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  • 7/30/2019 terapia ericksoniana


    Terapia Ericksonian

    Cheia succesului cost n descoperirea modului cel mai simplu n care pot fi fcute lucrurile . Calea

    pe care o alegem pentru a atinge un obiectiv este cea care face diferena ntre reuit i eec.

    Conform observaiilor lui Erickson uneori eforturi uriae facute pentru atingerea unui obiectiv sunt

    sortite eecului datorit felului n care alegem s facem acest lucru. Procesele subcontiente sunt

    cele care adeseori sunt responsabile de alegerea fcut, acestea reprezentnd limitele cunotinelor

    i credinelor noastre. Aceast auto-limitare este reflectat de aciunile sau emoiile noastre

    disproporionate fa de circunstanele care le produc. Ele pot fi emoii negative, cum ar fi; frustrare,

    nesiguran, anxietate, sau pot fi reprezentate de un comportament social non-asertiv precum furie

    necontrolat sau alte comportamente impulsive care pot face ru celor din jur sau chiar propiei

    persoane. Deoarece aceste pattern-uri se instaleaz foarte de timpuriu, nainte de a avea abilitile

    i cunotinele necesare pentru a le putea identificasau nelege, ele devin pe nesimite baza pe carese construiete identitatea noastr.Erickson este cel care a realizat c pentru a putea modifica

    aceste procese att de profund ancorate i a putea preveni ca sistemul nostru psihic s se angajeze

    n aceste vechi pattern-uri interne neadecvate care ne conduc spre eec, este necesar o intervenie

    dincolo de rutina de zi cu zi.

    Erickson's genius was to notice how, in ordinary day-to-day life, some people make improbable

    recoveries from debilitating physical conditions

    - including various skin conditions, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome.

    Others seem to have a magic touch and appear naturally wiser, seeming to be able to say just the

    right thing to help people out of difficult places.

    An acute observer he connected these outcomes with barely noticeable mental strategies and

    language structures, whose deeper meaning was clearly not evident to most people.

    He observed that, even with some intractable physical conditions, like profound pain, long-standing

    insomnia, or long-standing deep anxiety states and tension, profoundly beneficial responses

    seemed most likely to occur when people didnt think he was addressing a problem at all !

    He realised that if understood and stimulated in the right way, profound changes could be achieved

    under the most unlikely of circumstances.

    The highly original indirect method emerged !!!

    As a hospital intern and in later experimentation and research in his

    medical and psychiatric work, his insatiable curiosity led him to identify a variety of effective

    formal and informal hypnotic strategies and linguistic devices; some are simple, some extremely

    complex - operating at many levels of awareness to enable constructive suggestion to pass to deep

    levels - bypassing any critical filtering or resistance - and freely engaging the unconscious energies of

    the system.

  • 7/30/2019 terapia ericksoniana


    In this way, he discovered how, by temporarily uncoupling conscious

    effort, unconscious reorganisation and change can occur, in both mental and physical processes.

    Thus the person acquires an easy and natural function in place of their previous deficient process.

    Thus we can achieve, relatively effortlessly, what has resisted all previous conscious efforts and


    The principle is simple, elegant and profound :-

    create the unconscious conditions for change .....

    it then follows .......naturally !

    He demonstrated through thousands of cases, many apparently insoluble, that respectful utilisation

    of such processes achieves significant and lasting changes with great economy of effort.

    He published scores of books and papers, inspiring a world-wide

    movement which has developed brief, thorough, effective therapies

    for many distressing medical, psychological and personal adjustment problems.

    His singular achievement was to transform little understood and even worse exploited hypnotic

    processes from a trivial means of public entertainment into a range of serious and powerful

    instruments .

    In alliance with other therapeutic skills, and in the hands of a properly qualified therapist, these can

    confer lasting benefits on the experience of living.

    ( See - My Voice Will Go With You. Teaching tales of Milton H Erickson. Authors Milton H. Erickson

    & Sidney Rosen - a brief but fascinating popular insight into Ericksons extraordinary mind and

    methods. )

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