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  • 8/9/2019 e in engl


    Profesorul-modelator al personalitatii elevilor

    Professor modeling students personality

    Cap. 4.1. Profesorul in contextul celorlalte profesiuni

    Cap. 4.1. Tthe professor compared with other professions

    Transformarile importante intervenite in dezvoltarea societatii afecteaza intr-omasura importanta si viata scolii. Cererea crescanda de educatie, educatiepermanenta, integrarea invatamantului cu cercetarea si productia, obliga scoala sa-si revizuiasca principiile, obiectivele, structura, metodologia si stilul de lucru, pentrua raspunde adecvat exigentelor tot mai mari pe care societatea i le pune in fata.

    The changes happened in the development of society importantly affectedthe schools life. The increasing demand of education, permanent education,integration of educatin with research and production, oblige the school to revizeprinciples, objectives, structure, the methodology of wor style, and to answer in acorrect manner to the more important needs that society le pune in fata

    !biectivele care stau in fata scolii contemporane, numeroase si complexe,pot fi indeplinite numai cu un personal devotat, temeinic pregatit si inzestrat cu

    valoroase calitati personale si profesionale. "ste subliniata cu deosebire sarcinaformativa ce revine personalului didactic in educarea tinerei generatii si nu numaiaceea de instruire a elevilor. #nversarea de accent de pe informativ pe formativ, nupoate fi realizata doar prin simpla formulare a unor deziderate elevate, intrucatreclama o reconsiderare a intregului sistem de invatamant si in special o sublinierespeciala a locului si rolului profesorului in acest sistem, el fiind specialistul careparticipa la formarea cadrelor pentru toate sectoarele de activitate.

    The objectives that contemporary school has to face, numerous andcomplex, may be fulfilled only with personal devoted, thorough prepared andendowed with valuable personal and professional $ualities. #t must particularlyemphasized the formative tas of teachers in educating the young generation andnot only the training of students. The reversal of emphasis from the informative tothe formative one can not be achieved only formulating lofty goals, intrucat reclamao reconsiderare of the whole education system and in particular a specialemphasis to the place and role of the teacher in this system, being he the expertwho participate in training of all sectors of activity.

  • 8/9/2019 e in engl


  • 8/9/2019 e in engl


    ffects of teacher activity and personality have been the subject ofresearch in pedagogy, pedagogical psychology and sociology of education, aimingat raising the efficiency of teaching in general and teachers in particular. #ncreasingthe function of teacher as a confident, counselor, transmitter of cultural values,enlarged the field of activity and emphasized the interdependence. anypedagogical researches explores the learning process, the role of the teacher interms of school and society, influencing their orientation

    Principalele directii de cercetare stiintificaprivind rolul profesorului, carea imbogatit domeniul didacticii sunt

    Personalitatea sa/

    Rolul si functiile sale/

    Comunicarea si relatiile cu elevii/

    Pregatirea si perfectionarea/

    Eficienta activitatii sale/

    Concluziile desprinse din aceste cercetari au imbogatit tabloulcaracteristicilor educatorilor, au sporit caracterul stiintific al unor recomandaripedagogice, au fundamentat unele observatii si date acumulate in timp si auconferit un caracter stiintific deciziilor privind organizarea si conducerea procesuluide invatamant.

    !ain directions of scientific research on the role of theteacher, who has enriched the didactics are

    0 1is personality/

    0 1is role and functions/

    0 Communication and relationships with students/

    0 2reparation and improvement/

    0 "fficiency of his wor/

    The conclusions of these studies have enriched the picture of the educatorscharacteristics, increased scientific character of some pedagogical

  • 8/9/2019 e in engl


    recommendations, underpinned some observations and data accumulated overtime and have classified scientific decisions on the organization and managementof the educational process