Video Rezumat

Post on 15-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Video Rezumat

  • ECO EATING rezumat video

    Dvd 1

    Food log min 4.45 vid 1 -mancare de sezon

    -sa faci mancarea interesanta

    -e bun sa mananci si mancaruri care nu sunt locale

    -fructe uscate- max 1 buc/zi > au mult zahar, poti face candida

    -watermelon e f bun pepene verde -miere de albine max 1 lingura/zi -sweet craving > satisfy with fruit

    -bread craving > with banana

    -el mananca aproc 6-8 banane/zi dimineata le inmoaie in pudra e carob. -lactate NU > greens DA, nuts and seeds

    -sprouts pt enzime si nutrienti -celery, kale, broccoli, spinach, carrots

    -herbal supplements , gliconutrienti

    -tahini unhulled sesame tahini -mananci ca o gorila, fara farfurii, furculite, etc.

    -cosulet hrana pt 1 zi

    -60-80 gr/zi nuts and seeds

    -5 tipuri diferite de seminte zilnic le tii separat, ca sa vezi ce poftesti raw fats -celery potasiu-sodiu balanta de 3 ori/zi 4 sticks celery pe zi cooling foods cu sodiu !

    -greens in afara de celery 400 gr /zi 400 micrograme calciu zilnic -2 big salads :

    -kale, lettuce, spinach sodiu greens cooling afternoon -evening salad potasium greens warm broccoli

    -oils in nuts se asimileaza fats treptat, in ulei de masline sangele se ingroasa nu se oxigeneaza bine sangele.

    -unhulled sesame tahini - alcalin

    -frunze, kale, lettuce le inmoi in tahini si le mananci, tahini in frunze . -nuts and seeds and avocado le invelesti in frunze

    -nu prea e de acord cu sucurile juicing

    -12-18 pieces of fruit everyday

    1 piece 1 handful of fruit 1 fruct mediu 2 kiwi 1 piece of fruit 1 banana medie 1 piece of fruit

  • separate fruit and veggies

    fruit si nuts merge . Sweet sweet savory energy and acid alkaline balance Veggies low in energy

    Fruit greens nuts and seeds fats super energie

    Cum te simti inainte si dupa mancare scrii in jurnal

    -dc nu ai suf mancare sanatoasa si raw in bucatarie, nu te stradui sa mananci raw pt

    ca vei incepe sa poftesti mancare gatita.

    4 days supplies

    4 kg banane

    5 kg other juicy riped fruit

    2 kg green leefy vegetables

    1 bunch of celery

    100 gr each 5 different nuts and seeds raw and unsalted 250 gr unhulled tahini some raw seaweed to chew

    organic , non gmo , riped food, fresh

    4 days supply of raw food :

    4 * 2 kg fruit 20% bananas in hot weather or 40% bananas in cold weather.Add more fruit if you are tall or very active.

    4 * 400 gr = 1.6 kg green leafy vegetables

    4 * 4 stalks = 1 bunch of celery

    4 * 100 gr = 400 gr raw nuts and seeds (at least 5 types)

    4 * 50 gr = 200 gr unhulled tahini (not julled)

    feel free to include other raw vegetables

    -this is just your core requirements for the diet

    -if you need to keep your total fruit glycemic index very low, include amongst your fruit

    1 zucchini and 1 cucumber per day.


    Bread/cereal ..bananas Biscuits ..fruit Soft drinks ..juicy fruit Coffee .celery Sugar ..fresh fruit Salt .celery/kale/spinach Oil .nuts/seeds/avocado Meat ..greens & nuts Milk ...greens & tahini Cheese greens & nuts Butter avocado / nut butters Potato bananas Chips banana & celery

    SOME SIMPLE GUIDELINES for the 3 days of your raw food experience :

    Restrict dried fruits and honey :

    1tbs honey per day max

    1 small piece dried fruit per day max

    if you crave sweets eat more fresh fruit ! if you crave bread eat more bananas dipped in nuts ! if you crave salt eat more celery, kale, spinach

    keep a food log

    learn to use the CaPNaK chart !



    Experiment with yourself to fiind what is right for you and your body mind.

    Gas is the first sign of poor digestion.


    Core raw meniu :

    Fruit 12-18 pieces Nuts and seeds 60-80-100 grame 4 sticks of celery per day

    400 gr green vegetables

    unhulled tahini 0-50 gr


    -put your daily food , weighed and ready in a basket out of the fridge for the day. -food rhytm for mini meals sweet sweet savoury where sweet = fruit , savoury = nuts and greens.

    -space your salads 1 salad at lunch time (high Na greens) , 1 salad late afternoon /evening high K greens

    -kale, lettuce, spinach sodiu greens cooling afternoon -evening salad potasium greens warm broccoli

    -eat celery at 10 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, 3 pm

    -sprinkle nuts and seeds or nut butters on your greens.

    This will satisfy cravings for nutrient deficient oil dressing.

    Dont overeat nuts to gain weight you will lose weight because excessive protein turns off your appetite.

    How to make raw tahini :

    tahini hummus :

    Lemon Tahini Dressing

  • Dvd2

    Celery la ore fixe si de dimineata dc nu am celery sticks e ok sa beau suc de radacina de telina ??

    Mananci cat poti sa cresti treptat cantitatile pana la meniul ideal, dc vezi ca nu poti nu

    mananci peste !

    Greata dc nu ai destul sodiu ca sa stimulezi digestia .=> have more celery

    Atentie la mixing fruit and vegetables.

    Tabel glycemic index :

    Banana 79 Banana potasiu warming poti manca seara, cand e frig afara , etc.

    Bananele sunt rel ok cu priv la blood sugar in comp cu mancarurile gatite, painea, etc.

    Cand respiri dificil , esti letargic si stors de puteri - simptom LOW SODIUM need to have some celery sodium

    Pt ca nu ai sodiu in corp, nu funct bine digestia si nu simti nevoia sa mananci greens .

    Vinegar otet e acid , incetineste digestia .

    Sa imprastii nuts and seeds acide pe toata durata zilei, nu manca tot odata .

    20 gr nuts seeds sau 40 gr avocado

    min 4 sticks celery daily

    2-3 meals greens cate 130 gr fiecare orele 12, 15, 19

    max 1 litru apa/zi cand ti e sete mananci 1 fruct, are apa si iti ofera si energia necesara si te ajuta sa iei in greutate, sa nu slabesti.

    Ca sa fii puternic, concentrat, cu energie mananca TELINA si GREENS !

    Low salt diet ca sa nu soliciti prea tare rinichii si ei sa poata fol energia pt detox.

    Ca sa incetinesti procesul detox celery, add salt increase sodium intake.

    Pune toata mancarea pt 1 zi intr un cos sa fie la temperatura camerei cand o mananci.

  • Dvd 3

    Cand mananci raw food diet la max 2 ore tre sa mananci ceva, nu poti sa stai flamand !

    Ca sa ai niv zahar din sange stabil tb sa mananci pe toata durata zilei, sa imprastii

    mancarurile astfel incat sa se creeze echilibru in corp.

    Min 6 mese pe zi mai bine asculti intuitia si ce iti cere corpul.

    Fruit = energy

    Dimineata fruct neaparat pt energie

    Tre sa mananci 400 gr greens zilnic , altfel ai deficit de calciu si ai pb cu dintii si cu

    oasele . Dc ai pb de digestie si greata => mananci TELINA

    Banana mancarea grea a raw foodistilor, dc nu mananci te simti nesatisfacut.

    Dimineata ai nev de energia din carbohidrati fructe , nuts seeds, vezi si sprouts energy givers hipocrate.

    1 piece of fruit per hour/half hour for energy dc te simti full si nu poti manca mananci celery ca sa ai sodiu si sa stimulezi digestia.

    If you have BLOATED BELLY low in sodium, high in potasium

    Celery = coffe of raw food iti da ENERGIE !

    Recondition yourself, your whole body mind to eat this way !

    Apoi devine usor si natural !

    Cand te simti agitat, anxios simptom ca esti acid !

    Dimineata ai low blood sugar si asta te face tafnos grumpy de asta tb sa cresti niv zaharului sange fruct, carbohidrati din suc iarba grau, etc.

    Dc te simti prea plin dimineata - Te opresti din mancat mai devreme, ora 20 si incepi

    dimineata mai devreme sa papi !

    Sarea overloads the kidneys ! rinichii muncesc mai mult ca sa elimine urina !

    Acumulezi toxine in corp pt ca rinichii sunt ocupati sa elimine sarea in loc sa elimine


  • In dieta asta tre sa ai cosul la tine tot timpul si cand ai putin timp liber, iei un fruct si


    SB mananca nuts and fruits early in the morning.

    Peanut butter unt de arahide e mai mult carbohidrat decat fat, pierzi la nutritie.

    Dc te trezesti si te simti greu la stomac, primul lucru mananci TELINA ca sa stimulezi


    Dc mananci f putine fructe > ai dieta cu f putine calorii si slabesti !

    Dupa 2-3 luni slabesti asa de tare ca te simti anorexic si simti ca vrei sa te intorci la o

    dieta normala !

    Asa mananca animalele .retrain you body mind.

    Dc bei f multa apa nu mai ai loc pt fructe si consumi mai putine calorii

    A fost la sauna a transpirat pierzi mult sodiu .prin transpiratie !

    1.will I continue with raw food and why ?

    2.what percentage of food I want to eat raw ?

    3.what dead foods am I unwilling to give up ? 4.Do I want to keep it simple or learn to prepare raw food dishes ?

    5.Am I going to get my B12 level cecked by a doctor ?

    6.How I am going to eat sufficient B12?

    7.Do I want to lose weight ? What weight do I want to be and I am commited to eating

    raw after I reach that weight ?

    8.What percentage of organic produce will I buy ?

    9.When and where will I do my food shopping and can I negociate a discount ?

    10.Do I need to buy nut, seeds ?

    11.Do I need a bag that prevents my food from squashing ?

    12.Am I going to set up a food garden ?

    dupa 4 zile de mancat 100% raw vegan elimini toata mancarea gatita din tractul digestiv

    si incepi sa simti beneficiile de a te hrani doar cu cruditati.

    Eco eating carte :

    P 169 balanta fosfor calciu in corp