Patricia Rice_Carti

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Aproape Perfect


Romanele sale, ce captiveaza de la primele pagini prin intensa lor incarcatura emotionala, intriga palpitanta si actiunea dinamica au fascinat milioane de cititori. Cleo Alyssum, protagonista cartii de fata, reprezinta un mister pentru locuitorii micii asezari in care tocmai s-a mutat: frumoasa, inteligenta si cu simtul afacerilor, este in acelasi timp o singuratica ce respinge ferm orice incercare de apropiere de cineva. Experientele dureroase din trecut au marcat-o, facind-o sa nu mai aiba incredere in oameni. Acum, isi doreste cu ardoare sa redobindeasca drepturile parintesti asupra fiului sau, pierdute in urma unui proces. Aparitia lui Jared McCloud, un faimos autor de benzi desenate, ii va spulbera linistea. Sexy, amuzant, obisnuit sa nu-i reziste nici o femeie, Jared o iubeste cu adevarat si face totul pentru a-i cuceri inima. Dar Cleo are alte prioritati, iar dragostea acestui barbat aproape perfect o sperie...


Un vis Indepartat


Apreciata scriitoare Patricia Rice ofera o adevarata incintare cititorilor sai, prin intermediul romanului "Un vis indepartat", in care se vorbeste despre nevoia de intrajutorare, compasiune, dragoste si speranta. Personajul principal, Maya Alyssum, este o fire tonica, plina de optimism, in ciuda unei copilarii nefericite. Visul sau este sa deschida o scoala pentru copiii orfani sau abandonati, in care acestia sa se bucure de dragoste si intelegere, sentimente de care ea nu a avut parte. La rindul lui, Axell Holm este un barbat realizat material, respectabil, ce duce o viata singuratica si trista dupa decesul sotiei. In plus, comunicarea cu fiica sa de opt ani devine din ce in ce mai dificila. Dar cind Maya si Axell se intilnesc, nici un obstacol din lume pare sa nu-i mai poata desparti. Raspunsurile la intrebarile "Cum pot sa ajunga atit de apropiati doi oameni care, in aparenta, se situeaza la poli opusi?", "Cum pot sa se impace realismul, echilibrul si rigoarea cu idealismul, explozia de sentimente si dinamismul, unind doua suflete in care ranile provocate de incercarile vietii nu s-au cicatrizat inca?" se afla in paginile acestei incintatoare carti - o poveste calda si induiosatoare despre adevarata putere a dragostei.


Refugiati in Paradis




All a Woman Wants

All he wants... Lachlan MacTavish. restless and ambitious, is on the run...and needs a nanny fast. He's kidnapped his sister's small children to save them from neglect and abuse. And now Mac is desperate to find a place to hide--and someone to look after his mischievous charges.All she wants...Beatrice Cavendish, sheltered and unschooled, is helpless to make sense of the near-bankrupt estate she inherited from her father. Between managing farmhands, tenants, and finances, Bea is desperate for a man to teach her all he knows.Mac has no time for frilly ladies. And Bea has no use for demanding men. When Mac arrives like a whirlwind on Bea's doorstep, offering to strike a deal, Bea is tempted to refuse. She would be a fool to accept this ill-tempered man into her home. But as her heart quickens with longing, Beatrice knows she would be a bigger fool not to. Because having Mac in her life offers more than she can imagine: two playful children who steal her heart and an irresistible man who awakens her desires...


Almost Perfect

A warm and witty romantic journey o f a single mother running out of second chances, and the irresistible man who dares her to believe in miracles....Celebrated cartoonist Jared McCloud is plumb out of laughs. So he rents a secluded beach house for the fall to unblock his creative juices--and ends up falling for the reluctant landlady whose beautiful green-eyed glare reads like a "No Trespassing" sign against the world.Cleo Alyssum isn't exactly a recluse, though living on an island and avoiding people aren't the actions of a social butterfly. Cleo simply has more important things to do than to chat with the sexy artistic, impossibly bullheaded hunk living in her guest house. Yet somehow Jared and his devilish charm inch their way into her life, reaching the warm places her cold exterior cleverly hides. Will Cleo open her heart to a man who falls short of her expectations? After all, it wasn't her intention to fall for someone who is almost perfect....


Artful Deceptions

Sweet Mysteries -- Miss Arianne Richards faced a pair of puzzlements. Why did the handsome and wealthy Lord Galen Locke so badly want the mysterious painting that she had happended upon and was now forced to sell? And why did this irresistible aristocrat show so much interest in her humble person while he was engaged to Arianne's completely captivating cousin Lady Melanie Griffin? One question teased Arianne's brain. The other troubled her heart. And both offered answers as startling as ghosts from the past and the secrets of love...


Blue Clouds

BLUE CLOUDS bursts with Patricia Rice's trademark wit and romance--along with a devilish hero and a determined woman who dares to unlock his self-imposed prison . . . and throw away the key. Around the small California town where Pippa Cochran has fled to escape an abusive boyfriend, Seth Wyatt is called the Grim Reaper--and not just because he's a bestselling author of horror novels. He's an imposing presence, battling more inner demons than even an indefatigable woman like Pippa cares to handle. Yet, while in his employ, she can't resist the emotional pull of his damaged son or the chance to hide in the fortress he calls a home. Then Pippa's amazing gifts begin to alter their world in ways none of them could have imagined. But something soon goes wrong. Dangerous "accidents" occur, threatening to destroy the tremulous new love that Pippa and Seth have dared to discover...


California Girl

THE OPEN ROAD WILL OPEN THEIR HEARTSFree spirit Alys Seagraves and her elderly, eccentric friend Mame are about to embark upon an epic road trip along historic Route 66 when Mame suffers a medical setback that throws a wrench into their plans. Never the willing patient, Mame sneaks out of the hospital, determined to go it alone as she relives the memories of her honeymoon along the famous highway. Now Alys has to trail the spunky senior westward and bring her back to reality.Yet Alys isn't alone. Mame's nephew Elliot Ross, a very sexy but very serious doctor, is sharing the driving duties. Elliot has a voice like velvet and eyes to match. The impromptu couple will be spending many hours together in an aging pink Cadillac -- and the sparks are destined to fly. After retracing the romantic path that Mame and her late husband followed long ago, Alys and Elliot will discover on the sunny shores of California that one must always live for the moment . . . and take a chance on love.


Carolina Girl

In Carolina Girl, gifted writer Patricia Rice gives readers a marvelous novel about two very different people who, against all odds, end up with a common goal: to spend their lives together. . . .Born and raised on an island off the shores of South Carolina, Aurora Jenkins isn't about to let her home's rural beauty and delicate ecology fall victim to over-development. Her life takes an unexpected turn, though, when she meets Clay McCloud. No one has ever affected her so deeply. But their views on the island's future don't mesh, and Aurora will have to win him to her side if she is to have any chance of protecting her home . . . because she knows it's already too late to protect her heart.Clay McCloud was hiding out on the serene little island, enjoying some richly deserved down time. He wasn't looking for a fight or trouble or even a knockout redhead--but that is exactly what he got with Aurora, a woman who is all contradiction: part business mogul and part goddess. Her beauty and the attraction he feels for her are undeniable. And though he has certain rules about women like Aurora, leave it to a bad boy like Clay to decide that rules are meant to be broken. . . .


Cheyenne's Lady

Her heart pounded as his lips closed over hers. Never before had she been kissed like this...never before had she been so willing to surrender to love's passionate promise...Daughter of New Mexico cattle baron and an enchantingly lovely Mexican aristocrat, Maria Connolly had inherited her fathers' courage and strength and her mother's pride and beauty. But with both her parents dead, she found herself alone and vulnerable as her person and property came under siege by the local landowner who wanted to possess both. That was when Cheyenne Walker rode into her life, guns glittering on his hips, offering Maria the help and strength she do desperately needed...and the passionate embraces she so hungrily desired....


Denim & Lace

A SHOCKING PROPOSALSamantha Neely thought she might have to kill Sloan Talbott. After traveling two thousand miles, she finally had her chance to confront the man she believed capable of murdering her missing father. As owner of this mining settlement in the California Sierras, Talbott had already tried to run her and her family out of town. Now she had to prove she was more than spitfire and sass. She had to prove she was woman enough to bring down the handsomest, most sinfully dangerous man she'd ever met.Sloan Talbott called Sam a ragtag redheaded tomboy, but her honeyed voice taunted him by day and slipped into his dreams at night. In denim, she made him crazy. In lace, she made him wild. With his own private demons tormenting him, Sloan didn't need a woman like Sam revealing what kind of man he really was. He couldn't let himself love her, but he couldn't stop wanting her. Instead, he offered her a proposition she ought to refuse ....


Devil's Lady

TEMPTATIONLovely, young Faith Montague dared not ask the terrible secret behind her pious father's murder which had left her orphaned and lost on the dangerous road to London. Now, as she stood before the notorious highwayman Morgan de Lacy, she knew she dared not ask for mercy. Fate had made her his captive, but pride would not allow her to give herself to this man whose lust for revenge was overpowering.Still, there was something intriguing about this lawless rake who took what he wanted but whose bearing was that, of a nobleman ... whose caresses incited passion ...whose fiery kisses tantalized. And even as Faith was in peril of losing herself completely to this dizzying swirl of temptation, an even greater danger threatened to overtake her. Love...


The Devilish Montague

He wants to save Europe. She wants to save a foul-mouthed parrot. Marriage wasn't on their incompatible minds -- until they realized they each had what the other needed... Blake Montague's one desire is to return to war on the Continent, where he hopes his exceptional skill at decoding French communications will help break Napoleon's stranglehold on Europe. But without his family's support, he lacks the funds to buy a commission. Bored, he unleashes his frustration by dueling and occasionally risking his life rescuing stolen parrots and mad maidens. His only hope is a marriage of convenience. Not surprisingly, wealthy women who want to send a husband to war are in short supply -- until he meets Jocelyn Carrington, a laughing Venus more interested in his house than him...Jocelyn's one desire is to reacquire her family's estate, which her despicable brother lost in a wager to Blake's father. Now, to win it back, she must wed the youngest Montague, a man with few visible social graces and an annoying habit of attracting trouble. Keeping her heroic future groom alive long enough to get him to the altar is challenging--and surprisingly enjoyable. Leading to a dilemma when she develops feelings for a man who might die tomorrow!


Garden of Dreams

A modern-day fairy tale set in Kentucky, featuring a spunky math teacher and a motorcycle-riding computer CEO in a sizzling adventure of danger, dueling wits, and steamy desire...JD Marshall is on the run with his sixteen-year-old son, his computers, and his raw nerve--trying to stay alive and finish creating a hot new software program. But an accident derails him in Madrid, Kentucky, and his angel of mercy is Nina Toon, a sassy blond pixie who stirs his blood.Nina is equally unsettled by this gorgeous stranger who is negotiating his way into her life . . . and her heart. He's got the money to make her dreams of a botanical garden come true. But how can she trust this rugged charmer who's bringing strange fortune and possible murder to her quiet town?Even worse--how can she not?


The Genuine Article

The Fortune HunterLady Marian Oglethorp came to London to snare a husband with a fortune large enough to save her family from ruin. She had to move fast. Flaunting her bewitching beauty while keeping her biting wit out of sight, she captured the heart and soon would have the hand of the wealthy, pleasant, and pliable Lord Darley. Only one obstacle stood in her way to the altar.Darley's best friend, Reginald Montague, vowed not to let a fortune hunter make Darley her dupe. This devastatingly handsome, icily arrogant gentleman would do anything to stop Marian--even seduce her With dazzling skill and subtle strategem, he set out to change Marian's dislike for him into desire--as Marian struggled to keep the lie she was living from being ruined by a truly disastrous love....


Impossible Dreams

Although home is a dusty curiosity shop filled with rainbows and crystal balls, Maya Alyssum's past has not been filled with good fortune. Her impossible dream is to open a school where kids can find unconditional love and acceptance, the very things she never had as a child. The town council of Wadeville, North Carolina, is determined to stop her -- until the day Axell Holm walks into her shop.Axell knows trouble when he sees it -- and Maya Alyssum is definitely trouble. But he needs the ethereal schoolteacher and the magic she works on his motherless daughter. He's willing to face the wrath of his hometown to get what he wants, but he's unprepared for his reaction to this strange and wonderful woman who turns his ordered life upside down, making him believe in dreams again....


Indigo Moon

BY LOVE SURPRISEDLady Aubree Berford was a beautiful young innocent, but also a creature of spirit and pride, befitting the daughter of a duke.Certainly she would never become the latest conquest of the infamous Earl of Heathmont, the most notorious rake in the realm. But now she was not Heathmont's conquest but instead was his bride in what was supposed to be a marriage-in-name-only...struggling to stop him from violating his pledge not to touch her...and struggling even harder to keep herself from wanting him innocence and experience joined to teach each other how helpless both were in the passionate power of a love that would not he denied....


Lady Sorceress

LOVE'S POTENT SPELLThe warmth of his mouth entraps her moist lips, and he urges her to complete surrender. Can she deny the blazing desires of this hot-blooded English lord who had once protected her as a child and now seeks to conquer her as a woman...?PASSION'S DARK MAGICStrong hands gently unlace her satin bodice, burning flesh presses against her heaving breasts, and a probing touch leaves a fiery path across her pearly skin. With all her strength Katherine fights to halt the spinning ecstasy sweeping her toward the ruin of loving a man who can never wed her, pulling her into the raging flames of a forbidden desire that demands fulfillment...


Lord Rogue

Alicia could feel the passion in his lips as he moved them in feather-light caresses across her mouth. Even when he deepened the kiss, she still craved more...Alicia Stanford thought she could never trust a man again after she had been so terribly violated. But the beautiful Philadelphia heiress had never met a man like Travis Longtree. Son of an English lord and an Indian princess, this tantalizingly handsome Mississippi riverman was a startling blend of virile power and healing tenderness. The gulf between their social stations... the fear Alicia felt... melted when he took her in his arms and carried her on a rising tide of passion... through the crosscurrents of nineteenth-century frontier life... through adventure and intrigue... to a love that merged the hungers of her flesh and the longing of her heart...


Love Betrayed

Sheer madness must have possessed her. She wanted this incredibly handsome stranger...she wanted his mouth on hers...the pressure of his hard body on her body...and she parted her lips invitingly...Proud and beautiful Christina MacTavish as an innocent when she first encountered Damien Drayton, "the Yankee earl." Her pride melted in the fire lit within her by this lover who was so strange a mixture of harshness and tenderness-- and her innocence crumbled beneath his desire. But Damien, who had come from revolutionary America to claim his legacy in an England he hated, wanted her only as a mistress, not as a wife. In order to truly win the heart of this tantalizing man who had exercised so strong a hold on her very being, Christina had to survive the dangers of a voyage that took her from aristocratic London to a rebellious New Land...where flames of passion flared to ecstasy in the arms of the lord she loved so much...


Love Forever After

Penelope read his pleasure in the way he looked at her, in the sensual line of his mouth as he kissed her again, and in the golden gleam of his eyes as he discovered her joy...Beautiful Penelope Carlisle was an untouched innocent when she wed Viscount Graham Trevalyen. She knew theirs was a marriage of convenience, that Graham wanted her to care for his motherless child, but she was willing to be his dutiful wife. Graham, however, wanted her to give herself not out of duty but desire. And this masterful man of the world set out to teach this vicar's daughter how pleasurable passion could be and how fiery love....


Love's First Surrender

PASSION'S FIRST EMBRACERunning to escape the lustful arms of a drunken sailor, alluring Jennie Lee found herself encased in the powerful grip of an unknown man -- a man whose tender caress ignited her desire, and whose smoky blue eyes captivated her very soul. Young and innocent, she allowed her body to rule her mind and was swept into a rush of breathless passion that slowly ebbed with the dawn...ECSTASY'S FIRST CARESSDriven by the luscious memory of Jennie Lee's warm silken flesh, Marcus swore he'd find her when he discovered she had gone. He was bewitched by her loveliness, obsessed with the ecstasy she aroused. Never had he wanted, needed, a woman's gentle touch. Never had he possessed a beauty like Jennie Lee. And as he sailed the endless seas, tormented by rapture and rage, he vowed he would recapture his elusive, auburn-haired angel -- and together they would crest the waves of


The Lure of Song and Magic

Workaholic TV producer Dylan Ives believes former singing sensation Syrene Malcolm holds the clue to finding his kidnapped son. A lost child herself, Syrene cares about the missing boy even though Dylan's personality is nothing short of rude. But Syrene refuses to unleash her dangerous siren's voice, even for a man who is impossible to deny...


Mad Maria's Daughter

Divine MadnessLondon society thought beautiful, fiery-tempered Daphne Templeton mad for spurning the only gentleman to seek her hand.The highwayman who captured her on the way to her Aunt Agatha's estate thought her mad for refusing to tremble in fear when he swept her up in his arms.Her Aunt thought her mad for not encouraging the terribly handsome Lord Gordon Griffin.And even Daphne had to admit it was mad to prefer the clandestine kisses of a masked stranger to the open admiration of a lord who made no secret of his love ....


Magic Man

New York Times bestselling author Patricia Rice enchants readers once again with the finale to her "Magic" series--the story of Aidan Dougal, whose need for the love of one amazing woman is as great as his towering physique and turbulent emotions... .A man of mysterious allure to others, Aidan Dougal is, in fact, isolated in every way--alienated from a family he can never call his own and convinced he brings literal destruction wherever he goes. For such a man, intimacy is impossible and marriage out of the question. Even asking for help is beyond him...until a wily enemy forces him to accept assistance from a gentle young woman whose delicate beauty and strange enchantments turn his cool composure into red-hot passion.Left homeless by the death of her adopted parents, Mora Abbott is not the meek vicar's daughter she appears to be. Inside, she seethes with a desire to live life fully and embrace the magical talents she's only beginning to discover in herself. But Aidan, who stirs her soul in every way, presents a formidable challenge... and unless he is willing to open his heart and explore the potential of their combined magical powers, their attraction can never blossom into the full flower of love.


The Marquess

SHE SOUGHT PROTECTIONWhen Dillian Whitnell sought refuge at Arimnede Manor, she never dreamed the price would be her virtue. But someone had already made an attempt on her cousin's life, and Dillian was determined to prevent another. Even if it meant giving herself to Gavin Lawrence, the new Marquess of Arinmede, a seductive, darkly brooding man who made Dillian tremble between dread and desire....HE OFFERED PASSIONScarred in a duel over a feckless woman, Gavin left America and set sail for England, vowing never to give his heart again. But a surprise awaited him at his crumbling manor house-an exquisite young woman in terrible danger. It was temptation no man could resist, yet once Gavin tasted the searing heat of Dillian's passion, he knew he was lost and would risk everything for a second, glorious chance at happiness....


McCloud's Woman

A lot has happened to Mara Simon since she was a teenager. And although on the inside she's still the sweet, sensitive girl she was back then, the face she shows the world is that of a beautiful, high-powered Hollywood producer with a movie to make and a schedule to keep. She can't let the fact that Tim McCloud, her first and only love, has turned up on her set rattle her. With so much riding on the success of this film, all she can do is ignore the way his presence makes her rethink everything she thought she wanted out of life and turns her steely facade to jelly.Tim McCloud didn't even recognize her when she walked into his office. The girl he knew had been replaced with a sizzling bombshell. Underneath the paint and glitter Tim sees that the girl he used to love has become a woman with an incredible mind and a loving heart. Their goals are wildly different but he can't ignore the fact that her presence makes him rethink everything he thought he wanted out of life. Now, to win her back, he must show her the difference between Hollywood artifice and real happiness. . . .


Merely Magic

In a lovely cottage there lives a beautiful woman called Ninian who yearns for a family of her own--but whose magical gifts make her too "strange" to be loved by any local lad.In a castle tower there lives a dark aristocrat called Drogo who studies the stars, seeking rational explanations for perplexing mysteries--unaware that his life is about to be turned upside down by a bewitching enchantress.From the moment they meet by chance in a moonlit forest, they are drawn inevitably together, compelled to act upon an attraction that defies all explanation and breaks every rule. And over the course of one magical, storm-tossed night they forge a bond that will utterly change the direction of their lives, challenge them to see each other with new eyes--and force them to redefine the very meaning of love...


Moon Dreams

Love Passionate PromiseAlyson Hampton was a scorned love child...until a vast legacy made her the fabulously wealthy Lady Hampton, pursued by the most rapacious fortune hunters in the realm. This exquisite innocent was in desperate need of rescue-- and it came from a startling source. Handsome and bold Lord Rory Maclean was an adventurer whom the world called a rogue and worse. It was on his sleek smuggler's ship that she fled and England of danger..and in his arms found a paradise of passion on a voyage to a new world of love...


Moonlight and Memories

PIRATE OF PASSIONBeautiful young widow Eavin O'Flannery Dupre had heard the whispers about handsome, fiery-tempered Nicholas Saint-Just. He was more than the master of a lush Louisiana plantation. He was a lawless pirate, a wanton womanizer, and a murderer. Yet he was the only hope for safety that Eavin had in this place so far from her Irish home and so close to danger as the hated British poised to attack New Orleans. And he was the father of a motherless child whom she desperately wanted to raise.So it was that Eavin made a bargain with him. She would take care of his child and mansion. He would respect her desire never to be touched by a man again... But it was a bargain made to be broken... as this man who scorned love and this woman who feared passion came together in a whirlpool of wanting that they both tried to fight and neither could resist...


Moonlight Mistress

SERVANT TO HIS DESIRESFrom the moment Philippe's emerald gaze swept the sumptuous young woman's curves, his warrior's blood raced at the challenge she presented. She was an untouched maiden, and his pulse throbbed to teach her how to please only him. He needed to plunder the treasures of her body; he had to possess the hidden jewel of her innocence. The more his eyes drank in her beauty, the more Philippe thirsted to bed her -- and he swore to make her his before the light of dawn!SLAVE TO HER LOVENo one had ever assessed the silken-skinned Aelvina so boldly as the black-haired stranger. His eyes promised that his strong hands would soon follow the explicit path of his stare. . . and made the provocative lovely feel that she belonged to him already. In that instant she knew she would eagerly give him all he meant to take, for she ached with a consuming need to feel herself a part of him. Now she yearned to savor the pleasures he would show her, branding her forever as his MOONLIGHT MISTRESS


Much Ado about Magic

Lady Lucinda Malcolm Pembroke's paintings may have caused scandals in the past, but never one of this magnitude. Somehow she's painted a perfect likeness of a man she's never met--and depicted him as a murderer! Determined to unravel the mystery that is Sir Trevelyan Rochester--and flee the gossip surrounding her--she assumes a disguise and escapes to a remote cottage, only to find herself face-to- face with her dashing nemesis...Trev wanted nothing more than a quiet life in his ancestral home, but suddenly all of England is convinced he's a ruthless killer. Now he must force Lady Lucinda to admit her true identity and confess her plot to ruin him-- before he falls madly under her spell and refuses to let her go...


Must Be Magic

She was a creature of nature...Raven-haired beauty Lady Leila Staines has always felt like an outcast among her magically gifted, fair-haired sisters. Desperate to discover a similar talent of her own, she hatches a plan to seek out Dunstan Ives, a dark and brooding aristocrat with a unique vocation that may help her unlock her potential. Little does she know that this unconventional man will arouse in her an extraordinary kind of magic -- one that is deeper, more dangerous, and more mesmerizing than any she has ever known....He was a man of science...Wrongfully accused of killing his wife, Dunstan vowed long ago to shun the decadent society that condemned him -- and never again succumb to the spell of a beautiful woman. But when Lady Leila makes him an offer no man in his position can refuse, turning his back on the bewitching temptress, and the fierce emotion she stirs in him, suddenly becomes impossible....


Mystic Guardian

Off the coast of France lies the sun-kissed isle of Aelynn. Guarded by Trystan l'Enforcer, its people use magical abilities to protect a sacred chalice. An ambitious Trystan intends to marry for convenience, but when a sultry beauty washes up on his shore, she stirs in him a carnal hunger-and his plans take a confounding turn. Now he must work with her to recover Aelynn's most sacred object before chaotic forces can lead to devastating destruction.


Mystic Rider

Ian Olympus, skilled fighter and visionary, has left the isle of Aelynn for the Outside World to retrieve a sacred chalice. He finds it in the hands of Chantal Deveau, who plans to buy her family out of prison.But her outrage at his demand that she hand it over is nothing compared to her powerful, sensual response to his presence?and the startling conviction that their lives are irrevocably entwined. And Ian will soon have to choose between duty and desire.


Mystic Warrior

As Europe is torn by revolution, the fate of the nearby Mystic Isle of Aelynn also falls into question -- its survival is dependent on an elusive treasure and a man who has been banished for his erratic powers...Lissandra Olympus, the daughter of Aelynn's late spiritual leader, seeks the help of renegade warrior Murdoch LeDroit in assuming leadership of the people. But Murdoch has reason to believe his extraordinary psychic abilities would cause more harm than good, particularly if the combustible passion that existed between him and Lissandra is reignited. But if they want to protect Aelynn from chaos, they must work together to retrieve the healing magic of the Chalice of Plenty. Only then can Murdoch ever hope to rule Aelynn with Lissandra by his side, ever his co-ruler, his lover, his wife.


Nobody's Angel

Adrian Quinn trusts no one. Four years in prison will do that to a man--especially if he's innocent. Somebody owes Adrian the truth, not to mention a fortune he desperately needs, and his late partner's ex-a spoiled society wife if he ever saw one--is the first person he'll look to. She ruined his life. Now he'll return the favor.Faith Nicholls escaped her two-timing husband right after he shattered her girlish dreams. Left with nothing, Faith has made a fresh start in a quiet place where nobody knows her name . . . until Adrian Quinn stalks into town, dredging up dangerous secrets, awakening smoldering passions--and making her believe in love again....


Paper Moon

SHINING DREAMS, BLAZING PASSIONSJanice Harrison looked like a dowdy schoolmarm to the citizens if Mineral Springs, Texas, as long as no one saw her with her golden hair loose around her white shoulders and her perfect body free from its corset stays. But Peter Mulloney had glimpsed her sensual silhouette in her cabin window, and the hot desire he felt surprised him. He had come here looking for a Texas banker, and all he cared about was proving to his wealthy family that he was his own man.All Janice cared about was being her own woman, supporting herself and her fragile little sister Betsy -- and keeping her secrets hidden. Now excitement and danger swept into her life with the bearded, rugged Mulloney. True, Peter Mulloney brought the tender kisses she relished, but did he also bring the kind of hurt that could shatter her soul? Or had the two of them found the rarest treasure in a lifetime of dreams -- love...?


Paper Roses

LOVE OUT OF REACHEvie needed a skilled gunslinger to escort her safely to Texas. Her dime novel said Pecos Martin was the best. Unfortunately the golden-haired gambler she mistakenly approached at the Green Door Saloon was a hell-raising womanizer named Tyler Monteigne. Evie had grown up in a genteel St. Louis home as a "boarder." In reality, she was an abandoned love child with no one to love her-until a letter from Texas told her where to find her true identity.Tyler could shoot straight enough, but he was also an expert con, and he knew this pretty gal was wrestling with inner demons--just like him. Sure he'd take her across the river to Texas. Yet he didn't foresee the dark passions rising to sweep them away, making Evie all he wanted--and making him exactly what she most feared.


Paper Tiger

THE BROTHERS' BRIDEBeautiful young heiress Georgina Hanover's future seemed set. After a taste of European sophistication, she was returning to her home in Ohio, to the perfect marriage. Handsome, hard-driving Peter Mulloney was all she could want in a husband--and everything her father wanted as a business partner.Then she met the man who called himself Daniel Mulloney and claimed to be Peter's brother. With his crusading journalist's pen, this man of mystery attacked Peter's wealth and power. With his stirring words, he made Georgina question what she as a woman could and should do in a world run by men. And with his searing passion, he awoke her desire as Peter never had. Georgina had to decide which brother's bride she should be...the one who offered the ideal marriage, or the one who led her to ecstasy beyond her dreams....


Rebel Dreams

Born to be enemies. Destined to be lovers.SEA OF LOVEThe highly improper Bostonian Evelyn Wellington dared to wear men's britches, but her sensual beauty showed she was all woman. British ship owner and notorious rake Alex Hampton had never dealt with a more maddening female. This handsome lord had docked in Boston Harbor only to find that his cargo--now stored in the very angry Miss Wellington's warehouse--was French brandy instead of china plates. Discovery could lead to their arrest as smugglers, and escape depend on an unthinkable proposal: marriage! And so a pair of battling hearts were joined in legal matrimony. But Evelyn's dreams betrayed her true feelings, as she longed to kiss Alex...kisses that could bring them dangerously close to heartbreak--or to the enticing flames of love...


Shelter from the Storm

WHEN LOVE WON'T BE DENIEDLaura Kincaid had loved Cash Wycliffe, the tenant farmer's headstrong son, since childhood - even though she knew he was the last man on earth to want. A ruggedly handsome gambler and shameless womanizer, he was everything a well-bred Kentucky lady should keep away from. And while Cash - who had sought his fortune in the West and returned a wealthy man - was more exciting than ever, his eyes were fixed on Laura's aristocratic cousin Sallie, a Southern belle as dazzlingly beautiful as she was coldly calculating. But Laura let her heart rule her fate...and amid the tumult of the Civil War and its aftermath, she surrendered to her desire for a man who made no promises beyond the pleasure of the moment...armed only with a woman's sense that love was destined to flower where passion flamed...


Silver Enchantress

As Drake wrapped her in his arms and loosed the force of his forbidden passion, she responded as hungrily as he, willingly parting her lips to drink deep of this heady wine...No one, not even she herself, knew the secret of her past. All that was known was that she was called Eileen, raised by local farmers until the wealthy Summervilles saw her and adopted her as their "niece". Thus this half-wild, beautiful girl was elevated to the aristocratic world of sophisticated pleasures and swirling intrigues of eighteenth-century cast her spell on a handsome, reckless lord. Drake Neville broke his pledge of marriage to another and risked honor, title and life itself to make the lovely Eileen his. She showed him the moonlit lure of love, he taught her the fiery power of passion. And when the mystery of Eileen's past threatened her present, Drake knew he must find a way to unveil its dark intrigue and rescue her--before it was too late....


Small Town Girl

A SMALL TOWN WITH A BIG HEARTHard-living musician Flynn "Flint" Clinton has left heartache and his wild ways behind in Nashville, returning to his sleepy hometown of Northfork, North Carolina. There he hopes to start a new life as owner of the Stardust Cafe, relaxing and raising his two preteen sons in peace and quiet.Then Flint meets the colorful, indomitable Joella Sanderson, a blond bombshell who serves a mean cup of caffeine at the Stardust -- and whose amazing voice belongs at the top of the charts. Jo's catchy comedic ditties and radiant energy captivate the coffee shop regulars and even threaten to transform the cynical Flint, who finds himself reluctantly rediscovering the joy of music.With Jo by his side, Flint can once again appreciate a beautiful melody and strum his guitar with the same passion and pleasure that once filled his life. But in Flint's world, trouble is never far away. This time it arrives just as he dares to open his heart to the possibility of true love.



ONE FATEFUL NIGHT...All her life, Jennifer Lee has worked alongside her devout, reserved parents in their riverfront inn. But her restless heart has never quieted, and one night she loses herself in the tender caresses of a mysterious riverboat captain. In the morning he disappears, and soon Jennifer discovers that she will have his child. Now, cast out by her parents, her dreams have been shattered--until the man who haunts them walks back into her life...CAN CHANGE EVERYTHINGMarcus Armstrong thought he'd found an angel. And he was unable to resist the temptation of her heavenly auburn hair shinning in the moonlight. Forced to return to his boat the next day, he couldn't forget her, or the night they shared. But when fate made her a passenger on his next voyage, Marcus did not recognize the beautiful, enigmatic young woman as the angel in his memory--until he fell in love with her all over again.


Sweet Home Carolina

She dreams of creating a home sweet home -- until a dashing stranger turns her life upside down.Struggling to get back on her feet after a messy divorce, dark-haired beauty Amy Warren would love to purchase and fix up the historic cottage that has been her dream. But she needs something more than the meager income she earns running the kitchen at the Stardust Cafe, her sister's country diner, to seal the deal. Perhaps Amy can help both herself and her beloved North Folk by somehow bringing the old textile mill back to life. Her ingenious plan, however, soon encounters a major obstacle.That obstacle is Zack St. Etienne, an outrageously handsome European businessman, with loads of charisma and cash, who arrives in the North Carolina town with his own plans for the mill. Though Amy fumes at this unexpected intrusion, she cannot deny her intense attraction to Zack. He's charming and smart, and even shows a fondness for her two young children. As this playful game of hard-to-get becomes a passionate love affair, Amy and Zack must clean out the cobwebs of their imperfect pasts so they can open their hearts to what just might be the perfect romance.


Texas Lily

THIRD TIME, LUCKYAs a young innocent, Lily Porter was swept off her feet by handsome, seductive, and faithless Travis Bolton. She had married Jim Brown without love to have a father for her child, and had tried to be a good wife to the rancher as he carved out a cattle kingdom on the untamed Texas of the 1830s. But now her husband was gone. She was a woman alone, with a child to raise and a ranch to run, in a land aflame with violence and ripe for rebellion against Mexican rule. Lily had only one person to turn to.His name was Cade, part Apache brave, part Mexican grandee, too proud and reckless for either his or her own good. He had a past and a secret he would not reveal, and a power and a passion too overwhelming to resist. And Lily willingly joined with him in a struggle against treachery and terror--and in a love she would risk anything not to lose....


This Magic Moment

Duke Harry of Sommersville indulged in a carefree, comfortable life--until a sudden inheritance leaves him plagued with a crumbling family manor and hungry debtors. What's a desperate duke to do but marry the well-heeled woman betrothed to him for years?Christina Malcolm Childe soon discovers the heavy demands of her new title and the dilapidated and haunted mansion that is her new home. To make matters worse, her magical gift of reading auras reveals that her laughing Harry has become a dark and bitter man. But this mischievous Malcolm has a plan of retaliation: to refuse to consummate their marriage until Harry learns to love her truly.If only she can resist his raw masculinity long enough to determine the cause of his unhappiness and the mansion's neglect. She must find her answers quickly, before the worm-eaten floors fall from beneath her very feet. That is, if Harry doesn't sweep her off them first...


Touched by Magic

Nothing could break passion's spellSEDUCED AND CONQUEREDLady Cassandra Howard was nearly ruined. He rakehell brother forced her to frequent the London demimonde, then tried to sell her into a marriage with a dissolute lord. Though the world believed her wanton, Cassandra was really just an enticing innocent, untutored in the art of love, naive about the temptations of a midnight embrace. So her desperate plan was foolhardy: to escape her dreadful fiance by trying to seduce England's most virtuous lord--"Saint" Wyatt Mannering--believing he would surely then wed her. Truly, the lovely Cassandra did indeed unleash the very devil in handsome Sir Wyatt..for his honeyed kisses not only taught her wondrous consequences of desire, it swept them both into love's magical pull.


The Trouble with Magic

Felicity Malcolm Childe's gift for experiencing visions through touch has always felt more like a curse than a blessing. To deflect the more agonizing images generated by her suitors, she covers herself from head to toe. Only the maddeningly handsome Ewen Ives provokes tingles of pleasure rather than pain, but he is already betrothed. Now her only hope is to persuade Ewen to take her to Scotland to find the ancient book of spells that could allow her to reverse her gift--and free her from its burden...Ewen may be a brilliant inventor who can move rivers and harness lightning, but he also knows better than to underestimate the mischief-making Malcolm sisters. In spite of his misgivings, he can't let the mousy, heavily clad Felicity travel to Edinburgh without a proper escort. Little does he suspect that beneath Felicity's unsightly cloak is a serenely practical woman whose remarkable beauty and courage will utterly captivate him--and ignite a fiery passion with the power to fulfill both their dreams.



After landing in gorgeous St. Lucia on busienss, Penelope Albright receives the shock of her life: She is accused of smuggling drugs. Then a sexy stranger appears claiming to be her husband, "kidnapping" her before trouble begins. Or so she thinks. Trouble and Charlie Smith have met. He needs a wife -- temporarily -- to help him keep a low profile while snooping into the mysterious disappearance of his partner. And like it or not, Penny is already involved.True, they mix like oil and water, but soon the lush setting and mounting danger put things in a very primal perspective. Like the island's legendary volcano that holds the key to a deadly scheme of greed and power, their desire is a force of nature all its own....


Wayward Angel

Fleeing to America to escape her wealthy and abusive father, a young woman is taken in and hidden by a Quaker family, but she is unable to keep her feelings for a local slaveholder's son secret when the Civil War breaks out.


The Wicked Wyckerly

In Regency society, the best hope for sustaining the family fortune is to breed "an heir and a spare." But if the heir claims the title and all the wealth, what's the spare to do?John Fitzhugh Wyckerly has never relied on his family for love or money. Handsome, charming, and a genius with numbers, he wins enough money gambling to allow himself the pretense of luxury and indolence expected of an aristocrat's younger son. But when his brother's death makes him the seventh Earl of Danecroft, he inherits a crumbling estate and massive debts. Determined to do right, he reclaims his illegitimate daughter, Penelope, and heads to London in search of a very rich wife....Abigail Merriweather's rural farm has been maddeningly quiet since she lost custody of her four young half siblings. At least the house bustles when a roguish gentleman named Fitz stops for a few days' respite with his rebellious daughter in tow. His etiquette is questionable, and his parenting deplorable -- so why does Abby delight in his blunt flirtations? And when she seeks a suitor to help her regain the children, why does Fitz keep popping up? They're an impossible match -- yet maybe a match made in heaven after all.


Tin Angel

A goodhearted, though skeptical, hero learns the joy of Christmas when he falls in love with an angel sent to make him believe in miracles.


A Golden Crocus

LOVE IN BLOOMCelebrate the arrival of spring with a bouquet of exquisite stories by five acclaimed authors of romantic fiction. Brimming with the richness and delicate beauty of the season's first flower, this wondrous collection reveals blossoming love in all its myriad colors and forms. Full of passion and promise, scandal and heartache, and rekindled desire, these heartfelt tales prove that spring is a time for new beginnings as well as second chances... and that flowers are the perfect symbol for budding romance.


Friends Are Forever

These heartwarming, all-American stories from five beloved authors capture all the passion, joy, and rich rural tradition of the holiday season across the nation. Patricia Rice spins a dramatic tale of romance lost and found in the bluegrass country of Kentucky. Jodi Thomas tells of a Texas tomboy who gets more than she bargained for under the mistletoe. Upstate New York is the setting of Raine Cantrell's moving Civil War store. Emily Bradshaw fills us with the spirit of the season--Western style--in her wonderful tale of a woman who melts the frostbitten heart of the man who rescues her from a Christmas blizzard, and Karen Harper paints a charming picture of old-fashioned love from America's heartland. Filled with hope and heartbreak, touching reunion and tender devotion, this exquisite collection proves that love burns so much brighter when the heart comes home for Chirstmas.


Deceiving Appearances

"WHEN THE MOON IS FULL, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN..."Come with us on five journeys of the heart, where romance weaves its magic spell and things are not always as they seem. From some of the most beloved authors of romantic fiction come the tales of enchanted love, sprinkled with moonbeams, where ghosts roam castles, spirits travel through the realms of time, and the unlikeliest matchmakers bring lovers together. In this wondrous collection, five talents will bewitch you with stories that are sure to cast the most romantic spells.


Midnight Lovers

YOU'LL BE MOONSTRUCKThis mesmerizing collection of supernatural love stories will leave you breathless as it explores a side of love that comes out only after dark. Here, from some of the most beloved and highly acclaimed authors of romantic fiction, are five erotically charged tales of ghostly lovers and sexy spirits from the past that will enthrall you by the light of the sensual moon. Filled with passion and longing, enticing heroines and sultry heroes, this steamy collection of .otherworldly romance from five extraordinary talents is sure to bedazzle you.


The Kissing Bough

Here are five all-new stories of Christmas by the highly acclaimed authors you love to read all year 'round. These heartwarming holiday tales touch on all the great themes of the season -- joyful homecomings, bittersweet reunions, renewals of the spirit, and the joys of giving. They are stories of lovers and families, of heartbreak, and of tender devotion--bringing together the extraordinary talents of five prize-winning authors in one exquisite collection.


The Christmas Goose

For your holiday pleasure, five star storytellers serve up their most delicious recipes for romance. MARY BALOGH tells of lost love found when a betrayed beauty and a jealous lord learn how hard it is to resist each other. SANDRA HEATH stirs up embers of a past passion between a dashing sea captain and a mysterious governess with heartwarming results. EDITH LAYTON leads a divinely handsome, strangely bedeviled duke by his taste buds to a woman he does not suspect he hungers for. BARBARA METZGER sets a beautiful young widow free to break all the rules and come out a winner at last in the marriage game. PATRICIA RICE weaves a glowing tale abort a woman who must decide whether to defy her ferocious father and take a second chance at love. Rich and heady with the spirit of the season, this Yuletide treasury satisfies your appetite for the very best.


Fathers and Daughters

The unique joys and passions that surround St. Valentine's Day are captured in an extraordinary collection of all-new stories by five of the most beloved and highly acclaimed Regency authors. Fair ladies ... courtly gentlemen ... romantic intrigue... here are timeless tales of sweethearts young and old-richly drawn stories of innocence and surrender, of infatuation, yearning, and of tender devotion. An exquisitely beautiful collection to be savored, shared, and treasured, A REGENCY VALENTINE lets you enjoy the magical spirit of Valentine's Day all year round.


Keeping the Fire Hot

Five short stories follow themes of hidden secrets and revealing love and include the works of popular romance authors Jennifer Blake, Madeline Baker, Georgina Gentry, Shirl Henke, and Patricia Rice.


A Christmas Angel

Five holiday stories played out in Victorian England or America, reflect the old-fashioned romantic charm of a popular era. Delightfully enchanting and heartwarming, this exquisite collection can be enjoyed all year round.


Something Borrowed

When the bride-to-be leaves her fiance standing at the alter, her sister borrows the groom.


Feed Your Head

Welcome to Brokenoggin Falls, population 567 (sometimes) where:- The housewives are not only desperate, they're Witches- The skeletons in the closet are as real as the bodies in the cellars- The spells cast by moonlight frequently go awry- And there are times when toads and Chihuahuas seem as abundant black flies in summer, the dragons are a little touchy, the Forest Tr are in danger of extinction from teeny-hoppers, the Griffins need help conceiving and...the scientists are crunchy and good with ketchup...Into the middle of this hamlet wanders the sexiest vampyre ever awakened, fully naked, and sporting not only a 2"x2" wooden stake through his chest but also a full-blown case of amnesia.He's just what the town needs...


Home is Where the Heart Is

Soldier, Warrior, Rebel . . .He makes you cry for his pain and cheer for his victories. He fills your daydreams and remains etched in your memory for all time. He's the wounded hero--the most compelling figure in romantic fiction. And he's about to wrap himself around your heart and never let go.The award-winning, best-selling authors of THE JOURNEY HOME have conjured an inspired collection of stories about this beloved icon whose soul bears the scars of time and fate. In each passionate and magical tale, you'll meet an irresistible warrior who's facing the aftermath of a conflict. You'll meet, too, the courageous woman who wants to tend his wounds, help him rebuild his shattered dreams, and give him the love he needs and so richly deserves--if only he will let her.Ten romantic encounters of the extraordinary kind, each proving what the heart knows is true--that the most powerful healer . . . in any time or place . . . was, is, and always will be love.

The Rebellious Sons

The Wicked Wyckerly7/6/2010

The Devilish Montague 7/2011

Mystic Isle Series(historical)

Mystic Guardian 7/07

Mystic Rider 7/08

Mystic Warrior 7/09

Carolina Trilogy - TJ McCloud and his brothers

Almost Perfect(Also features related character Maya Alyssum, of Impossible Dreams.)

McCloud's Woman

Carolina Girl

Magic Series (historical)Those magical Malcolm women and those mostly marvelously meticulous Ives men

Merely Magic

Must Be Magic

The Trouble with Magic

This Magic Moment

Much Ado about Magic

Magic Man

Paper Series - (American historicals - 1880's)

Paper Roses

Paper Tiger

Paper Moon

Regency Novels with Related Characters

Artful Deceptions

The Genuine Article

The Marquess

Connected Books

Moon Dreams

Rebel Dreams

Evil Genius, Bookcafe, March 2010

The Devilish Montague, Signet, July 2010

The Wicked Wyckerly,Signet, July 6, 2010

Mystic Warrior, Signet Eclipse, July 2009

Mystic Rider, Signet Eclipse, July 2008

Mystic Guardian,Signet Eclipse, July 3 2007

Sweet Home Carolina, Ballantine Ivy Books, February 2007

Magic Man, Signet Eclipse, July 2006

Small Town Girl.Ballantine Ivy Books, February 2006

Much Ado About Magic, Signet Eclipse, July 2005

"Feed Your Head" inBewitched, Bothered & BeVampyred, Triskelion Publishing, April 2005

"Home is Where the Heart Is" inThe Journey Home, Ima Jinn Books, 2005

California Girl,Ballantine/Ivy, Dec 28, 2004

This Magic Moment, Signet, Aug, 2004

Carolina Girl,Ballantine/Ivy, Feb, 2004

The Trouble with Magic, Signet, Aug, 2003

Mad Maria's Daughter, double regency reissue, March 2003

McCloud's Woman, Ivy Books, March, 2003

Must Be Magic, Signet, August, 2002

Almost Perfect,Ivy Books, March, 2002

All a Woman Wants,Signet, June, 2001

Nobodys Angel,Ivy Books, February, 2001

Merely Magic, Signet August, 2000

Impossible Dreams, Ivy Books March, 2000

"Friends Are Forever", (Novella inA Country Christmas) Onyx November, 1999

Volcano, Fawcett Gold Medal August, 1999

"Fathers and Daughters" (Novella inCaptured Hearts), Topaz February, 1999

Blue Clouds, Fawcett Gold Medal September, 1998

Garden of Dreams, Fawcett Gold Medal Ballantine February, 1998

The Marquess,Topaz December, 1997

Wayward Angel, Topaz February, 1997

Denim and Lace, Topaz July, 1996

Paper Moon, Topaz March, 1996

Paper Tiger, Topaz October, 1995

"A Golden Crocus" (Novella inBlossoms), Signet April, 1995

Paper Roses,Topaz March, 1995

"Keeping the Fire Hot" (Novella inSecrets of the Heart) Topaz December, 1994

The Genuine Article, Signet Regency December, 1994

Texas Lily,Topaz July, 1994

"Friends Are Forever" (Novella inA Country Christmas), Signet November, 1993

"Midnight Lovers" (Novella inMoonlight Lovers), Signet September, 1993

Moonlight and Memories

Shelter from the Storm, Onyx March, 1993

"Christmas Angel" (Novella inA Victorian Christmas), Signet November, 1992

Devil's Lady, Onyx September, 1992

"Deceiving Appearances" (Novella inFull Moon Magic), Signet September, 1992

Artful Deceptions, Signet Regency August, 1992

Mad Maria's Daughter, Signet Regency April, 1992

Touched By Magic, Onyx March, 1992

Rebel Dreams, Onyx September, 1991

"Fathers and Daughters" (Novella in A Regency Valentine), Signet February, 1991

Moon Dreams, Onyx January, 1991

Love Forever After,Onyx May, 1990

Cheyenne's Lady, Onyx December, 1989

"The Kissing Bough" (Novella inA Regency Christmas), Signet November, 1989

Lord Rogue,Onyx January, 1989

Silver Enchantress, Onyx July, 1988Indigo Moon, Signet February, 1988

Love Betrayed, Onyx February, 1997

Lady Sorceress, Signet June, 1985

Moonlight Mistress, Zebra July, 1985

Love's First Surrender, Zebra February, 1984