download LIMBA ENGLEZA ANUL 2 - SEM. 1

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Transcript of LIMBA ENGLEZA ANUL 2 - SEM. 1

  • 8/13/2019 LIMBA ENGLEZA ANUL 2 - SEM. 1



    Semestrul 1MULTIPLE CHOICE

    1.Choose the answer that best completes the following the system of basic laws and principles that a democratic country is governed bya. Parliament

    b. Constitutionc. Courtd. Law

    A!: "

    #.Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence:

    ....................... uses threats or orders to ma$e someone do something they do not want to do.a. %he power of mindb. %he lac$ of powerc. %he coercive power

    d. %he power of the &udge

    A!: C

    '.Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence:

    ......................means to officially and legally control a country and all the decisions about ta(es laws)

    public services etc.a. %o dominateb. %o ride

    c. %o climb

    d. %o rule

    A!: *

    +.,ind the appropriate synonym for the following word: moralitiesa. more

    b. mores

    c. morale

    d. moor

    A!: "

    -.Choose the correct translation for the word right in the following sentence:

    Both sides are convinced that they are in the right.a. sunt in locul potrivitb. sunt chiar acoloc. sunt pe partea din dreapta a unei stra/i etc0d. au legea de partea lor

    A!: *


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    . Choose the correct translation for the word right in the following sentence:

    %hey must try to right the balance between ta(ation and government spending.a. sa traga pe dreaptab. sa se ocupe de balanta in sinec. sa echlibre/e balantad. sa ofere drepturi

    A!: C

    2.Choose the best verb form for the following situation: You (to kno ! t"#s m$n%a. 3now

    b. Are you $nowing

    c. Are you $nown

    d. *o you $now

    A!: *

    4. Choose the best verb form for the following situation: Torn ( to see! "#s &oss no'a. see

    b. seesc. is seeing

    d. sawing

    A!: C

    5.Choose the best verb form for the following situation: T"e u)*e (to "e$r! t"e #tness%a. %he &udge hear the witness6b. *oes the &udge hears the witness6c. 7s the &udge hearing the witness6d. Are the &udge hearing the witness6

    A!: C

    18. Choose the best verb form for the following situation: You ( to +or*et ! ,our m$nners%a. ,orgotting your manners6b. Are you forgetting your manners6c. *o you forgetting your manners6d. *o you forgot your manners6

    A!: "

    11. Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence:

    A9An a law adopted by a city legislature.a. rule

    b. ruling

    c. regulation

    d. ordinance

    A!: *


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    1#. Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence:

    A9An a standard principle established by an administrative agency.a. regulationb. ordinancec.principled. rule

    A!: *

    1'. Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence:

    A9An often a set of rules prescribed by a governmental administrative

    agency in the public interesta. regulationb. sentencec. statementd. act

    A!: A

    1+. Choose the answer that best completes following sentence: a social group of people of the same race who have the same customs)

    language etc.) and live in one particular area ruled by a chief.a.political partyb. teamc. mob

    d. tribal society

    A!: *

    1-. Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence: a person who has an illegal or immoral behavioura. rude man

    b. wrongdoerc. prisoner

    d. convict

    A!: "

    1. Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence:

    ...........................means a family relationship.a.eighbourhoodb. elativesc. "rotherhoodd. 3inship

    A!: *

    12. Choose the best verb form for the following situation: Ho lon* (kno! "#m%a. ;ow long are you $nowing him6b. ;ow long have you $nown him6c. ;ow long are you $nown him6


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    '''''''''''''''''')e+#nes $n) )e$ls #t" /ro3e)ures +or en+or3#n* t"e r#*"ts $n) )ut#es o+ /ersons'

    a. 7nternational Lawb. !ubstantive Lawc. Procedural Lawd. Public Law

    A!: C

    #+. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    ''''''''''''' #s 3on3erne) #t" t"e rules $n) /r#n3#/les *oern#n* 3ontr$3ts &eteen #n)##)u$ls0

    +$m#l, rel$t#ons"#/s et3'

    a. !ubstantive Lawb. Private Lawc. Public Lawd. Procedural Law

    A!: "

    #-.Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:''''''''''''' )e$ls #t" rules 3onne3te) to l#3ens#n*0 re*ul$t#on o+ tr$)es $n) /ro+ess#ons0 /rote3t#on

    o+ "e$lt"0 $n) /romot#on o+ el+$re'

    a. Administrative Lawb. !ubstantive Lawc. Private Lawd. Procedural Law

    A!: A

    #. ,ind the best synonym for the following word:Injurya. curse

    b. &usticec. in&ustice

    d. punishment

    A!: A

    #2. ,ind the best synonym for the following word: claima. offenceb. obligationc. defence

    d. demand

    A!: *

    #4. ,ind the best synonym for the following word: ownershipa. leadership

    b. property

    c. $inship

    d. membership

    A!: "

    #5. Choose the best verb form for the following situation:


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    I s"oute) to "#m to sto/0 &ut $t t"e moment "e ( to run! too +$st to "e$r'

    a. is runningb. has been runningc. was runningd. will be running

    A!: C

    '8. Choose the best verb form for the following situation:

    He un)erstoo) t"$t t"ere (to &e! somet"#n* ron*'

    a. will beb. is

    c. has been

    d. was

    A!: *

    '1. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    C##l l$ #s t,/#3$ll, 3ontr$ste) #t" ''''''''''''''''''''''l$ t"$t #s t"e &$s#s o+ l$ #n U'4'0C$n$)$ $n)

    t"e Un#te) St$tes'a. ordinaryb. habitual

    c. common

    d. usual

    A!: C 6

    '#. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    T"e most oous +e$ture o+ t"e 3##l l$ s,stem #s t"e /resen3e o+ $'''''''''''''''''''''o+ l$'

    a.penal code

    b. short codec. spo$en coded. written code

    A!: * 6

    ''. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''' #s )er#e) +rom 3ustoms $n)precedents.

    a. Private lawb. Penal lawc. Common lawd. Civil law

    A!: C

    '+. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    T"e 3##l l$ s,stem $ssumes t"$t t"ere''''''''onl,'''''''''''''to $ s/e3#+#3 le*$l /ro&lem'

    a. solutionb. are............two solutionsc. are............three solutionsd. are............four solutions


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    A!: A 6

    '-. ,ind the best e(planation for the following word:featurea. a formal statement that something is trueb. a serious boo$ about a particular sub&ectc. a characteristic

    d. a set of written rules or laws

    A!: C

    '. ,ind the best e(planation for the following word: hearing

    a. a meeting of the court to find out the facts about a case.b. a set of written rules or lawsc. a serious boo$ about a particular sub&ectd. the ability to decide what should be done in a situation

    A!: A

    '2. ,ind the best e(planation for the following word: testimonya. a serious boo$ about a particular sub&ectb. a set of written rules or lawsc. a formal statement that something is trued. a meeting of the court to find out the facts about a case.

    A!: C

    '4. ,ind the best e(planation for the following word:precedenta. a meeting of the court to find out the facts about a case.b. an official decision which can be used to give legal support to later decisions

    c. a formal statement that something is trued. the ability to decide what should be done in a situation

    A!: * 6

    '5. Choose the best verb form for the following situation:

    5, t"e t#me t"e r$#n st$rte)0 e ( to )#* ! t"e "ole *$r)en'

    a. digb. had dug

    c. will dig

    d. have dug

    A!: *

    +8. Choose the best verb form for the following situation:6e on)ere) "$t s"e ( to )o! $ll t"$t t#me'

    a. is doingb. has been doingc. will be doingd. had been doing


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    A!: *

    +1. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    T"e /r#n3#/$l &r$n3"es o+ t"e C##l L$ #n3lu)e''''''''''''''''''''''''

    a. the law of torts) contracts) unreal propertyb. the law of torts) contracts) real propertyc. the law of torches) contracts) real property

    d. the law of torts) contradictions) real property

    A!: "

    +#. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    A tort #s $2$n ''''''''''''''''''''''+or "#3" $ 3##l $3t#on 3$n &e &rou*"t &, one /erson $*$#nst $not"er'

    a. ta(b. insultc. misunderstandingd. damage

    A!: *

    +'. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    Torts +$ll #nto to m$#n 3$te*or#es '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    a. intentional torts and negligenceb. unintentional torts and negligencec. international torts and negligenced. intentional torts and intelligence

    A!: A

    ++. Choose the most suitable solution to complete the following sentence:

    Intent#on$l torts #n3lu)e'''''''''''''''''''a. failure to do an actb. negligencec. fraud and deceitd. lac$ of prudence

    A!: C

    +-. Choose the most suitable term to complete the following sentence:

    Someone *u#lt, o+ $ 3r#me #s 3$lle)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    a. solicitor

    b. offenderc. witness

    d. barrister

    A!: "

    +. Choose the most suitable term to complete the following sentence:

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''me$ns to m$ke $ le*$l 3l$#m $*$#nst someone'


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    a. to defameb. to compensate

    c. to sue

    d. to in&ure

    A!: C

    +2. Choose the most suitable term to complete the following sentence:''''''''''''''''''''' #s $ ment$l or /",s#3$l su++er#n* 3$use) &, e.treme /$#n or orr,'a. worryb. painc. tattoo

    d. anguish

    A!: *

    +4. Choose the best verb form for the following situation:

    T"#s t#me ne.t mont" e ( to tr$el ! to Lon)on'

    a. were traveling

    b. will be travelingc. travelingd. had been traveling

    A!: "

    +5. Choose the best verb form for the following situation: 6"$t Torn ( to tell ! us%a. will %orn tellb. %orn will tellc. will tell %ornd. tell %orn will

    A!: C 6

    -8. Choose the best verb form for the following situation:

    Tomorro e ( to &e ! on "ol#)$, +or one mont"'

    a. wereb. are

    c. will be

    d. will have been

    A!: C

    -1. C"oose t"e 3orre3t En*l#s" tr$nsl$t#on o+ t"e +ollo#n* Rom$n#$n senten3e:Daca as fi in locul tau, n-as folosi aceasta informatie pentru a prejudicia interesele firmei.a. 7f 7 were in your shoes) 7 won

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    Mi-as dori sa stiu care sunt punctele slabe ale sistemului social de securitate care fac posibileinfractiunile de furt de identitate.a. 7 want to $now what are the soft points of the social security system that ma$es identity theft crimes

    possible.b. 7 wish 7 $new which are the wea$ points of the social security system that ma$e identity theft crimespossible.c. 7 wish to have $nown which the wea$ points of the social security system are to ma$e possible

    identity theft crimes.

    A!: "

    -'. C"oose t"e 3orre3t En*l#s" tr$nsl$t#on o+ t"e +ollo#n* Rom$n#$n senten3e:

    Nu ma pot obisnui sa traiesc in inchisoare! La naiba cu inchisorile!a. 7 can

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    %he press cannot truly be free unless it ..... at liberty to report on stories of public interest) i.e. the drug

    crisis.a. is notb. isc. will be

    d. will not be

    A!: "

    -4. C"oose t"e 3orre3t er&:

    %o ............... means to go or intrude on the property) privacy) or preserves of another with no right or

    permission.a. trespassb. forge

    c. brea$ in

    d. burgle

    A!: A

    -5. C"oose t"e 3orre3t noun:.................. is defined as giving or promising to give a public official something of value with a corrupt

    intention to influence the official in the discharge of his or her official duty.a. ,orgeryb. Larcenyc. "riberyd. Per&ury

    A!: C

    8. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he police are said ???????. on this case for many months) without any results so far.a. to be wor$ingb. to have been wor$ingc. to had wor$edd. to being wor$ing

    A!: "

    1. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    7 hate ????? you but our witness seems ??????? it after all.a. to interrupt) to have madeb. interrupting) to ma$ec. to interrupting) to have maded. interrupt) to ma$e

    A!: A

    #. C"oose t"e 3orre3t /re/os#t#on:


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    Any sentence has to be imposed ................ limits that have been fi(ed by the legislature.a. insideb. within

    c. outside

    d. under

    A!: "

    '. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    A9An ????? is a written statement of the details of the crime with which someone is charged in

    the Court.a. complaintb. allegationc. verdictd. indictment

    A!: *

    +. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he ,irst Amendment protects the ?...... of the press in the .!. of America.a. emancipationb. deliverancec. released. freedom

    A!: *

    -. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    7f it ...not be0 for him) 7 wouldnBt have passed the e(am.a. had not been

    b. would not have beenc. has notd. wouldn

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    A!: A

    4. 6"#3" $nser 3orre3ts t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:

    %nless you #on$t study, you #on$t pass the e&ams.a. nless you study) you wonBt pass the e(ams.b. nless you will study) you wonBt pass the e(ams.

    c. nless you studied) you wonBt pass the e(ams.d. nless you donBt study) you wonBt pass the e(ams.

    A!: A

    5. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    'ou ... better hurry if you don(t #ant to miss the bus.a. did

    b. do

    c. would

    d. had

    A!: *

    28. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    )hey buy her toys as if she ... still a child.a. is

    b. werec. is being

    d. has been

    A!: "

    21. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    "f you ... more seriously, you #ould have passed the e&ama. wor$edb. have been wor$ingc. had wor$edd. would have wor$ed

    A!: C

    2#. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    *e never allo#s ... during his classes.a. to tal$

    b. tal$ingc. to be tal$ingd. to have tal$ed

    A!: "

    2'. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:


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    "f she ... harder she might become a very good violinista. wor$edb. has wor$edc. would wor$d. would have wor$ed

    A!: A

    2+. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    " didn(t as+ you ... for me all afternoona. waitb. to waitc. waiting

    A!: "

    2-. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    " #ould li+e ... the rest of my life in the countrysidea. to spendb. spendingc. spendd. to have spent

    A!: A

    2. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    "t is utterly important that they both ...... presenta. are

    b. were

    c. should bed. will be

    A!: C

    22. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    he #ould rather he ... home earlya. comeb. came

    c. comes

    d. will come

    A!: "

    24. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    )hey never allo# us ... flo#ers from their garden.a.pic$ingb. pic$

    c. to pic$

    d. to have pic$ed A!: C

    25. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:


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    "t(s time #e .... something for the communitya. doingb. didc. to dod. to have done

    A!: "

    48. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser to 3om/lete t"e senten3e:

    *e disguised himself lest he ..... recognieda. wereb. won

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    0s a federal agent, #hy #ould " ris+ my career ...... perjury/a. to commitb. committingc. commitd. to have committed

    A!: A

    4. C"oose t"e 3orre3t /re/os#t#on to 3om/lete t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:

    1ontrary ..... #hat had been #ritten in the papers, the three #omen #ere proved innocent.a. to

    b. with

    c. of

    d. on

    A!: *

    42. C"oose t"e 3orre3t /re/os#t#on to 3om/lete t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:

    )he t#o men #ere charged ..... armed robbery

    a. withb. of

    c. for

    d. about

    A!: A

    44. 6"#3" $nser 3orre3ts t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:

    "f the boy #ould have been in that plane, he #ould have died.a. 7f the boy had been in that plane) he would have died.b. 7f the boy were in that plane) he would have died.c.

    7f the boy would have been in that plane) he had died.d. 7f the boy had been in that plane) he would die.

    A!: A

    45. C"oose t"e 3orre3t tr$nsl$t#on +or t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:

    Daca as fi in locul tau, nu as asculta minciunile luia. 7f 7 were you) 7 wouldn

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    2orbeste de parca ar sti totula. ;e tal$s as if he $new everything.b. ;e tal$s as if he had $nown everythingc. ;e tal$s as if he would $now everything.d. ;e tal$s as if he would have $nown everything.

    A!: A

    5#. C"oose t"e r#*"t tr$nsl$t#on +or t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:

    Macar daca ai fi venit de ieri.a. 7f only you came yesterday.b. 7f only you had come yesterdayc. 7f only you would come yesterday.d. 7f only you would have come yesterday.

    A!: "

    5'. C"oose t"e r#*"t tr$nsl$t#on +or t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:

    1e n-as da sa reuseasca!a. 7 wish he succeeded.b. 7 wish he had succeeded.c. hat 7 wouldn

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    )he prosecutor #ishes he #ould have seen the crime scene sooner.a. %he prosecutor wishes to see the crime scene sooner.b. %he prosecutor wishes to having seen the crime scene sooner.c. %he prosecutor wishes he had seen the crime scene sooner.

    A!: C

    54. C"oose t"e st$tement t"$t "$s s#m#l$r me$n#n* #t" t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:"f " had +no#n you #ere coming, " #ould have #aited for you.a. 7 didn

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    "t(s time the jury reached a verdict.a. %he &ury hasn

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    3e still can(t rule out the possibility of attempted suicide.a. e still can

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    7 ? him to let us $now about the meeting in due time.a. hope forb. attendc. e(pectd. thin$

    A!: C

    11. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:


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    1#1. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he G>P is absolutely sure that he will finally get used .............. in such conditions.a. to wor$b. to be wor$ingc. to wor$ing

    A!: A 6

    1##. Choose the correct Gnglish translation for the following omanian sentence:

    5uroparlamentarul conteaa pe faptul ca acest avocat l-a mai ajutat si altadata.a. %he G>P relies on the fact that this lawyer has helped him some time before) too.b. %he G>P relies on this lawyer having helped him some time before too.c. %he G>P relies on this lawyer helping him some time before too.

    A!: A 6

    1#'. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he >inister of Gducation was told that his counselors ......... him $now the decision the board ...........a.

    will let) will ta$eb. would let) would ta$ec. would let) will ta$e

    A!: A

    1#+. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he &ournalist

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    %he >ember !tates determined the negotiation of a new %reaty) ?.. was ??. in 1551.a. which) enclosedb. who) concludedc. which) concluded

    A!: " 6

    1#4. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:hen 7 saw him at the meeting) he told me he ?.met .....of the legal advisers lately.a. hadn

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    !ince 1525 the Guropean Parliament has been directly elected by universalsuffrage.a. voteb. supportc. right

    A!: A

    1'+. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*A day will come when all the nations of the continent will fuse together in a higher unity.a. integrate

    b. blendc. mi(

    A!: C

    1'-. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*

    Gurope is fully involved in globali/ation.a. implicatedb. includedc. intended

    A!: "

    1'. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*

    >ost of the ob&ectives laid do#n in the treaties have been achieveda.submittedb.presentedc.stipulated

    A!: A

    1'2. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*:

    %he G laws guarantee thefreedom to provide services to all the G citi/ens.a. libertyb. rightc. licence

    A!: "

    1'4. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*

    *ebates have been ta$en place as the spea$ers do not share similar opinions.

    a. attitudesb. vie#sc. appraisals

    A!: A

    1'5. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*


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    Accession negotiations were launched in 1552.a. releasedb. commencedc. initiated

    A!: C

    1+8. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*%heseat of the Council is in "russels.a.placeb. venuec. head6uarters

    A!: C

    1+1. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*

    %he Commission is ans#erable to Parliament.a. liableb.

    responsiblec. responsive

    A!: C

    1+#. C"oose t"e or) #t" t"e s$me me$n#n*

    %he institutional system provides the institutions with regulations.a. directivesb. decisionsc. norms

    A!: A

    1+'. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    As$ the Chairman of the *eputy Chamber. ;e will perhaps be able to advise you better than 7 can.; able to advisea. mayb. couldc. should

    A!: " 6

    1++. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:


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    %he >inister told the !tate !ecretary that he...............punctually in futurea. should arriveb. will arrivec. shall arrive

    A!: " 6

    1+. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:Dour passport e(pires ne(t month. Dou............get a new one.a. mustb. ought toc. need

    A!: A

    1+2. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    hat at the Gmbassy6a. do you have tob.

    have you got toc. must

    A!: A

    1+4. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    o one li$ pay ta(es.a. to haveb. havingc. have

    A!: C

    1+5. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he >embers of Parliament will be punished III.a. for being lateb. to be latec. for having been late

    A!: A

    1-8. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %here is no ob&ection III in the !tate *epartment.

    a. to you wor$ingb. you to wor$c. that you wor$

    A!: "

    1-1. C"oose t"e 3orre3t tr$nsl$t#on +or t"e +ollo#n* senten3e:


  • 8/13/2019 LIMBA ENGLEZA ANUL 2 - SEM. 1


    Daca as fi in locul tau, nu as asculta minciunile lui.a. 7f 7 were you) 7 wouldn

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    7 must admit it was hard for me not to give ?... to his threats.

    a. away

    b. out

    c. in

    A!: C

    1-4. C"oose t"e 3orre3t /"r$s$l er&:

    e can

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    %he &udge could no longer ??......... his holding the court in contempt.a.put off withb.put down toc.put up with

    A!: C

    1+. C"oose t"e r#*"t $nser:Larceny is divided into two degrees: ????? .a. voluntary larceny and involuntary larcenyb. grand larceny and petit larcenyc. lawful larceny and unlawful larceny

    A!: "

    1-. C"oose t"e r#*"t #)#om:

    7 thin$ you are entitled to ??.... a claim and as$ the insurance company to pay for damage.a.put offb.

    put inc.put into

    A!: "

    1. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    An indictment is ?????.. .a. a court document authorising the police to detain someoneb. a formal order to attend courtc. a formal document containing a plain statement of the facts constituting the

    offense charged

    A!: C

    12. C"oose t"e 3orre3t senten3e $&out t"e to le*$l s,stems: common law system $n) civil law


    a. %he ma&ority of estern Guropean countries are based on the civil law system.b. %he ma&ority of estern Guropean countries are based on the common law system.c. %he legal systems in Gngland) Canada and the nited !tates are based on the civil law tradition

    A!: A

    14. C"oose t"e 3orre3t senten3e $&out t"e to le*$l s,stems: common law s,stem $n) civil law

    s,stem:a. 7n the civil law system) the &udge ascertains the applicable law and the &ury determines the facts.b. 7n the common law system) the &udge ascertains the applicable law and the &ury determines the facts.c. 7n the common law system) the e(amining magistrate and the &udge investigate and ad&udicate the


    A!: "


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    15. C"oose t"e 3orre3t senten3e $&out t"e to le*$l s,stems: 3ommon l$ s,stem $n) 3##l l$


    a. >ost countries with civil law systems use what is $nown as the in@uisitorial system.b. >ost countries with common law systems use what is $nown as the in@uisitorial system.c. >ost countries with civil law systems use what is $nown as the adversarial system.

    A!: A

    128. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he difference between the wordjail andprison is that ???..a.people convicted of felonies end up in prisons) while minor offenders or persons awaiting trial are

    loc$ed up inside &ails.b. people convicted of felonies end up in &ails) while minor offenders or persons awaiting trial are

    loc$ed up inside prisons.c. people who receive a short sentence end up in prisons) while those who serve a life sentence areloc$ed up inside &ails.

    A!: A

    121. C"oose t"e 3orre3t senten3e $&out t"e to le*$l s,stems: 3ommon l$ s,stem $n) 3##l l$

    s,stem: %he &udge imposes what is called an indeterminate sentence when ????.a. he has discretion to set the sentence at a ma(imum and minimum term within a broad rangepermitted by law.b. he imposes a fi(ed term of incarceration with no early release through parole.c. he has discretion to set the sentence however he pleases.

    A!: A

    12#. C"oose t"e 3orre3t senten3e $&out t"e to le*$l s,stems: 3ommon l$ s,stems $n) 3##l l$

    s,stems: A determinate sentence means that ?????

    a. the &udge imposes a fi(ed term of incarceration with no early release through parole.b. the &udge grants the convict the possibility of parole.c. the &udge sentences the offender to a term that falls within a narrow range prescribed by law.

    A!: A

    12'. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser: %he possibility ofparole e(ists ??????a. for all $ind of criminal offenders whatsoever.b. for prisoners who committed serious offences involving violence) arson or se(ual crimes.c. for minor offenders) after they served part of their sentence and if their behavior while in prison

    entitled them to benefit from this right.

    A!: C

    12+. C"oose t"e 3orre3t )e+#n#t#on +or homicide:

    a. A homicide is the crime of $illing someone deliberately.b. A homicide is not necessarily a crime in itself) since it can be committed without criminal intent andwithout criminal [email protected]. A homicide is the crime of $illing someone unlawfully and maliciously) or with premeditation.A!: "


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    12-. C"oose t"e 3orre3t )e+#n#t#on +or misdemeanor:

    a. >isdemeanor is a serious crime such as murder) arson) rape) robbery or $idnapping.b. >isdemeanor is a synonymous term for homicide.c. >isdemeanor is a less serious crime) for which the penalty is usually a fine) a &ail sentence of lessthan a year or both.

    A!: C

    12. C"oose t"e r#*"t $nser:

    hile in criminal cases the initiator of the proceedings is called the ?.............) in civil cases the party

    who initiates the suit is called the ?................ .a.prosecution) plaintiffb.plaintiff) prosecutionc. defendant) respondent

    A!: A

    122. C"oose t"e r#*"t $nser:

    Cr#m#n$l Pro3e)ure is the body of law ???????.a. regulating the in@uiry into whether a person has violated criminal law.b. that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when ad&udicating civil lawsuits.c. that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government.

    A!: A

    124. C"oose t"e r#*"t $nser:

    A continuing investigation conducted initially by the police and then more e(tensively by an impartial

    e(amining magistrate characteri/es ????????. .a. the in@uisitorial system

    b. the adversarial systemc. the appellate system

    A!: A

    125. C"oose t"e r#*"t $nser: !olitary confinement means ???????..a. removing a person0 from a house or land by law.b.being imprisoned completely alone) separated from other prisoners.c. a punishment imposed only if you commit a further crime.

    A!: "

    148. C"oose t"e r#*"t #)#om:

    ;e was wor$ing under cover and his &ob was to ???? and ma$e a detailed report about his

    activities.a.beat the suspectb. tail the suspectc. corner the suspect

    A!: "


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    141. C"oose t"e r#*"t $nser:

    %he inspector was a very ?.. man and he rechec$ed the evidence several timesa. attentiveb. completec. thoroughd. thoughtful

    A!: C

    14#. C"oose t"e r#*"t #)#om:

    *ue to a miscarriage of &ustice) he succeeded in ............................... murder.a. ma$ing off withb. getting away withc. running off with

    A!: "

    14'. C"oose t"e r#*"t /re/os#t#on:

    Dour s$illful lawyer will tal$ him ??? testifying before the &ury.a. intob. aboutc. against

    A!: A

    14+. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    %he ?.. are still holding twelve people hostage on the plane.a.banditsb. guerrillasc. hi&ac$ers

    d. $idnappers

    A!: * 6

    14-. C"oose t"e 3orre3t $nser:

    Loo$) Ffficer. 7Jm not drun$. 7Jm as ?? as a &udge.a. calmb. clearc. sober

    d. steady

    A!: C