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  • 8/10/2019 Alexandru_jianu Rolul Ombudsmanului


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncu i University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009




    Alexandru JIANU,Universitatea Constantin Brncui din


    Rezumat Lucrarea analizeaz rolul Ombudsmanului n

    supravegherea acitivt ii administra iei publice nceea ce prive te rela iile acesteia cu cet enii

    Cuvi nte cheie: administra ie, cet ean, libert i,drepturi fundamentale, ombudsman

    Instituia Ombudsmanului European afost nfiinat prin Tratatul de la Maastricht n1992. n 1995, Parlamentul European a ales primul Ombudsman European, n persoanadomnului Jacob Sderman, care a fost avocatal poporului i ministru al justiiei nFinlanda. n octombrie 1999, ParlamentulEuropean l-a reales pe domnul Sderman pentru un mandat de cinci ani. ParlamentulEuropean trebuie s numeasc OmbudsmanulEuropean la nceputul mandatului su i pedurata acestuia, alegndu-l dintre persoanecare sunt ceteni ai Uniuniii care prezint toate garaniile necesare privind independenai competena. Ombudsmanul Europeantrebuie s i ndeplineasc ndatoririle pstrndu-i independena total i trebuie s se angajeze solemn n faa Cur ii de Justiie aComunitilor Europene c va aciona n acestmod n ndeplinirea ndatoririlor sale.

    n prezent, Ombudsmanul Europeaneste P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, acesta fiindavocatul poporului naional al Greciei,i alesacum de Parlamentul Europei, deintor al postului ncepnd cu 1 aprilie 2003.

    Experiena pozitiv a buneifuncionri a ombudsmanilor din diferite stateeuropene a determinat instituiileinternaionale s analizeze cu seriozitate

    ideea constituirii unui ombudsman



    Alexandru JIANU,Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-


    AbstractThe paper analyses the role of the Ombudsman

    on supervising the activity of the public adminisrationin what concerns its relations with the citizens

    Key words: administration, citizen, liberties, fudamental rights, ombudsman

    The institution of the EuropeanOmbudsman has been created by theMaastricht Treaty in 1992. In 1995, theEuropean Parliament has elected the firstEuropean ombudsman, Mr. Jacob Soderman,who has been the peoples advocate andministry of justice in Finland. In October1999, the European parliament has reelectedMr. Soderman for a five years mandate. TheEuropean parliament has to elect theEuropean Ombudsman at the beginning of itsmandate and all along its duration, beingelected from the citizens of E.U. and whichhave all the necessary warranties concerningthe independence and the competence. TheEuropean Ombudsman has to fulfill all hisobligations keeping his total independenceand he has to solemn commit in front of the

    European Communitys Court of Justice thathe will act as committed in fulfilling hisobligations.

    Right now the European Ombudsmanis P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, ex peoplesadvocate in Greece, elected by the EuropeanParliament, holder of the mandate startingwith 1 April 2003.

    The positive experience of the goodfunctioning of the other ombudsman fromvarious member states has determined the

    international institutions to seriously analyze

  • 8/10/2019 Alexandru_jianu Rolul Ombudsmanului


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncu i University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


    supranaional, cu scopul de a apra drepturilefundamentale ale omului n faa autoritiloradministrative.

    Utilitatea de netgduit a

    Ombudsmanului n rile care au receptataceast instituie i r spndirea sa extrem derapid n aproape toate statele europene, nspecial n a doua jumtate a secolului trecut,au condus la consacrarea unei instituiiechivalentei la nivelul Uniunii Europene.Comisia i-a nceput lucr rile princonvocarea repetat a ombudsmaniloreuropeni, n vederea consultrii lor, ca baz aunei eventuale decizii. Astfel, la 24 ianuarie1985 la Bruxelles s-au desf urat lucr rilesesiunii de lucru, convocat de ParlamentulEuropean, la care au participat, pe lng membrii Comisiei de specialitateiombudsmanii din statele CEE. Scopul principal al reuniunii a fost acela de analiz a posibilitilor de dezvoltare a unui sistemeficace de colaborare ntre toate acesteorganisme pentru o mai bun protecie alibertilor i drepturilor omului n Europa

    .n acest sens, nc din 1990 PrimulMinistru spaniol,Felipe Gonzales , a avansatideea unei cetenii europene, ntr-o scrisoareadresat celorlali membri ai ConsiliuluiEuropean; n acest context, se sugera totodat i crearea unui mecanism susceptibil de agaranta drepturile speciale carein de statutulde cetean european. Una din propuneri sereferea la Mediatorul European. Gndit cagaranie a respectrii drepturilor individuluin condiiile complicrii crescnde asistemului administrativ, ombudsman-ul nutrebuie ns neles ca un avocat alceteanului, n sensul juridic al termenului.Atitudinea sa trebuie s fie impar ial . Rolulsu nu este blamarea cu orice pre aautoritilor administrative, pentru c el nureprezint instituionalizarea nencrederii nadministraie, ci ndeplinete o func ie demediere .

    n rile care au cunoscut ondelungat experien a instituiei, asistm lao colaborare ntre ombudsman i

    administraie, scopul fiind asigurarea unei

    the idea of creating a supranationalombudsman, with the purpose of defendingthe mans fundamental rights in front of theadministrative authorities.

    The Ombudsmans obvious utilitywithin the countries that have accepted thisinstitution and its extremely fast spreading inalmost all the European states, especially inthe second half of the past century, lead to thecreation of an equivalent institution withinthe European Union. The commission startedits works by convoking one by one theEuropean ombudsman in order to consultthem so that they could reach a decision.Therefore at 24 of January 1985 in Bruxellestook place the meetings of the work session,called by the European Parliament, wherehave participated, among the specialtyCommissions members, the ombudsmenfrom the CEE states. The reunions main purpose was to analyze the possibilities ofdeveloping an effective system ofcollaboration between all these organisms fora better protection of the mans freedom andrights in Europe.

    Therefore, ever since 1990 theSpanish prime minister, Felipe Gonzales,came up with the idea of an Europeancitizenship, in a letter addressed to the othermembers of the European Council; withinthis context has been inserted the idea ofcreating a mechanism capable of guarantyingthe special rights that are part of the Europeancitizen statute. One of the proposals wasreferring to the European Ombudsman.

    Created as a warranty of respectingthe humans rights under the administrativesystems growing complicationcircumstances, the ombudsman must not beseen as citizens lawyer, in the juridicalmeaning of the term. Its attitude has to beimpartial. Its role is not to accuse by anymeans the administrative authorities, becauseit doesnt represent the lack of trust in theadministration, but it fulfills a mediationfunction.

    In the countries where the institution

    has known a long activity, we can observe

  • 8/10/2019 Alexandru_jianu Rolul Ombudsmanului


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncu i University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


    mai eficiente funcionri a acesteia din urm.Pentru a sublinia aceast colaborare, precizm c, uneori, orict de neverosimil ar prea, organele administrative nsele pot

    orienta cetenii s se adreseze ombudsman-ului i sunt receptive la recomandrile pe careel le formuleaz. Contextul unei posibilecooper ri cu administraia permite concluziac ombudsman-ul ndeplinete i o func ie deeducare a ceteanului n relaiile sale cu birocraia: adeseori, nemulumirile sedatoreaz nenelegerii motivelor care au statla baza deciziilor administrative.

    Examinnd plngerile, ombudsman-ulare rolul de a clarifica aceste nenelegeri,atunci cnd ele exist.Desigur, este greu de imaginat c autoritile administrative sunt ntotdeauna binevoitoarei c aplic n mod constantrecomandrile care le sunt adresate de ctreombudsman. Aici apare spaiul demanifestare a func iei de protec ie aceteanului, deoarece Ombudsman-ulsintetizeaz dou laturi n activitatea sa,dintre care prevaleaz cea de protecie adrepturilor ceteanului n administraia public. Figura Ombudsman-ului presupune,aa cum am precizat, reunirea multor calitiiar poziia sa n sistemul organelor statului -ca instituie care nu dispune de putere propriede decizie - l impune s devin o autoritatede facto .

    El este un arbitru critic aladministraiei publice, dar nu un panaceu,deoarece Ombudsman-ul nu poate legifera nmaterie de politic socio-economic i nicitransforma sau influena direct funcionareadefectuoas a servi Ombudsmanul Europeaninvestigheaz plngerile privindadministrarea incorect n instituiile iorganele Uniunii Europene. Instituiile includ,de exemplu, Comisia European, ConsiliulUniunii Europenei Parlamentul European.Agenia European a Mediului i AgeniaEuropean pentru Sigurana i Sntatea laLocul de Munc constituie exemple deorgane ale Comunitii pe care acesta le poate

    investiga. Doar Curtea de Justiie i

    collaboration between the ombudsman andthe administration, the purpose being theinsurance of a more efficient functioning ofthe last one. In order to underline this

    collaboration, we can say that, asunbelievable as it me be, the administrativeinstitutions themselves can send the citizen tothe ombudsman and are responsive to therecommendation that it formulates. Thecontext of a possible cooperation with theadministration leads to the conclusion that theombudsman also has a function of educatingthe citizen in what concerns his relations withthe bureaucracy; often the discontents arecaused by the misunderstanding of thereasons that lead to the administrativedecisions. Examining the complaints theombudsman has to clarify thesemisunderstandings, when they appear.

    Its hard to imagine that theadministrative authorities are always benevolent and that they apply constantly therecommendation addressed by theombudsman. This is where appears thefunction of protecting the citizen, because theombudsman has two important directions inits activity, from which the most important isto protect the citizens rights in the publicadministration. As we have mentioned, theombudsman signifies the reunion of manyqualities and its position in the state system as an institution that doesnt have its own power of decision turns it into ade factoauthority.

    Its a critical judge of the publicadministration, but not a cure-all, because theombudsman cannot emit laws in the socio-economical area nor to transform or directlyinfluence the malfunction of the publicservices.

    The European Ombudsmaninvestigates the complaints regarding thedefective administration within the EuropeanUnion institutions and organisms. Theseinstitutions include, for example, theEuropean Commission, the European UnionCouncil and the European Parliament. The

    European Agency of Environment and the

  • 8/10/2019 Alexandru_jianu Rolul Ombudsmanului


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncu i University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


    Tribunalul de Prim Instan activnd n rolullor juridic nu cad sub incidena acestei jurisdicii. ntruct Ombudsmanul European,care poate aciona i din proprie iniiativ,

    trebuie s aib acces la toate elementelenecesare pentru ndeplinirea ndatoririlor sale,instituiile i organismele comunitare suntobligate s i furnizeze OmbudsmanuluiEuropean, la cererea acestuia, orice informaii pe care acesta li le solicit, cu excepiacazurilor n care exist motive suficient detemeinice sau dispoziii legale sau dereglementare pentru pstrarea secretului,if r a aduce atingere obligaieiOmbudsmanului European de a nu divulgaastfel de informaii. Ombudsmanul Europeanare vaste puteri de investigare. Cu toateacestea, Ombudsmanul European areobligaia s informeze autoritile competentecu privire la faptele pe care le consider c ar putea intra sub incidena dreptului penalicare i-au parvenit pe parcursul anchetelorsale.


    1. Brnzan, Corneliu, Avocatul poporului o institu ie la dispozi ia cet eanului ,Editura Juridic, Bucureti, 2005

    2. Manda, Corneliu, Predescu, Ovidiu,Slniceanu, Ion Popescu, Ombudsmanul.

    Institu ia fundamental a statului de drept, Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureti, 1997, pg. 42

    3. Zltescu Moroianu, Irina, Institu iieuropene i drepturile omului , EdituraInstitutul Romn pentru Drepturile Omului,Bucureti, 2008

    4. Zltescu Moroianu, Irina, Institu iina ionale de promovare i protec ie adrepturilor omului n Revista DrepturileOmului nr. 2/1993, pag.40, Bucureti

    European Agency for Safety and Health atthe workplace represent examples oforganisms from the Community that it caninvestigate. Only the Court of Justice and The

    Magistrates Court cannot be investigatedwhen they act under their juridical role.Since the European Ombudsman, that

    can act on its own initiative, must have accessto all the necessary elements for theaccomplishment of its duties, the Europeanorganisms and institutions are obliged togrant him the access to any informationasked, except the cases where there areenough serious reasons or legal provisions inorder to keep the secret. The EuropeanOmbudsman has ample powers ofinvestigation but it has the obligation to keepthe confidentiality on any information theyreceive in accomplishing its role. Nevertheless, the European Ombudsman hasthe obligation to inform the competentauthorities regarding the facts that could beinterpreted as criminal facts encountered inits investigations.


    1. Brnzan, Corneliu, Peoples advocate aninstitution for the citizen, Juridica Publishinghouse, Bucharest, 20052. Manda, Corneliu, Predescu, Ovidiu,Slaniceanu, Ion Popescu,The Ombudsman.

    Rule of laws fundamental institution, Luminalex Publishing house, Bucharest, 19973. Zltescu Moroianu, Irina, Nationalinstitutions for promoting and protecting the

    human rights , Human rights magazineno.2/1993, pag.40, Bucharest

    4. Zltescu Moroianu, Irina, Europeaninstitutions and human rights, The Romanianinstitute for human rights, Bucharest, 2008