Download - Master Turism 2012 (II)


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1.  Se percepe dabanda pt. toate serviciile bancare.

An interest is charged on all banking services.

2.  Ar fi bine sa cereti un descoperit inainte de a vi se epuiza contul.

You’d better ask for an overdraft before your account is overdrawn/in the red. 

3.  Depun intotdeauna obiectele mele de valoare si bijuteriil sotiei inaite de a pleca intr-o

vacanta de lunga durata.

I always deposit my valuables and my wife’s jewels in a bank safe before going on holiday.

4.  Unde pot incasa acest cec?

Where can I cash this cheque?

5.  Nu uitati sa inregistrati toate retragerile pe talonul carnetului dvs. de cecuri.

Don’t forget to record all withdrawals on counterfoils in your cheque book. 

6.  Ei mi-au propus sa rambursez un imprumut personal de 2000$ in 30 de rate lunare.

They offered me to refund a $2,000 personal loan over a 20-month period/in 30installments.

7.  Cand se redacteaza sau se andoseaza un cec, trebuie sa se evite orice stersatura.

When writing out or endorsing a cheque, one must be careful to avoid any erasure.

8.  Camera de decontari/oficiul de clearing, va centraliza toate operatiunile care se refera la

schimbul interbancar de efecte de comert si cecuri.

The clearing-house will focus all the operations referring to exchange of bills and cheques.

9.  Bancile de investitii americane tocmai au crescut rata de baza a dobanzii la 6, 75%, marind-o

cu un sfert de punct.The US investment banks have just raised their prime rate to 6,79%, increasing it by ¼


10.  S-a confirmat cresterea pretului pt. imprumuturi pe termen scurt, in timp ce ratele

(dobanzii) pe termen lung raman stabile.

The increase in the price of short-term loans has been confirmed, whereas long-term rates

remain stable.

11. Banca centrala functioneaza in calitate de bancher pt. guvern si alte banci si ca autoritate

centrala de emisiune monetara.

The Central Bank acts as a banker to the government and to other banks, and as a centralmoney-issuing authority.

Banking Letters

1) Somatie de plata

Stimate Domnule Johnson,

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Subiect: Somatie de plata

Prin intermediul scrisorilor din 17 octombrie, respective 1 noiembrie 2009, va reaminteam ca ne

datorati in continuare suma de 500 de euro, corespunzatoare facturii nr. 7324 din data de 14 august


Constatam ca nu ati efectuat nici o plata in contul nostru pana in prezent.

Din acest motiv, va anuntam cu regret ca suntem obligati sa va trimitem somatia pentru achitarea

sumei de 500 de euro in termen de 10 zile de la primirea prezentei notificari.

In cazul in care refuzati in continuare achitarea acestei sume, va trebui sa ne adresam organelor

 judiciare competente pentru recuperarea sumei datorate.

Al dumneavoastra,

1) Notice to pay

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Re: Notice to pay

We reminded you in our letters dated/of 17 October and 1 November that you still owe us the

amount/sum of 500 euros for settling the invoice no. 7324 of 14 August 2009.

We note that you have made no payment to our account up to the present day.

For this reason, we regret to let you know that we are compelled to send you the notice to settle the

sum of 500 euros within 10 days from the receipt of this notification.

Should you persist in your refusal to comply with our demand for payment, we will have no choice

but to take you to Court in order to recoup the due sum.

Yours sincerely,

2) Scrisoare de acordare a unei amanari a scadentei

Stimare Domnule Brown,

Subiect: amanarea platii facturii nr. 359

Am primit scrisoarea dumneavoastra datata 15 aprilie prin care ne solicitati amanarea cu 45 de zile a

platii facturii nr. 359 datorita problemelor financiare prin care treceti in momentul acesta.

In mod cu totul exceptional, putem raspunde favorabil cererii dumneavoastra, deoarece am

constatat, in urma examinarii dosarului dumneavoastra, punctualitatea cu care ati efectuat platile petot parcursul indelungatei noaste relatii de afaceri.

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Tinand cont de solicitaea dumneavoastra, va acordam un nou termen, scadent la 1 iunie a.c.

In speranta ca veti reusi sa depasiti cu bine actualele probleme financiare,

Al dumneavoastra,

2) Letter granting a credit extension

Dear Mr. Brown,

Re: credit extension for invoice no. 359

We received your letter dated 15 April in which you were asking us for a 45-day credit extension

concerning your invoice no. 359 due to your temporary financial difficulties.

We are in the position of replying favorably to your request, exceptionally, as we noticed, following a

careful examination of your file, the regularity of all your payments throughout our long business


Taking into account your request, we grant you a new deadline for settling your payment on the 1st 

of June inst.

Hoping that you will successfully get over your present financial problems,

Yours sincerely,

3) Scrisoare de refuz a unei amanari a scadentei

Stimate Domnule Brown,

Subiect: amanrarea scadentei unei polite

Am primit scisoarea dumneavoastra datata 25 martie 2009 a.c., prin care ne solicitati amanarea platii

politei dvs., scadenta la data de 15 aprile a.c.

Cu regret va informam ca nu putem rezolva favorabil cererea dvs., intrucat polita respectiva a fost

deja scontata si deci nu se mai afla in posesia noastra.

In consecita, consideram ca trebuie sa luati toate masurile necesarea pentru respectarea termunului

de scadenta din 15 aprilie a.c.

Al dumneavoastra,

3) Letter of refusal to grant extra time for payment

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Dear Mr. Brown,

Re: Postponing the date of maturity for a policy

We received your letter dated 25 March 2009 in which you requested a postponement of the date of

maturity of your policy due on the 15


April inst.

We regret to inform you that we cannot reply favorably to your request as the policy has been

discounted and it is no longer in our possession.

Consequently, we consider that you have to take all the necessary steps to honor your policy on the

15 April inst.

Yours sincerely,

The policy was due on


Stimati Domni,

Pierderea cartii de credit Nr. 5441424Va confirm prin prezenta apelul telephonic din 13 aprilie prin care va semnalam pierderea cartii mele

de credit Nr. 5441424 , in timpul calatoriei de la Paris la Londra. Deoarece calatoria mea nu s-a

incheiat inca, as dori ca banca dumneavoastra sa-mi emita o noua carte de credit pe care sa o obtin

cat mai curand posibil.

Cu stima


Dear Sirs,

Loss of the credit card No. 5441424

I hereby confirm my phone call of 13 April, reporting the loss of my credit card No. 5441424 during

my travel from Paris to London. As my journey is not over yet, I would like your bank to issue a new

credit card which should be granted to me as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,


Stimate domn,

Va confirm prin prezenta scrisoare apelul meu telefonic prin care va solicitam blocarea cecului Nr.

732021 in valoare de 750 $ platibili societatii TNT. Acest cec a fost emis ca plata a garantiei pentru

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inchiderea unui apartament. Societatea afirma acum ca nu reuseste sa dea de urma cecului

mentionat mai sus.

Cu respect.

5) Request to stop payment of a chequeDear Sir,

I hereby confirm my phone call requesting you to stop payment of the cheque No. 732021 for the

sum of $750 payable to TNT company. This cheque was made out as a security payment for the rent

of an apartment. The company now states that it is unable to trace the above mentioned cheque.

Yours faithfully,

Raspuns la solicitarea de blocare a unui cec

Stimati domni,

Solicitare de blocare a cecului Nr. 732021

Cu regret va informam ca nu suntem in masura sa blocam cecul Nr. 732021. Acest cec a fost andosat

cu numarul cartii dvs. de garantie si avem obligatia de a onora cecul dvs. si de a efectua plata.

Cu respect.

Reply to request to stop payment of a cheque

Dear Sirs,

Reply to request to stop payment of the cheque No. 732021

We regret to inform you that we are unable to stop payment of the above mentioned cheque. The

cheque in question has been endorsed with the number of your cheque card. We were therefore

obliged to honour your cheque and effected payment.

Yours faithfully,


Stimati domni,

Voi parasi in curand Beijing-ul pentru a face o scurta vizita in Canada. V-as ramane indatorat daca atilua masurile necesare pentru a-mi pune la dispozitie suma de 1000 $ canadieni in dimineata zilei de 4

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decembrie; valoare in euro a sumei mentionate imi va fi scazuta din creditul deschis de British Credit

prin acreditivul Nr. W75401.

Cu respect,


Dear Sirs,

I expect to be leaving Beijing soon for a short visit to Australia. I would be very much obliged if could

take the necessary steps and arrange for the sum of $1000 to be at my disposal on the morning of 4

December; the value in euros of the above mentioned sum should be deducted from the credit

made available by the British Credit through the Letter of Credit No. W75401.

John Smith


Stimate domn,

Va rog sa aveti amabilitatea de a furniza purtatorului acestei scrisori, dl.John Smith, orice fond ii va fi

necesar in limita sumei de 15.000 de euro. Va rog sa notati sumele extrase de dl.Smith pe spatele

acestei scrisori de credit. Aceasta intra in vigoare la data de 15 ocombrie 2009 si va fi valabila pana la

10 noiembrie 2009.

Mai jos aveti o mostra de semnatura.


7) Revolving letter of Credit

Dear Sirs,

We kindly ask you to provide the bearer of this letter , Mr. John Smith, with any funds he may need

within the sum of 15. 000 euros. Please write down the amounts drawn by Mr. Smith on the v back

of this Letter of Credit. The above mentioned letter comes into force 15 October 2009 and is valid

until 10 November 2009.

A specimen signature is provided below.

Yours faithfully,


Stimate domn,

In scrisoarea dvs. 15 septembrie ne anuntati in legatura cu emiterea unei scrisori de credit cu

nr………… pe numele. John Smith,

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Conform instructiunilor dvs. am efectuat catre acest domn urmatoarele plati:………. 

Va trimitem alaturat copiile chitantelor semnate precum si trata noastra la vedere in valoare de

3.200 euro, suma ce acopera platile plus comisionul nostru.

Al dumneavoastra,


Dear Sirs,

In your letter dated 15 September you notified us regarding the issue of a Letter of Credit

No………… Mr. John Smith.

According to your instructions we made the payments as follows:………..  

We enclosed signed duplicate receipts with our sight draf t for 3.200 euros, which cover these

payments plus our charge

Yours faithfully,

To notify


Stimati domni,

Cand am sosit la Beijing intr-o calatorie de afaceri de lunga durata, am deschis un cont curent pe

numele meu in sucursala dvs. din Beijing.

Va confirm prin aceasta scrisoare ca voi pleca in curand din Beijing pentru un sejur la Paris. V-as fi

recunoscator daca ati lua masuri pentru a mi se permite sa incasez cecuri si sa retrag banii din cont

de la sucursala principala a bancii Societe Generale din Paris.

Al dumneavoastra,

9) Arranging for funds to be available for an individual at a bank

Dear Sirs,

When I arrived in Beijing on an extended business trip, I opened a current account in my name at

your branch in Beijing.

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I hereby confirm you that I will soon be leaving Beijing for a stay in Paris. I would be much obliged if

you would take the necessary steps and arrange for me to cash my cheques and to withdraw money

from my account at the main branch of Societe Generale Bank in Paris.

Yours faithfully,