Mmp Franceza Engleza

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  • 7/27/2019 Mmp Franceza Engleza


    MMPAvoirSi j'avais eu de l 'argent, j'aurais fait des etudes-If I had had mon ey, I would have studiedSi j'avais eu la p ossibilit de poser ces questions hier, je l'aurais fait.- If I had had theopportunity yesterday to put these questions, I would have done so.J'avais eu le c hoix d'aller dans-Ihad a choice to go toJ'avais eu l'oc casion de travailler diffrents postes-Ihave had the opportu nity to work inmultiple sales positions

    j'avais eu la b osse des mathmatiques et a faisait partie intgrante de mon travail-Ihad beenre ally good at math and that was part of my job.Je n'avais eu ni e au ni nourriture depuis quatre jours. -Ihadn't had any food or water in four Jamais je n'avais eu auta nt d'argent - Ihad never had so much money in m y life before,"Tu m'avais bien eu . -You outsmarted me .Suviens-toi que si tu avais eu l'Eu charistie, tu aura is t sauve, mais l'Eucharistie taitconsomme et il est arriv ce qui est arriv. -Remember, if you had had the Eu charist youwould have been saved, but the Eucharist was consumed and happened what happened.S'il y avait eu troi s tours en place ce moment-l, a n'aurait fait aucune diffrence. -It wouldn'have made a difference if there had been thr ee towers there at the time.Il n'y avait pas eu aupa ravant d'actes de violence raciste. -There have previou sly not been anyacts of racist violence.Il y avait eu une erreur linguistique qui a t corrige de cette faon. -There was a l inguistic errin the text, which has now been corrected.Si nous avions eu moin s de chance, l'auteur des faits et moi-mme, je ne serai pas devant vmatin. -If we had had less luck, both the author of these deeds and myself, I would not be h before you this morning.Si nous avions eu un g ros muse dot d'expositions permanentes, les gens y seraient peut-venus une fois, sans plus. -If it had been a big museum with fixed exhibits, people might havecome once and never bothered to return.Si vous aviez eu deux fois plus d'inspecteurs, aurait-on pu viter ce qui s'est pass? -If you hadtwo times the number of inspectors, would this event not have h appened?Je pensais que vous m'aviez ditque vous aviez eu des discussions avec la sous-commissaireGeorge propos du dplacement du sergent d'tat-major Frizzell et que c'tait vous qui votiez occup. -I thought you told me you had discuss ions with Deputy Commissioner Georgabout removing Staff Sergeant Frizzell and then you went and implemented that.a faisait longtemps depuisque vous aviez eu mes dernires nouvelles, mais rassurez-vous jen vie et je me bats.- It's along time since you have hea rd from me but I'm alive and kicking.Est-ceque vous aviez eu des contracts? -did you have any con tracts?Et si vous aviez eu la c hance de travailler chez FundSERV durant l't? -What if you had thechance to spend a summer working at FundSERV?Si vous aviez eu droi t de recevoir une prestation sur le prt prcdent, votre prestation d'asvie sera calcule comme suit -If you would have been entit led to receive a benefit on thePrevious Loan, your life insurance benefit amount is calculated as followsEt si vous aviez eu plus - ou moins * de temps ? -What if you had more - or l ess - time?Si vous aviez eu cett e information, quel genre d'influence aurait-elle eu sur vous? -How wohave receiving this information ef fected you if you have had it ?

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    Mais si vous aviez eu leur niveau de responsabilit, et pris dans l'cheveau infernal d'aot 1auriez-vous agi diffremment ? -But if you had had their level of responsibility, and involvedthe infernal mechanism of August 1914, would you have acted differently?Au quatrime trimestre 2002, ils avaient eu un i mpact ngatif de 680 M -In the fourth quarte2002, special items had a negati ve impact of 680 MIl semblerait que les patients ont reu du meilleur soin parce qu'ils avaient eu deux fois lenombre de visites. -It wou ld seem as though patients received better care because they had twiceEtreTu avais t aban donn-You had been abandoned; J'avais t enfe rm dans une-Ihad been locked up in aSi j'avais t dans le cadre d'un emploi rmunr, je n'aurais jamais pu les approcher de siIf I was in a paid job I've nev er got them seen so close.Entre-temps, j'avais t admi s comme postulant dominicain.-Meanwhile, I had been admittedas a D ominican postulant.L'une d'elles m'a dit que j'avais t une des plus grosses fumeuses qu'elle connaissait. -One them told me that I was one of the h eaviest smokers she knew.Si tu n'avais pas t docile en Me faisant confiance, tu n'aurais pas eu cet enseignement endirect de Moi.-If you had not been docile by trusting Me, you would not have rec eived thisteaching directly from Me.J'avais t prof ondment-Iwas deeply; j'avais t nomm -I had been appointed .Il avait t conv erti en un restaurant servant des mets de poissons et frites.-It had beenconverted t o a fish & chip restaurant.Il avait t mari deux reprises eteut un fils de sa premire union -He had marrie d twice andhad a son by his first wife.Avez-vous ditque vous aviez t au s ervice du gouvernement fdral, un moment donn?idyou say that you were employe d with the federal government at one time?

    Premirement, vous avez ditque vous aviez t dans les forces armes environ 13 ans? -Firstof all, you said you were in the military roughly 13 years?Si vous aviez t ici hier, vous auriez eu une journe exceptionnelle. -If you were here yes terdaywe had just a banner day.Il y a quelques temps, vous aviez t invi ts rpondre un- Some time ago, you were asked toSi vous aviez t prs ent et aviez entendu les rapports, vous auriez pu le constater par vousmme. -If you had been there and he ard the reports, you could have witnessed this for yoursSi vous aviez t ici ce matin, vous auriez entendu l'histoire-if you had been here this morning,you would hav e heard a rather heart-wrenching storyleur avis, ils avaient t choi sis pour leurs comptences, leurs connaissances et leur exprie pralable. -They felt that they had been chosen becau se of their skills, knowledge, and priorAller .Je ne savais pasque tu tais all au V enezuela- I didn't know you went to Venezuela ,J'avais la preuve qu'il tait all D sseldor-I hadproof that he went to Dusseldor f Il tait all Ri chmond pour acheter un bton de hockey deux jours avant les vnementsHewent to Richmo nd to buy a hockey stick two days before everything happened.Il tait all au c entre de soins maintes et maintes fois. -He had gone to the clinic over and overagain.S'il y tait all, il aura it pu visiter le site du zoning industriel-If he went there, he c ould visit thsite of the industrial area

  • 7/27/2019 Mmp Franceza Engleza


    Il tait all dans son village pour rendre visite son pre et tait revenu compltement dp-Harry had gone to his home v illage visiting his f ather and he came back from his trip lookinvery deflatedDe Belgique il est all aux Pays-Bas o il tait supp os marcher dans des sabots. -From Belgiumhe travelled to the Netherlands where he was supposed to walk on wooden shoes.Auparavant, nous tions alls voir une autre banque pour ouvrir un compte d'entreprise-Initially,we went to another bank to establish a commercial account

    Nous avons prcis o nous tions alls, o nous comp tons nous rendre et comment. -Wediscussed where we've been, where we are going and how to get there. Nous avions visit Thessalonique, et nous tions alls Ca ssandra pour profiter de la plage e passer la nuit.-We visit ed Thessaloniki and went to Kassandr a to fully enjoy the beach andspend the night.Nous sommes alls(pass compose) chez mes amis et nous avons jou dehors. -We visited withm y friends and played outside.Si vous aviez t un p eu plus souple, nous n'aurions pas eu ce problme. -So had you been alittle l ooser, we wouldn't have had the problem.Faire a a t une belle exprience pour moi, trs diffrente de tout ce que j'avais fait avan t. -Fome it was a great experience, different f rom anything I had done before .Je pense que j'avais fait troi s pas quand le premier coup m'a touch. -Ithink I had taken threeste ps when the first one hitet il ne cessait de me remercier pour ce que j'avais fait pour lui.- and he would always thank mefor what I had done . Si j'avais fait part ie d'une quipe-If I had been on a teamTu n'as qu' recommencer du dbut et t'inscrire comme tu l'avais fait la p remire fois. -Just startfrom scratch and signup like you did the fir st time.Avais-tu dj fait un t el grand projet auparavant, dans une contre si diffrente ? -Have you everworked on such 'different' kinds of projects before in distant places?

    prsent, je comprenais clairement le mal que jelui avais fait .-It was now clear to me what Ihad done to him .;a a t une belle exprience pour moi, trs diffrente de tout ce que j'avais fait avan t. -For mewas a great experience, different f rom anything I had done before .si vous aviez fait votre travail correctement,- If you had done your job properlyJe vous ai demand sivous aviez fait une analyse chimique de sang humain. -I askedyou if you have ever done a chemical analysis of human blood.Vous l'avezfait Tampere,vous l'aviez fait auparavant,vous le ferez l'avenir. -You did so inTampere, youdid it before, and youmust do it again.Oui, je savais quevous l'aviez fait . - Yes, I knewyou had .Comment saviez-vous quevous aviez fait le bon choix ? -How did you knowyou had made theVous n'aviez fait quevous promener proximit d'une bombe-Je combattais le monde pour ce qu'ils m'avaient fait ains i qu'aux autres. -I was fighting the wfor what they had done to me and o thers.Ils avaient fait conn aissance quelques mois auparavant,- The two of them had met a few month beforeSavoir Je pense quesi j'avais su que c'taient mes droits, j'aurais probablement, mais.-I think if Ihad known those were m y rights, I probably would have, but ...Si j'avais su ce q ue je sais maintenant -If I only knew then what I know no w

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    Si j'avais su, je ne l'aurais pas ramass. -If I knew, I would no t have picked it up.Parfois on entend dire : "Si j'avais su -At times we hear it said: "If only I would have knownSi j'avais su l' avance que nous recevrions le guide en octobre, je me serais prpar l'utdavantage.-If I knew ahead of time , that the guide would be arriving in October, I would ha prepared to use it more.Si j'avais su, j'a urais rflchi davantage avant de signer sur la ligne pointille, voyez-vousHadI known, I would have thought again before signing on the dotted line.

    Si j'avais su ce q ue je sais maintenant, j'aurais arrt cette femme plus tt. -If I had known whatI know now , I would have stopped that strange woman.Si en 1928, j'avais su ce q ui m'attendait, j'en serais mort.-: If, in 1928, I'd known what waswa iting for me, I would have died.Mmesi j'avais su la r alit de ce nouveau pays, je n'aurais rien chang. -If I knew in advance the realities of my new home, I would not change a thing.Si je l'avais su avan t. -If only I would have known this before !Si j'avais su il y a 2 ans ce que je sais aujourd'hui, j'aurais subi la chirurgie bien plus tt davie. -If I knew 2 year s ago what I know now, I would have had the proc edure done a lot earlin life.Si je l'avais su, j'a urais prfr rester la maison avec ma famille. - if I would have known, Iwould have preferred to stay back home with my family.Si nous avions su . -Little did we know .Si nous avions su alor s ceque nous savi ons aujourd'hui, nous eussions certainement agiautrement. -If we had known then what we know now, I amsure we would hav e done thingsdifferently.Si seulement nous avions su cela avant. -Iwish we had known about this bef ore.Si vous l'aviez su, auriez-vous fait ces recherches? -Had you known, would you have ma dethose inquiries?

    Si vous tes un consommateur, veuillez nous indiquer si vous saviez que vous aviez ce d roit ets'il vous est arriv de le rclamer. -If you ar e a consumer, please tell us whether you knew youhad these rights and whether you h ave ever used them.Je ne savais pas que vous aviez jou un rle aussi important relativement au vote qui a tapprouv hier.-Iwas not aware that you had played such a n important role about the vote thwas held yesterday.Si vous ne saviez pas que vous aviez cett e dette, il faut vous renseigner. -If you did not knowyou had the debt, it is important f or you to get more information.Je sais que vous aviez une question sur l'chance.-Iknow that you were asking about thetimeline.Pouvoir Si j'avais pu, j'a urais invit toute la scne musicale de Montral -If I could, I wouldhave i nvited the whole MontrealTu vois bien que a dpasse de beaucoup tout ce que tu avais pu conc evoir et imaginer. -You sthat this way is beyond all you could have thought or imagined.Si j'avais pu savo ir l'poque comment tout cela se terminerait, je crois que je me serais r plus rapidement. -If I had only known at the onset of the illness what I know now, I think Iwould have gotten better quicker.

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    Si j'avais pu prv oir toutes les difficults que nous y aurions rencontres, je ne sais pas si eu le courage de l'entreprendre. -"If I had been able to foresee a ll the difficulties that were to faced, I don't know if I would have had the courage to undertake it.Si j'avais pu rest er cool, je boirais encore. -If I could have stayed cool, I'd still be drinkingSi j'avais pu, j'a urais mis quelques enfants dans mon sac marin pour les ramener chez moelle dit en riant.-If I could have I would have s lipped a few children in my kit bag to bringSi seulement j'avais pu fair e davantage pour empcher Mabudi de forer jusqu' ce niveau. wish I could have done mor e to prevent Mabudi from sinking to this level.Si j'avais pu rest er l'cole, j'aurais pu vrai ment devenir quelqu'un.-If I had stayed in s chool, would have made something of myself.Un professeur s'est demand comment j'avais pu joue r aussi longtemps avec une hanche dantel tat", rvle-t-il l'aube de se retraite sportive. -A professor once wondered how I could haveplayed for so long with a hip in such a state," he recalled upon hanging up his boots.Si j'avais pu cour ir, je l'aurais fait-if I could have ran, I would haveSi j'avais pu ajou ter toutes leurs excellentes suggestions, ce livre serait encore meilleur. -If I hadbeen able to incorpo rate all of their excellent suggestions, this would be a better book.Si j'avais pu alle r en classe quand j'tais petite, j'aurais certainement t quelqu'un aujourdcar je suis curieuse de nature, dclare-t-elle . -"If I had been sent to s chool when I was a littlgirl, I would certainly be somebody today because I'm inquisitive," de Brito said recentlySi javais pu Magi c -if I could have magic; j'avais pu me t romper.-I had been mistak enJe me demande si je serais parvenu tenir un journal interne aussi longtemps si je n'avais pucomp ter sur son implication dans ce dossier. -Iwonder if I would have been able to produ ce ouinternal newspaper for this long without their involvement in the project.Si tu avais pu vote r l'lection prsidentielle amricaine de 2008, pour qui aurais-tu vot?f youcould have voted in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, for whom wouldyou have cas t your ballot?

    Enfin, c'est tout ce que j'avais pu comp rendre. -Anyway, that's all I could understand .Tu vois bien que a dpasse de beaucoup tout ceque tu avais pu conc evoir et imaginer. -You seeth at this way is beyond all you could have thought or imagined.Si nous avions pu veni r le printemps dernier, nous aurions peut-tre vit certains des probque nous avons vcus cet t. -If we had been able to come l ast spr ing, we migh t have avoidedsome of the problems we had this summer.Fort heureusement, nous avions pu livr er temps les manuels scolaires que nous avions la cde rviser. -Very luckily, we were able to del iver the school textbooks we were res ponsible forevising on time. Si vous aviez pu, vous seri ez ... -If you can you would like .. .Si nous avions pu ngo cier, nous ne s erions pas ici ce soir. -If we had been able to ne gotiate,we would not be here this evening.Si nous avions pu y do nner suite, nous aurions conclu un tel trait en 2005, c'est--dire il yans. -If we had managed to realize its tasking, we would have concluded.., two years earlier.Si nous avions pu paye r un peu moins cher, nous aurions t contents, mais au fond quellenotre marge de manuvre ? -If we'd been able to pay less we'd have been happy too, but howmuch margin did we have?En 2009 dj, nous avions pu augm enter notre rseau de 13 nouveaux distributeurs. -Even in2009 we were able to win over 13 new dealers.Que se serait-il pass si vous aviez pu prp arer une stratgie avant le jeu?

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    What could have happened if you were able to prepare a strategy before the play?Ce million de dollars, comment l'auriez-vous utilis si vous aviez pu en d isposer? -This milliondollars, how would you have used it if you could have had it ?Et si vous aviez pu parl er et/ou regarder votre partenaire? -What if you could talk and/or w atcyour partner? Si vous aviez pu voir le sourire- If you could see the smileEt si vous aviez pu avoi r un mdiateur pour faciliter l'interaction ? -What if you could have hada m ediator facilitating your interaction?

    Est-ce que cela aurait t plus facile si vous aviez pu voir l'image ? -How much easier would have been to draw a copy if you could have seen th e picture?Ils peuvent vous donner un point de vue extrieur et reprer des lmentsque vous n'aviez peut-tre pas remarqus. -They can provi de an outside perspective and identify things that you mighthav e missed.VouloirJ'avais voulu deve nir enseignant pour rester un lve le plus longtemps possible. -Iwanted tobecome a t eacher in order to remain a student as long as possible.C'tait tout ce que j'avais demand, tout ce que j'avais voulu . - It was allthat I had asked f or; althat I had wanted .J'avais voulu conn atre la vrit sur la vie, la vie aprs la mort et Dieu me l'a montre. -Ihadwanted to know the tru th about life, and life after death, and God had showed it to me.Si j'avais voulu rass embler une grande multitude de personnes, j'aurais ralis un prodigesensationnel. -If I had wanted to pick a large multitude of persons,then I would have d one asensational thing.Javais voulu alle r en Europe aussi lanne prcdente, mais ctait cher et mon passeport rtait expir. -Iwished to go to Europe also the year before, but it was expensive and my Ru passport had expired.Mais mmesi j'avais voulu part ir, je n'avais pas d'autre endroit o aller vu que j'tait n et

    j'avais t lev Iwama. -But,even if I had wanted to runaway , there was no place else for to go, since I had bee n born and raised in Iwama.Si nous avions voulu vraiment nous assu rer que le tout soit fait d'une faon juste et quitabnous aurions, premirement, attendu le dpt du rapport. -If we had really wanted to ensu re thewhole thing would be done in a fair and equitable fashion, first, we would have waited for report to be tabled.Le lienque nous avions voulu fair e se trouve rompu. -The link it had been hoped to establi been severed.Or , si Nous avions voulu, Nous auri ons certes envoy dans chaque cit un avertisseur. -Hadbeen Our Will, We could have sent a warner to every town. Nous avions vu presque toutes les chosesque nous avions voulu voir sauf le Muse Marmotta-We had see n almost everything that we had wanted to see except the Marmottan Museum.Si nous avions voulu prof iter- If we truly wanted to benefit je suis certain que vous auriez pu assister ces forums si vous l'aviez voulu . - I'm sure youwould have had the opportunity to attend those forums if you had wanted to .Si vous aviez voulu le f aire, il vous suffisait de dposer des amendements. -if you wanted to d othat you could have simply tabled amendments.Vous aviez bien voulu rse rver alors un accueil trs favorable cette ide. -You were very k eenon this idea.