Oferta Oase Din Gips

Post on 17-Feb-2015

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Oasele din gips sunt copii aproape perfecte dupa oase adevarate, cu toate elementele de invatat, sunt ambalate in cutii cu burete pentru protectie, si se pot livra prin curier in toata tara.I think one can learn anatomy easier using plaster bones.Since I was in the first year of medicine I was thinking to do that, until now, when I took courage and did something useful, I think. All bumps, fissures, grooves, muscle insertions and other items are hard to imagine, even with an atlas.You may be wondering why I chose the gypsum? This materal is breakable.Gypsum retains very well the details and the finished product resembles much better whith original bones (some of my friends have not realized that there are gypsum bones) than plastic, say.It is true, the cast is breakable, but I solved this problem in part, now use a special plaster which is much tougher and less brittle, and on the other hand, the bones are placed in protective foam.Find me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oase.gipsI wish success to learn! http://oasegips.blogspot.ro/p/blog-page.html

Transcript of Oferta Oase Din Gips



Oasele din gips sunt copii fidele dupa model uman cu toate elementele anatomice de invatat.

Datorita utilizarii unor gipsuri speciale sunt mai dure decat obiectele din gips objnuit si sunt ambalate in cutii cu burete pentru protectie.



Pentru facultati sau laboratoare de anatomie, la cerere se pot trimite mostre.

Axis - 19 lei

Vertebra cervicala - 19 lei

Humerus - 32 lei

Vertebra lombara - 25 lei

Ulna - 28 lei

Radius - 24 lei

Coxal - 45 lei

Fibula - 28 lei

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