UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCUREȘTI Prof. dr. CARMEN … · 2 Coautor 2 puncte x număr I.5.Articole...

Post on 15-Oct-2018

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Transcript of UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCUREȘTI Prof. dr. CARMEN … · 2 Coautor 2 puncte x număr I.5.Articole...





Criterii de eligibilitate

3 articole ISI ca autor principal (prim autor, autor corespondent, ultim autor) în ultimii 5 ani (se aplică începând cu anul 2017)

Candidații trebuie să aibă contribuții în toate cele 4 tipuri de activități (I. Activitatea de cercetare; II: Activitatea didactică; III. Recunoaștere

internațională/națională; IV. Activități administrative)


I. Activitatea de cercetare

I.1. Articole publicate în reviste de specialitate cotate ISI

Autor principal (prim autor, autor corespondent, ultim autor)


Articolul 1 (FI1 x 100) + Articolul 2

(FI x 100) + Articolul 3 (FI x 100) +...


Coautor (în primii 15 autori)


Articolul 1 (FI x 70) + Articolul 2 (FI

x 70) + Articolul 2 (FI x 70) +...


Coautor ( 16 - 25 autori) Articolul 1 (FI x 50) + Articolul 2 (FI

x 50) + Articolul 2 (FI x 50) +...

Coautor (peste 26 autori) Articolul 1 (FI x 30) + Articolul 2 (FI

x 30) + Articolul 2 (FI x 30) +...

I.2. Articole publicate în reviste din străinătate, care nu au factor de impact2

Autor principal (prim autor, autor corespondent, ultim autor) 8 puncte x număr

Coautor 6 puncte x număr

I.3. Articole publicate în reviste naționale indexate BDI3

Autor principal (prim autor, autor corespondent, ultim autor)


6 puncte x număr




4 puncte x număr


I.4. Articole publicate în alte reviste naționale

Autor principal (prim autor, autor corespondent, ultim autor) 4 puncte x număr

1Factorul de impact al revistei.

2Se trec doar articolele publicate în reviste străine.

3Se trec toate revistele românești indexate în baze de date internaționale (BDI).


Coautor 2 puncte x număr

I.5. Articole publicate în volume ale manifestărilor științifice internaționale

Autor principal (prim autor, autor corespondent, ultim autor) 5 puncte x număr

Coautor 3 puncte x număr

I.6. Articole publicate în volume ale manifestărilor științifice naționale

Autor principal (prim autor, autor corespondent, ultim autor) 3 puncte x număr

Coautor 1 puncte x număr

I.7. Cărți de specialiate/monografii/capitole de cărți

Edituri internaționale


5 puncte x număr pagini/nr. Autori-


Edituri naționale recunoscute CNATDCU


3 puncte x număr pagini/nr. Autori


Alte edituri 2 puncte x număr pagini/nr. autori

I.8. Coordonări cărți/monografii

Edituri internaționale 5 puncte x număr pagini

Edituri naționale recunoscute CNATDCU 3 puncte x număr pagini

Alte edituri 2 puncte x număr pagini

I.9. Brevete de invenție

Internaționale 30 puncte x număr

Naționale (OSIM)


20 puncte x număr


I.10. Contracte de cercetare internaționale

Director/responsabil de grant 10 puncte pentru1000 Euro4

Contracte Bilaterale, COST fără finanțare 100 puncte x număr

Membru în echipa de cercetare-ROWER 5 puncte pentru1000 Euro

5x44= 220

I.11. Contracte de cercetare naționale

Director/responsabil de grant – 7 5 puncte pentru1000 Euro


Membru în echipa de cercetare -6 2 puncte pentru1000 Euro


I.12. Contracte de servicii 5 puncte pentru1000 Euro

I.13. Participări la conferințe internaționale

Conferință plenară 8 puncte x număr

Comunicare orală 6 puncte x număr

4Conform contractului de finanțare inițial. Pentru contractele în derulare se iau în considerare numai sumele aferente anilor raportați pentru gradația de merit.


3 18



4 puncte x număr


I.14. Participări la conferințe naționale5

Conferință plenară 4 puncte x număr

Comunicare orală


2 puncte x număr




1 punct x număr


I.15. Stagii/cursuri de formare profesională și managerială (naționale și



5 puncte x număr


II. Activitatea didactică

II.1. Curs/manual de lucrări practice tipărit

Edituri naționale recunoscute CNATDCU


3 puncte x număr pagini/nr. Autori


Alte edituri 2 puncte x număr pagini/nr. autori

II.2. Coordonare doctorat (teze finalizate)

Teze într-o limbă străină 100 puncte x număr

Teze în limba română 50 puncte x număr

Membru în comisia de îndrumare


5 puncte x nr. teze finalizate




5 puncte x nr. teze evaluate


II.3. Îndrumare lucrări de licență/dizertație

Lucrări în străinătate 10 puncte x număr

Lucrări în țară


5 puncte x număr


II.4. Îndrumare lucrări gradul I


5 puncte x număr


II.5. Îndrumare studenți care prezintă la sesiuni de comunicări științifice

5 (Silea Codruta, Avram Tudor, Gorgescu Mihaela, Porumbel Iuliana,

Alexandru Ionela)

4 puncte x număr


II.6. Îndrumarea activității colective de practică6 10 puncte

II.7. Îndrumare individuală a activităților de practică7 1 punct x număr studenți

5Inclusiv conferințe internaționale sau cu participare internațională

6Practică de specialitate (teren, laborator), practică pedagogică

7Practică diferită de cea din cadrul lucrării de licență/dizertație și verificabilă cu catalogul pentru disciplina practică


II.8. Activități specifice departamentului8 5 puncte

II.9. Îndrumator de an9 10 puncte

II.10. Lector cursuri perfecționare


10 puncte x număr


II.11. Pregătirea loturilor olimpice 10 puncte x număr

III. Recunoaștere


III.1. Citări în ultimii 5 ani

1240 (Scopus)

5 puncte/citare


III.2. Organizare congrese/simpozioane/sesiuni științifice/mese rotunde/conferințe

Internaționale -1 50 puncte x număr


Naționale -2 30 puncte x număr


Sesiuni studențești 10 puncte x număr

III.3. Membru în comitete științifice ale congreselor/simpozioanelor

Internaționale 50 puncte x număr

Naționale – 2 30 puncte x număr


Studențești 10 puncte x număr

III.4. Conducător sau membru în organizații/societăți științifice



5 puncte x număr



OBBCSSR, Asociatia Romana de citometrie, Societarea romana de microbiologie

2 puncte x număr

2 (pentru 2 societati nu am dovezi)

III.6. Editor sau membru în colective de redacție

Reviste/cărți internaționale

COC- http://benthamscience.com/journals/current-topics-in-medicinal-


Guest Editor – Current Organic Chemistry

- http://benthamscience.com/journal-files/special-issue-details/CMC-


- http://benthamscience.com/journals/current-organic-


Guest editor – Curr Top medChem

- http://grumezescu.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Micron.pdf

10 puncte x 3


8Întreținere continuă colecții/stocuri animale, contracte oficiale semnate cu angajatorii pentru plasament in practica, etc. Activitate însoțită la dosar de avizul

șefului de departament. 9Indicator valabil din anul 2014.


- http://grumezescu.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Nanon.pdf

Reviste/cărți naționale

RBL- http://www.rombio.eu/editorial%20board.pdf

BRIAC- http://biointerfaceresearch.com/?page_id=87

LIANBS - http://nanobioletters.com/journal-info/editorial-board

RAMI- http://www.roami.ro/index.php?q=board

AWUT-SerBio- http://www.biologie.uvt.ro/annals/AWUT-


5 puncte x număr


III.7. Evaluator/Reviewer

Cărți internaționale - 2 10 puncte x număr


Reviste internaționale -25 3 puncte x număr


Cărți naționale -2 5 puncte x număr


Reviste naționale -69 1 punct x număr


Proiecte de cercetare internaționale - 2 10 puncte x număr


Proiecte de cercetare naționale 5 puncte x număr

III.8. Evaluator în comisii de doctorat din străinătate 10 puncte x numar de comisii

III. 9. Profesor invitat pentru a preda cursuri la universități din străinătate 50 puncte x numar invitatii

III.10. Premii10

Internaționale 100 puncte x număr

Naționale 50 puncte x număr

III.11. Cărți de popularizare 2 puncte x număr pagini/nr.autori

III.12. Indicele Hirsch


Valoarea x 30


IV. Activități Administrative

IV.1. Activități în interesul facultății

Întocmire dosar ARACIS pentru 2 programe de master

Microbiologie aplicata si imunologie

Managementul calitatii

50 puncte


Comisii de licență/dizertație –

Licenta Biologie iunie 2014, iunie, septembrie 2015

5 puncte x număr de ani



Premii pentru activitatea științifică; premii pentru postere la congrese, etc. Sunt excluse premiile acordate de UEFISCDI și de universitate pentru articole.


Disertatie MAI- 2015

Realizarea orarului; protecția muncii 10 puncte x număr de ani

IV.2. Participarea la activitati extracurriculare (ex: Erasmus, cercuri de

specialitate; Târgul educației, activități de prezentare a facultății tip

”caravană”, prezentări în mass-media, prezentări pentru societatea

civilă, conferințe pentru studenți)

5 puncte x tip de activitate x număr de


IV.3. Proiecte de infrastructură

Director 1 puncte pentru10.000 Euro

Membru în echipă 0,5 puncte pentru10.000 Euro

IV.4. Proiecte POS

Director 1 puncte pentru10.000 Euro

Membru în echipa de management și monitorizare 0,5 puncte pentru10.000 Euro



Precizări de întocmire a dosarului pentru gradația de merit

Dosarul se depune la secretariat până la data de 31 ianuarie a anului în care se cere gradația. Tabelul completat al fiecărui candidat se postează pe site-ul

facultății (INTRANET) până la data de 31 ianuarie.

Se ia în considerare activitatea din ultimii 5 ani.

În dosar documentele doveditoare se pun în ordinea menționată în tabel.

Pentru articole: copie după prima pagină

Pentru cărți, monografii, manuale, capitole din cărți: copie după copertă, Editură/ISBN, cuprins

Brevete: copie după prima pagină

Conferințe: coperta volumului și rezumatul

Document doveditor pentru membru în comitete științifice, academii, societăți, colective de redacție, editor, profesor invitat, premii, evaluator,


Pentru activitățile de promovare în mass-media se depune la dosar articolul din ziar/revistă; link-ul către înregistrarea radio/video, programul TV

în care este menționată apariția

Pentru citări și indicele Hirsch se atașează la dosar pagina care se obține în Scopus, Web of Science sau Google Scholar Citations (My citations).


I.1 Articole în reviste cotate ISI, ca autor principal (prim/ultim/corespondent) FI

1. Mihai M.M., Holban A.M., Giurcaneanu C., Popa L.G., Oanea R.M., Lazar V., *Chifiriuc M.C., Popa M., Popa M.I. Microbial

Biofilms: Impact on the Pathogenesis of Periodontitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Chronic Wounds and Medical Device-Related Infections.Current

topics in medicinal chemistry/15 (16)/1552-1576


2. Grumezescu V., Andronescu E., Holban A.M., Mogoantă L., Mogoşanu G.D., Grumezescu A.M., Stănculescu A., Socol G.,

Iordache F., Maniu H., Chifiriuc M.C. MAPLE fabrication of thin films based on kanamycin functionalized magnetite nanoparticles

with anti-pathogenic properties. Applied Surface Science/336/188-195


3. Holban AM, *Chifiriuc MC, Lazar V. Recognition and Impact of Host-derived Molecules on Bacterial Cell-tocell Signalling Pathways.

Medicinal Chemistry/11(7)/610-617


4. STOICA P., Rapa M., *Chifiriuc M.C., Lungu M., Tatia R., Nita M.I., Grumezescu A.M., Bertesteanu B., Bezirtzoglou E., Lazar V.

Antifungal bionanocomposites based on poly (lactic acid) and silver nanoparticles for potential medical devices. Romanian

Biotechnological Letters/20(4)/10696-10707


5. Ion Anghel1

, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu2,*

, Alina Georgiana Anghel3, Crina Saviuc

4, Cristina Croitoru

4, Dan Eduard. Mihaiescu


Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc4,


PHYTOCOMPONENTS FROM Eugenia carryophyllata

AQUEOUS EXTRACT. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal April 2015, Vol.14, No. 4, 855-861



6. Chifiriuc CM, Grumezescu AM. Nanobioactive structures for drug targeting and delivery. Curr Top Med Chem. 2015;15(15):1423. 3,402

7. Mateescu AL, Dimov TV, Grumezescu AM, Gestal MC, Chifiriuc MC. Nanostructured bioactive polymers used in food-packaging. Curr

Pharm Biotechnol. 2015;16(2):121-7.


8. Chifiriuc CM, Grumezescu AM. Editorial: micro and nanoscale materials for boosting the antimicrobial fight. Curr Top Med

Chem. 2015;15(16):1551.


9. Popa M, Hussien MD, Cirstea A, Grigore R, Lazar V, Bezirtzoglou E, *Chifiriuc MC, Sakizlian M, Stavropoulou E, Bertesteanu S.

Insights on Metal Based Dental Implants and their Interaction with the Surrounding. Current Topics in Medical Chemistry 15(16):1614-



10. Pop CS, Hussien MD, Popa M, Mares A, Grumezescu AM, Grigore R, Lazar V, *Chifiriuc MC, Sakizlian M, Bezirtzoglou E,

Bertesteanu S. Metallic-based micro and nanostructures with antimicrobial activity. Current Topics in Medical Chemistry



11. Grumezescu A.M., Ghitulica C.D., Voicu G., Huang K.S., Yang C.H., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Grumezescu V., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M.C.

Anionic polymers and 10 nm Fe₃O₄@UA wound dressings support human foetal stem cells normal development and exhibit great

antimicrobial properties. International Journal of Pharmaceutics/463(2)/170-6. 2014


12. Miruna Silvia Stana, 1

, Sabrina Constandaa, 1

, Valentina Grumezescub, d

, Ecaterina Andronescub, Ana Maria Ene

c, Alina Maria

Holbanb, e, f

, Bogdan Stefan Vasileb, Laurenţiu Mogoantă

g, Tudor-Adrian Bălşeanu

h, George Dan Mogoşanu

i, Gabriel Socol

d, Alexandru

Mihai Grumezescub, ,

, Anca Dinischiotua, Veronica Lazar

e, f, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc

e, fThin coatings based on ZnO@C18-usnic acid



nanoparticles prepared by MAPLE inhibit the development of Salmonella enterica early biofilm growth Applied Surface

ScienceAvailable online 12 December 2015

13. Dragoş Rădulescua, Georgeta Voicu

b, Alexandra Elena Oprea

b, Ecaterina Andronescu

b, Valentina Grumezescu

b, c, Alina Maria

Holbanb, d, e

, Bogdan Stefan Vasileb, Adrian Vasile Surdu

b, Alexandru Mihai rumezescu

b, , , Gabriel Socol

c, Laurenţiu Mogoantă

f, George

Dan Mogoşanug, Paul Cătălin Balaure

h, Radu Rădulescu

a, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc

d, eMesoporous silica coatings for cephalosporin

active release at the bone-implant interface. Applied Surface ScienceAvailable online 1 November 2015


14. Bertesteanu, Serban; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Printza AG, Marie-Paule T, Grumezescu V, Mihaela

V, Lazar V, Grigore R.Biomedical Applications of Synthetic, Biodegradable Polymers for the Development of Anti-Infective Strategies.

CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Issue: 29 Pages: 3383-3390 Published: 2014


15. Chifiriuc, Mariana C.; Grumezescu, Alexandru M.; Lazar, Veronica. Quorum Sensing Inhibitors from the Sea: Lessons from Marine

Symbiotic Relationships. CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 18 Issue: 7 Pages: 823-839 Published: 2014


16. Grumezescu, Valentina; Socol, Gabriel; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Alina Maria Holban, Anton Ficai, Roxana Truşcǎ, Coralia

Bleotu, Paul Cǎtǎlin Balauref, Rodica Cristescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc

.Functionalized antibiofilm thin coatings based on PLA-PVA

microspheres loaded with usnic acid natural compounds fabricated by MAPLE. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 302 Pages:

262-267 Published: MAY 30 2014


17. Mogosanu, George Dan; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen. Keratin-Based Biomaterials for Biomedical

Applications CURRENT DRUG TARGETS Volume: 15 Issue: 5 Pages: 518-530 Published: MAY 2014


18. Bertesteanu, Serban; Triaridis, Stefanos; Stankovic, Milan; Lazar V., *Chifiriuc M.C., Vlad M, Grigore R. Polymicrobial wound

infections: Pathophysiology and current therapeutic approaches INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 463

Issue: 2 Pages: 119-126 Published: MAR 25 2014


19. Mateescu, Andreea L.; Mitache, Mihaela M.; Chifiriuc, Mariana C.; Vassu T. Antibiotic resistance of food-borne enterobacterial strains

isolated in Bucharest, Romania ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Pages: 9409-9420

Published: JUN-JUL 2014


20. Holban, Alina-Maria; Bleotu, Coralia; *Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Lazar V.Role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing (QS)

molecules on the viability and cytokine profile of human mesenchymal stem cells VIRULENCE Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Pages: 303-310

Published: FEB 15 2014


21. Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Ghitulica, Cristina Daniela; Voicu, Georgeta; Huang KS, Yang CH, Ficai A, Vasile BS, Grumezescu

V, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc MC.New silica nanostructure for the improved delivery of topical antibiotics used in the treatment of

staphylococcal cutaneous infections Int J Pharm vol 463,2, 170-176, 2014


22. Bleotu, Coralia; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Pircalabioru, Gratiela; Berteşteanu ŞV, Grigore R, Ruta SM, Lazar V. Significance of serum

antibodies against HSP 60 and HSP 70 for the diagnostic of infectious diseases VIRULENCE Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Pages: 828-831

Published: NOV-DEC 2014


23. Bilcu, Maxim; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Oprea, Alexandra Elena; Popescu RC, Mogoșanu GD, Hristu R, Stanciu GA, Mihailescu

DF, Lazar V, Bezirtzoglou E, Chifiriuc MC.. Efficiency of Vanilla, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils Stabilized by Iron

Oxide@C-14 Nanostructures against Bacterial Adherence and Biofilms Formed by Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae

Clinical Strains MOLECULES Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 17943-17956 Published: NOV 2014


24. Czobor, Ilda; Gheorghe, Irina; Banu, Otilia Banu, Alexandra Velican, Veronica Lazăr, Grigore Mihăescu, Chifiriuc M.C.. ESBL genes in

Multi Drug Resistant Gram negative strains isolated in a one year survey from an Intensive Care Unit in Bucharest, Romania.



ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Pages: 9553-9560 Published: JUL-AUG 2014

25. Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Grumezescu, Valentina; Valentina Grumezescu, Eugenia Bezirtzoglou,

Veronica Lazar; Alexandra Bolocan.Biomedical Applications of Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery CURRENT ORGANIC

CHEMISTRY Volume: 18 Issue: 2 Pages: 152-164 Published: JAN 2014


26. Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Lazar, Veronica; Bolocan, Alexandra; Triaridis, Stefanos; Grigore,

Raluca; Bertesteanu, Serban.Contribution of Antimicrobial Peptides to the Development of New and Efficient Antimicrobial

Strategies.CURRENT PROTEOMICS Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 98-107 Published: 2014


27. Ditu, Lia-Mara; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen;Diana Pelinescu, Ionela Avram, Gratiela Pircalabioru, Grigore Mihaescu. Class I and II

Bacteriocins: Structure, Biosynthesis and Drug Delivery Systems for the Improvement of their Antimicrobial Activity CURRENT

PROTEOMICS Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 121-127 Published: 2014


28. Gheorghe, Irina; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Cotar, Ani Ioana; Lazar V. Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase Production in Pseudomonas

aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii Strains: Epidemiology, Molecular Characterization and Novel Proteomics-based Diagnostic

Tools. CURRENT PROTEOMICS Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 108-115 Published: 2014


29. Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Chifiriuc, Carmen Mariana.Prevention of Microbial Biofilms - The Contribution of Micro and

Nanostructured Materials.CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Issue: 29 Pages: 3311-3311 Published: 2014


30. Vlad, Mihaela; Andronescu, Ecaterina; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Ficai A, Voicu G, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc MC. Carboxymethyl-

cellulose/Fe3O4 nanostructures for antimicrobial substances delivery. BIO-MEDICAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING Volume:

24 Issue: 3 Pages: 1639-1646 Published: 2014


31. Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Andronescu, Ecaterina; Holban, Alina Maria; Anton Ficai, Denisa Ficai, Georgeta Voicu, Valentina

Grumezescu, Paul Cătălin Balaure , Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc. Water dispersible cross-linked magnetic chitosan beads for increasing the

antimicrobial efficiency of aminoglycoside antibiotics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HARMACEUTICS Volume: 454 Issue: 1

Pages: 233-240 Published: SEP 15 2013


32. Anghel, Ion; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Holban, Alina Maria; Ficai A, Anghel AG, Chifiriuc MC. Biohybrid Nanostructured Iron

Oxide Nanoparticles and Satureja hortensis to Prevent Fungal Biofilm Development INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES Volume: 14 Issue: 9 Pages: 18110-18123 Published: SEP 2013


33. Lungu, Magdalena; Gavriliu, Stefania; Enescu, Elena; Elena Enescu, Ioana Ion, Alexandra Brătulescu, Grigore Mihăescu, Luminiţa

Măruţescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc. Silver-titanium dioxide nanocomposites as effective antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents

JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Article Number: UNSP 2203 Published: DEC 24 2013


34. Anghel, Ion; Holban, Alina Maria; Andronescu, Ecaterina; Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Chifiriuc M.C. Efficient surface

functionalization of wound dressings by a phytoactive nanocoating refractory to Candida albicans biofilm development

BIOINTERPHASES Volume: 8 Article Number: 12 Published: APR 25 2013


35. Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Andronescu, Ecaterina; Ficai, Anton; Cocos O.,Voicu G., Chifiriuc M.C. Eugenia caryophyllata essential

oil-SiO2 biohybrid structure for the potentiation of antibiotics' ACTIVITY. REVISTA ROMANA DE MATERIALE-ROMANIAN

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS Volume: 43 Issue: 2 Pages: 160-166 Published: 2013


36. Coralia Bleotu, MC Chifiriuc, Raluca G., C. Grancea, C. Popescu, G. Anton, C. Cernescu. Investigation of Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles in

patients with laryngo-pharyngeal, HPV-positive cancers. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2013, 270 (2), 711-718.


37. Voicu G., Grumezescu V, Andronescu E., Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Ficai D., Ghitulica C.D., Gheorghe I., Chifiriuc M.C.

Caprolactam-silica network, a strong potentiator of the antimicrobial activity of kanamycin against Gram-positive and Gram-negative



bacterial strains International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2013, 446 (1–2), 63–69

38. Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Grumezescu V., Bleotu C., Saviuc C., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc C.M. In vitro activity of

the new water-dispersible Fe3O4@usnic acid nanostructure against planktonic and sessile bacterial cells. Journal of Nanopart Res, 2013,

15, 1766


39. Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Andronescu, Ecaterina; Ficai, Anton; Grumezescu, Valentina; Bleotu, Coralia; Saviuc, Crina; Mihaiescu,

Dan Eduard; Chifiriuc, Carmen Mariana. Biocompatible Magnetic Hollow Silica Microspheres for Drug Delivery. Current Organic

Chemistry, 2013, 17 (10), 1029-1033


40. Cotar A., Saviuc C., Nita A., R., Bezirtzoglou E., Lazar V., Chifiriuc,C. M.C. Anti-pathogenic Strategies for Fighting Pseudomonas

aeruginosa Infections- probiotic Soluble Compounds as Inhibitors of Quorum Sensing Genes Expression. Current Organic Chemistry,

2013, 17 (2), 155-161.


41. Chifiriuc M.C., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C., Hristu R., Grumezescu V., Bleotu C., Stanciu G., Mihaiescu D.E., Andronescu E., Lazar

V., Radulescu R Magnetic Nanoparticles for Controlling in vitro Fungal Biofilms Current Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17 (10), 1023-1028.


42. Chifiriuc M.C. Special Issue on Quorum Sensing Inhibitors: Synthesis, Optimization, and Emerging Biomedical Applications. Current

Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17 (2), 88-89.


43. Cotar A., Ionescu B., Pelinescu D., Voidarou C., Lazar V., Bezirtzoglou E., Chifiriuc M.C. Current Solutions for the Interception of

Quorum Sensing in Staphylococcus aureus. Current Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17 (2), 97-104.


44. Curutiu C., Chifiriuc M. C., Mitache M. Pseudomonas aeruginosa -Eukaryotic Cell Crosstalk: Mediators, Mechanisms and Implications

for the Antimicrobial Therapy Current Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17 (2), 149-154.


45. Limban C., Grumezescu M.A., Chirea M., Matei L., Chifiriuc M.C. Antimicrobial Potential of Benzamides and Derived Nanosystems for

Controlling in vitro Biofilm Development on Medical Devices Current Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17 (2), 162-175.


46. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, Anton Ficai, Ani Ioana Cotar, Valentina Grumezescu,

Eugenia Bezirtzoglou, Veronica Lazar, Radu Radulescu. Water dispersible magnetite nanoparticles influence the efficacy of antibiotics

against planktonic and biofilm embedded Enterococcus faecalis cells. Anaerobe, 2013 Volume: 22 Pages: 14-19 Published: AUG 2013


47. Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Crina Saviuc, Cristina Croitoru, Dan Eduard Mihaiescu, Veronica Lazar.

Improved antibacterial activity of cephalosporins loaded in magnetic chitosan microspheres. International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Volume 436, Issues 1–2, 15 October 2012, Pages 201–205


48. Chifiriuc MC, Grumezescu V, Grumezescu AM, Saviuc CM, Lazar V, Andronescu E. Hybrid magnetite nanoparticles/Rosmarinus

officinalis essential oil nanobiosystem with antibiofilm activity. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2012;7(1):209, doi:10.1186/1556-276X-7-209


49. Grumezescu, AM (Grumezescu, A. M; Ficai, A (Ficai, A; Ficai, D (Ficai, D; Predan, G (Predan, G; Chifiriuc, MC (Chifiriuc, M. C.).

Polymeric magnetic silica microspheres as a drug loader for antimicrobial delivery substances. Digest journal of nanomaterials and

biostructures Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 1891-1896 2012


50. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, Anton Ficai

,Coralia Bleotu, Dan Eduard Mihaiescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc.

Synthesis, characterization and in vitro assessment of the magnetic chitosan–carboxymethylcellulose biocomposite interactions with the

prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Volume 436, Issues 1–2, 15 October 2012, Pages 771–777


51. Limban, C.; Grumezescu, A.M.; Saviuc, C.; Voicu, G.; Predan, G.; Sakizlian, R.; Chifiriuc, M.C. Optimized Anti-pathogenic Agents

Based on Core/Shell Nanostructures and 2-((4-Ethylphenoxy)ethyl)-N-(substituted-phenylcarbamothioyl)-benzamides. International

Journal of Molecular Science2012, 13, 12584-12597


52. Grumezescu AM, Chifiriuc MC, Saviuc C, Grumezescu V, Hristu R, Mihaiescu DE, Stanciu GA, Andronescu E Hybrid Nanomaterial for 1.286


Stabilizing the Antibiofilm Activity of Eugenia carryophyllata Essential Oil.IEEE Trans Nanobioscience. 2012 Dec;11(4):360-5. doi:

10.1109/TNB.2012.2208474. Epub 2012 Aug 29

53. Anghel I, Holban AM, Grumezescu AM, Andronescu E, Ficai A, Anghel AG, Maganu M, Lazar V, Chifiriuc MCM odified wound

dressing with phyto-nanostructured coating to prevent staphylococcal and pseudomonal biofilm development.Nanoscale Res Lett. 2012

Dec 31;7(1):690.


54. Chifiriuc, MC (Chifiriuc, M. Carmen); Mihaiescu, D (Mihaiescu, D.); Ilinca, E (Ilinca, E.; Marutescu, L (Marutescu, L; Mihaescu, G

(Mihaescu, G; Grumezescu, AM (Grumezescu, Mihai).

Influence of hybrid inorganic/organic mesoporous and nanostructured materials

on the cephalosporins' efficacy on different bacterial strains. 2012. IET NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 156-161


55. Anghel I, Limban C, Grumezescu AM, Anghel AG, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc MC. In vitro evaluation of anti-pathogenic surface coating

nanofluid, obtained by combining Fe3O4/C12 nanostructures and 2-((4-ethylphenoxy)methyl)-N-(substituted-phenylcarbamothioyl)-

benzamides.Nanoscale Res Lett. 2012 Sep 19;7(1):513. doi: 10.1186/1556-276X-7-513.


56. Anghel I, Grumezescu AM, Andronescu E, Anghel AG, Ficai A, Saviuc C, Grumezescu V, Vasile BS, Chifiriuc MC. Magnetite

nanoparticles for functionalized textile dressing to prevent fungal biofilms development.Nanoscale Res Lett. 2012 Sep 6;7(1):501. doi:



57. Cristina Delcaru, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc(corresponding author), Dracea Olguta, Carmen Iordache, Carmen Limban, George Mihai

Nitulescu, Missir Alexandru Vasile, Ileana Cornelia Chirita, Carmellina Badiceanu, Coralia Bleotu, Robert Sakizlian and Anca Michaela

Israil. In vitro evaluation of the influence of compounds with tricyclic structure on the microbial growth and expression of virulence

factors. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol. 6(23), pp. 1631-1638, 22 June, 2012


58. Grumezescu AM, Saviuc C, Chifiriuc MC (corresponding author), Hristu R, Mihaiescu DE, Balaure P, Stanciu G, Lazar V. Inhibitory

activity of Fe(3) O(4)/oleic acid/usnic acid-core/shell/extra-shell nanofluid on S. aureus biofilm development.IEEE Trans

Nanobioscience, 2011,10(4):269-74


59. Ditu LM, Chifiriuc MC (corresponding author), Bezirtzoglou E, Voltsi C, Bleotu C, Pelinescu D, Mihaescu G, Lazar V. Modulation of

virulence and antibiotic susceptibility of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains by Enterococcus faecium probiotic strain culture

fractions. Anaerobe. 2011;17(6):448-51


60. Chifiriuc MC, Cioaca AB, Lazar V. In vitro assay of the antimicrobial activity of kephir against bacterial and fungal strains. Anaerobe.



61. Chifiriuc MC, Banu O, Bleotu C, Lazar V. Interaction of bacteria isolated from clinical biofilms with cardiovascular prosthetic devices

and eukaryotic cells. Anaerobe.2011;17(6):419-21


62. Limban C, Marutescu L, Chifiriuc MC (corresponding author). Synthesis, Spectroscopic Properties and Antipathogenic Activity of New

Thiourea Derivatives, Molecules,2011, 16(9), 7593-7607


63. Limban C, Chifiriuc MC (corresponding author). Antibacterial Activity of New Dibenzoxepinone Oximes with Fluorine and

Trifluoromethyl Group Substituents. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2011, 12(10), 6432-6444


64. Israil AM, Palade R, Chifiriuc MC (corresponding author), Vasile D, Grigoriu M, Voiculescu D, Popa D. Spectrum, antibiotic

susceptibility and virulence factors of bacterial infections complicating severe acute pancreatitis.Chirurgia (Bucur). 2011 Nov-



65. Chifiriuc MC, Pircalabioru P, Gîlea B, Lazar V, Dascalu L, Enache G, Bleotu C. Immunogenicity of different cellular fractions of Vibrio

parahaemolyticus strains grown under sub-lethal heat and osmotic stress. African Journal of Microbiology Research vol. 2011, 5(1): 65-




66. Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Saviuc C., Mihaiescu D., Chifiriuc M.C., Deae-cellulose/Fe3O4/cephalosporins hybrid

materials for targeted drug delivery, Revista Romana De Materiale-Romanian Journal Of Materials, 41, 4, 383-387, 2011


67. Anghel A, Chifiriuc MC (corresponding author), Mitache M, Marutescu L, Anghel AG, Popa M, Pelinescu D, Bleotu C, Lazar V.

Phenotypic and genotypic assessment of virulence factors in beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated from kindergarten infantile population,

with or without clinical symptoms, including scarlet fever. Farmacia, 2012, 60: 21-31


68. Anghel, I (Anghel, Ion); Grumezescu, AM (Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai); Anghel, AG (Anghel, Alina Georgiana); Chireac, I

(Chireac, Iulian); Marutescu, L (Marutescu, Luminita); Mihaiescu, DE (Mihaiescu, Dan Eduard); Chifiriuc, MC (Chifiriuc, Mariana


Antibiotic potentiator effect of the natural and synthetic zeolites with well defined nanopores with possible ENT clinical

applications. FARMACIA. Volume: 60 Issue: 5 Pages: 688-695 2012


69. Chifiriuc MC, Lazar V, Bleotu C, Calugarescu I, Grumezescu A M, Mihaiescu D E, Mogoşanu D E. Bacterial Adherence To The

Cellular And Inert Substrate In The Presence Of CoFe2O4 And Fe3O4 /Oleic Acid – Core/Shell Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and

Biostructures. 2011 (6)1: 37-42


70. Ion Anghel, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc (corresponding author), Georgiana Alina Anghel. Pathogenic features and therapeutical

implications of biofilm development ability in microbial strains isolated from rhinologic chronic infections. Farmacia, 2011, 59(6): 770-



71. Anghel, I (Anghel, I.); Grumezescu, V (Grumezescu, V.); Andronescu, E (Andronescu, E.; Anghel, GA (Anghel, G. A.); Grumezescu,

AM (Grumezescu, A. M.); Mihaiescu, DE (Mihaiescu, D. E.); Chifiriuc, MC (Chifiriuc, M. C. Protective effect of magnetite

nanoparticle/salvia officinalis essential oil hybrid nanobiosystem against fungal colonization on the Provox (R) voice section prosthesis.

Digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Pages: 1205-12122, 012


72. Limban C, Missir AV, Chirita IC, Neagu AF, Draghici C, Chifiriuc MC. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Some New 2-(4-

fluoro-phenoxymethyl) Benzoic Acid Thioureides. Revista de chimie. 2011, 62 (2): 168-174


Articole în reviste cotate ISI, ca şi contributor FI

1. Bleotu C, *Chifiriuc MC, Lazăr V, Drăguşel R, Matei L, Aldea IM, Dragu LD, Ionescu B, Diaconu CC, Cernescu C, Mogoantă

CA, Popescu CR, Popescu B,Grigore R, Berteşteanu ŞV. Influence of Staphylococcus aureus attachment to the herpes simplex virus

infected cells. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2015;56(2):433-7


2. Sarbu I., Vassu T., Stoica I., Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C., Pelinescu D., 2015, Phenotypic and genotypic assessment of Lactobacillus

plantarum influence on Candida albicans fluconazole resistance, Annals of Microbiology, 1-7.


3. Holban A.M., Andronescu E., Grumezescu V., Oprea A.E., Grumezescu A.M., Socol G., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V, Iordache F.

Carvone functionalized iron oxide nanostructures thin films prepared by MAPLE for improved resistance to microbial colonization.

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 73 (3)/605-61, 2015


4. Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Oprea A.E., Holban A.M., Socol G., Grumezescu V., Chifiriuc M.C., Iordache F., Maniu H.

MAPLE fabricated magnetite@ Melissa officinalis and poly lactic acid: chitosan coated surfaces with anti-staphylococcal properties.

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology/73 (3)/605-611, 2015


5. Patrinoiu G, Calderón-Moreno JM, Chifiriuc CM, Saviuc C, Birjega R, Carp O. Tunable ZnO spheres with high anti-biofilm and

antibacterial activity via a simple green hydrothermal route. J Colloid Interface Sci. 15;462:64-74, 2015


6. Croitoru C.D., Mihaiescu D.E., Chifiriuc M.C., Bolocan A., Bleotu C., Grumezescu A.M., Saviuc C.M., Lazăr V., Curuţiu C.

Efficiency of gentamicin loaded in bacterial polysaccharides microcapsules against intracellular Gram-positive and Gram-negative

invasive pathogens. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2015, 56(4):3–6



7. Floroian L, Samoila C, Badea M, Munteanu D, Ristoscu C, Sima F, Negut I, Chifiriuc MC, Mihailescu IN. Stainless steel surface

biofunctionalization with PMMA-bioglass coatings: compositional, electrochemical corrosion studies and microbiological assay . J

Mater Sci Mater Med. 2015 Jun;26(6):195


8. Bolocan A, Mihaiescu DE, Andronescu E, Voicu G, Grumezescu AM, Ficai A, Vasile BŞ, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc MC, Pop CS.

Biocompatible hydrodispersible magnetite nanoparticles used as antibiotic drug carriers. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2015;56(2):365-70.


9. Visinescu D., Scurtu M., Negrea R., Birjega R., Culita D.C., Chifiriuc M.C., Draghici D., Moreno J.C., Musuc A.M., Balint I., Carp

O. Additive-free 1,4-butanediol mediated synthesis: a suitable route to obtain nanostructured, mesoporous spherical zinc oxide materials

with multifunctional properties. RSC Advances/5(121)99976-99989, 2015


10. Grumezescu V., Andronescu E., Holban A.M. , Socol G., Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C., Trusca R.,

IordacheF. Fabrication and characterization of functionalized surfaces with 3-amino propyltrimethoxysilane films for anti-infective

therapy applications. Applied Surface Science/336/401-406, 2015


11. Voicu G., Dogaru I., Meliţă D., Meştercă R., Spirescu V., Stan E., Tote E., Mogoantă L., Mogoşanu G.D., Grumezescu A.M.,

Truşcă R., Vasile E., Iordache F, Chifiriuc M.C., Holban A.M. Nanostructured mesoporous silica: new perspectives for fighting

antimicrobial resistance. Journal of Nanoparticle Research/17(5)/1-13, 2015


12. E Grosu, A Ficai, M Rapa, C Zaharia, C Chifiriuc, S Ulinici, L Jecu. Plastified polyvinyl chloride for antimicrobial medical device

applications. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol.17, No. 7-8, 2015, p. 1139-1145


13. Gheorghe I., Novais A., Grosso F., Rodrigues C., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Peixe L. Snapshop of carbapenemase-producing

Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacterbaumannii in Bucharest hospitals reveals unusual clones and novel genetic surroundings for

blaOXA-23 J AntimicrobChemother/70(4):1016-20, 2015


14. Ciulu-Constantinescu F., Chifiriuc MC., Popa M., Bleotu C., Neamtu J., Averis LME., Bubulica MV., Simionescu A., Aldea IM., Belu I.

Screening of Polyphenol Content and In vitro Studies of Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activities of Capsicum Annuum

Extracts. Revista de Chimie 66 (9):1261-1266, 2015


15. Petruța Stoica, Maria Râpă, Mariana-Carmen Chifiriuc, Maria Lungu, Rodica Tatia, Viorica Coroiu, Grigore Vlad, Veronica Lazăr.

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal November 2015, Vol.14, No. 11, 2703-2711 http://omicron.ch.tuiasi.ro/EEMJ/


16. Alina Catrangiu, Daniela Niculescu, Irina Lucaciu, Carmen Chifiriuc, Grigore Mihaescu. Virulence factors of gram negative bacteria

isolated from natural aquatic ecosystems – Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology Vol 16, no. 1/2015.


17. Ioana C. Marinas1, Eliza Oprea2,*,Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc1, Irinel Adriana Badea3, Mihaela Buleandra3 andVeronica

Lazar1Chemical Composition and Antipathogenic Activity of Artemisia annuaEssential Oil from RomaniaChemistry & Biodiversity

Volume 12, Issue 10, pages 1554–1564, October 2015


18. Cristina Liana Popa1, Carmen Steluta Ciobanu1, Georgeta Voicu2, Eugenia Vasile2, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc34, Simona Liliana

Iconaru1 and Daniela Predoi1*Influence of Thermal Treatment on the Antimicrobial Activity of Silver-Doped Biological

ApatiteNanoscale Research Letters 2015, 10:502 doi:10.1186/s11671-015-1211-x


19. R. Cristescua, , , , A. Visana, G. Socola, A.V. Surdub, A.E. Opreab, A.M. Grumezescub, M.C. Chifiriucc, R.D. Boehmd, D.

Yamaleyevad, M. Taylord, R.J. Narayand, D.B. ChriseyeAntimicrobial activity of biopolymeric thin films containing flavonoid natural

compounds and silver nanoparticles fabricated by MAPLE: A comparative study. Applied Surface ScienceAvailable online 2 December



20. Curutiu C., *Chifiriuc M.C., Iordache F., Bleotu C., Lazăr V., Mogoantă C.A., Popescu C.R., Grigore R., Berteşteanu S.V. Fluorescence

analysis of apoptosis induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in endothelial cells. Romanian Journal



of Morphology and Embryology /55(2)/313-7. 2014

21. Angelica Oprea Stoicaa, c, Ecaterina Andronescua, c, Cristina Daniela Ghitulicaa, c, Georgeta Voicua, c, , , Alexandru Mihai

Grumezescua, c, Marcela Popab, c, Mariana Carmen Chifiriucb, cInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics. Preparation and

characterization of undoped and cobalt doped ZnO for antimicrobial use. Available online 21 September 2015


22. Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Holban, Alina Maria; Andronescu, Ecaterina; Mogoşanu GD, Vasile BS, Chifiriuc MC, Lazar

V, Andrei E, Constantinescu A, Maniu H. Anionic polymers and 10 nm Fe3O4@UA wound dressings support human foetal stem cells

normal development and exhibit great antimicrobial properties INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 463

Issue: 2 Pages: 146-154 Published: MAR 25 2014


23. Grumezescu, V.; Holban, A. M.; Grumezescu, A. M.; Socol G, Ficai A, Vasile BS, Truscă R, Bleotu C, Lazar V, Chifiriuc

CM, Mogosanu GD. Usnic acid-loaded biocompatible magnetic PLGA-PVA microsphere thin films fabricated by MAPLE with

increased resistance to staphylococcal colonization BIOFABRICATION Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Article Number: 035002 Published:

SEP 2014


24. Grumezescu, Valentina; Holban, Alina Maria; Iordache, Florin; Gabriel Socol, George Dan Mogoşanu, Alexandru Mihai

Grumezescu , Anton Ficai, Bogdan Ştefan Vasileb, Roxana Truşcăf, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Horia Maniu. MAPLE fabricated

magnetite@eugenol and (3-hidroxybutyric acid-co-3-hidroxyvaleric acid)-polyvinyl alcohol microspheres coated surfaces with anti-

microbial properties APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 306 Pages: 16-22 Published: JUL 1 2014


25. Badea, Mihaela; Calu, Larisa; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Coralia Bleotu, Alexandra Marin, Sebastian Ion, Gabriela Ioniţă, Nicolae

Stanică, Luminiţa Măruţescu, Veronica Lazăr, Dana Marinescu, Rodica Olar .Thermal behaviour of some novel antimicrobials based on

complexes with a Schiff base bearing 1,2,4-triazole pharmacophore JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND

CALORIMETRY Volume: 118 Issue: 2 Pages: 1145-1157 Published: NOV 2014


26. Anghel, Ion; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Holban, Alina Maria; Irina Gheorghe, Mihaela Vlad, Georgiana Alina Anghel, Paul Catalin

Balaure, Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc, Ioana Mihaiela Ciuca. Improved Activity Of Aminoglycosides Entrapped In Silica Networks

Against Microbial Strains Isolated From Otolaryngological Infections. FARMACIA Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 69-78 Published:

JAN-FEB 2014


27. Araniciu, C.; Marutescu, L.; Oniga, S.; Onoga O., Chifiriuc M.C. Palage M. Evaluation of the antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activity of

some 4,2 and 5,2 bisthiazoles derivatives.DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES Volume: 9 Issue: 1

Pages: 123-131 Published: JAN-MAR 2014


28. Badea, Mihaela; Vlaicu, Ioana Dorina; Olar, Rodica; Constand, M.; Bleotu, C.; Chifiriuc, M. C.; Marutescu, L.; Lazar, V.; M. N.

Grecu; Marinescu, D.. Thermal behaviour and characterisation of new biologically active Cu(II) complexes with benzimidazole as main

ligand. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 118 Issue: 2 Pages: 1119-1133 Published: NOV



29. Badea, Mihaela; Patrascu, Florentina; Korosec, Romana Cerc, Peter Bukovec, Monica Raita, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Luminiţa

Măruţescu, Coralia Bleotu, Bruno Velescu, Dana Marinescu, Valentina Uivarosi, Rodica Olar. Thermal, spectral, magnetic and biologic

characterization of new Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with a hexaazamacrocyclic ligand bearing ketopyridine moieties JOURNAL

OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 118 Issue: 2 Pages: 1183-1193 Published: NOV 2014


30. Olar, Rodica; Patrascu, Florentina; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Emilia Elena Iorgulescu, Coralia Bleotu, Luminiţa Măruţescu, Veronica

Lazar, Dana Marinescu, Nicolae Stanică, Mihaela Badea. Insight on thermal, spectral, magnetic and biological behaviour of new Ni(II),

Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with a pentaazamacrocyclic ligand derived from nicotinamide. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS



AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 118 Issue: 2 Pages: 1159-1168 Published: NOV 2014

31. Floroian, L.; Florescu, M.; Munteanu, D.; M. Badea, G. Popescu-Pelin, C. Ristoscu, F. Sima, M.C. Chifiriuc, I.N. Mihailescu. A New

Concept Of Stainless Steel Medical Implant Based Upon Composite Nanostructures Coating. DIGEST JOURNAL OF

NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Pages: 1555-1568 Published: OCT-DEC 2014


32. Gheorghe, Irina; Czobor, Ilda; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Borcan E, Ghiţă C, Banu O, Lazăr V, Mihăescu G, Mihăilescu DF, Zhiyong

Z.. Molecular screening of carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative Strains in Romanian intensive care units during a one year survey

JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 63 Pages: 1303-1310 Part: 10 Published: OCT 2014


33. Limban, Carmen; Missir, Alexandru Vasile; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Oprea AE, Grumezescu V, Vasile BS, Socol G, Trușcă

R, Caproiu MT, Chifiriuc MC, Gălățeanu B, Costache M, Morușciag , Pîrcălăbioru G, Nuță DC. Bioevaluation of Novel Anti-Biofilm

Coatings Based on PVP/Fe3O4 Nanostructures and 2-((4-Ethylphenoxy) methyl)-N-(arylcarbamothioyl)benzamides.

MOLECULES Volume: 19 Issue: 8 Pages: 12011-12030 Published: AUG 2014


34. Bucur, Cristina; Badea, Mihaela; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Coralia Bleotu, Emilia Elena Iorgulescu, Irinel Adriana Badea, Maria

Nicoleta Grecu, Veronica Lazăr, Oana-Irina Patriciu, Dana Marinescu, Rodica Olar. Studies on thermal, spectral, magnetic and

biological properties of new Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with a bismacrocyclic ligand bearing an aromatic linker. JOURNAL OF

THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 115 Issue: 3 Pages: 2179-2189 Published: MAR 2014


35. Badiceanu, Carmellina Daniela; Draghici, Constantin; Missir, Alexandru-Vasile, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Camelia Elena Stecoza.

Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Some New Thioureas derived from 3-thiophenecarboxylic Acid. REVISTA

DE CHIMIE Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 160-163 Published: FEB 2014


36. Curutiu, Carmen; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Iordache, Florin; Bleotu C, Lazăr V, Mogoantă CA, Popescu CR, Grigore R, Berteşteanu

SV. Fluorescence analysis of apoptosis induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in endothelial cells. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF

MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY Volume: 55 Issue: 2 Pages: 313-317 Published: 2014

0. 659

37. Marinas, Ioana C.; Oprea, Eliza; Geana, Elisabeta-Irina; Chifiriuc M.C. Lazar V. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of the vegetative

and reproductive organs of Robinia pseudoacacia. JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 79 Issue: 11

Pages: 1363-1378 Published: 2014


38. Mihai, Mara Madalina; Holban, Alina Maria; Giurcaneanu, Calin; Popa LG, Buzea M, Filipov M, Lazăr V, Chifiriuc MC, Popa

MI.Identification and phenotypic characterization of the most frequent bacterial etiologies in chronic skin ulcers. ROMANIAN

JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Pages: 1401-1408 Published: 2014

0. 659

39. Reiss, Aurora; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Amzoiu, Emilia; Spinu C. Transition Metal(II) Complexes with Cefotaxime-Derived Schiff

Base: Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Studies. Bioinorganic chemistry and applications Volume: 2014 Pages: 926287

Published: 2014 (Epub 2014 Feb 12)


40. Holban, Alina-Maria; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Cotar, Ani Ioana; Lazar V.Virulence markers in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates

from hospital-acquired infections occurred in patients with underlying cardiovascular disease ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL

LETTERS Volume: 18 Issue: 6 Pages: 8843-8854 Published: NOV-DEC 2013


41. Badea, M (Badea, Mihaela; Crasanda, AM (Crasanda, Ana-Maria); Chifiriuc, MC (Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen); Marutescu, L

(Marutescu, Luminita); Lazar, V (Lazar, Veronica); Marinescu, D (Marinescu, Dana); Olar, R (Olar, Rodica)Synthesis, spectral and

thermal study on new Fe(III) complexes with N,N-dimethylbiguanide as antibacterial agents. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS

AND CALORIMETRY. 2013. Volume: 111 Issue: 3 Pages: 1743-1751


42. Prodan, Alina Mihaela; Iconaru, Simona Liliana; Chifiriuc, Carmen Mariana; Coralia Bleotu, Carmen Steluta Ciobanu, Mikael Motelica- 1.611


Heino, Stanislas Sizaret, Daniela Predoi.Magnetic Properties and Biological Activity Evaluation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. JOURNAL

OF NANOMATERIALS Article Number: 893970 Published: 2013

43. Bucur, Cristina; Korosec, Romana Cerc; Badea, Mihaela; Mihaela Badea, Larisa Calu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Nicoleta

Grecu, Nicolae Stanică, Dana Marinescu, Rodica Olar.Investigation of thermal stability, spectral, magnetic, and antimicrobial behavior

for new complexes of Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) with a bismacrocyclic ligand JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND

CALORIMETRY Volume: 113 Issue: 3 Pages: 1287-1295 Published: SEP 2013


44. Grumezescu, V.; Chifiriuc, C. M.; Holban, A. M.;A.M. Holban P. Stoica, A.M. Grumezescu, G. Voicu, G. Socol, K.S. Huang, C. Bleotu,

R. Radulescu. Antimicrobial And Biocompatibility Assay Of Newly Fabricated Materials Based Copper Or Zinc Alginate And SiO2

network. DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Pages: 869-U507 Published:

APR-JUN 2013


45. Nuta, Diana Camelia; Chifiriuc, Mariana Carmen; Draghici, Constantin, Carmen Limban, Alexandru Vasile Missir, Laurenţiu

Moruşciag. Synthesis, Characterization And Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation Of New Agents From Benzamides Class

FARMACIA Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Pages: 966-974 Published: SEP-OCT 2013


46. Paun, Anca; Zarafu, Irina; Caproiu, Miron T , Constantin Draghici, Maria Maganu, Ani I. Cotar, Mariana C. Chifiriuc, Petre Ionita.

Synthesis and microbiological evaluation of several benzocaine derivatives COMPTES RENDUS CHIMIE Volume: 16 Issue: 7

Pages: 665-671 Published: JUL 2013


47. Vasile, Gina; Olar, Rodica; Marinescu, Dana; Angela Kriza, Luminita Marutescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Veronica Lazar, Mihaela

Badea.Thermal study of new biologic active complexes with mixed ligands JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND

CALORIMETRY Volume: 111 Issue: 3 Pages: 1783-1790 Published: MAR 2013


48. Prodan, Alina Mihaela; Iconaru, Simona Liliana; Ciobanu, Carmen Steluta; Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Mihai Stoicea, Daniela

Predoi.Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles: Characterization and Toxicity Evaluation by In Vitro and In Vivo Assays. JOURNAL OF

NANOMATERIALS Article Number: 587021 Published: 2013


49. Holban, Alina Maria; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Grumezescu, V.; Andronescu, Ecaterina; Chifiriuc M.C., Radu Radulescu.

Magnetite - usnic acid nanostructured bioactive material with antimicrobial activity REVISTA ROMANA DE MATERIALE-

ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 402-407 Published: 2013


50. Holban, Alina Maria; Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Ficai, Anton; Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc, Veronica Lazar, Radu

Radulescu.Fe3O4@C-18-Carvone To Prevent Candida Tropicalis Biofilm DevelopmentREVISTA ROMANA DE MATERIALE-

ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS Volume: 43 Issue: 3 Pages: 300-305 Published: 2013


51. Ioana Dorina Vlaicu, Madalina Constand, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Maria Nicoleta Grecu, Veronica Lazar, Mariana Carmen

Chifiriuc, Mihaela Badea. Thermal stability of new biologic active copper(II) complexes with 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole. J Therm Anal

Calorim 2013 Volume: 113 Issue: 3 Pages: 1369-1377


52. Lilia Matei, Coralia Bleotu, Ion Baciu, Constantin Draghici, Petre Ionita, Anca Paun, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Adriana Sbarcea, Irina

Zarafu. Synthesis and bioevaluation of some new isoniazid derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 Volume: 21 Issue: 17

Pages: 5355-5361 Published: SEP 1 2013


53. Cristina Bucur, Romana Cerc Korošec, Mihaela Badea, Larisa Calu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Nicoleta Grecu, Nicolae Stanică, Dana

Marinescu, Rodica Olar. Investigation of thermal stability, spectral, magnetic, and antimicrobial behavior for new complexes of Ni (II),

Cu (II), and Zn (II) with a bismacrocyclic ligand. J Therm Anal Calorim Volume 113, Issue 3, pp 1287-1295 2013


54. A. Costescu, C. S. Ciobanu, S. L. Iconaru, R. V. Ghita, C. M. Chifiriuc, L. G. Marutescu, D. Predoi. Fabrication, Characterization, and 1.611


Antimicrobial Activity, Evaluation of Low Silver Concentrations in Silver-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles. Journal of

Nanomaterials, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 194854, 9 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/194854

55. Mihaela Badea, Elica Iosub, Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc, Luminita Marutescu, Emilia Elena Iorgulescu, Veronica Lazar, Dana

Marinescu, Coralia Bleotu, Rodica Olar. Thermal, spectral, electrochemical and biologic characterization of new Pd(II) complexes with

ligands bearing biguanide moieties. J Therm Anal Calorim 2013 Volume: 111 Issue: 3 Pages: 1753-1761


56. Mihaiescu D.E., Cristescu R., Dorcioman G., Popescu C.E., Nita C., Socol G., Mihailescu N.I., Grumezescu A.M., Tamas D., Enculescu

M., Negrea R.F., Ghica C., Chifiriuc C., Bleotu C. and Chrisey D.B. Functionalized magnetite silica thin films fabricated by MAPLE

with antibiofilm properties. Biofabrication, 2013, 5 (1), 1088-1758.


57. Voicu G. Andronescu E., Grumezescu A. M., Huang K. S., Ficai A., Yang C. H., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M, C. Voicu G., Grumezescu V.,

Andronescu E., Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Ficai D., Ghitulica C.DAntitumor Activity of Magnetite Nanoparticles: Influence of

Hydrocarbonated Chain of Saturated Aliphatic Monocarboxylic Acids Current Organic Chemistry, 2013,17 (8), 831-840.


58. Carmen Steluta Ciobanu, Simona Liliana Iconaru, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Adrian Costescu, Philippe Le Coustumer, and Daniela

Predoi. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Silver-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles. BioMed Research International Volume

2013, Article ID 916218, 10 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/916218


59. Balaure PC, Andronescu E, Grumezescu AM, Ficai A, Huang KS, Yang CH, Chifiriuc CM, Lin YS.Fabrication, characterization and in

vitro profile based interaction with eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells of alginate-chitosan-silica biocomposite.Int J Pharm. 2012 Nov 20.

doi:pii: S0378-5173(12)00985-4. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2012.10.045 Volume: 441 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 555-561 Published: JAN 30 2013


60. Vasile G; Olar R; Marinescu D; Kriza A, Marutescu L; Chifiriuc MC; Lazar V, Badea M.Thermal study of new biologic active

complexes with mixed ligands. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012, 1-8, 2012, DOI:10.1007/s10973-012-2317-3

Volume: 111 Issue: 3 Pages: 1783-1790


61. Bucur C, Badea M, Calu L, Marinescu D, Grecu MN, Stanica N, Chifiriuc MC, Olar R. Thermal behaviour of some new complexes with

decaaza bismacrocyclic ligand as potential antimicrobial species. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012, 10.1007/s10973-



62. Cristescu R, Popescu C, Socola G, Iordache I, Mihailescu IN, Mihaiescu DE, Grumezescu AM., Andronie A, Stamatin, Chifiriuc C,

Bleotu C, Saviuc C, Popa M, Chrisey DB. Magnetic core/shell nanoparticle thin films deposited by maple: Investigation by chemical,

morphological and in vitro biological assays. Applied Surface Science, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.02.055


63. Nitulescu GM, Draghici C, Chifiriuc MC,

Marutescu L, Bleotu C, Missir AV. Synthesis and antimicrobial

screening of N-(1-methyl-1Hpyrazole- 4-carbonyl)-thiourea derivatives. Med Chem Res., 2012, 21:308-314


64. Radu B; Bacalum M, Marin A, Chifiriuc MC, Lazar V, Radu M. Mechanisms of ceftazidime and ciprofloxacin transport through porins

in multidrug-resistance developed by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase E.coli strains. JOFL, 2011, 21: 1421-1429


65. Limban C, Missir AV, Chirita IC, Nitulescu GM, Caproiu MT, Chifiriuc MC, Israil A.M. Synthesis and antimicrobial properties of new

2-(4- ethylphenoxy)methyl)benzoylthioureas. Chemical papers, 2011, 65 (1) 60–69.


66. Saviuc C, Grumezescu AM, Banu O, Chifiriuc C, Mihaiescu D, Balaure P, Lazar V. Biocompatible Magnetic MWCNTs Based on

phytocomponents from Eugenia carryophyllata. REV. CHIM., 2012,63(5):531-535


67. Bubulica MV, Anghel I, Grumezescu AM, Saviuc C, Anghel GA, Chifiriuc MC, Gheorghe I, Lazar V, Popescu A. In vitro evaluation of

bactericidal and antibiofilm activity of Lonicera tatarica and Viburnum opulus plant extracts on Staphylococcus Strains. Farmacia. 2012,

60 (1): 80-91



68. Pelinescu D, Chifiriuc M C, Ditu L M, Sarbu I, Bleotu C, Vassu T, Stoica I, Lazar V, Corcionivoschi N, Sasarman E Selection and

characterization of the probiotic potential of some lactic acid bacteria isolated from infant feces. 2011.RBL vol. 16 (3): 6178-6189


69. Saviuc C, Grumezescu AM, Chifiriuc CM, Mihaiescu DE, Hristu R, Stanciu G, Oprea E, Radulescu V, Lazar V. Hybrid nanosystem for

stabilizing essential oils in biomedical applications. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. 2011 (6) 4: 1657-1666

71. Israil AM, Palade RS, Chifiriuc MC (corresponding author), Delcaru C, Voiculescu D, Popa D, Davitoiu D. Bifidobacterium spp.: A

unique etiopathogenic agent for intra-abdominal infections. African Journal of Microbiology Research 2011, vol. 5(27), pp. 4873-4880


I.3. Articole publicate în reviste nationale indexate BDI, ca autor principal


1. Saviuc C., Cotar A.I., Holban A.M., Banu O., Grumezescu A.M., Chifiriuc M.C. Phenotypic and molecular evaluation of Pseudomonas

aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus virulence patterns in the presence of some essential oils and their major compounds. Letters in

Applied Nanobioscience, 291, 91-96, 2013

2. Cotar A.I., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Voicu G., Ficai A., Ou K.L., Huang K.S., Chifiriuc M.C.Nanotechnological solution for

improving the antibiotic efficiency against biofilms developed by Gram-negative bacterial strain Letters in Applied Nanobioscience, 291,

97-104, 2013

3. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, Anton Ficai, Coralia Bleotu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc. Chitin based biomaterial for

antimicrobial therapy: fabrication, characterization and in vitro profile based interaction with eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Biointerface

Res Appl Chem 2012, 5(2): 300-305

4. Cristina Croitoru, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Luminita Marutescu, Veronica Lazar, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc. Studies of

microbial recovery from stainless steel surfaces. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2012, Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2012463-468

5. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, Anton Ficai, Denisa Ficai, Keng-Shiang Huang, Irina Gheorghe, Carmen Mariana

Chifiriuc. Water soluble magnetic biocomposite with potential applications for the antimicrobial therapy. Biointerface Res Appl

Chem 2012, 6(2): 469-375

6. Iordache C, Bleotu C, Holban A, Lixandru M, Cotar A,

Lazar V, Antohe F, Chifiriuc MC. Differential Effects On Caspase Mediated Apoptosis Of Hela Cells Induced By Different Pseudomonas

aeruginosa Culture Fractions. IJABPT 2011, (2):1: 132-138

7. Chifiriuc MC, Palade R, Israil AM. Comparative analysis of disk diffusion and liquid medium microdillution methods for testing the

antibiotic susceptibility patterns of anaerobic bacterial strains isolated from intra-abdominal infections. Biointerface Res Appl Chem, 2011,

1(6): 209-220

8. Dan Eduard Mihaiescu, Mariana Horja, Irina Gheorghe, Anton Ficai, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Coralia Bleotu, Carmen Mariana

Chifiriuc Water soluble magnetite nanoparticles for antimicrobial drugs delivery Letters in Applied NanoBioScience 1, 2, 45-49, 2012

9. The profile of chronic skin wound microbiota in hospitalized dermatology patients Mihaela Georgescu1 , Luminita Marutescu2, *, Viorel

Trifu1 , Viorica Marinescu1 , Ionel Toropoc1 , Doru Aurel Chirita1 , Marcela Poenaru1 , Monica Sorina Darmanescu1 , Daniel Costache1 ,

Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc2, 3 1 Dr. Carol Davila vol. 4 (6): 970-974, 2014

Articole în în reviste nationale indexate BDI, ca şi contributor


1. Alina Catrangiu, Daniela Niculescu, Irina Lucaciu, Catalina Stoica, Carmen Chifiriuc, Grigore Mihaescu. Dinamica populațiilor bacteriene


în ecosistemele deltaice – Studiu de caz pe Brațul Sfântu Gheorghe –Revista RomAqua nr. 8/2014.

2. Gabriela Cucu (Pîrîianu) Bogdan Ionescu Diana Ionescu Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc Grigore Mihaescu Evaluation of ECLIA method for the

early diagnosis of viral hepatitis B and C. BRIAC, vol. 5 (4): 959-963, 2015

3. Anca Diana Cristea Marcela Popa Mariana Carmen Chirifiuc Luminita Marutescu Veronica Lazar Ioana Suciu Andrei Iliescu Bogdan

Dimitriu Paula Perlea The antimicrobial efficiency of endodontic irrigation solutions on bacterial biofilm. A literature review. BRIAC, vol. 5

(4): 963 970 , 2015

4. Gabriela Cucu (Pîrîianu) Bogdan Ionescu Diana Ionescu Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc Grigore Mihaescu Comparative analysis of hepatic

cytolysis biochemical parameters and of quantitative changes in protein fractions in patients with chronic hepatitis. BRIAC, vol. 5 (4): 970-

974, 2015

5. Silver nanostructurated surfaces prepared by MAPLE for biofilm prevention Oana Fufă, Ecaterina Andronescu, Valentina Grumezescu,

Alina Maria Holban, Laurențiu Mogoantă, George Dan Mogoșanu, Gabriel Socol, Florin Iordache, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Alexandru

Mihai Grumezescu vol. 5 (4): 1011-1017, 2015

6. Neguţ AC, Săndulescu O, Popa M, Streinu-Cercel A, Alavidze Z, Berciu I, Bleotu C, Popa M, Chifiriuc MC, Streinu-Cercel . Experimental

approach for bacteriophage susceptibility testing of planktonic and sessile bacterial populations - Study protocol. Germs. 2014 Dec


7. Sarbu I., Vassu T., Stoica I., Chifiriuc C. Bucur M., Rusu E., Pelinescu D., 2015, Analysis on the antimicrobial activity of some lactic acid

bacteria strains, Journal of Infectious Diseases 18(2-3): 87-91.

8. Marinas, Ioana Cristina; Chifiriuc, Carmen; Oprea, Eliza; et al. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of alcoholic extracts obtained from

vegetative organs of A. retroflexus.Roumanian archives of microbiology and immunology Volume: 73 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 35-42

Published: 2014 Jan-Jun

9. Cotar A.I., Grumezescu A.M., Huang K.S., Voicu G., Chifiriuc M.C., Radulescu R. Magnetite nanoparticles influence the efficacy of

antibiotics against biofilm embedded Staphylococcus aureus cells. Bionterface Research in Applied Chemistry, 3(2), 559-565

10. Negut, Alina Cristina; Sandulescu, Oana; Popa, Marcela; Chifriiuc M.C. et al.Experimental approach for bacteriophage susceptibility

testing of planktonic and sessile bacterial populations - Study protocol. Germs Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Pages: 92-6 Published: 2014-Dec

11. Ditu, L M; Chifiriuc, M C; Bezirtzoglou, E; et al.Immunomodulatory effect of non-viable components of probiotic culture stimulated with

heat-inactivated Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus on holoxenic mice. Microbial ecology in health and disease Volume: 25 Published:


12. Marinescu, F., Marutescu L., Chifiriuc M.C., Savin I., Lazar V. Virulence markers of Escherichia coli strains isolated from hospital and

poultry wastewater. Bionterface Research in Applied Chemistry, 3(3), 579-587 , 2013

13. Holban A.M., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazǎr V. Host cells response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections-role of quorum sensing African Journal of

Microbiology Research, 2013, 7(21), 2420-2429.

14. Cotar A.I., Chifiriuc M.C., Banu O., Lazar V.Antibiotic resistance patterns of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cardiovascular

surgery associated infections Bionterface Research in Applied Chemistry, 3(1), 491-497.

15. Gheorghe I., Chifiriuc M.C., Anastasiu P., Marutescu L., Oprea E., Lazar V. Study of the antagonist interactions between invasive plants

from Danube Delta and the associated microbiota. Bionterface Research in Applied Chemistry, 3(1), 520-522.

16. Stan T., Marutescu l., Chifiriuc M.C., Mateescu C., Lazar V. Study of the antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of romanian propolis.

Bionterface Research in Applied Chemistry, 3(2), 541-550

17. Cotar A.I., Chifiriuc M.C., Banu O., Lazar V.Molecular characterization of virulence patterns in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated


from respiratory and wound samples. Bionterface Research in Applied Chemistry, 3(2), 551-558

18. Ilie M, Dascãlu L, Chifiriuc C, Popa M, Constantinescu G, Tãnãsescu C, Baltac A. Correlation of anti-Helicobacter pylori Cag A IgG

antibodies with resistance to first line treatment, bleeding gastroduodenal ulcers and gastric cancer. Rom. Arch. Microbiol. Immunol 2011,

70 (3):101:105

19. Ilie M, Popa M, Chifiriuc MC, Baltac A, Constantinescu G, Tãnãsescu C. Helicobacter pylori cultivation from gastric biopsies and

susceptibility to antibiotics used in empirical therapy. Rom. Arch. Microbiol. Immunol 2011, Vol. 70 (50-65)

20. Cotar AI, Chifiriuc MC, Holban AM, Banu O, Lazar V. Prevalence of agr specificity groups among Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated

from different clinical specimens patients with cardiovascular surgery associated infections. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2012, 2: 1264-270

21. Marinaş I, Grumezescu AM, Saviuc C, Chifiriuc C, Mihaiescu D, Lazar V. Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil as antibiotic potentiator

against Staphylococcus aureus. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2012, 2 (1): 271-276.

22. Ecaterina Andronescu, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Anton Ficai, Irina Gheorghe, Mariana Chifiriuc, Dan Eduard

Mihaiescu, Veronica Lazǎr.In vitro efficacy of antibiotic magnetic dextran microspheres complexes against Staphylococcus aureus and

Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2012, 3(2): 332-338

23. Saviuc C, Marinas I, Grumezescu AM, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc C, Mihaiescu D, Lazar V. Phytochemical composition of the fennel fruits

essential oil and its influence on prokariotic cells growth and pathogenic features. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2012, 2(2): 300-305

24. Marutescu L, Limban C, Chifiriuc MC, Missir AV, Chirita IC, Caproiu M.T. Studies on the antimicrobial activity of new compounds

containing thiourea function. Biointerface Res Appl Chem, 2011, 1 (6): 236-241

25. Grumezescu AM, Saviuc C, Holban A, Hristu R, Croitoru C, Stanciu G, Chifiriuc C, Mihaiescu D, Balaure P, Lazar V. Magnetic

chitosan for drug targeting and in vitro drug delivery response. Biointerface Res Appl Chem, 2011, 5 (1): 160-165

26. Grumezescu AM, Ilinca E, Chifiriuc C, Mihaiescu D, Balaure P, Traistaru V, Mihaiescu G. Influence of magnetic MWCNTs on the

antimicrobial activity of cephalosporins. 2011, Biointerface Res Appl Chem, 1 (4): 139-144

27. Saviuc C, Grumezescu AM, Holban A, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc C, Balaure P, Lazar V. Phenotypical studies for raw and nanosystem

embedded Eugenia carryophyllata buds essential oil effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus strains. Biointerface Res

Appl Chem 2011, 1 (2): 111-118

28. Osakwe CE, Chifiriuc C, Lazar V. HIV pathogenesis and cytokine secretion patterns in AIDS-related opportunistic infections and HIV-

1/HBV co-infections. Biointerface Res Appl Chem, 2011, 5 (1): 166-183

29. Saviuc C, Grumezescu AM, Holban A, Chifiriuc C, Mihaiescu D, Lazar V. Hybrid nanostructurated material for biomedical

applications. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2011, 1 (2): 64-71

30. Banu O, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc MC, Savu B, Stanciu G, Antal C, Alexandrescu M, Lazǎr V. Virulence factors of Staphylococcus aureus

and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains involved in the etiology of cardiovascular infections. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2011, 1(2): 72-77

31. Saviuc C, Grumezescu AM, Oprea E, Radulescu V, Dascalu L, Chifiriuc MC, Bucur M, Banu O, Lazar V.Antifungal activity of some

vegetal extracts on Candida biofilms developed on inert substratum. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2011, 1 (1): 15-23

32. Saviuc C, Grumezescu AM, Chifiriuc MC, Bleotu C, Stanciu G, Hristu R, Mihaiescu D, Lazăr V. In vitro methods for the study of

artificial fungal biofilms. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2011, 1 (1): 31-40

33. Panus E, Chifiriuc CM, Banu O, Mitache M, Bleotu C, Rosoiu N, Lazar V.Comparative study of resistance and virulence markers

in Escherichia coli strains isolated from hospital surfaces, clinical specimens and drinking/ marine waters. Biointerface Res Appl Chem

2011, 1 (1): 24-30

34. Pîrcălăbioru G, Bezirtzoglou E, Papageorgiou A, Alexopoulos A, Mantzourani I, Bleotu C, Chifiriuc C, Lazăr V. Detection of


enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) using Multiplex PCR. Biointerface Res Appl Chem, 2011, 1 (1): 9-14


I.7. Cărți de specialiate/monografii/capitole de cărți

Cărţi în edituri internaţionale de prestigiu

1. Limban C., Chifiriuc C., Grumezescu A.M.Thiourea derivatives as antimicrobials. LAP LAMBERT Academic

Publishing. 978-3659385407.2013

5x81/3 133,6

Capitole în cărți/volume, în edituri internaționale

1. Chifiriuc M.C., Bleotu C., Sokolov, D., Mihaescu G., Lazar V. Chapter in book: Host immune response to

Chlamydia infection. In the Book Chlamydia (ed. Mihai Mares) Intech Open access publisher, 2011, ISBN 978-953-


5x16/5 16

2. Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C. Chapter in book: Mechanisms and experimental models for the assessment of biofilms

phenotypic resistance/tolerance in Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and

technological advances. 2011, ISBN-13: 978-84-939843-1-1

5x2/6 1,66

3. Georgescu M., Marutescu L., Trifu V., Marinescu V., Toropoc I., Chirita D. A., Poenaru M., Darmanescu

S.M.,Costache D., Chifiriuc M. C. Antiseptics used in the therapeutic management of the leg chronic wounds. Leg

ulcers and chronic wounds. Simptoms, tratment and prevention Ed. Simon Green, Nova Biomedical, 2015.

5x22/10 11

4. Ecaterina Andronescu, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Cristina Ghitulica, Anton Ficai, Denisa Ficai, Mariana

Carmen Chifiriuc; Novel Approach to Fabricate Magnetic Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications;

Nanotechnology, Vol VII: Diagnostics and Therapeutics, ISBN 1-62699-000-7, 2012, Studium Press LLC, Houston,


5x38/6 31,6

5. (6) Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Anton Ficai And Alina Maria Holban,

Biotechnology – Volume X: Nanobioctechnology, Applications of Nanotechnology for the Development of New

Microbicidal and Microbiostatic Strategies, 2014, ISBN: 1-62699-025-5, Studium Press LLC, Houston, USA.

5x50/4 62,5

6. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban, Anton Ficai, Valentina Grumezescu, Veronica Lazar And

Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Biotechnology – Volume X: Nanobioctechnology, Nanosized Materials with

Antibiofilm Activity, 2014, ISBN: 1-62699-025-5, Studium Press LLC, Houston, USA.

5x22/6 18, 3

7. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Crina Saviuc, Veronica Lazar, Dan Eduard Mihaiescu,

Ecaterina Andronescu, Nanobiosystems with optimized antimicrobial and quorum sensing inhibitory activity,

Nanotechnology, Vol VII: Diagnostics and Therapeutics, ISBN 1-62699-000-7, 2012, Studium Press LLC, Houston,


5x26/6 21, 6

8. George Dan Mogosanu, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Paul Catalin Balaure, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Vol 36

of Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants: Essential Oils I, Lavender Oil: Composition and Pharmacological

Actions, 2013, ISBN: 1-933699-96-5, Studium Press LLC, Houston, USA.

5x40/4 50

9. George Dan Mogosanu, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ion Anghel, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Vol 37 of Recent

Progress in Medicinal Plants: Essential Oils II, Essential oils and Aromatherapy, 2013, ISBN: 1-933699-97-3,

Studium Press LLC, Houston, USA.

5x38/4 47,5


Cărţi în Editurile Universităţilor din Consorţiu

1. Mihaescu G., Chifiriuc C., Lazar V., Principii şi tehnici de analiză imunologică şi moleculară utilizate în

laboratorul clinic. Ed. Univ. din Bucuresti, 350 pag., 2013, ISBN 978-606-16-0229-2

3x321/3 321

2. Chifiriuc M.C., Mihaescu G., Lazar V. Microbiologie si virologie medicala. Ed. Univ. din Bucuresti, 2011, 745 p.

ISBN 978-973-737-985-6579.61

3x745/3 745

3. Israil A., Chifiriuc C., Palade G., Cotar A., Aspecte clinice şi bacteriologice in infecţiile bacteriene asociate

urgenţelor chirurgicale abdominale. Editura Ars Docenti. 150 pag., 2013, 150ISBN 978-973-558-664-5

3x150/4 112.5

4. Mihaescu G., Chifiriuc M.C. Imunologie si Imunopatologie. Editura Medicala, 800p., 2015, ISBN 978-973-39-0785-


3x827/2 1240,5





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Building a

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for Occupational Well-

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Materiale si



inovative cu



pentru aplicatii


Prof. Chifiriuc

Mariana Carmen UEFISCDI 0.00 0.00 0.00




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inovative cu


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produse de P.

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Prof. Chifiriuc

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Obtinerea de


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infectiilor cronice

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si S. aureus.

Prof. Chifiriuc

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Nanoparticule de


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Prof. Mihaescu

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Pelinescu Diana UEFISCDI 0.00 250,000.










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Prof. Mihaescu



0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55,000.00






I.9. Brevete de invenție

Naționale (OSIM)

1.Pelinescu D., Chifiriuc C. M., Săsărman E.,. Vassu Dimov T, Stoica I., Enache Soare S., Ionescu R., Avram I. Patent no.

123277 B1/30.05.2011- Isolation Isolation, selection and preservation procedure of a probiotic strain of Enterococcus

faecium, lactic bacteria of zootechnic use. http://www.osim.ro/publicatii/brevete/bopi_2011/bopi_inv_05_2011.pdf

20x2 40

2.Sasarman E., Chifiriuc C.M., Pelinescu D., Bleotu C., Vassu T., Stoica I. Patent no. 123278 B1/ 30.05.2011 -Isolation

Isolation, selection and preservation procedure of a probiotic strain of Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus paracasei ssp.

paracasei, lactic bacteria for human use. http://www.osim.ro/publicatii/brevete/bopi_2011/bopi_inv_05_2011.pdf


I.13. Participări la conferințe internaționale

Conferință plenară

Comunicare orală

1. (Chifiriuc – pres. author). Marinescu F., Marutescu L, Popa M., Chifiriuc M.C., Gheorghe I., Savin I., Lazar V.. Antibiotic-resistance and virulence

profiles in bacterial strains isolated from wastewater treatment plants and receiving waters in Romania. O304. 22nd European Congress of Clinical

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), London, 31.03.2012 - 03.04.2012

2. Chifiriuc M.C., Marutescu L., Mitache M., Cotar A.I., Popa M., Lazar V. Phenotypic And Genetic Resistance And Virulence Markers In S. aureus

Isolated From Nasal Exsudates. 2nd Rower Conference On Occupational Health And Safety Economics, 27-30 April, 2011, Sinaia, Romania

3. PAR-2-03 Selected Oral Presentation: Flow cytometry characterization of gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains exhibiting non-enzymatic

and enzymatic resistance mechanisms Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc (Bucharest, RO)- ESCCA WORKSHOP ON MICROBIOLOGY – 16th Sept 2014,



1. Popa M, Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of different nanomodified textile materials, Tex Teh 7 - Creating the future of

textiles, 22-23.10.2015, Bucharest, Romania

2. AE Oprea, D Radulescu, C Ilie, V Grumezescu, AM Holban, AM Grumezescu, G Socol, CM Chifiriuc, F Iordache, H Maniu, R Radulescu. Laser

processing of novel collagen-hydroxyapatite thin coatings with potential uses in bone regeneration.40th FEBS Congress, Berlin, Germania, 4-9.07.2015

3. AM Holban, MC Chifiriuc, AM Grumezescu, I Florin, E Andronescu, V Lazar. Biocompatible magnetite nanoparticles functionalized with the plant-

derived compounds eugenol and limonene interfere with biofilm formation and persistence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 40th FEBS Congress, Berlin,


4. Fufa O., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E.,. Oprea A.E, Grumezescu V., Holban A.M., Mogoanta L., Mogosanu G.D., Socol G., Iordache F., Chifiriuc

C.M., Lazar V. Thin coatings based on biocompatible silver nanoparticles deposited by advanced laser processing for improved surfaces resistance to

microbial biofilms. 40th FEBS Congress, Berlin, Germania, 4-9.07.2015

5. Banu O., C Bleotu, M Burtea, I Cobzar, I Gheorghe, C Chifiriuc Prevalence of plasmid mediated beta-lactam genes amongst ESBL and CRE Klebsiella

pneumoniae strains isolated from patients with cardiovascular disease. 40th FEBS Congress, Berlin, Germania, 4-9.07.2015.

6. Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Holban A.M., Grumezescu V., Socol G., Chifiriuc M.C., Popescu R.C., Iordache F., Nanostructured and bioactive

surfaces prepared by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation technique modulate the attachement and biofilm formation of food-borne Salmonella

enteritidis, 25th ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015.

7. Holban A.M., Chifiriuc M.C. Grumezescu A., Bleotu C.; Lazar V.; Andronescu E. Nanoarchitectonics based on magnetite functionalized with plant-

derived compounds alter the adherence, invasion and secretory features in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 25th ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 -


8. Banu O., Czobor I., Gheorghe I., Popa M., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazăr V. High prevalence of OXA-48 carbapenemase amongst ESBL producing but

carbapenem susceptible Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated from the intensive care units of a Romanian hospital, 25th ECCMID, Copenhagen, Denmark

5:04:2015 - 28:04:2015

9. Mihalache M., Ratiu A.C., Chifiriuc M.C.m Neagu A., Lazar V., Ecovoiu A., Identification of new Drosophila melanogaster genes responding to

experimental infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 25th ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015.

10. Banu O., Gheorghe I., Czobor I., Marutescu L., Cotar A.I., Mihai M., Holban A.M., Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C.Comparative molecular characterization

of SCCmec amongStaphylococcus aureus clinical strains isolated from chronic ulcers and infections occurred in patients with cardiovascular surgery,


25th ECCMID, Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015

11. Marinas I.C., Chifiriuc C., Oprea E., Buleandra m., Badea I.A., Bleotu C., Lazar V., Therapeutic potential of Solidago canadensis invasive-aggressive

species for the extraction of essential oils with antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activity, 25th ECCMID, Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015

12. Gaidau C., Ditu L.M., Chifiriuc C., Curutiu C., Popescu M., Petica A., Nanoparticles for antimicrobial treatments of leathers used in footwear industry,

25th ECCMID, Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015

13. Ratiu A.C., Csobor I., Ecovoiu A.A., Mihalache M.R., Holban A.M., Cotar A.I., Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C. Molecular modulation of rhl-I Quorum

Sensing gene during Pseudomonas aeruginosa-Drosophila melanogaster crosstalk. 25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious

Diseases, 25th ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015.

14. Iordache F., CURUTIU C., Holban A.M., Eugen A., Chifiriuc C. Lazar V., Ditu L.M., Constantinescu A., Maniu H. Molecular analysis of adhesion and

inflammatory markers in human endothelial cells treated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing signalling molecules. 25th ECCMID

Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015

15. Delcaru C., Violeta C., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Bleotu C., Influence of Bifidobacterium strains on the expresion of virulence and antibioresistance

features of different enteric pathogens, 25th ECCMID, Copenhagen, Denmark 25:04:2015 - 28:04:2015

16. Holban A.M.; Grumezescu V.; Chifiriuc M. C.; Grumezescu A. M.; Bleotu C.; Vasile O.; Lazar V.; Andronescu E. Antimicrobial effect of magnetite

nanoarchitectonics functionalized with plant-derived compounds against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, European Materials Search Society

(EMRS 2015), Lille, Franta, 11-15.05.2015

17. Mitache M.M., C. Curutiu, C. M. Chifiriuc, I. Gheorghe, L. Mateescu, A. Neagu, L. M. Ditu, A. M. Holban, V. Lazar. Phenotypic and genotypic

characterisation of some factors involved in the virulence and survival of bacteria isolated from food and food processing surfaces. 3 RD NORTH AND


18. Mitache M.M., M. Pruna, P. Covic, C. Spirchez, L. Gaceu, C. Curutiu, C. M. Chifiriuc. Influence of Microwave Sterilization on the Lignocellulosic

Biowaste Streams Conversion Process Using Pleurotus Sp. 3 RD NORTH AND EAST EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON FOOD, BRASOV, ROMANIA

20-23.05. 2015

19. Georgescu M., Gheorghe I., Ghiatau C.F., Dascalu L., Chifiriuc C.M.. Molecular analysis of antibiotic resistance and virulence features of

Staphylococcus sp. strains isolated from patients with chronic leg ulcers, 45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research,

Rotterdam, 9-12.09.2015.

20. Gheorghe I., Novais Â., Grosso F., Rodrigues C., Chifiriuc C., Lazăr V., Peixe L. Identification of particular clonal complexes and mobile elements

associated with the dissemination of blaOXA-23-carrying Acinetobacter baumannii and blaVIM-2-carrying Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Romania.


European Congress of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Barcelona/ Spania, 10-13 mai 2014, poster

21. Czobor I., Novais Â., Rodrigues C., Chifiriuc M. C., Mihăescu G., Peixe L. Dissemination of NDM-1 and OXA-48 in Romania is mainly associated with

K. pneumoniae ST101 clone and infrequent carbapenemase-harbouring plasmids (NDM-IncFII and OXA-48-non-typeable). 24th

European Congress of

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Barcelona/ Spania , 10-13 mai 2014, poster.

22. Chifiriuc M.C., Sorescu G., Popa R., Borcan E., Vasile L., Marutescu L., Popa C., Proficiency of Romanian laboratories to perform microbial

identification and susceptibility testing results of participation in the external quality assessement schemes provided by CALILAB in 2013, 24th


Congress of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Barcelona/ Spania , 10-13 mai 2014

23. Ecovoiu A., Ratiu A., Czobor I, Chifiriuc M.C., Whole genome expression profiles of Drosophila melanogaster consecutive to Pseudomonas aeruginosa

infection allow selection of new model genes implicated in host-parasite relationship, 24th

European Congress of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,

Barcelona/ Spania , 10-13 mai 2014

24. Iordache F., Holban A.M., Curutiu C., Lazar V., Diţu L.M., Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C.M. Modulation of the expression of adhesion and inflammatory


response in endothelial cells by Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing molecules. 24th

European Congress of Microbiology and Infectious

Diseases,Barcelona/ Spania, 10-13 mai, 2014, poster.

25. Holban A. Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M., Ditu L., Marutescu L, Curutiu C, Lazar V., Phenotypical and gene expression study of the impact of Pseudomonas

aeruginosa culture fractions on the human mesenchymal stem cells viability and citokyne profile, 24th

European Congress of Microbiology and Infectious

Diseases,Barcelona/ Spania, 10-13 mai, 2014

26. Stoica P., Chifiriuc C.M., Rapa M., Bleotu C, Lazar V., Novel biopolymeric composites with antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties based on

polycaprolactone, chitosan and essential oils, 24th

European Congress of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,Barcelona/ Spania, 10-13 mai, 2014

27. Ditu L.M., Chifiriuc M.C., Bleotu C., Holban A.M., Curutiu C., Marutescu L., Ficai A., Mihaescu G. Assessment of the anti-adherence and anti-biofilm

activity of novel biocompatible PE and PVC polymers. 24th

European Congress of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Barcelona/ Spania, 10-13 mai

2014, poster.

28. Holban A.M., Stephan H., Chifiriuc M.C., Paul W., Lazar V. Host stress hormone

noradrenaline interferes with Pseudomonas aeruginosa social behaviors in an iron dependent manner . FEBS /EMBO 2014 Conference /French Society

for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Paris/Franta, 27 aug - 4 sept. 2014., poster.

29. Sarbu I., Vassu T., Stoica I., Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C., Nedelcu I., Pelinescu D., 2014, The influence of lactic acid bacteria strains on the antifungal

resistance mechanisms of Candida albicans strains, 11th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, Egmond Aan Zee/Olanda, 31august-04 septembrie

30. Tanase A.M., Sarbu I., , Zamfir M., Vassu T., Stoica I., Chifiriuc C.M., Ionescu R., Pelinescu D., 2014, Screening for antimicrobial activity of lactic

acid bacteria strains isolated from different Romanian food products, 3rd International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics,

Valencia/Spania, 24-26 septembrie

31. Ionescu R., Sarbu I., Vassu T., Stoica I., Ditu L.M., Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C.M., Petrut S., Pelinescu D., 2014, Study of some lactic acid bacteria strains

probiotic effect for use in gastrointestinal infections, 3rd International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics, Valencia/Spania,

24-26 septembrie

32. Marutescu L., Babes C., Ilie M., Constantinescu G., Chifiriuc M.C., Mihaescu G., Phenotypic and genotypic screening of antimicrobial-resistance

features in Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from gastric biopsies, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

33. Gheorghe I, Czobor I., Borcan E., Lazar V., Mihaescu G., Chifiriuc M.C., molecular screening of carbapenemase genes in multidrug-resistant Gram-

negative bacteria isolated from Romanian hospitals, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

34. Saviuc C.M., Cotar A.I., Drumea V., Chifiriuc M.C., Grumezescu A.M., Banu O., Lazar V., Eugenia carryophyllata essential oil and its major fraction

eugenol as inhibitors of quorum sensing genes expression, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

35. Cotar A.I., Saviuc C., Chifiriuc M.C., Czobor I., Lazar V., Subinhibitory concentrations of organic acids produced by a probiotic culture reduce the

expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence genes, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

36. Iordache F., Holban A., Chifiriuc C., Lazar V., Curutiu C., Pop A., In vitro study of the influence of popato shoot lecitins on the expression of bacterial

virulence factors and adherence capacity, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

37. Holban A.M., Heeb S., Chifriuc M.C., Lazar V., Williams P., The impact of the neuroendocrine stress hormone naradrenaline on the physiology of

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

38. Marutescu L., Ditu L., Mitache M., Lazar V., Ghinescu M, Chifiriuc M., Interaction of different Lactobacillus paracasei probiotic culture fractions with

pathogens Streptoccus pyogenes strains isolated from kindergarten children, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

39. Ditu L., Marutescu L, Mihaescu G., Lazar V., Chifiriuc M., Influence of the subinhibitory concentrations of phenyl lactic acid and synergistic activity

with antibiotics on Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant strains, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

40. Marutescu L., Chifiriuc M., Marinescu F., Savin I., Soricila G., Lazar V., Phenotypic and molecular characterisation of resistance and virulence features


of environmental Enterococci isolated from surface waters, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

41. Mateescu L., Vassu Dimov T., Chifiriuc M., Mitache M., Marutescu L., Ghinescu M., Lazar v., Antimicrobial resistance and virulence phenotypes and

genes in food-borne bacterial strains, 23rd ECCMID, 27-30.04.2013, Berlin, Germany

42. Czobor I., Chifiriuc M.C., Marutescu L., Cotar A., Banu O., Borcan E., Lazar V., Mihaescu G. Phenotypic and genetic screening of betalactamases

mediated resistance amongst clinical isolates of Gram-negative bacilli from Romanian hospitals. P 1193. 22nd European Congress of Clinical

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), London, 31.03.2012 - 03.04.2012

43. Cotar A.I., Chifiriuc M.C., Holban A., Saviuc C., Bleotu C., Lazar V. Real-time qRT-PCR evaluation of HeLa cells apoptosis induced by P. Aeruginosa

quorum-sensing molecules. P 2180. 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), London, 31.03.2012 -


44. Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Saviuc C., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Marutescu L., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V. Hybrid nanostructurated materials for bio-

interface application in developing new antimicrobial strategies. R 2530. 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

(ECCMID), London, 31.03.2012 - 03.04.2012

45. Chifiriuc M.C., Czobor I., Cotar A.I., Marutescu L., Popa M., Banu O., Borcan E., Lazar V. Screening of antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative organisms

in hospital settings from Bucharest, Romania R 2554. 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), London,

31.03.2012 - 03.04.2012

46. Marinescu F., Marutescu L., Popa M., Chifiriuc M.C., Gheorghe I., Savin I., Lazar V., Antibiotic-resistance and virulence profiles in bacterial strains

isolated from wastewater treatment plants and receiving waters in Roamania, . 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

(ECCMID), London, 31.03.2012 - 03.04.2012

47. Cotar A.I., Chifiriuc M.C., Saviuc C., Pelinescu D., Avram O., Banu O., Lazar V., Quantitative real-time PCR study of the inhibitory activity of organic

acids produced by a probiotic culture on Staphylococcus aureus quorum senting and virulence genes expression, 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress,

Seville, Spain, 04-09.09.2012

48. Veronica Lazar, Alina Iancu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Otilia Banu, Coralia Bleotu. Cytokines and heat shock proteins as markers for the diagnosis

and severity degree evaluation of systemic bacterial infections. European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 5-8 September 2012

49. Sârbu I., Vassu T., Stoica I., Ionescu R., Dascălu L., Popa M., Chifiriuc C., Pelinescu D., 2012, Antimicrobial activity of some lactic acid bacteria strains

against pathogenic strains isolated from urogenital infections, CESAR 2012, 23-26 Sep, Primosten, Croatia, p.66

50. Czobor, M.C. Chifiuc, L. Marutescu, Gr. Mihaescu Phenotypic and genetic screening of beta-lactamases mediated resistance amongst clinical isolates of

Gram negative bacilli from Romanian hospitals 2nd

European Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention Vilnius, Lituania, 4-5

October 2012

51. Sarbu I., Pelinescu D., Stoica I., Ionescu R., Marutescu L., Popa M., Chifiriuc C., Vassu T., Phenotypic virulence profile and toxonomic identification of

microbial strains isolated from urogenital infections, 5th Croatian congress of microbiology, 26-30.09.2012, Primosten, Croatia

52. Chifiriuc C., The romanian experience in the organization of microbiology external quality control schemes, 13th International Symposium on Biological

and Environmental Reference Materials, 25-29 june, 2012, Vienna, Austria

53. Saviuc C., Grumezescu A., Chifiriuc M.C., Dascalu L., Popa M., Cotar A., Holban A., Bleotu C., Oprea E., Mihaiescu D., Lazar V.. P1044 In vitro

assessment of the core/shell/extra-shell nanosystem influence on the antibiofilm effect of usnic acid. 21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology

and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Milan, 2011, CMI, vol. 17, S4: p. 163

54. Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C., Dinu S., Szmal C., Cristea D., Aldea I., Dascalu L., Cotar A.I., Popa M., Holban A., Bleotu C. P 1751 Comparative evaluation

of enterotoxin 2 encoding gene expression levels in Shigella spp. and EIEC strains grown in the presence of eukaryotic HeLa cells and artificial culture

media 21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Milan, 2011, CMI, vol. 17, S4: p 400


55. Cotar A.I., Chifiriuc M.C., Holban A., Popa M., Banu O., Lazar V. P 1752Virulence patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa nosocomial strains associated

with different clinical infections. 21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Milan, 2011, CMI, vol. 17, S4:

p/ 400-401

56. Panus E., Rosoiu N., Bleotu C., Dacalu L., Popa M., Chifiriuc C.M. R2518 Expression of virulence hallmarks in Escherichia coli aquatic strains

submitted to different stress conditions. 21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Milan, 2011, CMI, vol.

17, S4: p. 86

57. Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C., Limban C., Saviuc C, Popa M., Lazar V., Antimicrobial activities of some new 2-(4-methyl-phenoxymethyl) benzoic acid

thioureides, 4th

Congress of European Microbiologists. FEMS 2011, Geneva, Elvetia, 26-30 Iunie

58. Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C.M., Nitulescu G.M., Popa M., Holban A., Lazar V., Antimicrobial and anti-pathogenic activity of some tioureides derivates

against phytopathogenic bacteria erwinia amylovora, 4th

Congress of European Microbiologists. FEMS 2011, Geneva, Elvetia, 26-30 Iunie

59. Israil A.M., Chifiriuc M.C., Palade RS, Delcaru C., Iordache C. Bifidobacterium sp. strains implicated in abdominal infections associated with surgical

emergencies. 4th

Congress of European Microbiologists. FEMS 2011, Geneva, Elvetia, 26-30 Iunie

60. Delcaru C., Palade RS, Chifiriuc M.C., Israil A.M. Virulence factors in anaerobic bacteria associated with infections in clinical cases of surgical

abdominal emergencies. 4th

Congress of European Microbiologists. FEMS 2011, Geneva, Elvetia, 26-30 Iunie

61. Limban C., Missir A.V., Chirita I.C., Chifiriuc M.C., Caproiu M.T., Guta R., Morusciag L., Nuta D.C., Nitulescu G.M., Antimicrobial activity of some

new heterocyclic [6.7.6] compounds, 36th FEBS congress, Torino, Italy, 25-30 june, 2011.

62. Iordache F., Iordache C., Lixandru M., Holban A., Bleotu C., Lazăr V., Chifiriuc C., Maniu H., Fluorescent analysis of apoptosis induced by

Pseudomonas aeruginosa in endothelial cells, 8 th European Biophysics Congress, 23-27 august 2011, Budapesta, Ungaria, Publicat in European

Biophysics Journal, 40, (suppl 1), S126

63. Lazar V., Chifiriuc C., Marutescu L., Cainar A., Bodomai A., Influence of academic sress and working on the immune status of college students, 2nd

Rower Conference On Occupational Health And Safety Economics, 27-30 April, 2011, Sinaia, Romania

64. Popa C., Sorescu G., Borcan E., Chifiriuc C. Calilab- Six Years Experience In The Organization Of External Quality Control Exercises For Romanian

Clinical Laboratories. 2nd Rower Conference On Occupational Health And Safety Economics, 27-30 April, 2011, Sinaia, Romania

65. Mitache M., Marutescu L, Chifiriuc M.C., Popa M., Pelinescu D, Bleotu C., Lazar V., Resistance, virulence and epimiological features inbeta-heamolytic

streptococci isolated from kindergardeninfantile population, with or without clinical symptoms, including scarlet fever, 2nd Rower Conference On

Occupational Health And Safety Economics, 27-30 April, 2011, Sinaia, Romania

66. Marutescu L., Mitache M., Chifiriuc M.C., Popa M., Bleotu C., Lazar V. Evaluation Of Microbiological Risk Represented By Enterobacterial Strains

Isolated From Food And Surfaces From Food Units. 2nd Rower Conference On Occupational Health And Safety Economics, 27-30 April, 2011, Sinaia,


I.14. Participări la conferințe naționale

Conferință plenară

Comunicare orală

1. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Veronica Lazar. Tendinte actuale in dezvoltarea de noi strategii antimicrobiene. Conferinta

Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO, 26-28 Sept 2012.


1. Banu O., Bleotu C., Burtea M., Cobzar I., Gheorghe I., Chifiriuc M.C., Prevalence of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains, isolated from

patients with cardiovascular disease, Congresul Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie "Carol Davila" Bucuresti, Romania, 28-30 MAI 2015



Dysfunctioning Voice Prostheses in Romanian Laryngectomized Patients. Congresul Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie "Carol Davila" Bucuresti,

Romania, 28-30 MAI 2015

3. C. CURUTIU, R. GRIGORE, S. BERSTESTEANU , R. BOCA, M. POPA, V. LAZAR, M.C. CHIFIRIUC. Anti-Biofilm Activity of Lactofferin Against

Some Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strain. Congresul Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie "Carol Davila" Bucuresti, Romania, 28-30

MAI 2015

4. Ditu L.M., Limban C., Siamu S., Holban A., Gheorghe I., Chifiriuc C., Mihaescu G., Lazar V., Antifungal activity of novel pharmacological active

compounds against Penicillium expansum, Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus stolonifer, Congresul Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie "Carol Davila"

Bucuresti, Romania, 28-30 MAI 2015

5. Mihai M.M., Holban A.M., Giurcaneanu C., Popa L.G., Buzea M., Filipov M., Chifiriuc M.C., Popa M.I., Comparison of virulence and resistance

patterns in chronic wound isolates, Congresul Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie "Carol Davila" Bucuresti, Romania, 28-30 MAI 2015

6. Sandulescu O., Bleotu C., Streinu-Cercel A., Negut A.C., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Berciu I, Calistru P.I., Ion D.A., Streinu-Cercel A., Phenotypic

profile of Staphylococcus spp. A study on biofilm formation in clinical versus commensal strains, Congresul Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie

"Carol Davila" Bucuresti, Romania, 28-30 MAI 2015

7. Saviuc C., Dascalu L., Gheorghe I., Chifiriuc M.C., Banu O., Drumea V., Olariu L., Bucur M., Lazar V. Modularea profilului de antibiorezistenţă la

tulpini de Staphylococcus aureus izolate din produse patologice, utilizand combinaţii antibiotice – compuşi naturali, evaluată prin citometrie în flux.

Conferinţa Naţională de Citometrie, Bucureşti Romania, 2015

8. Vlaicu I.D., Badea M., Olar R., Chifiriuc M.C., Bleotu C., Biological potential of some new copper (II) complexes with benzimidazoles, RICCCE 19,

Sibiu, Romania, 02-05.09.2015 - oral presentation

9. Fufa O., Andronescu E., Oprea A.E., Grumezescu A.M., Grumezescu V., Mogoanta L., Mogosanu G.D., Socol G., Holban A.M., Chifiriuc C.M.,

Functional medical surfaces based on silver nanostructures prepared by MAPLE, RICCCE 19, Sibiu, Romania, 02-05.09.2015

10. Holban A.M., Andronescu E., Chifiriuc M.C., Grumezescu V., Lazar V., Vasile O., Ficai A., Bogdan V., Grumezescu A.M. Magnetite Nanoshuttles

Loaded with Plant-derived Compounds Alter Virulence and Biofilm Formation in Pathogenic Bacteria, RICCCE 19, Sibiu, Romania, 02-05.09.2015

11. Duta O.C., Ficai D., Ficai A., Grosu E., Ditu L.M., Chifiriuc M.C., Andronescu E., Physical and chemical surface modification of PVC based catheters,

RICCCE 19, Sibiu, Romania, 02-05.09.2015

12. Tudose M., Culita D.C., Musuc A., Ghica C., Chifiriuc M.C., Hybrid material based on retionic acid and Ag@SiO2 particles with potential, RICCCE 19,

Sibiu, Romania, 02-05.09.2015

13. Holban A.M., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M.C., Marutescu L., Ditu L.M., Iordache C., Lazar V., Rolul unor fractii de cultura si molecule de semnalizare

produse de Pseudomonas aerugionosa asupra morfofiziologiei celulelor stem mezenchimale, Al X-lea Congres national de citometriem 22-23.05.2014


14. Marinas I., Marutescu L., Bleotu C., Chifiriuc C., Oprea E., Lazar V., Aaplicatii ale citometriei in flux in investigarea activitatii antimicrobiene si

antipatogenice a uleiului volatil de Amorpha fruticosa, Al X-lea Congres national de citometrie 22-23.05.2014 Bucuresti

15. Stoica P., Chifiriuc M.C., Marutescu L., Bleotu C., Rapa M., Lazar V., Evaluarea prin metode microbiologice si prin citometrie in flux a activitatii

antifungice a uleiului esential de scortisoara incorporat in alginat, Al X-lea Congres national de citometriem 22-23.05.2014 Bucuresti

16. Cristea A.D., Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C., Lazar V., Iliescu A., testarea in vitro a activitatii antimicrobiene a unor antiseptice de uz endodontic fata de

tulpini izolate din microbiota endocaniculara, Al XVIII-lea Congres international al UNAS, 08-11.10.2014, Bucuresti.

17. Cristea A.D., Marutescu L, Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Iliescu A., Profiluri de virulenta si rezistenta la tulpini microbiene izolate din leziuni apicale

cronice, Al XVII Congres National al UNAS, 02-05.11.2013, Bucuresti.


18. MArutescu L., Avram I., Pelinescu D., Chifiriuc C, Vassu T., Evaluation of the influence of lactic bacteria on Candida albicans B18 drug resistance by

flow cytometry, Al IX-lea Congrea national de citometrie, Bucuresti, 16-18.05.2013

19. Chifiriuc C., Bleotu C., Limban C., Olar R., Badea M., Lazar V., Detectia activitatii antimicrobiene si evaluarea citotoxicitatii unor compusi chimici nou

sintetizati prin citometrie in flux, Al IX-lea Congrea national de citometrie, Bucuresti, 16-18.05.2013

20. Ditu L.M., Marutescu L., Mihaescu G., Chifiriuc M.C., Evaluarea influentei acidului fenil-lactic si a actiunii sinergice cu a antibioticelor asupra unor

tulpini multirezistente de P. aeruginosa prin metoda citometriei in flux, Al IX-lea Congrea national de citometrie, Bucuresti, 16-18.05.2013

21. Chifiriuc C., Bleotu C., Marutescu L., Lazar V., Aplicatii ale citometriei in flux in selectia de noi substante antimicrobiene, Al IX-lea Congrea national

de citometrie, Bucuresti, 16-18.05.2013

22. Cotar A.I., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Ficai A., Grumezescu V., Lazar V., Chifiriuc M.C., Influence of the Fe3O4@ATB nanoparticles on

Enterococcus faecalis cells, RICCCE 18, 04-07.09.2013, Sinaia, Romania

23. Veronica Lazar, Carmen Chifiriuc, Luminita Dascalu, Marcela Popa, Alina Holban, Crina Saviuc, A. Grumezescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, G. Stanciu.

Microbial biofilms studied by high-resolution imaging techniques. The 2012 Super-resolution and Life Sciences Workshop. Brasov, RO, 4-6 sept


24. Chifiriuc M.C., Grumezescu A.M., Andronescu E., Saviuc C., Bleotu C., Lazar V., Studiul biocompatibilitatii prin tehnica citometriei in flux al unor

materiale magnetice, posibile solutii pentru dezvoltarea unor sisteme de elimerare controlata a medicamentelor, Al VIII Congres national de citometrie,

Bucuresti, 10-11.05.2012

25. Banu E., Bleotu C., Burtea M., Chifiriuc M.C. Aspecte de AR la tulpini izolate de la pacienti cu afectiuni cardiovasculare. Reuniunea Nationala de

Microbiologie 10-12.11.2011, Abstract publicat in Bact. Virusol. Parasitol. Epidemiol., 2011, Suppl. 56

26. Cotar A.I., Chifiriuc M.C., ISrail A.M., Borcan E., Banu O. Markeri moleculari de R la antibiotice la tulpini de P. aeruginosa izolate din infectii

nosocomiale. Reuniunea Nationala de Microbiologie 10-12.11.2011, Abstract publicat in Bact. Virusol. Parasitol. Epidemiol., 2011, Suppl. 56

27. Chifiriuc M.C., Palade R.S., Israil A.M., Soricila G. Profiluri de sensibilitate la antibiotice la tulpini anaerobe izolate din infectii intra-abdominale

obtinute prin metode calitative si cantitative . Reuniunea Nationala de Microbiologie 10-12.11.2011 publ. rev. Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia,

Epidemiologia 2011,vol.56, suppl. p.60

28. Israil A.M., Palade R.S., Chifiriuc M.C., Soricila G. Aspecte de antibiorezistenta in infectii bacteriene implicate in urgente intra-abdominale. Reuniunea

Nationala de Microbiologie 10-12.11.2011 publ. rev. Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia 2011,vol.56, suppl. p.59

29. Marinescu F., Marutescu L., Popa M., Chifiriuc M.C., Savin I., Lazar V.. Investigarea fenotipica a rezistentei si virulentei unor tulpini bacteriene izolate

din surse de apa cu grade diferite de poluare. Reuniunea Nationala de Microbiologie, poster 31. Abstract publicat in Bact. Virusol. Parasitol. Epidemiol.,

2011, Suppl. 56: p.77

30. Marutescu L., Chifiriuc C., Marinescu F., Popa M., Savin I., Lazar V. Investigarea fenotipica si genotipica a profilurilor de rezistenta la antibiotice ale

unor tulpini bacteriene izolate din ape uzate, . Reuniunea Nationala de Microbiologie poster 32. Abstract publicat in Bact. Virusol. Parasitol. Epidemiol.,

2011, Suppl. 56: p.77-78

31. Popa M., Chifiriuc C., Burlibasa M., Muntianu L., Tanase G., Lazar V. Profilul fenotipic al markerilor de virulenta la tulpinil aerobe si anaerobe izolate

din placa dentara., . Reuniunea Nationala de Microbiologie poster 33, Abstract publicat in Bact. Virusol. Parasitol. Epidemiol., 2011, Suppl. 56: p.78

32. Mitache M.M., Nuta N., Marutescu l., Chifiriuc M.C.m LazarV., Caracterizarea epidemiologica si microbiologica a unor cazuri de toxiinfectii alimentare

sesizate in perioada 2008-2011, . Reuniunea Nationala de Microbiologie, poster 22, Abstract publicat in Bact. Virusol. Parasitol. Epidemiol., 2011,

Suppl. 56: p.72

33. Saviuc C., Grumezescu A. M., Bleotu C., Banu O., Mihaiescu D., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Culture methods versus flow citometry for the comparative

assessment of antifungal activity of Eugenia Caryophyllata (Thunb., Myrtaceae), Al VII-lea Congres National De Citometrie, Bucuresti, 5-7 mai 2011


34. Marutescu L., Chifiriuc M.C., Popa M., Olar R., Bleotu C., Gheuca AM., Costache NI, Lazar V., Evaluarea comparativa a unor substante antimicrobiene

prin tehnici de analiza clasica si citometrie in flux, ), Al VII-lea Congres National De Citometrie, Bucuresti, 5-7 mai 2011

35. Alexandru Al. Ecovoiu, Attila Cristian Ratiu, Ilda Czobor, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc. Drosophila melanogaster, model eucariot pentru studiul

interactiilor gazda-parazit in infectii experimentale cu Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Conferinta Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO6-28 Sept 2012.

36. Andreea Lorena Mateescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Mihaela Magdalena Mitache, Luminta Marutescu, Tatiana Vassu Dimov. Studiul fenotipic si

genotipic al factorilor de virulenta si al mecanismelor de rezistenta la antibiotice la tulpini bacteriene izolate din produse alimentare. Conferinta Diaspora

2012, Bucuresti, RO, 26-28 Sept 2012.

37. Ilda Czobor, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Luminita Marutescu, Ani Ioana Cotar, Otilia Banu, E. Borcan, V. Lazar, G. Mihaescu. Screening-ul fenotipic

si genotipic al rezistentei la antibioticele β-lactamice la bacili gram negativi de importanta medicala. Conferinta Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO, 26-28

Sept 2012

38. Irina Gheorghe, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Luminita Marutescu, Otilia Banu, V. Lazar. Studiul fenotipic și molecular al spectrului de sensibilitate la

antibioticele betalactamice la tulpini de bacili gram negativi non-fermentativi oportuniști Conferinta Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO, 26-28 Sept 2012.

39. Luminita Marutescu, Marcela Popa, Madalina Ilie, Alina Baltac, D. Balaceanu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Veronica Lazar. Testarea sensibilitatii la

antibiotice a unor tulpini de Helicobacter pylori izolate din biopsii gastrice. Conferinta Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO, 26-28 Sept 2012.

40. Holban A.M., Chifiriuc M.C., Lazar V., Rolul hormonilor de stres catecolaminici in comunicarea dintre Pseudomonas aeruginosa si gazda, Diaspora

2012, Bucuresti, RO 26-28 Sept 2012.

41. Bleotu C., Chifiriuc M.C., Pircalabioru G., Dragusel R., Aldea IM., Diaconu C.C., Lazar V., Cernescu C.E., Modularea infectiei virale in celulele HeLa

de catre factori solubili bacterieni, Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO 26-28 Sept 2012.

42. Crina-Maria Kamerzan (Saviuc), Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Anton Ficai, Ecaterina Andronescu, Carmen Chifiriuc, Veronica Lazar. Aplicatii

nanotehnologice in formularea farmaceutica a unor uleiuri volatile - solutii pentru manag ementul infectiilor cu microorganisme incluse in biofilme.

Conferinta Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO 26-28 Sept 2012.

43. Cristina Croitoru, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Veronica Lazar, Interactiunea bacteriilor invazive cu gentamicina

incapsulata in microcapsule polizaharidice, Diaspora 2012, Bucuresti, RO 26-28 Sept 2012.

44. Mitache M.M., Balotescu M.C., Olar R., Badea M., Lazar V., Caracteristici fenotipice si genotipice de rezistenta la dezinfectanti cunoscuti si agenti

potentiali antimicrobieni ale tulpinilor de E. coli antibioticorezistente izolate din mediul spitalicesc, Experiente europene in supravegherea si controlul

infectiilor nosocomiale, Brasov, 31 martie-2 aprilie, 2011


I.15. Stagii/cursuri de formare profesională și managerială (naționale și internaționale)

Curs de citometrie avansati, 2015

Curs de citometrie incepatori, 2014, 2015

Curs de Formare Continua de tip “Blended Learning” pentru cadrele didactice universitare- MII- Învăţarea centrată pe student – strategii de proiectare, implementare şi

evaluare a procesului educaţional. M2.2. Strategii educationale centrate pe student


II.1. Curs/manual de lucrări practice tipărit

Edituri naționale recunoscute CNATDCU

Veronica Lazăr, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Carmen Curuţiu, Mihaela Magdalena Mitache, Florica Marinescu, Cristina Croitoru, Lorena Mateescu, Luminiţa

Măruţescu. Metode şi standarde pentru laboratoarele de control microbiologic. Ed. Univ. din Bucuresti, 196 p., 2015. ISBN 978-606-16-0695-5


III.7. Evaluator/Reviewer

Cărți internaționale

Therapeutic Nanostructures

Nanotechnology Book - Versita

Reviste internaționale

Journal of Nanomaterials - 1

Antimicrobial agent and chemotherapy - 1

CBP- Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - 1

Zygote - 1

CCL – Chinise Chemical Letters - 1

Biologicals - 1

Jornal de Pediatria - 1

AOB-Archieves of Oral Biology - 2

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces -1

Journal of Infection and Public Health – 1

Britich Journal of Medicine and Medical Research – 1

Innovative Food Science and Energing Technologies – 2

Journal of Food and Drug Analysis – 1

Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants – 1

Materials Chemistry and Physics – 1

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry – 1

Journal of Nanomaterials -1

Journal of Epid. And Global Health – 1

British Microbiology Research Journal – 1

International Journal of Pharmaceutics - 4

Cărți naționale

M. Stefan - Applied microbiology: from plant growth promotion to new neuroprotective drugs

M. Petre- Biotehnologii pentru protejarea mediului

Reviste naționale


RAMI - 17


RBL - 1

Proiecte de cercetare internaționale

Jozef Vanderleyden : NanoBioControl: Magnetic Nanobiosystems for Biofilm Control

Novel plasma coating anti-biofilm technology- Hongmin Sun from the University of Missouri Columbia