Compl Mult En

Post on 05-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Compl Mult En

1. Symptoms of pathological alcohol intoxication are:a) Delusion of relationb) Delusion of spying on +c) Delusion of being richd) Delusion of reforminge) Auditory hallucinations +

2. Postpartum psychiatric disorders include:1) Munchausen syndrome2) Febrile schizophrenia 3) Confusion state +4) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome5) Acute delirious states +

3. Psychiatrists that studied profoundly Schizophrenia:a) Korsakovb) Kandinski +c) Krapaelin +d) Kahlbaum +e) Rush4. The disturbance of thinking in Simple form of Schizophrenia:a) viscous, sticky thinkingb) chaotic thinking +c) paralogic thinking +d) reasoner thinking +e) accelerated thinking5. Dysmetabolic problems in anorexia nervosa are:a. hypoglycemia with hypersensitiveness to insulin +b. electrolyte disbalance +c. hyperazotaemia +d. hyperglycemiae. increased percentage of gonad hormones6. Main indications for psychotherapya. neurotic disorders +b. psychotic statesc. in the case of somatic disease with a significant psychological component +d. patients with the loss of autocriticse. in state of normality to optimize volitional and emotional processes+7. Main indications for psychotherapya. neurotic disorders +b. psychotic statesc. in the case of somatic disease with a significant psychological component +d. patients with the loss of autocriticse. in state of normality to optimize physical mental or intellectual performances +8. Non-organic sleep disorders include:a) absencesb) insomnia +c) hypersomnia +d) somnambulism +e) trances9. Post-encephalitis syndrome are manifested by:a) claustrophobiab) dysphoria +c) obtusion (obnubilation) +d) agoraphobia +e) autism

10. Anakastic personality disorder is characterized by:a. Avoidance of social or professional activities that involve significant interpersonal contacts because of fear to be rejected or criticized.b. Excessive pedantry and adherence to social conventions +c. Rigidity and stubbornness +d. Unreasonable insistence to follow his certain (right) way of acting for others people, or resistance to allow others to do something +e. Desire to avoid dealing with people, if he is not confident to be agreed

11. In the organic personality disorders (posttraumatic cerebrastenia) are could be:1) aphasia2) intolerance to light +3) intolerance to noise +4) intolerance of heat +5) insomnia +

12. Emotionally-unstable personality disorder of impulsive type involves the following conditions: a) Persistent feeling of concern b) Outbursts of violence +c) Feelings of doubt and excessive caution d) Lack of control over impulses +e) Auto-dramatization

13. Alcoholic psychosis are:

a) Kandinski-Clerambault Syndrome

b) Korsakoff's psychosis+

c) Jealousy delusion +

d) Delusion of grandeur

e) Delirium tremens +

14. Posttraumatic sequelae:

1) Panic attack

2) Cretinism

3) Posttraumatic epilepsy +

4) Posttraumatic dementia +

5) Hypermnesia

15. During catatonic excitation consciousness may be:

a) Obnubilation

b) Crepuscular

c) Lucid +d) Oneroid type +e) Amentive type +16. Which preparation should be administrated in case of hallucinatory syndrome, except:

a) Chlorpromazine +b) Diazepam +c) Trifluoperazin +d) Zopiclone +e) Haloperidol

17. Which categories of clients do not benefit of psychotherapy?

a. People with mental deficiencies who are unable to understand interpretations made by psychotherapist

b. People who fail to find reasons and solutions for their own problems

c. People who fail to establish human contact

d. People who experience daily existential crisis

e. Psychopaths, certain psychotic patients, especially schizophrenic.

R: a, b, c, e

18. Reactive depression is characterized by:

a) Euphoria

b) Self-aggression delirium

c) Psychomotor restlessness

d) Sadness

e) Suicidal thoughts

R: b), c), d), e)

19. In organic personality disorders (posttraumatic cerebrastenia) there occur:

1) Bad dreams +

2) Labile attention +

3) Reduced memory +

4) Agraphy

5) Echolalia

20. Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by:

a) Delusions of control

b) Thought echo

c) Excessive sensibility to failures

d) Tendency to be always feeling that someone has something against one

e) Associative process rupture

Rs c,d

21. Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by the following conditions:

a) Tendency to be always suspicious

b) Emotional withdrawal

c) Attitude of irresponsibility and social norms disrespect

d) Violence explosions

e) Few (if even one is present) activities that generate pleasure

Rs b,e

22. Symptoms that are characteristic for the pathological alcohol intoxication:

a) Delusion of relationship

b) Amnesia +

c) Delusion of wealth

d) Auditory hallucinations +

e) Delusion of reformation

23. Psychopathological post-infectious syndromes:1) Psychoorganic syndrome +

2) Kandinski-Clerambault syndrome3) Body scheme disorder4) Psychopath-like (neurosis like syndrome) +5) Obsessive syndrome

24. Deficitary syndromes of schizophrenia include:

[a) Anxious estates

b) Associative troubles+c) Delusional syndrome

d) Consciousness troubles+e) Psychomotor dissociation+25. Aetiological theories regarding Schizophrenia are:

a) Genetic+b) Autoimmune+c) Infectious+d) Biochemical+e) Post-irradiation

26. Somatic troubles in anorexia nervosa are:

a. Collaps estates

b. Constipations

c. Dizziness

d. Decrease in school performance rezults

e. Improvement in school performace results

R (a,b,c)

27. Sexual dysfunctions, that arent caused by any organic pathology, include:

a) Lack of/diminished sexual desire +

b) Sexual aversion +

c) Pedophiliad) Exhibitionism

e) Organic dysfunction +28. Sub shock acute reactions include:

a) reactive depression

b) delusional reactions

c) reactive hallucinosis

d) neurosis

e) Ganser syndrome R: a),b),c)29. Mental troubles due to cerebral lesion, disfunction, include the following syndromes:

a) hallucinatory,

b) catatonic,

c) hebephrenic,

d) paranoid,

e) Ganser R a, b, d30. In simple schizophrenia:

a) Loss of volition +b) Hallucinationsc) Antipathy for the surroundings +d)Delucionse)Self-isolation +31. Specific medications in alcohol dependence treatment:

a) Esperal +

b) Diazepam c) Teturam +d) Haloperidole) Chlorpromazine32. Specific medications in alcohol dependence treatment:

a) Esperal +

b) Diazepam c) Teturam +d) Haloperidole) Trifluoperazin33. Specific medications in alcohol dependence treatment:

a) Esperal +

b) Diazepam c) Teturam +d) Haloperidole) Zopiclone34. Psychological assessment can provide useful data in which of the following area?

(1) Symptom severity and change

(2) Cognitive functioning

(3) Personality dynamics

(4) Psychiatric research

(5) Social careThe answer: 1,2,3,4

35. Diagnostic evaluation of a child with suspected mental retardation would include

(1) Careful physical examination

(2) Neurologic examination

(3) Examination of urine and blood for metabolic disorders

(4) Psychological testing

(5) Social determinnants

The answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

36. Patients with Downs syndrome often display

(1) Chromosomal abnormalities

(2) Hypotonia and hyperflexibility

(3) A flat nasal bridge

(4) Shortness of ear length

(5) Memory disorders

The answer: 1,2,3,4

37. True statements about sleepwalking include

(1) 15 percent of children from the ages of 5 to 12 sleepwalk at least once

(2) Sleepwalking in children is usually not associated with psychopathology

(3) Sleepwalking is potentially dangerous and requires precautions to protect the child

(4) A psychosocial cause is suggested when sleepwalking begins in adolescence or adulthood

(5) Sleepwalking is potentially schizophrenic people

The answer: 1,2,3,4

38. True statements about the expressive movements of the human face in infancy include

(1) Smiling and expressions of disgust appear at birth

(2) By 9 months of age infants can produce most adult emotional expressions

(3) Babies who are blind at birth display expressions of anger, fear, sadness, and happiness

(4) By the age of 2 months, infants are using facial expressions to communicate with adults

(5) Compliance between body and psyche

The answer: 1,2,3,4

39. Psychoanalytic theory describes the ego as a coherent system of functions, including

(1) Regulation of intellectual drives

(2) Defense formation

(3) Formation of relationships

(4) Adaption to reality

(5) Formation of libidinal energy

The answer: 1,2,3,4

40. Primary process thinking is a psychoanalytic concept describing mental activity that is

(1) Typically unconscious

(2) Prelogical and primitive

(3) Manifested in dreams

(4) Prominent in psychosis

(5) Manifested though superego

The answer: 1,2,3,4

41. Current evidence suggests that genetic (inherited) factors may play an important role in which of the following disorders? (1) Bipolar disorder(2) Tourettes syndrome(3) Schizophrenia(4) Alzheimers disease(5) Vascular dementiaThe answer: 1,2,3,4

42. Battered or abused children are (1) Abused most commonly by their fathers(2) Usually form very families(3) Most frequently between 3 and 6 years of age when the diagnosis is made(4) Typically born to parents who were abused when that were children (5) Most in social vulnerable family The answer: 4, 5

43. Symptoms commonly associated with premenstrual syndrome include

(1) Irritability

(2) Anxiety

(3) Tension

(4) Depression

(5) Delusion

The answer: 1,2,3,4

44. Patients with organic mental syndromes commonly have symptoms involving

(1) Behavior

(2) Personality

(3) Emotion

(4) Cognition

(5) Movement

The answer: 1,2,3,4

45. Psychiatric features of Addisons disease include

(1) Depression

(2) Memory impairment

(3) Irritability

(4) Psychosis

(5) Hallucinations

The answer: 1,2,3,4

46. Acute intermittent porphyria is characterized clinically by which of the following?

(1) Abdominal pain

(2) Constipation

(3) Psychosis

(4) Neurologic deficits

(5) Sleep disorders

The answer: 1,2,3,4

47. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross has described five major phases that occur in a persons psychological adjustment to impending death. These stages include

(1) Acceptance

(2) Denial

(3) Anger

(4) Bargaining

(5) Deception

The answer: 1,2,3,4

48. Patients with AIDS dementia complex (ADC) often present with

(1) Cognitive abnormalities such as forgetfulness or confusion

(2) Motor abnormalities such as loss of balance or leg weakness

(3) Behavioral abnormalities such as apathy or depression

(4) Acute psychotic delirium

(5) Korsakov syndrome

The answer: 1,2,3,449. True statements about the course and prognosis of schizophrenia include which of the following?

(1) Some schizophrenic illnesses will resolve completely and never recur even without treatment

(2) Outcome has improved considerably in the last 50 years

(3) Catatonic and hebephrenic forms have become less frequent

(4) Research suggests that an initial onset following a stressful event may be associated with a better prognosis

(5) Some schizophrenic forms depend of poverty

The answer: 1,2,3,4

50. The use of neuroleptics to manage and treat schizophrenia may be associated with which of the following side effects?

(1) Acute dystonia

(2) Gynecomastia

(3) Parkinsonism

(4) Galactorrhea

(5) High hypertension

The answer: 1,2,3,4

51. Signs or symptoms more likely to be associated with the catatonic type of schizophrenia than with other subtypes include

(1) Neologisms

(2) Psychomotor disturbance

(3) Word salad

(4) Excitement

(5) Stupor

The answer: 2,4, 5

52. The list of symptoms specified by DSM IV for the diagnosis of a major depressive episode includes

(1) sleep disturbance

(2) loss of interest or pleasure

(3) significant weight loss

(4) depressed mood

(5) a lot of energy

The answer: 1,2,3,4

53. According to DSM IV, the criteria required for the diagnosis of dysthymia (depressive neurosis) include which of the following?

(1) Depressed mood most of the time for at least 2 years

(2) Symptoms while depressed that can include poor appetite, overeating, and low energy or fatigue

(3) No absence of a depressed mood for more than 2 months during a 2-year period

(4) No evidence of a major depressive episode during the first 2 years of the disturbance

(5) Different type of hallucinations

The answer: 1,2,3,4

54. As a consequence of panic disorder, the patient may develop

(1) generalized anxiety

(2) secondary depression

(3) agoraphobia

(4) psychosis(5) schizophrenia

The answer: 1,2,3

55. Which of the following can cause symptoms similar to those found panic disorder?

(1) Pheochromocytoma

(2) Hypoglycemia

(3) Intoxication with caffeine

(4) Withdrawal from barbiturates

(5) Downs syndrome

The answer: 1, 2, 3, 456. Alcoholic amnestic disorder is distinguished from psychogenic amnesia by which of the following statements?

(1) Short-term, but not immediate, memory is impaired

(2) There is lack of awareness of impairment of memory

(3) Confabulation is common

(4) Blunted affect is common

(5) Intellect disorders

The answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

57. Schizoid personality disorder is differentiated from schizotypal personality disorder by

(1) An absence of close relationships and friends

(2) Constricted affect

(3) Avoidance of social situations

(4) An absence of oddities of behavior

(5) An absence of oddities of perception, and speech

The answer: 4,5

58. The circumplex model is useful in making the diagnosis of which of the following conditions?

(1) Schizophrenia

(2) Anxiety disorders

(3) Somatoform disorders

(4) Sexual perversion

(5) Personality disorders

The answer: 4,5

59. Medical complications commonly found in bulimia nervosa include

(1) hypokalemic alkalosis

(2) parotid gland enlargement

(3) cardiac arrhythmias or failure

(4) gastric dilatation

(5) hypoglycemic coma

The answer: 1,2,3,4

60. Symptoms suggestive of schizophrenia are seen in the use of which of the following substances?

(1) Cocaine

(2) LSD

(3) Amphetamines

(4) Mescaline

(5) Cyclodol

The answer: 1,2,3,4

61. Intoxication with cocaine in the chronic user may be associated with

(1) Paranoid psychosis

(2) Hyperreflexia and seizures

(3) Euphoria and pressured speech

(4) Tachycardia and mydriasis

(5) Hyperkinetic disorders

The answer: 1,2,3,4

62. Diagnostic criteria for alcohol dependence include which of the following?

(1) A pattern of pathologic alcohol use

(2) Impairment in social or occupational functioning due to alcohol use

(3) A need for increased amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired effect

(4) Development of withdrawal symptoms after stopping or reducing drinking

(5) Sleep disorder

The answer: 1,2,3,4

63. True statements about alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication (pathologic intoxication) include which of the following?

(1) It usually begins slowly

(2) It occurs after a large alcohol intake

(3) Visual and tactile illusions

(4) It involves vivid recall (flashbacks) for the period of time involved

(5) It may involve aggressive behavior toward self and others

The answer: 3,564. The cognitive model of depression holds that the majority of depressed patients

(1) Take a chronically negative view of themselves

(2) Interpret life experience in a predominantly negative way

(3) Look to the future in a pessimistic way

(4) Totally depends of unconscious

(5) Have symptoms and affects derived from negative cognitive schema

The answer: 1,2,3,5

65. Treatments commonly used in agoraphobia include

(1) Administration of tricyclic antidepressants

(2) Psychotherapy

(3) Behavior modification

(4) Psychodynamic psychotherapy

(5) Administration of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors

The answer: 1,2,3,5

66. Day hospital programs play an important therapeutic role as

(1) An alternative to inpatient care

(2) A transition from inpatient care

(3) An alternative to community care

(4) An alternative to outpatient care

(5) An alternative to nursing home care for the elderly

The answer: 1,2,4,5

67. Therapeutic measures used during brief psychotherapy can include

(1) Crisis intervention

(2) Use of psychotropic medication

(3) Anxiety-suppressing techniques

(4) Use in self development process

(5) Anxiety-provoking techniques

The answer: 1,2,3,5

68. Important components of the psychoanalytic interpretive process include

(1) Transference

(2) Dream interpretation

(3) An understanding of current patients conflict

(4) Timing of the analysts interpretation

(5) Identification of values

The answer: 1,2,3,4