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21 Ianuarie 2015Fii deschis!Asimilarea noilor informaiideMadisyn TaylorPe tot parcursul vieii, trecem prin procesele de primire i integrare a noilor informaii; precum i de stabilizare a viziunii noastre asupra lumii.

Dat fiind c trim n era informaiei, putem fi copleii, cu uurin, de afluxul constant de studii tiinifice, tiri de ultim or i chiar revelaii spirituale, ce inund rafturile de cri, undele radio i csuele potale electronice. De ndat ce ne vom fi stabilit regimul alimentar sau viziunea asupra Universului, va aprea un nou studiu sau va vedea lumina tiparului o nou carte, zdruncinndu-ne din temelii opinia bine documentat. Dup un timp, vom fi tentai s respingem sau s trecem cu vederea noile informaii, din dorina de a ne stabiliza punctul de vedere, ceea ce este uor de neles. n loc de a ne nchide, de a avea o atitudine refractar, am putea ncerca s rmnem deschii, receptivi, ngduindu-i intuiiei s ne cluzeasc.De exemplu, exist o multitudine de studii contradictorii cu privire la alimentele benefice i la alimentele nocive. Cu toate acestea, la un moment dat, putem simi noi nine dac roiile ori cafeaua ne fac bine, sau nu. Rspunsul difer, pentru fiecare individ n parte - situaie care nu prea poate fi explicat de un studiu tiinific. Tot ceea ce putem face este s primim informaiile i s le procesm, prin propriile sisteme de nelegere. Pn la urm, noi suntem singurii n msur s decidem care sunt informaiile, ideile i conceptele pe care le vom asimila. Starea de receptivitate i deschidere ne faciliteaz schimbarea i transformarea, ca proces vital, necurmat, prin contactul permanent cu noi nine, cu Sinele, n decursul acceptrii de noi informaii. Ne menine n stare de vigilen i ne pstreaz flexibilitatea mental; i, n pofida unui aparent dezechilibru, aceast deschidere este esenial procesului de evoluie, expansiune i dezvoltare personal.

Probabil c secretul rezid n a contientiza c nu ne ndreptm nspre un lca al stabilitii, n care totul este prestabilit i desluit. Pe tot parcursul vieii, trecem prin procesele de primire i integrare a noilor informaii, precum i de stabilizare a viziunii asupra lumii. De ndat ce vom fi atins un oarecare grad de stabilitate, se va crea prilejul de a ne deschide nspre noi informaii, ceea ce este potenial destabilizator. Dac ne vom privi pe noi nine drept surferi care plutesc pe valurile necontenite ale informaiei i inspiraiei, fiind deschii, receptivi i dornici de a ne armoniza i acorda la urmtoarea schimbare, vom nelege pe deplin ct de binecuvntai suntem, prin oportunitatea de a ne juca, n mod contient, pe valuri i, mai presus de orice, ne vom bucura de plutire, zbor i Cltoria Vieii.

January 21, 2015Be OpenEmbracing New InformationbyMadisyn TaylorAs we live we will go through the processes of opening to new information, integrating it, and stabilizing our worldview.

Living in an information age, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the constant influx of scientific studies, breaking news, and even spiritual revelations that fill our bookshelves, radio waves, and in-boxes. No sooner have we decided what to eat or how to think about the universe than a new study or book comes out confounding our well-researched opinion. After a while, we may be tempted to dismiss or ignore new information in the interest of stabilizing our point of view, and this is understandable. Rather than closing down, we might try instead to remain open by allowing our intuition to guide us.For example, contradictory studies concerning foods that are good for you and foods that are bad for you are plentiful. At a certain point, though, we can feel for ourselves whether coffee or tomatoes are good for us or not. The answer is different for each individual, and this is something that a scientific study cant quite account for. All we can do is take in the information and process it through our own systems of understanding. In the end, only we can decide what information, ideas, and concepts we will integrate. Remaining open allows us to continually change and shift by checking in with ourselves as we learn new information. It keeps us flexible and alert, and while it can feel a bit like being thrown off balance all the time, this openness is essential to the process of growth and expansion.

Perhaps the key is realizing that we are not going to finally get to some stable place of having it all figured out. Throughout our lives we will go through the processes of opening to new information, integrating it, and stabilizing our worldview. No sooner will we have reached some kind of stability than it will be time to open again to new information, which is inherently destabilizing. If we see ourselves as surfers riding the incoming waves of information and inspiration, always open and willing to attune ourselves to the next shift, we will see how blessed we are to have this opportunity to play on the waves and, most of all, to enjoy the ride.