Tema Engleza

5.Bunicii mele îi plăceau rochiile din mătase şi spunea deseori că mătasea se poartă bine. My grandma liked silky dresses and she also said that the silk is wearing well. 6. Nenumărate teze şi ipoteze au fost cotestate sau chiar infirmate de-a lungul secolelor. Countless theses and hypotheses have been challenged or refuted by centuries. 7. Criteriile care au stat la baza acestei cercetări fuseseră stabilite de un grup de profesori din universitatea noastră. The criteria which were/stayed at the basis of this research were established by a group of teachers from our university. 8. Vizitatorii au fost impresionaţi de uriaşii cactuşi din gădina botanică. The visitors were impressed by the giant cacti from the botanical garden. Group the sentences below into (a) factual, (b) hypothetical and (c) counterfactual: They spent a lot of money to help him recover after that terrible car crash. (_a_) Soon after the fall of the communist regime Willy wished he were younger and stronger to live a better life. (_c_) Let her say what she feels like saying! (_b_) Governments pretend the wealth of their peoples is their main concern. (_c_) Don’t worry, be happy! (_b_) If she were taller she could become a star in modeling. (_c_) If a new job interview were announced these days, he would certainly go for it. (_c_) Translate the fragments below paying attention to the forms of the indicative and those expressing unreality: “It is said that passion makes one think in circle. Certainly with hideous iteration the bitter lips of Dorian Gray shaped and reshaped those subtle words that dealt with soul and sense, till he had found in them the full expression, as it were, of his mood, and justified, by intellectual approval, passions that without such justification would still have dominated his temper. From cell to cell of his brain crept the one thought; and the wild desire to live, most terrible of all man’s appetites, quickened into force each trembling nerve and fibre. Ugliness that had once been hateful to him because it made things real, became dear to him now for that very reason.” "Se spune că pasiunea face să ne gândim în cerc. Desigur cu repetare hidoasa buzele amare ale lui Dorian Gray au modelat şi remodelat acele cuvinte subtile care tratate cu suflet şi sens, până ce a găsit în ele expresia deplină, aşa cum au fost, a starii sale de spirit, şi justificata, cu aprobarea intelectuală, pasiuni fara de care astfel de justificari ar fi dominat in continuare temperamentul său. De la celula la celula a creierului sau s-a strecurat doar un gândul; şi dorinţa de a trăi sălbatic, cel mai teribil dintre toate poftele omului, cu toata fiinta sa. Urâţenie ce a fost o dată ură pentru el pentru ca a facut reale lucrurile, au devenit dragi lui tocmai din acest motiv. "



Transcript of Tema Engleza

Page 1: Tema Engleza

5.Bunicii mele îi plăceau rochiile din mătase şi spunea deseori că mătasea se poartă bine.

My grandma liked silky dresses and she also said that the silk is wearing well.

6. Nenumărate teze şi ipoteze au fost cotestate sau chiar infirmate de-a lungul secolelor.

Countless theses and hypotheses have been challenged or refuted by centuries.

7. Criteriile care au stat la baza acestei cercetări fuseseră stabilite de un grup de profesori din universitatea noastră.

The criteria which were/stayed at the basis of this research were established by a group of teachers from our university.

8. Vizitatorii au fost impresionaţi de uriaşii cactuşi din gădina botanică.

The visitors were impressed by the giant cacti from the botanical garden.

Group the sentences below into (a) factual, (b) hypothetical and (c) counterfactual:

They spent a lot of money to help him recover after that terrible car crash. (_a_) Soon after the fall of the communist regime Willy wished he were younger and stronger to live a better life. (_c_) Let her say what she feels like saying! (_b_) Governments pretend the wealth of their peoples is their main concern. (_c_) Don’t worry, be happy! (_b_) If she were taller she could become a star in modeling. (_c_) If a new job interview were announced these days, he would certainly go for it. (_c_)

Translate the fragments below paying attention to the forms of the indicative and those expressing unreality:

“It is said that passion makes one think in circle. Certainly with hideous iteration the bitter lips of Dorian Gray shaped and reshaped those subtle words that dealt with soul and sense, till he had found in them the full expression, as it were, of his mood, and justified, by intellectual approval, passions that without such justification would still have dominated his temper. From cell to cell of his brain crept the one thought; and the wild desire to live, most terrible of all man’s appetites, quickened into force each trembling nerve and fibre. Ugliness that had once been hateful to him because it made things real, became dear to him now for that very reason.”

"Se spune că pasiunea face să ne gândim în cerc. Desigur cu repetare hidoasa buzele amare ale lui Dorian Gray au modelat și remodelat acele cuvinte subtile care tratate cu suflet și sens, până ce a găsit în ele expresia deplină, așa cum au fost, a starii sale de spirit, și justificata, cu aprobarea intelectuală, pasiuni fara de care astfel de justificari ar fi dominat in continuare temperamentul său. De la celula la celula a creierului sau s-a strecurat doar un gândul; și dorința de a trăi sălbatic, cel mai teribil dintre toate poftele omului, cu toata fiinta sa. Urâțenie ce a fost o dată ură pentru el pentru ca a facut reale lucrurile, au devenit dragi lui tocmai din acest motiv. "

Translate into English paying attention to the present tense forms to be used:

1. Te rog să o inviţi în birou pe doamna care aşteaptă în hol.

Please invite in the lady which is waiting in the lobby.

2. Noul nostru manager crede că este suficient să introduci reforme; eu, însă, cred că dacă nu urmăreşti evoluţia lor şi nu le consolidezi în fiecare zi, toată munca este inutilă.

Our new manager thinks that it is sufficient to introduce reforms; however, I believe that if you don't follow their development every day and you don't consolidate them, all the work is unnecessary.

3. Copiii trebuie învăţaţi să-şi facă ordine în camera lor în fiecare dimineaţă.

Children should be taught to clean/tidy their room each morning.

4. În fiecare seară uită să stingă lumina din hol şi asta mă deranjează; nu ştiu ce să fac să-l obişnuiesc să-şi îndeplinească această responsabilitate.

Every evening he forgets to turn off the lights in the lobby and that bothers me; I do not know what to do to make him to fulfill this responsibility.

Page 2: Tema Engleza

5. Puma cea mai tânără de la gradina noastră zoologică este în libertate acum şi sunt sigură că ne va fi foarte greu s-o prindem din nou.

The youngest cougar of our zoological garden is free now and I'm sure it will be very difficult to catch it again.

6. Am auzit că vecinul meu, arheologul, va lucra ca profesor universitar într-o facultate din Egipt.

I have heard that my neighbor, the archaeologist, will work as a professor in an university from Egypt.

7. Când vor ajunge la hotărârea finală o vor comunica tuturor părţilor cuprinse în proiect.

When they reach to the final decision they will communicate it /it will be communicated to all parties involved in the project.

8. Translate into English:

1. Vremea este urâtă de câteva zile şi cerul este întunecat.

For several days the weather is bad and the sky is dark.

2. Este trecut de 22.30 şi sună telefonul; cine mă sună la ora asta?

It’s after half past ten and the phone is ringing; Who is calling me at this hour?

3. Te urmăresc de mai multă vreme şi cred că eşti în stare să faci faţă unui interviu pentru ocuparea unui loc de muncă.

I've been watching you for a long time and I think you're able to face to an employment interview to fill for a job.

4. În ultima vreme am mers la bibliotecă de cel puţin trei ori pe săptămână.

Lately I went to the library at least three times a week.

5. Din decembrie plouă din când în când, bate vântul din când în când, dar nu a nins niciodată până acum.

Since December it rains occasionally, the wind blows from time to time, but it have never snowed yet.

6. Spune-mi ce ai de gând să faci mâine. Când eşti liberă, după amiază mergem la grădina botanică.

Tell me what are you going to do tomorrow. When you are free, we are going to the botanical garden in the afternoon.

7. Cine este omul despre care vorbeai?

Who is the man you were talking about?

8. In timp ce mă grăbeam spre ieşirea din magazin, am dat peste un tânăr pe care nu-l observasem.

While I was hurrying towards the exit of the store, I came across a young man who had not noticed.

9. Aceasta este cartea pentru care am plătit, din economiile mele, o mare sumă de bani.

This is the book that I paid a large amount of money from my savings.

10. Iată vine prietenul despre care ţi-am vorbit.

Here comes the friend that I have talked about.

11. Vânzătorul i-a dat lui John prăjiturile pe care le-a cerut.

The seller gave John the cakes that he asked.

12. M-am gândit deseori la problema despre care mi-ai vorbit luna trecuta.

I thought a lot of that problem you told me last month.