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Literatura engleza : Restauraţia şi Iluminismul

Descrierea disciplinei: Cursul urmareste familiarizarea studentilor cu elemente de baza de istoria literaturii engleze din secolele al XVII-lea si al XVIII-lea : Restauratia, Iluminismul. Competenţe dobindite : capacitatea de interpretare si analiza a textelor literare din perioada respectiva, capacitatea de racordare a continutului istoric al disciplinei la tranzitia contemporana spre o cultura a democratiei si respectului pentru individ, integrarea vocilor marginale in cultura iluminismului, capacitatea de regindire a actualităţii Luminilor, competente interpretative potrivit noilor grile interpretative din domeniul studiilor culturale, close reading, studiul mentalitatilor, studiile de gen.Metode utilizate în predare: expunere, dialogul, problematizarea, cazul, exercitiul comparativ

Bibliografia obligatorie:Cartile se pot gasi la BCU sau la Biblioteca Facultatii de Litere.

Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973.British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001.Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell, 2003.Michael Cordner, Four Restoration Marriage Plays, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2000Maggie Kilgour, The Rise of the Gothic Novel, New York : Routledge, 2000.Paul Salzman, Early Women’s Writing, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2003.Martin Wiggins, Four Jacobean Sex Tragedies, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2001.Katherine Maus, Four Revenge Tragedies, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2000.John Richeti, The English Novel in History 1700-1780

Planificarea /Calendarul întâlnirilor şi a verificărilor/examinărilor intermediare:Curs 1

Introduction : historical background. James II, Oliver Cromwell, Charles II, Restoration, William of Orange, Queen Ann. The Georgian Age.

Cuvinte cheie : puritanism, Restauratie, IluminismBibliography : Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell, 2003 (pag. 110-115).

Curs 2Jacobean literature, Revenge tragedy : John Webster, Thomas Middleton, John Middleton. Court masks : Ben JonsonCuvinte cheie : tragedie, razbunare, mit, closet plays, mascaradele curtenesti

Bibliography : Martin Wiggins, Four Jacobean Sex Tragedies, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2001.Katherine Maus, Four Revenge Tragedies, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2000.

Curs 3 : Metaphysical poetry, John Donne, Richard Crashaw, John Vaughan, Cuvinte cheie : baroc, concetti, oxymoron, catachresis.Bibliography : Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973 (pag. 1170-1179)

Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell. -the chapter on Donne, Crashaw, Vaughan (140-149)

Curs 4 Ben JonsonCuvinte cheie : teoria umorilor, comedia clasica, influenta clasicismului francez

Bibliography : Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973.British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001 (pag. 30-45)Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell (pag. 116-117)

Curs 5


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Restoration Theatre : William Congreve, Aphra Behn, William Wycherley, John Vanbrugh, Cuvinte cheie : comedy of love and sexuality, wit, appearance and essence.

Bibliography :Michael Cordner, Four Restoration Marriage Plays, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2000

Curs 6John Dryden : Cuvinte cheie : literary criticism, institutionalization, metadiscourse, comedy, wit, theory of translation, classicismBibliography : Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973 (pag. 1703-2434).British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001 (pag. 369-389).Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell. -the chapter on Dryden (pag. 280-285).

Curs 7 mid term paper. Results will be discussed during office hours.

Curs 8The Enlightenment, Cuvinte cheie : reason, sentimentalism, sensibility, education, Neo-classicism, women and the Enlightenment.Bibliography :Paul Salzman, Early Women’s Writing, Oxford : Oxford UP, 2003.Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell (the chapter on the Enlightenment pag. 313-316 ).

Curs 9Alexander Pope, Cuvinte cheie : neoclasicism, satira, ironie, spiritul urban.Bibliography : Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973 (pag. 2135-2219).British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001 (pag. 701-745).Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell. -the chapter on Pope (pag. 317-330).

Curs 10Addison and Steele, Cuvinte cheie : journalism, essay, newspaper article, classical style.Bibliography : Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973 (pag. 740-747).British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001 (pag. 250-256).Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell. -the chapters on Addison and Steele (pag. 520-526)

Curs 11The Gothic Novel. Cuvinte cheie : gotic, sublim, Horace Walpole, Ann Radcliffe, Charles Robert Maturin, M.G. LewisBibliography : Maggie Kilgour, The Rise of the Gothic Novel, New York : Routledge, 2000.

Curs 12The Picaresque Novel. Fielding, Swift, Defoe.

Cuvinte cheie : the picaro, the picara, destiny, theorizing on the novel, travelogue. Fielding, Swift, Defoe. Bibliography : Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973 (pag. 750-780).

British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001 (pag. 270-279).Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell. -the chapters on Defoe, Swift, Fielding (pag. 530-548).John Richeti, The English Novel in History 1700-1780


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-the chapter on Defoe, Swift, Fielding (pag. 175-179).

Curs 13The Epistolary Novel, dialogism, interference with other novelistic forms, Tobias Smollett, Samuel Richardson.

Bibliography :Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973 (800-860).British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001 (280-290).Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell. -the chapters on Smollett, Richardson (pag. 550-560)John Richeti, The English Novel in History 1700-1780-the chapters on Smollett, Richardson (pag. 180-190)

Curs 14The Sentimental Novel. Cuvinte cheie : sentiment, sensibility, sentimentalism, Samuel Richardson, Laurence Sterne, Jane Austen.

Bibliography :Norton Anthology, London : Norton, 1973 (pag. 860-900).British Literature 1640-1798, London : Blackwell, 2001 (pag. 300-310)Cassell’s History of English Literature, New York : Cassell. -the chapters on Richardson, Sterne, Austen (pag. 560-570)John Richeti, The English Novel in History 1700-1780-the chapters on Richardson, Sterne, Austen (190-210)

Modul de evaluare:Lucrare de evaluare la mijlocul semestrului : mid-term, care conteaza 30% din nota finala.Examen oral.Criterii de evaluare : calitatea si cantitatea informatiei, capacitatea de analiza si sinteza.

Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaţiilor excepţionale:Prezenta la ore nu e obligatorie, conform regulamentului UBB.Studentii trebuie sa fi dat lucrarea de verificare (mid-term) pentru a se prezenta la examen.Recuperarea orelor se stabileste de comun acord cu studentii.Plagiat = copierea din surse scrise sau electronice a unor pasaje din alte lucrari, sau preluarea unor idei din alte lucrari fara indicarea sursei.Consecintele plagiatului : nota 4.Frauda la examen e adusa la cunostinta consiliului profesoral pentru decizia finala.Contestatiile se rezolva cu ajutorul sefului de catedra si al decanului.

Bibliografia opţională:Cartile se pot gasi la BCU sau la Biblioteca Facultatii de Litere.Seventeenth-Century Poetry. London : Blackwell, 2003Eighteenth-Century Poetry. London : Blackwell, 2003The Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment. London : Blackwell, 2001.Popular Fiction by Women 1660-1730. Oxford : Oxford UP, 1997.The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Swift, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2003The Cambridge Companion to Alexander Pope, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2007The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2004The Cambridge Companion to English Poetry : From Donne to Marvell, Cambridge,

Cambridge UP, 1993