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  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013




    Profesor pentru nv. Primar Iuliana MACU coala gimnazial nr. 10, Constana

    Lector univ. dr. Aurelia MORARU Universitatea Andrei aguna, Constana

    Abstract: Limbajul are funcia de utilizare a limbii n raport cu ceilali oameni; este o funcie complex presupunnd utilizarea i mbinarea celorlalte funcii, ndeosebi a celor intelectuale i motorii. Pn la intrarea n coal, copilul nva vorbirea n mod spontan; n coal conduita verbal a copilului dobndete noi caracteristici datorit procesului de instruire colar, de formare a culturii verbale. Experiena verbal a copilului din primii ase ani de via i pune amprenta asupra ntregii dezvoltri psihice ulterioare; la intrarea n coal copilul nelege vorbirea celor din jurul su i se poate face neles, exprimndu-i propriile gnduri, n cuvinte, propoziii i fraze alctuite corect. Unul dintre elementele ce i difereniaz pe copii la intrarea n coal l reprezint limbajul; aceste diferene constau n exprimare, fonetic, structur lexical, nivel de exprimare. Structura cuvintelor, propoziiilor, frazelor devine din ce n ce mai complex i nuanat. Dac n clasele I i a II-a ntlnim exprimri incomplete, n clasele a III-a i a IV-a apar rspunsuri mai complexe, mai organizate i mai sistematizate.

    Cuvinte cheie: colar mic, limb, limbaj, comunicare, particulariti 1. INTRODUCERE Pentru evaluarea dezvoltrii limbajului la colarul mic am construit un test alctuit din apte probe- nsuiri contrare; nsuiri similare; completare lacune; identificare nsuiri; identificare fiine, lucruri; semnificaie verbal; identificare omonime- primele patru probe avnd cte zece itemi, ultimele dou cte ase itemi. Testul a fost alctuit innd seama de particularitile de vrst ale elevilor, de



    Primary School Teacher Macu Iuliana

    Secondary School no. 10 Constana Lector univ. Dr. Aurelia MORARU Andrei aguna University Constanta

    Abstract: The language has the function of using the language in relation with other people, it has a complex function involving the connection and use of other functions, especially intellectual and motor function. Before school, the child spontaneously learn the speaking; during school the child speaking acquires new features due to the process of education and verbal culture training. Verbal experience of the child in his first six years of life leaves its mark on all subsequent psychological development; when the child start the school he understand the speech of those around him and he can be understood expressing his own thoughts in words, sentences and phrases correctly composed. One of the elements that differentiate the children at school is the language; these differences consist in expression, phonetic, lexical structure, level of expression. The structure of words, of sentences and of phrases become increasingly complex and nuanced. If in first and second grade they have an incomplete expression , in III and IV grade they have complex answers, more organized and systematized.

    Key words: pupil, language, communication, features, spoken language. 1. INTRODUCTION

    To assess pupils language development we have built a test made of 7 tests-contrary characteristics; similar characteristics; filling gaps; identifying characteristics; identifying beings, things; verbal meaning; identifying homonyms- the first four tests have ten items, the last two have six items.

    The test was composed taking into account the age particularities of the pupils, the curriculum and the contents taught in

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    programa colar i coninuturile predate la fiecare clas n parte. Testul se aplic oral (fr limit de timp), fiecrui subiect n parte (individual). Se explic clar cerina fiecrei probe, exemplificnd la fiecare prob n parte (Care este sensul opus al cuvintelor? exemplu: mare-mic ). Subiectul va rspunde numai dup ce a neles clar cerina iar evaluatorul va nota pe fi rspunsurile date. Fiecare rspuns corect va fi cotat cu 1 punct; scor minim- 0 puncte, scor maxim- 62 de puncte. 2.DEFINIREA CONCEPTEOR Comunicarea a fost definit cel mai adeseori ca o form particular a relaiei de schimb ntre dou sau mai multe persoane, dou sau mai multe grupuri ( M. Zlate, 2000). A comunica nseamn a pune n relaie o persoan sau mai multe cu o alt persoan sau mai multe prin intermediul proceselor fizice dar i psihice cu scopul atingerii unor obiective. Limba este totalitatea mijloacelor lingvistice ( fonetice, lexicale, gramaticale) ce dispune de o organizare ierarhic potrivit unor reguli de ordonare. Ea este un sistem nchegat de semne (cuvinte) i de reguli gramaticale stabilite social istoric (M. Zlate, 2000).

    Limbajul este un fenomen psihic specific uman prin care se exprim gndirea. El poate fi format din semne, semnale i simboluri dintre care, pentru om cele mai importante sunt simbolurile verbale cuvintele (I.Drgan). Cel mai frecvent folosit n comunicarea interuman este limbajul- unul dintre mijloacele specifice omului. Studiul limbajului const n cercetarea/investigarea perceperii limbajului, nelegerea discursului, memorarea frazelor/textelor, nsuirea i producerea limbajului. Piaget, Vgotski, Luria i Wallon, preocupai fiind de studierea nsuirii limbajului au adus un aport important n studiul limbajului. Unii autori consider limbajul ca fiind nnscut, ali autori

    every grade. The test is unwritten (no time limit),

    individual. It is clearly explained the requirement of each test, exemplifying each test (What is the opposite of the words? Example: big-small). The subject will respond only after clearly understood the requirement and the evaluator will note the responses. Each correct answer will be rated with 1 point, minimum score 0 points, maximum score 62 points. 2. DEFINITION OF CONCEPTS

    Communication was more often defined as a particular form of exchange relationship between two or more people, two or more groups (M. Zlate, 2000). To communicate is to relate a person or more with another person or more through physical and mental processes in order to achieve the objectives.

    Language is all linguistic means (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) that has a hierarchical organization according to the collation rules. It is a connected system of signs (words) and grammatical rules socio-historical established (M. Zlate, 2000).

    The spoken language is a specifically human psychological phenomena expressing the thought. It might consist on signs, signals and symbols. The most important for humans are verbal symbols the words (I. Dragan). The most commonly used in interpersonal communication is the language this is specifically to human. Language study consist in research/investigation language perception, speech understanding, memorizing phrases/texts, learning and production of language. Piaget, Vigotski, Luria and Wallon were concerned with language acquisition and they have made an important contribution in language study. Some authors consider language as innate, other authors consider language to be acquired, gradually built. Behaviorists and constructivists argue that language is not particularly different from any other form of behavior. 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES

    Building a test to assess pupils

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    consider limbajul ca fiind dobndit, construit treptat. Behavoritii i costructivitii susin c limbajul nu este n mod special diferit de orice alt form a comportamentului. 3. METODOLOGIA CERCETRII 3.1. OBIECTIVELE CERCETRII Construirea unui test pentru evaluarea dezvoltrii limbajului la colarul mic. Evaluarea dezvoltrii limbajului la colarul mic. 3.2. IPOTEZA CERCETRII Estimm c nivelul dezvoltrii limbajului este independent de genul biologic. 3.3. SUBIECII CERCETRII Lotul cercetrii a fost alctuit din 122 de subieci, elevi n clasele I-IV de la coala Gimnazial numrul 10 Mihail Koiciu Constana. Cei 122 de subieci au vrste cuprinse ntre 7 i 10 ani, dintre care 61 sunt fete, 61 sunt biei. 26 de subieci sunt n clasa I ( 13 fete i 13 biei), 32 de subieci sunt n clasa a II-a (16 fete i 16 biei), 36 de subieci sunt n clasa a III-a (18 fete i 18 biei) i 28 de subieci sunt n clasa a IV-a ( 14 fete i 14 biei). 3.4. INSTRUMENTELE CERCETRII

    Pentru evaluarea dezvoltrii limbajului la colarul mic am construit un test alctuit din apte probe: nsuiri contrare; nsuiri similare; completare lacune; identificare nsuiri; identificare fiine, lucruri; semnificaie verbal; identificare omonime. (Tabelul nr.IV.4: Scorarea testului de limbaj; Tabelul nr.IV.5: Punctajul corespunztor claselor - testul de limbaj; Tabelul nr.IV.10: Etalon Testul de limbaj; Tabelul nr.V.11: Distribuia datelor n funcie de variabilele clas i nivelul dezvoltrii limbajului) Rezultatele obinute la fiecare fiecare prob n parte indic un coeficient bun al consistenei interne a testului.

    Etalonarea testului

    Performana unui subiect , exprimat

    language development. Pupils language development

    assessment. 3.2 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS

    We estimate that language development level is independent of biological gender. 3.3 RESEARCH SUBJECTS

    Lot of research consisted of 122 subjects, pupils in I-IV grade, to Secondary School no.10, Mihail Koiciu Constanta. The 122 subjects are between 7 and 10 years old, 61 girls, 61 boys. 26 subjects are grade 1 (13 girls, 13 boys), 32 subjects are grade 2 (16 girls, 16 boys), 36 subjects are grade 3 (18 girls, 18 boys) and 28 subjects are grade 4 (14 girls, 14 boys). 3.4 RESEARCH TOOLS

    To assess pupils language development we have built a test made of 7 tests-contrary characteristics; similar characteristics; filling gaps; identifying characteristics; identifying beings, things; verbal meaning; identifying homonyms. (Table no.IV.4: Language test scores; Table no.IV.5: Scores for each grade - language test; Tabelul no.IV.10: Standard Testul Language Test; Table no.V.11: The distribution of data according to grades variables and language development level)

    The results obtained from each test indicates a good internal consistency of the test.

    Calibration of the test The performance of a subject expressed

    by the gross score is related to standard; depending on their score, the subject is placed in one of the five classes/levels as follows:

    Level 1: very good level of language development

    Level 2: good level of language development

    Level 3: intermediate level of language development

    Level 4: low level of language development

    Level 5: very low level of language development

    3.5 RESEARCH RESULTS The results obtained in the Test

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    prin scorul brut, se raporteaz la etalon ; n funcie de scorul obinut, subiectul este ncadrat n una din cele 5 clase/nivele astfel:

    Nivelul 1- nivel foarte bun al dezvoltrii limbajului

    Nivelul 2- nivel bun al dezvoltrii limbajului

    Nivelul 3- nivel mediu al dezvoltrii limbajului

    Nivelul 4- nivel slab al dezvoltrii limbajului

    Nivelul 5- nivel foarte slab al dezvoltrii limbajului

    3.5. REZULTATELE CERCETRII Rezultatele obinute la testul de limbaj

    au fost urmtoarele: Biei: 24 subieci nivel foarte bun ;

    16 nivel bun; 11 nivel mediu; 8 nivel slab; 2 nivel foarte slab.

    Fete: 32 subieci nivel foarte bun ; 18 nivel bun; 7 nivel mediu; 3 nivel slab; 1 nivel foarte slab.

    Pentru verificarea ipotezei am supus datele unei analize comparative folosind testul t pentru eantioane independente.

    De asemenea, pentru a verifica dac distribuia este normal am realizat testul Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z. n urma aplicrii testului Kolmogorov-Smirnov s-a obinut o distribuie normal a scorurilor nregistrate pentru limbaj 0,815>0,05. (Tabelul nr.V.21: Mediile scorurilor obinute pentru copii de gen feminin i masculin)

    Media pentru grupul de biei este M=36,4180, iar pentru grupul de fete este M=40,7459. Dup cum se observ, nu exist diferene ntre copii n ceea ce privete nivelul limbajului n funcie de genul biologic.

    Valoarea semnificaiei pentru testul Levene este 0,319>0,05. Rezult c vom folosi informaia de pe primul rnd al tabelului nr.V.22, din dreptul Equal

    Language are the following: Boys: 24 subjects very good

    level; 16 good level; 11 intermediate level; 8 low level; 2 very low level

    Girls: 32 subjects very good level; 18 good level; 7 intermediate level; 3 low level; 1 very low level

    To verify the hypothesis we made a comparative analysis of data using t test for independent samples.

    Also to check if the distribution is normal we have created Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test. After applying Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test we obtained a normal distribution of scores recorded for language 0,815>0,05. (Tabelul no.V.21: Scores average obtained for male and female children)

    The mean for boys group is M=36,4180 and for girls is M=40,7459. There is no difference between the children regarding the language level depending on biological gender. The value of significance for Levene test is 0,319>0,05. We use the information from the first row of the table no. V.22 from Equal variances assumed side. 4. RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS

    Hypothesis: We estimate that language development level is independent of biological gender was verified by performing t-test for independent samples. The hypothesis was confirmed: there is no statistically significant differences between female subjects and male subjects regarding language development (the test results were relatively similar). From the perspective of initial objectives, we believe that they have been achieved and the hypothesis was confirmed. PROPOSALS - The pupils language assessment can be realized with psycho-pedagogical experiments (using an experimental group and a control group and comparing the results obtained in the two groups). - There is a multitude of tests that can be applied to pupils in order to assess language

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    variances assumed. (Tabelul nr. V.22: Testul t pentru eantioane independente) 4. CONCLUZIILE CERCETRII

    Ipoteza: Estimm c nivelul dezvoltrii limbajului este independent de genul biologic a fost verificat prin realizarea testului t pentru eantioane independente. Ipoteza a fost confirmat: nu exist diferene semnificative statistic ntre subiecii de gen feminin i subiecii de gen masculin n ceea ce privete dezvoltarea limbajului (rezultatele obinute la testul de limbaj au fost relativ asemntoare). Din perspectiva obiectivelor stabilite iniial, considerm c acestea au fost atinse iar ipoteza a fost confirmat. Propuneri

    Pentru evaluarea limbajului la colarul mic se pot realiza experimente psihopedagogice ( utiliznd un lot experimental i un lot de control i comparnd rezultatele obinute la cele dou loturi ).

    Exist o multitudine de probe care pot fi aplicate pentru colarul mic n vederea evalurii nivelului de dezvoltare a limbajului cum ar fi: proba de sinonimie, antonimie, omonimie, completare lacune, expresii verbale, identificarea de cuvinte care fac parte din aceeai categorie, identificarea de cuvinte care ncep i se termin cu aceeai liter/sunet, alctuirea de enunuri cu un numr dat de cuvinte, alctuirea de texte dup imagini, alctuirea de compuneri cu titlu dat , cu nceput/sfrit dat, cu expresii deosebite (figuri de stil ) etc.

    development level such as: synonymy, antonymy, homonymy tests, filling gaps, verbal expressions, identify words that belongs to the same category, identify words that begins and ends with the same letter/sound, creation utterance with a given number of words, creation a text according to images, creation of essays with the title given, with a given start/end, with particular expressions and so on. 5. REFERENCES 1. Badea, Elena, (1993), Dynamic description of child and teenager, Didactic and Pedagocic Publishing House, Bucharest 2. Cosmovici, Andrei, (1996), General Psychology, Polirom, Iai 3. Creu, Tinca, (2009), Ages Psychology, Polirom, Iai 4. Drgan, Ion, (1991), Psychology for All, Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest 5. chiopu, Ursula, (2008), Modern Psychology, Romnia Press Publishing House, Bucharest 6. Zlate, Mielu, (2000), Fundamentals of Psychology, Pro Humanitate Publisher, Bucharest.

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    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    5. BIBLIOGRAFIE 1. Badea, Elena, (1993), Carcterizarea dinamic a copilului i adolescentului, Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti 2. Cosmovici, Andrei, (1996), Psihologie general, Editura Polirom, Iai

    3. Creu, Tinca, (2009), Psihologia vrstelor, Editura Polirom, Iai

    4. Drgan, Ion, (1991), Psihologia pentru toi, Editura tiinific, Bucureti

    5. chiopu, Ursula, (2008), Psihologia modern, Editura Romnia Press, Bucureti

    6. Zlate, Mielu, (2000), Fundamentele psihologiei, Editura Pro Humanitate, Bucureti.

    Tabelul nr.IV.4: Scorarea testului de limbaj /Language test scores




    I. nsuiri contrare Contrary


    1 1p

    2 1p

    3 1p

    4 1p

    5 1p

    6 1p

    7 1p

    8 1p

    9 1p

    1 1p


    II. nsuiri similare Similar


    1 1p

    2 1p

    3 1p

    4 1p

    5 1p

    6 1p

    7 1p

    8 1p

    9 1p

    1 1 p


    III. Completare lacune

    Filling gaps

    1 1p

    2 1p

    3 1p

    4 1p

    5 1p

    6 1p

    7 1p

    8 1p

    9 1p

    1 1p


    IV. Identificare nsuiri

    Identifying characteristics

    1 1p

    2 1p

    3 1p

    4 1p

    5 1p

    6 1p

    7 1p

    8 1p

    9 1p

    1 1p


    V. Identificare fiine, lucruri Identifying

    beings, things

    1 1p

    2 1p

    3 1p

    4 1p

    5 1p

    6 1p

    7 1p

    8 1p

    9 1p

    1 1p


    VI. Semnificaie verbal

    Verbal meaning

    1 1p

    2 1p

    3 1p

    4 1p

    5 1p

    6 1p


  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    VII. Identificare omonime

    Identifying homonyms

    1 1p

    2 1p

    3 1p

    4 1p

    5 1p

    6 1p



    Tabelul nr.IV.5: Punctajul corespunztor claselor (testul de limbaj)/ Scores for each grade (language test)



    Clasa I Grade I

    Clasa a II-a Grade II

    Clasa a III-a Grade III

    Clasa a IV-a Grade IV

    I. nsuiri contrare Contrary


    5 6 8 9

    II. nsuiri similare Similar


    5 6 8 9

    III. Completare lacune

    Filling gaps

    5 6 8 9

    IV. Identificare nsuiri

    Identifying characteristics

    5 6 8 9

    V. Identificare fiine, lucruri

    Identifying beings, things

    4 6 8 10

    VI. Semnificaie verbal

    Verbal meaning

    - 3 4 5

    VII. Identificare omonime

    Identifying homonyms

    - 3 4 5

    Total punctaj ateptat

    Total expected score

    24 36 48 56

    Tabelul nr.IV.10: Etalon Testul de limbaj/ Standard Language Test Clasa/ Nivelul Grade/Level

    Nivelul 5 Level 5

    Nivelul 4 Level 4

    Nivelul 3 Level 3

    Nivelul 2 Level 2

    Nivelul 1 Level 1

    I / I 0-5 puncte/ points

    6-11 puncte/ points

    12-17 puncte/ points

    18-23 puncte/ points

    24 puncte/ points

    a II-a / II 0-8 puncte/ points

    9-17 puncte/ points

    18-26 puncte/ points

    27-35 puncte/ points

    36 puncte/ points

    a III-a 0-11 puncte/ 12-23 puncte/ 24-35 puncte/ 36-47 puncte/ 48 puncte/ points

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    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    /III points points points points a IV-a /

    IV 0-13 puncte/

    points 14-27 puncte/

    points 28-41 puncte/

    points 42-55 puncte/

    points 56 puncte/ points

    Tabelul nr.V.11: Distribuia datelor n funcie de variabilele clas i nivelul dezvoltrii limbajului / The distribution of data according to grades variables and language development level

    Clasa/nivelul dezvoltrii limbajului

    Grade/language development level

    Nivel foarte bun

    Very good level

    Nivel bun

    Good level

    Nivel mediu

    Intermediate level

    Nivel slab Law level

    Nivel foarte slab

    Very law level


    Clasa I / Grade 1 10 8 5 3 0 26

    Clasa a II-a / Grade 2 6 6 4 5 1 32

    Clasa a III-a / Grade 3 19 6 7 2 2 36

    Clasa a IV-a / Grade 4 11 14 2 1 0 28

    TOTAL 56 34 18 11 3 122

    Tabelul nr.V.21: Mediile scorurilor obinute pentru copii de gen feminin i masculin / Scores average obtained for male and female children


    biologic Gender N

    Mean Average Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

    Punctaj limbaj Language score

    masculine male

    61 36,4180 16,60401 2,12593

    feminine female

    61 40,7459 15,97227 2,04504

    Tabelul nr. V.22: Testul t pentru eantioane independente/ T test for independent samples

    Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

    95% Confidence Interval of the


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    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

    Mean Differenc


    Std. Error Difference Lower Upper

    punctajlimbaj Equal variances assumed

    ,319 ,573 -1,46


    120 ,145 -4,32787 2,94987

    -10,16841 1,51267

    Equal variances not assumed




    ,145 -4,32787 2,94987

    -10,16850 1,51276