Limba Engleza 2

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Transcript of Limba Engleza 2

LIMBA ENGLEZA PENTRU JURNALISTI ANUL II, Anul Universitar 2010/2011 Universitatea „Spiru Haret” FACULTATEA DE JURNALISM, COMUNICARE SI RELATII PUBLICE S I N T E Z E referitoare la materia destinata studentilor din anul II, ZI si FR, pentru semestrul al II-lea al anului universitar 2010 – 2011 Sintezele se refera la descrierea materialului destinat semestrului al II-lea, la bibliografia recomandata cat si la tipurile de subiecte de examen (tip grila) pentru sesiunea de examene din semestul al II-lea al anului universitar 2009-2010, mai-iunie Materialul destinat studentilor din anul al II-lea, semestrul al II-lea, este partea a II-a a manualului „Communication Matters in Mass Media and Cultural Studies” (autori : Sanda Marcoci, Ramona Mihaila), si se gaseste la libraria facultatii de jurnalism, comunicare si relatii publice. Manualul contine notiuni teoretice si texte autentice, selectate din periodice britanice, si constituie o buna baza pentru invatarea limbii engleze ca limbaj specializat mediatic, la nivel mediu si avansat. Acest manual contine de asemenea un material lexical extrem de bogat, completat cu exercitii ce urmaresc consolidarea cunostintelor de gramatica engleza. Lucrarea este structurata in doua parti: Partea I, destinata semestrului I de studiu, detaliata in sintezele semestrului I; Partea a II-a, destinata semestrului al II-lea de studiu, contine sapte capitole. Fiecare capitol contine texte autentice din ziarele britanice „The Daily Mail”, „The Daily Telegraph”, „The Times”, The Sunday Times”. Textele selectate trateaza evenimente importante de la inceputul secolului XXI, bogat comentate de ziarele britanice : Concorde’s Crash, Queen Mother’s, Centenary, Death of Walter Matthau, Kursk Submarine’s Shipwreck, Olympic Games. Aceste texte au la baza anumite tipuri de articole, (documentaries, feature article, obituary, sports reports), carora li se analizeaza si li se aplica tehnica de documentare si redactare. Aceasta parte este completata cu exercitii cu un grad de creativitate mai ridicat, in care se depaseste capacitatea de aplicabilitate stricta si se mobilizeaza flexibilitatea, cunostintele, originalitatea studentului, in final capacitatea de elaborare personala si gandirea creativa constituind o conditie esentiala a studentului care se pregateste pentru a deveni un viitor jurnalist. Materialul contine de asemenea probleme de gramatica, teorie insotita de exercitii aplicative si creative. Problemele de gramatica studiate in partea a II-a sunt:

- Non-defining adjectival clauses (clauses that usually begin with who, whose,which)

- Conditional Sentences (types I, II and III) - Modal verbs + perfect infinitive

- Degrees of Comparison of two-syllable adjectives (ending in –y,-er,-ful, -re,etc)

- Gradual increase of adjectives (ex.colder and colder, more and more interesting)

- Passive Voice - Causative Have (= have something done) - Compound nouns (break + adverb,etc.) - Emphatic expressions (never, rarely, scarcely....when, seldom, only, not only,

no sooner.....than, hardly....when) with inversion of subject and predicate - Gerund (as subject, after prepositions, after certain verbs, and phrases) - Gerund or Infinitive - Prepositions of motion - Analytic and synthetic subjunctive - Subjunctive structures (wish/if only/it’s (high) time/as though/had better/would

rather + simple past/past perfect/future in the past) - Phrasal verbs (to take, to get, to go, to make, to set) - Verbal Tenses

Fiecare capitol (unit) este la randul lui structurat in cinci parti : prezentarea textului/textelor, de baza, Vocabulary and Lexical exercices, Grammar Practice, Grammar Consolidation, Traducere. Detalierea Partii a II-a: Unit 8 – Accidents and Disasters, p.161-179 Prezentarea teoretica a tipului de articol descriptiv. Prezentarea textului „Concorde’s Final Seconds” : „A sheet of flame shoots from the engine of a doomed Air France Concorde just after take-off at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris yesterday.................All 100 passengers and the nine crew died in the fireball.....................There were 50 men, 47 women and three children...............Witnesses heard two deafening explosions before the Concorde ploughed into the Hotelissimo hotel and restaurant complex at Gonesse.........................Last night all that left of the 20-year old plane was a blackened jumble of metal with only two undercarriage wheels pointing skywards indicating that it had once been an aircraft. Much of the Hotelissimo, a two-storey mainly wooden building, was reduced to a heap of rubble.................The final seconds were caught on camera by Andras Kisgergely, 20, a Hungarian plane spotter on a tour of European airports...........” In sectiunea „Vocabulary and Lexical exercices” se discuta intelegerea vocabularului (to shoot, doomed, trainee, to trail, jumble, heap, rubble, smack into, spotter,etc.) textul „Paris struck by string of disasters”; prezentarea unui news report: Plane Hijacked; an interview: textul „Concorde:The Survivor”. In sectiunea Grammar Practice sunt studiate: cuvinte onomatopeice (onomatopeic words : gurgle, squelch, clatter, thud, twitter, patter, sizzle, etc.); verbe de

miscare (verbs of movement: jump, fly, stagger, wade, limp, etc.); folosirea verbului TO FAIL („..the pilot fought but he FAILED to gain hight”). In sectiunea Grammar Consolidation se exerseaza folosirea adverbului EVEN (used for emphasis: „He had not EVEN had the time to get enough height and fell to earth”); se studiaza propozitiile numite „non-defining adjectival clauses” ( clauses that usually begin with WHO, WHOSE, WHICH :”We flew on Concorde, WHICH is the fastest commercial aircraft in the world”); propozitiile numite result clauses („Concorde is very FAST. It can cross the Atlantic in two hours = Concorde is SO FAST THAT it can cross the Atlantic in two hours); Conditional Sentences ( type 1 = Future + if + simple present tense :”I’ll surely recover quickly, if I am under good treatment”; type 2 = Present Conditional = if = Simple Past Tense : „ I would give you his address, if I had it”; type 3 = Perfect Conditional + if + Past Perfect Tense: „I would have been much better if I had slept”); se studiaza de asemenea verbele modale urmate de infinitiv perfect: COULD HAVE + past participle = possibility of something happening in the past : „ The crash COULD HAVE BEEN CAUSED by cracks in the wings”; MUST HAVE + past participle= the speaker’s convinced opinion of what happened in the past : „The Library of Alexandria MUST HAVE HAD a lot of books”; MAY/MIGHT HAVE + past participle= possibility in the past : „They MAY HAVE BEEN influenced by the employers”; SHOULD HAVE + past participle= criticism : „They SHOULD HAVE SEARCHED the guns”; NEED NOT HAVE + past participle= the action took place : „They NEED NOT HAVE PAID the ransom”; Traducere despre „Concorde”. Unit 9 – Feature Article, p.180-201 Prezentarea teoretica a tipului de articol caracterial (feature). Lectura textului „Courage and Wisdom. Behind the smile lies a character of steel „ : „She is much loved and smarter than she looks. The legs are shaky, the eyes are weak but they don’t miss much and the mind is sharp as ever..................Part of the Queen Mother’s secret is that she is rarely heard to speak, and so discloses very little of herself. So nobody knows what she really thinks...................Given the life she has led, it would be strange if the Queen Mother had not developed a strong will. She was a stronger character than her husband................She adores Charles, her favourite grandchild,....................some of the bruising caused by his ill-starred marriage to Diana must have hurt her...................She has always taken her physical mishaps lightly, and there have been quite a few. Yet, sialong with the cold Scottish mists, she loves the pampered life.” In sectiunea Vocabulary and Lexical exercises, se discuta : Intelegerea vocabularului (shaky, mishap, pampered); urmeaza textul „Technology One Century Ago” insotit de discutii (Role-play discussion) despre : transformari tehnologice (technological changes), poluare (pollution), mediul inconjurator (environment); textul „A World of Kings and Queens” (discussion, role-play); Textul „Festivals in the USA and Britain” : „In the USA, different states celebrate different holidays, but everyone remembers July 4th, Independence Day...........The second big American festival is „Thanksgiving Day”, on the fourth Thursday in November.................Children always have fun at „Halloween” on October 31st...................There is no national day in Britain, but there’s one festival that everyone

celebrates – Christmas...........In Scotland, New Year’s Eve is the biggest festival of the year............. Discutii despre sarbatorile din Romania. Textul „The Government of the United Kingdom”, urmat de discutii despre situatia din tara noastra (alegeri, etc.); building words (derivarea substantivelor din adjective : anxious – anxiety, solemn – solemnity, etc.); clasa lexicala „vocal sounds” (scream, sigh, cry, groan, whisper, call, squeal, murmur, grumble, stammer); clasa lexicala „to say” (say, chat, express, chatter, converse, ask, tell, utter, relate, gossip) In sectiunea Grammar Practice se studiaza gradele de comparatie ale adjectivelor cu doua si trei silabe; cresterea progresiva (gradual increase : colder and colder, more and more interested, etc.); derivarea substantivelor din adjective si adverbe (realistically – realism, wide – width, angrily – anger, etc.) ; constructii cu TOO ( ex.They were so frightened that they could not speak = They were TOO frightened to speak) ; verbul TO GET (phrasal verb); Traducere despre Regina Mama Unit 10 – Obituary, p.202-216. Prezentarea teoretica a tipului de articol necrolog (obituary). Textul „Heart Attack Kills Walter Matthau” : „Walter Matthau, the original Hollywood sourpuss, whose hunched shoulders and mortician’s smile made him a movie star for 40 years, died of a heart attack yesterday at the age of 79.............................The family was so poor that his mother used to steal toilet paper from cafes. When he became rich and moved her to Florida, he told her to stop........................He served as a gunner on US Army Air Corps bombers based in England during the second world war...............Going home to New York, Matthau enrolled in classes at a drama workshop and began to get small parts on Broadway..................As fans lay flowers in tribute on Matthau’s star in the Hollywood walk of fame, Lemmon said : „I have just lost someone I’ve loved as a brother,....................Billie Wilder said last night : „He was so natural.....with all the quirks that a human being has. Whether you played cards with him or whether you talked football bets with him, he was a full-blown man”. In sectiunea „Vocabulary and Lexical exercises” se discuta vocabularul textului (sourpuss, hunched, mortician, based in, to take a bullwhip to sb., quirk, etc.); Textul „Sean Connery is knighted in his beloved Scotland.The name’s Sean, Sir Sean”; vocabular referitor la industria filmului si a teatrului ( producer, main character, thriller, a full length feature film, a screen version, to star, in the stalls, in the dress circle, to rehearse, leading actors, leading parts, supporting actors, supporting roles,cameo role, etc.) In sectiunea Grammar Practice se studiaza : sensurile verbului TO LOOK; Diateza Pasiva + multiple exercitii cu diateza pasiva; Traducere despre Alec Guinness. Unit 11 - Documentary, pp.217-238. Prezentarea tipului de articol documentar (documentary). Textul „Race to Save 118 Russian Sailors” : „more than a hundred Russian sailor trapped in a nuclear submarine at the bottom of the Barents Sea were at the centre of a desperate rescue

attempt last night amid fears that oxygen was running out.....................The submarine was said to be lying on one side with the front section inundated with seawater and the electricity turned off.............................Submarines should normally be able to survive a collision and, with sealed compartments, crew members should be able to keep safe from flooded areas..............................The British have put on standby an LR5 rescue submersible, which could be attached to the hatch of the crippled Russian boat, for the release of 16 crewmen at a time......................The Russian Navy was quick to dismiss fears of a nuclear accident or damage to the environment.............The vessel is named after the city of Kursk, 270 miles south of Moscow....” In sectiunea „Vocabulary and Lexical Exercises” se studiaza : vocabularul textului (standby, hatch, crippled, outcome, dismiss, leak, to flip, etc.); urmeaza discutii despre accidente ale submarinelor si accidente nucleare ( textul „Submarine Fleet Plagued by Accidents” si Role – playing discussion : textul „A nuclear war has just begun.....); discutii despre pericole (dangers : traffic accidents, unemployment, fire, food shortage, earthquakes, shipwreck, war, disease, burglary, etc.); Guided writing (topics for short lectures and accounts); clasa lexicala „containers” (box, jar, drum, tin, bag, barrel, etc.); clasa lexicala „unusual” (odd, peculiar, unorthodox, etc.); clasa lexicala „delay” (wait, hesitate, pause, delay, postpone, etc.) In sectiunea „Grammar Practice” se studiaza : substantive compuse ( leakage, breakdown, etc.) ; Phrasal verbs (go down = sink, put out = extinguish, etc.); expresii dupa care urmeaza inversarea subiectului cu predicatul, in pozitie initiala ( never, rarely, seldom, no sooner.....than, scarcely/barely.....when, Ex..: Scarcely had he opened the office when a man came in with a pistol); gerund ca subiect (It is better to work than to starve = Working is preferable to starving); gerund dupa prepozitii (They are worried ABOUT losing their jobs, AFTER leaving school, she studied business management); used to + infinitive, to be used to + Gerund; Passive Gerund (Children like being told stories); Traducere despre Vladimir Putin Unit 12 - Sports Report, pp.239 – 264. Prezentarea textului „Years of Winners” : „The year of the Queen Mother’s birth was a vintage one for the royal string at the races, the sport for which she would demonstrate such a passion in her adult life. Ambush II, owned by the Prince of Wales, later Eduard VII, became the first royal horse to win the Grand National......................In cricket, Yorkshire, by far the strongest team of the day, won the County Championship with the help of the prolific all-rounder George Hirst, who six years later would be the first and only player to score 2,000 runs and take 200 wickets in the same county season. Football, which over the Queen Mother’s lifetime has become the most popular sport in Britain, was still in its relative infancy. The British invented it.........................However, the domestic scene was thriving. Liverpool won the Football League.........At Wimbledon, for tennis, modesty prevailed with ankle-length skirts for the ladies and flannel trousers for the men. However, the championship committee did dare to introduce a mixed doubles

competition for the first time „.; discutii si reportaje despre sporturi : horse racing, boat racing, outdoor/indoor sports; texte „Olympic stories” : marathon, 3000 m steeplechase, equestrianism, gymnastics, rowing, swimming, tennis, weight lifting, sailing; verbele PLAY, GO, DO with sports In sectiunea Grammar Practice se studiaza : derivare de substantive, adjective, adverbe din adjective si verbe (attracted – attractive, attention – attentively, normal – abnormal, etc.); cuvinte cu doua intelesuri ( shed = 1. to get rid of, 2. a small building for storage, etc.) perechi de cuvinte unite prin conjunctia „and” ( cat-and-mouse, paper-and-salt, etc.); sinonime (quicker/faster, started/began, etc.); antonime (darkness/light, strong/weak, etc.) constructii de cuvinte (word building : signed – signature, simple – simplicity, attend – attendance, etc.) ; clasa lexicala „principal” (chief, main, supreme, topmost, etc.); prepozitii de miscare; verbul TO PAY ca verb complex; Folosirea lui „SO” si „NEITHER” cu inversarea subiectului si predicatului (Ex. Redgrave is a rower and SO is Pinsent); Subjonctivul analitic si sintetic (Ex. Unprofitable hotels should be closed = They recommended that unprofitable hotels SHOULD BE / BE closed); subjunctive structures (wish / if only / / it’s (high) time / as though / had better / would rather + Simple Past / Past Perfect / Future in the Past (Ex. You are sorry you are late = I wish I weren’t/wasn’t late); Traducere despre istoria jocurilor olimpice. Unit 13 - Final Unit - Miscellany - Vocabulary and Grammar Revision, pp.265-276 Nouns with and without THE; relative clauses with WHO or WHICH (Ex. Tomorrow is about a woman WHO can see into the future, „Into the Unknown” is about a spaceship WHICH loses its way); prepoyitii in textul „Marie Antoinette”; adjective in textul „Houdini’s greatest escape”; verbal tenses in textele „Wordsworth’s way with words brought home”, „Life of Byron”, „Letters by Lewis Carroll”; Gerund in textul „The Invisible Man is Within Sight”; sufixe ( -er, -ior) in textul „Grandmother dies saving girl’s life”; clasa lexicala „types of houses” (bungalow, castle, flat, hut, etc.); clasa lexicala „jobs” (trade, craft, profession, industry, etc.); clasa lexicala „payments” (income, fee, wages, tip, ransom, pension, etc.) Unit 14 - Texte suplimentare : „The evolution of American newspapers”, „A short history of the British Press”, „The newspaper revolution”, „Yellow Journalism”, „National Newspaper Ownership”, „The Regional Press”, „The Periodical Press”


- S. Marcoci, R.Mihaila, Communication Matters in Mass Media and Cultural Studies, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, Bucuresti, 2010

- S. Marcoci, J. Lupu, Essentials of Journalese, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, Bucuresti, 2002

- A.M. Barbu, S.Chirimbu, English Language for Daily Use, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, Bucuresti, 2006

- R. Mihaila, Current Issues, Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine, Bucuresti, 2007

- Levitzchi, L., Preda, I., Gramatica Limbii Engleze, Editura Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1967

- M.Vince, Advanced Language Practice, Heinemann, Oxford, 1994 - Georgiana Galateanu-Farnoaga, Exercitii de Gramatica engleza, OmegaPres,

Bucuresti, 1998 - A.J.Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, 2nd Ed.,

Oxford University Press, London, 1976 - Oxford Advanced Lerner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1995 - Macmillan English Dictionary for advanced learners, Macmillan Publishers

Ltd., London, 2006 - Hornby, A.S., A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English, Oxford University

Press, London, 1980 - xxx Key Words in the Media, Harper Collins Publishers, Birmingham, 1995 - Land, G., What the Papers Say, Longman, London, 1989 - Nicolescu, A., Popovici, L., Preda, I., Dictionar frazeologic englez – roman,

Editura Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1967 - St.John, M., Advertising and the Promotion Industry, Prentice Hall

International (UK) Ltd, 1994 - Strentz, H., News Reporters and News Sources, Prentice Hall, 1992 - Wood, F.T., English Verbal Idioms, Macmillan and Co.Ltd., London, 1988 - Eloi Le Divenach, Engleza in Presa, Editura Teora, Bucuresti, 1997 - A.Dayan, W.H.Lindsay, Engleza pentru marketing si publicitate, Editura

Teora, Bucuresti, 1992

Subiectele de examen (tip grila) sunt de doua tipuri :

1) True/False 2) Multiple Choice, cu 3 sau 4 variante si cu diverse cerinte Acestea sunt elaborate avand la baza intregul manual, dar cu precadere materialul din

Partea a II-a a manualului „Communication Matters in Mass Media and Cultural Studies” Exemple : TRUE/FALSE Specify if the following sentence is True or False :

1. Newsworthiness is defined as a subject not having sufficient relevance to the public or a special audience.

A : F

2. The people in the newspaper staff who deal with news are called „news


A : T

3. If people want to buy or sell something, look for a job, hire a motor car or get a Flat, they need to know how to use non-personal advertising. A : F

4. A huge quantity of business, job changes and personal information is dealt with

through the classified ads columns.

A : T

5. A cartoon or a comic strip is usually „a slice of life”, involving the thoughts, Words and actions of people. A : T

6. A cartoon or a comic strip never provides a way of acquiring insight into the

psychology of people. A : F

7. A limerick is a very particular manifestation of the English humour.

A : T

8. Queen Mother was the mother of Queen Victoria.

A : F

9. Elizabeth-Bowes Lyon was the real name of the present Queen of Great Britain.

A : F

10. Public holidays in Britain are called „bank holidays”, because the banks as well as most shops and offices are closed.

A : T

11. All the sailors trapped in the nuclear Russian submarine Kursk, after the vessel hit

something during a naval exercise in 2000, were rescued.


Choose the correct forms of the verbs in brackets : 1. I.......(go) to buy some newspapers. an evening paper?

a. am going, are you wanting b. am going, do you want c. will go, are you wanting

A : b

2. He.....(give) me back the book......(thank) me for lending it to him and......(say) that he.........(enjoy) it very much; but I......(know) that he......(not read) it because most of the pages........(be) still uncut.

a. gave, thanked, said, enjoyed, know, didn’t read, were b. gave, thanked, said, had enjoyed, knew, hadn’t read, were c. gave, had thanked, had said, had enjoyed, know, hadn’t read, had been

A : b

3. I......(ask) him if he.....(enjoy) working for that newspaper and he......(say) that he........(not have)

a. asked, had enjoyed, said, hadn’t b. asked, enjoyed, said, hadn’t c. asked, had enjoyed, said, didn’t

A : a

4. The reporter..........(explain) he.........(like) working on Sundays because he........(get) double pay.

a. explained, likes, got b. explained, liked, got c. explained, liked, gets

A : b Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence :

5. Thank you.......your letter........20 June enquiring.........our new types of printing devices.

a. for, from, about b. for, of, about c. about, from, for

A : b.

6. We........pleasure.........enclosing our latest brochures and price lists.

a. have, in b. make, by c. enjoy, at

A : a.

7. If the press conference.........late, I............the night in Bucharest.

a. finishes, will spend b. will finish, spend c. will finish, will spend

A : a.

8. I.........apply for the job if I.............a degree.

a. will, had b. would, had c. would, had had

A : b.

9. If I..............editor-in-chief, I............on having more staff in the checking department.

a. were, would insist b. would be, insisted c. had been, would insist

A : a.

10. If we...................his advice, we..............a great deal of money.

a. had followed, could lose b. had followed, could have lost c. followed, could losing

A: : b. Fill in the spaces with the correct passive voice tenses :

11. The we have to stay with some friends.

a. is panted b. was painted c. has painted d. is being painted

A : d.

12. If you say such things you..............................................

a. were laughed at b. will be laughed at c. will be laughed d. will laugh

A : b.

13. I promise you that the matter.................................................

a. was looked into b. has looked into c. will be looked d. will be looked into

A : d.

14. If I...........................what to do, none of this would have happened.

a. were told b. had been told c. told d. was told

A : b.

15. Our journalists.................................anywhere so far.

a. was never sent b. have never been sent c. never sent d. never send

A : B. Complete the sentences by choosing the best answer:

16. ...........................he writes the article, ...........................

a. the sooner, the best b. the sooner, the better c. sooner, better d. the soonest, better

A : b.

17. Yes, that is the reporter........................was published yesterday.

a. which b. whose c. whom d. that

A : b.

18. He has................friends in Chicago.

a. few b. few of c. a lot d. much

A : a.

19. Do you really want to...................the press conference till tomorrow?

a. put up b. put off c. put onto d. put away

A : b.

20. ..........................................., we won’t have much to talk about.

a. if he not comes b. unless he comes c. if he didn’t come d. if he came

A : b.

21. She......................she wanted to come.

a. told b. said me c. said d. told to me

A : c

22. If it........(rain) tomorrow, we.....................(stay) at home instead of going to the beach.

a. rained, will stay b. rains, will stay c. rains, would stay d. rained, would stayed

A : b.

23. Who were the builders influenced by? They......................(influence) by the


a. may have been influenced b. may be influenced c. ought to have been influenced d. can have been influence

A : a.

24. They haven’t arrived in due time. They............(have) an accident.

a. may have b. must have had c. should have had d. can have had

A : b. Rephrase the following sentence (choose the best version) :

25. That ring is so cheap that it just cannot be gold.

a. That ring is not very expensive that it just cannot be gold. b. That ring is such very cheap to be gold. c. That ring is too cheap to be gold. d. That ring should be cheaper to be gold.

A : c.

26. Somebody will have to come and repair their roof.

a. They’ll need to have the roof repaired. b. Thez’ll need to repair their roof soon. c. Their roof must be repaired by their cousin. d. Thez’ll must to have the roof repaired.

A : a.

27. We had no suuner gone out than it began to rain.

a. Had we no sooner gone out than it began to rain. b. No sooner had we gone out that it began to rain. c. Had we no sooner gone out that it began to rain. d. No sooner had we gone out than it began to rain.

A : d.

28. It is better to work than to starve.

a. To work is preferable to starving. b. Working is preferable to starving. c. Working is preferable than starve. d. To work is preferable to starve.

A : b.

29. I’m out of work and I don’t like o it.

a. He doesn’t like being out of work. b. He likes not being out of work. c. He doesn’t like to be outside the work. d. He likes not to being out of work.

A : a. Translate into English (choose the correct sentence) :

30. Daca veti comanda acum veti obtine un cadou gratuit.

a. If you will order now, you will get a free gift. b. If you order now, you will get a free gift. c. If you would order now, you will get a free gift.

A : b.

31. Astept cu nerabdare sa am vesti de la tine.

a. I am looking forward to hear from you. b. I am looking forward to hearing from you. c. I am looking forward to hear about you.

A : b.

32. Ea va scrie articolul azi dupa amiaza intre 4 si 6.

a. She will write the article this afternoon between 4 and 6. b. She will be writing the article this afternoon between 4 and 6. c. She writes the article this afternoon between 4 and 6.

A . b.

33. Ai de gand sa renunti la jurnalism?

a. Are you intending to give up at journalism? b. Are you going to give up journalism? c. Do you go to give up journalism?

A : b.

34. Statisticile arata o crestere de cinci ori a cifrei de afaceri a ziarului.

a. Statistics show a fivefold increase of the newspaper turnover. b. Statistics show a fivefold times increase of the newspaper turnover. c. Statistics show an increase of fivefold times of the newspaper turnover.

A : a. Identify the correct answer in the sentence :

35. He contributed a great deal to the development of our culture...................,................and....................

a. writing, as a teacher and lecturer b. writing, teaching and lecturing c. writing, teaching and as a lecturer.

A : b. Find the correct interpretation :

36. He gave an accurate description of Walter Matthau.

a. He handled them a report about Walter Matthau. b. He described Walter Matthau accusingly. c. He gave a correct and exact description of Walter Matthau.

A : c.

37. They only knew basic language.

a. They had a very small vocabulary b. They were very coarse. c. They used a simple computing language.

A : a.

38. Please, take a seat!

a. Pick one up and take it away!. b. I don’t want all my seats any more. c. Sit down!

A : c Choose the best synonyms for the words written in capital letters : 39.She is unlikely to leave her boyfriend for him, so he’s going TO BE IN LIMBO.

a. to be hurt b. to be abandoned c. to be forgotten d. to be alone

A : b. 40.There were ten beds in the WARD but only wight of them were occupied at the time. a. clinic b. sanatorium c. hospital room d. convalescent home A : c.

41. She was APPALLED that the editor-in-chief could make a remark like that in her presence.

a. alerted b. scared c. offended d. terrified

A : c.

42. His DESULTORY remarks made the visitors feel confused.

a. good b. initial c. untidy d. stupid

A : c.

43. Her CONSPICUOUS achievements are her best recommendation.

a. well-known b. remarkable c. social d. bad

A : b. Select the right answer :

44. a. We are collecting money to give it to all the poor in the village. b. We are collecting money to give them to all the poor in the village.

A : a.

45. a. This weather is worse that we had this time last year. b. This weather is worse than we had this time last year.

A : b.

46. a. The streets are wet; it should have rained last night. b. The streets are wet; it must have rained last night.

A : b.

47. a. This editing house comprehends many offices. b. This editing house houses many offices.

A : b.

48. a. Thank you for the trouble you’ve taken. b. Thank you for the trouble you’ve done.

A : a. Titular de disciplina, Lector dr. Sanda Marcoci