Download - Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in istoria comunismului romanesc, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in the history of Romanian communism

  • 8/3/2019 Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in istoria comunismului romanesc, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in the history of Romanian co


    Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in istoria comunismului romanesc, episod 8

    Miron Constantinescu - un intelectual intr-un pandemoniu populat debrute comuniste

    de Cosmin Navadaru HotNews.roJoi, 17 noiembrie 2011, 9:37 Life | Prin ora

    Miron ConstantinescuFoto: Agerpres

    Doctor in sociologie, provenind dintr-o familie de conditie buna si ajuns membru

    important al PCR, Miron Constantinescu era vazut de Lucian Blaga drept un "intelectualde seama, cel mai de seama desigur de la conducerea partidului". Scriitorul PetruDumitriu il considera "un tip cumplit, un crunt", dar care "se purta bine cu scriitorii, stialiteratura. Nu era ca brutele alea". Numit initial "baiatul" Anei Pauker, MironConstantinescu a stiut sa se plaseze intotdeauna in tabara care intrezarea mai degrabasuccesul. Cu o virtute a rabdarii imprumutata de la Gheorghiu-Dej, a asteptat momentuloportun pentru a-si inlatura maestrul. Nu a reusit, iar esecul i-a adus zece ani de"mizerie", din care a iesit abia prin reabilitarea din perioada Ceausescu.PCR - "un cap in cautarea unui corp"Obsesia comunistilor fata de "inamicul din interior"Un eveniment mai putin cunoscut in istoria Partidului: Afacerea "Malaxa"

    Conflictul Dej-ConstantinescuFidelitatea lui Ceausescu
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    PCR - "un cap in cautarea unui corp"

    "Comunismul s-a nascut in ilegalitate, in subteranele politicii interbelice. Inclandestinitate sau in inchisori s-au dezvoltat relatii care erau fie de camaraderie, fie deura viscerala", a explicat Stefan Bosomitu (cercetator IICCMER), cu ocazia unei discutii

    pe tema "Dej si Miron Constantinescu", in cadrul conferintei "Spectrele lui Dej".

    Istoria PCR poate fi scrisa si ca o istorie a "fidelilor" (sau a "acolitilor") si a "dusmanilor".A celor initiati (a celor din interior) si a celor din afara (a celorlalti).

    Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)La momentul 23 august 1944, Partidul Comunist Roman era caracterizat ca fiind "uncap in cautarea unui corp" (spunedisidentul Victor Frunza, care ironiza lipsa cvasi-totalaa cadrelor).

    "Partidul era un "monolit" in care disciplina prima. Astfel, orice atitudine neconforma erasanctionata drastic. Iar PCR/PMR avea sa devina un "malaxor" care nu admiteaindividualitatea.

    Istoria PCR poate fi scrisa si ca o istorie a "fidelilor" (sau a "acolitilor") si a "dusmanilor".A celor initiati (a celor din interior) si a celor din afara (a celorlalti).

    Istoria PCR a fost dominata de aceasta obsesie a "inamicului din interior" sau a"complotului perpetuu" sau, cum spunea Vladimir Tismaneanu, de acea fixatie a "caluluitroian". Dusmanul era "invizibil", insa persista acea frica fara de lovitura de gratie caretrebuia sa fie data in ultimul moment regimului. Aceasta atmosfera de teama si

    suspiciune recrea universul in care comunistii romani fusesera formati (fie ca e vorbadespre cominternisti, de cei care activasera in subteranele clandestinitatii, fiei de cei dininchisori).

    In ciuda ideologiei care promova egalitarismul, grupurile comuniste au fost dominate deierarhii precise, iar regulile stricte ale clandestinitatii sau cele din inchisoare au fostdominante si in relatiile din timpul comunismului din anul 1944".
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    Dej si Constantinescu - doi lideri comunisti diferiti

    Gheorghe Gheorghiu-DejAnul nasterii: 8 noiembrie 1901, la BarladParinti: Anica (casnica) si Tudose (muncitor) - mediu social modest

    Studii: 4 clase primare, 3 clase industrialeProfesia: electricianIntrarea in PCdR: 1932Implicat in grevele de la Atelierele CFR Grivita, BucurestiCondamnat initial la 15 ani, face recurs si obtine o pedeapsa la 12 ani de munca silnica.Si-a petrecut, din 1933, mai bine de un deceniu in inchisorile de la Craiova, OcneleMari, Doftana, Caransebes, Aiud, Tg. Jiu

    Miron ConstantinescuAnul nasterii: 13 decembrie 1917Parinti: Parinti: Olimpia (invatatoare), Gheorghe Murgoci-Munteanu - tatal natural (prof.

    univ., geograf, geolog, pedolog) / Gheorghe Constantinescu - tatal adoptiv (avocat). Separe ca fusese copil din flori, crescut in casa tatalui sau adoptiv. Despre tatal saunatural exista zvonul ca ar fi fost Gh. Murgoci-Munteanu, zvon pe care MironConstantinescu nu l-a dezmintit niciodata. Provenea dintr-o familie de conditie bunaStudii: licentiat (sociologie) al Facultatii de Litere si Filozofie, Universitatea dinBucuresti, doctor in sociologie (1939)Profesia: sociologIntrarea in Partid: 1936 (dupa un stagiu de un an de zile in cadrul Uniunii TineretuluiComunistUTCdR)Activitatea lui in ilegalitate este diferita de a lui Dej. Facea parte din mai multeorganizatii studentesti de stanga si era colaborator al mai multor publicatii de stanga

    Momentul care a dus la arestarea lui survine undeva in toamna lui 1940 si inceputul lui1941, cand Miron Constantinescu se implica in reorganizarea Regionalei ComunisteDunarea de Jos, Galati. Va fi arestat si condamnat la 10 ani de munca silnica sidegradare moralaIsi va ispasi pedeapsa la Galati, Caransebes si Lugoj

    Inceputul relatiei dintre Constantinescu si Dej (1941-1944)Comunistii se adunau seara in camera lui Dej si jucau domino. In aceste seri ar fiinceput sa se certe de la jocuri. Chisinevschi il acuza pe Dej ca triseaza.Destinele celor doi s-au intersectat pentru prima oara in iulie 1941, la PenitenciarulCaransebes. La acel moment, exista o diferenta fundamentala intre cei doi, din punct devedere al rolului si al influentei pe care fiecare le avea in partid:Dej era lider de necontestat al grupului din inchisori, statut atins dupa o detentie de 8ani. Era un veteran al inchisorilor si personajul cu cea mai lunga condamnare. I sespunea "Batranul".Miron Constantinescu era foarte tanar si se afla departe de a fi atins anvergura unorpersonaje precum Ana Pauker, Parvulescu, Vasile Luca, Teohari Georgescu.

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    Relatia dintre cei doi a fost buna la inceput: Miron Constantinescu juca rolulintelectualului si, in scurt timp, avea sa-si castige un loc intre liderii din inchisoare.Ajunsese sa participe la toate la sedintele conspirative ale celulei comuniste dininchisoare.

    In umbra Anei Pauker si a lui Gheorghiu-Dej (1944-1952)

    Dupa 1944, Miron Constantinescu trebuie inteles din doua perspective:afinitatile pe care el le-ar fi putut avea cu Dej, datorate perioadei in care amandoi aufost inchisi la Caransebes, ne-ar face sa credem ca, dupa '44, Constantinescu ar trebuisa fie plasat intre fidelii lui realitate, avea mai degraba o afinitate pentru Ana Pauker si se va apropia deaceasta. La moment dat chiar se spunea ca Miron Constantinescu este "baiatul" AneiPauker.

    Un eveniment mai putin cunoscut din istoria Partidului: Afacerea "Malaxa" (1944-1945)

    In februarie 1945, la Uzinele Malaxa, in cadrul unei incaierari intre sindicalistii careaveau simpatii comuniste si ceilalti sindicalisti, lucrurile au degenerat, tragandu-se sicateva focuri de arma. In incaierare, Gheorghe Apostol avea sa fie ranit prin impuscare.

    "Afacerea "Malaxa" avea sa constituie pretextul pentru primul pas al lui MironConstantinescu spre varful ierarhiei.

    Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)In mod paradoxal, cel care trasese era Andrei Patrascu, secretarul RegionaleiComuniste Bucuresti, individ perceput ca unul dintre "fidelii" Anei Pauker. Initial,Patrascu nu avea sa fie sanctionat prea dur (in '45 a fost trimis ca secretar laHunedoara). Sanctiunile dure aveau sa vina abia dupa caderea Anei Pauker.

    "Afacerea "Malaxa" avea sa constituie pretextul pentru primul pas al lui MironConstantinescu spre varful ierarhiei. In primavara lui '45, dupa ce Patrascu esteindepartat de la conducerea Regionalei Bucuresti, locul lui avea sa fie luat de catreMiron Constantinescu. Reiese clar ca Miron Constantinescu era un apropiat al AneiPauker. Era o pozitie pe care ea o controla si in mod sigur nu ar fi acceptat numireaunui personaj care nu ii era fidel".

    Ulterior, in cadrul Conferintei Nationale a PCR din octombrie 1945, se va naste aceadisputa dintre Dej si Ana Pauker in legatura cu cine sa fie secretar general. In cadrul

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    acestui conflict, Miron Constantinescu apare "nu ca o figura importanta, ci ca un pion,care a executat supus toate dispozitiile si care s-a plasat mereu in tabara careintrezarea mai degraba succesul".

    Lupta pentru putere (1952-1956)

    "Dupa 1952, Miron Constantinescu parea sa fie un personaj pe care soarta il favoriza.Anumite circumstante in plasasera intr-o functie nesperata in cadrul Partidului.

    In 1945, la Conferinta Nationala a PCR, el devenise membru al Comitetului Central, darmai ales membru al Biroului Politic, practic o clasare in primele sapte pozitii simbolicede la nivelul de conducere. Era foarte tanar, nu avea decat 27 de ani in acel moment.La acea varsta, el se ocupa cu niste functii pe care altii nici nu sperau sa le intrevada.

    PMR zdrobise in cursul a mai putin de 10 ani o suma de figuri importante: in '44 cazuse

    Foris, in '48 cazuse Patrascanu. Vasile Luca, Ana Pauker si Teohari Georgescu in '52.Parea ca acei puternici ramaneau in frunte.

    Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)PMR zdrobise in cursul a mai putin de 10 ani o suma de figuri importante: in '44 cazuseForis, in '48 cazuse Patrascanu. Vasile Luca, Ana Pauker si Teohari Georgescu in '52.Parea ca cei puternici ramaneau in frunte.

    Miron Constantinescu nu era neaparat o figura puternica, ci mai degraba un personajpe care soarta il favorizase. Acest noroc a fost conditionat de supunerea cvasi-totalafata de cel care isi eliminase cu sange rece toti adversarii - fata de Gheorghiu-Dej.

    Pozitia pe care Miron Constantinescu a ocupat-o in aceasta perioada la nivelul deconducere al PMR-ului se datora supunerii fata de Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej.

    Acele locuri libere lasate au trebuit sa fie umplute cu cadre de nadejde. Constantinescua profitat din nou de situatia de la conducerea Partidului si a mai urcat o treapta inierarhia simbolica, fiind ales membru al Secretariatului".

    Consecinte negative ale ascensiunii fulminante: Ana Pauker nu mai privea cu ochi buniascensiunea tanarului Miron Constantinescu la inceputul anilor '50 (reiese dintr-odeclaratie a lui Teohari Georgescu, facuta in cadrul unui interogatoriu din '54). In cadrulunor discutii cu Vasile Luca, Pauker avea sa spuna ca Miron Constantinescu este incamult prea tanar, existand pericolul sa devina infumurat si sa spere la mai mult.

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    Primele neintelegeri intre liderii comunistiMiron Constantinescu nu era neaparat o figura puternica, ci mai degraba un personajpe care soarta il favorizase.

    Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)In cadrul Congresului XX al PCUS din 1956, in ultima zi, Hrusciov avea sa citeascacelebrul "Raport secret", care denunta crimele de care se facuse vinovat Stalin. LaCongres se afla si delegatia PMR, compusa din Miron Constantinescu, IosifChisinevschi, Petre Borila si Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej.

    Intr-o carte autobiografica, Paul Sfetcu relateaza ca la Moscova ar fi aparut primeleneintelegeri intre liderii comunisti, neintelegeri banale:Comunistii se adunau seara in camera lui Dej si jucau domino. In aceste seri ar fiinceput sa se certe de la jocuri. Chisinevschi il acuza pe Dej ca triseaza.

    Sfetcu aduce in discutie si un mic conflict care s-ar fi iscat intre Miron Constantinescu siDej, dupa ce delegatiei romanesti i s-a adus la adus la cunostinta exista raportului sicontinutul sau. Rakosy, dupa ce a aflat continutul "Raportului secret", a ales sa meargasa discute cu studentii maghiari aflati la Moscova si atunci Miron Constantinescu l-ar fiindemnat si pe Dej sa faca la fel. Extrem de atent la ceea ce s-ar fi putut intampla, Dejar fi refuzat sa faca asa ceva, spunand ca PMR-ul nu este un partid al studentilor, ci almuncitorilor, si ca povestea raportului secret va fi discutata de organele competente, inCC.

    Miron Constantinescu: o posibila solutie?

    "Erau destui care veneau in Constantinescu o solutie la inghetul acelor vremuri si ungarant al unei posibile schimbari. Doua marturii care vorbesc tocmai despre oasemenea posibilitate.Lucian Blaga il creiona intr-o lumina extrem de favorabila, ca fiind diferit in raport cuceilalti. In Luntrea lui Caron el reda o intalnire intre cei doi, la Sibiu, pe cand Blaga erabibliotecar.O imagine asemanatoare gasim si la Petru Dumitriu, cel care canta, la acea vreme,osanale odiosului canal Dunare-Marea Neagra, in romanul "Drum fara pulbere". Elvedea in Miron Constinescu o alternativa in timpul acelor vremuri"."In acel Olimp populat de inculti, Miron Constantinescu se simtea poate, adeseori,stingher. Multi ar intreba cum reusea el sa reziste in acel mediu. Singura explicatie lacare ma pot gandi e ambitia lui nemasurata".

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    Incercarea de a-l inlatura pe DejFara a-l fi cunoscut vreodata, il stiam de indelungata vreme pe Constant Mironescu dinnume ca pe un intelectual de seama, cel mai de seama desigur de la conducerea


    Lucian Blaga despre Miron Constantinescu, in "Luntrea lui Caron"In Plenara din martie 1956 a existat o tentativa de complot. Miron Constantinescu siIosif Chisinevschi incercasera sa atraga de partea lor pe unii membri ai Biroului Politic,vorbindu-le de posibilitatea unei rocade la varful Partidului. "E aproape sigur ca IosifChisinevschi a initiat acest complot la initiativa sovieticilor.

    Pe ce au mizat cei doi: ei erau constienti ca de partea lui Dej aveau sa fie Gh. Apostol,Chivu Stoica, Draghici si Petre Burila, care ii erau fideli; insa au mizat pe Parvulescu.Planul era ca Parvulescu sa fie promovat in functia de secretar general".

    Au mai incercat sa atraga in complot pe Emil Bodnaras, pe Alexandru Moghioros (careavusese ceva conflicte cu Dej in trecut) si pe Nicolae Ceausescu (se miza pe ambitiatanarului Ceausescu).

    Conflictul de la nivelul cel mai inalt al conducerii PMR s-a consumat la scurt timp dupaPlenara, in in sedintele Biroului Politic al CC al PMR, in zilele de 3,4 si 6 aprilie 1956.

    Gheorghiu-Dej: un maestru al conflictului

    Miron era descuiat si eu nadajduiam ca se amelioreaza nitel [...] Vedeam ca scoatesavanti din puscarie. Sigur ca-i punea - si ei, distrusi, se supuneau - sa se dea pebrazda. Chiar el, direct, l-a scos pe Giurescu din puscarie. Stiu, mai ales acum stiu, caMiron fusese un tip cumplit, un crunt. Dar il vedeam constructiv. Se purta bine cuscriitorii, stia literatura. Nu era ca brutele alea [...] Deci, am sperat o imbunatatire, m-aminselat.

    Petru Dumitriu in George Pruteanu, "Pact cu Diavolul. Sase zile cu Petru Dumitriu""In cadrul sedintelor, Dej a luat rareori cuvantul, a fost aparat cu fermitate de catre"locotenentii sai", acestia s-au intrecut in a forma un scut care sa-l protejeze pe Dej.Faptul ca Dej nu s-a aparat nu era neaparat semnul unei slabiciuni, ci mai degraba oprecautie pe care Dej a avut-o, legata de dorinta acestuia de a afla dimensiuneacomplotului.

    Rabdarea lui Dej avea sa dea roade. In cadrul discutiilor, el a aflat despre incercarea depuci, despre faptul ca Parvulescu se gandise pana la un moment dat la o asemeneaposibilitate. Discutiile i-au relevata si pozitia moderata a lui Bodnaras si aveau sa-idezvaluie fidelitatea lui Ceausescu (personaj care putea fi privit cu suspiciune datorita

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    relatiilor foarte bune pe care le avea cu Chisinevschi)".

    "Reglarea conturilor"

    "In prima faza, acest conflict avea sa se sfarseasca intr-o sedinta a Biroului Politic al CCal PMR din 12 aprilie 1956. Cei doi complotisti au primit doar un avertisment. Nu era oslabiciune a lui Dej, ci mai degraba o amanare a executiei, un armistitiu cauzat decontextul geopolitic inca tulbure. Toata aceasta precautie a lui Dej avea sa dea roade,pentru ca derularea evenimentelor din 1956 in blocul sovietic avea sa-i consolidezepozitia.

    Relatia dintre Dej si Constantinescu avea sa se sfarseasca in 1957. Dej era un om careisi platea "datoriile" fata de cei care ii aratau nesupunere. Foarte atent cu detaliile, el isipregatea raspunsurile. Dupa acea victorie partiala din '56, avea sa gaseasca prilejul dea se descotorisi de cei care, cu un an mai devreme, ii aratasera nesupunere: "executia"

    din Plenara Comitetului Central al PMR din iunie-iulie 1957".

    Un deceniu de "mizerie" pentru cel invins

    Dupa acest moment, a urmat pentru Miron Constantinescu un deceniu de "mizerie": el afost demis din functiile inalte pe care le ocupa (din Biroul Politic, din Secretariat). A fosttrimis la munca de jos, ajungand sa lucreze in diferite functii marunte de cercetare

    Conflictul acesta dintre cei doi a continuat ca o perpetua "vanatoare de vrajitoare".Subiectul Miron Constantinescu si Chisinevschi a aparut si in alte contexte, cand Dej s-

    a descotorisit de ultimii sai rivali:in Plenara CC al PMR - iunie 1958 - caracterizata ca "amurgul ilegalistilor"in Plenara CC al PMR - 30 noiembrie - 30 noiembrie - 5 decembrie 1961 - "a douadestalinizare" - cu aceasta ocazie, Miron Constantinescu este exclus din CC (dupa in'57 ramasese inca membru al CC)

    Miron Constantinescu - un stalinist intransigent

    In acel Olimp populat de inculti, Miron Constantinescu se simtea poate, adeseori,stingher. Multi ar intreba cum reusea el sa reziste in acel mediu. Singura explicatie lacare ma pot gandi e ambitia lui nemasurata.

    Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)"Constantinescu nu a fost initiatorul unui curent de liberalizare in interiorul Partidului. Cea fost in '56-'57 a fost clar o lupta pentru putere, dusa de "numarul doi" in acel momentin Partid (Chisinevschi) si de "numarul trei" (Miron Constantinescu) impotriva lideruluiPCR (Gheorghiu-Dej).

    Evolutia ulterioara a lui Constantinescu avea sa demonstreze ca, din punct de vedere

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    doctrinar, ramasese acelasi intransigent stalinist. Dupa experienta caderii, nu a asteptataproape deloc. Trimis la munca de jos, la Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga, a continuatsa se comporte in aceeasi maniera detestabila cu subordonatii de acolo".


    Emanciparea femeilor in primii ani ai regimului comunistRomania si conflictul sovieto-chinezCultul personalitatii lui Gheorghe Gheorghiu-DejLacrimile Anei PaukerLucretiu Patrascanu - singurul intelectual adevarat din conducerea PCRRetragerea Armatei Sovietice si refuzul lui Dej de a participa la CAER / Reusite alecomunismului romanesc sau greseli strategice?Adrian Cioroianu, istoric: Dupa caderea comunismului, minoritatea roma este unuldintre perdantii tranzitieiDej si grevele de la Atelierele CFR Grivita din 1933Apogeul relatiilor romano-chineze

    Citeste mai multe despre gheorghe gheorghiu dej institutul de investigare a crimelorcomunismului in romania iiccmer spectrele lui dej miron constantinescu+ SHARE

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    3 comentarii0 (0 voturi)O COADA DE TOPOR PERFECTA (Joi, 17 noiembrie 2011, 10:15)pointless man [utilizator]"Nu tnjii streinilor aceste rele: ei nu sunt vrjmaii notri; Romnia nu este junghiat devrjmai: Romnia e plecat de sine."

    Dimitrie Bolintineanuraspunde trimite0 (0 voturi)un serial excelent (Joi, 17 noiembrie 2011, 10:17)

    bladd [anonim]... din care sper sa citesc cat mai multe episoade.raspunde trimite0 (0 voturi)intelectuali (Joi, 17 noiembrie 2011, 10:55)andrei [anonim]Cred ca, dupa 21 de ani de "democratie" , n-ar mai trebui facuta aceasta "discriminarepozitiva" cu privire la intelectuali. E evident ca, in noul regim, intelectualii au fost priviti;h=v8/3bc2/0/0/%2A/m;44306;0-0;0;37878908;5250-468/150;0/0/0;;~sscs=%3F
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    ca salvatori. Dar iata ce au adus! Mizeria! Dezindustrializarea tarii, degradareainvatamantului. "Mistica" intelectualului a devenit contra-productiva. In fond, aceasta"mistica" este la fel ca cea cu privire la clasa muncitoare, din vremea comunismului,care avea tot o motivatie economica drept temei. Miron Constantinescu era un ommediocru si oportunist- vezi alaturarea lui de Ana Pauker care, atunci, venea de la

    Inalta Poarta: Moscova! Afirmatiile lui Blaga sau Petru Dumitriu sunt de conjunctura. Infond, un intelectual este un personaj cam la fel de limitat ca un cizmar, numai ca are unlimbaj mai ingrijit. Nu ma refer la marii intelectuali, care insa nu stiu ce ar fi facut daca arfi condus tari si popoare. Idealul platonic: filosoful-rege este deja greu de atins, faptpentru care lumea nici nu este condusa de asa-zisii conducatori, de cei vizibili.Functioneaza o schema platonica pe un orizont de asteptare a unei antropologiicrestine. Oamenii inca cred, dar vorba unui filosof: Isus Hristos a fost singurul crestin!Cred ca o analiza serioasa a perioadei comuniste nu poate fi facuta cu mijloacelepolitice si morale ale lui Vladimir Tismaneanu- nu mai vorbesc de altele!

    Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in the history of Romanian communism,Episode 8

    Miron Constantinescu - an intellectual in a pandemonium of grosspopulated communist

    by Cosmin Navadaru HotNews.roThursday, November 17, 2011, 9:37 Life | By city

    Miron ConstantinescuPhoto: Agerpres

    Ph.D. in sociology coming from a good family and reaching a good position withinPCR, Miron Constantinescu was seen as a Lucian Blaga "intellectual mind, the mostimportant course of the party leadership." Writer Petru Dumitriu him as "a terrible guy, acruel", but "wear well with writers, knew literature. It was like those brutes." Initiallycalled "boy" Ana Pauker, Miron Constantinescu always knew to be placed in the campthat loom rather successful. The virtue of patience borrowed from Gheorghiu-Dej, theexpected time for her to remove the master. Failed, and failure brought ten years of"misery" which came out only in the rehabilitation of the Ceausescu period.PCR - a "head in search of a body"

    Communist obsession against "the enemy within"An event known in history Party less: Business "Malaxa"Conflict Dej-ConstantinescuCeausescu's Faithfulness

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    PCR - a "head in search of a body"

    "Communism was born underground, in underground policy wars. In underground or inprison and have developed relationships that were either camaraderie or the visceral

    hatred," said Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER researcher), during a discussion on " Dej andMiron Constantinescu, "the conference" Dej spectra ".

    PCR history can be written as a history of "Fidel" (or "associates") and "enemies".To theinitiated (those inside) and those outside (of others).Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)At August 23, 1944, the Romanian Communist Party was characterized as a "head insearch of a body" (spunedisidentul Victor leaves, which almost total lack taunt staff).

    "The party was a" monolithic "in that subject first. Thus, any non-compliant attitude wasseverely punished. And PCR / RMP would become a" mixer "which admitted noindividuality.

    PCR history can be written as a history of "Fidel" (or "associates") and "enemies".To theinitiated (those inside) and those outside (of others).

    PCR history was dominated by the obsession of the "enemy within" or "perpetual plot"or words of Vladimir Tismaneanu, that fixation of a "Trojan horse". The enemy was"invisible", but that fear persists without blow that had to be given at the last minutearrangements. This atmosphere of fear and suspicion recreate the universe in which

    Romanian communists had been formed (be it on the Comintern, of those active in theunderground clandestinity, fiei of the prison).

    Despite the ideology that promoted egalitarianism, communist groups were dominatedby hierarchies precise and strict rules of clandestinity or prison and relationships weredominant during communism in 1944. "

    Dej and Constantinescu - two different communist leaders

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    Gheorghe Gheorghiu-DejYear of birth: 8 November 1901, at BarladParents: Anica (domestic) and Tudose (worker) - modest social environmentEducation: Primary 4 classes, 3 classes of industrialOccupation: electrician

    PCdR entrance: 1932Involved in strikes at CFR workshops Grivita, BucharestOriginally sentenced to 15 years, appeal and get a penalty to 12 years hard labor.He spent, in 1933, more than a decade in prisons in Craiova, Large mines, Doftana,Caransebes, Aiud, Tg. Jiu

    Miron ConstantinescuYear of Birth: December 13, 1917Parents: Parents: Olimpia (teacher), George Murgoci-Munteanu - natural father (prof.,Geography, geology, pedology) / George Constantinescu - adoptive father (lawyer). Itseems that love child was brought up in foster-father's house. About his father naturally

    there were rumors that Murgoci-Gh Munteanu, Miron Constantinescu rumor that neverdenied not. He came from a family of good conditionEducation: Bachelor (sociology) of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University ofBucharest, Doctor in Sociology (1939)Occupation: SociologistParty entrance: 1936 (after a period of one year in the Youth Union ComunistUTCdR)His work is different from the underground Dej. Was part of several studentorganizations left and was collaborator of several leftist publicationsMoment that led to his arrest occurs somewhere in the fall of 1940 and early 1941,when Miron Constantinescu is involved in reorganization of the Communist RegionLower Danube, Galati. Will be arrested and sentenced to 10 years hard labor and moral

    degradationHe will serve his sentence in Galati, Caransebes and Lugoj

    When relations between Constantinescu and Dej (1941-1944)Communists gathered in the evening in his room and played dominoes Dej. In theevening it began to clear the game. Dej Chisinevski accused of cheating.Destinies of the two intersected for the first time in July 1941, the Prison Caransebes. Atthat time, there is a fundamental difference between the two, in terms of the role andinfluence that they have in each party:Dej was the undisputed leader of the group of prisons, detention status achieved after 8years. He was a veteran of prisons and character with the longest sentence.They calledhim "old man".Miron Constantinescu was very young and is far from complete scope of characterssuch as Ana Pauker, Parvulescu, Vasile Luca, Georgescu.The relationship between the two was good at first: Miron Constantinescu andintellectual play, soon had to earn a place among the leaders in jail. Had to attend allthe meetings of the conspiracy of communist prison cell.

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    In the shadow of Ana Pauker and Gheorghiu-Dej (1944-1952)

    After 1944, Miron Constantinescu be understood from two perspectives:

    affinities that he might have had with Dej due period in which both were imprisoned atCaransebes, we would make you believe that after '44, Constantinescu should beplaced between Dej fact, had rather an affinity for Ana Pauker and will approach it. At some point evensaid that Miron Constantinescu is "boy" Ana Pauker.

    A little known event in the history of the Party: Affair "Malaxa" (1944-1945)

    In February 1945, Malaxa, in a brawl between trade unionists and others who hadcommunist sympathies trade union, things have degenerated, and some are pulling

    shots. In brawl, Gheorghe Apostol would be wounded by gunshot."Business" Malaxa "would constitute the first step pretext Miron Constantinescu to thetop of the hierarchy.

    Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)Paradoxically, at the route was Andrew Patrascu, secretary of the CommunistBucharest Region, individual perceived as one of the "faithful" Ana Pauker. Initially,Patrascu would not be punished too harshly (in '45 was sent as secretary toHunedoara). Harsh sanctions would come only after the fall of Ana Pauker.

    "Business" Malaxa "would constitute the first step pretext Miron Constantinescu to thetop of the hierarchy. In the spring of '45, after Patrascu is removed from leadership ofBucharest Region, instead of having to be taken by Miron Constantinescu. It isclear Miron Constantinescu was close to that of Ana Pauker. It was a position that shecontrolled and certainly would not accept the appointment of a character who was notfaithful to him. "

    Subsequently, PCR of the National Conference in October 1945 that is born of Dej andAna Pauker dispute about who should be secretary general. In this conflict, MironConstantinescu is "not as an important figure, but as a pawn, who executed all theprovisions and subject always to put the loom rather successful camp."

    Power struggle (1952-1956)

    "After 1952, Miron Constantinescu appeared to be a character that fate favor. Plasaseracertain circumstances in an unexpected function within the party.

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    In 1945, the National Conference of the Communist Party, he joined the CentralCommittee, especially Politburo member, basically a ranking in the first seven positionsin the symbolic leadership. He was very young, he was only 27 years old at that time. Atthat age, he deals with some features that others do not hope to foresee.

    PMR crushed during the less than 10 years a significant amount of figures: Foris fell in'44, in '48 fell Patrascanu. Vasile Luca, Pauker and Georgescu in '52. It seemed thatthose strong stay ahead.Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)PMR crushed during the less than 10 years a significant amount of figures: Foris fell in'44, in '48 fell Patrascanu. Vasile Luca, Pauker and Georgescu in '52. It seemed that thestrong stay ahead.

    Miron Constantinescu was not necessarily a strong figure, but rather a character thatfate favored. This chance was conditioned by quasi-total obedience to the man who

    eliminated his opponents in cold blood all - from Gheorghiu-Dej. Miron Constantinescuposition which he held during this period the RMP's management of due obedience tothe Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej.

    Free places left had to be filled with reliable staff. Constantinescu took advantage of thenew situation and the party leadership has uploaded a symbolic step in the hierarchy,being elected member of the Secretariat ".

    Negative consequences of fulminating ascension: Ana Pauker not looked kindly youngMiron Constantinescu rise in the early 50s (shown in Georgescu's a statement, madeunder interrogation in '54). In discussions with Vasile Luca, Pauker would say that Miron

    Constantinescu is still too young, there is danger of becoming arrogant and hope formore.

    The first disagreement between communist leaders

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    Miron Constantinescu was not necessarily a strong figure, but rather a character thatfate favored.Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)

    XX Congress of the CPSU in 1956, the last day, Khrushchev had to read the famous"secret report" which denounces the crimes of Stalin had been guilty. The Congressdelegation and RMP is composed of Miron Constantinescu, Joseph Chisinevschi, andBorila Petre Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej.

    In an autobiographical book, Paul Sfetcu reports that appeared in Moscow would be thefirst disagreement between communist leaders, trivial misunderstandings:Communists gathered in the evening in his room and played dominoes Dej. In theevening it began to clear the game. Dej Chisinevski accused of cheating.Sfetcu gives rise to a small conflict that would have arisen between MironConstantinescu and Dej, Romanian delegation after it has been notified to the report

    and its contents there. Rakosy, after learning the content "secret report" chose to go totalk to students in Moscow and Hungarian when Miron Constantinescu would be urgedand Dej to do the same. Extremely careful about what might have happened, Dej hadrefused to do so, saying that the RMP is not a party of students, but the workers, andthe story secret report will be discussed by the competent bodies, in DC.

    Miron Constantinescu: a possible solution?

    "They were coming in Constantinescu enough to frost a solution to those times and aguarantor of possible changes. Two witnesses who speak just about such a possibility.Lucian Blaga elaborate it in a very favorable light, as being different in relation to the

    other. In Caron's boat he play a meeting between the two, in Sibiu, while Blaga waslibrarian.A similar picture find and Petru Dumitriu, who played at that time odious praisesDanube-Black Sea in Romania "road without powder." He saw in Miron Constinescu analternative during those times. ""At Olympus populated by ignorant, Miron Constantinescu feeling can often lonely.Many would ask how he managed to last in that environment. The only explanation Ican think is that his ambition immeasurable."

    Trying to remove it DejWithout ever knew, I knew for a long time on Constant Mironescu the name as an

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    intellectual mind, the most important course of the party leadership.Lucian Blaga about Miron Constantinescu, the "boat of Caron"In Plenary in March 1956 there was an attempted plot. Miron Constantinescu and IosifChisinevski their side tried to attract some members of the Politburo, talking to the

    possibility of a castle at the top of the Party. "It's almost certain that Joseph Chisinevskiinitiated the plot to the Soviet initiative.

    What counted two: they were aware that his side had to be Gheorghe Apostol Dej,Chivu Stoica and Petre Burila Draghici, who were loyal, but they relied onParvulescu. The plan was that Parvulescu be promoted to general secretary. "

    They tried to attract Emil plot Bodnaras Moghioros Alexander (who had some conflictswith Dej in the past) and Nicolae Ceausescu (the stake on young ambition Ceausescu).

    Conflict at the highest level of leadership PMR was consumed shortly after the Plenary

    meetings of the Politburo of the CC in the RMP, and 3.4 days April 6, 1956.

    Gheorghiu-Dej: a master of conflict

    Miron was unlocked and I hope that it improves little mixed [...] I saw that scientists outof jail. Of course I put - and they destroyed are subject to - to give the furrow.Even he,directly to the Giurescu out of jail. I know, especially now know, that guy was terribleMiron, a savagely. But I saw him constructively. Wear well with writers, knewliterature. It was not like those brutes [...] So I hoped an improvement, I was wrong.

    Petru Dumitriu in George Pruteanu, "Pact with the Devil. Six days Petru Dumitriu""In the meetings, Dej was seldom word, was strongly defended by" his lieutenants ",they were scrambling to form a shield to protect him Dej. The fact that no device Dejwas not necessarily sign of weakness, but rather a caution that Dej had linked to hisdesire to find the plot size.

    Dej's patience would bear fruit. During the discussions, he learned about the coupattempt, the fact that Parvulescu had thought at one point to such apossibility.Discussions have revealed and moderate position and had Bodnaras toreveal Ceausescu fidelity (figure that could be viewed with suspicion because of thevery good relations he had with Chisinevski) ".

    "Settlement of accounts"

    "At first, this conflict was to end in a meeting of the Politburo of the CC of the RWP of 12

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    April 1956. The two plotters received only a warning. It was a weakness of Dej, butrather a delay in execution, a truce due to the still troubled geopolitical context. All thisDej's caution would bear fruit, because the events of 1956 in the Soviet bloc wouldstrengthen his position.

    The relationship between Dej and Constantinescu have to end in 1957. Dej was a manwho paid his "debt" to those who showed disobedience. Very attentive to details, heprepared answers. After that victory in '56 part, have the opportunity to find descotorisiof those who, a year earlier, he had shown disobedience "execution" of the CentralCommittee Plenum of the RMP in June-July 1957 ".

    A decade of "misery" to the beat

    After this time, Miron Constantinescu followed for a decade of "mess": he wasdismissed from high positions they occupy (in the Politburo, the Secretariat). He was

    sent down to work, getting to work in various positions little research

    This conflict between the two continued as a perpetual "witch hunt". MironConstantinescu and Chisinevski subject appeared in other contexts, when the last Dejdescotorisit rivals:in the PMR CC Plenary - June 1958 - characterized as "twilight illegalist"in the PMR CC Plenary - November 30 - November 30 to December 5, 1961 - "secondde-Stalinization" - on this occasion, Miron Constantinescu is excluded from the CC (asin '57 still remained a member of CC)

    Miron Constantinescu - an intransigent Stalinist

    That Olympus populated by ignorant, Miron Constantinescu feeling can oftenlonely.Many would ask how he managed to last in that environment. The onlyexplanation I can think is that his ambition immeasurable.Stefan Bosomitu (IICCMER)"Constantinescu was not the initiator of the current liberalization within the Party. Whatwas '56-'57 was clearly a power struggle, carried the" number two "in that moment inParty (Chisinevski) and" number three "(Miron Constantinescu) against the leader ofPCR (Gheorghiu-Dej).

    Constantinescu's subsequent evolution was to demonstrate that, in terms of doctrine,remained the same intransigent Stalinist. After the experience of loss, not expected atall. Sent to work down to Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, continued to behave in thesame manner with subordinates there detestable. "

    REFERENCESEmpowerment of women in the early years of communist regimeRomania and the Soviet-Chinese conflict

  • 8/3/2019 Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in istoria comunismului romanesc, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in the history of Romanian co


    The cult of personality of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-DejTears PaukerLucretiu Patrascanu - the only true intellectual leadership of PCRWithdrawal of Soviet Army's refusal to participate in CMEA Dej / Romanian communismsuccessful or strategic mistakes?

    Adrian Cioroianu history: After the fall of communism, the Roma minority is one of thelosers of transitionDej and strikes at service Grivita CFR 1933Romanian-Chinese peak

    Read more about Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej Institute for the Investigation ofCommunist Crimes in romania IICCMER Miron Constantinescu Dej spectra+ SHARE


    Add Comment[3 comments0 (0 votes)A TAIL OF AXE Perfect (Thursday, November 17, 2011, 10:15)pointless man [user]"Not long for this evil foreigners: they are not our enemies, is slain enemies Romania:Romania's self away."

    Demetrius Bolintineanusend reply0 (0 votes)an excellent series (Thursday, November 17, 2011, 10:17)bladd [anonymous]... of which I hope to read as many episodes.send reply0 (0 votes)intellectuals (Thursday, November 17, 2011, 10:55)andrei [anonymous]I think that after 21 years of "democracy" would not have done this "positivediscrimination" on the intellectuals. It is obvious that in the new regime, intellectualswere seen as saviors. But here's what they brought! Dirt! Deindustrialization of thecountry, the degradation of education. "Mysticism" has become counter-productiveintellectual. In fact, this "mystical" is like that on the working class, from the time ofcommunism, which was also an economic motivation as grounds. Miron Constantinescuwas a man of mediocre and opportunistic-joining his Pauker see that, then came to theHigh Gate: Moscow! Blaga and Petru Dumitriu's statements are conjecture. After all, an

  • 8/3/2019 Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in istoria comunismului romanesc, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej in the history of Romanian co


    intellectual is a character about as limited as a shoemaker, only has one language moreneat. I do not mean great intellectuals, which did not know what would be done if it hadled countries and peoples. Platonic ideal: the philosopher-king is already difficult toachieve, for which the world is not run by so-called leaders of the visible. Platonicscheme works on a horizon of expectation of a Christian anthropology. People still

    believe, but about a philosopher, Jesus Christ was the only Christian! I think a seriousanalysis of the communist period can not be done with political and moral means ofVladimir Tismaneanu-not to mention the others!