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  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009









    Lect. univ. Badea-Miss Georgian

    Universitatea Constantin Brancusi din Trgu-Jiu

    Rezumat: Cercetarea prezint unele aspecte ale pregtirii studenilor facultilor de educaie fizic i sport pentru activitatea didactic, n vederea realizrii obiectivelor coninutului educaiei fizice corporale, ce se efectueaz i n cadrul programei cursului disciplinei Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism).

    Cuvinte cheie: calitati motrice, culturism, fitness,

    condiie fizic. Actualmente, pregtirea studenilor facultilor de educaie fizic i sport pentru activitatea didactic, n vederea realizrii obiectivelor coninutului educaiei fizice corporale, se efectueaz i n cadrul programei cursului disciplinei Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism). Acesteia i sunt rezervate 42 de ore n semestrul V de studii. Programa este alctuit din urmtoarele compartimente: 1 - instruirea teoretico-metodic (30 ore); 2 instruirea organizatoric (4 ore); 3 cercetarea tiinific (4 ore); 4 verificarea cunotinelor (4 ore), care prevede aprecieri ale pregtirii tehnice nsuite i practico-metodice (pregtirea pedagogic).






    Lect. Badea-Miss Georgian Constantin Brancui University of

    Targu-Jiu Abstract: The research presents certain aspects of sports faculty students preparation for the didactic activity, in order to achieve the objectives of body physical education contents, performed within the syllabus of Physical Condition Optimization Course (fitness-body-building). Key words: motive qualities, body-building,

    fitness, physical condition. Currently, the teaching process of sports faculty students for the didactic activity in order to achieve the objectives of the body physical education contents, is made within the syllabus of Optimizing Physical Condition, (fitness-body-building) course. It has 42 hours in the 5th semester of studies. The syllabus consists of the following parts: 1 theoretical and methodological training (30 hours); 2 organizational training (4 hours); 3 scientific research (4 hours); 4 knowledge evaluation (4 hours), providing appreciations of the technical and practical and methodological training (pedagogic training). At the same time, we have to

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009


    n acelai timp, trebuie s menionm c acest coninut al programei, nu este alctuit numai din materia didactic practic, fapt ce prevede formarea la viitorii profesori a unor cunotine teoretice, fr de care formarea priceperii pedagogice integre este imposibil. Numrul de ore, rezervat acestei discipline, dup opinia noastr, trebuie s realizeze mai concis pregtirea specialistului pentru posedarea tehnologiei pedagogice, din cadrul educaiei fizice corporale. Referitor la aspectul structurii activitii pedagogice, putem meniona c n acest caz structura este prezentat prin componentul organizatoric. Unele dintre acestea (motric, constructiv, etc.) sunt prezentate nu doar sub form pur condiionat, ce ne demonstreaz c programa existent prevede formarea la studeni a structurii integre de activitate didactic, deoarece din aceast structur nu lipsesc unele componente de baz (gnostic, comunicativ i proiectiv). Prezena n programa existent a leciilor: prelegeri, seminarii, de laborator, independente ne permite s realizm un sistem pedagogic integru, care posed i formarea activitii reale integre a profesorului. Trebuie s relatm faptul c practica pedagogic auditorial ne permite posibilitatea de a cuprinde majoritatea studenilor cu lucru practico-metodic la lecie. Aceasta nseamn c la viitorul profesor priceperea didactic de a desfura lecia de pregtire fizic nu va fi format n afara facultii, n mod empiric. Aceast afirmaie este susinut i de ctre rezultatele chestionrii, desfurate cu studenii i anume, la ntrebrile propuse acestora, care innd cont de autoaprecierea pregtirii proprii din acest domeniu, au fost obinute date ce ne confirm o practic bun a culturismului, n procesul instructiv-educativ al educaiei fizice colare.

    mention that this content of the syllabus does not consist only in practical subjects, which requires theoretical knowledge for future teachers, without which pedagogical skills formation is impossible. The number of hours reserved to this subject, in our opinion, has to perform the preparation of the expert more precisely in order to possess pedagogic technology, within body physical education. As far as the pedagogic activity structure is concerned, in this case the structure is presented through the organizational components. Some of them (motive, constructive, etc.) are described not just under purely conditioned form, which proves that the existing syllabus provides formation of entire didactic activity structure in students, because it includes some basic components (Gnostic, communicative and projective). The presence of the following lessons into the existing syllabus: lectures, seminars, laboratory, independent allows us to make an upright pedagogic system, which includes the formation of the teachers upright real activity as well. We have to mention the fact that auditorial pedagogic practice gives us the possibility to cover most of the students with practical and methodical work in the lesson. This means that the didactic skill to perform the physical education lesson in the future teacher shall not be formed empirically outside the faculty. This statement is supported by the results of the questionnaire developed with students, namely, the answers to the questions proposed to them, which, considering self-evaluation of their training in this field, data resulted and confirmed a good practice of bodybuilding in the instructive and educational process of school physical education. Table. Self-evaluation of professional-

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009


    Tabel. Autoaprecierea pregtirii profesional-pedagogice n cadrul activitii didactice Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism)a studenilor

    Rspunsurile respondenilor

    (%) Nr. crt. ntrebri

    Da Nu Greu1. Dup

    absolvirea facultii ai fost pregtit pentru activitatea didactic privind optimizarea condiiei fizice?

    70% 14% 16%

    2. Apreciai nivelul propriu de pregtire pentru activitatea dat conform scalei de zece gradaii.


    Este necesar s subliniem faptul c acest nivel de posedare i practicare a coninutului optimizrii condiiei fizice este asigurat i de timpul limitat de realizare al lui n procesul leciei. La ntrebarea Ce pondere acordai acestui proces din cadrul leciei? studenii au indicat o medie de 7,5 minute. Majoritatea respondenilor menionnd necesitatea introducerii leciilor de optimizare a condiiei fizice, pentru rezolvarea obiectivelor educaiei fizice corporale a elevilor (studenii 93%), subliniaz ponderea acestora n cadrul planului instructiv anual, ncepnd realizarea lor de la vrsta colar medie. Majoritatea respondenilor (64% din studenii) afirm c introducerea disciplinei Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism)nu necesit investigaii suplimentare n baza tehnico-material existent a educaiei fizice colare. Cei

    pedagogic training within didactic activity Optimizing students physical condition (fitness-bodybuilding)

    Students answers (%) No. Questions

    Yes No Hard1. After

    graduating the faculty, have you been trained for didactic activity regarding physical condition optimization?

    70% 14% 16%

    2. Appreciate your training level for the given activity according to the ten stages scale.


    It is necessary to underline the fact that this level of acquiring and practicing the content of physical condition optimization is also provided by the its limited time of performance during the lesson. To the question What weight do you give this process within the lesson? students indicated an average of 7,5 minutes. While mentioning the need to introduce the lessons of physical condition optimization, for solving the objectives of students body physical education (students 93%), students underline their weight within the annual instructive plan, beginning with their achievement from average school age. Most of interviewed students (64% of the students) said that the introduction of Optimizing physical condition (fitness-bodybuilding) course does not require additional investigations in the existing technical and material basis of school physical education. The ones mentioning

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009


    care au menionat necesitatea investigaiilor respective au subliniat n primul rnd specializarea profesorilor n aceast direcie la facultile de educaie fizic i sport i n sistemul de reciclare al cadrelor didactice, iar n al doilea rnd achiziionarea utilajului special i n al treilea rnd construirea slilor speciale. Respondenii au menionat necesitatea editrii literaturii de specialitate i a elaborrilor metodice speciale (100% studenii), subliniind faptul c aceste dotri pot fi realizate din surse proprii. Respondenii au apreciat nivelul de pregtire al cadrelor didactice din domeniul educaiei fizice colare pentru introducerea studiului fitness-ului i a culturismului (11% nu sunt nc gata, 73% posed cunotine n linii generale, iar 16% practic cu succes aceast activitate) (tabel). Tabel. Aprecierile strii de pregtire a cadrelor didactice pentru introducerea fitness-ului i culturismului n educaia fizic colar

    Nr. crt.

    Starea de pregtire

    Rspunsurile respondenilor

    1. Nu este gata pentru introducerea fitness-ului i culturismului


    2. Posed idei numai n linii generale


    3. Posed cunotinele i metodica necesar n linii generale


    4. Posed nivelul suficient i practic cu succes aceast activitate


    Din cele relatate putem conchide c programa existent a cursului Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism) reflect ndeajuns realitatea

    the need for those investigations, firstly underlined teachers specialization in this field at physical education and sport faculties and in teachers recycling system, and secondly the purchase of a special device and thirdly building special rooms. Interviewed students mentioned the need for publishing specialized nooks and special methodic books (100% students), underlining the fact that these can be made from proper sources. Interviewed students appreciated teachers training level from the field of school physical education for introducing the study of fitness and bodybuilding (11% are not ready yet, 73% have general knowledge, and 16% successfully practice this activity) (table). Table. Evaluation of teachers training level for introducing fitness and bodybuilding in school physical education


    Training level Students answers

    1. Not ready for introducing fitness and bodybuilding


    2. Has only general ideas


    3. Has general knowledge and methods


    4. Has the necessary level and successfully practices this activity


    From the above facts, we can conclude that the existing syllabus of Optimizing physical condition (fitness-body building) course reflects the reality of current pedagogic practice in order to achieve the objectives of students physical education. The result of the given research established that many

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009


    practicii pedagogice actuale n vederea realizrii obiectivelor educaiei fizice corporale a elevilor. n rezultatul cercetrii date a fost stabilit c multe cunotine, priceperi i deprinderi, care au o nsemntate de maxim importan n activitatea profesional pedagogic a profesorului, privind realizarea coninutului de culturism se studiaz i se enun n liniile generale ale programei cursului de profil. De aceea, ele trebuie s fie studiate i aprofundate n cadrul cursului specializat. La ele se refer principiile general-didactice ale lucrului instructiv-educativ din domeniul educaiei fizice corporale i planificarea lui, efectuarea legturilor interdisciplinare, studierea personalitii elevului, organizarea i desfurarea procesului didactic, att n cadrul sistemului ntreg de lecii ct i n cadrul sistemului pedagogic Lecie, organizarea i desfurarea diferitelor activiti individuale i a celor de mas etc. n scopul stabilirii nivelului de eficacitate a programei existente Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism) au fost efectuate, de ctre noi, observaii pedagogice asupra leciilor cu caracter de educare a capacitii fora, desfurate de ctre studenii practicani de la Facultatea de Educaie Fizic i Sport din cadrul Universitii C. Brncui din Trgu-Jiu. Acetia trebuiau s desfoare n cadrul prii de baz a leciei una din sarcini, constituind dezvoltarea la elevi a capacitii fora n timp de 11-12 minute pentru ntregul complex al grupelor musculare, folosind exerciiile din ntregul sistem al grupurilor generale i alegerea independent a regimurilor de executare a lor. Rezultatul cronometrrilor i generalizrii datelor obinute ne permite s constatm faptul c n tehnologia didactic a studenilor pentru rezolvarea sarcinilor propuse predomin exerciiile

    knowledge, skills and habits, with maximum significance in the teachers pedagogic professional activity, regarding bodybuilding contents accomplishment, the general lines of the course are studied and released. This is why, they have to be studied and elaborated within the specialized course. They are referred to by the general didactic principles of instructive and educational work in the field of physical education and its planning, developing interdisciplinary connections, studying pupils personality, organizing and developing the didactic process, both within the entire system of lessons and within the pedagogic system Lesson, organizing and developing various individual activities and meal ones etc. In order to establish the efficacy level of the existing syllabus Optimizing physical condition (fitness-bodybuilding) we made pedagogic observations upon education lessons of force skill, developed by students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport within the C. Brncui University in Trgu-Jiu. They had to perform one of the tasks within the main part of the lesson, establishing the development of force skill in pupils for 11-12 minutes for the entire complex of muscular groups, using the exercises in the entire system of general groups and independent choice of their execution statuses. The results of timing and data generalization allow us to conclude that in the didactic technology of students for solving the tasks, exercises related to the weight of the entire body are predominant (5 minutes) as well as the ones related to the partners resistance (6 minutes and 20 seconds). Here as well, we can say that Isometric states are not used and very little is used the one of force-speed. The list of exercises related to Objects weight and Elastic bands resistance can be motivated through the same lack of these

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009


    cu greutatea propriului corp (5 minute) i a celor cu rezistena partenerului (6 minute i 20 secunde). Tot aici, putem relata c nu se utilizeaz regimurile de executare Izometric i n raport foarte mic cel de fora-viteza. Lipsa exerciiilor Cu greutatea obiectelor i Cu rezistena benzilor elastice poate fi motivat prin aceeai lips a acestor condiii. Rezultatele observaiilor ntreprinse ne demonstreaz nc o dat c programa existent Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism) contribuie ndeajuns la eficientizarea formrii priceperilor pedagogice respective la studeni, ceea ce se manifest prin modelul lor adecvat de tehnologie didactic care a existat i exist n practica educaiei fizice colare, privind educarea capacitii de for. Perfecionarea programei de pregtire a studenilor pentru activitatea didactic privind coninutul fitness-ului i culturismului necesit modificri care s in cont de sistemul integru Educarea forei, prezentat n protocolul propus. Cercetarea efectuat ne demonstreaz c problemele optimizrii tematicii de baz a programei cursului pot fi rezolvate cu succes numai prin respectarea urmtoarelor cerine: 1. n programa cursului de Optimizarea condiiei fizice (fitness-culturism) de la facultile de educaie fizic i sport trebuie s fie cuprinse bazele teoretice ale educaiei fizice corporale i aplicabilitatea acestora printr-o strict repartizare pe clase, cu o formulare corespunztoare nivelului de nelegere al vrstei respective. 2. Pentru a realiza o cretere considerabil a nivelului instruirii, bazele teoretico-metodice ale activitii didactice n sistemul leciei colare privind realizarea coninutului fitness-ului i a culturismului, trebuie s se finalizeze prin elaborarea de lucrri metodice de educaie fizic corporal, care trebuie s i

    conditions. The results of the observations prove once again that the existing syllabus Optimizing physical condition (fitness-bodybuilding) has enough contribution to the efficacy of pedagogical skills formation in students, developing also through the adequate pattern of didactic technology existing in the practice of school physical education, regarding the force skill education. Improvement of students training syllabus for the didactic activity related to the content of fitness and bodybuilding requires alterations that would consider the entire system of Force Education, described in the proposed protocol. The research proves us that the problems of themes optimization of the course syllabus can be successfully solved only by complying with the following requirements: 1. The syllabus of Optimizing physical condition (fitness-bodybuilding) course at the faculties of physical education and sport has to comprise the theoretical bases of body physical education and sport as well as their applicability through a strict distribution on classes, with a formulation corresponding to the level of understanding of that age. 2. In order to achieve a considerable growth of the training level, the theoretical and methodological bases of the didactic activity in the system of school lesson regarding the content of fitness and bodybuilding have to be completed with methodological papers of physical education that have to preserve their characteristic of basic means of physical education. 3. The physical education syllabus has to indicate that physical education has a deciding role in achieving a harmonious physical development through its means, as well as in multilateral physical training.

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009


    pstreze n continuare caracterul de mijloc de baz al educaiei fizice. 3. n programa de educaie fizic colar trebuie s se specifice c educaia fizic corporal prin mijloacele sale are un rol hotrtor n realizarea unei dezvoltri fizice armonioase, precum i n pregtirea fizic multilateral. 4. n scopul majorrii nivelului motivaional, profesorul de educaie fizic trebuie s realizeze lecii atractive care s trezeasc interesul copiilor pentru culturism.

    5. Pe baza experimentului pedagogic efectuat recomandm s se foloseasc ca i mijloace specifice temele educaiei fizice corporale, n scopul dezvoltrii culturismului n coal.


    1. Ardelean T. Particularitile dezvoltrii calitilor motrice n atletism. Bucureti: Institutului de Educaie Fizic i Sport, 1982. 2. Atanasiu C. Unele aspecte privind dezvoltarea calitilor motrice la copii i juniori. // Educaie Fizic i Sport. - Bucureti, 1988. - Nr. 10. 3. Baroga L. Culturism. - Craiova: Stadion, 1972. 4. Baroga L. Haltere i culturism. - Bucureti: Sport-Turism, 1977. 5. Bucur C.I. i colab. Educarea inutei corporale corecte la vrsta copilriei, preocupare important n atenia prinilor i cadrelor didactice de toate 6. specialitile. // Caiet documentar. - Timioara, 1982. 7. Chelcea S. Chestionarul n investigaia sociologic. - Bucureti: tiinific i Enciclopedic, 1975. 8. Dragnea A. Teoria i metodica dezvoltrii calitilor motrice. - Bucureti: Institutul Naional de Educaie Fizic i Sport, 1991

    4. In order to increase motivational level, physical education teacher has to perform attractive lessons that would increase childrens interest for bodybuilding.

    5. Based on the pedagogic experiment, we recommend the use of specific means like the themes of physical education, in order to develop bodybuilding in school.


    1. Ardelean T. Features of motive quality development in athleticism. Bucharest: Physical Education and Sport Institute, 1982.

    2. Atanasiu C. Aspects Regarding Motive Qualities Development in Children and Juniors. // Physical Education and Sport. - Bucharest, 1988. - Nr. 10. 3. Baroga L. Bodybuilding. - Craiova: Stadion, 1972. 4. Baroga L. Halters and Bodybuilding. - Bucharest: Sport-Tourism, 1977. 5. Bucur C.I. i colab. Educating Correct Body Appearance in Childhood, Important Concern for Parents and Teachers of all Specializations // Documentary notebook. - Timioara, 1982. 6. Chelcea S. Questionnaire in sociologic investigation. - Bucharest: Scientific and Encyclopedic, 1975. 7. Dragnea A. Theory and Method of Motive Qualities Development. - Bucharest: Physical Education and Sport Institute, 1991 8. Htru D. Course Notes. - Bucharest:

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu, Seria Mens Sana, Nr. 1/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu, Mens Sana Series, Issue 1/2009


    9. Htru D. Note de curs. - Bucureti: Institutului Naional de Educaie Fizic i Sport, 1993. 10. Ttaru M., Antonov V. Practicarea individual de ctre studeni a exerciiilor cu greuti, gantere i extensoare. - Bucureti: Academiei de tiine Economice, 1993. 11. purin D.P. Haltere i culturism. - Craiova: Sitech, 1996 12. Federaia Romn de Culturism. Orientare metodic 1994 1996. Bucureti, 2004.

    Physical Education and Sport Institute, 1993. 9. Ttaru M., Antonov V. Individual Practicing by Students of Exercises with Weights and Extensors. - Bucharest: Economic Sciences Academy, 1993. 10. purin D.P. Halters and Bodybuilding. - Craiova: Sitech, 1996 11. Romanian Federation of Bodybuilding. Methodical Orientation 1994 1996. Bucharest, 2004.