
Anexa 1

Din soseaua ce vine de laCrlibaba, ntovarasind Somesul ban dreapta, ba n stnga pna la Cluj si chiar mai departe, se desprinde un drum alb, maisus de Armadia, trece rul peste podul batrn de lemn, acoperit cu sindrila mucegaita, spinteca satul Jidovita sialearga spre Bistrita, unde se pierde n cealalta sosea nationala care coboaradin Bucovinaprin trecatoarea Brgaului [...].Cu ct Briceag iuteste cntecul, cu att flacaii sendrjesc, si nfloresc jocul, trec fetele pe subt mna, le daudrumul sa se nvrteasca singure, topaie pe loc ridicnd talpile,si ciocnesc zgomotos calciele, si pleznesc tureacii cizmelorcu palmele nadusite... Glasurile se neaca n nourul depraf ce-imbratiseaza pe toti... Rareori ncepe vreunul mai poznas cteo chiuitura, n tactul svapaiat al jocului, cu ochii pe dos, cugtul ragusit. Dar dupa doua-trei versuri o sfrseste ntr-un iuitaspru, istovit. Apoi dansul urmeaza tacut, din ce n ceparcamai salbatec. Flacaii si ncolacesc bratele mereumai strns pe dupamijlocul fetelor. Snii acestora tremura subiile albe si seating din cnd n cnd de pieptul flacailor,turburndu-le ochii si inima. Nu schimba nici ovorba. Nici nuse privesc. Doar pe buze flfie zmbete placute i fugare...

Anexa 2

Characteristics of the Realistic Victorian NovelAn emphasis on the here and now Attention to specific action and verifiable consequences Realists evoke common actions, present surface details, and emphasize the minor catastrophes of the middle class They employ simple direct language and write about issues of conduct Characterization is very important. There is often an abundance of characters and social types

What is Realism?

Quite obviously, the genre of realism is dedicated to identifying what is real and what is not. But, what exactly is "real?" Literature in Realism defines reality as something that exists prior to, and completely separate from, human thought or speech. Therefore, it is literature's responsibility to accurately interpret and represent reality. As literature attempts to do this, it simultaneously depicts the anxieties, desires, and achievements of the Victorian time period. While Realism certainly encompasses its own unique ideas, the genre continued to utilize the strengths of empiricism and romanticism. For example, the topic of nature is still focused upon, but realistic literature acknowledges the fact that the human mind is a separate entity from nature. Therefore, realistic literature aims to answer the question of how the mind can possibly know and/or understand nature accurately. Realism began as a literary movement in response to and as a departure from the idealism of theRomanticperiod. Realism emerged in literature in the second half of the nineteenth century, most predominantly in novels. Realism was characterized by its attention to detail, as well as its attempt to recreate reality as it was. As a result, plot was no longer the central to the focus of the author, but rather creating interesting and complex characters took precedence. Realism also placed an emphasis on describing the material and physical details of life, as opposed to the natural world as characterized by the Romantic period. Many Realistic novelists veered away from the softer aspects of Romanticism, such as intense tenderness and idealism, because they believed those characteristics misrepresented the harsh realities of life. Realism emphasizes accurate descriptions of setting, dress, and character in ways that would have appeared inappropriate to earlier authors. Realism, which emphasizes the importance of the ordinary person and the ordinary situation, generally rejects the heroic and the aristocratic and embraces the ordinary working class citizen.

Anexa 3

Victorian Realistic Art - Linnell, Harvest Moon, 1858

Anexa 4

ON an evening in the latter part of May a middle-aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blakemore, or Blackmoor. The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. An empty egg-basket was slung upon his arm, the nap of his hat was ruffled, a patch being quite worn away at its brim where his thumb came in taking it off. Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a grey mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune [...]And then my dear, dear husband came home to me- and I did not know it!... And you had used your cruel persuasion upon me- you did not stop using it- noyou did not stop! My little sisters and brothers and my mothers needs- they were the things you moved me by- and you said my husband would never come backnever; and you taunted me and said what a simpleton I was to expect him!... And at last I believed you and gave way!... And then he came back! Now he is gone. Gone a second time, and I have lost him now forever- and he will not love me the littlest bit ever any more- only hate me!... Oh yes, I have lost him now- again because of- you! In writhing, with her head on the chair, she turned her face towards the door, and Mrs. Brooks could see the pain upon it, and that her lips were bleeding from the clench of her teeth upon them, and that the long lashes of her closed eyes stuck in wet tags to her cheeks. She continued: And he is dying- he looks as if he is dying!... And my sin will kill him and not kill me!... Oh, you have torn my life all to pieces- made me be what I prayed you in pity not to make me be again!... My own true husband will never, never- oh, God- I cant bear this! I cannot! There were more and sharper words from the man; then a sudden rustle; she had sprung to her feet. Mrs. Brooks, thinking that the speaker was coming to rush out of the door, hastily retreated down the stairs. She need not have done so, however, for the door of the sitting-room was not opened. But Mrs. Brooks felt it unsafe to watch on the landing again and entered her own parlour below.