d. The boy greets/is greeting me every morning.e. I usually go to work by bus, but today I walk/am walking.

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C. Translate into English the words given in brackets (20 puncte)a. Now the African children (pot) speak a little English.b. Mary (trebuie) stay in bed until her temperature goes down.c. I (as putea) speak to her if she comes.d. You (ar trebui) leave her a note.

Partea a II-a (30 puncte)

Write about your favourite book (no more than 15 lines).

Page 3: Test de Evaluare Initiala Clasa a Ix-A

TEST DE EVALUARE INITIALAAnul scolar 2011-2012

Limba englezaClasa a IX-a L2


Se puncteaza oricare alte formulari/ modalitati de rezolvare corecta a cerintelor

Se acorda zece puncte din oficiu. Nota finala se calculeaza prin impartirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10

PART I (60 points)A 5 sentences x 4p = 20 points1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 c, 5 bB. 4 sentences x 5p = 20 points1 drink; 2 am buying; 3 are listening; 4 greets; 5. am walkingC 4 sentences x 5 p= 20 pointsa. can; b. must; c. could; d. should

PART a II-a (30points)4 points for appropriately beginning 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task3 points for a balanced structure 2 points for the general impression

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Matricea de specificatie

Limba engleza - Clasa a IX-a Competenţe corespunzătoare \ nivelurilor taxonomiceTeme/ \ Conţinuturi/\ Concepte-cheieX Unităţi tematice \

1.2 Identificarea, prin citire rapidă, de informaţii / detalii specifice dintr-un text mai lung, în vederea rezolvării unei sarcini de lucru

2.3 Prezentarea, oral / în scris, de descrieri clare şi detaliate pe subiecte legate de domenii de interes propriu şi de domeniul de specializare

1.1 Selectarea, din texte orale şi/sau scrise referitoare la domeniul de specializare, de informaţii şi opinii relevante pentru a rezolva o sarcină de lucru

Viaţa personală (educaţie, stil de viaţă, comportament social, strategii de studiu, opţiuni pentru carieră, hobby-uri);


Aspecte din viata contemporana (socio-economce, stiintifice, tehnice, ecologice, strategii de utilizare a resurselor)


Verbul: timpuri verbaleperfecte; diateza pasivă directă şi indirectă; verbe modale; construcţii cu infinitivul şi cu participiul, funcţii sintactice ale participiul trecut


Sintaxă: ordinea cuvintelor; fraza condiţională; corespondenţa timpurilor.


Total 30 20 40

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