Limba Engleza Pentru Copii

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Limba Engleza Pentru Copii

Transcript of Limba Engleza Pentru Copii

Completati cu cuvintele lipsa

I. Completati cu cuvintele lipsa. Traduceti propozitia dedesubt.

1. The . is on the ..

2. The is in the



3. There is a on the ..

4. There are four . in the ..



5. The is blue.

6. The . are white.



7. The . are big.

8. The . is brown.



II. Completati cu: always (intotdeauna, mereu), never (niciodata), sometimes (uneori, cateodata):1. Wolves eat grass.

4. Sheep ................................ eat meat.2. Children .. eat chocolate.

5. Leaves are ............................. green.

3. Women have trousers.

6. Oxen are .. blue.

III. Completati cu un cuvant potrivit:

1. I have .. sheep.

4. We have four .................................

2. You have five ....

5. You have .. pens.

3. She has books.

6. They have seventeen