Gobhai House

Post on 02-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Gobhai House

Gobhai House

Gobhai HouseCharles Correa AssociatesLocatie:Golwad, Maharashtra, IndiaStadiul de completare al proiectului:Proiect terminat,complet.Durata de constructie:1995 - 1999

Localizata in mijlocul unei livezi de pomi fructiferi la aproximativ 70 km in nord de Bombay este aceasta locuinta pentru un artist. Inca de la poarta se merge pe un drum cu palmieri de-o parte si de cealalta spre un strat gros de arbori chikoo. Casa propriu-zisa reprezinta doar un eveniment ce face parte din scenariul narativ care se formeaza incepand cu intrarea in curte si se continua cu drumul pana la mijlocul livezii si apoi pana la limita curtii. Celelalte evenimente sunt: sculpturile, the Afternoon Pavilion (ascuns printre arborii chikoo) si Ziguratul (care duce catre un mic foisor de inaltimea arborilor).

Acelasi principiu este urmarit si pentru design-ul locuintei propriu-zise, care este separata in trei zone, fiecare cu cate un scop. Prima reprezinta o cutie pentru locuit, dormit, gatit si spalat. A doua este reprezentata de atelierul pentru pictura. A treia este teraca-pergola pentru relaxare in timpul zilei si pentru dormit in timpul noptii. Aceste trei zone sunt legate intre ele intr-un asa mod incat identitatile lor individuale sunt evidentiate, insa compactitatea intregului ansablu se pastreaza.

Located in the middle of a fruit orchard about 70 km north of Bombay, is this house for an artist. From the entrance gate, one travels down the palm-fringed driveway towards the thick masses of chikoo trees.. The house itself is just one event in a narrative pathway that commences at the entrance gate and goes down the middle of the orchard, all the way to the far end. Other events along the way: are the sculptures, the Afternoon Pavilion (hidden low among the chikoo trees), and the Ziggurat (leading to a small gazebo at tree-top level).The same principle is followed in the design of the house itself where, as in the case of the cyclone relief project, there are three separate zones, each built for a specific purpose. In this case, the first is a box for living, sleeping, cooking and washing. The second is the studio for painting. The third is the pergola-covered terrace for sitting out in the evenings and early mornings, and for sleeping at night. These three zones are interrelated n a manner which articulates their separate identities and yet preserves the compactness of the overall form.