Section 1.02 11.G. Musa, C. Surdu Bob, P. Chiru, CP Lungu, O ...

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Transcript of Section 1.02 11.G. Musa, C. Surdu Bob, P. Chiru, CP Lungu, O ...


1. Nume: Lungu2. Prenume: Petrica Cristian3. Data şi locul naşterii: 1950-decembrie-16, Bals, jud Olt4. Cetăţenie: Romana5. Stare civilă: Casatorit6. Studii: Instituţia Universitatea

Bucuresti, Facultatea de Fizica

Universitatea Bucuresti, Facultatea de Fizica

Institutul de Fizica Atomica, doctorat

Universitatea Nagoya, Japonia

Perioada: 09.1969 - 07.1973 09.1973 - 07.1974 05.1990 - 02.1994

11.1996 - 11.1997

Grade sau diplome obţinute

Diploma de absolvent universitar

Diploma de specializare: Laseri, Optica, Spectroscopie, Plasma

Diploma de doctor in fizica

Diploma de specializare in domeniul aplicatiilor industriale ale plasmei

7. Titlul ştiinţific: Doctor in fizica, din 19948. Experienţa profesională:Perioada: 09. 1974 –


Locul: Bucuresti MagureleInstituţia: FCE, Fabrica de

Calculatoare Electronice Bucuresti

Institutul National pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei

Funcţia: Fizician, Fizician:1978-1984, Cercetator stiintific:1984, CS III:1990, CSII 1996, CS I: 2005, In prezent: Responsabil Grup “Procese Elementare in Plasma si Aplicatii” (grup format din 22 persoane)

Descriere: Cercetare-dezvoltare in domeniul proiectarii si realizarii circuitelor imprimate

Am contribuit la descoperirea efectului de “monocromatizare” a radiatiei emise de display-urile cu plasma prin utilizarea unui amestec triplu, convenabil de gaze. Am contribuit la realizarea pentru prima data a unui display cu plasma. Am contribuit la dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de pulverizare rf reactiva; realizarea de acoperiri dure (TiN, CeN) si a stratrilor nanostructurate de ZnO in cadrul unei specializari la Universitatea Nagoya, Japonia Am contribuit la studiul plasmei excitate in curent continuu si rf pentru realizarea filmelor polimerice cu constanta dielectrica redusa si pentru studii privind depoluarea gazelor cu continut de NOx. Am contribuit la realizarea depunerilor cu proprietati tribologice utilizand descarcari hibride ECR-DC in cadrul unuei burse de cercetare de 3 ani la Institutul Japonez pentru Cercetarea Materialelor de Temperaturi Ultra-inalte, din Ube, Yamaguchi. Am patentat impreuna cu specialistii japonezi metoda de obtinere a straturilor antifrictiune pe baza de argint-grafit, in Japonia si in SUA. Am efectuat cercetari privind depunerea izotropa a filmelor biocompatibile titan pe spume carbonice, utilizand plasma produsa in sistemul ECR-DC si TVA. Am coordonat activitatile din partea romana in cadrul colaborarii la proiectele Nationale Japoneze: “Studiul posibilitatii aplicarii metodei arcului termoionic in vid (TVA) la formarea acoperirilor pentru economisierea energiei” (2003-2004) si: “Cercetarea si dezvoltarea superaliajelor pe baza de niobiu cu acopeiri rezistente la oxidare”. (2003-2006) Coordonez activitatea grupului de cercetare “Procese Elementare in Plasma si Aplicatii, grup format din 20 persoane, dintre care: 2 CS I, 1 CS II, 5 CS III, 2 CS, 2 AC, 1 absolvent, 3 studenti, 4 tehnicieni, 2 muncitori specialisti. Activitatea grupului este focalizata pe dezvoltarea tehnologiei originale a arcului termoionic in vid precum si a studiului plasmelor excitate in radiofrecventa, curent continuu, sau alternativ de joasa frecventa in scopul aplicarii acestora la realizarea dispozitivelor cu plasma si la procesare in/cu plasma a materialelor.

9. Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia: Institutul National de Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiilor, Functia: Cercetator Stiintific Principal gradul I – (CS I)10. Vechime la locul de muncă actual: 30 ani11. Brevete de invenţii:

1 brevet acordat in Japonia si in SUA, 7 brevete acordate in Romania; 1 brevet inregistrat in Romania12. Lucrări elaborate şi / sau publicate (se anexează – lista lucrarilor elaborate/publicate trebuie sa contina maxim 5 (cinci) lucrari in domeniul proiectului, relevante pentru activitatile ce urmeaza a fi desfasurate in cadrul proiectului):Lucrari ISI: 69, Lucrari in Reviste ale Academiei Romane: 16 Lucrari in Reviste ale unor Universitati acreditate, 6 lucrari, Articole publicate in reviste din strainatate necotate ISI, 8 lucrari; Lucrari in Proceedings Internationale, 185 lucrariLucrari invitate, 9 lucrari; Monografii internationale, 2 contributiiMonografii din tara, 1 monografie; Brevete de inventie acordate si aplicate, 1 in strainatate, 7 in tara, 1 in curs de evaluare; Citari: 32 lucrari citate; 89 citari 13. Membru al asociaţiilor profesionale: - in Organisme internationale:- Membru - European Physical Society, - Membru - International Society for Optical Engineers (SPIE), - Membru - Japan Institute of Metal Society (JIM).- in Organisme nationale:- Membru - Societatea Romana de Fizica14. Limbi straine cunoscute: engleza, franceza, rusa15. Alte competenţe:- Evaluator la Programe Europene (INTAS), evaluator la Programe Interne (CNCSIS, CEEX, PNII), evaluator programe nationale (Bulgaria), Activitate didactica la Fac. Fizica, Universitatea Bucuresti, Coordonare lucrari de diploma in Romania si Japonia.

16. Specializări şi calificări: Japonia: 1988 (2.5 luni), Universitatea Tokyo: corodarea in plasma a structurilor de tip SOI (silicon on insulator) submicronice, Franta: 1990 (1.5 luni), Universitatea Paris-Sud, Orsay: studiul post-descarcarilor in azot, pentru tratamentul suprafetelor cu specii active; Germania: 1992, (1.5 luni), Universitatea din Bochum: studiul descarcarilor in gaze de tip barriera in scopul depoluarii gazelor cu continut de oxid de azot, Japonia: 1996-1997, (un an) Universitatea Nagoya: studiul descarcarilor rf tip magnetron pentru depuneri de straturi dure; Japonia: 1997-1999, (doi ani) Universitatea Hokkaido, Sapporo: studiul descarcarilor in curent continuu si radio frecventa pentru depoluare si realizare de straturi cu constanta dielectrica redusa, Japonia: 2000-2003, (trei ani) Ube, Yamaguchi, Institutul Japonez pentru Cercetarea Materialelor Rezistente la Temperaturi Ultra-inalte: studiul materialelor tribologice ecologice prin pulverizare ECR-DC; studiul materialelor ultra-dure pe baza de TiN si MoS2; studiul acoperirilor biocompatibile in scopul utilizarii lor la reconstructia maxilo-faciala (acoperiri cu titan a spumelor carbonice). Universitatea Yamaguchi: studiul spectral al plasmei produse cu ajutorul jetului de plasma la presiune atmosferica in scopul obtinerii materialelor cu proprietati tribologice.

17. Experienţa acumulată (inclusiv experienta manageriala) în alte programe/proiecte naţionale/internaţionale:

Programul/Proiectul Funcţia Perioada: de la... până la...

Cercetare-dezvoltare si realizare modul afisare cu plasma 5x7x49 pentru semnalizari feroviare. Beneficiar IASF (Interprinderea de Automatizari si Semnalizari Feroviare Bucuresti)

Resp. Contract 1989-1990

Orizont 2000 Participant 1990-1997ECO-TERRA, Japonia: “Studiul materialelor cu proprietati tribologice ecologice”

Resp. Proiect: 04.200 – 03.2003

CERES 109 “Efectul M. Explicare finala si generalizare”, Participant 04.2003-10.2004

CERES 110 “Studiul proceselor fizice de depunere a straturilor subtiri de carbon cu structura nanometrica din plasma arcului termoionic”

Participant 04.2003-10.2004

Proiect National Japonez (NEDO): “Survey on the application of thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) method to the formation of energy saving coatings”

Resp. proiect INFLPR 05.2003 – 03.2004

Proiect National Japonez (NEDO): “Research and Development of Niobium-Based Superalloys with

Resp. proiect INFLPR 10.2003 – 04-2006

Coating Layers Resistant to Oxidation”CERES 4-39: Configuratie de spin si morfologie in

corelatie cu efecte GMR in filme subtiri nano-globulare.Participant 10.2004 –

10.2006MATNANTECH 4-249: Tehno-logii avansate de realizare dispozitive MEMS cu aplicatii biomedicale, bazate pe straturi tip diamant

Resp. proiect INFLPR 10.2004 – 10.2006

CERES 4-141: Producerea, caracterzarea si utilizarea acului cu plasma de radiofrecventa la presiune atmosferica.

Resp. proiect INFLPR 11.2004-10.2006

CERES4-201: Studiul arcului termoionic in vid cu anozi de temperatura ridicata de topire si depuneri rezistente la oxidare la temperaturi inalte

Director de proiect 11.2004-10.2006


Director de proiect 2006-2008

CEEX “TEHMEC”: 237/2006 -Tehnologii avansate pentru dezvoltarea straturilor antifrictiune ecologice de tip metal-carbon,

Director de proiect 2006-2008

CEEX “FUSITERMAT” 10-89/2006: Producerea si studiul comportarii acoperirilor din carbon, wolfram si beriliu folosite la primul perete al instalatiilor de fuziune termonucleara

Director de proiect 2006-2008


Responsabil de proiect 2007-2011

EURATOM: Development of beryllium marker tiles for the ITER-like Wall experiment project (ILW), JW5-AEP-MEC-06 si EURATOM JW5-BEP-MEC-04), FP6: 120.000 EURO

Principal investigator 2005 -2007

EURATOM: Characterisation of fuel retention in ITER relevant mixed-materials Sub task : Production of Be coated C and W samples for studies of Hydrogen RETENTION TW5-TPP-RETMIX FP6: 100.000 EURO

Principal investigator 2005 -2008


Principal investigator 2006-2008

Section I.01 EURATOM : Production of Beryllium Coatings for Inconel Cladding and Beryllium tile Markers for the ITER-like Wall project :Task Agreement JW6-TA-EP2-ILB-01, FP6, 290.000 EURO

Principal investigator 2007-2010

18. Alte menţiuni:Am participat la organizarea a 2 conferinte pe tara (A VI-a Conferinta Nationala de Fizica si Tehnica Plasmei, Bucuresti 13-14 iunie 1985 si IX-th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, June 27-30, 1996, Bucuresti-Constanta si a unei conferinte internationale (ESCAMPIG, 1-5 Sept, 2004, Constanta)

Atasez in continuare Lista de lucrari ISI si Lista de prezentari orale, sau poster la conferinte internationale

C. P. LunguLucrari publicate in reviste cotate ISI

1. K. Sugiyama, K. Krieger, C.P. Lungu, J. Roth, Hydrogen retention in ITER relevant mixed material layers Journal of Nuclear Materials, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 26 January 2009

2. A. Anghel, C. Porosnicu, M. Badulescu, I. Mustata, C.P. Lungu, K. Sugiyama, S. Lindig, K. Krieger, J. Roth, A. Nastuta, G. Rusu, G. Popa, Surface morphology influence on deuterium retention in beryllium films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 267, Issue 2, January 2009, Pages 426-429.

3. Anghel, I. Mustata, C. Porosnicu, C. P. Lungu, Influence of the bias voltage on the formation of beryllium films by a thermionic vacuum arc method, Journal of Nuclear Materials, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 8 December 2008

4. R. Vladoiu, V.Ciupina, C.P.Lungu, O.I.Pompilian, P.Chiru, A.M.Lungu, G.Prodan, A.Mandes, G.Musa, “Characterization of nano-structured carbon-metal bilayers deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) technology, ChemListy102 s1533-s1535 (2008), FI ISI: 0.683

5. C. Surdu-Bob, C.P. Lungu, I. Mustata, L. Frunza Re-Cr-Ni high temperature resistant coatings on Cu substrates prepared by thermoionic vacuum arc Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys. Vol. 41, No.13, 132001 (4pp) Published: 2008

6. M.J. Rubel, V. Bailescu, J.P. Coad, T. Hirai, J. Likonen, J. Linke, C.P. Lungu, G.F. Matthews, L. Pedrick, V. Riccardo, P. Sundelin, E. Villedieu and JET-EFDA Contributors, Beryllium plasma-facing components for the ITER-Like Wall Project at JET, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 100 (2008) 062028

7. Bogdan-Ion Mocanu, Nicolae Naum, Cristian Lungu, Dorin Bombo, Mihaela Bombo, Particularitati compozitionale ale tufului vulcanic zeolitic de Piatra-Verde Slanic, REV. CHIM. (Bucuresti), 59, Nr. 7 (2008). 730-733

8. C. L. Ciobotaru, C.P. Lungu, S.D. Popa The study of the excimer intensity radiation in dielectric barrier discharge of XeI2 mixture at high pressure, JOAM, Volume: 10, No. 8, Pages:  1981-1983 (2008)

9. D. Manole, C. Casapu, O. Pompilian, C.P. Lungu, G. Prodan, V. Ciupina, Carbon-metal thin films deposited by thermionic vacuum arc method (TVA), JOAM, Vol. 10, No. 11, October 2008, 2954-2957

10. V. Ciupina, R. Vladoiu, A.Mandes, G. Musa,C. P. Lungu, TEM investigation of the C-Me multilayer nanocomposites deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method, JOAM, Vol. 10, No. 11, October 2008, 2958-2962

11. C. L. Ciobotaru, C.P. Lungu, S.D. Popa The study of the excimer intensity radiation in dielectric barrier discharge of XeI2 mixture at high pressure, JOAM,Volume: 10, No. 8, Pages:  1981-1983 (2008)

12. D. Rasleanu, V. Ionescu, G. Prodan, V. Ciupina, C. P. Lungu, C. Surdu-Bob, M. Osiac, O. Pompilian, M. Badulescu, A. M. Lungu, C. Ticos, V. Zaroschi, L. Trupina, C. Miclea, Nanostructured PZT type thin films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, JOAM, Vol. 10, No. 11, October 2008, pp.3041- 3047

13. V. Kuncser, M. Valeanu, G. Schinteie, G. Filoti, I. Mustata, C.P. Lungu, A. Anghel, H. Chiriac, R. Vladoiu and J. Bartolome, Exchange bias and spin valve systems with Fe–Mn antiferromagnetic pinning layers, obtained by the thermo-ionic vacuum arc method, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 320, Issue 14, July 2008, Pages e226-e230

14. M. Osiac, C. C. Surdu-Bob, M. Badulescu, C. P. Lungu, Optical emission spectroscopy diagnostics of a Ni Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) plasma, J.Optoel. and Adv. Materials, Vol. 10, No. 8, August 2008, p. 2007 – 2010.

15. T. Hirai, J. Linke, M. Rubel, J.P. Coad, J. Likonen, C.P. Lungu, G.F. Matthews, V. Philipps, E. Wessel and JET-EFDA contributors, Thermal load testing of erosion-monitoring beryllium marker tile for the ITER-LikeWall Project at JET, Fusion Engineering and Design, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 83, Issues 7-9, December 2008, Pages 1072-1076.

16. I.Mustata, A Anghel, C P Lungu, O Pompilian, V Kuncser and G Schinteie, Tunneling magneto-resistance granular thin films deposited by thermo-ionic vacuum arc technique, Journal of Physics:

Conference Series 100 (2008) 082026, pp.1-5 17. Emilia Pecheva, Todor Petrov, Cristian Lungu, Paul Montgomery, Lilyana Pramatarova,

Stimulated in vitro bone-like apatite formation by a novel laser processing technique, Chemical Engineering Journal 137 (2008) 144–153 (Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 137, Issue 1, 15 March 2008, Pages 144-153) ISSN: 1385-8947, chemical reaction engineering, environmental chemical engineering, and materials synthesis and processing.

18. C. Surdu-Bob, G.Musa, R.Vlădoiu, C.P. Lungu, The synthesis of DLC using a novel cathodic arc technique: Gas-TVA”, J OPTOELECTRON ADV M, Volume:9 Issue8: Pages: 2660-2662Published aug. (2007)

19. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, A. Anghel, G. Burcea, V. Bailescu, G. Dinuta, F. Din, Spectroscopic study of beryllium plasma produced by thermionic vaccum arc Vol. 9, Iss. 4, 2007, J OPTOELECTRON ADV M, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2007, 884-886.

20. R. Vlădoiu, V.Ciupină, C. Surdu-Bob, C.P. Lungu, J. Janik, J.D. Skalny, V. Bursikova, J. Bursik, G. Musa, “Properties of the carbon thin films deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc”J Optoelectron Adv M, vol. 9, no 4 (2007) 862-866

21. G. MUSA, C. SURDU BOB, C. P. LUNGU, V. CIUPINAA, R. VLADOIUA Gaseous thermionic vacuum Arc(G-TVA) - an extension of TVA (Thermionic Vacuum Arc) imput materials from solid samples to gases and liquids for carbon thin film deposition ,J OPTOELECTRON ADV M, Vol. 9, Iss. 4, 2007, 867-870

22. R. Vladoiu, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Bursikova, J. Bursik Characterization by nanoindentation and Scanning Electron Microscopy of the spin valves structures prepared by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method, JOAM. Vol 9, Iss. 4, 1087-1090, 2007,

23. S. Bakalova, A. Szekeres, A. Cziraki, C.P. Lungu, S. Grigorescu, G. Socol, E. Axente and I.N. Mihailescu Influence of in-situ Nitrogen Pressure on Crystallization of Pulsed Laser Deposited AlN Films , Applied Surface Science, Applied Surface Science, Volume 253, Issue 19, 31 July 2007, Pages 8215-8219

24. H. Maier, T. Hirai, M. Rubel, R. Neu , Ph. Mertens, H. Greuner, Ch. Hopf, G. F. Matthews, O. Neubauer, G. Piazza, E. Gauthier, J. Likonen, R. Mitteau, G. Maddaluno, B. Riccardi, V. Philipps, C. Ruset, C. P. Lungu, I. Uytdenhouwen and JET EFDA contributors, Tungsten and Beryllium Armour Development for the JET ITER-like Wall Project, Nucl. Fusion 47 (2007) 222–227

25. R. Mitteau, J.M. Missiaen, P. Brustolin, O. Ozer, A. Durocher, C. Ruset, C.P. Lungu, X. Courtois, C. Dominicy, H. Maier, C. Grisolia, G. Piazza and P. Chappuis. Recent developments toward the use of tungsten as armour material in plasma facing components, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 82, Issues 15-24, October 2007, Pages 1700-1705

26. T. Hirai, H. Maier, M. Rubel, Ph. Mertens, R. Neu, E. Gauthier, J. Likonen, C. Lungu, G. Maddaluno, G.F. Matthews, R. Mitteau, O. Neubauer, G. Piazza, V.Philipps, B. Riccardi, C. Ruset and I. Uytdenhouwen: R&D on full tungsten divertor and beryllium wall for JET ITER-like wall project Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 82, Issues 15-24, October 2007, Pages 1839-1845

27. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A. M. Lungu, A. Anghel, P. Chiru, M. Rubel, P. Coad G. F. Matthews and JET-EFDA contributors, Beryllium Coatings on Metals: Development of Process and Characterizations of Layers, Phys. Scr. T128 (March 2007) 157–161

28. T Hirai, J Linke, P Sundelin, M Rubel,WKühnlein, EWessel,J P Coad, C P Lungu, G F Matthews, Characterization and heat flux testing of beryllium coatings on Inconel for JET ITER-like wall project, Phys. Scr. T128 (March 2007) 166–170

29. G F Matthews, P Edwards, T Hirai, M Kear, A Lioure, P Lomas, A Loving, C P Lungu, H Maier, P Mertens, D Neilson, R Neu, J Pamela, V Philipps, G Piazza, V Riccardo, M Rubel, C Ruset, E Villedieu and M Way on behalf of the ITER-like Wall Project Team1−11, Overview of the ITER-like wall project, Phys. Scr. T128 (March 2007) 137–143 , ISSN 0031-8949 (Print), ISSN 1402-4896 (Online), I.F :0.946, atomic, molecular and optical physics, plasma physics, condensed matter physics and mathematical physics

30. G.Musa, C Surdu Bob, C.P.Lungu, V.Ciupina, R.Vladoiu, Gaseous Thermionic Arc (G-TVA) - an extension of TVA (Thermionic Vacuum Arc) input materials from solid samples to gases and liquids for carbon thin film deposition JOAM Vol. 9, No. 4, 2007, p. 871-874.

31. C. Surdu-Bob, G. Musa, R. Vladoiu, C. P. Lungu, Gas-TVA,The synthesis of DLC using a novel cathodic arc technique JOAM Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 2660-2662 Published: AUG 2007

32. A. Anghel, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A. M. Lungu, I. Barbu, M. Badulescu, O. Pompilian, G. Schinteie, D. Predoi, V. Kuncser, G. Filoti, N. Apetroaei, Giant Magneto Resistive Coatings Using Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technology, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, ISSN: 0011-4626 56 B16-23 Suppl. B, 2006

33. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, O. Brinza, C. Moldovan, C. Rotaru, R. Iosub, F. Sava, M. Popescu, R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina, G. Prodan, N. Apetroaei, Unstressed carbon-metal films deposited by thermionic vacuum arc method Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2006, p. 74—77.

34. R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina, C. P. Lungu, V. Bursikova, G. Musa, Thermoionic vacuum arc (TVA) deposited tungsten thin film characterization, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2006, p. 71—73.

35. G. MUSA, R. VLADOIU, V. CIUPINA, C. P. LUNGU, I. MUSTATA, S. PAT, T. AKAN, N. EKEM, Characteristics of boron thin films obtained by TVA technology, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol.8 ISS 2 (2006), pp.617-620

36. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, G. Musa, I. Iwanaga, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, H. Tanaka, T. Oi, K. Fujita, K. Iwasaki, Influence of Re on the thermo-electron emission from thoriated W cathode during Re deposition by thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) method, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2005, p. 2513 – 2519.

37. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, O. Brinza, V. Zaroschi, V. Kuncser, G. Filoti, L. Ion, Giant magnetoresistance effects in correlation with local magnetic interactions in Fe-Cu and Co-Cu granular thin films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2005, p. 2507 – 2512

38. G. Musa, I. Mustata, V. Ciupina, R. Vladoiu, G. Prodan, C. P. Lungu, H. Ehrich THERMIONIC VACUUM ARC (TVA) - CARBON THIN FILM DEPOSITION Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2005, p. 2485 - 2487

39. S. Pat, N. Ekem, T. Akan, Ö. Küsmüş, S. Demirkol, R. Vladoiu, C. P. Lungu, G. Musa, Study on thermionic vacuum arc – a novel and advanced technology, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2005, p. 2495 – 2499

40. N. Georgescu, R. Minea and C. P. Lungu, Depollution experiments with repetitive pulsed corona plasmas, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2005, p. 2501 - 2506

41. C. P. Lungu, Nanostructure influence on DLC-Ag tribological coatings, Surf. and Coat. Techn, Vol 200, 192-202, 2005.

42. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, I. Iwanaga, H. Tanaka, T. Oi, K. Fujita: Formation of nanostructureed Re-Cr-Ni diffusion barrier coatings on Nb superalloys by TVA method, Surf and Coat. Techn, Vol.200, 399-402, 2005.

43. V. Kuncser, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, W.Keune, B. Sahoo, F. Stromberg, M. Walterfang, L. Ion and G. Filoti: Fe-Cu granular thin films with giant magnetoresistance by thermionic vacuum arc method: Preparation and structural characterization, Surf and Coat. Techn,vol.200, Issues 1-4, October 2005, 980-983, 2005.

44. C. P. Lungu, K. Iwasaki, K. Kishi, M. Yamamoto and R.Tanaka, Tribo-ecological coatings prepared by ECR-DC sputtering, Vacuum, 76, Issues 2-3,119-126. (2004)

45. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, V. Zaroschi, Ana Mihaela Lungu and K. Iwasaki: Low friction silver-DLC coatings prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, Vacuum, 76, Issues 2-3, 127-130, (2004)

46. I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroski, M. Blideran and V. Ciupina: Giant magnetoersisitve granular layers deposited by TVA method: Vacuum, 76, 131-134 (2004)

47. G. Musa, A. Baltog, L. C. Ciobotaru, P. Chiru, C. P. Lungu, E. Raiciu, and A. Ricard, Time evolution of discharge current and light intensity in a PDP with Ne-H2 gas misxtures, The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, (Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys.) Vol. 28, 339-341 (2004)

48. O. Fukumasa, K. Osaki, S. Fujimoto, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, Low friction coatings prepared by plasma electrode spray gun, Surf. and Coating Techn., Vol. 169-170 (2003), pp. 415-418.

49. C. P. Lungu,Y. Matsumura, M. Yoshinari: Titanium Coating of Scaffold Carbon Foam by ECR Sputtering, Materials Transactions, Vol.43 No.12 (2002) pp.3025-3027.

50. C. P. Lungu, K. Iwasaki: In-situ monitoring of plasma parameters in the afterglow region of ECR sputtering system for tribological coatings, Vacuum, 66 (2002) 197-202

51. C. P. Lungu, K. Iwasaki: Influence of surface morphology on the tribological properties of silver-graphite overlays, Vacuum, 66 (2002) 385-391

52. C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, M. Tabata,, M. Akazawa, M. Miyamoto, CxFy

polymer film deposition in DC and RF fluorinert vapor plasmas, Vacuum, 59, (2000) pp.210-219 53. C. P. Lungu , A. M. Lungu, M. Akazawa, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, M. Tabata. Fluorinated carbon

films with low dielectric constant made from novel fluorocarbon source materials by rf plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2 38: (12B), pp. L1544 - L1546, Dec 15 (1999).

54. C. P. Lungu, M. Futsuhara, O. Takai, M. Braic, G. Musa, Noble gas influence on reactive rf magnetron sputter deposition on TiN films, Vacuum, 51-4, pp.635-640 (1998)

55. S.Q. Xiao, K. Tsuzuki, C. P. Lungu, O. Takai, Structure and properties of CeN thin films deposited in arc discharge, Vacuum, 51-4, pp.691-694, (1998).

56. G. Musa, A. Baltog, G. Bajeu, C. P. Lungu, E. Raiciu, I. Borcoman, A. Ricard, Influence of the H2

and SF6 addition to the Ne+1%Xe on the narrow barrier discharge spectral radiation, European Physical J. Applied Physics, AP 4, pp.165-169, (1998)

57. Shiqin Xiao, Cristian P. Lungu, Osamu Takai, Comparison of TiN deposition by rf magnetron sputtering and electron beam sustained arc ion plating, Thin Solid Films, 334, 1-2, pp. 173-177, (1998).

58. O. Takai, M. Futsuhara, M. Shimizu, C. P. Lungu, J. Nozue, Nanostructure of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Reactive rf Magnetron Sputtering, Thin Solid Films, 318, 1-2, pp. 117-119, (1998)

59. I. Kleps, D. Nicolaescu, C. P. Lungu, G. Musa, C. Bostan, F. Caccavale, Porous silicon field emitters for display applications, Applied Surface Science, 111, Feb., pp. 228-232 (1997).

60. A. Ricard , A. Popescu , A. Baltog A, C. P. Lungu, G. Musa, Influence of the wall material on N atom density in a downstream nitrogen plasma, Vide-Science Technique et Applications, 52: (280), pp 248 – 254, Apr-Jun (1996)

61. G. Musa, A. Baltog, C. P. Lungu, G. Bajeu, Influence of H2 addition to the Ne+1%Xe gas mixture on the time evolution current and light of a narrow barrier gap discharge, Rom. J. of Optoelectronics, 2 (1994), pp. 53-57.

62. G. Musa, C. P. Lungu, A. Popescu, A. Baltog, An analysis of the mechanism of monochromatisation of Ne-Ar-H2 filled plasma display light IEICE Transaction on Electronics, E 75-C, pp. 241-245 (1992).

63. G. Musa, Gr. Ionescu, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, S. Popa, I. Chichirez, G. Seicaru, Plasma production of TiO2 from TiCl4, Contribution to plasma physics, 26, pp 3-8 (1987), Ibidem Preprint LOP-49-1984, (1984);

64. G. Musa, C. P. Lungu, J. Badalec, K. Jukubka, V. Kopecky, J. Stockel, P. Zacek, Collimator type monochromator as a possible impurities monitor for fusion plasma, Rev. Roum. Phys., 30, 391 (1985), Ibidem Preprint LOP-49-1984, (1984);

65. I.Mustata, N.Betiu, G.Cristea, C. P. Lungu, G.Musa, Plasma etching device for microelectronics circuits, Revue Roumaine de Physique, 29, 203, (1984);Lucrare citata in cartea: Herman Boenig, Fundamentals of PlasmaChemistry and Technology. Technomic Publ. (1991)

66. G. Musa, A. Popescu, A. Baltog, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, Electrical and spectral characteristics of a narrow gap (submilimetric) electrodeless discharge in triple and quadruple gas mixture, Revue Roumaine de Physique, 26, 125, (1981),

67. Mahomed A. M. El Osairy, I. Iova, G.Musa, C. P. Lungu, A nitrogen and nitrogen plus hydrogen plasmatron diagnostics using vibrational-rotational band spectrum of nitrogen molecules, Revue Roumaine de Physique, 26, 135, (1981).

68. Mahomed A.M.El Osairy, I. Iova, G.Musa, C. P. Lungu, Nitriding effect of nitrogen-hydrogen low power plasmatron, Revue Roumaine de Physique, 26, 371, (1981);

69. Mahomed A. M. El Osairy, I. Iova, G. Musa, C. P. Lungu, Study of the excitation processes in a low power nitrogen plasmatron, Revue Roumaine de Physique, 25, 663, (1980) .


Proceedings International Conferences

1. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, O. Pompilian, I. Jepu, C. Porosnicu, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, D. Rasleanu, V. Ionescu, V. Ciupina, M. Osiac, Thermal treatment influence on the magnetoresistance of the Co/MgF2 and Permalloy/MgF2 films, Physics ConferenceTIM-08, 28-29 November 2008, Timisoara, Romania

2. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, O. Pompilian, M. Osiac, A. M. Lungu,V. Zaroschi, P. Chiru, C. Porosnicu, I. Jepu, M. Burada, V. Soare, Deposition of pure nickel films as CIS cell electrodes by thermionic vacuum arc technique, Physics ConferenceTIM-08, 28-29 November 2008, Timisoara, Romania

3. D. Rasleanu, V.ionescu, C.Casapu, D.Manole, I.M.Oancea Stanescu, D.Ilie, V.Ciupina, G.Prodan, E.Vasile, C.P.Lungu, I. Mustata, Study of the structural properties, morphology and composition of thermic vacuum evaporation deposited CuNiCoMn thin films, Physics ConferenceTIM-08, 28-29 November 2008, Timisoara, Romania

4. Ana Mihaela Lungu, Cristian Petrica Lungu, Ion Mustata, Radu Piticescu, Roxana Piticescu, Victor Ciupina, Gabriel Prodan, Nanostructured composite films of Ni-Al-Co type prepared by thermionic vacuum arc deposition, Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 15-19, 2008, Garmish-Partenchirchen, Germany

5. C.P. Lungu, A. Anghel, C. Porosnicu, V. Zaroschi, I. Mustata Victor Andrei, Electron spectroscopy analysis of the beryllium films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, International Congress of Plasma Physics, ICPP 2008, 8-12 Sept 2008, Fukuoka, Japan.

6. C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, O. Pompilian, C.Porosnicu, D. Trusca, I.Trusca, V. Manoliu, C. Serghie, D. Buzescu, C. Puscasu, A.Tudor, I. Feraru, C. Mic, D. Savastru, C. E.A. Grigorescu, I.M.Oancea, R.Vladoiu, V.Ciupina, Low-friction studies of metal-carbon layers prepared by thermionic vacuum arc and plasma spray deposition methods, International Congress of Plasma Physics, ICPP 2008, 8-12 Sept 2008, Fukuoka, Japan.

7. A. M. Lungu, O. G. Pompilian, V. Zaroschi, C. P. Lungu, D. Trusca, I. Trusca, C. Grigorescu, C. Mic, D. Savastru, Antifriction properties comparison of layers prepared by thermionic vacuum arc and plasma spray, International Congress of Plasma Physics, ICPP 2008, 8-12 Sept 2008, Fukuoka, Japan.

8. Ion Mustata, Cristian LUNGU, Oana Pompilian, Marius Badulescu, Cornel Porosnicu, Alexandru Anghel, Ana Mihaela Lungu, Victor Kuncser, Gabriel Schinteie, Doina Predoi, Magnetorezisitive properties of magnesium fluoride – cobalt films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 15-19, 2008, Garmish-Partenchirchen, Germany

9. Cornel Porosnicu, Oana Pompilian, Ana Mihaela Lungu, Petrica Chiru, Carmen Cristina Surdu Bob, Cristian Lungu, Dorina Manole, Victor Ciupina, Low friction coefficient carbon-tin (C-Sn) coatings for tribological applicationsEleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 15-19, 2008, Garmish-Partenchirchen, Germany

10. Cristina Surdu-Bob, Nickel cathodic arc plasma – characterization and optimization for the deposition of quality films, Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 15-19, 2008, Garmish-Partenchirchen, Germany

11. Anghel, I. Mustata, C. Porosnicu, C. P. Lungu, Influence of the bias voltage on the formation of Be films by thermionic vacuum arc method, E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) May 26-31, 2008, trimisa la publicat in revista: Nuclear Engineering

12. V. Bailescu, G. Burcea, N. Balan, G. Dinuta, G. Serban, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, M. Rubel, P. Coad, L. Pedrick, R. Handley and JET-EFDA Contributors* Inconel tiles coated with beryllium by thermal evaporation 35th EPS (European Physical Society) Conference on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 9-13, 2008.

13. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, C. Surdu-Bob, V. Zaroschi, A. Anghel, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, C.Porosnicu, M. Badulescu, M. Rubel, P. Coad, G. Matthews, L. Pedrick, R. Handley, T. Hirai, J. Linke, and JET-EFDA Contributors* Plasma-wall erosion rate evaluation by marker tiles, 35th EPS (European Physical Society) Conference on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 9-13 2008.

14. Cristian P. LUNGU, Ion MUSTATA, Alexandru ANGHEL, Cornel POROSNICU, Ana Mihaela LUNGU, Petrica CHIRU, Oana POMPILIAN, Cristina SURDU-BOB, Catalin TICOS, Valer ZAROSCHI, Mihai GANCIU, Vasile ZOITA, Constantin OPROIU, Dorin DUDU, Eugeniu IVANOV, Ion VATA, Victor ANDREI, XPS, GDOES AND RBS DEPTH PROFILE STUDIES OF THE BERYLLIUM-CHROMIUM FILMS PREPARED BY THERMIONIC VACUUM ARC METHOD, 8th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 7-9th, 2008, Constanta, Romania

15. C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, O. Pompilian, C.Porosnicu, D. Trusca, I.Trusca, V. Manoliu, C. Serghie, D. Buzescu, C. Puscasu, A.Tudor, I. Feraru, C. Mic, D. Savastru, C. E.A. Grigorescu, I.M.Oancea, R.Vladoiu, V.Ciupina, LOW-FRICTION STUDIES OF METAL-CARBON LAYERS PREPARED BY THERMIONIC VACUUM ARC AND PLASMA SPRAY DEPOSITION METHODS, 8th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 7-9th, 2008, Constanta, Romania

16. Cristian P. LUNGU, Ion MUSTATA, Alexandru ANGHEL, DEPOSITION STUDIES OF MIXED LAYER FORMATION BY THERMIONIC VACUUM ARC METHOD, 8 th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 7-9th, 2008, Constanta, Romania

17. K. Sugiyama, K. Krieger, C.P. Lungu, J.Roth, Hydrogen retention in ITER relevant mixed layer, 18th International Confernece on Plasma Surface Interactions, 26-30 May 2008, Toledo, Spain

18. Anghel, C. Porosnicu, M. Badulescu, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, K. Sugiyama, S. Linding, K. Krieger, J. Roth, A. Nastuta, G. Rusu, G.Popa, Surface morphology influence on D retenention in Be films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, 4th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 18-20, 2008, trimisa la publicat in revista: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

19. M.Badulescu, C.C.Surdu-Bob, C.P.Lungu, Thermoionic vacuum arc plasma ignited in Nickel vapors - characterization and optimization for the deposition of adherent films, Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases – 19thESCAMPIG, Granada, Spain 15-19 July 2008

20. Mariana Osiac, Cristian P. Lungu, Ligia Frunza, Study of Rhenium plasma for high temperature resistant layer deposition, 8th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 7-9th, 2008, Constanta, Romania

21. A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu, A. Anghel, C. Porosnicu, I. Mustata, M. Lucaci, J. Neamtu, R. M. Piticescu, R. Piticescu, Laboratory technology for deposition of nanostructured composite layers, 8th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 7-9th, 2008, Constanta, Romania

22. A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. Anghel, C. C. Surdu-Bob, P. Chiru, O. Pompilian, M. Badulescu, C. Porosnicu, C. Georgescu, R. M. Piticescu, R. Piticescu, V. Ciupina, R. Vladoiu, G.Prodan, Ni-Al-M (M: Co, Fe) films prepared by TVA method E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) May 26-31, 2008.

23. C. P. Lungu, C.C. Surdu-Bob, A. M. Lungu, B. Porosnicu, V. Zaroschi, L. Frunza, C. Logofatu, C. Negrila, G. Cosmeleata, R. Paunescu, V.Manoliu, C. Serghie, V. Ciupina, G. Prodan, Nanostructured, high temperature resistant coatings prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) May 26-31, 2008.

24. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A. Anghel, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, O. Pompilian, C. Surdu-Bob, M. Rubel, P. Coad, G. Matthews, L. Pedrick, R. Handley, T.Hirai, J. Linke and JET-EFDA Contributors, Marker Tiles Coating by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method, Thirtheen International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials - ICFRM13, December 10-14, 2007, Nice, France

25. A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu, A. Anghel, C. Porosnicu, I. Mustata, M. Lucaci, J. Neamtu, R. M. Piticescu, R. Piticescu, D. Tudoran, G. Prodan, R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina, Plasma processing of

nanostructured Ni/Al/Co Films, 35th EPS (European Physical Society) Conference on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 9-13 2008.

26. V. Bailescu, G. Burcea, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, M. Rubel, P. Coad, G. Matthews, L. Pedrick, R. Handley and JET-EFDA Contributors, Beryllium Coating on Inconel Tiles, Thirtheen International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials - ICFRM13, December 10-14, 2007, Nice, France

27. C.Surdu-Bob, C.Iacob, C.Porosnicu, C.P.Lungu, O.Pompilian, Arc plasma tailoring for the synthesis of quality W films, Thirtheen International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials - ICFRM13, December 10-14, 2007, Nice, France

28. B.I. Mocanu, N. Naum, C. P. Lungu, Compositional particularities of the Piatra-Verde Slanic volcanic zeolitic tuffs. Hump effect, Proc. of the First Nanostructured Multifunctional Materials National Conference (NMM07), 18 -20 October 2007, Sinaia, Romania, Rev. Roum. Chim. In print.

29. A.M. Lungu, P. Chiru, O. Pompilian, E. Dutu, C. P. Lungu, F. Craciunoiu, M. Simion, I. Kleps, G. Prodan, R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina and G. Musa, Hydrophilic transformation of carbon films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, ISPC, Kyoto, 20-31 Aug.2007

30. D. Trusca, I.Trusca, A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu, V. Manoliu, C. Serghie, D. Buzescu, C. Puscasu, Low friction graphite-metal coatings prepared by plasma spray, ISPC, Kyoto, 20-31 Aug.2007

31. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, G. Ionescu, G. Cosmeleata, C. P. Lungu, Protection Coatings, Resistant at Temperature, Abrasion and Corrosion Wear, Associated to the Cooper Support, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany, poster C54-220

32. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, C. C. Surdu-Bob, P. Chiru, O. Pompilian, A. Tudor, T. Laurian, V. Manoliu, G. Ionescu, C. Serghie, D. Buzescu, C. Puscasu, R. Brescia, Preparation and Characterization of Nanostructured C-Ni Coatings Prepared by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method, Proc of the Conference Excellence Research – A way to E.R.A, ISSN1843-5904, Brasov 24 oct 2007.

33. C. P. Lungu, A. Tudor, R. Brescia, A. M. Lungu, C. C. Surdu-Bob, P. Chiru, O. Pompilian, C. Porosnicu, T. Laurian, I. Mustata, Low friction properties of nanostructured C-Ni films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, Conferinta Internationala “ROTRIB’07, The 10 th International Conference on Tribology” Bucharest, November 8-10, 2007. Lucrare trimisa la publicat in revista "Special Issue of the International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (IJSurfSE)"

34. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. Anghel, A.M. Lungu, C.C. Surdu-Bob, I. Morjan, E. Popovici, I. Voicu, I. Soare, D. Dudu, Eugen Ivanov, M. Lazarescu, A. Manea, C. Logofatu, C. Negrila, F. Miculescu, M. Miculescu, D. Bojin, The Effects of CO2 Laser Beam Irradiation on Be-W Films Prepared by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method, EUROMAT 2007, 10-13 September, Nuremberg, Germany, poster B42-489

35. T. Hirai, M. Rubel, J. Linke, P. Sundelin, W. Kühnlein, E. Wessel, J.P. Coad, C. P. Lungu, G.F. Matthews, L. Pedrick, G. Piazza and JET-EFDA contributors, Beryllium Coatings for the ITER-like Wall Project at JET:Overview on Heat Flux Testing and Material Properties, EUROMAT 2007, 10-13 September, Nuremberg, Germany, lecture B42-647.

36. C.P. Lungu,  C.C. Surdu Bob, I.Mustata, A. Anghel, A. M. Lungu, O. Pompilian, A.Tudor, T. Laurian, G. Prodan,  V. Ciupina,  I. Gruia,  Tribological characteristics of nanostructured carbon-tungsten film prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), July 2-6, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden oral presentation

37. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, G. Ionescu, G. Cosmeleata, C. P. Lungu, Protection Coatings, Resistant at Temperature, Abrasion and Corrosion Wear, Associated to the Cooper Support, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany, poster C54-220

38. D. Trusca, I.Trusca, A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu, V. Manoliu, C. Serghie, D. Buzescu, C. Puscasu, Low friction graphite-metal coatings prepared by plasma spray, 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, August 26-31, 2007, Kyoto, Japan, poster

39. I. Mustata, A. Anghel, C. P. Lungu, O. Pompilian, V. Kuncser, G. Schinteie, (2007) Preparation and characterization of MgO-Co TMR structures, 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), July 2-6, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden

40. Lungu, P. Cristian (presenting); Mustata, Ion; Anghel, Alexandru; Lungu, Ana Mihaela; Pompilian, Oana; Dutu, Elena; Morjan, Ion; Minea, Radu; Oproiu, Constantin; Dudu, Dorin; Vata, Ion; Ivanov, Eugeniu; Logofatu, Constantin; Negrila, Catalin; Lazarescu, Mihai; Miculescu, Florin, Be-W films preparation and characterization, 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), July 2-6, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden.poster PSTFP4-145

41. Rubel, M.J.1 (presenting); Hirai, T.2; Coad, J.P.3; Linke, J.2; Pedrick, L.3; Matthews, G.F.3; Sundelin, P.1; Lungu, C.P.4; Villedieu, Beryllium plasma-facing components for the ITER-like wall project at JET 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), July 2-6, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden.poster PSTFP4-140

42. I. Vata, C. Logofatu, C. Negrila, M. Lazarescu, F. Miculescu, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. Anghel, A. M. Lungu, O. Pompilian, E. Dutu, I. Morjan, R. Minea, C. Oproiu, D. Dudu, E.Ivanov: Be-W films preparation and characterization, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany.

43. Anghel, Alexandru (presenting);  Mustata, Ion ;  Iacob, Cristian ;  Badulescu, Marius ;  Lungu, P. Cristian   Preparation and characterization of MgO-Co TMR structures, EUROMAT 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany

44. C. P. Lungu, A.M.Lungu, I. Mustata, C. C. Surdu-Bob, C.Iacob, D. Trusca, I. Trusca,A. Tudor, T. Laurian, V. Manoliu, G. Ionescu, C. Serghie, D. Buzescu, C. Puscasu, Comparison of the Tribological Properties of Carbon-Metal (Ag, Cu, Al) Coatings Prepared by Plasma Spray and Thermionic Vacuum arc Methods, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany

45. T. Hirai (Sp), Research Centre Juelich (Germany); M. Rubel, Association EURATOM-VR, Stockholm (Sweden); J. Linke, Research Centre Juelich (Germany); P. Sundelin, Association EURATOM-VR, Stockholm (Sweden); W. Kühnlein, E. Wessel, Research Centre Juelich (Germany); J.P. Coad, Culham Science Centre, Oxfordshire (UK); C.P. Lungu, National Institute of Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest (Hungary); G.F. Matthews, L. Pedrick, G. Piazza, Culham Science Centre, Oxfordshire (UK) Beryllium Coatings for the ITER-Like Wall Project at JET: Overview on Heat Flux Testing and Material Properties European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany, lecture, B42-647

46. C.P.Lungu, I.Mustata, A.Anghel, V.Zaroschi, A.M.Lungu, O.Pompilian, C.C.Porosnicu Beryllium Plasma Diagnostic and Film Formation by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method, poster VEIT 2007 FIFTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON VACUUM, ELECTRON, AND ION TECHNOLOGIES, 17–21 September 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria


48. C. P. Lungu1, A. M. Lungu1, I. Mustata1, C. C. Surdu Bob1, O. Pompilian1, C. Porosnicu1, L. Frunza2, M. Lucaci3, J. Neamtu3, R. M. Piticescu4, R. Piticescu4, I. Oancea5, G. Prodan5, R.Vladoiu5, V. Ciupina5 Nanostructured thermal barrier coatings prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, CPPA Brasov september 2007

49. C. P. Lungu, C.C.Surdu Bob, M. Osiac, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, R. Paunescu, G. Cosmeleata, V.Manoliu, C. Serghie, Re-Cr-Ni high temperature resistant coatings on Cu substrates prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) from May 28 to June 1, 2007. (symposium Q Protective coatings and thin films

50. C. P. Lungu, C. C. Surdu-Bob, I. Mustata, A.M.Lungu, V. Zaroschi, A. Tudor, T. Laurian. G. Prodan, R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina, G. Musa Tribological properties of the carbon-metal coatings prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) from May 28 to June 1, 2007.

51. C. P. Lungu1, A. M. Lungu1, C. C. Surdu-Bob1, M. Osiac1, O. Pompilian1, M. Badulescu1, G. Cosmeleata2, R. Paunescu2, V. Manoliu3, C. Serghie3, G. Ionescu3, G. Burcea4, V. Turcanu4, O. Dutulescu4, F. Din, DIAGNOSTICS OF PURE METALLIC CHROMIUM PLASMA, 34th EPS (European Physical Society) Conference on Plasma Physics Warsaw, Poland July 2-6, 2007

52. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. Anghel, C. C. Surdu-Bob, P. Chiru, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, M. Ganciu, A. Surmeian, C. Diplasu, C. Oproiu, R. Minea, M. N. Nemtanu, G. Burcea, V. Turcanu, O. Dutulescu, F. Din, I. Vâţă, E. Ivanov, D. Dudu, M. Lazarescu, C. Logofatu, C. Negrila, F. Miculescu, M. Miculescu, V. Midoni, Influence of ions’ bombardment on the beryllium film formation by thermionic vacuum arc, 34th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 2 - 6 July 2007, Warsaw, Poland, P2.070, publicata in Europhysics Confernce Abstracts, Vol 31F, 2007, ISBN: 978-83-926290-0-9

53. I. Mustata1, A. Anghel1, O. Pompilian1, M. Badulescu1, E. Dutu1, A. M. Lungu1, C. P. Lungu1, G. Burcea2, V. Turcanu2, O. Dutulescu2, F. Din, Plasma processing of tunneling magnetoresistive structures, 34th EPS (European Physical Society) Conference on Plasma Physics Warsaw, Poland July 2-6, 2007 (P2.069)


55. M.Osiac, C. Iacob, M. Badulescu, C. P. Lungu , Plasma parameters of a Ni Thermoionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) used for metallic thin film deposition, XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, July 15-20, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic

56. C. P. Lungu, O. Brinza, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, C. Surdu Bob, V. Zaroschi, R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina, G. Prodan, C. Logofatu, C. Negrila, M. Lazarescu, Nanostructured carbon-metal film deposition by thermionic vacuum arc method, Hasselt Diamond Workshop – SBDD XII February 28 – March 2,  2007, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek – Hasselt, Belgium

57. R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina, C.Surdu-Bob, C.P.Lungu, J.D. Skalny, V. Bursikova, J. Bursik, G. Musa, Tribological Propertyes and Characterizations of the Nanostructured Carbon thin Film Deposited by Thermionic vacuum Arc Technology, Proc of 16th Symposium onApplications of Plasma Processes, Podbanske, Slovakia, January, 20-25, 2007, pp. 95-96.

58. G. F. Matthews, P.Edwards, T.Hirai, M.Kear, A.Lioure, P.Lomas, A.Loving, C. P. Lungu, H.Maier, Ph.Mertens, D.Neilson, R.Neu, J.Pamela, V.Philipps, G.Piazza, V.Riccardo, M.Rubel, C. Ruset, E.Villedieu, M.Way on behalf of the ITER-like Wall Project Team, Overview of the ITER-like Wall Project ,11th International Workshop on Plasma -Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, PFMC 2006  October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany 

59. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, A. Anghel, I. Barbu, G. Burcea, G. Bailescu, N. Apetroaei, F. Miculescu, Beryllium Coatings of Some ITER-like Wall Materials Using Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technology, 22nd SYMPOSIUM, ON PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY, 26-29. June, 2006, Praha, Czech Republic.

60. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A. M. Lungu, P. Chiru, A. Anghel, G. Burcea, V. Bailescu, G. Dinuta, F. Din, Optical Emission Diagnostic of Thermionic Vacuum Arc Plasma During Beryllium Film Formation, oral presentation at the 33rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome, June 19 - 23, 2006

61. G. F. Matthews, P.Edwards, T.Hirai, M.Kear, A.Lioure, P.Lomas, A.Loving, C. P. Lungu, H.Maier, Ph.Mertens, D.Neilson, R.Neu, J.Pamela, V.Philipps, G.Piazza, V.Riccardo, M.Rubel, C. Ruset, E.Villedieu, M. Way on behalf of the ITER-like Wall Project Team, Overview of the ITER-like Wall Project ,11th International Workshop on Plasma -Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, PFMC 2006  October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany 

62. 4. H. Maier, T. Hirai, M. Rubel, R. Neu , Ph. Mertens, H. Greuner, Ch. Hopf , G. F. Matthews, O. Neubauer, G. Piazza, E. Gauthier, J. Likonen, R. Mitteau, G. Maddaluno, B. Riccardi, V. Philipps, C. Ruset, C. P. Lungu, and JET EFDA contributors, Tungsten and Beryllium Armour Development for the JET ITER-like Wall Project, Twenty-First IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 16 - 22 October 2006, Chengdu, China.

63. 5. T. Hirai, J. Linke, P. Sundelin, M. Rubel, W. Kühnlein, E. Wessel, J.P. Coad, C. P. Lungu, G.F. Matthews, L. Pedrick, G. Piazza and JET-EFDA contributors* Characterization of Be/Inconel coating and the performances under high heat flux loading, oral presentation, 11 th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, PFMC 2006  October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany 

64. 6. Hirai T., J. Linke, P. Sundelin, M. Rubel, W. Kühnlein, E. Wessel, J.P.Coad, C.P. Lungu, F.Matthews, L. Pedrick, G. Piazza and JET-EFDA contributors, Heat Flux Testing and Post-Mortem haracterisation of Beryllium Coatings on Inconel, poster presentation, 11th International

Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, PFMC 2006  October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany 

65. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, Ana Mihaela Lungu, A. Anghel, P. Chiru, Oana Pompilian, M. Badulescu, I. Trusca, F. Miculescu, F. Sava, M. Popescu, Y. Matsumura, R. Tanaka, K. Iwasaki, Sequential Preparation of High Temperature Resistant Coatings, Inter-Academia, International Conference, Iasi, Romania 25-29 Sept 2006, pp 603-609. (2006)

66. Extension of Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) technology from metals processing to gaseous plasmas, G. Musa, C. Surdu Bob, C.P.Lungu, V.Ciupina, R.Vladoiu, lucrare invitata, Inter-Academia, International Conference, Iasi, Romania 25-29 Sept 2006, pp 569-576. (2006)

67. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A. M. Lungu, A. Anghel, P. Chiru, M. Rubel, P. Coad G. F. Matthews and JET-EFDA contributors, Beryllium Coatings on Metals: Manufacture and Characterization, invited lecture at 11th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, PFMC 2006  October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany 

68. Cristian Petrica LUNGU, Ion MUSTATA, Valer ZAROSCHI, Ana Mihaela LUNGU, Alexandru ANGHEL, Petrica CHIRU, Ion TRUSCA, Florin MICULESCU, Yoshiaki MATSUMURA, Riohey TANAKA, Kunihiko IWASAKI, COMBINED DEPOSITION OF HIGH_TEMPERATURE RESISTANT COATINGS, Proc of 7th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 5-7th, 2006, CONSTANTA, ROMANIA , p. 28




72. Ion MUSTATA, Cristian Petrica LUNGU, Valentin ZAROSHI, Ana Mihaela LUNGU, Petrica CHIRU, Alexandru ANGHEL, Ionut BARBU, Marius BADULESCU, Oana POMPILIAN, Elena DUTU, SPECTROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION OF MgO PLASMA, Proc of 7th International, Balkan Workshop on ,Applied Physics, July 5-7th, 2006, CONSTANTA, ROMANIA , p. 31

73. Nicolae GEORGESCU, Cristian Petricã LUNGU,Ana CÃLUGÃRU,Valer ZAROSCHI and Ana LUNGU, PLASMA NEEDLE EFFECTS ON HUMAN CELLS, Proc of 7th International, Balkan Workshop on ,Applied Physics, July 5-7th, 2006, CONSTANTA, ROMANIA , p. 32

74. Cristian Petrica LUNGU, Ion MUSTATA, V. ZAROSCHI, Ana Mihaela LUNGU, Petrica CHIRU, Alexandru ANGHEL, SPECTROSCOPIC STUDY OF BERYLLIUM PLASMA PRODUCED BY THERMIONIC VACUUM ARC, Proc of 7th International, Balkan Workshop on ,Applied Physics, July 5-7th, 2006, CONSTANTA, ROMANIA , p. 36


76. A. ANGHEL, C. P. LUNGU, I. MUSTATA, V. ZAROSCHI, A. M. LUNGU, I. BARBU, M. BADULESCU, O. POMPILIAN, G. SCHINTEIE, D. PREDOI, V. KUNKSER, G. FILOTI, N. APETROAEI, Giant Magneto Resistive Coatings Using Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technology23 rd

Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Prague, June 200677. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, V Zaroschi, S. Stoleriu, M. Popescu, V. Ciupina,

R.Vladoiu, G.Prodan, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, I. Iwanaga, Rhenium based

composites prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, International Conference on Advanced Surface Engineering (8th ICASE) April 25 - April 26, 2006, Tokyo, Japan.

78. S. Bakalova, A.Szekeres, A.Cziraki, C.P. Lungu, S. Grigorescu, G. Socol, E. Axente, I. N. Mihailescu, Influence of in-situ Nitrogen Pressure on Crystallization of Pulsed Laser Deposited AlN Films E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting (E-MRS - IUMRS - ICEM 06), Nice, May 29 - June 2, 2006

79. C.P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, O. Pompilian, A. M. Lungu, A. Anghel, C. Roman, C. Moldovan, R. Albulescu, M. Albulescu Biocompatibility evaluation of MEMS devices coated with zero stress carbon films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2006, September 11-14th, 2006, Bucharest - Magurele, ROMANIA, p.

80. N. Georgescu , C. P. Lungu, A. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, “Physical properties of atmospheric pressure microplasmas for various “plasma needle” geometries”18th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases – ESCAMPIG XVIII”, 12 – 17 July 2006, Lecce, ITALY

81. N. Georgescu, A. Cãlugãru, C. P. Lungu, A. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, L. Cremer, A. Herold, G. Szegli, Treatment of human cells with the plasma needle”, “3rd International Workshop on Microplasmas”, 8 – 11 May 2006, Greifswald, GERMANY

82. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, V Zaroschi, S. Stoleriu, M. Popescu, V. Ciupina, R.Vladoiu, G.Prodan, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, I. Iwanaga, Rhenium based composites prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method, International Conference on Advanced Surface Engineering (8th ICASE) April 25 - April 26, 2006, Tokyo, Japan.

83. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, I. Barbu, M. Badulescu, P. Chiru,V. Kuncser, G. Filoti, N. Apetroaei, V. Ciupina, G. Prodan. Granular metallic magnetoresistive layers deposited by thermionic vacuum arc technology, International Conference on Advanced Surface Engineering (8th ICASE) April 25 - April 26, 2006, Tokyo, Japan.

84. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, S. Stoleriu, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, I. Iwanaga, Re-Cr composite prepared by simultaneous deposition using thermionic vacuum arcs, “The Coatings” 5th International Conference, 5-7 October 2005, Kalithea of Chalkidiki, Greece, 249-257.

85. I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, O. Brinza, V. Zaroschi, V. Kuncser, G. Filoti, and N.Apetroaei, Preparation and characterization of GMR layers deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technology, “The Coatings” 5th International Conference, 5-7 October 2005, Kalithea of Chalkidiki, Greece, 493-498.

86. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, C. Surdu Bob, A. M. Lungu, C. Moldovan, C. Rotaru, R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina and G. Prodan, Diamond like carbon films preparation by thermionic vacuum arc for MEMS applications, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, August 8-12, Toronto, Canada, 4 pages, 2005

87. G. Musa, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, C. Surdu Bob, A. M. Lungu, R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina, V. Busikova, Refractory metal film deposition by thermionic vacuum arc method, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, August 8-12, Toronto, Canada, 4 pages, 2005

88. I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, O. Brinza, V. Kuncser, G. Filoti, W. Keune, B. Sahoo, F. Stromberg, M. Walterfang, L.Ion, Thermo-ionic Vacuum Arc technology as used for magneto-resistive granular films deposition, Proceedings on CD-ROM of The XXVII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases July 18 – 22, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 5 pages, 2005.

89. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, O. Brinza, F. Sava, M. Popescu, S. Stoleriu, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, I. Iwanaga, T. Oi, K. Fujita, Simultaneous Deposition of Re and Cr Using Two Thermionic VacuumArcs, Proceedings on CD-ROM of The XXVII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases July 18 – 22, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 5 pages, 2005.

90. G. Musa, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, C. Surdu Bob, A. M. Lungu, V. Bursikova, R. Vladoiu, G.Prodan, V. Ciupina, Tungsten film deposition by thermionic vacuum arc method, Proceedings on CD-ROM of The XXVII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases July 18 – 22, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 3 pages, 2005.

91. N. Georgescu, R. Minea, C.P.Lungu, A. M. Lungu, I. Mustaţã, Plasma needle – feasibility experiments, Proc of The 2nd International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas : Sources and Applications (CAPPSA 2005), 30 August – 2 September 2005, Bruges, BELGIUM

92. N. Georgescu , R. Minea, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, I. Mustaţã, V. Zaroschi. “Plasma needle characteristics”, 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanţa, Romania, 5 – 7 July, 2005

93. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, C.Surdu-Bob, V. Zaroschi, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, , I. Iwanaga, H. Tanaka, T. Oi, K. Fujita, Rhenium and Rhenium- Chromium - Nickel nanocomposite films preparations by TVA method, proc of The 10-th ICSI Conference Progress in Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation, Caciulata, Romania, Oct 14-15, 2004, pp.108-112.

94. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, K. Iwasaki, Y. Matsumura, R. Tanaka, I. Iwanaga, H. Tanaka, T. Oi, K. Fujita, Formation of nanostructured Re-Ni-Cr diffusion barrier coatings on Nb superalloys by TVA method, PSE2004, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, 1-5 Sept 2004, p. 33

95. C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, G. Musa, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, K. Iwasaki, R. Tanaka, T. Oi, K. Fujita, Nanostructure influence on DLC-AG tribological coatings, PSE 2004, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, 1-5 Sept 2004, p.471

96. I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, Nanostructured GMR films prepared by TVA method, PSE 2004, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, 1-5 Sept 2004, p.519

97. G.Musa, A.Baltog, L.C.Ciobotaru, P.Chiru, C.P.Lungu, E.Raiciu and A.Ricard, Time evolution of a PDP type barrier discharge current in electronegative-electropozitive gas mixtures, ESCAMPIG 17, Constanta, 1-5 september 2004 pp.63-64

98. C.Surdu-Bob, P.Chiru, O.Branza, C.P.Lungu, G.Musa, The monochromatisation effect in dielectric barrier discharges in noble gas – hydrogen mixtures, ESCAMPIG 17, Constanta, 1-5 September 2004 pp.65-66

99. B.Akahata, O.Fukumasa, A.M.Lungu and C.P.Lungu, Spectral diagnostic of MgO containing plasma jet, , ESCAMPIG 17, Constanta, 1-5 September 2004 pp.171-172

100.T. Yamashita, O. Fukumasa, A. M. Lungu and C. P. Lungu, OES monitoring of beta-alumina synthesis by thermal plasma jet, ESCAMPIG 17, Constanta, 1-5 September 2004 pp.173-175

101.G. Musa, I. Mustata, V. Ciupina, R. Vladoiu, G. Prodan, C.P.Lungu, H. Ehrich, Thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) – carbon thin film deposition, ESCAMPIG 17, Constanta, 1-5 September 2004 pp.231-232.

102.V. Kuncser, G. Filoti, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, L. Ion, Local magnetic interactions influencing giant magnetoresistance in Fe-Cu granular thin films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc metod, ESCAMPIG 17, Constanta, 1-5 september 2004, pp. 253-254.

103.C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, G. Musa, I. Iwanaga, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, H. Tanaka, T. Oi, K. Fujita, K. Iwasaki, Influence of Re on the thermo-electron emission from thoriated W cathode during Re deposition by thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) method, ESCAMPIG, Constanta, 1-5 september 2004, pp. 257-258

104.N. Georgescu, R. Minea and C. P. Lungu, Depollution experiments with repetitive pulsed corona plasmas, ESCAMPIG 17, Constanta, 1-5 September 2004 pp.251-252

105.C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, G. Musa, I. Iwanaga, R. Tanaka, Y. Matsumura, H. Tanaka, T. Oi, K. Fujita, K. Iwasaki, Thermo-electron emission behavior of the W-Re TVA heated cathode, International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p 90.

106.T. Yamashita, O. Fukumasa, A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu, β”-alumina synthesis and optical diagnostic of thermal plasma jet, International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p 81.

107.I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu , O. Branza, N. Zaroschi, G. Prodan, V. Ciupina, GMR effect in granular films containing (Fe, Ni, Co) - Cu networks deposited by TVA method, International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p.91

108.K. Akahata, O. Fukumasa, A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu, Optical diagnostic of thermal plasma jet used for MgO film preparation, International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p.90

109.N. Georgescu, R. Minea, C. P. Lungu, Energy efficiency in depollution of NO and SOx, International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p. 92

110.R. Vladoiu, V. Ciupina,. I Mustata, C.P.Lungu, G. Musa, Characterization of carbon thin film deposited by thermionic Vacuum Arc(TVA) International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p.84.

111.N. Ekem , S. Pat, O Kusmus, S. Demirkol, R. Vladoiu, C.P.Lungu, G. Musa, Optical Emission Diagnostic of Silver Therminic Vacuum Arc Plasma, International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p.89

112.C. Surdu-Bob, P Chiru, O Branza, C.P.Lungu, G. Musa, Selective spectral line emission of elevated pressure discharges, International Balkan Workshop of Applied Physics (IBWAP), Constanta, 5-10 July, 2004, p. 94

113.K. Fujita, K. Iwasaki, T. Oi, Y. Matsumura, R. Tanaka, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata and G. Musa, Anti-oxidation coating onto heat-resistant materials by thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) method (part II), Spring Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Mar. 2004, Tokyo

114.K. Iwasaki, K. Fujita, T. Oi, Y. Matsumura, R. Tanaka, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata and G. Musa, Anti-oxidation coating onto heat-resistant materials by thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) method, Autumn Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Nov. 2003, Sapporo

115.Cristian P. Lungu: Optical emission diagnostic of the ECR-DC plasma used for tribological coatings, 4th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Sept 25-27, (2003) Constanta, Romania, p 57

116.I.Mustata, C. P. Lungu and V. Ciupina Giant magnetorezistive granular coatings prepared by TVA method, 4th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Sept 25-27, (2003) Constanta, Romania, p 67

117.K. Iwasaki, I. Mustata, G. Musa, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi: High Temperature Resistance Rhenium Thin Film Deposition by TVA Method, Proc of The XII th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, 1-3 September, (2003), Iasi, Romania, Abstract, pp 93

118.I.Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi: Some peculiarities of Co-Cu GMR Thin Films as Deposited by TVA Method, Proc of The XIIth International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applicatons, 1-3 September, (2003) Iasi, Romania, Abstract, pp 96

119.I.Mustata, G.Musa, M.Blideran, V.Zaroschi, A.M.Lungu, C.P.Lungu, K.Iwasaki, Ag-DLC tribological film deposition by double thermionic vacuum arc., Proc. XXVI ICPIG – Greifswald, 2003, Vol.4, pp. 87-88.

120.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki: Formation of Ecologically Friendly Ag-matrix Overlays for Plain Bearings by ECR-DC Sputtering, JAST Tribology Conference, Sendai, October 2002, pp.128-130

121.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki “New tribological coatings prepared by ECR sputtering for automobile applications”, Proc. 2002 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Oct. 2002, Ube-Yamaguchi, Japan, p.11.

122.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki: Improvement of Tribological Properties of Ag Overlays for Plain Bearings by Solid Lubricant and Hard Particle Addition, JAST Tribology Conference, Tokyo May 2002, pp.285-286

123.C. P. Lungu, Y. Matsumura, M. Yoshinari: Isotropic titanium deposition on the carbon foam by ECR suttering, The 9th Annual Meting of Institute of Applied Plasma Science, Yamaguchi, March 15-16 2002, pp. 55-58

124.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki “New tribological coatings prepared by ECR sputtering for automobile applications”, Proc. 2002 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Oct. 2002, Ube-Yamaguchi, Japan, p.11.

125.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki: Formation of Ecologically Friendly Ag-matrix Overlays for Plain Bearings by ECR-DC Sputtering, JAST Tribology Conference, Sendai, October 2002, pp.128-130

126.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki: Tribological properties of Ag matrix composite overlays prepared by ECR-DC sputtering, Autumn Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Osaka, November 2-4, (2002), Abstract (17), p. 205.

127.C. P. Lungu, K. Iwasaki S. Takayanagi K. Ohkawa: Tribological properties of the soft overlays for plain bearings, Second International Tribology Conference SITC 2002, Zielona Gora, August 25-28, 2002, pp.375-380.

128.A. Norito, S. Takayanagi, K. Ohkawa, K. Iwasaki C. P. Lungu: Tribological properties of environmentally friendly three-layer engine bearings, Second International Tribology Conference SITC 2002, Zielona Gora, August 25-28, 2002, pp. 263-268

129.K. Iwasaki, C. P. Lungu, K. Ohkawa, Influence of graphite addition on the tribological properties of plain bearings overlays, Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2002), vol. 7, pp. 351-356

130.C. P. Lungu K. Iwasaki, The role of MoS2 in the mechanical and tribological behavior of super-hard coatings, Second International Tribology Conference SITC 2002, Zielona Gora, August 25-28, 2002, pp.375-380.

131.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki, Effect of C addition on the tribological properties of Ag matrix overlays for plain bearing applications, Spring Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Tokyo, March 29-31, (2002), Abstract (701), p. 379.

132.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki, Preparation of Ag-Sn overlays for plain bearing applications by ECR sputtering, Spring Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Tokyo, March 29-31, (2002), Abstract No. 703, p.380.

133.C. P. Lungu, S. Hayashi, K. Iwasaki, A Iwata, K. Aoki and A. Azushima: Comparison of mechanical and tribological properties of TiNx prepared by ECR sputtering and PVD methods, Spring Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Tokyo, March 29-31, (2002), Abstract 702, p.380

134.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki, Influence of surface morphology on the tribological properties of silver-graphite overlays, Proc. of The 6-th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes - ISSP 2001, June 13-15, 2001, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, pp. 29-32.

135.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki, In-situ monitoring of plasma parameters in the afterglow region of ECR sputtering system for tribological coatings, Proc. of The 6-th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes - ISSP 2001, June 13-15, 2001, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, pp.59-62.

136.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki, Tribological Properties of Superhard Titanium Nitrides Prepared by ECR Plasma Technique, 2nd World Tribology Congress, Sept. 03-07, Vienna, 2001 p.507. Extended paper included into Proc. WTC CD-ROM; 4 pages.

137.O. Fukumasa, K. Osaki, A. M. Lungu, C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki, Functionally Graded Coatings Prepared by plasma Electrode Type Spray Gun, 2nd World Tribology Congress, Sept. 03-07, Vienna, 2001 p.520. Extended paper included into Proc. WTC CD-ROM: 4 pagess

138.C.P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki: Reduction of the coefficient of friction of silver overlays by solid lubricant inclusion, Autumn Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Fukuoka, September 22-24, (2001), Abstract, p. 513.

139.C. P. Lungu and K. Iwasaki: Nano-indentation hardness and frictional characteristics of titanium nitride films produced by ECR sputtering, Autumn Meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Fukuoka, September 22-24, (2001), Abstract, p. 514.

140.C. P. Lungu, K. Iwasaki, Tribological Properties of Silver and Silver-Graphite Overlays Deposited on Stainless Steel and Bronze, The Spring Conference of Japan Institute of Metals, Chiba, Japan, March 28-30, 2001, Abstract, p. 198.

141.C. P. Lungu, K. Iwasaki, Effects of Plasma Processing Parameters on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Ti and TiNx Films, The Spring Conference of Japan Institute of Metals, Chiba, Japan, March 28-30, 2001, Abstract, p. 198.

142.C. P. Lungu, H. Saze, O. Takai, Superhard TiN Films Prepared by Magnetron Reactive Sputtering Plasma Using Neon and Nitrogen Gases, International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XXV ICPIG, July 17-22, 2001 Nagoya, Japan, Vol. 2, pp. 105-106.

143.C. P. Lungu, E. Stamate, O. Takai, I. Mustata, G. Musa, TiN0.3 Crystals Formation on Stainless Steel and Glass by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering, International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XXV ICPIG, July 17-22, 2001 Nagoya, Japan, Vol. 2, pp. 157-158.

144.I. Mustata, M. Cretu, C. Cudalbu, C. P. Lungu, G. Musa, H. Ehrisch, J. Schumann and T. Hegemann, The discharge energy dependence of the deposition rate in TVA technology,

International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XXV ICPIG, July 17-22, 2001 Nagoya, Japan, Vol. 3, pp. 313-314.

145.G. Musa, V. Ciupina, C. P. Lungu, I. Mustata, H. Ehrich, T. Hegemann, Thermionic Vacuum Arc carbon plasma generation for hydrogen free carbon film deposition, International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XXV ICPIG, July 17-22, 2001 Nagoya, Japan, Vol. 3, pp. 319-320

146.Fukumasa, K. Osaki, S. Fujimoto, C. P. Lungu and A. M. Lungu: Low friction coatings prepared by plasma electrode type spray gun, Frontiers of Surface Engineering 2001 (FSE 2001). (The 2001 Joint International Conference of The 6th Asia Surface Finishing Forum (6th ASFF), Third Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2001), The 5th Asia-Pacific Interfinish Congress (5th APIC) and The 4th Japan-Korea Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology (4th JKSPTFT), Nagoya, October 28 - November 1, 2001, p 200.

147.C. P. Lungu, K. Iwasaki, Formation of Ag/Graphite Multiple Overlays for Half-bearings by ECR Plasma Sputtering. Proc. of JAST Tribology Conference, Tokyo, Japan, May 2001, pp.311-312.

148.C. P. Lungu, O. Takai, I. Mustata, M. Futshuhara, H. Sugimura, G. Musa, E. Stamate, K. Ohe, Influence of N2

+ Concentration and Electron Temperature in TiN0.3 Formation on Stainless Steel Substrate, XVth Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, ESCAMPIG, Miskolc- Lillafüred, 26th - 30th August 2000, Hungary, Vol. 24F, pp. 494-495.

149.C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, M. Akazawa, Y. Sakai, CxFy Film Deposition in RF C7F16, (C3F7)3N/(C4F9)3N and C8F18/C8F16O Vapor Plasmas, The 17-th Symposium on Plasma Processing, Nagasaki, 26-28 July, 2000pp. 395 – 398.

150.Y. Sakai, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, H. Sugawara, M. Miyamoto, Influence of discharge properties on CFx film deposition in fluorocarbon vapor discharge. The 52nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 5-8, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, Abstract published in The Bulletin of The American Physical Society (Annual GEC, 1999).

151.C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, Spatial and temporal monitoring of active species in C7F16 vapor discharges, The 52nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 5-8, Norfolk, Virginia USA, Abstract published in The Bulletin of The American Physical Society (Annual GEC, 1999)

152.C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, M. Tabata, M. Akazawa, M. Miyamoto, CFx

Polimer Film Deposition in DC and RF Fluorinert Vapor Plasmas, The Second International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science, Osaka, Japan, September 20-24, 1999, pp. 253 – 260.

153.C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, M. Tabata, M. Miyamoto, DC and RF Fluorocarbon (C7F16) Discharges and CFx Film deposition, 1999 Annual Conference of Fundamentals and Materials Society IEE Japan Waseda, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-10, 1999. 47 (pp.191-196)

154.CP. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, G. Inoue, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Species in a Plasma Excited by dc discharge and UV irradiation applied for NO2 Decomposition, Proc. of The XXIVth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases Warsaw, Poland, July 11-16, 1999. Vol I, pp.93-97,

155.CP. Lungu, A.M. Lungu, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, M. Tabata, M. Miyamoto, Deposition of Fluorocarbon Polymer Films in Plasma Excited by dc Discharge and UV Irradiation, Proc. of The XXIVth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Warsaw, Poland, July 11-16, 1999. Vol. I pp.43-44.

156.CP. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, G. Inoue, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, M. Tabata, C7F16 Decomposition in Low Temperature Plasma Excited by DC Discharge and UV irradiation The 46 th Spring Meeting of The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies, Noda, Chiba, Japan, Mars 28-31, 1999, 30p-G-8, (Vol. No.1, p. 170).

157.C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu G. Inoue Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, Helium and Argon Influence on NO2 Decomposition in Low pressure Plasma Excited by DC Discharge and UV Radiation, 1999 National Convention of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Yamaguchi, Japan, Mars 22-24 (Vol.1, pp.145-146)

158.C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, G. Inoue, Y. Sakai, H. Sugawara, M. Tabata, Spectroscopic Study on Fluorocarbon Plasma Excited by DC Discharge and UV Radiation, The Asia-Pacific Workshop on Water and Air Treatment by Advanced Oxidation Technologies: Innovative and Commercial Applications, Tsukuba, Japan, December 17-19, 1999, pp.62-65

159.M. Balaceanu, D. Pantelica, P. M. Racolta, G. Pavelescu, A. Popescu, E. Grigore, C. P. Lungu, Dependence of the TiN hard coating properties on the substrate position, The 51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, 4th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 16th Symposium on Plasma Processing, October 19-23, Maui, Hawaii, USA, pp.113-114, Abstract published in The Bulletin of The American Physical Society (Annual GEC, 1998)

160.C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, G. Inoue, Y. Sakai H. Sugawara, Spectroscopic characterization of NOx-containing plasma excited by dc discharges and UV radiation, The 59 Autumn Meeting of The Japan Society of Applied Physics, September 15-18, 1998, Hiroshima, Japan, vol.1, p.111.

161.C. P. Lungu, O. Takai, I. Mustata, M. Futsuhara, S. Q. Xiao, F. J. Alvarez, F. M. Rodriguez M. Braic, G. Musa, Analysis of reactive sputter deposition of TiN thin films, The 4th IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies) International Conference in Asia OVTA (Overseas Vocational Training Association), September 16-18, 1997, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, p.657

162.S. Q. Xiao, C. P. Lungu, O. Takai, G. Musa, Optical emission observation in electron beam sustained Ti arc and rf plasmas, 13th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, August 18-22, 1997, Beijing, China pp. 594-599

163.G. Musa, A. Baltog, C. P. Lungu, Influence of the H2 on the Ne negative glow spectra in (Ne+1%Xe)+H2 mixtures, 23rd International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), July 17-22, Toulouse, France, pp. 94 – 95.

164.P. Lungu, M. Futsuhara, O. Takai, M. Braic, G. Musa, Noble gas influence on reactive rf magnetron sputter deposition of TiN films, The Fourth International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes ISSP'97, June 4-6, Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 437- 442.

165.S. Q. Xiao, K. Tsuzuki, C.P.Lungu, O. Takai, Structure and properties of CeN thin films deposited in arc discharge, The Fourth International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes ISSP'97, June 4-6, Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 185-190.

166.M. Futsuhara, C.P.Lungu, K. Yoshioka, O. Takai, Properties of ZnO films prepared by reactive rf magnetron sputtering and OES measurement, The Fourth International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes ISSP'97, June 4-6, Kanazawa, Japan, pp.639-644.

167.I. Kleps, D. Nicolaescu, C.P.Lungu, G. Musa, C. Bostan, F. Caccavale, Porous silicon field emitters for display applications, Proceedings of the International Vacuum Electron Source, The Netherlands, July 1- 4, 1996, pp.132-136

168.Mustata, A. M. Lungu, G. Bajeu, C. P. Lungu, C. Biloiu, Some consideration on the potentiality of the relaxation discharges use for plasma technological processing, 13th Europhysics Sectional Conference Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Poprad, Slovakia; 27-30 August, 1996. pp.4 41-442

169.G. Musa, M. A. Bratescu, M. P. Dinca, C. P. Lungu, M. Mihalache, Neon metastable quenching by Hydrogen and Argon in narrow gap barrier discharge, 13th Europhysics Sectional Conference Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Poprad, Slovakia; 27-30 August, 1996. pp.35-36

170.A.Baltog, G. Bajeu, C. P. Lungu, E. Raiciu, I. Borcoman, G. Musa, A. Ricard, Influence of H 2

and SF6 addition on time evolution of the narrow gap barrier discharge in Ne+1%Xe, 13th Europhysics Sectional Conference Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Poprad, Slovakia; 27-30 August 1996, pp.41-42.

171.G. Musa, C. P. Lungu, G. Bajeu, E. G. Finantu, I. Borcoman, Influence of H2 addition on Hg resonance line trapping in barrier discharge 13th Europhysics Sectional Conference Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Poprad, Slovakia; 27-30 August 1996, pp.75-76.

172.G. Bajeu, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, G.Musa, Narrow Pulsed Corona Discharge for Depollution, Proceed. of the XXIXth IEEE/IAS Annual Conference, Oct 2-5, (1994) Denver, USA, Vol. 3, pp.1583-1586.

173.A.Ricard, A.Popescu, A.Baltog, C. P. Lungu, G.Musa, Influence of the wall material on the excited species of a downstream nitrogen plasma 12 th European Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular in Atomic and Ionized Gases, ESCAMPIG, august 1994, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands, vol II, p 201-202

174.G.Musa, A.Baltog, A.Popescu, C. P. Lungu, E.Aldea, A.Ricard, Cathode and temperature influence on the negative glow spectra with and without hydrogen addition, 12 th European Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular in Atomic and Ionized Gases, ESCAMPIG, august 1994, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands, vol I, p 410-411

175.G.Musa, M.A.Bratescu, R.C.Bobulescu, A.Popescu, A.Baltog and C. P. Lungu, Penning effect in Ne+Ar and Ne+H2 mixtures, detected by optogalvanic study, Proceed. of The XXI st International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Bochum, 1993, Germany, p.257-258

176.M.Bratescu, C. P. Lungu, A.Popescu, A.Baltog, I.Mustata, G.Musa, Optogalvanic study in negative glow of a Ne-Ar-H2 discharge, Proceed. XI-th ESCAMPIG, Sankt Petersburg, (1992) pp.256-257

177.C. P. Lungu, F.Hatori, T.Sugano, Low temperature plasma processes technologies - a possible way in SOI FET fabrication, Proceed. of International Conference on Condensed Matter Application, Dubai, 13-16 April 1992, 2 pages

178.G.Musa, A.Popescu, A.Baltog, C. P. Lungu, I.Mustata, Nearly one line emission of neon at 585.3 nm in a Ne+Ar+H2 mixture discharge, Proceed. of The XXth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, ICPIG, Pisa, 1991, Italy, 2 pages

179.G.Musa, A.Popescu, A.Baltog, C. P. Lungu, I.Mustata, The use of a heated cathode vacuum arc in vapors of melted anode for protective layer deposition, Proceed. of The 10 th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC, Bochum, 1991, Germany, 2 pages.

180.G.Musa, I.Mustata, A.Baltog, G.Bajeu, G.Dinescu, A.Popescu, C. P. Lungu, A.M.Oancea,

N.Niculescu, Preliminary results on a heated cathode multiple discharge in copper vapors in vacuum (Heated cathode anodic vacuum arc), Proceed. of The X th ESCAMPIG, Orleans, 1990, France, 2 pages

181.G.Musa, I.Mustata, A.Popescu, A.Baltog, C. P. Lungu, A.M.Oancea, Influence of the hydrogen addition in neon-argon Penning mixture on the neon emission at 585.25 nm in 13.56 MHz RF discharge, Proceed.17-th Intern.Conf.on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, ICPIG, Budapest, (1985), 2 pages

182.L.Nastase, C. P. Lungu, L.Ciobotaru, G.Musa, Transient phenomena in high voltage xenon discharge, Proceed.17-th Intern.Cong.on Phenomena in ionized Gases, ICPIG, Budapesta, (1985), 2 pages

183.L.Nastase, C. P. Lungu, A.M.Oancea, G.Musa, Transient phenomena in a.c., plasma display, Proceed. 15-th Intern.Conf.on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, ICPIG, Dusseldorf, (1983), 2 pages

184.G.Musa, A.Baltog, A.Popescu, I.Mustata, A.M.Oancea, C. P. Lungu, The influence of the various gas admixtures to the xenon on the parameters of the flash tubes for lasers, Lucrarile Conferintei Internationale LAICS- Bucuresti, 30 Aug.-11 Sept.1982, 2 pages

185.G. Musa, A. Popescu, A. Baltog, L. Nastase, I. Mustata, N. Niculescu, A. Cormos, C. P. Lungu, Helium addition influence on the characteristics of a plasma display, Proceed.15-th Intern.Conf.on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, ICPIG, Minsk, (1981), 2 pages.



1. Norito, T. Kawachi, H. Ishikawa, T. Shibayama, K. Iwasaki and C. P. Lungu, SLIDE MEMBER JAPAN patent No: P2002-076377, 19 March 2002, USA patent No: 6,740,428 B2; May 25, 2004

2. G. Musa, C. P.Lungu, N.Niculescu, A.Popescu, A.Baltog, A.M.Oancea, L.Nastase, A.Cormos, I.Mustata, I.Truta “Plasma display device with external electrodes for numerical data and texts” Romanian Patent No: 97008/1988;

3. G.Musa, C.P.Lungu, A.Baltog, A.Popescu, I.Mustata,“Circular or linear plasma display for goniometry and measuring devices”Romanian Patent No: 128610/1988

4. G.Musa, I.Mustata, C.P.Lungu, A.Baltog, A.Popescu,“Planar light source with constant brightness on all surface” Romanian Patent No: 128609/1988;

5. G.Musa, C.P.Lungu, A.Baltog, A.Popescu, I.Mustata, L.Nastase, A.Cormos, N.Niculescu, A. M. Oancea “Digital plasma display device with external electrodes”Romanian Patent No: 80146/1982;

6. G.Musa, C.P.Lungu, A.Baltog, A.Popescu, I.Mustata, L.Nastase, A.Cormos, N.Niculescu, A.M.Oancea,“Digital plasma display device with external electrodes”,Complementary Patent to Patent No: 80146/1982

7. G.Musa, C.P.Lungu, A.Popescu, A.Cormos, “Method to solder laser windows on laser tubes” Romanian Patent No: 81231/1982.

8. G.Musa, A.Cormos, A.Baltog, O.Pacala, C.P.Lungu, N.Niculescu, A.Timofte, E.Guta.,Touch panel for computer addressing”Romanian Patent No: 95848/1988;

9. G.Musa, C. Surdu Bob, P.Chiru, C.P.Lungu, O.Branza, Cvasimonocromatic etalon source using barrier dielectric discharge, registration No: A/00831-04.10.2004 (OSIM, Romania)

10. C.P.Lungu, I.Mustata, V. Zaroschi, Deposition method of high temperature oxidation resistant films by thermionic vacuum arc, registration No: A100731/10.10.2006 (OSIM, Romania)

Section I.02 11.G. Musa, C. Surdu Bob, P. Chiru, C. P. Lungu, O. Branza, A new laser source using the Monochromatisation effect. Patent No.: A/00831-04.10.2004, 12. LUNGU Petrica Cristian, MUSTATA Ion, ZAROSCHI Valer Antifriction layer and preparation method, OSIM A2008/00256