Vince 2122

21/22 1.Programele lor satisfac toate gusturile Our programs cater for all tastes 2.Atitudinea lui pune in pericol planul His attitude jeopardises/puts in jeopardy the plan 3.Politia a incercat sa puna accidentul pe seama lui Harry The police tried to blame the accident on Harry 4.A fost cufundat in verificarea numerelor He was engrossed in checking the numbers 5.Au acuzat-o pe Helen de furt They accused Helen of stealing the money 6.Li s-au interzis accesul in club They were banned from the disco 7.Taxiul s-a ciocnit cu o camioneta The taxi collided with a van 8.Totul depinde de vreme It all depends on the weather 9.Conferinta a coincis cu festivalul The conference coincided with the festival 10.Si-a asigurat bicicleta impotriva furtului He ensured his bike against theft 11.Problemele apar din cauza lipsei lor de actiune The problems stem from their lack of action 12.A facut aluzie la o sansa de promovare



Transcript of Vince 2122

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1.Programele lor satisfac toate gusturile

Our programs cater for all tastes

2.Atitudinea lui pune in pericol planul

His attitude jeopardises/puts in jeopardy the plan

3.Politia a incercat sa puna accidentul pe seama lui Harry

The police tried to blame the accident on Harry

4.A fost cufundat in verificarea numerelor

He was engrossed in checking the numbers

5.Au acuzat-o pe Helen de furt

They accused Helen of stealing the money

6.Li s-au interzis accesul in club

They were banned from the disco

7.Taxiul s-a ciocnit cu o camioneta

The taxi collided with a van

8.Totul depinde de vreme It all depends on the weather

9.Conferinta a coincis cu festivalul

The conference coincided with the festival

10.Si-a asigurat bicicleta impotriva furtului

He ensured his bike against theft

11.Problemele apar din cauza lipsei lor de actiune

The problems stem from their lack of action

12.A facut aluzie la o sansa de promovare

She hinted at a chance of getting promoted

13.L-am implorat sa se razgandeasca

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I pleaded with him to change his mind

14.Se lauda cu banii sai

He is boasting of/about his money

15.Oricat de sarac ar fi,nu ar recurge niciodata la furt

However poor he was he would not resort to stealing

16.Ai luat in considerare viteza vantului ?

Have you ever accounted for the wind speed ?

17.A fost confruntat cu dovezile

He was confronted with the evidence

18.Trebuie sa te straduiesti mai mult in munca ta

You have to apply yourself more to your work

19.L-am rugat sa se abtina din fumat

I asked him to refrain from smoking

20.Se mandreste cu punctualitatea sa

He prides himself on his punctuality

21.Imi cer scuze pentru ca am spart cana

I apologise for breaking the cup

22.Autobuzul era plin cu oameni

The bus was packed/crowded with people.

23.Buzunarele lui erau pline de hartii

His pockets were crammed with papers

24.A fost exmatriculat de la scoala

He was expelled from school

25.Casa aceasta imi aminteste de copilarie

This house reminds me of/is reminiscent of childhood

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26.A fost scutit de taxe

He wa exempted from taxes

27.O sa iti prinda bine concediul You’ll benefit from a rest

28.A tradus cartea din engleza in spaniola

He translated the book from English into Spanish

29.Titanicul a intalnit dezastrul

The Titanic met with disaster

30.A refuzat sa dezvolte ceea ce a spus

He refuded to elaborate on/enlarge on what he had said

31.Cineva a fortat lacatul de la seif

Somebody tampered with the lock of the cash-box

32.Nu-ti face griji pentru pranz,ma ocup eu

Don’t worry about lunch,I’ll see to it

33.Multi ofiteri au fost implicati in investigatie

Many police-officers were implicated in the investigation

34.Ea este obsedada de sport

She is obsessed with sport

35.Au insistat sa ramanem pentru pranz

They insisted on our staying for lunch

36.Nu este de incredere cand vine vorba de bani

He couldn’t be trusted with money

37.Aceste reguli trebuie respectate

These rules have to be conformed to/complied with.

38.Imi face placere sa colectionez timbre

I derive a lot of pleasure from collecting stamps

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39.Cel arestat nu a corespuns descrierii celui cautat

The arrested man did not answer to the description of the wanted man

40.Gandurile noastre s-au centralizat asupra colegilor disparuti

Our thoughts centered on our missing colleagues

41.Avocatul era familiarizat cu cazul

The lawyer was acquainted with the case

42.Furtuna a cauzat moartea a 10 persoane (a rezultat in...)

The storm resulted in the death of ten people

43.Moartea a 10 persoane a fost cauzata de furtuna .

The death of ten people resulted from the storm

44.Adevarul adevarat poate fi doar ghicit

The real truth can only be guessed at

45.El nu a putut explica disparitia banilor

He couldn’t account for the disappearance of the money

46.Toti soldatii au primit/au fost prevazuti cu echipament de iarna

All the soldiers were provided with winter equipment

47.Acest proverb este atribuit lui Socrate

This proverb is attribuited to Socrates

48.Te poti descurca cu problema ?

Can you deal with the problem ?

49.Luminile sunt proiectate pentru a-i impiedica pe hoti sa se apropie de casa

The lights are designed to deter burglars from approaching the house

50.Planul tau nu accepta schimbari de vreme

Your plan doesn’t allow for changes in the weather

51.Au protestat impotriva purtarii fata de personal

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They protested about/against their treatment of the staff

52. Ei s-au minunat de trucurile lui

They marvelled at his tricks

53.Nu sunt ingrijorat de acest aspect al problemei

I’m not concerned about that aspect of the problem

54.Primul ministru a fost implicat in scandal

The Prime Minister was involved/implicated in the scandal

55.Au fost uluiti de comportamentul lui

They were baffled by their behavior

56.Nu a putut cumpara bauturi fiindca era minor

He couldn’t buy drinks because he was under age

57.Casa lor este pe piata de luni de zile

Their house has been on the market for months

58.Este capabil sa isi faca patul

He is capable of making his bed

59.I-au soptit ceva lui Tom de frica sa nu fie auziti

They whispered something to Tom for fear of being heard

60.Aceasta este o exceptie de la regula

This is an exception to the rule

61.S-au intalnit din pura coincidenta

They met completely by coincidence

62.Trebuie sa platesti doua luni in avans

You must pay two months’ rent in advance

63.Ne intelegem bine cu ei

We are on very good terms with them

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64.Este solicitata ca avocat

She is in great demand as a lawyer

65.A luat servieta gresita

He took the wrong suitcase by mistake

66.Echipa era bine dispusa

The team was in high spirits

67.Nu prea ai noroc astazi

You are out of luck today

68.Nu este acces in sat din cauza furtunii There is no access to the village because of the storm

69.Nu vreau sa ma cert cu tine

I don’t want to argue/quarrel with you

70.El nu se prea pricepe la animale

He is not very good with animals

71.Planul a esuat la inceput

The plan failed in the early stages

72.Credeam ca iti place mancarea indiana

I was under the impression that you liked Indian food

73.Rezultatele tale de pe acest semestru contrasteaza cu cele de pe semestrul trecut

Your results this term contrast very favourably with last term's

74.El este dependent de calculatorul lui

He is addicted to his PC

75.Multi ofiteri erau implicati in complot

Many officers were implicated in the plot

76.Nu are o relatie buna cu colegii ei

She doesn’t have a good relationship with her colleagues

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77.Dupa toate probabilitatile,sedinta va fi anulata

In all probability the meeting will be cancelled

78.In situatia data,el nu va depune acuzatii

Under the circumstances he won’t press charges

79.In timp,vei fi capabil sa mergi normal

In In time you will be able to walk normally

80.Pe moment ei locuiesc intr-o casa fara etaj

For the time being they live in a bungalow

81.Intr-un fel sau altul,ei vor descoperi adevarul

In In one way or another they will discover the truth

82.Au intrat in castel sub acoperirea noptii

They entered the castle under the cover of darkness

83.El vorbeste in numele prietenilor lui

He He speaks on behalf of his friends

84.A fost foarte frumos din partea ta sa-l ajuti pe Tom cu temele

It was very good of you to help Tom with his homework

85.Nimic iesit din comun se intampla aici

Nothing out of the ordinary happens here

86.Ei sunt intr-o disputa in legatura cu conditiile de munca

They are in dispute over working conditions

87.A fost fara suflu dupa ce a alergat prin parc

He was out of breath after running in the park

88.Nu avem nicio obligatie sa schimbam bunurile primite

We are under no obligation to change purchased goods

89.El pare a fi vinovat in acest caz

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He seems to be at fault in this case

90.Este prea tarziu sa-l sunam in orice caz

It’s too late to call him at any rate

91.Este o autoritate in pictura

She is an authority on painting

92.A fost pe punctul sa cedeze nervos

He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown

93.El petrece mult timp afara

He spends a lot of time out of doors

94.Vorbesti serios ?

Are you in earnest ?

95.Nu este de glumit cu vremea

The weather is beyond a joke

96.El a mers la banca in privinta unui imprumut

He went to the bank in view of a loan

97.Turneul lor este nesigur

Their tour is in the balance

98.Imi doresc sa am o solutie pentru problema

I wish I had a solution to this problem

99.Hotelul este la distanta de mers pe jos fata de gara

The hotel is within walking distance of the station

100.A primit o medalie ca recunoastere a meritelor sale

She received a medal in recognition of her merits

101.Este raspunzator pentru faptele fiului sau

He is liable for his son

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102.A parasit camera fara o vorba

He I I left the room without a word

103.Nu sunt de accord sa paraseasca copiii casa la o varsta atat de frageda

I’m not in favour of children leaving home at such an early age

104.Bunurile au fost trimise in regim de testare

The goods were sent on approval

105.Ea doreste sa gasesca o slujba pe masura capacitatilor ei

She wants to find a job commensurate with her abilities

106.Pozele erau neclare

All the photos were out of focus

107.Podul este in reparatii

The bridge is under repair

108.Ce trebuie sa spui in impotriva acuzarilor aduse ?

What do you have to say in response to the charges made against you ?

109.A facut-o intentionat

He did this on purpose

110.Lucreaza pentru aceasta companie temporar

He He works for this company on a regular basis

111.Au intervievat martorii pe rand

They questioned each witness in turn

112.Am pofta de ciocolata

I have a craving for chocolate

113.Nimeni nu i-a acordat recunoastere pentru descoperirile sale

Nobody gave him credit for his discoveries

114.Este vinovat fara niciun dubiu

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He He is guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt

115.Fiecare plan trebuie judecat dupa propriile merite

Each plan should be judged on its own merits

116.Filmul va fi redifuzat la cererea publicului

The movie will be shown again in response to public request

117.Toata lumea va primi bilete indiferent de varsta

Everyone will get tickets irrespective of their age

118.Sunt predispusi la dureri de spate

They are liable to/prone to back pains

119.Cine se ocupa de verificarea biletelor ?

Who is in charge of checking the tickets ?

120.Cand masina lor a fost furata,toata lumea a fost suspectata

When their car was stolen everybody was under suspicion