Download - Ion Gheorghe Poesis International 2010

  • 8/3/2019 Ion Gheorghe Poesis International 2010



    Tot mai des visez pmntul cu nefericirile lui>trag plasele fire i rdcini de ierburi oceanicede parc apa a luat carele cu otav cosit.n iulie-am fugit din Copenhaga spre satele lor,am rmas pe malul cmpului i-am plns dup voi acas m scldam ca psrile-n iarba de gru,i-adormeam n spicele pline de lapte.

    n Danemarca n-am vzut drumuri de rni-acest lucru l-a fi dus n brae pn-acas...

    i-acum, n Oceanul Atlantic visez pmntul cu nefericirile lui.

    Azi-noapte se fcea c lucrez ntr-o ferm strin,numai ptule de porumb i hambare de gru peste tot>numram vrstele pe grune de tiulei i de spice>cele triste cu boabe de porumb, cele albe cu smna de pine>n loc de bani aveam boabe de porumb n buzunare>la casa cinematografului ddeam cte dou, trei boabe de gru,la baruri ddeam dou cciuli de porumb, s danseze femeile>se putea turna n prul lor semntur de secar i alte semine.

    in Ghrgh

    Tot mai des visez pmntul

  • 8/3/2019 Ion Gheorghe Poesis International 2010


    Poemul De ColeC|iePoesis interna\ional decembrie 2010


    Preurile pe lume se vdeau peste tot n grune i boabe>cumprai o camer de hotel cu cincizeci de boabe pe or,cu-o sut de boabe i alegeai o femeie-mbtat...

    Deodat a venit un vnt s drme ptulele>valuri de grune i boabe-au nceput s se ridice pe lumeoamenii sreau i se sprijineau cu barajele,morile de vnt se micau lovite de semine n aripi,elicele morilor de ap i scocurile se rupeau de porumb...

    Tot mai des visez pmntul cu nefericirile lui>se fcea c se pornise i apa pe sub noi>din loc n loc se vdea c sunt amfore-ngropates cumpneasc trecerea i-ntoarcerea lumiii-acestea-i rtciser orologiile de ploaie i umezeal

    nct ogoarele se preschimbaser n lacuri,i tot ranii au srit s sape anuri i-apeducte>astfel apele se liniteau, amforele-i ctigau crugul orari tot tractoarele ieeau s pun capt stihiilor Tot mai des visez pmntul cu nefericirile lui

    Pe deasupra trecea pasrea de curnd nviat>ducea un pete-n plisc, i-l arunca-n pmnti dintr-o dat oamenii se scldau n snge de pete,dormeau pe mtase de carne de pete>la baruri femeile se dezbrcau cte patru pentru un hering>

    o sticl de gin scoian se cumpra cu un pete de munte>o hidrocentral se cumpra cu dou couri de crap,harta astronomic de construire a unei rafinrii de petrolse putea cumpra pe o cru de pete din lacul Suhaia.

    Am smuls, am strpit, am tiat slciile i rchitele e bine c-avem vapoare de pescuit i iari e bines nu spargem toate lacurile de pe malul stng>oamenii pleac din ri i li se-mprtie casele,de mare nevoie iese omul pe mare i-i prsete copiii,mult bucurie cnd pleci, dar i mult, mult tristee,tot mai muli muncitori pleac de la casele i patriile lor Il tutto mondo una paese...dar vreau s mor ca un cine cu botul pe pragul de-acas.


  • 8/3/2019 Ion Gheorghe Poesis International 2010


    Poesis interna\ionaldecembrie 2010


    More and More I Dream About Land

    Poemul De ColeC|ie

    More and more I dream about the land and its misfortunes>I pull out the fishing nets blades and roots of ocean weedsas if the waves washed away the carts with mown July I escaped Copenhagen towards their villages,I stopped short on the brink of the field and cried for you-when home I would wallow like a bird in wheat grass,and fell asleep among milky ears.

    Never did I see dusty roads in Denmarkand its these I would have carried home in my armsand now adri on the Atlantic Im dreaming about the land and its misfortunes.

    Last night it was as if I was toiling in a foreign farm,all over the place just corn and wheat barns>I was counting ages with grains and wheat ears>the gloomy ones with corn grains, the jolly ones - with bread seeds>as for money I was carrying corn grain in my pockets>at the box-office I was paying a couple of wheat grains,at bars I was making women dance with two hatfuls of garlic>one could pour in their hair rye crop and all sorts of seeds.e prices all over the world were coming in grains and beans>one could book a hotel room for fiy grains an hour,

    for one hundred of them one could afford a drunk woman

    Out of the blue a wind assailed the barns>Waves of grains and beans tumbled over the worldthe people rushed to strengthen the dams,bombed with seeds the windmills were rolling their wings,the watermills paddles and the gutter cracked under corn

    More and more I dream about the land and its misfortunes>it was as if even the waters struggled to sweep us away>here and there one could spot buried amphorae

    balancing the ebbs and flows of the worldwith random clocks because of moisture and rainso that the fields were turned into lakes,and who else if not the villagers dashed to raise dams and aqueducts>so the waters dwindled away, the amphorae regained their timingand the tractors defeated the storming harpies More and more I dream about the land and its misfortunes...

    High above with a fish in its beak the recently resurrected birdwas flying, throwing it to the ground,

  • 8/3/2019 Ion Gheorghe Poesis International 2010


    Poesis interna\ional decembrie 2010


    Poemul De ColeC|ie

    and all of a sudden the people bathed in fish blood,slept on the silky fish flesh>in saloons women were stripping four at a time for only one herring>a bottle of Scottish gin could be bought with a trout>

    a hydropower plant could be bought with two baskets of carp,the astronomic map for building an oil refinerycould be bought with a cart full of fish from Suhaia Lake.

    I snatched, burned and cut the willows and cranberries -were lucky to have fishing ships and were even luckierif we havent plundered all the lakes on the le side>people leave behind their countries and their households get shattered,needy men sail away deserting their offspring,plenty of joy at going away, but also torrents of sadness,more and more workers leave behind their houses and countries -

    Il tutto mondo una paesebut I long to die as a dog with its muzzle on the family threshold.


    translated by Felix Nicolau