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Cuvinte si expresii folosite in textul notisurilor

Prin prezenta va informam/ va avizam ca =

Companie de navigatie =

Motonava =

A se afla, a stationa =

A stationa la dana =

Cu libera practica =

Cu incepere de la =

In conformitate cu =

Al dv. cu stima =

Conform avizului de angajament =

A fi in contrastalii =

Conditii si clause =

Destinatar, primitor =

Petrolier cu motor =

Caric plin si complet =

Agentie maritime =

Cu exceptia duminicilor si sarbatorilor legale =

Please be informed that/please be advised that/I hereby inform you that/I hereby advise you that/This is to inform you that/This is to advise you that

Shipping Co (company)

The m.v. (motor vessel)

To lie, lay, lain

To be lying at berth

In free pratique

As from

As per, in accordance with

Yours faithfully

Under booking note

To be on demurrage

Terms and conditions

Consignee, receiver

m.t. (motor tanker)

full and complete cargo

shipping agency

Sundays, Holidays Excepted (SHEX)

Notes of Protest

A Note of Protest, also called a damage protest, is a written communication by which the ships master takes a stand against the natural persons or corporate bodies that impede the unfolding of operations on board ship or have caused or might cause any prejudice to the ship or to the owners, crew or cargo while in port. A protest may also complain about faulty performance of work or non-observance of an obligation, claiming payment of a certain sum of money or asking that some damage be repaired.

As a rule a Note of Protest is sent under following circumstances usually occurring in the port:

Unsuitable stowage, unsuitable loading, discharge and handling of the goods, commodities brought to the ships side in damage condition or inadequately packed, faulty tallying, damage to ship or to ships installations during maneuvering or during loading or discharge, unjustified delay, non-payment of freight or of demurrage.

In making his Note of Protest, the Master should keep count of the provisions of the Charter Party and Bills of Lading as well as of the port where his vessel is.

Protests serve to relieve the ship owner from liability for alleged damage to or loss of cargo and to impose a corresponding liability on the cargo underwriters. In order to produce this effect it is necessary to have the data contained therein verified by the verbal testimonies of the Captain, officers and crew before the Harbour Master, a Court or other competent Authority and to make a thourough examination of the Ships log book.

The Master send his Note of Protest to the party of fault, as a rule through the ship agent, who in his capacity as protector of the ship and of the Master, takes any measures required under the circumstances.

Proteste de avarie

Scrisoarea de protest, numite deasemenea si protest de avarie este o instiintare scrisa prin care comandantul navei ia pozitie contra persoanelor juridice care impiedica desfasurarea operatiunilor la bordul navei sau au cauzat sau ar putea cauza prejudicii navei sau armatorilor, echipajului sau marfii pe timpul stationarii in port. Scrisoarea de protest poate deasemeni reclama executarea defectuoasa a unei lucrari sau nerespectarea unei obligatii, pretinzand plata unei anumite sume de bani sau reparatia unei avarii.

De regula scrisoarea de protest se depune in urmatoarele cazuri care se ivesc de obicei in port.

Stivuire necorespunzatoare, incarcare, descarcare si manipulare a marfurilor necorespunzatoare, marfuri aduse la cheu cu defectiuni sau ambalate necorespunzator, pontaj defectuos, avarierea navei sau instalatiilor navei pe timpul manevrei sau in timpul operatiunilor de incarcare sau descarcare, intarzieri nejustificate, neplata navlului sau a contrastaliilor.

In redactarea scrisorii de protest, comandantul trebuie sa tina seama de prevederile contractului de navlosire si conosamentului si deasemeni de uzul portului unde se afla nava.

Protestele de avarie servesc pentru a-l elibera pe armator de raspunderea pentru pretinsele avarii sau pierderi de marfuri si pentru a impune raspunderea corespunzatoare asupra asiguratorilor marfurilor. Pentru a produce acest efect, scrisoarea de protest trebuie sa fie extinsa ceea ce inseamna ca datele cuprinse in ea trebuie sa fie verificate prin marturiile verbale ale comandantului, ofiterilor si echipajului in fata capitanului portului, a unui tribu-

nal sau altei autoritati competente si prin studierea aprofundata a jurnalului de bord al navei.

Comandantul expediaza scrisoarea sa de protest partii vinovate, de regula prin agentul navei, care in calitatea sa de aparator al navei si al comandantului, face toate demersurile necesare cerute de imprejurari.

Note of Protest Re: Damage to the Goods

Volos, 3rd August 20..

Mediteranean Near East Shipping Agency, Volos

Dear Sirs,

Re: 1,000 bags of maize under B/L No.14

250 boxes surgical equipment under B/L No.33

I wish to draw your attention to the fact that owing to negligent and careless handling by stevedores, during discharge of the captioned cargo, heavy damage has been caused to the goods.

Several boxes were crushed owing to improper slinging and some boxes dropped from the sling and were broken. As a result of the use of hooks, a number of bags of maize were badly torn and considerable leakage and loss ensued.

Under the circumstances I protest against the damages caused, having in view that the m.v. Midia had brought the cargo in good order and condition.

Consequently I repudiate any claims in connection with the above mentioned damage, which was caused solely by inefficient discharge. At the same time I hold the Stevedoring Company responsible for the said damage and for all consequences which may arise therefrom, of which I would request you to advise the Stevedoring Company, Port Authorities, Consignee and all concerned.

Yours faithfully

Nicolae Paunescu

Master of the m.v. Midia

Scrisoare de protest cu referire la avarie la marfa

Volos, 3 august 20..

Mediteranean Near East Shipping Agency, Volos

Referitor la 1.000 de saci cu porumb conform B/L nr.14

250 lazi cu echipament chirurgical conform B/L nr.33

Doresc sa va atrag atentia asupra faptului ca in timpul descarcarii caricului sus mentionat marfurile au fost grav avariate din cauza manipularii neglijente si neatente de catre stivatori.

Cateva lazi au fost strivite datorita cotarii incorecte si cateva lazi au cazut din cotada si s-au spart. Ca rezultat al folosirii carligelor un numar de saci cu porumb au fost rupti si ca urmare continutul lor a curs si s-a pierdut.

In aceste imprejurari protestez contra avariilor produse avand in vedere ca m.v. Midia a adus caricul in stare si conditie buna .

In consecinta in legatura cu avariile mai sus mentionate care s-au produs numai din cauza descarcarii ineficiente. In acelasi timp tin compania de stivatori responsabila pentru toate consecintele ce pot decurge din aceasta si va rog respectuos sa informati compania de stivatori, autoritatile portuare, destinatarii si pe toti cei interesati.

Al dv. cu stima

Nicolae Paunescu

Comandantul m.v. Midia

Masters Notification to Shippers Re: Damage to Cargo During Discarge

Port of Alexandria

21st September 20..

m.v. Ardeal

Quay No. 73

Ministry of Supply


Thebes Shipping Agency, 3 Kemise Debane Street, Alexandria

Dear Sirs,

Re: m.v. Ardeal Full cargo of flour in bags from Hamburg

Reference is made to my previous letter complaining of rough handling during discharging operations. Longshoremen still make use of hooks in handling the bags of flour inside the holds of the vessel, as well as on the quay at ships side, tearing a large number of them with subsequent loss of their contents.

The slings are overloaded and dragged from the far ends of the hatches to the middle of the hatch squares for discharge, thus chafing against other bags in the holds; moreover, the slings are lifted very fast, swinging and knocking against the edges and corners of the hatch coamings and tearing other bags, with loss of their contents.

The bags torn as shown above, are not stitched inside the holds of the vessel but are discharged in their torn state, thus causing further loss of contents.

In heavy weather a large number of bags lying on the quay at ships side wholly or partly unprotected, were badly affected by rain water.

Under the above circumstances, I protest and hold the Ministry of Supply responsible for all consequences arising therefrom, and at the same time repudiate any liability for alleged shortage or damage to the above cargo of flour bags.

Reserving the rights of the vessel fully, I remain,

Yours faithfully

Toma Istratescu

Master of the m.v. Ardeal

Instiintarea expeditorului de catre commandant referitor la avaria caricului pe timpul descarcarii

Portul Alexandria

m.v. Ardeal

Quay No. 73

Ministry of Supply

Cu referire la m.v Ardeal caric complet de faina in saci din Hamburg

Referitor la scrisoarea precedenta prin care reclamam manipularea dura pe timpul operatiunilor de descarcare, docherii continua sa foloseasca carlige la manipularea sacilor cu faina in magaziile navei si deasemenea pe cheu rupand un mare numar din si ceea ce a dus la pierderea continuntului lor. Cotadele sunt supraincarcate si tarate din fundul magaziilor pana in spatiul de subgura de magazie pentru descarcare, frecandu-se astfel de alti saci din magazie; in plus cotadele sunt ridicate cu foarte mare viteza, balansandu-se si lovindu-se de marginile si colturile ramelor gurilor de magazii, rupand alti saci din care s-a pierdut continutul.

Sacii rupti dupa cum am aratat mai sus nu sunt cusuti in interiorul magaziilor navei ci sunt descarcati in stare avariata cauzand astfel pierderi ulterioare de continut.

Pe vreme rea un mare numar de saci care zaceau pe cheu total sau partial neprotejati au fost serios afectati de ploaie.

In imprejurarile de mai sus, protestez si tin Ministerul Aprovizionarii raspunzator pentru toate consecintele ce pot urma din aceasta si in acelasi timp resping orice raspundere pentru pretinsele lipsuri sau avarii la caricul de faina in saci mai sus mentionat.

Rezervand in intregime drepturile navei


Al dv. cu stima

Toma Istratescu

Commandantul m.v. Ardeal

Letter to Stevedores


m.v. Dobrogea

Stevedores Co.Port of


7th September 20..

Re: Damage to ship during discharge

Dear Sirs,

This is to inform you that having completed discharge today I inspected the vessels holds and have to report the following damages caused by your stevedores:

Number 1 Hold: Starboard and Port side in ten (10) positions between the vessels frames, the cement plates were totally destroyed, two bilge covers broken and two big holes opened.

Number 2 Hold: The same damage as above in two (2) positions.

Number 3 Hold: The same as above in two (2) positions.

I also wish to report that in Tobata your stevedores were called on board and accepted the following winch damage:

Number one starboard side 2 teeth broken port side 11 teeth broken.

Number two starboard side 3 teeth broken port side 7 teeth broken

Number three starboard side 2 teeth broken port side 2 teeth broken.

During the discharging in Tobata the ship was listing 50 to port and the winches were working abnormally. I also had to call your stevedores to change the winch operator of Number 3 winch because this man was keeping the steam valve completely open and was operating same with a winch bar.

Two letter tendered on the 19th ult. to Messrs M.N. (Charterers Agents) and stevedores were accepted at 09.00 hours by both firms.

Please note that I reserve the right to repair the above mentioned damage at my next port of loading and will hold you responsible for any expenses incurred as per Clause 20 of the C/P.

Yours faithfully


Scrisoare catre stivatori


M/N Dobrogea

Compania de stivatori



7 septembrie 20..

Referitor la : Avarie la nava pe timpul descarcarii

Prin prezenta va informam ca dupa terminarea descarcarii astazi am inspectat magaziile navei si trebuie sa va aduc la cunostinta urmatoarele avarii produse de stivatorii dumneavoastra:

Magazia nr.1: in zece (10) pozitii in bordul tribord si babord intre coastele navei, placile de ciment au fost distruse in intregime, doua panouri de santina au fost rupte si au fost deschise doua gauri mari.

Magazia nr.2: aceleasi avarii ca mai sus in doua (2) pozitii.

Magazia nr.3: la fel ca mai sus in doua (2) pozitii.

Doresc deasemeni sa va informez ca in Tobata stivatorii dv. au fost chemati la bord si au acceptat urmatoarele avarii la vinci:

Numarul unu din bordul tribord 2 dinti rupti, cel din bordul babord 11 dinti rupti.

Numarul doi din bordul tribord 3 dinti rupti cel din bordul babord 7 dinti rupti.

Numarul trei din bordul tribord 2 dinti rupti cel din portul babord 2 dinti rupti.

Pe timpul descarcarii in Tobata nava se . 50 spre babord si vinciurile functionau anormal. Deasemeni a trebuit sa cer stivatorilor dv. sa-l schimbe pe operatorul de la vinciul numarul 3 deoarece acesta mentinea supapa de abur deschisa complet si o actiona cu o bara.

Doua scrisori inaintate pe 19 luna trecuta domnilor M.N. (agentii navlositorilor) si stivatorilor au fost acceptate la ora 0900 de ambele firme.

Va rog sa luati nota ca imi rezerv dreptul de a repara avariile mai sus mentionate in urmatorul port de incarcare si va tin raspunzator pentru toate cheltuielile ocazionate conform clauzei 20 a C/P.

Al dv. cu stima


Letter Informing Agent about Pilferage of Goods

Beyrouth, 6th February 20..


Pharaon and Fils

Place de lEtoile P.O.B. 1


Dear Sirs,

This is to inform you that at 10.30 hrs today, while watching the discharge of the cases of tinned corned beef and tweeds from holds Nos. 2 and 3, the watch sailor saw that several cases were broken and the contents missing.

The Chief Officer to whom the fact was reported immediately called for the Harbour Master Officer and the Chief Stevedore and together with them inspected the broken cases.

On checking the contents it was found that 126 tins of corned beef and 6 pieces of tweed were missing.

An appropriate statement of facts was drawn up on board, a copy of which I enclose herewith and would ask you to send to the stevedoring company, notifying them that I hold them liable for the stolen goods.

I would also request you to make the appropriate remark in the discharging outturn report in accordance with the findings in the enclosed statement.

Yours faithfully,

Master of the m.v. Caransebes

Letter to Stevedores


m.v. Bacau


Port of

Tokuyama, Japan 15thSeptember 20..

Dera Sirs,

Please take notice that there is a sulphate of potassium cargo in the lower holds beneath the salt.

You are kindly requested to take care when discharging, not to break the tarpaulin sealed hatches so that salt will not fall through and contaminate the cargo.

Also take care during discharge not to disturb the wooden cargo battens on the ships side.

You will be held liable for all such, and other damages.

Before commencing discharge, please let me have your letter that you undertake responsibility for making good all damages caused. This is as per the terms of the Charter Party.

Yours faithfully


Letter to Stevedores

The Stevedoresm.v. Oradea

Hosojima, JapanPort of.

21st October 20..

Dear Sirs,

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that great care must be taken by your Stevedores that they do not damage or dismantle the cargo battens in the lower holds as these are required for the next cargo.

I have to remind you that you will be responsible for all discharging damages and prior to discharge you are requested to give me your letter of undertaking to accept all such liability.

I am, Sirs,

Yours faithfully


Master Repudiate Claim for Damage

Genoa, 14th October 20..

Messrs. Gastaldi and Co.

1, Via Cairoli


Dear Sirs,

Re: s.s. Mamaia at Genoa; alleged damage to 500 paper reels

The Receivers of the above parcel have lodged a claim against the s.s Mamaia under my command amounting to $ 1,200 for alleged damage to some of the paper reels.

I wish to inform you that the said reels were damaged before they were loaded on board the s.s. Mamaia . During shipment at Port Said, I sent some damaged reels ashore and protested accordingly as per copy enclosed, but the Shippers threatened to stop the loading. As the time was short, I decided to load the damaged reels and had no alternative but to sign clean Bills of Lading to save time.

I consider that the Shippers are responsible for the damage, the more so as loading was under free in and out and stowed terms.

As take it, this means the loading was effected at the Shippers risk, which please confirm.

Yours faithfully,


Masters Protest Re: Dunnage

Rotterdam, 15th October 20..


Wm. H. Muller and Co.,

1, Westerlaan,

Rotterdam, 2, P.O.B. 110

Dear Sirs,

I wish to draw your attention to clause No.32 relative to dunnage in the Charter Party dated Amsterdam, September 3rd , which is now in your hand.

At 02.30 hrs. two slings of dunnage were placed on board and laid in holds No.2 and 3.

At 03.00 hrs. more dunnage was promised, but was not provided.

At 04.40 hrs. cargo was being loaded without dunnage at hold No.2 and, as there was no interpreter available, all work was stopped by the deck officer.

At 05.10 hrs. cement was loaded at hold No.3 without dunnage, and again work was stopped by the deck officer.

If this cargo of cement continues to be loaded without dunnage, I will be forced to charge the Shippers with breach of contract on behalf of the Charterers.

In the interest of all concerned and in order to ensure that the cargo is delivered in the same condition as loaded, that is, in sound condition, it is the only course to pursue. As you are aware, it is my duty to see that the cargo is stowed properly to ensure safe and full delivery.

I hope this will meet your prompt attention and remain,

Yours faithfully,

Stan Miu

Master of the m.v.Brad

Letter to Charterers Agents



B. and L Ldt.

Port of

Oslo, Norway

1st September 20..

Protest against Agents Report

Dear Sirs,

This is to protest against your outturn report as being unjust and totally prejudiced.

All the cargo discharged had been marked as being Rusty including parcels of steel products and galvanized pipes wrapped in tar paper, which all appear in perfect condition.

When I received your outturn report, I questioned your clerk on the above items and received a reply to the effect that it was not possible for me to know whether or not they were rusty since they were wrapped in paper. Anyhow, before I had the chance to argue my point, the clerk marked the outturn report with the following remarks: Master refused to sign, and left.

Certain items in your outturn report are reported to be damaged and in this particular respect I would like to advise you that this damage was caused by the negligent handling by your stevedores in discharging.

In the above connection, I hereby wish to reserve my rights for all claims against my Principals, Agents or Underwriters, on the grounds that your outturn report is prejudiced.

Yours faithfully.


Letter to Stevedores

To the

m.v. Arad

Stevedoring Co.,Port of


12th July, 20..

Re: Protesting for Damage Caused by Stevedores

Dear Sirs,

I beg to protest for the way in which the cargo of the bags of sugar is being discharged from the holds of the above vessel.

1.From the day of the arrival the master has protested to the Foreman appointed by you for the using of hooks by the labourers in the holds, but to my great regret and surprise nothing has been done so far and the labourers have continued to use the hooks.

2.When the slings are loaded from the tween decks or from the interior of holds, no measure to discharge the bags slowly or bring them first to the center of the hold are being taken. Due to this, when the pressure of the ropes comes on the bags and when they are dragged by the crane chains or by wire of derricks being tight, they burst at the ends.

3.Also it is noticed that the labourers, while loading these bags in lorries on the wharf as well as in the wagons, are using hooks.

Looking to all these circumstances, we had called our surveyor on board this morning and showed him all the hatches as a proof for the above stated damages. It was decided at the meeting where your representative was also present, to lodge a protest for the manner in which the handling of the cargo is being done from the beginning of discharge till the time of writing this letter to you.

No bags in the holds are either torn or burst and therefore please note that the ship is not responsible for any damage occurred through loss in weight and will not entertain any claim arising from loss in weight or damage to the bags.

Yours faithfully,


Notices of Readiness

A notice of readiness is a written by which the Master informs the Shippers or Receivers that the ship under his command is in every respect ready to load or discharge the goods in accordance with the provisions of the contract of carriage. The notice of readiness is delivered to the Shippers or Receivers, as a rule through the ship agent, in duplicate. One copy is returned to the Master after it has been accepted.

As a rule the vessels trading on regular lines are not strictly bound to give notice of readiness either for loading or discharge but they are not exempted from cabling their 72 and 24 hours notice, i.e. cabling their E.T.A.


Notisul sau notificarea de punere a navei la dispozitie este un document scris prin care comandantul ii informeaza pe expeditori sau pe destinatari (primitori) ca nava de sub comanda sa este din toate punctele de vedere pregatita (gata) sa incarce sau sa descarce marfurile in conformitate cu prevederile contractului de transport (carausie). Notisul este predat expeditorilor sau primitorilor (destinatarilor) de regula prin agentul navei in dublu exemplar. Un exemplar este inapoiat comandantului dupa ce a fost acceptat.

De regula navele care fac comert pe rute regulate nu sunt obligate sa dea notisul de incarcare sau de descarcare, dar nu sunt scutite de a telegrafia notificarea de 72 si 24 de ore, adica de a telegrafia timpul probabil al sosirii navei (E.T.A.).

Notice of Readiness to Load Woodpulp under Charter Party

Norfolk, July 26th, 20..


Buckeye Cellulose Norton and Elliz Comp Ltd., 120, Atlantis Street, Virginia

Dear Sirs,

Please be advised that the m.v. Predeal under my command arrived in the port of Norfolk, Virginia at 13.00 hours local time today 26th July, got free pratique at 14.00 hrs. on the same date and is lying at berth No.39.

The vessel is ready to receive a full and complete cargo of about 11,000 metric tons of woodpulp for Barcelona as per Charter Party covering this voyage, dated London 10th June 20.., as from 14.00 hours, today 26th July 20..

The vessel is provided with 6 lower holds and tweendecks and has 10 hatchways, with a total of 371,000 bale cubic feet.

According to the Charter Party, the lay days are commencing this 26th day of July and will expire on the 5th of August, after which the vessel will be on demurrage.

Please sign this, my notice of readiness, with time and date of acceptance.

Yours Faithfully,

Constantin Totet

Master of the m.v. Predeal

Received and accepted

At 15.00 hours on the 26th July 20.. subject to all terms, conditions and exceptions of the Charter Party covering this voyage.

Buckeye Cellulose Norton and Ellis Comp Ltd.

Woodpulp =

Under Charter Party =

Full and complete cargo =

Charter Party covering this voyage

Lower hold =

Hatch(way) =

Bales cubic feet =

To be on demurrage =

Notis pentru incarcarea celulozei de lemn conform contractului de navlosire

Norfolk, July 26th, 20..


Buckeye Cellulose Norton and Elliz Comp Ltd., 120, Atlantis Street, Virginia

Stimati domni,

Prin prezenta va informam ca motonava pe care o command a sosit in portul Norfolk, Virginia la orele 13 ora locala astazi 26 iulie, a obtinut libera practica la orele14 in aceeasi zi si acum stationeaza la dana nr.39.

Nava este gata sa primeasca un caric plin si complet de aproximativ 11.000 de tone metrice de celuloza de lemn pentru Barcelona conform contractului de navlosire pentru acest voiaj cu data Londra la 10 iulie 20.., cu incepere de la orele 14, astazi 26 iulie 20..

Nava este prevazuta cu 6 magazii inferioare si 6 coridoare si are 10 guri de hambar, cu un total de 371.000 picioare cubice pentru volum.

In conformitate cu contractul de navlosire, staliile incep pe 26 iulie si expira pe 5 august, dupa care nava va fi in contrastalii.

Binevoiti a semna aceasta notificare cu ora si data acceptarii.

Al dv. cu stima

Constantin Totet

Comandantul motonavei Predeal

Primita si acceptata

La orele 15, 26 iulie 20..

Supus tuturor conditiilor si clauzelor si exceptiilor contractului de navlosire pentru acest voiaj.

Buckeye Cellulose Norton and Ellis Comp Ltd.

Celuloza de lemn

Conform contractului de navlosire

Caric plin si complet

C/P pentru acest voiaj

Magazie inferioara

Gura de magazie, hambar

Picioare cubice pentru volum

A fi in contrastalii.