Download - Petrom OMV_Norm_H_1201_rom_eng_rev.2_2009-06-01


    Norma Petrom OMV

    H 1201


    H 1201

    Elaborat/ Compiled:

    Nechifor Daniela

    Verificat/ Checked:

    Decusara Felicia

    Rev: 2/01.06.2009

    Aprobat/ Approved:

    Neil Morgan

    Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau sa o transmita la terti

    Petrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone using them or passing them on without authorization.

    Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea si adaptarea normei OMV H 1201 rev.01.03.2009.In caz de contradictii,continutul versiunii originale germane are prioritate.

    This norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of norm OMV H 1201 rev.01.03.2009.In case of contradiction the content of German Version has priority.

    Pct. Cuprins Pag. Item Content Pag.

    1.0 INFORMATII GENERALE 2 1.0 General 2 1.1 Domeniul de aplicare 2 1.1 Scope 2 1.2 Norme si reglementari 2 1.2 Standards and regulations 2 2.0 PRINCIPII 3 2.0 PRINCIPLES 3 2.1 Traductoare de presiune diferentiala 3 2.1 Differential pressure producers 3 3.0 TABEL DISTANTE INTRE AXELE



    3.1 Distanta intre conducte Distanta intre axe la conducte neizolate si conducte fara armaturi(de ex.flanse,etc)

    3 3.1 Pipe distance Pipe center distance for non-insulated pipelines and pipelines without built-in parts (e.g. flanges, etc.)


    3.2 Distanta intre conducte Distanta intre centre la conducte izolate si conducte cu armaturi

    4 3.2 Pipe distance Pipe center distance for insulated pipelines and pipelines with installed parts




  • Pag / Page 2 Norma Petrom OMV H 1201 Petrom / OMV Standard H 1201

    1.0 INFORMATII GENERALE 1.0 GENERAL In calcularea distantelor intre centrele conductelor se va tine cont de urmatoarele aspecte:

    The following perspectives must be taken into account in the determination of pipe center distances:

    a) Latimea podului de conducte, latimea traverselor, etc.

    a) Pipe bridge width, sleeper width, etc.

    b) Dimensiunile de proiectare a conductelor, luand in calcul reazemele, grosimea straturilor de izolatie, flanse, armaturi, mecanisme de actionare, bratari, etc.

    b) Design dimensions of the pipes, in consideration of pipe supports, insulation layer thicknesses, flanges, valves, drives, pipe clamps, etc.

    c) Dilatatia termica pe directia distantei dintre conducte. c) Thermal expansion in the direction of the distance in question

    1.1 Domeniul de aplicare 1.1 Scope Prezenta norma se aplica in cadrul rafinariilor Petrom OMV pentru proiectarea si dimensionarea distantelor dintre axele conductelor.

    This standard is valid for Petrom OMV Refineries for the planning and design of pipe center distances.

    Prezenta norma poate fi utilizata si pentru alte locatii. This Standard can also be applied for other location departments.

    Functiile profesionale mentionate in prezenta norma vor fi intelese la genul neutru.

    The functional descriptions in this standard are to be regarded as gender-neutral.

    1.2 Norme si reglementari 1.2 Standards and regulations In legatura cu prezenta norma se vor respecta dispozitiile, normele si directivele legale in vigoare, valabile in Romania si mentionate in Anexa 1.

    In conjunction with this Standard, the respective specifications, standards and directives legally applicable in Romania and stated in Annex 1 must be taken into account in their named or currently valid form.

    Nu consideram enumerarea noastra va fiind una completa.

    This listing does not claim to be complete.

    Daca intre diferitele dispozitii, reglementari, norme si directive apar diferente sau contradictii, iar aspectele respective nu sunt clarificate in mod expres prin prezenta norma, se va aplica reglementarea cu formularea cea mai restrictiva.

    In the event of deviations or conflicts arising between the various specifications, standards and directives and there is no firm definition by this standard, then the strictest formulation is to be applied in each case.

    In cazul in care prevederile se exclud reciproc, se vor aplica reglementarile prevazute in legislatia romaneasca.

    Where they are mutually exclusive, then the Romanian statutory regulations will apply.

    Intra in responsabilitatea executantului sa verifice daca prevederile prezentei norme sunt adecvate scopului lucrarii respective. Aplicarea normei nu il exonereaza pe executant de raspunderea pe care o are in calitate de antreprenor profesionist si responsabil.

    The contractor will be responsible for checking the appropriateness of this standard for the intended purpose. The application does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility as specialist and independent entrepreneur.

    Daca executantul are obiectii cu privire la una dintre prevederile stabilite, el il va informa imediat in scris pe angajator despre acest lucru.

    If the contractor has reservations concerning an agreed definition, then he must notify the client of this in writing without delay.

    Constituie obligatia executantului de a respecta fiecare reglementare aflata in vigoare respectiv de a asigura respectarea acestora de catre subcontractorii sai.

    It is the duty of the contractor to observe the valid regulations and to ensure that his subcontractors also observe them.

  • Pag / Page 3 Norma Petrom OMV H 1201 / Petrom OMV Standard H 1201

    2.0 PRINCIPII 2.0 PRINCIPLES Dimensiunile conductelor, ale partilor componenete de conducte, ale bratarilor de conducte si ale straturilor de izolatie, care sunt determinante pentru stabilirea distantei dintre axele conductelor, se vor stabili conform normelor relevante, aflate in vigoare.

    The dimensions of pipes, pipe parts, clamps an insulation layers that factor into the pipe center distance must be taken from the relevant standards.

    2.1 Traductoare de presiune diferentiala 2.1 Differential pressure producers Daca pe conducte sunt montate traductoare de presiune diferentiala, distanta dintre axul unei conducte si conductele invecinate va fi marita in mod corespunzator, in functie de stuturile de priza necesare (Norma Petrom OMV K 3412) si de organele de inchidere ale diafragmelor de masura (Norma Petrom OMV K 3416).

    If differential pressure producers are built into the pipelines, the pipe center distances to the adjacent pipelines must be increased correspondingly due to the necessary bleeder connections (Petrom OMV standard K 3412) and measuring diaphragm shut-off elements (Petrom OMV standard K 3416).

    La conductele de abur, pentru medii rezultate din condensare sau medii cu vascozitate ridicata, in dimensionarea distantelor dintre axele conductelor se va tine cont si de vasele de compensare (Norma OMV K 3415) sau de vasele de separare (Norma OMV K 3413), montate intre stuturile de priza si organele de inchidere a diafragmelor de masurare.

    For steam lines, lines with products that condense out or highly viscous products, the equalization vessels (OMV standard K 3415) or separating vessels (OMV standard K 3413) inserted between the bleeder connections and the measuring diaphragm shut-off elements must also be taken into account in the dimensioning of the pipe center distances.

    Pozitionarea traductoarelor de presiune diferentiala in conducte se va face conform Normei Petrom OMV K 1311.

    The positioning of the differential pressure producers in the pipelines must be taken from Petrom OMV standard K 1311.



    3.1 Distanta intre conducte Distanta intre axe la conducte neizolate si conducte fara armaturi (de ex. flanse etc)

    3.1 Pipe distance Pipe center distance for non-insulated pipelines and pipelines without built-in parts (e.g. flanges, etc.)

    Tabelul de mai jos a fost intocmit cu o distanta intre conducte de 75 mm. Nu trebuie sa inregistrati valori sub aceasta distanta. Distanta de 30 mm este cota minima pentru piesele (tronsoanele) invecinate si trebuie respectata intocmai, fara valori mai mici decat aceasta.

    The following table was determined with a pipe distance of 75 mm. This pipe distance may not be less than this minimum. The distance of 30 mm represents the minimum dimension for the approaching parts and must be upheld.

  • Pag / Page 4 Norma Petrom OMV H 1201 Petrom / OMV Standard H 1201

    Fig. 1 Fig. 1

    Tabel 1 Distante intre axele conductelor ( A) (conducte fara izolatie si fara armaturi)

    Table 1 Pipe center distances A (non-insulated and without installed parts)

    Dimensiuni in mm Dimensions in mm

    50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500

    DN 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 20"


    50 2" 140 80 3" 150 165 100 4" 165 180 195 150 6" 190 205 220 245 200 8" 215 230 245 270 295 250 10" 245 260 270 305 325 375 300 12" 295 300 305 360 370 430 485 350 14" 300 305 310 365 375 435 490 495 400 16" 310 325 340 375 390 445 500 505 515 500 20" 410 415 420 475 485 545 600 605 615 715

    3.2 Distanta intre conducte Distanta intre axe la conducte izolate si conducte cu armaturi

    3.2 Pipe distance Pipe center distance for insulated pipelines and pipelines with installed parts

    Distanta "A" intre axele conductelor se determina din dimensiunile individuale aferente (distanta minima, raza exterioara a conductei (1/2 diametrul exterior), grosimea stratului de izolatie, raza exterioara a flansei (1/2 diametrul exterior) etc. Oricum, pentru distanta intre conducte nu trebuie sa inregistrati valori sub 75 mm (vezi Fig.2).

    The desired pipe center distance "A" is determined from the respective individual dimensions (minimum distance, half pipe outer diameter, insulation thickness, half flange outer diameter, etc.). However, the minimum pipe distance of 75 mm must still be met (see Fig. 2).

  • Pag / Page 5 Norma Petrom OMV H 1201 / Petrom OMV Standard H 1201

    Daca unele piese de conducta, ca de ex. flansele, sunt prevazute cu izolatie, atunci distanta minima intre capacul flansei si conducta invecinata trebuie sa nu fie mai mica de 50 mm (vezi Fig.3).

    If pipeline parts, such as flanges, are insulated, the smallest distance of the flange cap to the adjacent pipeline may not be less than 50 mm (see Fig. 3).

    Fig. 2 Fig. 2

    Fig. 3 Fig. 3

  • Pag / Page 6 Norma Petrom OMV H 1201 Petrom / OMV Standard H 1201

    4.0 DILATATIA TERMICA 4.0 THERMAL EXPANSION O conducta care, sub influenta temperaturii min. si max. de functionare (TB), se poate deplasa din punctul fix pe directia distantei dintre axele conductelor, va trebui sa fie supusa calculelor de dilatatie.

    A pipeline that can move from the fixed point in the direction of the pipe center distance due to the max. and min. operating temperature (TB) must be calculated for expansion.

    Se aplica urmatoarele formule : The following applies: X = A + k X = A + k k = L . . TB k = L . . TB A = valoarea calculata a distantei dintre centrele conductelor (mm)

    A = Calculated value of the pipe center distance (mm)

    k = dilatarea conductei (mm) k = Expansion of the pipe (mm) = coeficient de dilatare liniara (mm/m . 100 Grade

    Celsius) / (cca.1,2 mm/m . 100 Grade Celsius = Length expansion coefficient (mm/m . 100 Grad

    Celsius) / (approx. 1.2 mm/m . 100 degrees Celsius)

    La conductele care se pot deplasa in directii opuse, calculul va include X = A + 2k .

    Pipes that can move in opposite directions must be calculated with X = A + 2k.

    Fig. 4 Fig. 4

    Exemplu: Example: L = 8m, A = 510 mm, TB = 300 Grade Celsius L = 8m, A = 510 mm, TB = degrees Celsius k = L TB = k = L TB =

    = 28,8mm3001001,28 = = 28.8mm300

    1001.28 =

    X = A + k = X = A + k =

    = 510 + 28,8 = 538,8 mm => rezulta 540 mm = 510 + 28.8 = 538.8 mm => implemented 540 mm

  • Pag / Page 7 Norma Petrom OMV H 1201 / Petrom OMV Standard H 1201


    Norme Petrom OMV Petrom OMV standards K 1311 Montarea instrumentelor pe teren; Principii

    generale K 1311 Field Installation of Instruments; General

    Principles K 3412 Priza de impuls pentru senzorul de

    presiune diferentiala K 3412 Take-off couplings for differntial pressure


    K 3413 Vase de separare K 3413 Separator Vessel K 3415 Vase de compensare K 3415 Equalizing Vessels K 3416 Organe de inchidere diafragme de

    masurare K 3416 Orifice plate shut-off VALVES

    ANSI ANSI B 16.5 Flanse B 16.5 Flanges B 36.10 Conducte de otel B 36.10 Steel Pipes



    0/Mai 2006 Preluarea si adaptarea normei OMV H 1201/01.06.1984 1/Feb.2007 Schimbare format 2//May 2009 Revizuire conform normei OMV H 1201/01.03.2009 (schimbare pct.1.1;1.2; 3.1;3.2 si anexa 1)

    0/Mai 2006 - Processing and adapting of OMV Nom H 1201/ 01.06.1984 1/Feb.2007 Format change 2//May 2009 Revision Normei OMV H 1201/01.03.2009 (changes of pct.1.1;1.2; 3.1;3.2 and annex 1)