de Drept penal Interdepartamental ional a Interna...


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Page 1: de Drept penal Interdepartamental ional a Interna a Interna ional Interdepartamental de Drept penal ... (Academia

Conferin a Interna ional Interdepartamental de Drept penal "Nout i legislative în spa iul juridic penal european"

Craiova 4-6 octombrie 2007

Lect.univ.dr. Ruxandra R ducanu*

În perioada 4-6 octombrie 2007, Facultatea de Drept i tiin e Administrative a Universit ii din Craiova a organizat Conferin a interna ional interdepartamental de drept penal cu tema "Nout i legislative în spa iul juridic penal european"1.

În ziua de 4 octombrie a avut loc primirea la Facultatea de Drept a oaspe ilor din ar i str in tate. Lucr rile conferin ei au început pe data de 5 octombrie 2007 iau fost deschise de Dl. Prof.univ.dr. Ion Dogaru, Membru corespondent al Academiei Române, iar dezbaterile au fost conduse de c tre Dl. Prof.univ.dr. Horia Diaconescu iprof. univ. dr. Adi Oroveanu-Han iu.

Au fost prezentate urm toarele comunic ri: Considera ii generale privind r spunderea juridic în cazul prelev rii i

transplantului de organe, esuturi i celule de origine uman în dreptul român –Prof.univ.dr. Horia Diaconescu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Efectele europene asupra noilor principii de baz ale procedurii penale în Ungaria – Prof.univ.dr. Csaba Fenzvesi (Universitatea din Pecs, Ungaria, Facultatea de Drept);

Perfec ionarea fundamentelor constitu ionale ale dreptului penal –Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Butiuc (Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu, Facultatea de Drept "Simion B rnu iu");

Surogatele deten iei preventive în Ungaria – Prof.univ.dr. Csongor Herke (Universitatea din Pecs, Ungaria, Facultatea de Drept);

Instrumente juridice în Uniunea European privind anumite infrac iuni –Prof.univ.dr. Vid Jakulin (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Libertatea i siguran a persoanei în lumina revizuirii constitu ionale din 2003 – Prof.univ.dr. Dan Claudiu D ni or (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Combaterea infrac iunilor de corpora ie - Conf.univ.dr. Mioara Ketty Guiu (Academia de Poli ie "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Bucure ti);

Jurisdic ie i infrac iuni din domeniul informaticii – Asist.univ.drd. Primoz Gorkic (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

* Autoarea este cadru didactic la Facultatea de Drept i tiin e Administrative a Universit ii din Craiova i avocat în Baroul Dolj

1 Organizarea conferin ei a fost sus inut i prin contractul de cercetare nr. 39/ C/21.09. 2007 încheiat între Universitatea din Craiova i Uniunea Na ional a Barourilor din România, Baroul Mehedin i

Conferin a Interna ional Interdepartamental de Drept penal "Nout i legislative în spa iul juridic penal european"

Craiova 4-6 octombrie 2007

Lect.univ.dr. Ruxandra R ducanu*

În perioada 4-6 octombrie 2007, Facultatea de Drept i tiin e Administrative a Universit ii din Craiova a organizat Conferin a interna ional interdepartamental de drept penal cu tema "Nout i legislative în spa iul juridic penal european"1.

În ziua de 4 octombrie a avut loc primirea la Facultatea de Drept a oaspe ilor din ar i str in tate. Lucr rile conferin ei au început pe data de 5 octombrie 2007 iau fost deschise de Dl. Prof.univ.dr. Ion Dogaru, Membru corespondent al Academiei Române, iar dezbaterile au fost conduse de c tre Dl. Prof.univ.dr. Horia Diaconescu iprof. univ. dr. Adi Oroveanu-Han iu.

Au fost prezentate urm toarele comunic ri: Considera ii generale privind r spunderea juridic în cazul prelev rii i

transplantului de organe, esuturi i celule de origine uman în dreptul român –Prof.univ.dr. Horia Diaconescu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Efectele europene asupra noilor principii de baz ale procedurii penale în Ungaria – Prof.univ.dr. Csaba Fenzvesi (Universitatea din Pecs, Ungaria, Facultatea de Drept);

Perfec ionarea fundamentelor constitu ionale ale dreptului penal –Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Butiuc (Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu, Facultatea de Drept "Simion B rnu iu");

Surogatele deten iei preventive în Ungaria – Prof.univ.dr. Csongor Herke (Universitatea din Pecs, Ungaria, Facultatea de Drept);

Instrumente juridice în Uniunea European privind anumite infrac iuni –Prof.univ.dr. Vid Jakulin (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Libertatea i siguran a persoanei în lumina revizuirii constitu ionale din 2003 – Prof.univ.dr. Dan Claudiu D ni or (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Combaterea infrac iunilor de corpora ie - Conf.univ.dr. Mioara Ketty Guiu (Academia de Poli ie "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Bucure ti);

Jurisdic ie i infrac iuni din domeniul informaticii – Asist.univ.drd. Primoz Gorkic (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

* Autoarea este cadru didactic la Facultatea de Drept i tiin e Administrative a Universit ii din Craiova i avocat în Baroul Dolj

1 Organizarea conferin ei a fost sus inut i prin contractul de cercetare nr. 39/ C/21.09. 2007 încheiat între Universitatea din Craiova i Uniunea Na ional a Barourilor din România, Baroul Mehedin i

Page 2: de Drept penal Interdepartamental ional a Interna a Interna ional Interdepartamental de Drept penal ... (Academia

Revolta i violen a – infrac iuni contra statului? – Lect.univ.dr. Gal Istvan Laszlo (Universitatea din Pecs, Ungaria, Facultatea de Drept);

Protec ia martorilor în dreptul european i sloven – Asist.univ.dr. Sabina Zgaga (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Considera ii privind pedeapsa deten iunii pe via – Prof.univ.dr. Costel Niculeanu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Perspective în reglementarea penal a faptelor cauzatoare de prejudicii civile – Conf.univ.dr. Daniel Ghi (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Ocrotirea penal a dreptului la via privat în România – Prof.univ.dr. Adi Oroveanu-Han iu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept). În ziua de 6 octombrie 2007 au fost sus inute urm toarele comunic ritiin ifice:

Recunoa terea efectelor hot rârilor penale str ine – Prof.univ.dr. Viorel Pa ca(Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Rolul Statutului de la Roma în legisla ia penal na ional – Prof.univ.dr. Damjan Korozec (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Dreptul la un proces echitabil. Despre necesitatea unei reglement ri – Conf.univ.dr.Dorel Julean, Lect.univ.dr. Flaviu Ciopec (Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Mandatul european de arestare – Lect.univ.dr. Laura St nil (Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Infrac iuni minore în dreptul penal substan ial din Slovenia – Conf.univ.dr. Matjaz Ambroz (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Tortura – Prof.univ.dr. Tiberiu Constantin Medeanu (Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Despre crimele contra umanit ii în lumina noului Cod penal – Prof.univ.dr. Iancu T n sescu, Lect.univ.dr. Gabriel T n sescu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Protec ia demnit ii persoanei în contextul integr rii europene – Lect.univ.dr. Anamaria Cristina Cercel (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Aspecte de noutate legislativ în materia infrac iunilor de serviciu – Lect.univ.dr. Ruxandra R ducanu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept). Cu ocazia acestei prestigioase manifest ri a fost semnat Acordul prin care Facultatea de Drept a Universit ii din Craiova a devenit membru al Forumului de cooperare împotriva criminalit ii a rilor din Europa Central .

Revolta i violen a – infrac iuni contra statului? – Lect.univ.dr. Gal Istvan Laszlo (Universitatea din Pecs, Ungaria, Facultatea de Drept);

Protec ia martorilor în dreptul european i sloven – Asist.univ.dr. Sabina Zgaga (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Considera ii privind pedeapsa deten iunii pe via – Prof.univ.dr. Costel Niculeanu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Perspective în reglementarea penal a faptelor cauzatoare de prejudicii civile – Conf.univ.dr. Daniel Ghi (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Ocrotirea penal a dreptului la via privat în România – Prof.univ.dr. Adi Oroveanu-Han iu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept). În ziua de 6 octombrie 2007 au fost sus inute urm toarele comunic ritiin ifice:

Recunoa terea efectelor hot rârilor penale str ine – Prof.univ.dr. Viorel Pa ca(Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Rolul Statutului de la Roma în legisla ia penal na ional – Prof.univ.dr. Damjan Korozec (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Dreptul la un proces echitabil. Despre necesitatea unei reglement ri – Conf.univ.dr.Dorel Julean, Lect.univ.dr. Flaviu Ciopec (Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Mandatul european de arestare – Lect.univ.dr. Laura St nil (Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Infrac iuni minore în dreptul penal substan ial din Slovenia – Conf.univ.dr. Matjaz Ambroz (Universitatea din Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facultatea de Drept);

Tortura – Prof.univ.dr. Tiberiu Constantin Medeanu (Universitatea de Vest din Timi oara, Facultatea de Drept);

Despre crimele contra umanit ii în lumina noului Cod penal – Prof.univ.dr. Iancu T n sescu, Lect.univ.dr. Gabriel T n sescu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Protec ia demnit ii persoanei în contextul integr rii europene – Lect.univ.dr. Anamaria Cristina Cercel (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept);

Aspecte de noutate legislativ în materia infrac iunilor de serviciu – Lect.univ.dr. Ruxandra R ducanu (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Drept). Cu ocazia acestei prestigioase manifest ri a fost semnat Acordul prin care Facultatea de Drept a Universit ii din Craiova a devenit membru al Forumului de cooperare împotriva criminalit ii a rilor din Europa Central .

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AGREEMENT On the Central European Criminal Cooperation

Article 1: the aim of the CECC Undersigned Contragting Parties came by mutual agreement to the establishment of the Central European Criminal Cooperation (CECC) for the sake of sharing information among each other obtained in the field of criminal sciences, harmonising their research activities, widening both their theoretical and practical knowledge and facilitating Central European criminal cooperation.

Article 2: the legal personality of the CECC The CECC is not a legal person, but a forum of international criminal cooperation. Every criminal department or institution of any university and criminal research institute can be a member of CECC (Members), provided that the center or an important department is in Central Europe (including the Baltic Region and the Balcans, as well).

Article 3: the organisation of the CECC 1. The center of CECC is Pécs (Hungary).2. The research institute of CECC is Moscenice/Rijeka (Croatia).3. The official languages of CECC are German and English.4. The leading organ of CECC is the Council where each Member delegates one representative. The Council Draws up reccomendations for the sake of fulfilling the aims of CECC, it takes decisions in organizational issues and carries out other duties laid down in this Agreement.5. The Members may set up a Committee in each special field. The Committee deals with the duties of coordination in the respective scientific field. The members of the Committee elect a president among themselves with simple majority for heading the Committee.6. The secretary who is elected by the Council deals with the administrative issues of the CECC.7. The Council takes its decision in writing. Every member of the council can make use of a decision reccomendation. The secretary reconciles the decision reccomendation with the members of the Council and prepares the decision draft on the basis of this reconciliation. The draft of the decision is sent by electronic device (e-mail) to the members of the Council by the Secretary. The members of the Council submit their votes in electronic way (e-mail) within 30 days.

AGREEMENT On the Central European Criminal Cooperation

Article 1: the aim of the CECC Undersigned Contragting Parties came by mutual agreement to the establishment of the Central European Criminal Cooperation (CECC) for the sake of sharing information among each other obtained in the field of criminal sciences, harmonising their research activities, widening both their theoretical and practical knowledge and facilitating Central European criminal cooperation.

Article 2: the legal personality of the CECC The CECC is not a legal person, but a forum of international criminal cooperation. Every criminal department or institution of any university and criminal research institute can be a member of CECC (Members), provided that the center or an important department is in Central Europe (including the Baltic Region and the Balcans, as well).

Article 3: the organisation of the CECC 1. The center of CECC is Pécs (Hungary).2. The research institute of CECC is Moscenice/Rijeka (Croatia).3. The official languages of CECC are German and English.4. The leading organ of CECC is the Council where each Member delegates one representative. The Council Draws up reccomendations for the sake of fulfilling the aims of CECC, it takes decisions in organizational issues and carries out other duties laid down in this Agreement.5. The Members may set up a Committee in each special field. The Committee deals with the duties of coordination in the respective scientific field. The members of the Committee elect a president among themselves with simple majority for heading the Committee.6. The secretary who is elected by the Council deals with the administrative issues of the CECC.7. The Council takes its decision in writing. Every member of the council can make use of a decision reccomendation. The secretary reconciles the decision reccomendation with the members of the Council and prepares the decision draft on the basis of this reconciliation. The draft of the decision is sent by electronic device (e-mail) to the members of the Council by the Secretary. The members of the Council submit their votes in electronic way (e-mail) within 30 days.

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8. Having been validated by the majority of the submitted votes, the resolutions will be sent to every member by the Secretary.

Article 4: the activities of the CECC In realizing its goals the CECC pursues the following activities among other things:

1. at least once a year it edits a volume of essay and studies in accordance with the topics detemined by the Council in which every Member colleague can publish articles in equal proportion; 2. beyond the things determined in the previous section the Members facilitate each other's publication activities (e.g. Publishing in their own scientfic papers); 3. every Member informs the other Members about his or her own publications, they send a copy of their own publication to the colleagues, the center and the research institute; 4. within its limitations annually organiyes a thematic conference with each member being represented; 5. the Members enable the colleagues of the other Members to give a lecture on a previously agreed topic within the frame of their own training; 6. the Members support the research visits of the colleagues of other Members with travel cost borne by the sending, accommodation costs borne by the receiving Member; 7. facilitates the flow of information among its Members, supports the cooperation of colleagues working in the same research field; 8. facilitates student workshop activities; 9. pays outstanding attention to and provides vocational support for the education of Central European candidates for a doctor's degree; 10. every Member is entitled to participate in tenders on its own for realizing the aims of the CECC.

Article 5: Correspondence between Members Every Member assigns a correspondent and notifies the Secretary of its person. The flow of information among Members is mainly realized between the secretary and the correspondent, the Secretary informs the members about the research and publication activities of other Members. The registration of the Members and their colleagues, furthermore the updating of the CECC homepage is the duty of the Secretary.

8. Having been validated by the majority of the submitted votes, the resolutions will be sent to every member by the Secretary.

Article 4: the activities of the CECC In realizing its goals the CECC pursues the following activities among other things:

1. at least once a year it edits a volume of essay and studies in accordance with the topics detemined by the Council in which every Member colleague can publish articles in equal proportion; 2. beyond the things determined in the previous section the Members facilitate each other's publication activities (e.g. Publishing in their own scientfic papers); 3. every Member informs the other Members about his or her own publications, they send a copy of their own publication to the colleagues, the center and the research institute; 4. within its limitations annually organiyes a thematic conference with each member being represented; 5. the Members enable the colleagues of the other Members to give a lecture on a previously agreed topic within the frame of their own training; 6. the Members support the research visits of the colleagues of other Members with travel cost borne by the sending, accommodation costs borne by the receiving Member; 7. facilitates the flow of information among its Members, supports the cooperation of colleagues working in the same research field; 8. facilitates student workshop activities; 9. pays outstanding attention to and provides vocational support for the education of Central European candidates for a doctor's degree; 10. every Member is entitled to participate in tenders on its own for realizing the aims of the CECC.

Article 5: Correspondence between Members Every Member assigns a correspondent and notifies the Secretary of its person. The flow of information among Members is mainly realized between the secretary and the correspondent, the Secretary informs the members about the research and publication activities of other Members. The registration of the Members and their colleagues, furthermore the updating of the CECC homepage is the duty of the Secretary.

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Article 6: Closing provisins 1. This agreement is open to any criminal department or research institute eager

to pursue its goals. The agreement shall be affirmed by all prospective members by signing a copy of it. The affirmation document has to be deposited at the secretary. Until the election of the first secretary of CECC the acting secretary at whom the affirmation document has to be deposited until it comes to effect shall be: dr. Bence Mészáros (Mailing adress: University of Pécs, Faculty of Law and State Sciences, Department of Criminal Procedure, H-7622, Pécs, 48-as tér 1., Hungary). 2. The agreement shall come into effect with depositing at least four affirmation

documents. With regard to all other institutions that declare affirmation later, the agreement shall come into effect at the time of depositing of the affirmation document. The secretary informs the Members of the effectiveness of the Agreement, the name of the Member affirming it and of all the affirmation documents deposited at a later time. 3. Given at CRAIOVA, 05.10.2007 , in two copies in english language. One of

two copies shall be deposited at the Secretary, the other at the CECC Research Institute. The Secretary sends a certified copy for all the signing member.

Article 6: Closing provisins 1. This agreement is open to any criminal department or research institute eager

to pursue its goals. The agreement shall be affirmed by all prospective members by signing a copy of it. The affirmation document has to be deposited at the secretary. Until the election of the first secretary of CECC the acting secretary at whom the affirmation document has to be deposited until it comes to effect shall be: dr. Bence Mészáros (Mailing adress: University of Pécs, Faculty of Law and State Sciences, Department of Criminal Procedure, H-7622, Pécs, 48-as tér 1., Hungary). 2. The agreement shall come into effect with depositing at least four affirmation

documents. With regard to all other institutions that declare affirmation later, the agreement shall come into effect at the time of depositing of the affirmation document. The secretary informs the Members of the effectiveness of the Agreement, the name of the Member affirming it and of all the affirmation documents deposited at a later time. 3. Given at CRAIOVA, 05.10.2007 , in two copies in english language. One of

two copies shall be deposited at the Secretary, the other at the CECC Research Institute. The Secretary sends a certified copy for all the signing member.

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